United KingdomInterview Update
Just an idea for those wall scrubbers out there. The bathroom cleaner 'scrubbing bubbles' stuff works miracles on walls! Just spray it on, wait a few minutes then wipe with a cloth. Takes the yuck off and leaves the paint(even with cheapo wipes off with wet sponge type paint). Also works on kitchen cabinets like a dream.
ThingeeFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-03 07:58:00
United KingdomMaking the adjustment easier..
We made toad in the hole during his last visit and I still can't believe the way the kids inhaled it! I don't think they chewed much at all...quite proud my first Yorkshire pudding turned out well.

Alright, so have sausage schemes, and access to football and rugby plotted. I suppose someone having a wonderfully easy way to watch cricket is too much to ask for? I admittedly haven't checked out ESPN for it yet as I still don't quite get it...almost, but not quite.
ThingeeFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-08 17:15:00
United KingdomMaking the adjustment easier..
Hmmm. May have to look into switching to satellite..SO is a major sport junkie.
ThingeeFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-08 15:30:00
United KingdomMaking the adjustment easier..

There you go. Not quite the same, but once a week beats not at all.
ThingeeFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-06 09:23:00
United KingdomMaking the adjustment easier..
Assuming all goes well the SO will be joining me here in June. I've already found quite a few things that will do as substitutes for what he's used to there. I have Fox Soccer, planning on having the Guardian delivered once a week and found a small brewery that he's quite happy with.

Stumbling blocks are non-premiership football and sausages. I suspect there is no way to get around the fact they don't broadcast the football here, but was hoping for some suggestions on the sausages. On his visits we've tried various Italian sausage brands, but they just aren't the same apparently. I should mention I'm completely clueless on the issue as I'm vegetarian.

I know this is just little stuff in the scheme of things, but they're things he loves..he's giving up so much seems the least I can do to have ready substitutes when possible.

Thanks in advance.
ThingeeFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-06 08:01:00
United KingdomJust thought I'd say!
Already gave the other half heads up that he's most likely going to need Hep B even though he's in his 40's. Better to have it and not need it.
ThingeeFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-04 08:56:00
United KingdomTo work in Theme...

American style loos??

I didnt notice a difference, apart from public toilets in Atlanta (maybe US) have a half inch gap
round the frame of the door, so that youre not quite as private as the ones here in th UK..

what is it with that??
Ill be missing going to the loo with a complete door.

American style loos, at least for me means the way the actual bowl is constructed. To be graphic, in an British loo there's very little water so your poo just kind of sits there half in, half out of the water(assuming you have a small poo). In an 'American' toilet there's more water in the bowl, thus the poo is more submerged, thus stinks less. No yucky stains all over the bowl so the next person in knows you had a curry last night either.
ThingeeFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-14 15:38:00
United KingdomTo work in Theme...
Ginger altoids.
Reese's peanut butter cups
American style toilets(ok I'm odd)
ThingeeFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-14 09:17:00
United KingdomTrying to get an idea of time....
Spoke to the SO, he's calling someone next week about putting it on the market. Thank you again folks, I really appreciate it.
ThingeeFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-18 16:47:00
United KingdomTrying to get an idea of time....
So what it boils down to really is that he needs to speak to a realtor there as soon as possible. Thank you for the input folks!
ThingeeFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-18 15:47:00
United KingdomTrying to get an idea of time....
No, no. This is all 'eventually when' thinking. He's not going to do anything until the visa is in hand(other than fixing up the flat, and selling loads of stuff on ebay).

So a month is highly optimistic...hmm. I should add he doesn't want to move until early June so as to be able to watch/listen to the Coca-Cola league playoffs.
ThingeeFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-18 12:18:00
United KingdomTrying to get an idea of time....
Alright..let me start off by saying I'm a horrible nag(I'm not patient by nature, and am even worse when I'm more or less in 'hurry up and wait' mode). I promised I wouldn't harass my poor SO with any more questions about how he's going to wrap things up there, so I'm going to bother you really nice people instead.

His plan is to hold tight until he gets the visa(wise I know) then put his flat on the market(1 bedroom flat a 5-10 minute walk from Watford station). After the flat is sold he's going to give notice at work(has to give a month). The idea is that he only has to pack up his stuff once, and he has a place to live while finishing up at work and tying up all the loose ends.

Remember now, my middle name should be 'Impatience' and this sounds like a horribly long time to me. I've read/heard/been told that the real estate market there is incredibly hot right now..are we talking a month on the market or what?

Ok, enough for now, especially as he A. hasn't gotten packet 3 yet and B. just sent off for the police report this week.
ThingeeFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-18 09:15:00
United KingdomNot required?
Click downloads up at the top there, then click K-1 forms...then well, the I-134 form.

No worries, I'm not giving out any info about my bum.
ThingeeFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-25 18:25:00
United KingdomNot required?
You're going to need an I-134 to prove financial support.

As far as your statement regarding doing packet 3 before getting your NOA2 I'm afraid you lost me a bit. Admittedly I'm sleep deprived. Do you mean complete and send packet 3 to the embassy? No, that isn't possible. Well it's possible, it's just not sensible. If you mean gathering paperwork, yes, you can do that, though some of it needs to be dated after the NOA2.

I'm not much help in the keeping busy respect. I post quite a few pointless comments here on VJ and chase short people.
ThingeeFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-25 17:44:00
United KingdomNVC, packet 3, Packet 4, Interview ?
Waaaaaait a minute there! You can help me! I'm lovely and nice....well when I'm not being sarcastic and caustic.
ThingeeFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-27 11:54:00
United KingdomNVC, packet 3, Packet 4, Interview ?
Took me 3 clicks.

ETA: I'm wicked smart and talented huh?

Edited by Thingee, 25 January 2007 - 03:51 PM.

ThingeeFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-25 15:49:00
United KingdomNVC, packet 3, Packet 4, Interview ?
ThingeeFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-25 15:05:00
United KingdomMedical Today
No, they aren't checking for VJers. They're checking for sausages you may be planning on smuggling into the country since American sausages are yucky.
ThingeeFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-28 20:23:00
Fine Lisa! Rub in the fact I'm a wuss with the booze! :hehe:
ThingeeFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-28 20:18:00
That would almost be worth the extra 50-100 bucks! I tend to doze on trans_Atlantic flights, and it's slightly annoying to wake up 45 minutes into the final showing of the one movie you wanted to see. (I dope myself up with Dramamine as I tend to be a white knuckle passenger, that and 3/4 one of those bottles of wine and I'm out.)
ThingeeFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-28 19:42:00
I have absolutely NO loyalty as to flights. I go with whoever is cheapest. Just so happens BA was cheapest for both my visits by a long shot. (I fly out of Dulles) SO got good deals from Virgin for his visits.

ETA: He flew in and out of Reagan and Dulles.

Edited by Thingee, 28 January 2007 - 07:02 PM.

ThingeeFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-28 19:01:00
United Kingdominterview experience for those with divorce
I included a copy of my marriage certificate to indicate the name change. I had to pay my 10 dollars as I had burned it in effigy by then. (Just joking....kinda.)
ThingeeFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-28 18:58:00
United KingdomWondering which is faster?
SO got packet 3 last week. It says to mail the signable forms back ASAP, and to send the checklist when ready. It also says to NOT send the personal information in.
ThingeeFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-30 06:37:00
United KingdomWondering which is faster?
Seems that people handle Packet 3 differently. Some fill in the forms and send them right away, following up with the checklist when ready. Others wait to tick every box on the checklist before mailing the whole thing off.

Wondering if it would be possible to take a little informal poll to figure out which way is actually faster, or if it makes any difference.
ThingeeFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-26 06:45:00
United KingdomFav. all time food and drink in the UK
Thanks folks!
ThingeeFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-24 13:03:00
United KingdomFav. all time food and drink in the UK
Kinda OT but not really. The SO is big time into cooking and so of course has a spice stash. There are some he's going to want to ship (saffron is the first one that springs to mind). Would that cause a brouhaha in customs?
ThingeeFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-24 08:33:00
United KingdomFav. all time food and drink in the UK
Yep, you can buy lard. Will be with the various oils in the grocery store.
ThingeeFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-18 10:05:00
United KingdomFav. all time food and drink in the UK
I forgot ginger beer. Good good stuff.
ThingeeFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-14 07:00:00
United KingdomFav. all time food and drink in the UK
-Really nice veggie burgers, black bean burgers too...they do have them here, but they're garbage in comparison.
-Garlic rice
-falafel(I probably botched the spelling)
-the beer

It's just in general much easier to eat vegetarian "real" food there...I go out to eat here and the only things on the menu are salad or a veggie burger, more often than not that 'veggie burger' is a soy thing with one slice of water chestnut and a shred of carrot.

I've never cooked for my future inlaws, nor would I most likely..they're all cooks and I'm a bit intimidated. SO loves my lasagna, fried rice, and tuna concotion.
ThingeeFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-13 18:50:00
United KingdomDriving in US
It is indeed. :D
ThingeeFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-12 16:56:00
United KingdomDriving in US
I'm in Culpeper. Between Charlottesville and Fredericksburg if you aren't familiar with the town.
ThingeeFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-12 13:40:00
United KingdomDriving in US
If that last pic is on Skyline Drive I think we ate our picnic lunch at that overlook! It looks awfully familiar.
ThingeeFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-12 09:06:00
United KingdomDriving in US
That I believe is going to vary by state. Check your DMV website.
ThingeeFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-18 18:57:00
United Kingdomhow long is Temp EAD stamp good for?
It's good for 90 days.
ThingeeFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-07 17:29:00
United KingdomWhat do you miss the most from the UK?
Check Borders for BBC series. Their prices are on the high side, but it's the only place I've seen a good many of them. I wish I could recommend some decent American series, but unless you want to hear about pre-teen girlie stuff or cartoons I'm afraid I can't much help.(In the cartoon arena Foster's rocks!)
ThingeeFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-25 08:35:00
United KingdomWhat do you miss the most from the UK?
Dr. Who is aired in the states. Erm, I think it's on the Sci-fi channel. I don't want to swear to it as I'm not sure. We are a few months behind though I believe...I was in the UK in July, saw an episode in which he's just gotten his new body and bemoaned the fact he wasn't ginger. Honey was here in December was channel surfing and found the same episode. The conversation went as follows:

Him "OMG, you have Dr. Who! This is great! Good episode too! You won't have seen this before!
Me "I saw this episode during my visit."
Him "Did you? Was I there?"
Me "No, was that other English guy I'm engaged to."
ThingeeFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-25 08:18:00
United KingdomHow Did You Move Your Stuff?
Is there anyone that shipped a goodly amount of household goods? Honey is planning on shipping a good deal. His kitchen equipment is high end, and really is cheaper to ship than to replace(I mean pots and pans, china etc) He's also got a couple of wardrobes he's fairly attached to, which would be ridiculous if I owned a house with closets...but my house has NO closets, and I mean that literally. From what I understand shipping is by volume as opposed to weight so he would be able to fill up the wardrobes with the kitchen stuff.
ThingeeFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-24 14:11:00
United KingdomIn theory......
Pro? It's fast.
Con? If you PLAN to get married on the spot that's immigrant intent. This leads to other bad things.

The procedure? I have NO idea.

The worst that could happen? You get deported and barred from re-entering.
ThingeeFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-15 07:55:00
United KingdomThe VJ pub chatter thread
I've only ever spotted one celebrity. It was sad actually. This was years ago while the Scream movies were huge.

I was standing in line at the post office, sneaking peeks at this guy in front of me in line. It looked like he had cut a sleeve off of a tshirt and was wearing it as a hat. I was being discreet with my peeks trying to figure out if it WAS a t-shirt sleeve. I live in a fairly small town and he was chatting with the Postal service people..figured he went to school with someone's daughter. So he leaves and I go up and plunk my packages on the counter. The lady looks at me and says 'You have no idea who that was do you?'..."Um, no. Should I?" Turns out he was the male lead in Scream, I can't remember his name. He apparently lives around here.
ThingeeFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-04 07:31:00
United Kingdomvisting fiancee whilst k1 processing
My fiancee came for a visit recently and had no issues at all. I am the worrywart in the relationship, and had him bring all sorts of proof, including a copy of his interview letter. They didn't ask anything about the K-1 being processed-so he had a good laugh at my expense. He came through Dulles International.
ThingeeFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-30 06:52:00