USCIS Service CentersCSC I-129F Processing Delay Calculator...

Yes, the USCIS's arbitrary processing date actually has no effect on the way this calculator generates answers. The only thing that will changes the answers are newly published data for apps completed, received, or pending in months going forward.

Well I hope the process is moving, even if slowly.
My submission date there is July 27th so I've been pretty much beside myself every time I've seen that same date for the past 4 months or however long it's been.
c.luckyNot Telling02013-04-08 18:16:00
USCIS Service CentersCSC I-129F Processing Delay Calculator...
Is this taking into account the update that shows as of Feb 28th it is still showing July 18, 2012?
c.luckyNot Telling02013-04-08 15:28:00
USCIS Service CentersLegal action against USCIS - possible in this country?

You can sue the USCIS director and the DHS Secretary in federal courts pursuant to the Administrative Procedures Act in order to compel them to give you an answer. However, given the backlog of our federal courts, by the time you get to the Rule 26 Conference, you will have received the I-129F twice over. It is an expensive and impractical route in this case.

Not only that but they will then use the lawsuit as an excuse for slowing down applications even more. They will say that dealing with the lawsuit is siphoning off resources that could have otherwise been used to process the I-129F applications...Got to love big government :whistle: .
c.luckyNot Telling02013-04-12 16:25:00
USCIS Service CentersSo what are the chances of my congressman getting involved?

I really don't think this is a partisan issue. However the liberal take on it may be different than the conservative one. My Democratic congressman was quite willing to help me and has a staffer looking into the situation. So don't make assumptions, just don't frame your question in a conservative frame ("illegal immigrants get priority") but in a liberal one ("not enough money for visa processing on-schedule") and I am sure that you'll get a positive response. Also as I have stated before I highly recommend to everyone to get to know their Congressperson. Attend their town halls, march with them in parades and donate a small amount to their reelection fund and before you know it you won't be another faceless name but a real person who's a solid supporter. As they say most people don't even know the name of their Congressperson, you're goal should be to get them to know your name...

I'm sure it can be worded to appeal to either side of the table to get them sympathetic, I just don't know how.
Also though, I would not donate, or participate to a candidate of either party if I did not agree with their stand on the issues so that also limits some of the ideas.
It's also sad though that in a way, that is "buying" representation. I'm not naive to think it's not true but it's still sad how this nation is turning out when that is something that is needed to get the representation you should be entitled as a citizen.
c.luckyNot Telling02013-04-14 19:16:00
USCIS Service CentersSo what are the chances of my congressman getting involved?

You can try with McCain instead.

I will go through all of that to see what kind of letter I can come up with.
Sadly, McCain is as much for amnesty and is playing the politics of this as much as some of the other pro-illegal supporters.
I just hope that someone on the office will see that something is completely backwards in how this is being handled.
c.luckyNot Telling02013-04-13 22:37:00
USCIS Service CentersSo what are the chances of my congressman getting involved?
I am from Arizona and my application was received on July 28th. So I'm sure you can guess my frustration as all of you are just as frustrated. It just seems to make it worse when I'm at the cusp and then it all came to a grinding halt.
So now, as for my congressman...Raul Grijalva. He has been an ardent supporter of amnesty for illegal alliens.
I have a feeling any concerns I may bring to his office's attention will fall on deaf ears.
Any ideas how a letter might be crafted that might garner support?
c.luckyNot Telling02013-04-13 21:49:00

im expecting to have to wait another 2 months at the very least, not going to hold my breath anymore, ive contacted everyone i could think of, expedite requests have been sent by our congress person, so now its like you know what, i`ll just zone out and go oh joy when email and papers are finally through to the next fase. the way its going i`ll be a year and still no noa2...

I don't know where I read it but do you know if it's true that if you request an expedite and it's denied, the application goes back to the bottom of the pile in terms of processing?
I thought of trying to somehow get an expedite but I fear what would happen if denied. Then it would be another possible year of having to wait...
c.luckyNot Telling02013-04-14 19:19:00
ChinaHotels near the Guangzhou Consulate

My fiancee is having her K1 interview at the end of August and I want to be there to take her some papers she'll need and just to give her some support.

What is a nice hotel that is in the area of the consulate? Also, is her appointment going to be at the new location or was that just a field office that moved that dealt with other matters?



c.luckyNot Telling02013-07-15 14:01:00
Chinaany hotel ideas?
I am sitting in the Four Seasons hotel right nowand it is a 5 minutes walk.
Right from my window, I can see the consulate and it is a very nice hotel to boot.

c.luckyNot Telling02013-08-28 21:45:00
ChinaK1 interview today and passed!!!

First of all, congratulations!

For those of us still waiting, I have a few questions as well...
Was her P3 set directly to the consulate, or through a citic bank?
Do you know what date she got her P4 email? 

Was the P4 email required for her medical exam?

I believe she got her medical exam before she got her p4 but to be honest, she didn't have to pay attention to too many of the details.
A friend of her runs a service in Taishan that helps people in the area with the visa processes. He takes people in vans to get the medical exams, to the interviews and helps get the paperwork in order.

I just know from the time the paperwork got sent to the Consulate from the NVS everything went very, very fast. Like a week or so in between each process. I wasn't really expecting it as from my timeline, the I-129F was filed in Late July last year.

Sorry I can't answer things more specifically. To make things easier for her and for me we utilized a lot of outside help. I hired an attorney in the US for preparing the papers as I am extremely busy at work and also have some complicated finances so needed assistance with how to break things down for the support forms.

Then, she was lucky to have a friend who helps on the China side.

c.luckyNot Telling02013-08-30 18:33:00
ChinaK1 interview today and passed!!!

Congrats, you two were waiting a long time by the looks of your timeline.  
Couple questions:  
Did you receive your P4 after the embassy move?  
Did you schedule your interview after you received it or before?  

It was pretty frustrating waiting as long as we did but once the I-129f was approved it went pretty quick. I am not sure the timeline of the embassy move, I do know that from the arrival to my fiancee getting her packet it was only like a week.
Then, when she went to make the appointment, it took about 4-5 days for her to actually schedule because the computer system was on hold. I assumed it was because of the changes that were being made.

I was pretty impressed by what I saw at the consulate. Everything went very quick and not how I have read about the previous consulate with long lines with people waiting from 6am. We got there at 7:45 and there weren't that many people and maybe around 8:00 they started moving people inside.

Congratulations !  Time for Happy Dance ! 

Haha, that's classic. If I could move like that, that's what I'd be doing for sure lol

c.luckyNot Telling02013-08-29 08:36:00
ChinaK1 interview today and passed!!!
My fiancee just had her interview this morning and passed.
What was odd was that she didn't know she actually had the interview. She said she went to a window, signed some papers then went to another paper and a guy asked her a few questions and took some forms and then said she passed.

She said "What?" and laughed because he didn't look at any of the support documents or anything and she was still expecting to have to go sit and have a real interview with someone. I think all he took was the copy of my 2012 income tax, leaving behind my other previous 2 years. She laughed and said she carried all these papers for nothing, haha.She had quite a stack of manila envelopes with emails, photos, and many other papers.

She came back to the room laughing not even really knowing what happened. Just that all of a sudden she was told she passed. Also, she was surprised becuase from reading forums, etc she was worried about long lines and having to wait. I guess with the new Stanley system with the appointments, it went really fast. I was there in line with her and they had 2 lines sorted by appointment times. We really only had to be there 5 minutes early rather than 45 minutes.

Also, I'm glad we walked there the day before to make sure we knew where to go because there is a sign that says they do not allow backpacks, purses or electronic devices. You have to have all papers in "grocery" style bags or the plastic sleeves that the medical records are in. There were a few people who could not get in becuase they had a backpack or cell phones, etc.

c.luckyNot Telling02013-08-28 21:51:00
ChinaWill my Chinese gf possibly be denied a US tourist visa?
Wouldn't multiple applications and denials raise a red flag during a K1 interview if the interviewer thinks that she is just wanting to use the US citizen to get to the United States?
I know it may or may not be a problem but for something like this you'd want to think of the worst case scenarios. If she applies to go to the US and does not state it's for visiting a boyfriend, and then gets denied and applies a few times over and over and then in a few months there's an application for a K1, that might look fishy.

Something I'd rather be careful about. Might be better you go and get engaged in China and use the 90 days you have for her k1 to do the exploration and seeing where you might want to live.

c.luckyNot Telling02013-08-29 20:35:00
ChinaVisa ready for pickup....

You got lucky.  Took us over 4 weeks.

Well at least we caught one lucky break over the past year and a half, lol

c.luckyNot Telling02013-09-12 20:25:00
ChinaVisa ready for pickup....

So the interview was on the 29th of August and as of September 12th, it's ready for pickup.

There was a period that it was in Administrative Processing but that went rather quick.


Just a heads up on the time frame from the interview to the visa being ready.


Plane ticket is ready and on the 21st, my fiancee will be in her new home.


I would be lying if I said this wasn't amazingly stressful. It seems we had one of the longer waits due do DACA.

July of last year was the start of the process.


Best of luck to everyone else out there. Hope you guys don't have to go through the mess we had to :)


c.luckyNot Telling02013-09-12 14:39:00
ChinaIn the USA

Well, Friday night the final portion of the K1 process was complete.

My fiancee is finally in the US.


Everything seemed to go off without a hitch. She actually got moved to the front of the line at immigration in LAX by a worker there who was Chinese and was flirting with her and said he'd marry her, haha.


The only delays were on my part because my flight to go get her was an hour and a half late and she had no phone or way of getting ahold of me. She was rather nervous about sitting there an hour in the pickup area with me nowhere in sight.


So now, to the marriage plans. A Vegas wedding officiated by Elvis? 

c.luckyNot Telling02013-09-23 08:48:00
ChinaNew Baby

Congratulations. My fiancee is already telling me she wants a baby now, haha.

c.luckyNot Telling02013-09-23 12:17:00
ChinaBuying plane tickets for Chinese immigrant.

This week I used travelocity to book my fiancee's ticket and it didn't even ask for passport or anything. Just the name of the traveler. It was from Hong Kong to Los Angeles.

No notice of any kind of hold or anything on it.

c.luckyNot Telling02013-09-17 21:33:00
ChinaLooking for advice

My wife's K1 interview went surprisingly fast and easy.


She didn't even know she was at the interview. She said she went to one window where they asked for my taxes, bank statements on the house I own,


Then she waited for the next window where a guy asked her about 10 questions in Chinese. He did ask her if she spoke Engilsh, to which she answered yes.

He didn't look at any of the pictures or the other proof of relationship. She said he was looking at a computer screen and asking questions from there.

They were how we met, which was in Belize, he asked her when she was there, and a few things about us, but not much.


He then told her she passed, again in Chinese to which she replied "That was the interview?"

She didn't know that was the interview.


I had heard a lot of how tough the Consulate there is, but we were both shocked how fast and simple it was. 

She thinks, it has to do with her living and working in another country at one time for 3 years so  A friend who runs a visa assistance program for people in her city said that probably was the main reason it happened that way.


It seems that with all the evidence she tool to the interview, the interviewer was focused mainly on what was on his screen, which would be the info that was already in the system on her and our relationship.


Take as much as you can, screenshots of conversations, photos, anything you think would be good evidence. It's better to have them and not be needed than to have them ask and then not have them.

c.luckyNot Telling02014-03-07 19:34:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionGuangzhou Consulate orientation

I must have come across an old article or information page when I saw it. 

That's a shame. Thanks for the responses.

c.luckyNot Telling02013-07-09 21:05:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionGuangzhou Consulate orientation

I read somewhere there was some kind of meeting/orientation for the US citizens sponsoring a fiancee/spouse every monday at the Consulate.

I can no longer recall or find where I read this but was wondering if that was still something that is ongoing. It was not mandatory but something voluntary for the sponsoring party to attend.


Anyone know of this or been through one?

c.luckyNot Telling02013-07-06 23:25:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhat are the higher fraud countries?Scale from highest to lowest.

A friend of my brother who is an immigration attorney in New York City said that the Guangzhou Consulate is the most difficult to get approval for visas amongst all the other US consulates.

So I would venture a guess that as of right now or the past 5 years, China is the worst, or one of the worst countries for fraud.


Makes me nervous as my fiancee has her interview there next month.

c.luckyNot Telling02013-07-15 13:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionGuanZhou Embassy - K1 visa - how long after interview

That would be cutting it really close. Ours went real smooth and it still took 19 days til the visa was ready for pickup.


c.luckyNot Telling02013-09-12 22:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI'm a July and California approved me at 2:30 am!?!!! Woo -hoo
Congratulations. I'm a July and just got approved also.
It's been a long road hasn't it? :bonk:
c.luckyNot Telling02013-04-22 00:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInterview today - Approved!!!!
Congratulations, my fiancee just had her interview today too and was also approved.
She said her support papers were not looked at either and in fact, she didn't even know she had her interview. She went to one window then to another and was asked some questions and was told she passed. Something like 10 questions.

This was in China but it sounds similar to your fiancee's experience. I wonder if they made some changes system wide.

c.luckyNot Telling02013-08-28 21:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVISA GRANTED!!! waiting for it to arrive...

use this site to check your fiancee's visa status:

I used to check mine on the US Embassy Manila site and I'd always get the "your visa is still with post" status. I checked my visa status on the CEAC site tonight and found out that mine is issued last Sept. 5th! So tomorrow Im gonna pick it up at 2GO courier service. Goodluck! Just keep checking everyday. smile.png


Thanks, I'll check it as soon as I can get the case number.

I think I left all those papers in China sadly though when I was there for her interview :(

c.luckyNot Telling02013-09-08 12:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVISA GRANTED!!! waiting for it to arrive...

My fiancee's interview was on the 29th and when I check, it says it's still at the post.

For anybody who has had it issued, is that before or after Administrative processing?

c.luckyNot Telling02013-09-08 10:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs it worth hiring a service provider to do my application for me?

I also used an attorney for my application. I just do not have the time to do the paperwork, let alone double and triple check everything to make sure everything is accurate.

Also, the attorney speaks my fiancee's native language and is of her national descent so he is very familiar with the processes of that country's consulate.


It also was just very, very nice to have someone who i could talk to with any question and who could answer and help me with some of the more complicated parts such as the income/support documents which were very tedious for me to get sorted out. I am self employed and getting everything sorted to alleviate extra questions was time consuming.


It all boils down to your comfort level.


c.luckyNot Telling02013-07-19 09:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDoes age difference affect approval?

I was very surprised that my wife in China brought tons of evidence of a bonafide relationship, but the interviewer didn't look at anything nor did she ask many questions.  There were just about 5 simple questions from the biography form and she was told she was approved.  I guess it's up to the interviewer and their mood at the time how tough they want to be.


My fiancee had a ton of info and proof of a relationship and she wasn't asked for any of it either. She was mainly asked how we met, etc.

We actually met in person in a different country we were both working so maybe that added a little credibility.

c.luckyNot Telling02013-09-14 15:38:00