United KingdomLondon K-1 Interview
I'm taking Jack Bauer if I eventually get an interview........

Congratulations, I am very jealous that you were together when you got the approval. Sort of spoils it that you have to call the US to both be excited on the phone.
robburnsefcMaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-01 15:05:00
United KingdomPacket 3 back in the post

Okay, let us know.

A small correction, however. A number besides the one I listed here is offered for immigrant and other visas. There are a few sentences worth of information for various situations and for different sorts of information sought. ("For information related to inquiries about visa cases and the application process, call 202-663-1225.")

I'm still not exactly sure why this has turned into a discussion over the validity of the number, though, and getting less sure as the conversation continues.

So far, there are 3 of us that have posted that the 202 number works a treat. And I think I read it somewhere else before Tracy would've even pointed it out to me.

So long as the person calling as the case number and the beneficiary's name and DOB, I'm not sure why it wouldn't follow that the information would be forthcoming. Just like at the NVC stage when we call NVC for updates.

The K1 one, while a non-immigrant visa (hence the 90 day clock, the certain forms and procedures) is still a hybrid in the way it is treated. London filers stand in the immigrant visa line, right? The short one? That's what I've seen reported here. So I'm not sure the non vs. immigrant distinction weighs on one side or the other.

Lastly, and this is a non-factual argument, what is served by experimenting at all. Now I'm going to be completely hypothetical because I don't believe there was a fluke in the system, but say there is. Say your theory holds true and they shouldn't be giving out info. Your call gets through to a really procedure-wonk who is now alerted to an blip in the system. Supervisors are called. Memos are issued. An otherwise fine, reliable resources is shut down.

That helps what how?

I don't think that's the case. I think the number is good and I think it is available for these sorts of inquiries on the status of forms, etc.

To wit: a post from BuxtonBabe regarding calling to sort out the interview time: http://www.visajourn...h...1&hl=buxton

I can't say for certain anymore, but I think I read in another BB post or via some PMs between us about the number and the process. Search isn't getting me to it anymore.

At any rate - I'm just slack-jawed at how this is a big deal or something to be debunked in anyway. People can invest in the phone call or they can choose to email or to wait or to call the Scotland hotline at 1.20/min.

Well, I seem to have caught up with you now - my stuff went off today after I received it Saturday (actually I was in California at the time and my parents got it all - and of course some of the paperwork had changed from the ones I had prefilled - like the checklist).

It will be really interesting to see how things progress now - there are a couple of VJers who had interviews in 30 days from returning packet 3, and others much longer. I scheduled the medical for next Thursday. Who knows, maybe I can make the July wedding after all!!!!

Still no NOA2 officially by the way. Not that I care any more - I have that much evidence to go with the I134 and from the original package that I dont think they will even notice.
robburnsefcMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-29 17:22:00
United KingdomUK, US Banking

I forgot to mention in my original reply. Money Corp has an arrangement with the US banks for them not to impose a wire transfer charge. If you are charged Money Corp will arrange for it to be refunded.

From their web site

Bank receipt charges eliminated

We guarantee that our clients will not pay any bank receipt charges when sending funds abroad*. This guarantee applies regardless of the amount being transferred or to which bank the payment is being made.
*Should a client incur such charges, Moneycorp will refund them in full.

Sounds terrible, but have you looked at paypal? It seems to be commission free to upload currency from your account and download it to your US account (or possibly it has to be another US account) and the exchange rates seem competitive. However, there may be a limit on the amount.
robburnsefcMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-30 13:50:00
United KingdomStupid stupid....

Personally I would do a corrected form and send it in with an explanation. :thumbs:

Send it with a covering letter including your case reference. And have one on standby to post in case they still send you a request. You cant go wrong if you ask me. I did it with USCIS at Laguna Niguel just after we sent incorrect g325's and got the 1st letter back but in the mean time I had other copies with my fiance and once we had a receipt number she had them ready to send.

get it done!
robburnsefcMaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-10 16:47:00
United KingdomMedical done

Haha - thanks for the support! I'm not worried per se - just anxious, of course :) The bell lap is always the hardest, right?

I called again this morning (I like my rituals. It's like a cup-a-joe) and settled with the phone in the crook of my neck ready to wait on hold for the usual 10 minutes while going through email and instead, an operator picked it up in 32 seconds. Literally! I looked at the counter on the phone because I was dumbstruck. The operator laughed when I said I was shocked she picked up so fast. No news anyway, but not much effort making the call at all!

So another day goes by. Who's the most recent P4 recipient and when did they a) mail back packet 3 and b ) when's the interview date?

(edit: changing the b ) - i hate when it makes an unintentional smiley!)

I had my medical today - Thursday. Very straightforward though I suddenly got nervous when I got there. Guy was really nice as were the staff generally. Reassuring to have my gender confirmed and it appears from the hammers on my kneecaps that I am indeed alive.

I also sent my P3 back on 29th May so it is fingers crossed time (especially with my wedding dates!)

robburnsefcMaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-07 15:57:00
United KingdomGood luck to RGNSCOT, robburnsefc and msu17!

YAY!!! Congrats to you both! 3 times is the charm ;) Congrats on making your wedding date Rob!

Thank you. and to you! I just cant believe we are finally here. I must go back to that thread 'out of time' and relive the misery of thinking it was all going wrong but then enjoy the feeling that it isnt!
robburnsefcMaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-03 14:32:00
United KingdomGood luck to RGNSCOT, robburnsefc and msu17!

APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED!!!!!!!!! what can i say, thank you lot for your words of advice..... was hours there though apparently bcos of tomorrows holiday

well, i got this little madam who was asking me allsorts i had a feeling she was goin to refuse

questions she asked where did you meet what made you think you wanted to continue this long term relationship ???? has he been over there???? does either of you have dependants??? bryan hadnt put on the form that he has a 16 year old son so i panicked have you met him?? she asked well this is this interview over for now..... panic sets in... ur visa application has been approved yeaaaaaaa

good news for the other two i hope.. well done msu17

agnes xx

Delighted too am I to be APPROVED!!!!

robburnsefcMaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-03 11:07:00
United KingdomGood luck to RGNSCOT, robburnsefc and msu17!

Just sending out a big GOOD LUCK to RGNSCOT, robburnsefc and msu17, who all have their interviews tomorrow! You'll all be fine, just wear comfy shoes, bring an umbrella and something to read, and then bring us back three big red APPROVEDs! :joy:


Off to get the train now. Are there many more dangerous places on earth today than the US EMbassy in London??????

I have my Jack Bauer style running shoes and only the essentials. Whatever happens IAM NOT LETTING GO OF THIS FOLDER WITH MY WHOLE YEARS WORK IN IT!!!!!

Good luck to others, maybe see you there!

robburnsefcMaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-02 08:33:00
United KingdomMy US Embassy K1 Experience
My K1 US Embassy Interview Experience.

I stayed with a friend in South London and took the bus to Park Lane.

The embassy is parallel with Park Lane but a few streets to the east. The map
that they give you is a little basic but you get the general idea.

The embassy itself is a bit of a 1960s monstrosity where you can see it but the
significance of the place still makes you gulp. On the roof at the front is a giant
eagle. There is a little garden at the front but there is a lot of construction
around the building and of course the huge concrete blocks to stop terrorists
in jeeps getting too close.

The boundary is patrolled by armed police and a private security firm do the rest.
Not the US troops I expected. Even at 8am there was a crowd. They vet you first of
all by examining your letter and passport, before you join the line proper. They
also instilled panic into many of us by saying we needed our D156 applications
and if we didnt have them we would need to use a computer inside to produce another
one. Of course mine had been posted so there was no need for alarm.

They ask you to place electronic or metal items in a clear bag which they provide. Then, any change, belts etc goes in your own bag. They then funnel you into separate lines, based upon the time of your interview and your reason for visit - there were lots of people for things like lost passports, travel documents, work permits (like a whole gang of airline cabin crew) so it isnt just immigrants.

They are fairly meticulous over security and scan your bags and electronics. You go through a metal detector and they then inform you what you can take in with you and what they will keep in a little pigeon hole. You are given a numbered tag - apparently if you lose it they wont let you have your stuff until the last person has gone even if
you describe it to them, so be warned!

Once checked, we walked right around the front of the building to a small reception desk in a lobby. After showing the letter and passport again we were given 2 printed number labels - mine was 015.

Walking up some steps I entered the waiting hall through some big glass doors. Even at 9am (as it was by then) there were more than 100 people in there.

The room is like an airport lounge with rows of seats and to the side glass windows
like you find in a bank. There are 25 booths serving all of the applicants. There are a number of large screens which show the numbers in the queue for immigrant, non immigrant and homeland security issues. There were only about 6 ahead of me when I arrived. There are clear announcements (a bit like in Argos) calling your number and telling you which window to go to. The immigrant visas seem to take the longest as the queue moved much slower than the others.

When eventually called I went to window 14. An english guy checked my details and got my medical records. He gave me my XRays and told me I must carry these in my hand luggage on departure. I was given a small slip of paper which I had to take to a cashier at window 12 and pay my $100.

I went immediately back to the guy who then checked my birth certificate and police certificate, retaining my copies. He also took my I134 (I had 2 of these also). He informed me that the visa would need to be used within 90 days for entry and 180 (I think) Days after entry. He also reminded me that I would not be able to leave the US
and return until I had become a permanent resident which could take 6 to 9 months.He didnt ask for more photographs as I had sent 2 with my application.

I was given a blue form to fill out with my address details for the courier. He told me my number would be called again but it was a busy day and this could be 1 - 2 hours wait.

I took my seat again. It is interesting that there is a photo booth (just in case) and refreshments - tea, coffee, sandwiches, fruit, oreos, chipahoy cookies.

It took about 1 hour for my number to be called again. Armed with my folder, full of all my evidence - emails, letters, phone records, pictures, financial information, I went to a different window where a young hispanic American girl awaited. SHe explained to me that this was the second stage of the process and that she wanted to know about my relationship. She asked how we had met and had we dated immediately or become friends at first. She asked when we had visited each other and how many times. SHe asked about Carol's job (a teacher) - how old were the kids she taught etc. She asked if I had met her parents.All the time she appeared to be reading a screen and typing things in as I answered. I never answered that accurately, but she seemed to understand that I didnt know every visit date off by heart.

After 5 minutes she announced that she was satisfied with my answers and was pleased to tell me that my application was approved. She told me about the courier and said that once I had seen and paid them then I was free to go!

The courier offers deliveries before 530pm, before 12pm, before 10am and before 8am. They also text you the day before they are due for delivery. The standard charge I think was £20 but it was an additional £13 for the earliest delivery, which she suggested would be around 6am. They confirmed details, gave me a receipt and I was free!

It took around 30 seconds to skip round the building and back to the security post where I reclaimed my phone.

I called Carol as soon as I got outside and after pretending to be an embassy guy and asking her "do you know Robert Burns" and "how much would you say he loved you" in a bad American accent I told her the news that we were 'good to go'. In spite of the 4am wakeup call she was of course delighted. The relief was immense.

The whole process was generally friendly, efficient and took around 3.5 hours from start to finish. I almost feel bereaved now because I dont have my friendly black cloud over my head. I am sure that once I get to the next stage it will be back as good as ever, but at least there will be two of us to hold the umbrella!
robburnsefcMaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-04 16:08:00
United KingdomTim's Big Day At The Embassy

I had Tim write up his Embassy experiences. I'll stick it in the Embassy review section too. Enjoy! (And while it probably goes without saying, I'll go ahead and say anyway that while he refers to me as his missus, we aren't married, and nothing will be said at the border to raise any concerns about that. Of course.) Anyway - here's his story:

Timescale of Interview (9am appointment):

08:00 Arrive & join queue
09:30 Into Embassy
10:30 Hand over documents
10:50 Sit back down for a drink & snack
11:10 Interview
11:25 Pay for Courier
11:35 Out of Embassy/collect phone
11:44 Phone my missus

I drove into London on the previous night, stayed at a friend's in Battersea and was up and out of the door by 7:20 next morning. (I'd mulled over the travel options and had decided to drive to Grosvenor square and park up nearby). The five-mile journey through Chelsea took me around twenty minutes and I was lucky enough to strike a deal with the doorman at the Millennium Hotel (just off Grosvenor square) who let me park there for £15 for the day. This was ideal as I had no idea how long I'd need to be parked and the street-meters charged £1 per 15 minutes.

From here it was a minute's walk to the embassy. The embassy is surrounded by high wire fences, and along the entrance side is a line of concrete defences separating the queue from the road. I said a cheery 'good morning' the men with guns, got a cheery 'good morning' back, and joined the first stage. There were around twenty or so people in this initial queue and within fifteen minutes I was at the front. The man with the clipboard gave me a plastic bag to put any electronic devices in, checked my appointment letter and directed me to my line. There were several lines alongside each other and I was sixth in mine which slowly grew to around thirty people.

While standing silently in line for over an hour it's very easy for the smallest concerns to become big worries. With 9am looming I started to get anxious that I'd miss my appointed interview and would then find that I'd somehow been in the wrong queue. However once 9 o’clock came and went, the officials explained the set-up; my line turned out to be all the 9am people, and alongside were the 8:30s and beyond them a trickle of 8am-latecomers.

Finally, at 9:30 I was directed towards the third and final (very short) queue into the security-check cabin. This was no different to an airport. You need to be show you passport and remove any metallic items. The appointment letter is effectively your boarding-pass. My bag was put through the x-ray machine where the operators commented on its weight (almost two years worth of evidence adds up) and I handed over my bagged phone where it was deposited into a pigeonhole. Receipt-tag in hand and re-threading my belt into my trousers I walked the long walk around to the far-side of the building and up the steps into the foyer. I showed my appointment letter to the woman at the desk who assigned me a number - 13!

Up some more stairs and through the door into the large waiting-hall, I settled into one of the seats and gazed at the info-monitors. These monitors display a who’s-up-next information for immigrant visas (which strangely includes finance visas) and for non-immigrant visas.

My number was already on the screen, about third in line, but it took around an hour before I was called. In the excitement of the moment I totally missed which window I was being called to. Luckily the people around me were paying better attention! The screens alternate between who's next in the queue and which number is at which window so you can't really go wrong anyway.

The guy at the window was very friendly and when I told him about the famous sit-com face I’d spotted in the waiting area he told me that the Blairs had been in the previous day in preparation for their American speaker circuit.

I handed over my passport, photos and one-by-one the various documents (birth certificate, police certificate etc) and in return was given a massive envelope containing my chest x-ray. This, I was told, would have to travel with me as hand-luggage when I fly to the USA.

After I handed over the documents I was directed to another window to pay the $100 fee (cash or card - but I had both just in case the card machine was broken). Once that was done I returned to the first window to hand over the payment receipt and have my fingerprints scanned and that was the first stage over.

Back in the waiting area I was surprised to find that I just had enough time for a snack and a drink (available at the far end of the hall) before my number flashed back up on the screen for the interview. I reckon about 20 minutes had passed :)

This time I was called to a different window and the woman there asked me to scan my fingers again and then hold up my right hand while swearing to tell the truth. The first question was to explain my previous visa overstay and once she was satisfied with the reasons it was on to the relationship questions. It was all pretty simple stuff - where had we met, when did we start dating and how often had we seen each other and had my fiancée been to England. She was busily typing a lot into her computer and not being sure whether to pause and wait or keep on talking I just added a few extra bits of supporting information now and then. She seemed happy with the answers and told me that pending a few final checks I was approved!

With the interview over all that remained was to pay for the courier service and hand in the pink form with delivery details and make like Henry 8th. I collected my phone from round the front of the embassy and by 11:44 was on the phone to a sleepy-headed but joyous missus!

It's a bit of a daunting place to be but being my third visit I found myself to be feeling pretty confident. I was well prepared (over prepared in truth) and felt that the whole interview was more a formality at the end of the several month long paperwork/wait procedure than anything else! It was nice that the staff were all so friendly too.

Many congratulations and glad you finally got it done! Now for the rest of your lives!
robburnsefcMaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-08 09:54:00
United KingdomWhere in the UK are you or your SO from?

We'll I'm from Bolton in Manchester, gonna be going to Irving in Texas when it all happens

I used to work in Bolton - GUS on Thynne Street

I was born in Liverpool and have lived near chorley, Lancashire for most of my life. The local paper did this - I promise I didnt say the cheesy bits!


Carol is not very happy with the picture, which puts about a stone on me and makes her look orange! I tried to get an appointment for a haircut the other day and when they said they were fully booked I said "do you know who I am?"

Proper celebrity!

catch of the day! :lol:

Cool story.

Very cute story!

robburnsefcMaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-01 17:12:00
United KingdomWhere in the UK are you or your SO from?

We'll I'm from Bolton in Manchester, gonna be going to Irving in Texas when it all happens

I used to work in Bolton - GUS on Thynne Street

I was born in Liverpool and have lived near chorley, Lancashire for most of my life. The local paper did this - I promise I didnt say the cheesy bits!

robburnsefcMaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-01 13:11:00
United KingdomUnited Kingdom Interview Thread 2007

Can people reporting new interview dates also mention what information they provided for "travel" and "wedding" dates on the form? Just curious if we can guess (as much as we guess using any other data collected here) what effect that really has on scheduling.

Hey! Congratulations on your date. Why do I sort of feel guilty that we sent them on the same day?

Anyway, I put my real date for the wedding on my checklist and I also put a polite letter saying what a dumbasss I was for booking the wedding (copyright VisaJourney) and could they possibly possibly give me an early July date. I sincerely believe this helped, but it is really open to abuse if true. Hopefully people will only panic when necessary - but I would say that wouldnt I!?

Well done again.

robburnsefcMaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-26 18:05:00
United KingdomUnited Kingdom Interview Thread 2007

I just called and also have an interview for July 3rd!!! SO excited! The lady on the phone said packet 4 (her words) was just sent today. Rob, we'll you see at the embassy!!! 9AM appt for us. Good luck, I hope you make that wedding date!!!

Me too, 9am! I will be wearing a pink carnation for identification purposes! Cant wait....


HI great news maybe we could all meet up for a drink my interview is midday rob... u from scotland??? i,m coming down on the overnight bus from glasgow..... thing is if you read my thread from yesterday you,ll know my tale of woe .. so i,m still freaking out i,m on night shift and i cant sleep :wacko: :blink: :crying: and how did you two get a time before me eh????? lol

agnes x

It is all very exciting. Funny how you tell people on this forum because they realise the significance of it all, I'm not sure anybody quite realises the heartache of all of this bar us!
robburnsefcMaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-12 13:29:00
United KingdomUnited Kingdom Interview Thread 2007

May 2007 Interviews

AlienUKGirl ....K1........04/10....04/10.........05/01.......05/30.....08:00...APPROVED

June 2007 Interviews

Linababe..............K1....................06/06.......................06/07....10.00....PENDING FURTHER INFORMATION FOR MEDICAL
ashp.....................K1........05/01...................................06/11................PENDING DUTCH POLICE CERT

July 2007 Interviews


Waiting for Interview

Jake & Ali..............K1........06/04....06/12...............

OOPS!!! OMG -- sorry to robburnsefc! And to psho -- gave you a date before you got one. Can anyone tell it's my bedtime now? :blush:

Seriously, congrats robburns! :thumbs:

NO WORRIES! Dont you sometimes wonder how you ended up with all the responsibility for this thread!

robburnsefcMaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-11 17:26:00
United KingdomUnited Kingdom Interview Thread 2007

I will have him wear a yellow one ;) Our medical was today if anyone wants to add that in. Ur from the N as well right? He's from the Darlington area.

I am from the north - a bit further west than Darlington!

I was missed off the list, which is what I tried to say in my last post but didnt seem to type anything.....
robburnsefcMaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-11 16:52:00
United KingdomUnited Kingdom Interview Thread 2007

May 2007 Interviews

AlienUKGirl ....K1........04/10....04/10.........05/01.......05/30.....08:00...APPROVED

June 2007 Interviews

Linababe..............K1....................06/06.......................06/07....10.00....PENDING FURTHER INFORMATION FOR MEDICAL

Did you miss me off so as not to tempt fate???
ashp.....................K1........05/01...................................06/11................PENDING DUTCH POLICE CERT

July 2007 Interviews


Waiting for Interview

Jake & Ali..............K1........06/04....06/12...............

WOO HOO! Congrats to psho and msu17 on their interview dates!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:

Daisy -- your time MUST be coming soon...

robburnsefcMaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-11 16:31:00
United KingdomUnited Kingdom Interview Thread 2007

I just called and also have an interview for July 3rd!!! SO excited! The lady on the phone said packet 4 (her words) was just sent today. Rob, we'll you see at the embassy!!! 9AM appt for us. Good luck, I hope you make that wedding date!!!

Me too, 9am! I will be wearing a pink carnation for identification purposes! Cant wait....

robburnsefcMaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-11 16:11:00
United KingdomUnited Kingdom Interview Thread 2007


I just called the D.O.S and they said that I HAVE AN INTERVIEW SCHEDULED FOR 3rd JULY!!!!!!!

Wow! I am totally nervous now. It has finally happened. Well, I havent got the letter yet but that was what they said.

It looks like I might be spawny enough to make my wedding on 28th July after all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will believe it when i have the appointment letter in my hand, and then when I have the VISA!!!!


GREAT NEWS!!!!! I'm so excited for you! (And selfishly, for me too, since we sent our P3s back on the same date!)

When did you call?

10 minutes ago! Carol is so excited and her friends just dont get it!
robburnsefcMaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-11 15:47:00
United KingdomUnited Kingdom Interview Thread 2007

I just called the D.O.S and they said that I HAVE AN INTERVIEW SCHEDULED FOR 3rd JULY!!!!!!!

Wow! I am totally nervous now. It has finally happened. Well, I havent got the letter yet but that was what they said.

It looks like I might be spawny enough to make my wedding on 28th July after all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will believe it when i have the appointment letter in my hand, and then when I have the VISA!!!!

robburnsefcMaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-11 15:38:00
United KingdomUnited Kingdom Interview Thread 2007
Please add us -

NOA2 - P3 sent 05/29, Medical Date 06/07, Awaiting interview date.

robburnsefcMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-30 13:41:00
United KingdomFirst Tax Return
Well, I have now been in the USA since my wedding last July. I have been working since October 1st and I got my conditional green card last week!

It is of course tax return time, and the accountant my wife uses is not familiar with the implications of immigration.

Are there any forms or procedures peculiar to me that I need to know?

I have the proceeds of my house sale in my UK bank (not high interest, maybe a bit but not much), I worked from January to July in the UK and paid income tax. I didnt yet fill out the form for the uK Inland Revenue declaring myself gone, so no refund.

I have paid the highest rate of tax on my income.

Will there be any issues with any of this that anyone can think of?

robburnsefcMaleUnited Kingdom2008-02-13 22:11:00
United KingdomWedding Registries - did anyone use them for gifts for the wedding?
Crate and Barrel, Target, Pottery Barn. All these do the 10% off deal after the wedding and allow returns. Target was great for kitchen stuff and seems to be good value. The other two are a bit more trendy and upmarket and as such the lists at them are still a bit full!

Just a thought, I did a wedding blog on blogspot. As you have UK and US relatives converging, it is good to tell them all about the local area, how to get there, where your wedding lists are, where they can stay/park/visit. We invited about 250 people and we have around 500 hits on the site.

Whatever you do dont put a red Hamilton Beach can opener on your list, as we seem to have three of those somehow - I reckon they breed asexually.


Just exploring the option of using Wedding gift registries - I would love to hear peoples opinions on this and if you did use one then with which store etc. Any ideas anyone? I know my UK friends and family will not be able to attend the wedding and I thought this may be a way if the registries have online purchasing:) I knwo Walmarts does - any other places?

Lina (UKC)

robburnsefcMaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-10 16:07:00
United KingdomHello after more than 1 year away
Hello to everybody who is going through the nervous wait/expense/joy/misery/stress of applying for a US Visa from the UK. It has been more than a year since I last visited and I wanted to catch up. The good news is that it seems to be the same old problems and concerns, and there is always a solution.

For me it is almost 2 years (January 2010) with my green card and later this year I will begin the process of extending it. I got married here in the US and my big gaff was to arrange my wedding before I had the visa in my hand. Consequently I wrote begging letters to all agencies telling them what an idiot I was and begging for help. Having said that they had also screwed up in the beginning by sitting on my paperwork for weeks and then returning it for an error which, on review, was not an error - the paperwork went back in the same packets that were returned and everything went through. THey came through and I had my visa before my wedding. It all worked out in the end.

Now I am enjoying life here and we had our first child in April, a little anglo-american called Andrew, who is waiting for his first passport from the US and we are about to file for his UK citizenship.

What a trip - literally. I can still remember the train to London, the line outside the embassy etc. Trust me you will remember it with fondness when you get to where you want to be - and that is just the start.

I must visit here more regularly.

robburnsefcMaleUnited Kingdom2009-05-20 10:13:00
United KingdomBrits in the USA
Thought I added myself once, but must have imagined it. Please add me and Carol to Ventura, California.

robburnsefcMaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-15 15:09:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresChanging Lanes/Jumping Ship
Hi! I am guilty of the ultimate error by sorting a wedding before the K1 Visa. Now I am preparing for the worst - looking at rescheduling the wedding or going ahead and then going down the K3 route.

1. Does anybody have experience of this and, should/can the K1 application be cancelled half way through?
2. Is the previous K1 attempt likely to delay the K3 process?
3. Is it possible to visit the US (I am the UK fiance/spouse) during the K3 application?

robburnsefcMaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-30 13:00:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAbout to return packet 3!

Hello everyone,

Oh what would I do without visajourney? Due to my obsessive nature I feel the need to check things about 20 times before I send them. While I am almost certain I have everything compiled to send to the embassy I just want to be 100% sure! Here is what I am going to send back to the Embassy in London:

DS-230 Part 1: Completed with all supplemental sheets signed and dated
DS-156: Completed online and printed in duplicate, not signed as specified by the embassy packet

-Do I need to attach a photo to this form where there is a space for a photo?
-Where it asks 'Do you intend to work in the US?' I answered yes, and wrote ' Intend to work after marriage but do not have a prospective employer yet.' Does this seem like an ok response?

DS-156K: Completed but without any documents attached as specified by embassy packet
DS-157: Completed with all supplemental sheets signed and dated

I am also going to return the document checklist as I have everything required. I do not however have a DS-2001 as I know some other VJ members had. Should I download and send one? I was thinking of just putting a brief coversheet with my name, address and case number on it.

I think thats it! I'm going to send it recorded delivery first thing tomorrow!

Thanks all,


I attached photos because it tells you to "fill out the form" and the form says "attach photos here" but from what I have read it is unnecessary and the photos you are required to take to the interview are for that very purpose. But hey, I will take them anyway.

The line aout work seems OK, I think in the guides it says something like "work when authorisation granted. employer unknown".

I think everyody is just as obsessive about sending off the forms as you just get the feeling you only have one chance to get it right!

Good luck.

Hello everyone,

Oh what would I do without visajourney? Due to my obsessive nature I feel the need to check things about 20 times before I send them. While I am almost certain I have everything compiled to send to the embassy I just want to be 100% sure! Here is what I am going to send back to the Embassy in London:

DS-230 Part 1: Completed with all supplemental sheets signed and dated
DS-156: Completed online and printed in duplicate, not signed as specified by the embassy packet

-Do I need to attach a photo to this form where there is a space for a photo?
-Where it asks 'Do you intend to work in the US?' I answered yes, and wrote ' Intend to work after marriage but do not have a prospective employer yet.' Does this seem like an ok response?

DS-156K: Completed but without any documents attached as specified by embassy packet
DS-157: Completed with all supplemental sheets signed and dated

I am also going to return the document checklist as I have everything required. I do not however have a DS-2001 as I know some other VJ members had. Should I download and send one? I was thinking of just putting a brief coversheet with my name, address and case number on it.

I think thats it! I'm going to send it recorded delivery first thing tomorrow!

Thanks all,


I attached photos because it tells you to "fill out the form" and the form says "attach photos here" but from what I have read it is unnecessary and the photos you are required to take to the interview are for that very purpose. But hey, I will take them anyway.

The line aout work seems OK, I think in the guides it says something like "work when authorisation granted. employer unknown".

I think everyody is just as obsessive about sending off the forms as you just get the feeling you only have one chance to get it right!

Good luck.

Oh, and I think the checklist that comes with the packet 3 replaces the DS2001 - I put a covering letter in saying what was in the pack and included my details and case number.....
robburnsefcMaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-04 15:00:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionImportant! Help!


I'm not making fun of you. I'm telling you where you can find the form real quick. That's what you asked for, isn't it?

And stressed or not, watch your language and how you respond to people.



Does 'Google' ring a bell?


My interview is tomorrow and I just noticed I don't have a "DS-156K" form. I looked for it on the USCIS site and it doesn't even exist there. What am I going to do?

Do not make fun of me! I am highly damn stressed out! My interview is Wednesday. I leave at 1:30 in the morning this am by bus. If you can't help, then shut the hell up!

Most people ask questions on here when they need help. It is not a series of links to different Google searches or it would be rather pointless. People ask questions for different reasons and I tend to agree that if you arent saying anything helpful in response you really shouldnt bother. You didnt tell him where he would find the form real quick, you asked "if Google rings a bell"? which isnt the same.

I dont think anyone can blame him for his response to you in this case.
robburnsefcMaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-18 13:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsTouched Twice no NOA2 as yet
Tuesday and Wednesday this week, touched both days, then nothing. This week has really dragged and still nada...

Am I doomed???

Any other February filers had this from California SC?
robburnsefcMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-04 14:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWahoo! But has it gone further than I think?
Well, after being touched twice at the beginning of the month, there had been no movement at all according to the online case status. The letter we received today was from the national visa centre saying that an approved application had been received from the service centre and would be sent to the appropriate consulate inside of the next week.

I am delighted, but is it normal to hear from the NSC and not get anything from the service center in California? Shouldnt it also take about 4 weeks for it to reach the Service Center?

Not that it will prevent me from smiling!
robburnsefcMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-18 18:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOCTOBER FILERS
Well, I filed in September - 6th of September.

Then I got my forms back on 24th because, they said, I had sent one of the forms - for Advanced Parole, to the wrong center. I checked the instructions and couldnt find anything wrong. I called and eventually spoke with an agent in LA who said he couldnt understand either. He gave me a problem desk to send to at Chicago.

The application was accepted this time and the receipt date was down as 1st October.

I received my Employment Authorization on 9th November and my Advanced Parole around 27th October. so now I am sitting tight awaiting the rest.

Very strange but relieved to now have a work card and be able to go to UK for Christmas.......
robburnsefcMaleUnited Kingdom2007-11-19 11:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG325A Error Made - Worried!
THanks All, that was quick.

Amazing how the timings fluctuate for the same service centre and same countries. Will call the centre on Monday and get the papers out there. What's really annoying is that I called the helpline and was specifically told that the "Petitioner" should sign both. And, to clarify I checked that the petitioner was my US based fiance!

SO - I am expecting a problem. An "RFE" from what I can see on the board elsewhere.

Welcome to VJ. Sorry you have this happened. I got on line just before I mailed mine and this site really saved me some RFI'S I think.
It should only set you back a week or two at most. Don't worry and try to relax. If you ever need advice in here it is usually quick to get anwers here.

robburnsefcMaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-27 17:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG325A Error Made - Worried!
Oh dear. My Fiancee just posted our documentation to the centre in California. After calling the helpline centre at USCIS to check, she signed both G325A's and put her name on the bottom. One set has my details (UK citizen) and one set has hers. I only found this site today!!!!!

SO - I am expecting a problem. An "RFE" from what I can see on the board elsewhere.

Will this mean we have to resubmit everything, or just the document with the error on? Will this mean extra weeks - I read about marking a reply to the RFE in red pen etc. to make it go through asap?

Things are very tight as we set a date for the wedding of 28th july, and with 90 days in California and 90 days in London to process, I am worried we will not make it in time.

Thanks for your help. I feel really sick because if I had known about this site It could have been avoided, and now we are in danger of messing the wedding plans up!
robburnsefcMaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-27 16:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Timings Confused
Ok, so my K1 is underway, cheque is cashed, now waiting for NOA1.

BUt what I dont understand is, the USCIS California say that they are now processing K1s sent in in July 06 on their official list.

So how come there are lots and lots of applications past NOA2 that were filed after July 06 through the California Service Center?

I know this is not vital as long as mine is moving but am I getting the wrong end of the stick somewhere?

robburnsefcMaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-04 16:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo I need all origianl forms when I mail my info to my fiance??

Yes! When you mailed the first package you sent copies of the proof of having met within the last 2 years. The idea is that you mail her the originals of those documents you copied back then, add proof of ongoing relationship...and everything else that's explained in the guide Dawn mentioned.
Remember you'll have to write a new intent to marry, so that it is dated closer to the date of the interview
have you checked the embassy reviews for Brazil? http://www.visajourn...views/index.php


"Please obtain the original documents, or certified copies, listed in
instructions for Immigrant Visa Applicants for yourself and each family
member who will accompany you to the United States. All documents
that pertain to your petition are required, even if they were previously
submitted to the Immigration and Naturalization Service with your
petition. As you obtain each document, place a check before each item
on the following checklist."

From the UK Consulate site.

I have all of the airline tickets etc, and the letters. The photos were printed by us at home - I have photocopies of how they were sent and I can print out more copies. My only concern is the I129F and G325A which I have copies of - am I supposed to have signed duplicates of these or just copies of the ones I sent?
robburnsefcMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-20 17:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWedding Dates

We actually have went ahead and booked things (against all of the advise of every single person on here), but all of the vendors we chose are ones that will reschedule for no fees. Of course picking a new date would be a nightmare, but hey - that's only gambling a bit of stress, not thousands of $$$. All of the people we've ended up going with are very understanding. Like you say - our road to the alter is MUCH different than most.

I'm still hoping with all my heart that he's here by mid-August. Whether or not it happens remains to be seen. If London keeps up the current pace and CSC goes back to work - it very well may. Then again - if not - no airlines book for his family or anything like that. The dress will work regardless if it's a month or so late - it's always damn hot in Texas. Worse case scenario - an extra alteration there.

We're waiting to order invitations until closer to time. Truth is we'd already ordered them once and had to toss them because we changed venues for the reception. ALL weddings have stress, but HA! most brides have no idea, right ladies?

I did it. See some thread that took over the world when I started to panic. I am still panicking! But we have resolved to go ahead one way or the other with the planned wedding for a whole host of reasons. My fingers are tightly crossed as we speak as I am counting down to the end of July. If I had found VJ just a week earlier I would NEVER have planned the whole deal.

I dont know what is/was worse - the worry, or the scorn that is poured from a great height on this forum for doing it!
robburnsefcMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-29 18:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTravel to USA whilst K1 visa is in process

we brought a bank statement of pete's and a letter from his boss saying he was to return to the UK and come back to work. it's also a good idea to have a copy of your NOA1 with you if you already have it, that way you can prove that you've started the process and are attempting to do it the legal way. hope this helps :star:

I went through Atlanta last Thursday, armed with bank statements, mortgage statement, letter from My boss saying I was taking 3 days vacation, copies of my visa NOA1 and NVC letters, free to marry letter, police record check. This was to show that I had ties to the UK and also that I was going down the legal route of getting a k1 visa. The guy never even asked to see them, just wished me luck, told me his wife was australian, suggested I move to the US because of the weather. I came back on Monday.

I hear stories about Dublin being bad. I was detained there for about an hour last year but this was before I was engaged. They gave me hell because I was staying for 3 months. They interviewed me and gave me marriage guidance, suggesting that too many brits made a bit of money in property and went over to the US every few weeks for a month or two to stay with various "girlfriends", that it was not a good way to live a life and if I was serious about my transatlantic relationship I should pop the question and make an honest woman of her!!! I was really scared at first, then really quite flabbergasted at the speech. American Airlines said they were used to it there, and waited for me and 3 other passengers despite having got all the rest of the passengers on board.

Just be honest, show what a decent, law abiding citizen you are and that you wouldnt dream of disappearing as you want to do things properly - and you will be fine.
robburnsefcMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-31 14:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRunning Out of Time

UK - California K1 Application, NOA1 received 2/2/07. No further contact.

Well, it is coming up to 30 days now since NOA1.

I hope I pre-empted an RFE by submitting the correctly signed G325A for me with a covering letter marked with my receipt number and contact details.

HOWEVER - We have the wedding all arranged for the 28th July 2007 (booked it, packed it etc), and I really dont think now that it will all come through in time - it seems to me generally to take 90 days to the day for interviews etc which would put us inside of August.

SO - does anybody know if there is an effective way of contacting the consulate. Is it worth telling them this - I have evidence of all of the arrangements? Is there a chance of pulling forward the interview assuming all other things run smoothly?

Otherwise, would I have to leave the USA after the wedding and sit through another 6 months of isolation awaiting a spouses Visa?

Thanks for your help!

NOt sure if this thread will ever be read again, but as a message of hope, I have got my visa 25 days before my wedding. I have been extremely lucky and I am grateful to the contributors to and maintainers of this site for all of its instructions, guides and forums that made it go smoothly. I know this is only the first stage of the journey but it really is a big step when at one stage I thought hope of meeting the wedding date was gone!

Thanks again!

robburnsefcMaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-03 14:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRunning Out of Time

Are you saying that you are still shooting for a July 28 wedding in the US? You have not yet received your approval according to your timeline. Assuming that is correct, you still have to get from the CSC to the NVC to the consulate (4 weeks estimate), get all you documents, have the medical and wait for the interview date to be scheduled. Seems very very unlikely that all of that will happen in under three months and that's not taking into account any one of the other things that could happen to create a delay.

p.s. Do you realize that a European honeymoon is not an option immediately - you have to either have your green card or have received advanced parole before leaving the US. That takes time as well.

I was basing the honeymoon on our abandoning K1 and starting K3 - for which I believe I would have to return to Europe after the wedding. If we get hitched on a K1 (if by a miracle it happened in time) I realise I wouldnt be able to leave the US. However, for such a small country there are one or two places we could conside over there ;-)

Any way, I just got touched by a big hairy USCIS worker. SO it appears something is at least happening!
robburnsefcMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-01 18:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRunning Out of Time

I agree the post link that was given has nothing to do with this situation... and I did not mention it in my post... There has been posts on here in the last 2years about people having wedding parties before they enter on a K1 and them getting a hard time at POE.... I can not do a search for them as I am at work.... but I am sure they can still be found....

There is a very good reason for USCIS having printed on the K1 instructions the nothing should be planned until a visa has been issued.... if people choose to ignore that then they run the risk of finding themselves in the same possition as the OP.....


Well thanks for all of that, cant believe the response. I totally understand the "Wedding Party" route and it does seem possible even with a church wedding. (Just to add to the whole thinh I read about a couple in Georgia where the husband to be said he would get the license when they returned home to Ohio or somewhere and then disappeared - they had a wedding in church but she did not have to have any anullment to get rid of her wantaway hubby because it was never legal!). However, We have talked about it and feel that if we are lucky enough for things to start happening quickly then we will be ready (I think we have most of the stuff - I134, financial letters, criminal records check, relationship evidence - ready) and I will begin looking at the later things. I noticed that in some timelines there are delays in sending some paperwork so if we are ready we have a chance.

Failing that and having negotiated with my employer we will have enough money for regular flights from LAX to Manchester, a European honeymoon, Christmas in the UK etc to make it slightly bearable.

My biggest fear over the dodgy route is not the legality of it, but my ability to keep a straight face at POE where I feel guilty for breathing like an illegal alien sometimes!

Thanks for at least coming up with some ideas and some encouragement!

robburnsefcMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-01 14:59:00