United Kingdomwhat do you do?

For what it's worth - i found that taking any job (I worked in a sandwich shop for a few weeks) was so very much better than doing nothing around the house, and it certainly didn't prevent me from looking for other work while I was out. It also meant that I met people and - even though it was a small amount - there is a lot to be said for earning your own money.

I've said this before I think, but universities are outstanding places to work, and you can usually get entry level positions at them (unless you are trying the University of California at the moment, which is in a bit of a predicament). The other benefit is that you may be able to get help with tuition for graduate level education.

Thats a good idea with the university thing, when EAD comes through which would also benefit me greatly if it was able to help towards tuition etc as i know i need to do more schooling in order to become a teacher I did a BA in England but never got round to doing a PGCE so would need to look to what has to be done another thing i can do while board out of my mind when everything finally gets approved :)
A and JMaleEngland2010-01-14 12:54:00
United Kingdomwhat do you do?

Good to know there are others on here in the same situation... I have been married almost 2 months, am waiting for the EAD at the minute. We also only have 1 car - that my husband uses for work. Definitely get cabin fever a lot, live for the weekends and when hubby gets home from work.

As for what I do all day: I go to the gym on days when the hubby has time to run home drop me of & pick me up. Joined the library - lots of reading. Made holiday cards for just about everyone. Waste time on Visa journey...

I have friends who have gone through the same thing - not in my town though unfortunately. They said the waiting sucks, but now they have their GC's have found good jobs/are in college and are settled and have plenty of friends - their lives are really wonderful now.
Can't wait for everything to get moving - hopefully 2010 will be a good year for everyone.

so try and keep focused on that light on the end f the tunnel, when EAD etc is granted.

I think when it all goes through and i am finally over for good, i will start a hobbie something i have wanted to do for a long time but never had the time to do it, and i will be able to use the gym etc of the complex as i will be on the apartment agreement...anyway i guess right no I don't really have to worry about it as we still have a while to go before the process is completed

Hope everyone had a great holiday season and that this year brings many happy adventures
A and JMaleEngland2010-01-13 17:15:00
United Kingdomwhat do you do?
QUOTE (*julez* @ Dec 17 2009, 12:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Sousuke @ Nov 14 2009, 06:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I've posted this guide in a previous thread quite awhile ago regarding volunteering:

The following describes the U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Service (USCIS) interpretation of the concept of “work” versus “volunteering.”
• A foreign national cannot perform work as a volunteer in a position that would normally be a paid position or if the foreign national believes that some form of compensation will follow. The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) views such volunteering as “work” and requires proper employment authorization issued by that agency. This specifically includes volunteering by a foreign national for a trial period leading up to compensated employment.
• [A]n applicant for a change of status may not offer his or her services to a prospective employer, even on a volunteer basis. The employment is unauthorized as long as the alien derives any benefit from it. (Lawrence J. Weinig, INS Deputy Assistant Commissioner for Adjudications, 66 NO. 19 Interpreter Releases 539)
• In addition, the volunteer rule may give rise to a number of potential abuses. For example, may an employer lawfully suggest to an alien that he or she should do a period of 'volunteer' work while the employer is deciding whether or not to file a nonimmigrant visa petition or a labor certification application? Recently, the INS indicated that an applicant for change in nonimmigrant status could not offer his or her services to a prospective employer on a 'volunteer' basis. The INS has stated that: 'If any type of benefit could accrue to the alien, though it may not be wages or fringe benefits, the services will be considered unauthorized employment.' (89-05 Immigr. Briefings 1)
• Volunteer services for a prospective employer constitute unauthorized employment if the alien will ultimately derive some benefit from the work. The ultimate question in most volunteer cases will be: What did the alien expect in return? If he or she expected compensation, reward, or future benefit, then the volunteer work probably violates status. (95-05 Immigr. Briefings 1)

I just spotted this in another thread, which does clarify under what circumstances volunteer work is allowable without EAD. I was not previously aware of this. Quite interesting.

So, it does look like Kayte can't volunteer at the gym. However, if you want to do some other type of volunteering to keep yourself sane, that would be OK. So, you might want to look into other volunteer opportunites.

Thanks for that, clears things up a bit smile.gif

Kayte - how are you finding this Florida weather (there was snow back home this week:(), some days i don't even want to go out as its so humid and this is winter time i hate to see what its like in the summer, which is when my next trip over will be and hopefully by then the K1 will be approved. However i do try and push myself, I am lucky we have some nice walks even being in the city. I am starting to see the stuff i am going to miss though like public transport and the ability to walk most places.

One plan when i do get home and start working is to save as much as i can on top of the our visa fees this way i can get back into the arts side of things as i'll have to get new supplies or ship mine over...I have already made 1 quilt a couple of years ago so could try my hand at another..if all else fails scrap booking!!
A and JMaleEngland2009-12-17 17:45:00
United Kingdomwhat do you do?
QUOTE (nickandkayte @ Dec 16 2009, 07:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (nickandkayte @ Dec 16 2009, 12:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I got myself in to some fitness training so when I get my EAD I can teach classes. Would this be counted as working or just training? smile.gif I am not being paid and its classes as just training so the second the EAD comes through I am getting my qualifications and working. I passed my interview for the job yesterday and they are going to hold the position but I wasn't sure how the gov would see this?

Found the answer, so now I am sitting at home for 3 months with nothing to do again....Great mad.gif . No training, no anything. This is going to be so bad for me wacko.gif

That sucks, just when you think you are getting somewhere too...I hope your EAD comes through ASAP so you can get back out there
A and JMaleEngland2009-12-16 15:19:00
United Kingdomwhat do you do?
QUOTE (Jasman0717 @ Dec 15 2009, 06:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Dakine @ Dec 15 2009, 02:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Jasman0717 @ Dec 15 2009, 11:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Claudeth rearranges the house so when I get home I can't find anything blink.gif tongue.gif

Same problem. You ever find your toothbrush in with the silverware?
Filipino style. Out of sight, out of mind.
Worse thing is my wife doesn't remember where she put things.
I don't either as I don't put things anywhere.

I think Claudeth rearranges so much is because she forgot where things are at so redoes them to find stuff. Of course I am now looling for something in one place that I had to search for to find before and now it is some place else blink.gif

Thats how it is with my room in England, while at university i had 3 places i kept stuff (school, Camp in OK, and mums) now everything is back at mums I have to keep re-sorting that out as i have forgotten where everything is and so i can slowly bring stuff to my SOs with each trip so when the time comes to make the move i don't have a great deal of stuff to worry about.

A and JMaleEngland2009-12-15 18:21:00
United Kingdomwhat do you do?
I've defently been giving the place a womens touch lol...seeing the SO trying to find everything when he gets home, then he figures out where everything is just for me to find it a new home whistling.gif

Dakine: we have a gym in our complex so will defently make us of that I can see the wieght quickly growing if i don't.

not to long for him to get in this evening so get to spend the night...roll on this time next week as he has a week off smile.gif

A and JMaleEngland2009-12-15 18:10:00
United Kingdomwhat do you do?
QUOTE (Rhiann @ Dec 13 2009, 08:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I stayed there for 3 months, and now I'm here through K-1 waiting to get married.

I read ALOT. I think I hauled down about 10 long books and read like crazy.
Ask your SO if he has a library card for a neighbouring library, maybe you could borrow more books from there.

I used the computer alot too. I wanted to take up a hobby, but I was unsure as to what exactly. Still trying to find that hobby I want to do laughing.gif

What was hardest was wanting to just get out of the house and do something after he got home. Especially if he was tired. Those days were hard on me... since I'm in Southern Cali, it's hard to just go out and walk... I get scared haha.

yer i'm defo lucky in our location as we have most things like stores etc within walking distance and the place has hotel like facilities to go with florida weather smile.gif so will be able to use the pool and gym etc.

I'm gonna look into the girl scouts too when I get over as i am involved with them at home and the camps i worked out where girl scout ones, I just don't wanna feel like i am not doing anything all day why he is hard at work.
A and JMaleEngland2009-12-13 20:51:00
United Kingdomwhat do you do?
QUOTE (Jobel @ Dec 13 2009, 08:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (A and J @ Dec 13 2009, 09:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
haven't got the visa yet let alone the EAD the moment i'm on a 2 month stay...will defo work on getting the driving sorted if things go as planned, but don't wanna judge fate yet.

Owhhh sorry, I thought the NOA1 is for AOS.... good luck to your visa journey.

no worries, i'm just seeing what everyone gets up to when their other half is at work.

Not working is all new to me, have spent alot of time in the us but been allowed to work at a summer camp... I know i will get used too...will have to get used to it lol
A and JMaleEngland2009-12-13 20:27:00
United Kingdomwhat do you do?
haven't got the visa yet let alone the EAD the moment i'm on a 2 month stay...will defo work on getting the driving sorted if things go as planned, but don't wanna judge fate yet.

A and JMaleEngland2009-12-13 20:15:00
United Kingdomwhat do you do?
I have been doing a lot of reading, walks and computer stuff while my other half is at work and I know that there is likely going to be more times like this when he has to work and I am at his all day...

So i wanted to know what does everyone else do all day long when they are in the USA and their other half has to work?????


Edited by A and J, 13 December 2009 - 06:11 PM.

A and JMaleEngland2009-12-13 18:10:00
United KingdomQuestion of what am i looking for
My SO has just emailed me a copy as he filed his online so i just printed it out in uk a4 paper and attached a copy of his 2009 W2 so i hope that is ok along with some pay slips
A and JMaleEngland2010-03-23 08:38:00
United KingdomWedding Planning from the UK Chat
Davids bridal have another $99 sale until march 22nd just thought i'd let everyone no it starts on the 6th so take a look if your still looking for that perfect dress
A and JMaleEngland2010-03-03 08:22:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
Had my interview today, got to london embassy at 7:45 was the first I number of the day and was out again by 9:30 with an Approval...I can't believe its finaly over, well for this stage anyways. POE will be in either september or October and the wedding date is set for October 30th :)

Thanks everyone for all your help and support in this

A and JMaleEngland2010-07-15 14:30:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
Hay Sundrop my interview date has been changed to July 15th
A and JMaleEngland2010-05-04 16:53:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
ok so i got a new interview date after emailing the embassy today...July 15th at 8am

A and JMaleEngland2010-04-30 17:26:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
congrates on all the approvals :)

just phone london who gave me the email code, emailed them to change to the interview date so now just waiting to hear back from them, they said 3 to 5 days so we shall see.
A and JMaleEngland2010-04-30 07:29:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
I sent my papers back last week with a cover letter explaining that I will be out of country from June 9th to July first and therefor unavaliable for interview during this time. Phoned DOS yesterday and have been given an interview date for June 10th, just my luck so now need to go through all the pain of trying to get it changed. So I phoned london they said it will be ok, I just have to wait at least 2 weeks before phoning them back and changing it.

So it was exactly a week between them getting my papers and giving me an interview date just wish i could have made it but will be away :(. Will update you when I have been able to change it.
A and JMaleEngland2010-04-29 08:35:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
Sundrop, you can move me up to waiting for an interview date to as my Packet three was sent out April 20th got to the embassy april 21st :)
A and JMaleEngland2010-04-21 17:54:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
Had my medical today and also posted back packet three, so you can move me up to waiting for an interview date.

The medical was straight forward and easy to find. The doc was really nice, had a good chat got everything sorted out and needed no jabs :) they said if i don't hear from them by friday then my records will be at the embassy...I was in and out in an hour or so and had the appointment at 1pm, only one person there when we got there but a load there when we came out.

Good luck to anyone with a medical or interview coming up

A and JMaleEngland2010-04-20 16:46:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
thanks for the help and congrates to everyone on all the recent approvals :)
A and JMaleEngland2010-04-17 17:20:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
so quick question, i know its most prob been covered 100 times before but i am a little confused...when completing packet 3 what forms do we sign before sending it back to the embassy and what forms do we leave, I know the ds-230 and the ds156k have a don't sign below part so am ok with them but what about the DS-156 do we or do we not sign that one??

thanks for your help

A and JMaleEngland2010-04-16 18:32:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
Medical booked for april 20th :)
A and JMaleEngland2010-03-30 10:41:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
NVC got our case yesterday and I got my london case number today, they told me to phone back next week to find out if its been sent to i really hope this goes fast so i can get that much needed May or very early June interview date.
A and JMaleEngland2010-03-23 07:08:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
Congrates Moss and such a quick turn around from NVC to interview....Have a great trip and enjoy being reunited with your other half
A and JMaleEngland2010-03-22 05:22:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

That would be soooo awesome for you! I'm hoping my fiance is able to come over by June! So, you booked airfare in June and it was reasonably priced? If it was reasonably priced - Can I ask where you are flying out of and where you are flying to and what dates?

Congrats on NOA2 and best wishes for your speedy packet 3 and interview!

Not booked the flights yet, but when i do then it will be through either cheapair or ebookers to find out prices before going to the actual site. I''m not holding to much hope about an interview before June so thats why i haven't booked but as soon as i have an idea of when it will be then I will. I will more then likely be flying out of London gatwick and into either oklahoma city for my friends wedding 1st and then down to tampa, or just fly into tampa as i can always get a non-stop there and it may be cheaper, see the SO for a few days then go up to Oklahoma.
A and JMaleEngland2010-03-18 05:00:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
just wanted to say hi, as we just got our NOA2 trough today and now i am soo excited for this next step and hope that its goes fast as i have a trip to america in June and would love it if i didn't have to come back...but thats wishful thinking

good luck to anyone with upcoming interviews and medicals

A and JMaleEngland2010-03-17 15:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember filling
Thanks, for letting me know...don't worry its defo in there just me having a blond moment and forgot to mention it will go back and add that so no one else thinks the same.
A and JMaleEngland2009-12-02 17:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember filling
Just thought I'd get a thread started for all those filling this month as a way of support and getting to know other going through the process at the same time.

We are posting our I-128F today to VT, He's the US from Florida and I'm from good old England.

Well anyway good luck to everyone who has already applied or is getting ready to do so

A and J
A and JMaleEngland2009-12-02 13:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-129F sent & waiting.......
QUOTE (stephen_miha @ Dec 2 2009, 02:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
what about "letters of intent"? i read here and in the instructions of I-129F that these are required...

Thanks Stephen....we included two of the as well, one writen by him and one by me, both signed and dated...thanks again for picking that up
A and JMaleEngland2009-12-02 17:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-129F sent & waiting.......
What did we send?

Ours was around 40 pages, but did include skype history just for secondary evidence so that took up a lot of paper.

we included:
1. Cover Letter
2. personal cheque
3. Application I-129F + Question 18
4. G325A - 4 Copies of Petitioner & Beneficiary + One Passport Photo of Each
5. US birth certificate front and back

Evidence wise
6. flight confirmation for his planned trip in feb
7. my borading passes from my 2 trips
8. my visa stamps
9. 7 photos of us together and with family and friends
10. skype history

I don't think we missed anything out, we will soon see as it is going in the post today

Good luck in your application

A and JMaleEngland2009-12-02 13:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFirst step in a not so long journey
QUOTE (Angel and Gendy @ Dec 14 2009, 07:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The wait begins! We found VJ just a couple weeks ago and it was perfect timing, I was just about to give up and hire a lawyer, but with everyones help and frequent use of the search function...... We are on our way! It's nice to finally see one checked box in our timeline kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

Thanks VJ!

Congrates hope you have a quick process, go ahead and join the K1 december 2009 VSC thread as it will allow you to get to know others that filed this month and hopefully we can all support each other.

Good luck and welcome
A and JMaleEngland2009-12-14 08:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsPreparing
Good luck in the process, Just had to say goodbye to mine for 4 months and this will be the longest amount of time we have spent apart so not looking forward to it....but its comfating to know that there is now light at the end of the tunnel.

Good luck again, welcome to VJ and hope you have a speedy journey

A and JMaleEngland2010-02-17 15:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsGOT MY K-1 VISA FINALLY
Congratulations :thumbs:
A and JMaleEngland2010-02-23 11:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK 1 Visa


Congratualtions and good luck with the rest of the process
A and JMaleEngland2010-02-26 08:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiancee's K1 interview is this morning (China time)
good luck x
A and JMaleEngland2010-03-22 16:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsand the journey begins...!!!
there is already a march thread and i am sure they will be happy to have you.....Congrates on the start of your journey and good luck for a sppedy approval
A and JMaleEngland2010-03-23 08:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
more NOA2's congratulations guys....excited to hear all your good news x :dance: :dance: :dance:
A and JMaleEngland2010-03-08 16:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
congrates to all those that have gotten there NOA2's
A and JMaleEngland2010-03-01 15:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!

APPROVED!!!!!!!!!! Emails & text arrived this morning (morning in Aus) we had just opened my daughters birthday presents when Eric got the text...OVER THE FREAKING MOON!!!

Congratulations that awesome news, enjoy the day and good luck with the rest of the journey x x
A and JMaleEngland2010-03-11 18:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!
we sent ours off yesterday but using VSC, Good luck everyone and lets prayer for a fast turn around (wishful thinking)

A and JMaleEngland2009-12-03 13:04:00