Russia, Ukraine and BelarusIt's Biometrics time!
Julianna, Thank you for all your help!
MariyaFemaleUkraine2010-01-13 08:42:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusIt's Biometrics time!
I'll be back to US and my card will still be valid -45 days more. So I hope it's not gonna be too late to file I-90.
Julianna thanks again - now I have an idea of the process
MariyaFemaleUkraine2010-01-10 10:29:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusIt's Biometrics time!
Slim and Julianna Posted Image

Can I choose the date for biometrics?? or they schedule it automatically??
The thing is that it is time for me to apply for a new card (it says - apply 90 days before your old card expires) and I think I can do it electronically. However, I am out of the country at the moment and will come back to US only in 2 months. I don't want to miss my biom. appointment.

And I-90 form is all I gotta file, is that right?

Edited by Mariya, 10 January 2010 - 04:57 AM.

MariyaFemaleUkraine2010-01-10 04:54:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusIt's Biometrics time!
Hey guy,
I moved to US 2 year ago (green card holder through marriage). Now my 2-year green card expires and time to apply for 10-year green card.
Does anybody know if biometrics need for that? Since they took my photo and fingerprints two years ago??
Or I just fill out I-90 form??

Thank you
MariyaFemaleUkraine2010-01-08 10:21:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusCan we write off K-1 and other expense (ie airline tickets) on taxes?
NO you can't claim it on your taxes. The only immigration related decuction you could claim is adoption expenses of a foreign child.
MariyaFemaleUkraine2012-02-09 18:40:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow to deal with separation anxiety?
I can't say either way if they are supportive or not.. they were never excited about me moving to US. So they are just "sucking it up" realizing that I need to go back to the father of my kids and my husband..
MariyaFemaleUkraine2012-04-27 18:54:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow to deal with separation anxiety?
Thanks for your responses. I have skype and video talk to my ukr. family almost every day. But it is so sad that my parents cannot watch their grandkids grow.. My hubby and I have two kids (5 yr old and 9 months old). We have been married for 5 years and we have not taken a single vacation together 'cause I always wanna go home. It hurts to see how much my parents miss my kids and me. Every time when I am leaving Ukraine I am in agony - when I gonna see my parents again.. Life is soo short and it goes by without people you love next to you. My parents never gonna move to US- they have their house that my dad built with his own hands, my dad owns a business there and supports all the family over there. On the other hand I have a husband in US who does not wanna move to Ukraine and I understand why. I am a "home" flower. I always thought that I gonna live a mile down the road from my parents. Came here to US to work and experience new culture, but met my hubby, got married. when you are in your early twenties you don't think about your parents too much. Only now I realize and it hurts that they gonna grow old and there will be nobody to take care of them -
i mean proper care, loving care.
When I first moved to US I was told that homesickness will pass has been four years and nothing has changed for me.
I got a job this week. so I have less time to think of home..

Edited by Mariya, 26 April 2012 - 06:56 PM.

MariyaFemaleUkraine2012-04-26 18:51:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow to deal with separation anxiety?
I have been living in US for 4 years now. I have been going back home to Ukraine twice a year and stayed a month or longer each time. I just miss my mom, dad, bro and other family so much. I've realized though that it is gonna hurt my marriage if i don't stop going back all the time. My parents cannot come over here as mom is claustrophobic so she does not or will never be able to fly.
MariyaFemaleUkraine2012-04-22 23:40:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUkraine - extended stay
So is such airlines policy recent? 'cause I never had a promlem with Delta usignonly return portion. and i did not have a problem with domestic airline - it was Lufthansa who screwed us up. And i just caqn' justify paying $3 000 for a one way ticket for a kid.
MariyaFemaleUkraine2012-04-26 19:13:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUkraine - extended stay
Update - I made it to US a month ago - did not have any troubles at the passport control. I was asked to show my urkrainian passport - that was it. The only bump I had was to arrive at the airport around 3 am to find out that Lufthansa cancelled a ticket for my 5 year old as I booked a return ticket for him and was usuing only the return portion of it. My son was in ukraine and i went to pick him up. It cost me additional $1000 to get him on th eplane with me.. Never had tickets cancelled on me like that when flying with Delta etc..
MariyaFemaleUkraine2012-04-22 23:34:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUkraine - extended stay
I do not cross a border due to a few reasons:

1. I live in Kharkov (Eastern Ukraine)to far from Romania, Poland etc. and have a 5 months old baby that I am nursing - so kinda inconvenient to travel long distances . And I (as a bearer of US passport) need a visa to go to Russia which is geographically quite close to Kharkov.

2. I could leave my baby in Ukraine with my mom and say fly to Romania or Poland etc. In that case there is a possibility Ukraine won't let me come back -according to the law an american citizen can stay in Ukraine for 90 days within 180 day period only. And I've stayed here for 90 days by now.

So I have just decided to "zabit'" (my favourite russian slang word ?????? means "take it easy") and stay here as much as I need - until my flight (one more month). I moved from Ukraine to US 4 years ago and got used to think the "American way" - to follow the law etc. And forgot that in Ukraine there are more people that break the law then follow it. The laws here are made to break. For example, when I tell people in US that in Ukraine policemen can drive drunk as long as they have a "ksiva" (a license saying they work for the police) nobody believes me but it is 100% true, if you speed - you just "donate" $20-$50 to a cop and he will tell you - thank you and have a good day etc.

Anywho I got distracted again - I gonna stay here till my flight and come what may at the airport :))

Edited by Mariya, 05 February 2012 - 01:09 PM.

MariyaFemaleUkraine2012-02-05 13:04:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUkraine - extended stay
Gary&Alla, Baron555, thank you for your responses.

Gary&Alla "You do not incur any penalties such as entry bans for at least 180 days, but they are not going to just tell you that if you call. If you get my drift." -- That's what I thought, was nice to hear it from you to confirm my thoughts.

"can get you in touch with Tim, who Gary references above. He moved from the US to Ukraine and have been there about a year now. He goes by "Buckeye" something or other over on the RMP forum and has posted excellent how to live as an expat there" -- we had a thought to move to Ukraine at some point but my hubby, a country boy from TN, stayed here 3 months and was ready to go

Edited by Mariya, 04 February 2012 - 06:18 PM.

MariyaFemaleUkraine2012-02-04 18:13:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUkraine - extended stay
Update - I called Boryspol passport control services. They told me to go to a local passport agency and get a stamp extending my stay. I went to the passport agency they told me to go to the Immigration Services Center. There is NO phone to reach the center. So I just went there - the inspector in charge for my country was not there. I came next day - she said that there is no way to offically extend my stay and that the only way was to get paperwork ready (extended stay visa) when I was in the USA before I entered Ukraine.

And what is "funny" every time I call Boryspol saying that I am staying in Ukraine more than 90 days and asking what's gonna happen. They tell me I gonna have prombles. Every time I ask what kind of problems - a fine or a prohibition to come back to Ukraine? The answer is "just problems" and obviously nobody knows what kind of..

Are you kidding me? I spent three days "travelling" around the city (trying to find the time inbetween I nurse my baby). I get so mad that I get happy that I am not a citizen of this "wonderful" country anymore.

***A friend of mine in Ivano-Frankyvsk got her American spouse's passport stamped somehow (they are staying in Ukraine for 6 months)

Edited by Mariya, 27 January 2012 - 09:09 AM.

MariyaFemaleUkraine2012-01-27 09:04:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUkraine - extended stay
I could show Ukr. paasport when entering Ukraine (no problem with that) What about leaving Ukraine? if i showed my Ukr. passport when leaving they would ask for a green card which i do no tpocess any more.
MariyaFemaleUkraine2012-01-21 04:00:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUkraine - extended stay
I am kinda mad at myself. Why was I in such a hurry to get US citizenship?? If I still had my 10 year green card now - travelling to Ukraine and staying here would not be an issue. Now it turns to be a pain in the ... heel knowing Ukrainian bureaucracy.. Just needed to vent.. now feel better..
MariyaFemaleUkraine2012-01-20 13:52:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUkraine - extended stay
Anywho. Looks like I will go to OVIR or passport agency here in Ukraine - just to be on the safe side. It is gonna be time consuming and confusing. I am almost positive that for a bribe I would not have any problems at Boryspil. But you never know esp. I will be travelleing with kids and driving from Kharkiv.
MariyaFemaleUkraine2012-01-20 13:46:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUkraine - extended stay

a bit off topic, but did you have to give your ukranian citizenship up or they automatically take it away after you become a citizen of another country? and is it the same case with Russia?

American authorities do not care about your other passport/citizenship. Ukraine does NOT allow dual citizenship. Russia does. So looks like you will be able to have both citizenships.
MariyaFemaleUkraine2012-01-19 11:57:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUkraine - extended stay

I don't think that immigration issues can be resolved THAT easy. You have to know somebody "important" to be able to deal this way with immigration - even if we're talking about Ukraine.

Mariya, if you stay in Ukraine for longer than 90 days, you'll have to pay a fine. They might not let you in Ukraine next time. It used to be possible to leave Ukraine and go to Poland for a day - and then go back, I don't know if that still works.

I wonder how big the fine is?
People from Boryspol told me that I should have used my Ukrainian passport instead of American one when entering Ukraine. But I used my US one.
MariyaFemaleUkraine2012-01-19 11:54:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUkraine - extended stay
Alla, thank you for the prompt reply. I was wondering if there are any people that stayed longer in Ukraine and could share their experirnce at the airport. I called Boryspol passport control agency and they told me that a US citizenis are not allowed to stay longer than 90 days in Ukraine and if i do i will have "problems" when i will be leaving Ukraine. I just got my US passport so I was not really aware about this "law". I also have two small kids (5 months and 5 years)that will be flying to US with me - so i hope i won't be throwm in jail or something// lol.. Somebody told me that they may forbid me to come back to ukraine if i violate visa rules.
MariyaFemaleUkraine2012-01-19 07:45:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUkraine - extended stay
I am a US citizen - in Ukraine with two kids at my parents'. But need to stay more than 90 days - I am staying around 120 days. I do not have any visas. what is there possibly to happen at the airport? Thanks.
MariyaFemaleUkraine2012-01-19 06:41:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTourist Visa to US
My parents had their interview yesterday.. the officer told them they are approved for US visa. So my parents left the embassy.
How will they get their passports? They did not take a tracking number for passport delivery or anything - just left. All they have is the address of delivery office.
MariyaFemaleUkraine2012-11-29 13:43:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTourist Visa to US
As far as supporting documents go - I know that they do not need to be translated.. Can those be copies?

I just hate to think if my parents submit a n original of their house title and it would get lost.
MariyaFemaleUkraine2012-11-18 20:47:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTourist Visa to US
I have scheduled an tourist visa appointment (9am) for my parents in Kiev Embassy. Do you have to wait outside in a line just to get inside the embassy?

Somebody told my parents that there will be a huge line to get inside. I would not think you gotta stand in line for hours if you have appointment, right?

I have scheduled an tourist visa appointment (9am) for my parents in Kiev Embassy. Do you have to wait outside in a line just to get inside the embassy?

Somebody told my parents that there will be a huge line to get inside. I would not think you gotta stand in line for hours if you have appointment, right?
MariyaFemaleUkraine2012-11-18 20:45:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTourist Visa to US
I just filled out visa application. There was a question:

Have you ever committed a crime etc.....

I answered YES for my dad - he got in a fight about 20 years ago, he never went to jail, he was on probation though.

Does that mean he is most likely to get a denial?
MariyaFemaleUkraine2012-11-07 21:24:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTourist Visa to US
I called the service line and they referred me to a portal. where I can track my progress.. did you guys use it?
MariyaFemaleUkraine2012-11-02 21:04:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTourist Visa to US
Cool! There is a form DS-160 I think. can i fill that one out on their behalf?

Do the financial ties papers need to be translated ?
MariyaFemaleUkraine2012-10-25 19:39:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTourist Visa to US
My dearest VJ friends,

I dare to hope that my parents from Ukraine will come to visit me here in US for Christmas/New Year. I have been in the states for 5 years and none of my family tried to visit. My mom was/isclaustrophobic .. she went through some treatments,, had some drugs prescribed.. and now is planning to come see me :)))

Where do I start? What form do I need to fill out? Can I do it on my parents' behalf as they dont speak any English?

What are the chances they get their visa appl approved? They have been divorced on papers for years.

What documents they need?

Any advice will be GREATLY appreciated

Edited by Mariya, 24 October 2012 - 08:31 PM.

MariyaFemaleUkraine2012-10-24 20:29:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRUBbette Wives & Housework, si man

I can't tell if you are being sarcastic. :blush:

I can't say I was sarcastic.. Men indeed can do SO MANY things but there are things they can't... multi-tasking and giving birth to babies.. Posted Image
MariyaFemaleUkraine2012-02-12 11:29:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRUBbette Wives & Housework, si man

I say a woman cleans the actual toilet but the man cleans the floor around it, Why? Because he make a mess there, unless he consistently takes good aim. This requires calculating moment of angle, windage, barometric pressure, etc. Most of us men are not sharpshooters early in the morning.

Totally agree, men are the most amazing beings ever. They can do so many things women can't.
Posted Image

Edited by Mariya, 11 February 2012 - 05:43 PM.

MariyaFemaleUkraine2012-02-11 17:43:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRUBbette Wives & Housework, si man
My American hubby can clean the house but never does the toilets. Leaves it up to the Ukrainian labor.

Wait.. looks like this topic is about discussing RUB wives/hubbies. May I post about my American hubby sometimes?

Edited by Mariya, 10 February 2012 - 05:58 PM.

MariyaFemaleUkraine2012-02-10 17:57:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRUBbette Wives & Housework, si man

The time and involvement you have with your Mini-bone dealing with illness and discomforts probably does more to make the bond between parent and child an unbreakable one than all the party and 'fun' time!Especially at this age he is learning who he can trust to always be there for him. What he learns now will be the basis for everything else in your future relationship. He may not be able to articulate in words what he is thinking and feeling but he can read your feelings for him very clearly! Some day you will look back on these days and realize that even though sleep was sometimes a scarce luxury, you gained something far more valuable.

Totally agree. We had a premature baby - 2 lb 13oz or 1200g - never forget the feeling I shared with my husband when born on the 29th week our baby cried. His cry was the best thing we were praying for. Of course now I have to remind that myself when he keeps me up till 4am for no reason. And hubby flees to a different room saying he gotta work in the morning. Lol.
MariyaFemaleUkraine2012-02-09 05:42:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusVisa for 2 year old Ukrainian. Passport needed?
Forgot to mention - for tourist visa.
MariyaFemaleUkraine2014-07-20 23:12:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusVisa for 2 year old Ukrainian. Passport needed?
Hi guys, does a two year old Ukrainian need to have his own international passport to apply for us visa? Or can they stamp his USVisa into my sister's passport if approved? Right now his info is added to his mom's passport.
MariyaFemaleUkraine2014-07-19 14:48:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)The Kyiv Beat......
Delta did not upgrade me though I asked - they just apologized for the inconvenieces and said they will pay me $ 125 expense reimbursement when I mail them my receipts.

My bags were travelling all around Eurpe for 12 days. I saw Milano airport, Budapest airport labels...
Tough my itinerary was:
MariyaFemaleUkraine2008-09-09 06:04:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)The Kyiv Beat......
Today unexpectadly Delta rep. brought my bags. I am sooo happy..
12 days passed though...

Edited by Mariya, 31 August 2008 - 03:50 PM.

MariyaFemaleUkraine2008-08-31 15:49:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)The Kyiv Beat......
Brad, I will let you know. I fly back to US in 2 weeks.
MariyaFemaleUkraine2008-08-29 02:16:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)The Kyiv Beat......
Can you believe, Delta did not find my baggage though i had personal tags with my name and address and paper inside with all my details.. and i had only one stop in NYC-Kennedy.. They asked me to fill otu a lost baggage form and that's it for now.. i dunno what they gonna reimburse..

Do you think I should insist on an upgrade of my return flight or they never do things like that over lost baggae?
MariyaFemaleUkraine2008-08-28 15:53:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)The Kyiv Beat......
should I just save check of some clothing I buy and then mail those checks yo Delta?
MariyaFemaleUkraine2008-08-22 03:37:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)The Kyiv Beat......
Hey Brad,
Thanks for the reply.

I flew from Nashville, TN to Kiev via JFK. 4 days passed and they are still looking.. I had to buy clothes, some toiletries... anywho I am upset but still hopinhg for the best..
MariyaFemaleUkraine2008-08-22 00:59:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)The Kyiv Beat......
The airline (Delta) lost my two pieces of luggage cause I arrived 4 days ago and my two suitcases have not been located yet.
what happens if the won't find it at all? Or what should I do? Who happened to be in this situation?
MariyaFemaleUkraine2008-08-21 23:44:00