CaribbeanHelp interview tomarrow

Walmart...get a cheap printer! :)

inlovesalemFemaleCanada2013-09-23 20:23:00
ChinaName change after marriage

What is so weird about having a Chinese first and "American" last name?  Now if her name was going to be David D David, or Jon J Jon, or somehting that would be

inlovesalemFemaleCanada2013-09-26 12:34:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionwearing Jewelry to the interview engagement and wedding ring do not leave my finger, why would she not wear it? And why wouldn't you be allowed to?? 

inlovesalemFemaleCanada2013-10-06 20:00:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNaughty emails

Actually most Sept filers are getting interviews before their ead card

inlovesalemFemaleCanada2013-11-01 16:40:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNaughty emails

since you are married, you should show other evidence at the AOS interview.

study the ROC instructions a bit, and pare it back, for the AOS set.

Darnell, thanks a bunch!! (sorry hadnt even seen your response before now, !)

inlovesalemFemaleCanada2013-11-01 11:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNaughty emails

Do you have a MA drivers license with the same address as his? How about a couple of affidavits from people who know you? 

No I don't have an MA DL, as I don't have a SSN # yet :/



I entered on a B2 Visa In December for 2 weeks over Holidays, and he asked me to stay longer at that time and proposed 3 weeks before I was set to leave again, and I ended up staying and adjusting from here.

Oh and yes we sent pics, affidavits from friends/family and banks statements with our package


DIDN'T send a copy of Health Insurance though, will most likely bring that to interview as well, if asked. Girlfriend of mine wasn't asked to bring anything to her interview..weird... 

Edited by inlovesalem, 01 November 2013 - 11:46 AM.

inlovesalemFemaleCanada2013-11-01 11:43:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNaughty emails

nsa has already read your emails.  tongue_ss.gif

Then they will see how much we enjoy one another...LOL 


His bank card is also a credit card, don't know if that helps, and we've been too lazy to see if they will accept me on auto insurance without being a citizen, so I'll assume I can...Oh we have lots of pics, but again, do they have to include clothes?? lol, kidding, best way for us to show pics is actually FB and my cell as they are dated....hoping I could show my cell for pics.

inlovesalemFemaleCanada2013-11-01 10:40:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNaughty emails

Buahhahaa, you guys!! yea I'm def not concerned about the interview, until I started thinking, man, if they ask us for stuff like emails, I REALLY wouldn't know what to do. 


Massholes unite! 


Only thing I am on is health insurance and bank account, (and the bank account almost didn't happen because I don't have SSN# and they ask me every time I go in if I have one yet), so hope that is enough until I get SSN#, as Septemeber filers are getting interviews already before EAD


inlovesalemFemaleCanada2013-11-01 07:38:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNaughty emails

After answering a topic this morning, I started to wonder...


Do they really ask for emails at interview? I mean, why I ask is, well, 99% of ours is quite graphic (if you know what I mean), and well, we don't really email or text besides that, as I've been here most of the time. We met online yrs and yrs ago, and when we decided to start dating we talked on phone mostly, some naughty chats, and I'd visit, when I returned home between visits, we'd you know, *cough* keep each other, but most of our REAL talks have been face to face when I was here visitng, so honestly don't have much "every day talk" to God, could only imagine what they would think if we printed out our conversations online!!!!

Edited by inlovesalem, 31 October 2013 - 07:32 AM.

inlovesalemFemaleCanada2013-10-31 07:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVISA APPROVED!!!!!


inlovesalemFemaleCanada2013-09-27 07:15:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionCanada sealed criminal record - applying US Greencard/ Citizenship

If there was no court date, then I would guess that the charges were either dropped, or they used scare tactics on you...which I'm assuming worked since that is your last "possible" encounter with the

My cousin has charges against him from when he was 16 for punching his father. He could NOT enter the US until they paid THOUSANDS to a lawyer to get the ban lifted. 

Edited by inlovesalem, 25 September 2013 - 06:48 PM.

inlovesalemFemaleCanada2013-09-25 18:43:00
CanadaA# from I-94?

Thank you Autumnal!

inlovesalemFemaleCanada2013-07-02 08:56:00
CanadaA# from I-94?

Thank you Harpa!

inlovesalemFemaleCanada2013-06-25 12:09:00
CanadaA# from I-94?

Filing out forms and noticing they are asking for my A# that can be found on a I-94 I'm sure some of you know we don't always get one of these while crossing the border. 

I didn't and now I'm not sure what to put in my information when asked for that? 

Is there any way to find this out? and if not, what happens if we don't fill that number in in our AOS package?

Many Thanks 

inlovesalemFemaleCanada2013-06-25 06:57:00
Canadacanadian debt collectors

That is crappy, hope you get it all straightened out. 

Edited by inlovesalem, 22 September 2013 - 08:41 PM.

inlovesalemFemaleCanada2013-09-22 20:35:00
CanadaHow did you prepare?

Oh, I know.  I guess i wasn't clear.  Tone gets lost on the net, but that was a sarcastic 'because there's not.'  The idea that French people should stay in Quebec really upsets me.

I see, and I agree! Yea I lost the

Edited by inlovesalem, 18 October 2013 - 07:27 PM.

inlovesalemFemaleCanada2013-10-18 19:25:00
CanadaHow did you prepare?

Because there isn't an officially bilingual province outside of quebec, there aren't pocket communities of francophones in Ontario and all the maritime provinces (I'm sure there are some in the other provinces and territories, too, I just don't know about them as much).  Sorry, but I'm actually quite offended by some of your implications.

And honestly?  Some of the best seafood I've ever had was bought off the side of the road and I've found the best way to determine the freshness of meat in a butcher shop is to watch the foot traffic.  For example?  Best cheap meat in Toronto?  Chinatown.  So many people buying meat that it doesn't have time to go bad.  Either freeze it as soon as you get home or cook it immediately to be sure, but I used to be a butcher and it was one of the best known bits of information amongst butchers here.  If you weren't looking for a specialty cut, just go to Chinatown on Spadina.  Most of the seafood there was fresher than the white fishmongers, too.  The trick with fish is to watch the eyes.  Shellfish with opening and closing shells should be tightly closed and should pop open when cooked.  Crab and stuff is harder, so I never buy dead crab or lobster unless it's been flash frozen at sea.  Meat smells different when it goes bad, too.  VERY different.  

Actually New Brunswick is officially bilingual. All signs must be in both French and English, and not easy to find any good paying jobs without knowledge of both official languages...only in private sector, and even then...

inlovesalemFemaleCanada2013-10-18 13:24:00
CanadaHow did you prepare?

Moved from NB to Mass...not a huge dif, besides the food taste funny at first. And the prices on some groceries a lot cheaper. Do most of our shopping in NH no tax. It's really just like a heavier populated NB around where I live. Oh and was in shock I didn't have to drive 2 hrs to the nearest "big" mall, even Moncton has nothing on the malls all within 20 min drive from here...

inlovesalemFemaleCanada2013-10-17 10:25:00


inlovesalemFemaleCanada2013-11-06 17:24:00
CanadaI miss Canada a lot lately. I've started hoarding all the Canadiana I can to bring to the U.S. How do you commemorate your homeland?

Thankfully I only moved a tad south from NB, and still get to enjoy the seasons and it's really not that huge of an adjustment...except the food and STRONG A** drinks here....Joe's Crab Shack..$2 Hurricanes, half the drink gives me a GOOD buzz


Besides family, I miss Becel the most...LOL

inlovesalemFemaleCanada2013-10-19 12:53:00
CanadaCanadian Income Taxes Paperwork


Wow that's an eye opener, I hadn't even thought about this yet. Thank you so much for bringing this up! I'm a little upset to have to start fresh in my 30s, but at least it's not going to become a shock when I'm there. Again, thank you!


Thanks to all who have replied about my income tax papers, your help is appreciated.

I know how you feel, I had left my ex 4 yrs ago and had just started my own credit (which was great before moving to US), and now have to start all over again, but have also heard a great way to start is to get a secured Credit Card like they give students. I'm not going to go on my hubby's credit cause before I moved down he was horrible at remembering to pay anything, so his isn't as good as I would like mine to be..LOL

inlovesalemFemaleCanada2013-11-06 17:12:00
CanadaCanadian Income Tax Faux Paw. PLEASE HELP ME OUT

No, they won't take your passport....I'm still in limbo with them over child tax benefits they think they overpaid me, from 3 yrs ago. I've adjusted my status no problem. 

inlovesalemFemaleCanada2014-04-22 06:59:00
CanadaQuestions about Canadians overstaying in USA

Only time we get an i-94 is if they stamp us to leave by a certain date (happened to me my third trip down). 

We didn't chance having any problems adjusting status and got married 6 months to the day I entered last time.

The type of work I was doing I didn't have to be in the country, so in the last 2 yrs, I've been in the US more than Canada 23 months out of 24...... we were approved on the spot. 


(and yes we were also concerned about the amount of time I had spent here as well, but it was never an issue)


((not saying this will be the case for everyone))

Edited by inlovesalem, 22 April 2014 - 07:07 AM.

inlovesalemFemaleCanada2014-04-22 07:06:00
CanadaOrdering Canadian Food Products Online

I just brought home a bunch of No Name Honey Garlic Sauce, Catelli Meat Sauce and Becel.....Cant find Honey Garlic sauce(for cooking chicken wings in) ANYWHERE here!!


Oh and Sheriff Lemon Pie filling

Edited by inlovesalem, 22 April 2014 - 07:10 AM.

inlovesalemFemaleCanada2014-04-22 07:09:00
CanadaOrdering Canadian Food Products Online



Anyone know how to get some Lady Ashburn/pickled beets and Chow in the US??? I've asked several local canners at craft shows and word of mouth and no one even knows what I am talking about!! I love to cook and bake, but have never taken a liking to Canning.


inlovesalemFemaleCanada2013-11-24 07:39:00
CanadaOrdering Canadian Food Products Online


I still call it kraft dinner after 8 years of being here. lol They call it mac n cheese here in the south.

I'll never stop...hahaha


Just a heads up to anyone who loved Tim Horton's choco covered macaroons, I found TurkeyHill Coconut almond fudge Ice cream and it tastes almost exactly like them :)

inlovesalemFemaleCanada2013-11-06 17:08:00
CanadaOrdering Canadian Food Products Online

I think most dairy products cost a lot more on the east coast of Canada compared to the West!!  

I wouldn't argue that! Even my flights here from Fredericton NB, would be 1000+ round trip (cheaper if we kept an eye out on flights beforehand) meanwhile my girlfriend flew down in August from Toronto and only paid 150 bucks round trip...what a rip off!!


Couldn't believe a flight for two, from Boston to Charlotte NC was only 239 round trip!! Woop! I see a lot of sightseeing in the USof A in my near future!

inlovesalemFemaleCanada2013-10-16 18:09:00
CanadaOrdering Canadian Food Products Online
I do have to say though, the price of shredded cheese here is sooo cheap, I couldn't believe the price difference, what would cost 7 bucks in NB, costs 1.89
inlovesalemFemaleCanada2013-10-16 10:43:00
CanadaOrdering Canadian Food Products Online

I still call it Kraft Dinner.  I get funny looks here too when I say that.

Not a big KD eater, but do like an occasional bowl once in a blue moon, was very disappointed that it didn't taste the same...maybe it's because I use butter down here instead of Becel? Still having hard time adjusting to no Becel...LOL

inlovesalemFemaleCanada2013-10-15 21:31:00
CanadaOrdering Canadian Food Products Online
So, was I the only one that called "Kraft Dinner", just that? Kraft Dinner? Or Krappy Dinner...K-D, cause when I said Kraft Dinner down here I was looked at like I had two heads....I guess it's called Mac n cheese.....
inlovesalemFemaleCanada2013-10-15 20:21:00
CanadaOrdering Canadian Food Products Online

Honestly I haven't tried Lactania, or the I can't believe it's not nutter spray. But now I am craving Becel on toast.  lol

inlovesalemFemaleCanada2013-10-06 20:45:00
CanadaOrdering Canadian Food Products Online

DO NOT GIVE IN TO" I can't believe it's not butter"!!!!  Please, as a fellow Canuck, stay strong and find a better alternative...buahahhaaaa


I call it " i can't believe people eat this #######" but that's just me

inlovesalemFemaleCanada2013-10-06 20:39:00
CanadaOrdering Canadian Food Products Online

We are actually having a vaguely frantic discussion of this right now.  She uses I can't Believe it's Not Butter.  And eeeeeew.  Unless it's very different in the US, the only one I hate more is Lactantia. right...... I've been buying the "Land O Lakes" Olive Oil Butter in small tub as a replacement, you may want to consider checking that out. Closest thing I can find that doesn't make your toast all soggy...yuck.... 

inlovesalemFemaleCanada2013-10-06 20:30:00
CanadaOrdering Canadian Food Products Online

They don't have Becel in the US?  *stare*  But... delicious olive oil Becel!

I'm serious........ and please don't rub it in.....that is what I used to buy, the Olive Oil..Mmmmm...darnit!! :P

inlovesalemFemaleCanada2013-10-06 20:11:00
CanadaOrdering Canadian Food Products Online

I've stayed with Hellman's Mayo and don't find a difference at all, my biggest cooking issue is BUTTER...I miss BECEL!!! I was shocked to see it wasn't available here!! 

inlovesalemFemaleCanada2013-10-06 20:03:00
CanadaOrdering Canadian Food Products Online


Only $18 on amazon,lol  and that includes the shipping,lol

better than 22 on!!! lol

I have been in the US for 2 and a half months now and I can't believe the things I took for granted up in Canada. I have had a few break downs at the grocery store because of the things I can not seem to find... The latest being Molasses.... Thank gosh my Dad is coming for a visit in a few weeks. He almost needs to bring a small suitcase just for me, for all the things I need.

I found Crosby's Molasses at Market Basket!!! It's in a plastic "jar" instead of a carton

inlovesalemFemaleCanada2013-09-30 10:02:00
CanadaOrdering Canadian Food Products Online

I want my Shirriff lemon pie filling!!!!!! Daughter brought me 3 boxes on her last visit down...Mmmmm, nothing compares

inlovesalemFemaleCanada2013-09-30 08:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOMG NOA2 baby!! :)


inlovesalemFemaleCanada2013-09-19 07:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFinally, 376 days later, visa approved!!


inlovesalemFemaleCanada2013-09-23 19:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsPlease any Information about The meaning of this Msg

Call me stupid, but do Visa numbers only change if changing the type of Visa you are filing for eg K1 to AOS? It will change? Assuming concurrent filers do not get a new visa number..

inlovesalemFemaleCanada2013-11-13 14:03:00