IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI 129 F
It was the best choice for us because we didn't want to wait, but it does cost more and it means more paperwork. If you can wait a couple months longer then it may not be the best choice for you financially. It may or may not be a faster way to be processed either. Sometimes the I 129F is not processed BEFORE the I 130.

Edited by Rings, 03 January 2009 - 12:42 PM.

RingsFemaleAustralia2009-01-03 12:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAlert NVC changed processing for cuba
Miriam, I am sorry for your situation and what you have had to go through. That only goes to show that people are too quick to judge others based on what they THINK they know as opposed to what the real facts are.

None of these people know you and none of these people understand what you have had to go through in order to be with your love. I am sorry that they are insensitive enough and so overly self absorbed in their own losses to care about another person in this world. This only shows you how selfish that people really are. Most of these people come in here to get support or questions answered and whine and cry over their situation and they would get a different result than you have gotten simply because of your timeline. I am sorry that you are being descriminated against because the government saw it fit to process your petition any faster than anyone else. I am sorry that people feel that it is appropriate to insult you because they feel that you have had it better than they have.

It completely blows me away that these people cannot simply be happy for anyone else and yet when they wish to celebrate their victories, they are all too quick to seek out celebration from others. I am sorry for the reflection these people put those of us who are genuine in the world and those of us who do care about other people.

I am sorry that he can not even man up and apologize for his lack of respect toward another memner and his inability to show compassion. Please remember that despite all theses insentive people, there are some of us who do understand your heartache.

JK is a jerk. and in response to the VJer that said i didnt start the papers till march FYI I went to a lawyer on January 21st and payed her 400 dollers to start my papers she ended up screwing me over and didnt send my papers till march 9th but i didnt find out about this till i called imigration and asked them what day they recived my petition.

Hey Miriam,
one should know better than to call people names. I don't think JK tried to insult you. Even if he did, WWJD?
Yes your situation sucks, and I am sorry for you BUT that is not a good excuse...
Make peace, not war. Lighten up.
And good luck with the rest of your journey.


WWJD? Hmmm Odd thing to post coming from someone who obviously didn't read the thread well enough to know who was insulting who here. WWJD? Hmmm I think that Jesus would "Do unto others as if you would have them do unto you" or wait.. how about the "Love thy neighbors"... pffft i could go through and entire thread on the things Jesus would do and find hundreds of examples of how people should be treated.

She has been unrightfully mistreated here... I think he did insult her and I feel that she has every right to insult him back. READ IT BEFORE YOU POST...

It's not her fault that his 'little man' syndrom over rode his ability to take her feelings into consideration simply because he had to wait longer (boo hoo). It's not her fault that he felt inclined to kick her while she was down all for his own personal satisfaction of rubbing it in that her paperwork was treated differently than his... that was a personal attack because he is angry over a governement process... not because he thought about her personal feelings on the matter.

He didn't have to sit here and tell her that she didn't have anything to be upset over and to suck it up because it could always be worse... He is an insensitive ####### and I will insult him because I don't give a hell about what Jesus would do. None of you people know her and this is a place of support for someone who is going through the same ####### we are.

Visa Journey IS about the journey and this is her journey. If you are entitled to be upset then so is she and none of you have any right to personally attack her and if you do attack her, then she has every right to defend herself and tell that jerk to piss off.
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-06-11 02:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAlert NVC changed processing for cuba

this is not getting us anywhere. thank you all for your input, especially yours rings. i love that you need to use vulgarity to express a thought.

i stand by my criticism but don't want to hijack this thread and the important point of the original post which was to inform everyone going through cuba that the rules have changed. according to the original post, the nvc is requiring more documentation to be sent along with the DS230 such as birth, marriage cerificates and police reports.

this sudden change has been reported by others going through other embassies so it would be wise to call the nvc BEFORE sending the ds230 to double check. don't assume that all you need to send is a copy of the passport since the nvc changes the rules whenever they see fit without notifying anyone.

I am blown away by you. You could have taken your thoughts of her situation and refrained from saying words that stung to intentionally hurt her. You could have stated what you said in this post in the beginning and held your tongue when it came to your opinion on how she has more "luck" than others, but you didn't. You are the reason that this thread strayed from it's original meaning in the very beginning and now you are making a futile attempt to recover the original meaning of this post without having to explain your position behind your statements in an effort to wave your hurtful words off. If anyone "hijacked" this thread from it's original purpose, then it was you.

You are entitled to your own opinion and you are entitled to express your anger or hurt at any given time, but to come into this thread and smear someone who is hurting into the ground just because the government saw them differently is completely out of line.

Vulgar words are used as a means of expression toward a feeling where emotion cannot be adequately expressed through words that have less of a harsh tone and impact to another human. I felt every ounce of that expression so I used the appropriate words to describe how I felt. There isn't a word sharp enough to define how horrible your insensitive thoughts toward another person in pain made me feel and quite honestly, I don't regret what was said any more than you regret your actions of kicking another member while they were already down.

If this was your wife and she was upset because of a situation that you could not control and it meant that you had to spend even one more extra day without her because of something the government could have notified you of, then I would like to think that you would see this situation in a different light.

You are with your wife, you have made this journey. You are in a place that we all want to be in... just the same. If something bad were to happen to you and you had to be separated again, I would express sorrow to you for your loss. I would not sit here and tell you that you should feel lucky that you got some time with your wife before it happened. I would not sit here and tell you "Well hey, it could be worse!"

I am glad that you did not have to go through a loss of time because you caught the change in the system before it affected your case. I am relieved for you that you did not lose a day, an hour, a week or a month. I am thankful that you have been given the chance to be able to kiss her lips and touch her hair. I am glad that you can sit together on this day and wipe a tear from her eye and hold her and comfort her. I am so happy for your joy in that you can wake up with her in the morning and have dinner with her at night.

I am sorry you had to wait longer than others to get that. I am sorry that you had to go through the rape of the government system in order to have the honor that you have today. I am saddened that anyone is forced to "prove" their love and the validity of their relationship to some person sitting in an office who has no clue who these people are. I am sorry that you had to wait an hour, a day, a week, a month... I am sorry for your pain in your process.

What you said to her was needless and hurtful and mean and lacked understanding to the reason she is upset. She should be thankful of the speed of her process, but that does not mean she is not entitled to hurt for another day robbed of her either.

(Every day without you Loke, is a day closer to you and yet... it is still a day without you that I can never get back. I will remember our pain and I will never forget the importance of an hour with you. You are the other half of me.)
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-06-10 09:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAlert NVC changed processing for cuba

I am surprised to hear such strong and ugly words by you Rings. I know that every day of waiting hurts but you don't have right to sue JK. He was waiting 5 months for petition to be approved. May be you can't imagine how he was feeling and you forgot how you were feeling before a week. It is so ugly. What you will say for my family. May be we don't have sufficient information about validity of our marriage too (we are married from a year and we have a child). The policy of USCIS is so discriminatory, cruel and inhuman. There is not difference among the feelings of people from different nationality. Really it is not fair someone to wait 5 months and other to wait 10 months without no reason. Please don't be rude. It hurts.

Did you read this whole thread? I have not said one ugly word to anyone outside of a person who didn't care about another persons feelings. I have never bad mouthed any one in this forum nor have I forgotten about my pain or any other persons pain. Look at my last post before this. Does that seem unsupportive to anyones loss or situation? Am I throwing the immigration discrimination laws into her face as if it was some form of valid argument on my part? Clearly not...

Look, this thread was started because someone who is also ahead of me and was processed before me was sad because of a circumstance beyond her control. I am not here to break anyone's spirits down and I have done nothing of the sort.

You are complaining to me of the same thing that he has done. Your post is conflicting of the original reason for my anger and upset. You are seriously telling me that my defense to her feelings is wrong because someone else was processed slower than her... well tough.

"Maybe I can't imagine how he is feeling" is quite the opposite of the reason I am upset. I suggest that you read through this thread again. I did not in any way accuse him of having any less or any more than anyone else. I simply stated that he has no right to lay thick judgement and lack of compassion on someone simply because the governement choose to process her faster than him. This is not an attack on him my fair lady.

No one here made the laws ok. It does not matter why others are treated better or worse, what matters is that we are all stuck in the same place and feeling the same thing.

Some people like to go up and some people like to go down
Some people like to stay right in the middle
Nevertheless we are all stuck on the same elevator listening to the crappy music that no one knows how to turn off.

i was defending her because she is sad about her circumstance. I would do the same for you despite where you were in line and how the governement treated you.
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-06-10 00:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAlert NVC changed processing for cuba

In the interests of stopping this from spiralling any further I will throw myself in the line of fire and say that I would gladly trade places with each and everyone of you...with regards to timelines, of course.


And you know what? I support you and I am sorry the government has sucked for you *Hugs*
and I hope it gets better and I hope that they suddenly find your case and everything falls into place and because they screwed up, I hope they process you sooner and push your case through.

i hope that your spirits rise and that things work out and I hope for you and that is why we are here... to hope and help each other.
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-06-09 22:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAlert NVC changed processing for cuba

miriam, first of all, my comments were not dictator like. if they had been i would have said, shut your mouth, you don't have a right to vent.
but since i'm not a dictator, you have a right to complain just like i have a right to criticize you. i'll state it again so that you can's not fair that the nvc changes the rules in the middle of everything without notifying anyone.
however, life isn't fair and you won't get any simpathy from me for complaining that your process could take an additional few weeks when you really haven't waited as long as others have. you're upset and want to express it? good for you. i say, keep things in perspective, it could be worse, a lot worse. you could be like xuemei who has been waiting for 10 months without a NOA2 approval and without an explanation as to why there is a delay.
this process is not fair, deal with it. even with this delay your case will be finished a lot faster than most so your whining is falling on deaf ears, at least mine.
you are right about this...this forum was not created so that you can read what you want to "hear". this forum is great for gathering and sharing information but not everyone is going to agree with you or even sympathize with you. you may not believe this but i sincerely hope that you can get the additional documents like i did quickly and send it to the nvc so that you can keep the process moving. while it stinks that the rules have changed, you aren't going to get a "poor baby" from me for having to wait a few more days

If it was you, we would all have to hear about how unfair it was for you. I think the person that needs to change perspective here is you buddy.

Maybe she did her paperwork better than you and you ###### sucked at yours... you ever think of that? Maybe she had more proof of the validity of her relationship whereas the governement is suspecious of you...

Maybe she had someone who was sitting at a deak and was in a good mood while you got the pissy one who woke up on the wrong side of the bed...

The reality here is that you don't know why she was approved faster than you and why should she be any less upset than anyone would be given her circumstances? Just because you have to wait does not make it her fault... Just because you have to wait does not entitle you to look at the other cases that are process and lay your thick judgement on them because of your own selfish jealous thoughts.

She still has to ache for her man like the rest of us people in here and your lack of compassion to see that just shows everyone here what a royal dumbass you are. You can sit there and look at everyone who may have had "better luck" and think "well what do they have to feel bad for, at least they aren't still waiting" or you can choose to support the people in here that are going through the same pain that you yourself should know and understand. If you don't understand that pain in one day or one year, then maybe people should be questioning why you are here.

When you are upset because somthing happens regard to your case, I would support you despite if you were in a better situation than me or not. You are only showing people that you are not willing to do that for another person. If this was your wife, then you would beat the ####### out of an ####### for talking to her like you are talking to this fine lady here... if your wife was in tears because of missing any moment with you, you would see this different.

You have no right to judge people based on how the government has processed their case. You have no right to judge anyone for that matter. You are only making yourself look like an idiot and if this is how you think, then I feel sorry that your wife has to put up with you.

I agree with jediknight, you got married in january and you didn't even send the 130 until march. Your case will be done very soon. Your husband will be in the states in a few months. Be patient. Most Cr1/Ir1 cases take a year or more, it looks like yours will take only 5 months. Good luck and I'm not trying to sound like an a$$hole. I hope your momentum keeps up. :thumbs:

You are the same. All of us have our waiting time and all of us have our poain and all of us have to suck it up and deal with it and all of us have good and bad. You would want support if something upsetting happened to you. You would not want discrimination because the government choose to push you through faster than anyone else and quite frankly you people make me ###### sick.
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-06-09 21:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAlert NVC changed processing for cuba

who's blaiming her for marrying a cuban? complaining about how inept the gov't is is one thing, no one is criticizing that. the ability for the nvc to change the rules in the middle of the game without notifying anyone IS unfair. i should know since it happened to me. the nvc didn't notify me, they just decided to request more documentation for whatever reason. thank God that i found out in time, made the necessary changes and avoided any delays.
but to complain that it will add a few more weeks to their already extremely short CR1 timeline is beyond ridiculous and frankly insensitive to those that have been seperated from their loved ones for close to a year or more. in the end, even with this dealy, their process will be 3-4 times faster than other folkes. so instead of whining, she should be grateful for the preferential treatment they are getting.

To JK in response to your dictator like comment:

I’m really sorry that others have to wait so long but I have just as much right as anyone to complain about my situation. If you don’t like it then don’t read it no ones forcing you and your way out of line for thinking that you can tell me that I cant express how up set I am about the fact that I wont be able to be with my husband as soon as I thought. You or anyone out there has no right to say that just because your case is worse I have to shut up and not say a word. Dam* it I’m upset and I want to express it. Were in America I will express myself when I want to how I want to and where I want to and if anyone has a problem with it then o well. wasn’t put on the internet so that you write only what others want to hear its here so that everyone can share their VISA JOURNEY and this is my journey so I’m sharing IT!

I like your attitude... that is unfair. At least if they are going to change the process, then they should notify you of it. They should at least process the petitions that they have and give warning to those who are in the process of the change. There are peoples lives on hold here because of paperwork. These people go home every day to their wives and husbands and they have their life.

As far as I am concerned, if you are processed faster or not, one day without the love of your life is still one day stolen from you that you can't get back. I do not think that you are any more lucky than any of us here because you still have to go through the same ####### despite the timeframe and that guy up there can piss off!

*hugs you*
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-06-09 17:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAlert NVC changed processing for cuba

it's not fair? are you kidding me? this is coming from someone who got their NOA2 in 7 days while others have been waiting months and you are whinning? you have some nerve.

For better or worse, Cubans occupy a unique, privileged position in the U.S. immigration scheme. All a Cuban has to do is show up in this country, no matter how they get here or whether they are married to a U.S. citizen, and they are entitled to automatically adjust status in a year and a day. Blame all of the Congresses and Presidents over the past 40 years. But don't blame Miriam for marrying a Cuban. Because he is Cuban, he was basically rubber-stamped through the I-130 process.

That said, what happened to Miriam is unfair. She didn't even go with the DS-230 shortcut -- instead, she waited for the cover letter sent to her by NVC and followed its instructions. As you well know, the DS-230 cover letter from NVC directs one to a site that you and I have both repeatedly linked in our posts. That site still indicates that Havana is a Standard Processing post, requiring only Part I and a copy of the passport bio page.

So what happened to Miriam truly sucks, as does NVC and the State Department for screwing up so royally. They are apparently doing the same thing with at least Jamaica, as can be seen from another post today, and who knows how many other countries. These people are total f-ups, as can be seen with the passport debacle that's been in the news. F-them.

But don't criticize Miriam for justly complaining about this. Very bad form, old sport.

I like you...
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-06-09 17:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresrandom question....
CSC is going through some odd stuff right now with the overflow of H-1B applicants, but keep your eye on the mail because we never even got an e-mail or an NOA2 or a touch and yet we suddenly got a letter from NVC saying that they received our APPROVED petition. Good luck hun!
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-06-14 20:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresGet this...
I called the USCIS to figure out what is going on with our NOA2 and the lady said that our petition was still being processed and I told her "no it's not" :blink: and I explained to her that Loke already has packet 3 and that I need the NOA2 in order to adjust his status when he gets to the states.

I told her I knew our petition was approved because of the letter that I got from NVC saying they received the APPROVED I-129F and she said "that's odd" then they should have sent the notice. I said "YEAH" ... :wacko: and then she asked if I filed an I-130
and I said yes and she checked that and she asked me if I had gotten a notice from them on that and I said "No" and she said "This is so weird" :whistle: (note: this was the second lady I talked to because the first one didn't get it either and had to go get her boss) :angry:

She said that the decision for the I-130 was made on May 16th and that I should have gotten a notice of some kind and I said "Was it approved?" and she said "I can't tell you that" :huh:

I said "well someone tell me something.. send me a notice or something" :o and she asked why I even filed for the K3 and I said that I just want to be with my husband. She and I chatted about how the I-130 is a better visa and she gave me enough hints for me to know that our petition for the I-130 was likely approved. :dance:

She sent a request to have both notices sent out and told me that if I wanted to just be with Loke then I should continue the K3, but IF we are approved on our I-130 and we were willing to wait on it then it would be a better visa... I think we were but I think we should wait until I get the actual notices because she wouldn't tell me. :help:

Do you think that it would be better to just wait for the I-130 if it is not going to require too much of a difference? I know it is a better visa and it is the one we really wanted to get, but he had his medical and everything scheduled. Can we actually get both? Can that happen? :mellow:
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-06-14 20:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 or CR2
They are both running at about the same pace so it is hard to tell. There comes a time I think that you have to look at what the better visa is as opposed to the "fastest" way because the time frame is so close
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-06-14 23:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresto include PAY STUBS WITH i-864?
Only the petitioner has to prove income. They do not care how much money the beneficiary makes. Whoever is the Sponsor must supply the proof of income only.
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-06-19 07:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 Proof of bonafide marriage for Just-married....
We submitted sworn statements from various members of the family and friends and had them all notarized and that was pretty much all we had, but we did get a lot of them together
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-06-21 23:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 approved....can I abandon the I-129F???
I agree with you and also stated that in my first post, but obviously it is not simple enough to understand. Either way, doing both is not bad either. I know because I have done both. nevertheless if he wants the CR1 and it has been approved first, then that will be the first packet he receives. If he turns that paperwork in, then by the time he gets the packet for his K3... he will already be set for the interview for the CR1. If you do not respond to part on of the DS-230 for the I-129F then nothing will happen. I am trying to make this as simple as I can without causing Ron123 any more of a headache
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-06-26 22:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 approved....can I abandon the I-129F???
Oh for goodness sake, just wait for the NVC to sends you the documents, send them back and they will know that you are going to pursue the CR1.. the worst thing that can happen is that your K3 may come through later and by then you would already be near done and going to your interview for the CR1... just don't respond to the K3 paperwork and wahlah... this is not that hard

Edited by Rings, 26 June 2007 - 10:26 PM.

RingsFemaleAustralia2007-06-26 22:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 approved....can I abandon the I-129F???
You can abandon the I-129F by sendind a letter to the consulate telling them that you are pushing you I-130 through to replace the K3. Then you will have to notify USCIS that you would like to pursue the CR1 and you have to pay a FEE for them to forward your I-130 to the NVC. They will require a form for you to fill out as well as the fee.
This is a letter I recently got from the Sydney Consulate:

We will need to have received the approved I-130 petition to be able to
process his application for an immigrant visa. When I-130 petitions are
approved, they are forwarded to the National Visa Center (NVC) in
Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Should you wish you may contact NVC directly
to inquire as to the status of your I-130 and request that it be
forwarded to Sydney for processing in lieu of the I-129F application we
have already received.

Our records indicate that your husband has been scheduled for his final
visa interview for July 3, 2007 at 8:00 a.m. The appointment package
will be mailed to him on Monday, June 25.

Thank you.

Visa Assistant
U.S. Consulate General
Immigrant Visa Unit
Level 59 MLC Center
19-29 Martin Palce
Sydney NSW 2000

Hope this helps you!
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-06-25 23:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresArgh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!another 6 months!
:( I am so sorry for your bad news. I hope all the best for you. :(
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-07-02 01:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-864 - how to enter assets
The I-864 is filled out by the US CItizen to ensure that there is not a public charge. I think you would have to convert that into American Dollars, but you should wait for another opinion because I am not wholly sure
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-07-05 22:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI130 approved yesterday!!!
Hun I tried to tell you, you do not have to wait for K3 now. You have the approval to proceed for the visa *hugs*

YAY! I am so happy for you!
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-06-10 02:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI have my visa, but a question
Awe well hell... Google is not always right, but it did say that on three sites I looked at. Either way I am glad you have your answer *hugs*

Us fellow Aussie/Americans gotta stick together.
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-09-24 01:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI have my visa, but a question
Loke just looked at his visa and he does not have that notation, but I looked it up for you.

Aliens who have been convicted of, or who admit to having committed, or who admit to committing acts which constitute the essential elements of a crime involving moral turpitude, other than purely political offenses are excludable under INA §212(a)(2)(A)(i)(I). To be excludable based on an admission, an alien must voluntarily admit all of the facts which constitute the crime and it must be considered a crime under the laws where it occurred. An attempt or conspiracy to commit such a crime is included in this ground.
Moral turpitude refers to conduct which is inherently base, vile or depraved, contrary to the accepted roles of morality and the duties owed between men and men, either one's fellowman or society in general. Neither the seriousness of the offense or the severity imposed determines whether or not a crime involves moral turpitude.

Political offenses are not included in this ground of exclusion. Political offenses are generally considered to be acts taken with others as a part of war, insurrection or rebellion in an attempt to replace the legal authority.

Two exceptions to this ground of exclusion appear in INA 212(a)(2)(A)(ii):

The ground does not apply where the alien has committed only one crime of moral turpitude, the crime was committed when the alien was under 18 years of age and the crime was committed (and the alien was released from confinement to prison or a correctional institution imposed for the crime) more than five years before the date of application for a visa or other documentation and the date of application for admission to the United States.

The ground does not apply where the alien has committed only one crime of moral turpitude, the maximum penalty possible for the crime for which the alien was convicted or to which the alien admits having committed or of which acts the alien admits having committed which constitute the essential elements of the crime did not exceed one year of imprisonment and, if the alien was convicted of the crime, the alien was not sentenced to imprisonment for a term greater than six months, regardless of the extent to which the sentence was ultimately satisfied.
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-09-24 01:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130's sitting @CSC
Yes they did mention it in the press room at this link
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-06-03 22:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130's sitting @CSC
On Another note, CSC is suppose to catch up with compliance by June 15th and most of us should hear something by then.
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-06-03 11:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130's sitting @CSC
Call this number and use your receipt number from your petition to see if NVC has received your case and assigned a number. If they have received it, you can obtain your case number and if they have not recived it, then you will be told by the automated message that they have no record of it and it is still at CSC

603 334-0700

The USCIS got slammed with more HIB applications this year than they ever have. They issued a press release on it. These employers pay the big bucks to get people pending workers visa's processed faster. This hit on USCIS has literally stopped processing for all other pending visa's. There are a lot of people at CSC who have been approved and petitions sent to NVC without an NOA2 having been received yet. They claim that they will catch up with the NOA2's. However you can call the NVC and check to see if your case is there.
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-06-03 11:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview process that went strange
I am not sure how your interview went, but if they don't believe in your case they will prolong it. They will put you through more testing if they see fit to do so....... It's hard to offer advice when the immigration is so sketchy
RingsFemaleAustralia2009-09-10 00:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWe dont even know where or how to start.Help please
You will be fine. You must locate the US embassy in Korea to file. Bring all documentation that validates your relationship and they will probably charge you for the forms so be financially prepared.
RingsFemaleAustralia2009-09-15 00:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWe dont even know where or how to start.Help please
Is your husband in the army? How did he get to Korea? Is he there on a visa? Are you?
RingsFemaleAustralia2009-09-14 23:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresvisa approved
YAY GRATS!!!!!!!!!
RingsFemaleAustralia2009-09-16 08:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresinterview on monday and forgot tax return copy
Have him fax a copy of it to Kinkos or to your motel - They have a fax surely
RingsFemaleAustralia2009-09-17 11:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresvisa approved
RingsFemaleAustralia2009-09-20 01:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCan I be the Agent?
You can be the agent and it's the best idea if you don't trust anyone else to handle the paperwork.
RingsFemaleAustralia2009-09-14 23:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNeed advice ASAP...divorce after husband arriving here
I think it's very important to make him feel as if he is not a burden to you. It is already so hard to be in a place where he does not understand everyone and he is feeling as if he is making your life harder because he is not making money. His family is not here and he has no where to go and he must feel very overwhelmed. I know times are tough and money is hard, but you both fell in love and you both should try to support each other emotionally. He is hurting inside too and talking of divorce would break his heart even more. Perhaps both of you could hold each other up and make it through the thick and thin. After all this is what marriage is about.
RingsFemaleAustralia2009-09-24 16:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNeed advice ASAP...divorce after husband arriving here
Wow I am so sorry you feel this way. Does he feel the same? He still needs to be able to fly home. If it were me personally in this situation, I would work with him and maintain a civil relationship until I could afford his flight home. If he is in agreement witht he divorce then when he flies home he should file from his home country because it will be cheaper for both of you.
RingsFemaleAustralia2009-09-24 15:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresYAHOO!!! ME APPROVED K3
YAY *dances* Awesome!
RingsFemaleAustralia2009-09-30 22:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresso mad about hubby
Listen, tell your husband that it's not about his feelings. It's about you and how you feel and what you feel is right. Tell him that even if it's not important to the USCIS, it's important to you and he should honor you as his wife. You have a need and he needs to understand that what you need is important to you. Explain that it's not about his needs and that you need him to please try to understand that you have feelings too and your feelings are important. It's not about the USCIS it's about making your spouse feel better and he need to do that damn him!
RingsFemaleAustralia2009-09-27 22:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDo they ask for or read the stuff you bring with you to the interview?
LOL .... I still don't think it will fly through security hahahaha
RingsFemaleAustralia2009-10-07 23:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDo they ask for or read the stuff you bring with you to the interview?
Loke brought a backpack full of stuff so heavy he could barely carry it. As long as it's not a gun I think you will be fine
RingsFemaleAustralia2009-10-07 22:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDo they ask for or read the stuff you bring with you to the interview?
If you read my timeline at the bottom is the story of our interview. I always recommend you bring as much with you as you can because it's just safer and the more wise thing to do.
RingsFemaleAustralia2009-10-07 17:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFilling in Timelines
RingsFemaleAustralia2009-10-12 14:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2!!!!!!!!!!
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-03-09 12:05:00