K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary2010 filers
Hi June,

I'm new here, Hubby and I applied in Jan also...Good Luck!
MSPtoYYZFemaleCanada2010-02-24 13:50:00


It was only an emailed letter for us.

Only K1 has packet 3.

There were no medical forms included.
MSPtoYYZFemaleCanada2010-05-10 13:05:00
CanadaVisa Delivered!!!!

My package from Montreal was just delivered 10 minutes ago...until now am still shaking...I am so HAPPY....this is the visa we have been waiting for!!! Posted Image Posted Image

MSPtoYYZFemaleCanada2010-04-19 12:59:00
CanadaQuestion about packet 4

I have a question about the packet 4 for a CR-1, which I assume is the last thing you get from NVC before the appointment date.

All we have received is an email with the appointment letter, and a checklist of what we need to bring. Do I just need to print a copy of that cover letter for the Doctor and to get into the Consulate or should we have received a hard copy of a letter in the mail as well? We filed everything through the mail and it seems strange that they would send nothing except an email to us.
My Wife is scheduled for her interview in Montreal on May 13th.


All of our correspondence with NVC has been through emails. Our appointment letter was a pdf. Think of all the time we save vs snail mail!Posted Image
MSPtoYYZFemaleCanada2010-05-02 00:01:00
CanadaHas anyone visited Canada during the CR-1 process?
I've visited my husband 5 times in Canada since we filed. I try to get up there at least every 4 months or so. I always tell them I am going to visit my husband, and give them the number of days I am staying (it's always been 10). I only got sent to the immigration counter once, and they only asked why I was coming, and why my husband was living in CA and me in US. Be honest, then you will only have to remember one story!
MSPtoYYZFemaleCanada2010-05-02 18:34:00
CanadaMSPtoYYZ - Interview in Montreal Tomorrow - Wednesday

I met them in line at the consulate, they were first and I was second.
She was super nice, and at least a little chatty, he was quiet, and their little girl is beautiful!
They were still waiting after I got called for interview so I dont know what the results were in the end for them, but Im sure it went well, they had the biggest accordion folder I had ever seen, it was like a suitcase!

Congrats on approval...and thank you!
MSPtoYYZFemaleCanada2010-05-22 11:07:00
CanadaMontreal interview with spouse

The link worked Posted Image

And while it doesn't help your nerves after a 3 hour tantrum, you can be thankful that your hubby has a good bnd with your little girl. (Idle question - did the fact that he calmed her down so fast with one 'hush' make you want to bang your head on the desk? Posted Image I would have.)

I know...and then he tells me something is wrong with me because I can't get her to stop.Posted Image
MSPtoYYZFemaleCanada2010-05-27 12:38:00
CanadaMontreal interview with spouse

You mention in your review:

"It said they will take up to 4 weeks to process, and maybe they will let us know if we get another interview"

When you said "it said" do you mean the slip he was given - stating the information that needed to be sent in (tax return)?

I wouldn't wait to contact your congressperson or senator. You don't really know what you are waiting for here. Maybe you can get some information from DOS, however if you don't, can't hurt to contact your senator/congressperson now. You don't want to be sitting here 4-5 weeks from now wondering what the heck is going on, therefore by contacting them you will be able to have some communication with Montreal.

As for contacting Montreal directly, the only way to do that is by email and i'm sure you have read how slow they are in replying, if they bother to reply at all.

It was the 221g that stated they will take 4 weeks to process and then contact us. I know that is not true, because they told mstangie the same thing for some papers they wanted from her hubby, and they have heard nothing since February!

I was thinking that my congressperson could not take any action until I waited until the time stated, ie '4 weeks'
MSPtoYYZFemaleCanada2010-05-27 12:24:00
CanadaMontreal interview with spouse

Can you post the link to your interview? I read it (am at work now, or would go find it), and remember there was somthing written on the paperwork about fraud, yes? I can't remember the wording. Anyway, the folks here might not have read your review, and I think it might help.

From Darnell's signature - DoS - 202-663-1225 Press 1 then 0 for a live operator.

And I would call him/her as soon as possible.

I've never posted a link here before...hope I did this right: http://www.visajourn...0
MSPtoYYZFemaleCanada2010-05-27 07:51:00
CanadaMontreal interview with spouse
Sorry I didn't get back to you guys last night. Chellie had a 3 hour tantrum-I couldn't do anything with her. Hubby was on the webcam for less than 1 minute, and he said "Richelle...shhhh..."-and she immediatly hushes up and goes to sleep. Boy do I feel stupid!


Yes, hubby lives in Toronto at this time, he is legally residing in Canada. He is originally from Haiti (hence the flag on my profile). Posted Image

Right now I am trying to determine what our next step will be, so can anyone clarify for me what the DoS number is, and what exactly do they have jurisdiction over?

Also, what is the best way to contact the Montreal consulate regarding details on our case?

The last question is, how soon should I contact my senator?

MSPtoYYZFemaleCanada2010-05-27 05:27:00
CanadaMontreal interview with spouse
I am at work now, but have a few questions re DoS later. I'll get to the ???s when I get home this evening. Thanks guys, I feel better already!Posted Image

MSPtoYYZFemaleCanada2010-05-26 15:35:00
CanadaMontreal interview with spouse

You mean to tell me you were denied entry in the US Consulate!!!!!! Everyone's blog I read on here some of them take there spouses with them rather they are a US citizen or not. I don't remember any one saying they were denied entry with their spouse . When I came to Montreal in Dec 08 I went to the US Consulate with my husband to take some paper work up there to drop off and the Security men would not let me in and I'm a USC. It was about -18 degrees. And if any one here has been to the Consulate in Montreal soon as you walk through the door right at the stairs that was where I had to sit for 3 hours in the cold, on hard cold concrete. The door kept opening it only got colder and colder in there. They would not let me in there. They said because I did not have any Consulate business (but hell my husband did.) Any ways one of the security men must have felt sorry for me and did come and ask me was I ok. Almost suffering from hypothermia I was like NO. He just shut the door and went about his daily duties. I could have sat there and froze to death, and no one would have cared. So Ms P I can relate.

Hmmm, good info, thanks!

No she got into the Consulate with her husband (I know she was I was there that day), when it came time for the interview, the CO told her she was not welcome in the interview room with him.
Very strange, I think I remember reading in the p4 letter you CAN bring the USC to the interview, but I think it also says the USC may be asked to wait when the interview is to be done, although I havnt heard that happen before.
There is definitely something fishy going on MSP, and because they would only talk to your husband, I suspect it has something to do with him specifically, not you, and likely not just official paperwork since they would have asked for it.
I suggest getting a hold of DoS.
Which interview room was it? 7 or 8? do you remember what the lady looked like? the one I dealt with had long reddish/brown hair and a wrist brace.

It was room 7
MSPtoYYZFemaleCanada2010-05-26 15:17:00
CanadaMontreal interview with spouse

I'm confused... thought you were asking if your spouse (USC) could join you at the interview, which has always been a yes, to my knowledge. But it seems as if you've already had your interview... The CO denied the USC entry? Are there any other details you can provide to help us understand what the circumstances were/are?

I am the USC. As we entered the room, the CO told me could not come inside, and to sit down outside in the waiting room. From what hubby told me afterwards, she was in a huge hurry, and told him she couldn't wait for him to give her the requested tax returns. I was standing outside the door, and I heard her yelling at him to get out and mail it later, becuse she couldn't wait.
MSPtoYYZFemaleCanada2010-05-26 13:57:00
CanadaMontreal interview with spouse
Hi guys:

Ok, I have a really bad feeling right now about where our case is headed, and I am trying to plan what our next step is. Did anyone else have the CO tell them they could no attend the interview with spouse, and if so, what was the outcome. Any kind of info would help right now.

Thanks a million!
MSPtoYYZFemaleCanada2010-05-26 13:03:00
CanadaCR1/IR1 filers whose cases are complete

The automated voice message on NVC says our case was completed on 4/29/2010!! I'm super excited but am starting to get a little discouraged as it'll almost be a month with still no word from Montreal. I know they say 6-8 weeks but...

If your case was closed around the same date as mine, I'd love to know so I can keep an eye on your timeline Posted Image

My sister-in-law is getting married in early July in the US, and a friend of ours later in July also in the US. It's very unlikely for my visa to be issued before then but I can dream, right?

I've been able to visit my husband (USC) without any problems (except last weekend) but I do worry what'll happen if I try to go to SIL and friend's wedding when the interview could be so close...

Anyway, best wishes to all the filers out there, and I hope we all get our interview dates soon!

Our case complete was on 3/1/10, our interview was on 5/20/10. Good luck to you!
MSPtoYYZFemaleCanada2010-05-26 06:36:00
CanadaCost to bring my vehicle to Canada?
Posted Image Thanks!
Are you an inspector...?Posted Image
MSPtoYYZFemaleCanada2010-06-05 18:17:00
CanadaCost to bring my vehicle to Canada?

Small correction - they want the title 72 hours before export from the US.

On the title, will they want the actual document or will I be able to fax it?
MSPtoYYZFemaleCanada2010-06-05 16:17:00
CanadaCost to bring my vehicle to Canada?

That information should be on your vehicle title.

The Canadian website info for importing your vehicle to Canada is pretty good, it's here:

Registrar of Imported Vehicles

Couple of other things, beside what Neiks mentioned:

You must fax the car documents to the US Border Services (at the port of entry you are crossing at) at least 48 hours before you go to enter Canada. Then you stop on the U.S. side and basically 'export' your vehicle.

So aside from the fees you pay at the Canadian border ($205) and the inspection, which is included in that cost (a short inspection that you have to have done at Canadian Tire) - in Alberta our vehicle also had to have a provincial inspection.

It all adds up - they check every single little thing. For instance one of our windshield wipers didn't sit quite right when it was turned off, so we had to have that repaired before they would pass it. So unless your vehicle is in tip top shape - honestly, it's probably not worth importing. However, check the Ontario rules for imported vehicles.

It is in really good shape, the only thing is the covers are missing from 2 hubcaps that someone swiped. I'll get those replaced for sure. Thanks!
MSPtoYYZFemaleCanada2010-06-05 16:15:00
CanadaCost to bring my vehicle to Canada?

You qualify for the "settler effects" http://www.cbsa-asfc.../d2-2-1-eng.pdf so your vehicle will be exempt from Duty and tax (GST. You will however have to still pay the $205 RIV fee for the federal inspection and pay for any modifications to meet the Canadian safety standards. You may also still have to pay provincial sales tax at the time of plating/registration - check with the province you are moving to.

Cool! Thank you so much for your help. I think I will just keep this vehicle instead of trying to find another. Posted Image
MSPtoYYZFemaleCanada2010-06-05 16:10:00
CanadaCost to bring my vehicle to Canada?

Are you a former Canadian resident?
How long have you been in the US?
What was your status while you where in the US? On a Visa or just Visiting?

If you are a former Canadian resident and have been residing in a foreign country for over 1 year you can bring your personal goods (including a vehicle) back to Canada tax free (up to $10,000 value) if the goods have been owned/used and possessed for at least 6 months prior to moving back to Canada. IF the vehicle is valued at more that $10,000 applicable duty and tax will be charged on the amount over $10,000. Ie, if your vehicle is valued at $15,000 you will be tax exempt on the first $10,000 and will pay 5% GST on $5000. If you have provincial tax in the province you will pay the PST when you go to register the vehicle.

If you have not been a residend of the US for at least a year and/or have not owned it for 6 months, then the vehicle will be imported into Canada with full Duty and tax's owing on the value. 5% GST, $100 excise tax if it has A/C, if the vehicle was not manufacuted in the USA, Canada or Mexico it will also be subject to 6% duty. There will also be a $205 inspection fee RIV (registar of imported vehicles) to ensure that mets Canadian safety standards and you will be responsible to pay for any modifications that may have to be made to meet those standards.

I am a USC-have resided here my whole life, have owned the vehicle since 2007. I will be moving to CA this fall as a PR, the vehicle is currently worth about $6000. I am not really sure where it was manufactured. How can I find that out?
MSPtoYYZFemaleCanada2010-06-05 15:50:00
CanadaCost to bring my vehicle to Canada?

Sorry to hear it didn't work out for your hubby going to the USA. What happened with the tax information that caused all this to be derailed?

Also have you petitioned the Canadian gov't for immigration? Sounds like you want to move to Canada. Good luck with that. Soon you guys will be together.

It's not that it hasn't worked out, I just don't expect to hear from MTL before the end of this year-based on how they treat people from "certain" backgrounds. I am finding out after the fact that it had nothing to do with my taxes, they just were going to find some reason not to approve his visa. IF hubby does not have his visa by September (fat chance), I will be moving to Canada. He has already missed the first 2 years of Chellie's life, and we just can't keep going like this. Yes, we petitioned CA gov for immigration already, and that seems to be the best option for us to get back on track with our lives
MSPtoYYZFemaleCanada2010-06-05 12:27:00
CanadaCost to bring my vehicle to Canada?

it would depend on where it is now.

It is with me in Minnesota, I will be moving to Toronto in the fall to be with hubby, and we are trying to decide if it would be better to bring my vehicle or if he will get me another one once I move. I guess I should have said that, I'm sorry! Posted Image
MSPtoYYZFemaleCanada2010-06-05 11:49:00
CanadaCost to bring my vehicle to Canada?
Does anyone know much it will cost me to bring my 2000 Nissan Xterra with me when I move to Toronto? I am trying to find out the best way to plan this out. I can't find the price anywhere online.

Thanks! Ellen
MSPtoYYZFemaleCanada2010-06-05 08:53:00
CanadaMontreal Interview Review

Arrived at 6:45am. One other person was in line. It was a beautiful, warm, sunny day!. After approx 20 mins more people arrived. We all lined up behind the left door. My husband and I received letter B by the guard and proceeded up the 4 stairs to another guard. We had to remove everything from our pockets. The guard kept cigarettes and lighter and gave us a ticket to get them back. We go down the 20 or so steps to the elevator. There we waited about 5 mins and a guard called letters A - D to enter the elevator. We went up to the 19th floor. the 6 of us sat on the chairs and waited for our letter to be called. Around 8:15am we were called to Window 10. A nice, young black woman asked for my appt letter, photo's, Birth Certificate, divorce doc's, marriage doc's, I-864, DS 230, 2009 Taxes, medical results. My medical was done on Tuesday 25th and therefore the results wouldn't be ready until 2pm day of interview, so I provided the consulate with a letter from Dr. Seiden's office stating that I will be back with the results that afternoon. She asked us to have a seat. 10 mins later called up to window again and was fingerprinted. We sat back down. Waited 20 mins and called to interview room 7. ( we were called in before letter A. We later saw letter A guy at our hotel and he said we were called before him because we were a couple, and he was hint for all of you...go as a couple to been seen first!). Interviewer was a super nice woman, with long light brown/grey hair. Asked to raise right hand to swear we were going to tell the truth. Asked me to sign the DS 230 and while doing that she asked my husband what he does for a living, and how we met. When did he propose to me. Asked last time i was in USA, and last time he came to Canada (she asked because I was denied entry into USA in September until I received my VISA). She asked how we kept our marriage going during this time...we responded with calls, email, chats, web cam and mic. Asked if he has medical insurance through his job. She then thanked my husband for serving the in Military. Then she said our Visa is approved, all we need to do is bring back the medical. She gave me an orange paper stating I need to come back at 3:30pm with medical and passport. We were out of the consulate at 9:15am. My husband asked the interviewer if she was American and she confirmed she was. He asked her how long she was in Montreal for because she speaks English very well. She said 2 years and prior to that she was in Panama. She said they all move around every 2 years. She made the interview experience very pleasurable and enjoyable.

Hmmm, she wasn't very nice to us...!Posted Image
MSPtoYYZFemaleCanada2010-06-03 10:10:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview

Yes, Canadians are extremely polite. I, however, am the USC half of the equation.


Just received an email from NVC this morning- our case is complete!!


Case completed at NVC today...yipee. One step closer to going home to be with my husband. Please add me in the timelines. Hoping to be home before the end of August. Thanks everyone who has helped us along, with some stupid questions we have asked. You are all so so wonderful with lots of helpful advice. Blessings to you all

MSPtoYYZFemaleCanada2010-05-19 18:19:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
[quote name='trailmix' date='14 April 2010 - 11:40 AM' timestamp='1271263209' post='3871062']
Posted Image

Added ValerieA and FireRay - welcome!

Hi Trailmix...I got an interview date of May 20th, 2010, can you update please?Posted Image

MSPtoYYZFemaleCanada2010-04-15 18:21:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview

Say your going to visit your hubby and attend his immigration interview.

Thanks, and congrats on visa!
MSPtoYYZFemaleCanada2010-04-07 15:01:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
Ok, random dumb question for the day:

I plan on attending the visa interview with hubby. He is going to fly from Toronto and stay with his cousin who lives in Montreal. I plan on meeting him there. Will I have any trouble with customs/CA immigration when I get there. I always tell them I am coming to visit my hubby when I fly to Toronto, but will that be an issue since he does not live in Montreal? Thanks!
Posted Image
MSPtoYYZFemaleCanada2010-04-07 12:58:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview

Posted Image

Added MSPtoYYZ - welcome! I can't see why they wouldn't allow you both in MSP, but hopefully someone will come along who has done the same Posted Image - otherwise you might want to start a new topic.

Thanks, I figured I'd check here first...and thanks for adding me to the list! Posted Image
MSPtoYYZFemaleCanada2010-03-28 14:15:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
Question about interview in Montreal:

I want to attend interview with my hubby, but I would have to take my daughter along. Will they let us in if she comes to? She is 1. I'm hoping someone who already interviewed might have an answer.

MSPtoYYZFemaleCanada2010-03-28 11:19:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview

Well a little over a month and a half after the interview, my wife finally received her visa in the mail today! YES!!! Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image

I'll probably be heading up to Ottawa this weekend barring any scheduling issues. FINALLY! YES! No I'm not relieved I just like using all caps a lot Posted Image

Congrats!Posted Image
MSPtoYYZFemaleCanada2010-03-24 19:29:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview

I haven't made any posts to this topic before, but I just called NVC, and they said my case was complete. Does anyone know how long it takes now before my hubby gets his interview? Thanks!
MSPtoYYZFemaleCanada2010-03-02 11:46:00
Philippinesto magic jack users:
You can use the Magic Jack to call, but it costs around 20 cents a minute for Phillipines. Hope this helps.
MSPtoYYZFemaleCanada2010-03-17 12:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI want my photos and documents back
Hi Guys,

It's been awhile since I posted here. Our case has been under Administrative Review since 2010. After the last run around about the waiver (that wasn't required in our case) tht no one would accept to complete our processing, we gave up. Since I moved to Canada, we will no longer be pursuing a visa for my husband to come to the U.S. Is it possible to get back our documents and photos, and if so, does anyone know the process for doing so?

Thanks, Ellen
MSPtoYYZFemaleCanada2012-03-20 10:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureshow to withdraw an application
Hi, I know this is an old thread, but I need to know how to withdraw an application. Basically, I just want our photos and documents back.

Our interview was in 2010, and was denied stating that we needed to submit a waiver, which we never could because we couldn't find out where it was supposed to go (and USCIS kept sending it back saying to send it to another office, which told us the same thing).

Anyway, there has been no activity with our account since then, so the application is dead in the water, and I want my stuff back.

Any advice is appreciated, thanks!
MSPtoYYZFemaleCanada2012-11-08 09:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMontreal - Visa Interview
My Hubby is interviewing in Montreal-and yes I will be there. I don't have too, but I'm terrified he will forget to bring something, and also-I don't want to pay to ship all that paperwork to him...Posted Image
MSPtoYYZFemaleCanada2010-04-08 12:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview for I-130 Approval
I've been poking around today, and I see lots of comments about I-130's taking more than 8 months to complete. I am curious, because ours took 16 months, and I was required to interview at our local USCIS office (and provide tons of evidence) before it was approved. Is this something that everyone has to do, because I don't see any other instances where petitioners have to interview for I-130 do this.
MSPtoYYZFemaleCanada2010-04-15 12:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDoes Form I-864a need to be notarized?

That requirement changed 4 years ago - I hope you didn't get that information on VJ - if you did, please provide a link - if you got it somewhere else, then you might want to consider not visiting that site Posted Image

The official word is here:


No, I didn't get the info from VJ, just know-it-alls that have been through the process in the last few years!Posted Image
MSPtoYYZFemaleCanada2010-04-17 12:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDoes Form I-864a need to be notarized?
Thanks everyone! I really appreciate your help!Posted Image
MSPtoYYZFemaleCanada2010-04-17 10:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDoes Form I-864a need to be notarized?


It is already signed under penalty of perjury. No need to get it notarized.

Wow, you really are the Info Queen! Thanks!

Posted ImagePosted Image Vote Sach in 2012! Posted ImagePosted Image
MSPtoYYZFemaleCanada2010-04-16 23:16:00