IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresGet Married, then what?
Hello, I'm a newby. I (USC) just married (NON USC) my new wife. I am planning to file an I-130. We met 23 years ago. Reconnected Oct 09. Met in the US in March and April. Just married in her latest visit in July. Planning to move her here when possible but want to take the best route and want to avoid any DON'Ts.

I want to visti her in Germany in Sept.
She wants to visit me with her daughter in October.

PLEASE: All advise is welcome
DavStefMaleGermany2010-08-01 21:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresImmigration consultants/attorneys
Hi everybody !

Dave and I (Steffi) just got married and are now trying to find the most efficient way throuth the visa/greencard process.

I am a german citizen and my husband is a US citizen.

We have done some research and know what formes to file but just want to make sure that we get this absolutely right the
very first time and follow all the appropriate steps not to loose any more time before we can live together.

We are therefore looking for very experienced immigration consultants in the USA who would be able to help us guide through
the process.

If anybody can let us know about their experiences or let us know who they would recommend that would be very much appreciated.

If anybody has worked with an immigration lawyer/attorney before in New Hampshire and could recommend somebody that would be
wonderful too.

Thank you so much in advance.

Dave and Steffi
DavStefMaleGermany2010-08-02 14:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresB2 visitor's visa while the immigrations process is underway
we have started the immigrations process for myself and my seven year old daughter(living in Germany)at the beginning of September. I am married to David (US citizen) and we are figuring out the best ways to be able to see each other while the imm. process is underway.

I applied for a B2 visa to be able to see my husband, his children and his extended family for Thanksgiving but this was rejected due to not having enough ties to Germany (where I live at the moment).

I am thinking of re-applying just for myself and leave my little girl with the grandparents for the length of the planned visit (09 days). Maybe having to go back to my daughter (which there is no question that I would always do that) is a strong enough tie ???

Does anybody have any experience with this sort of thing ?

I also do not want to jeopardize the immigrations process by risking re-applying and getting denied again ?

Any comments would be very much appreciated.

Thanks to everybody.
DavStefMaleGermany2010-09-28 01:14:00