United KingdomOk, tell me if I'm missing something blindingly obvious with this idea (AKA plan 245)....

Horror fans,

I'm still not understanding what this interview in NY is for.

Your fiance will go to the UK and attend some job interviews, you and he will travel to the USA where you will marry, then you and he will travel back to the UK to live happily ever after?

Is this interview his interview for a visa to the UK?


In terms of the visa process I am hoping (perhaps deludedly) that the in person interview in NY will be the only visa process we will have to go through for the most part, me assuming that they will even let me into the building with my other half that is.

Yep, he would be applying for a spousal visa in NY. Apparently the interviews are actually really quick (5 minutes in some cases!) and i don't know if this is a good thing or not. Poor value for £500 a go! All the less time to convince someone that you are a worthy case.

To everyone else, thanks for tolerating my forum related stupidity. Uk sub forum. Got it. Doh!
Horror fansFemale02007-04-18 15:27:00
United KingdomOk, tell me if I'm missing something blindingly obvious with this idea (AKA plan 245)....
Sorry for confusing everyone, I'm just rubbish at finding the right forum sections to post in so i just make everyone as confused as I am most of the time.
I'm a brtish citizen and my lovely man is American and we are hoping to have him come to live in the uk with me (I know, I know, this forums mainly revolving around the opposite scenario but like I said, I'm easily confused at the best of times)
In terms of the visa process I am hoping (perhaps deludedly) that the in person interview in NY will be the only visa process we will have to go through for the most part, me assuming that they will even let me into the building with my other half that is.
With regards to his job I'm currently begging every family and friend I know who has a registered business to offer him something in terms of employment for when he has his visa (please god, please, please....) otherwise he is just going to be attending as many interviews as possible on his visit over, hoping he gets an offer on the proviso of him being legally eligible to work by the start date. Currently its looking like Maccy D's or Betterware as they practically have to bribe you to work for them as it is. Anythings better than nothing.
Starting to regret all that under achieving as a teenager whilst everyone else was busy being productive, getting a-levels and NVQ's, working towards healthy bank statements. Curse you "Kilroy" for being too damn enthralling of a morning! "Quincy" too!
Thanks for the support and info guys! x
( shout out to Leztar innit Tom G! :)
Horror fansFemale02007-04-18 15:03:00
United KingdomOk, tell me if I'm missing something blindingly obvious with this idea (AKA plan 245)....
Howdo everyone.
Right, here goes..........
As the mother of two young sons who's only very recently started back at part time work ( albeit it flexible with the offer of full time hours should I require them, this will be stated in a letter from my employer) my few bank statements are going to be really far from astounding though I will have 3,000 in a savings account and two high flying financial sponsors who both earn good money as back up. By the time I get to the in person interview my then husband hopefully should have managed to find himself a sponsored job offer, again though I doubt it will be anything spectacular although it will hopefully be full time as he is coming over to visit (purely as a tourist) for a couple of months to try and attend some interviews before we both head back to the states, get married and then attend our interview where I will no doubt be slapped with a wet fish and told to get the hell out!
Does any of this sound plausible or is it time to tune into sanity FM?
Your opinions please.
My head hurts.
Horror fansFemale02007-04-18 13:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat is a non immigrant fiancee????

the other1,

But you are going on a holiday.


thank you everyone for giving me some hope!
So as a brit do i actually need any forms or would it principly be the same process as me going on holiday in terms of paperwork?

I'm gonna book me a flight asap! :)
Horror fansFemale02007-03-21 17:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat is a non immigrant fiancee????
thank you everyone for giving me some hope!
So as a brit do i actually need any forms or would it principly be the same process as me going on holiday in terms of paperwork?
Horror fansFemale02007-03-21 17:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat is a non immigrant fiancee????
Thank you both! That's made my day! Mwah!!!
Horror fansFemale02007-03-21 16:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat is a non immigrant fiancee????
Hi, My fiance is an american and I am English. Due to the fact that I have children with an ex partner I can not consider leaving my country permanantly until they are considerably older and can make up their own minds should they wish to join me in moving eventually to america. I don't think it would be fair on anyone. Thus my fiance plans to move to the uk at the start of next year.
Myself and my fiance would like to marry in america for his family but then I would return home to england (literally within the week) where he would hopefully be able to join me after finishing a course of study and recieving his spousal visa approval (fingers crossed). I can't seem to find any information that doesnt assume that I would want to up sticks to america.
Is it even possible??? Can I just show up on a trip, marry him and then return to the uk without any repercussions in the long term? If so what should I be looking for? Would I be better to marry in england in terms of my fiance's planned immigration to the uk? Many thanks for any help.

Edited by the other1, 21 March 2007 - 04:08 PM.

Horror fansFemale02007-03-21 16:07:00