Africa: Sub-SaharanMy Trip Home
Those are very nice pictures. My wife we had similar colrs for our wedding. Your happiness radiates. Much success and good fortune to you and your husband. Many blessings
lovin_my_booMale02008-09-06 13:35:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanrecieved Social Security card
things will move faster now...much success and happiness
lovin_my_booMale02008-09-06 13:38:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanUSPS vs NIPOST
We had many problems with the mail service to and from Nigeria. a personal friend working at the postal service say that mail is not sorted nor handled correctly at many of the postal places and many things get lost, misplaced or stolen. it very hard to locate mail when it gets to nigeria, and mostly just luck if it gets to the destination. sorry for your situation and i hope what other person posted could be of help. for next time, always use DHL or FEDX as these are reliable although maybe cost more. but it worth it if its important documents that are needed. Good luck in your process, i hope you able to locate the documents.
lovin_my_booMale02008-09-09 11:59:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanReturning from Lagos Embassy
So sorry for the misfortune. i am not proud to know that this kind of things happen to us on daily basis in nigeria. police believe they have power over common people, and use payment as means to show continued control. also one needs to be careful when leaving banks, as they are known to follow people expecting they have cash on them. good to know he is ok. Best wishes
lovin_my_booMale02008-09-12 10:01:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanA quick update
i responded to this thread with relevance. I was speaking the person who started the thread and was adding my blessings. i was also giving my opinion on the isses she raised about the newbies not replying, since i myself could relate. idid not mention names because it seems common in all the forums. i was just making my observations, agreeing with the people who also said they felt this. why you must continue to stalk when i post, and assume its all about you is a problem you should be dealing with personally. i have every right to post in any thread i care to, and participate in the conversations in those threads. if you are so savy in analytical thinking,maybe you would think to just "ignore" threads like you are so fond of telling others to do. if you had just ignored the "idocare" thread, instaed of attacking me this whole thing would have not taken place. i have no issue here, i just wish to speak feely without being attacked. i will speak in any thread that i feel i can contribute to, and i will never disrespect nor deny anothers opinion. i suggest if you dont enjoy my writings then you can just ignore.
I have no conflict with anyone theres no need to send private message to anyone. you people are taking this so much too far. people need to just relax and act responsibly. no hard feeling here. and stop trying to tell other people what to do. just take care of your own business
my visa journey involves other family members. I will never give any details on this site, thats my choice
lovin_my_booMale02008-09-09 03:01:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanA quick update
Am glad to read about how much happiness and good fortune you have in life. Times during this period can bring much anxiety to someone who is coming to a new country. Sounds like all is going well for you and your husband. Best of luck for a long and happy life.
I am new member, and can understand about not wanting to say about personal life on a public place. I have noticed that some here are spiteful and suspicious about others new joining. and they have bad attitude towards others. but my position has always been to trust a person unles they give you cause not to. from my point of view in being new here and lhave read back on threads, i can agree with the new members who said there are groups of people who have been here for long time and they very active to threads in many forums here. some even speak as if they are the know all. but dont let them stop you from contributing or responding to issues that you feel important. it may enlighten some people if others speak up sometime. we all have something to say. as long as it is respectful and not hurtful in content.having been on this site for longer time does not make anyones words better than anothers. except if they have personal knowing of something they have experienced already and can speak about it.
notwithstanding, anything else is just an opinion and we all have them.
i looking forward to offering my personal insight, but will most likely not say about my personal life. we (nigerians) tend to be private in that manner but i am happily married to my wife for many years.
lovin_my_booMale02008-09-06 23:36:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanTo all the New Comers and past ones
i am new to this site, but have not had a favorable welcome. but the many experiences and valuable information that has been found on this site will allow me to know what is important. i am learning much about this process and what others have going through
lovin_my_booMale02008-09-06 13:48:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanArticle I ran across
If i am who i say i am? And then you expect me to share my experiences?

i do not understand why you personal attack me at first, when i only make comment about a very insulting and demeaning link about my culture. If someone should have posted such a thing that offened you, am sure you would have responded or questioned why, and feel the need to speak. With being new to the understanding of this site. Tell me how after reading all the guiding information, that the first time i visit the "africa" thread the topic at heading is that nonsense. And how as an african man i could ignore the obvious malicious intention without even questioning it?
i do not need anyone to tell me about the way to handle degradation, nor enlighten me on public forums and the ignorance they bring out. I was merely trying to define the nature of the post, and stand up for my right to share an opinion just like you. When you experience constant negativity, race and culture prejudice, and live in the shadow of doubt by most around you due to the country you where born and raised in, then you can speak of "ignoring" what makes you feel uncomfortable. I spend much time on here all day, and see the kind of person this "idocare" is. But i also do not feel my sincerity should have been questioned given the nature of this persons former postings. I do not find other new members being doubted or confronted in this manner. It would have been kindly appreciated if you had just explained the situation instead of making it to seem i was the one who did something wrong. But as it goes people see things diferent, and as pointed out this is a public board where one can say anything they choose. Just know that those of us who are subjected to abuse daily will never be humiliated into silence, nor pass up a chance to defend ones integrity and culture.
lovin_my_booMale02008-09-06 03:24:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanArticle I ran across
I come to join this because I have family who told me to find information here. I just read the postings all morning, then come to this one. I wanted to undeerstand why the purpose of it. I had to make profile to ask. I am always feeling degraded by others who take issue with Nigerians. I thought this was a website for information. Did not know I would be made to feel I have done wrong in joining. This is a very accusatory place...I am now reading more. Do not know why people must be always making judgement on one another that they dont even know the person. I only asked why person would post that link.
lovin_my_booMale02008-09-05 14:13:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanArticle I ran across
What one man does is none of my concern. Has nothing to do with me, or anyone else. If this woman post this because she is angry with her husband, she has bigger problem than her husband. People who continue to harbor ill will towards others for the bad deeds of one, are only making themself look weak. I do not know what has happened to her, but the bitterness to speak of is an evil tool. Trying to find a way to hurt other people for no reason is a flaw in ones person. In this way she is no better than her husband. Still wondering the relevence of the article in the first place. Why should she care to post something like purposely insult?
lovin_my_booMale02008-09-05 12:22:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanArticle I ran across
As Nigerian man, this link is offensive..and I wonder why you even post it. By what are you trying to say? What has it to do with the visa process? I just join today and see this kind of thing and makes me angry at ignorance and disrespect of some people.
lovin_my_booMale02008-09-05 11:55:00