Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)When will the AP start after K1 Interview?

I don't know where you read that AP in Pakistan averages only 2 months. AP can last for many months depending on your case.

I really have no idea when they would start his AP. It seem logical that they would wait until they received his new documents then begin background checks. Only the embassy would really know the answer to your question.

I took this paragraph from the webpage http://travel.state....index_4353.html

Some visa applications require further administrative processing, which takes additional time after the visa applicant’s interview by a Consular Officer. Applicants are advised of this requirement when they apply. Most administrative processing is resolved within 60 days of the visa interview.

I have also read similar information on about 10 other sites.
Grace & IrfanFemalePakistan2012-11-18 23:05:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)When will the AP start after K1 Interview?
My fiance had his K1 visa interview in Islamabad on October 15th, 2012 . After the interview the officer told him that they believe our relationship but require additional information. They gave us a refusal worksheet 221(g) and marked two sections. Section one said AP was required on the case , and section two required we submit additional tax forms for the co sponsor. It had now been one month since the interview and my fiance and I have finally submitted the required information by courier to The US embassy.

My question is if the AP started immediately following the interview , or if they embassy waited on the required information before starting the AP. I have read in several places that AP in Islamabad is averaging about 2 months. If this is true and the AP started directly following the interview it is possible we only have one month more to wait. However, if they possibly waited to start AP until after we submitted the documents , that could mean we still have a total of 2 months more to wait.

If anyone has had experience with a similar situation I would love to hear your story. Any advice or insight would be greatly appropriated .
Grace & IrfanFemalePakistan2012-11-17 16:21:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Department of State Visa Status Check (Online)

I was in Islamabad from Mar.9-17.

Wow I applied for a tourist visa to Pakistan and it was denied. Was yours easy to get?
What consulate did you apply to?
Grace & IrfanFemalePakistan2013-04-20 19:48:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Department of State Visa Status Check (Online)
No for vacation
Grace & IrfanFemalePakistan2013-04-09 19:51:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Department of State Visa Status Check (Online)
Where were you , Dubai ? I was there March 12-18 .
Grace & IrfanFemalePakistan2013-04-09 17:25:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Department of State Visa Status Check (Online)

The embassy called my husband April 2nd to ask for another original birth certificate. We were in AP 16 months then our visa was denied. We appealed and won. Our case was sent back to the embassy and they put us in AP again this time we have been in for 9 months so far. So in total we have spent over 2 years in AP.

My husband sent the birth certificate and I am waiting for a status update to show they got it out of the mail room.

The embassy sent an email to my lawyer 3 weeks ago saying they wanted to have a telephone interview with me. I have been waiting everyday for a phone call from them and it has never come. I don't understand the embassy in Pakistan. I don't understand why everything takes so long.

I am so sorry. I have been in AP for 6 months and its killing me. I can only imagine how you feel. I hope that your case is resolved soon. Good Luck
Grace & IrfanFemalePakistan2013-04-09 09:33:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Department of State Visa Status Check (Online)

It's very, very stressful but we have no other choice but wait. But it does feel like if your life was on hold.

Yes exactly on hold. You build your day around text messages and Skype. You count the days until visits. Visits are becoming so expensive. My visa request to Pakistan was denied with no reason so we had to meet in Dubai.Which was 2 plane tickets, hotel, food, transportation. Your bank account goes down so quickly. My fiance had lived in Europe on a student visa for almost 2 years before we started this k1 visa. If he had been approved to live in Sweden you would think they had already completed name checks. That is the part which is so confusing to me . What could they be checking that has taken 6 months?
Grace & IrfanFemalePakistan2013-04-09 06:47:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Department of State Visa Status Check (Online)

Our interview was in early Oct 2012, still in AP. case has been updated many times since that usually after I emailed them however there were some occasions were they updated it after couple days without the email our last update was on March 13 case still in AP.

Did they request anymore information from you?
Grace & IrfanFemalePakistan2013-04-09 06:41:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Department of State Visa Status Check (Online)

well i dont understand how us embassy islamabad works i had my interview in sep 2012 and CO told me that maximum 3 to 6 months.since sep my case was updated like twice a week but in march like 5 times in a week every week but again stuck on 27 march,since than no update emaild the isl embassy same response its under AP,we dont know how long it will take.........but some cases only updated 3 or 4 times and visa issued but in mine no outcome so far.....

Im sorry to hear that. This waiting is hard on all of us. We can only pray that the embassy will issue a visa for our loved ones soon. Good Luck
Grace & IrfanFemalePakistan2013-04-08 20:42:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Department of State Visa Status Check (Online)

Where can you see how many times your case has been updated? I sent them an email last week and I only got the generic respond back about how the case is under AP status, but I dont see where it says how mnany times the case has been updated.

Here is a link

https://ceac.state.g...YzCYubaSQI RA==

When you check the status of your case it will tell you the last day your case was updated. It does not tell you how many times it was updated but if you check it daily you can keep track of what days they are updating your case and what days they are not .

Good Luck

Edited by Grace & Irfan, 08 April 2013 - 08:40 PM.

Grace & IrfanFemalePakistan2013-04-08 20:39:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Department of State Visa Status Check (Online)

My fiancee had his interview on Jan. 18th, since that date it has only updated like 3 or 4 times, and 2 of those times it has updated is because I have e-mailed the embassy wanting to see if they could give me any updates on the case. Right now it has not been updated since March 11th.

I also write the embassy on a regular basis but these latest updates in April have been on their own with out me writing to inquire about the status of my case. I wish they would communicate with us better. They never tell you anything. Its so stressful.

may be u r near update date stuck on 23rd march ..i send many emails to embassy but date still same

inshAllah We will all be approved soon.
Grace & IrfanFemalePakistan2013-04-08 20:37:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Department of State Visa Status Check (Online)
Hello All,

I have searched other topics looking for the answer to my question but did not find the information I am looking for , so I would love for people to share here if they have a related experience .

My fiance had his interview in late October of 2012 and was placed on AP like many other males from Pakistan. The officer told him that there was no reason to worry we had a good case,, but they just needed to finish name checks. Well from October 2012 until about March 2013 we checked the status of our case online through the Department of State Website for visa checks . Everyday it was the same AP - stating it could last up to several weeks. The website also includes the last date your case was " touched" or "updated" however, our case was almost never updated. Then all of a sudden something changed. In April 2013 we noticed that our case was being updated every single day.

So what I am wondering is if anyone else has had this experience? Does this mean our vise will be approved soon? Has anyone gotten their visa approved shortly after multiple daily updates on their case ? Has anyone had multiple daily updates followed by nothing ( which would be a disappointment for sure ). I would love to hear other peoples experience with the Department of State Case Status Update website.
Grace & IrfanFemalePakistan2013-04-08 10:29:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Work visa for bahrain case under admn processing


My case is under AP Since July 2012 in islamabad US embassy. Its been 10 months. Now i have a job opportunity in bahrain. My passport is with embassy. in this situation can i apply work visa for bahrian.
will that affect my case processing. is it possible that if my case is goin to take more time till then i work in bahrain and once its over i send back my passport to the embassy.
please advise.

thank you

Yes it is possible. My fiance and I have been in AP since October however he holds a valid work visa for Qatar and has traveled back and forth during the K1 process.
I must advise you to ask for the return of your visa as soon as possible though because when my fiance requested the return of his passport it took the embassy over 2 months to send it by courier. They only sent it after we had a USA congressman contact the Islamabad Embassy asking why it was taking so long.
I would say my fiance asked for his passport to be returned over 15 times before it was returned .
Grace & IrfanFemalePakistan2013-04-23 20:35:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)K1....AP HOW LONG ... ??

hellow everyone...


need your advice on below matter.


i had my interview in US embassy islamabad on feb 2013. i was told that " you have done good in your interview but unfortunately we have to put u on AP and hopfully it will last in 2 months "    its already 3 months and my case is still in AP. have any one got any idea about their average time and how long do they take specifically for K1 visa. 





My fiance had his interview in Oct 2012 and we are still in AP with no updates to our case as of late . 


We are all just waiting , inshALLAH time will go quickly and all of our visas will be approved.

Grace & IrfanFemalePakistan2013-05-14 10:16:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)why this AP is only for selected applicants and no sign of any help from anywhere.


The Pakistan consulate in the US denied you a visa to visit your husband in Pakistan?? I


Yes they denied my visa to Pakistan , and would not even give me a reason. They also hung the phone up on me 2 different times that I called to inquire about my visa and refused to answer emails asking for a status update. This was the Pakistani Consulate in Chicago.. After three months they returned my visa fee , but refused to answer any questions .

Grace & IrfanFemalePakistan2013-06-27 21:29:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)why this AP is only for selected applicants and no sign of any help from anywhere.

8 months is AP now , and I will agree the most aggravating part is not having a time limit . You have no idea if you will be in AP for years just to receive a denial. The whole process in crazy and our lives are on hold. I understand the necessity of security checks , but there is no possible way it could take 8 months to runs somebody's background. You supply with them with education information , work history ,and previous addresses for the last ten years you have already gave them the majority of the information they need. I seriously believe they don't want to approve the visa , they are dragging the process out so that the couple will lose faith and possible separate or give up. To make the situation worse , i applied for a tourist visa to visit my love in Pakistan , and was denied after 3 months of waiting with no reason.  When I asked why I was denied they responded " we don't know , and we cant tell you ".


My congressman is also no help . In the beginning he offered to write the consulate and inquire about the status of my case.  Islamabad replied 

"Your case is currently undergoing AP , There is no way to know how long this will take .When it is complete we will contact you"  One month later I asked my congressman to inquire again. my congressman said " There is no need, they will contact you when its over". I was so surprised . Just because the embassy wrote this stupid email , now my fiance and I are suppose to wait until the end of time ..... until the embassy is ready to contact us? It seems there should be a set limit , a place to complain , someone to help!!!

Grace & IrfanFemalePakistan2013-06-16 20:08:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker
Wow that was so long . What was the hold up ?
Grace & IrfanFemalePakistan2013-04-17 13:14:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

Thank you very much. I hope no one has to wait this long as I had to because its very difficult.
Thanks again.

Congratulations! We had our interview about one month after your , so I hope our visa is coming soon also :)

It has been 2 full weeks sense my husband sent his birth certificate to the embassy by SpeedEx. They are showing his package was delivered April 3rd to the embassy. The embassy emailed me and said they have no record of the birth certificate but to give it 3 or 4 more weeks to show up in their system.

They are crazy! In 4 weeks my husband could have his visa. On Monday my husband will send his birth certificate again along with a cover letter. I am praying this time it will not get lost in the mail room.

I sent paystubs which were requested by the embassy and they were not marked as received until 10 weeks after I sent them. It can be frustrating.
Grace & IrfanFemalePakistan2013-04-17 11:58:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Recent Approvals After Long Wait in AP

Thank you so much for all of this information , its wonderful. I finally have a little hope ! I do have one question for you. What is the best way to look for  work in Dubai? Would it be easier to apply in person while visiting , or apply on the internet ?





I just wanted to share some thoughts.I moved to London in 2006 and worked there until 2012. I applied for Danish Green Card scheme in 2011 from London and my immigration was approved in January 2013 and received my immigrant visa from Danish Embassy in Dubai. I know it says on their wesbite that it takes 3 months to get Danish Green Card but in reality it takes atleast 1 year. My friend who applied for the green card the same time as me on the basis of his education was refused for some silly reason.


I have been living and working in Dubai for the last 9 months. 200 different nationalities live and work here and I believe its easier to find a job here than in Denmark and mainly its because most of the multi national companies are based in Dubai and in most offices English is the offcial language. Although English is understood by vast majoirty in Denmark but the official language is Danish.


I hope that everything goes without a hitch in future for you guys and hopefully your long AP wait will end soon Insha Allah but if you are forced to leave US to be with your fiance because of this stupid AP, then I would recommend Dubai because of the following:


1) You get browine points for holding American passport lol

2) Its a lot easier for Americans to find job in Dubai,are paid well and you would find it easier to blend into Dubai Culture.

3) You do not have to wait long for your fiance to be with you in Dubai. He can easily apply for a visit visa from Pakistan or you can apply for a spouse visa if your earnings are more than AED 5000 and I am sure you will get a lot more than that.


If you have any equestions please ask.





Grace & IrfanFemalePakistan2013-07-23 07:29:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Recent Approvals After Long Wait in AP

That is the best information I have read all year. Thank you so so much for all of your help. I will surely look into finding a job in Dubai. Unfortunately I have only a Bachelors degree and my Masters in still one year away. I hope that wont be a problem ! :) Thanks again .... u gave me hope! 





I just wanted to share some thoughts.I moved to London in 2006 and worked there until 2012. I applied for Danish Green Card scheme in 2011 from London and my immigration was approved in January 2013 and received my immigrant visa from Danish Embassy in Dubai. I know it says on their wesbite that it takes 3 months to get Danish Green Card but in reality it takes atleast 1 year. My friend who applied for the green card the same time as me on the basis of his education was refused for some silly reason.


I have been living and working in Dubai for the last 9 months. 200 different nationalities live and work here and I believe its easier to find a job here than in Denmark and mainly its because most of the multi national companies are based in Dubai and in most offices English is the offcial language. Although English is understood by vast majoirty in Denmark but the official language is Danish.


I hope that everything goes without a hitch in future for you guys and hopefully your long AP wait will end soon Insha Allah but if you are forced to leave US to be with your fiance because of this stupid AP, then I would recommend Dubai because of the following:


1) You get browine points for holding American passport lol

2) Its a lot easier for Americans to find job in Dubai,are paid well and you would find it easier to blend into Dubai Culture.

3) You do not have to wait long for your fiance to be with you in Dubai. He can easily apply for a visit visa from Pakistan or you can apply for a spouse visa if your earnings are more than AED 5000 and I am sure you will get a lot more than that.


If you have any equestions please ask.





Grace & IrfanFemalePakistan2013-07-23 07:24:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Recent Approvals After Long Wait in AP

Oh i forgot to mention earlier my brother in law was in AP from afghanistan. He had his interview end of april 2012 and was approved april 2013. It was a CR1 visa



Thats great news. Congratulations 

Grace & IrfanFemalePakistan2013-07-22 22:46:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Recent Approvals After Long Wait in AP

Dubai is a great option is you can secure a job. Many of our friends are living in Dubai.Denmark also has an amazing program called the green card schema - which you qualify for using points alone.( for education, ,fluency in English, and other things) The entire process takes just 3 months. The only downfall is that you must have a large chunk of cash in the bank to prove you can support yourself while looking for a job. Of course these options would only grant passage for my fiance , but as an American my traveling options are very open. I would be able to spend 90 days at a time with my fiance until he secured a well paying job and could sponsor me .( after marriage ). And to be honest, I would love to live in either Denmark or Dubai.




We would like to live in a third country too but we don't seem to have any option sad.png we don't know where to go. everyone is keeping everyone out of their country.


Grace & IrfanFemalePakistan2013-07-22 13:59:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Recent Approvals After Long Wait in AP

Well you are a much stronger person than I , because there is no way I can or will wait 16 months for AP. I plan on waiting 3 more months and making some decision then on plan B .I would rather live with my fiance in a third country than deal with this black hole .


I wish you good luck on your journey , you deserve it so much . I can only imagine how hard your wait has been.



Grace there are couples that get their visa after a long wait in AP. For Islamabad 9 months of AP is not that long.


My husband spent 16 months in AP. Our visa was denied due to a mistake by the embassy's legal department and reaffirmed by USCIS. When our petition was sent back to the embassy it was placed in AP right away and we have been in AP this go round for 1 year and counting.  


I believe that a lot of the embassy staff are back in the USA on vacations and that things are really slow at the embassy. It should pick up in the fall. Just stay strong and prayed up.


Grace & IrfanFemalePakistan2013-07-22 10:23:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Recent Approvals After Long Wait in AP

Grace & Irfan....


We too have just entered 13 months of AP TODAY! . Received and email from the Embassy in Algiers last June 24th. The email stated that they were getting ready to make a decision on our case within the next 10 days. Well, it is almost a month now and we have not heard anything yet. Emailed the Embassy twice in the last week, no response!. It sure makes you wonder what they are doing!. I hope you hear some positive news soon!. You are NOT alone.


Best of luck

Oops! K-1 VISA! 


Thanks for your response. After posting I realized that it was silly to ask people to state the type of visa they applied for since it is listed under their name .lol...... oh well




Have you heard of any recent approvals after a long AP wait ? 

Grace & IrfanFemalePakistan2013-07-21 21:19:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Recent Approvals After Long Wait in AP

My fiance and I have just entered 9 months of AP , and we are starting to wonder if the embassy ever plans on giving him a visa or if this whole thing is some strange game where they play with people's lives .


I have been looking through posts everyday on VJ, including the Pakistan Portal but havent seen any posts of couples being approved after a long wait .


Are you out there ?


If so please respond with the type of visa you applied for , and how long your Ap wait was.

Grace & IrfanFemalePakistan2013-07-21 20:49:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP is a nightmare!

Hello VJ member,


I wanted to ask has anyone experienced being placed in AP again after oath and fingerprints? My husband was called after 15 months of AP for oath and fingerprints,  the officer told him everything looks good however case is still in AP. I wonder why would they bother to call us.



Btw  when I made a senator?s inquiry they did reply that our case was going through final processing, before being called for oath and fingerprints. I hope they didn?t change their mind?.


Islamabad members who have been in AP for over a year please share your experience.....


We were not called for fingerprints of oath but we had a similar run around from the embassy. We have been in AP for 16 months and the embassy called us on November 26th of 2013 to say our visa was approved and to send a new medical with passport photos so they could issue it . We sent the documents are heard nothing . Then we received a call on December 26th 2013 saying our financial paperwork had expired ( joint sponsor info ) so to send new info . We sent that . Then we received another call in February saying they had not received our information. We provided them with the tracking information on the package , and resent it because we did not want to waste time . It has been almost three 3 months since the embassy called and told us we were APPROVED , yet our case still reads administrative processing on the government website and we have no visa in hand .

Grace & IrfanFemalePakistan2014-02-19 14:37:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Islamabad Embassy AP list 2013

Thank You for putting this together for us!



I would like to know what you all have done to get some help. Did anyone contact their senator or congressman? Were they any help? Have you been talking to DOS??


Is your Spouse first name Muhammad?

My congressman is writing the embassy , but the embassy is saying the same old things . No way to tell when AP will be over. You cant rush it .


How they think my 2 year wait is " rushing " them . I dont understand .

Grace & IrfanFemalePakistan2013-11-15 02:47:00
Asia: SouthCo-Sponcer for K1 visa Pakistan

They will only accept the equity in the home so if you own it free and clear of financial obligation there will be additional documentation that can be submitted to prove the financial stability.

Yes I do own my home free and clear ... no mortgage ... no liens . I submitted the deed to my home and also my property tax assessment for 2013 showing its value .
They have previously refused to accept this information , but I'm hoping the link from their own government website will change their mind .
Grace & IrfanFemalePakistan1/7/2013 21:02
Asia: SouthCo-Sponcer for K1 visa Pakistan

ok?? have u recvd visa?

No. We are still in AP and waiting to hear if they will accept the documents I sent . I found online that they should accept not only wages, but also my bank account , and the value of my home which I own. However , the embassy is saying they will only take my wages which alone does not meet the financial requirements.

I sent them a link to their own government site , showing that yes they should accept bank accounts and personal property ( my house ) now I am just waiting for a response.
Grace & IrfanFemalePakistan1/7/2013 0:12
Asia: SouthCo-Sponcer for K1 visa Pakistan

did u submit ur own w2?

I did not submit w2's for myself because I dont have any. I am a student
Grace & IrfanFemalePakistan11/17/2012 21:31
Asia: SouthCo-Sponcer for K1 visa Pakistan

Hi I need to know recently read that co-sponsorship for k-1 visa is not allowed in Pakistan ?

Is this true?

Anyone who got approved with a co-sponsor recently ?

Please guide me I really need help as i have already applied for K1 Fiance Visa on behalf on Co-sponcer I am confused after reading all the comments here
I need to know what the reality is please somebody...

My Fiance had his interview on October 15th , and the interviewer did tell him that co-sponsors were NOT allowed. However, he did NOT mark public charge on his refusal sheet. He only marked AP processing and asked for more records on the Co sponsor. So , I am also very confused if they will accept a co-sponsor or not . Again the interviewer said no Co Sponsor , but then asked for w2's of the Co-sponsor. The whole thing is crazy.
Grace & IrfanFemalePakistan11/11/2012 15:14
Asia: SouthIslamabad US Embassy not responding



I'm need a some advice. We received our NOA2 and then embassy sent us the 3.5 package via email. We responded on September 8. After three weeks I emailed them that we haven't heard from them since we mailed the 3.5 package. Their respond came next day that they haven't received our package yet and if you sent it, please send us airway bill number. I traced it from courier to embassy, they received and signed it on the the 9th. I Sent them three emails with airway bill number/receiving number but they are not responding anymore.

What should I do, my petition will expire in January 2014.




The embassy in Islamabad has also stopped replying to my emails . I sent information about my new employment and new home address. They did not confirm receiving it, they did not reply , and the department of state says they have received nothing . I had to have my congressman write to get a response and then the only response I received was saying that , I was in administrative processing which I already knew .  


They use to respond in 2-3 days , but now they have stopped responding to me at all. I don't understand the problem

Grace & IrfanFemalePakistan11/19/2013 20:25
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK1 Visa Interview Islamabad
Hello All,

Today my fiance had his interview in Islamabad and although the interviewer said that he believed our relationship was real , he said he would not accept our co sponsor. Our case was placed on AP and we were asked to provide my W2'S and a tax return for the last year. My fiance explained numerous times that I was a student , and had only student income. The interviewer said they would not accept a co sponsor , and placed him in AP. Does anyone have any advice or experience with something like this?
Grace & IrfanFemalePakistan2012-10-25 14:25:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionThis AP is Ridiculous

I mean really.  ranting33va.gif  Approved at consulate. Why are we approved but yet not really approved. In most countries visa is issued the same day.  For example Panama. 


Ive been in AP for 15 months sad.png then received a call 2 months ago saying I was approved , yet no visa has been sent . The entire process is a nightmare .


Edited by Grace & Irfan, 24 January 2014 - 09:48 PM.

Grace & IrfanFemalePakistan2014-01-24 21:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsany one had same experience response from senator

Once when I called the Department of State for a status update the lady on the phone was rude to me and made a comment about the fact that I had involved my congressman. I was asking why it was taking the embassy so long  to return my fiance's passport . He needed it for travel and the embassy would not return it even after 10 email and 7 weeks of asking. The lady from the department of state said 


" Why are you even calling me , I dont have the passport ?" 


I said because the embassy keeps hanging the phone up on me saying they dont accept calls, and I have sent over ten emails. We need his passport sent back immediately. 


She said " I see here that you had your congressman call on your behalf last week, if its such a big deal why don't you have your congressman ask for the passport ? I cant help you."




Grace & IrfanFemalePakistan2013-08-08 15:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsany one had same experience response from senator

The same thing happened to me .


When I contacted my senator  and asked how long should we wait to write the embassy again , they replied ..


" There is no need to write the embassy again , they will contact you when your visa is ready"


So then I asked -  even if it takes 5 years, I should not write again to inquire ? The senator replied  


" There is nothing you can do but wait , they are working on your case"

Grace & IrfanFemalePakistan2013-08-08 15:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reports26 months Admin Process --- Wait is over Visa Issued

Nov 1 status change to issued
Nov 5 passport at aeg office
Nov 6 document collected

By the grace of Allah long wait is over.

Congrats :) 

Grace & IrfanFemalePakistan2013-11-14 09:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAfter 2 years of AP

hello everyone 



After 2 years of Ap...... Embassy called me yesterday to Submit the following information on my visa if this is good sign please ? tell me 



I have been AP 2 years and 1 month so this is first call from embassy to me hope its good sign for my visa case inshallah please praying for me guys




here is email of embassy .... dancin5hr.gif



Thank you for your email.


As per our case record, following documents/records are being required in order for us to move forward regarding your visa case.1) Pictures ? even those too whom were delivered back to you at the end of your visa interview

2) Travel record of xxxxxx for the past three years, she has been visiting you in Pakistan (like record of immigration entry/exit stamps, boarding passes etc.)

3) Your communication/correspondence record (like Phone calls record, Skype calls record & email records etc.)


We would like you to know that the medical examination associated with this immgrant visa case expires on XXX.  Therefore, the visa issued will be valid only up to this date.  If applicants want to have a full six month validity visa,  a new medical examination report must be submitted.


Yours truly,

Immigrant Visa Unit

Consular Section, American Embassy

Islamabad, Pakistan 










Ive been in AP 15 months now and recently received a call saying we were approved and asking for my fiances passport . passport photos , and a new medical . We sent those things , and heard nothing for 30 days .Then we received a 2nd phone call asking for a new affidavit of support , which we sent . Its now been 3 weeks since they received it , and they will not even confirm they received it . Our case has not updated at all.

Grace & IrfanFemalePakistan2014-01-24 21:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS :(

My husband had his inteview on Jan 17th 2014 in Islamabad...all went well but unfortunately the interviewer told him our case has to be put under Administrative Process....this is quite frustrating but not much can be done...

any idea how long it takes ???





We have been in AP for 15 months now 

Grace & IrfanFemalePakistan2014-02-01 13:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsStupidest RFE in immigration history!

 We also had a stupid RFE in our case. After our interview at the  Islamabad Embassy, we received an email asking for additional information on our  co-sponsor. They asked for additional tax transcripts , and also multiple print outs about our co-sponsors stock holdings. After I sent all the requested information, the embassy replied 


" Thank you for sending the requested information, However we do not accept co-sponsors for K1 visa at this time"

Grace & IrfanFemalePakistan2013-04-28 08:40:00