IMBRA Special TopicsHelp! New K1 requirement-Need waiver if more than 2 petitions!!
I would be consulting with a good immigration lawyer. You want your best shot with the waiver and at least a lawyer would hopefully have more of an idea on what is required. Shop around for one that knows their stuff. All the best to you.

Aussiewench --- from someone who tried your advice, the shop around part and the someone that knows thier stuff part --- honestly it is pretty much hit or miss --- Laurel on Immigrate2us is the best that I have seen as far as, keeping up with the news and changes in immigration law -- she specializes in waivers and does over the phone advice as well --- to be honest, unless you know the law yourself, how do you know that the lawyer knows all there is to know on the subject ---
ktmmansgalFemale02006-06-23 17:20:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
I called the number and followed the process this morning just to verify that I was contacting the Vermont Service Center --- When I got to the hold portion just after the full message of case status was given to me --- a recording stated these words --- "You have reached the Vermont Service Center" and then unlike the main 1-800 number on the USCIS website where they give you a waiting time --- I was almost immediately put through to a customer service center representative --- I told her my case number and that it was not outside of the 90 days that it states it should process but was wondering if she could tell me where it might be in the process --- She told me that it was in security checks right now and that if I did not hear anything within 7 to 14 days that I should call back --- now, call me optimistic, or gullible -- but I prefer to have some goodness settle in for the day instead of the comments of deflation that I so often here in response here --- in one of the previous responses, Aussie Wench added a link to a procedure that is from 2003 ... likely that has been altered a bit lately in light of all the immigration changes that occur daily and monthly --- I am holding onto some goodness since all I have had over the past several months is depressing, unencouraging news or lack there of...

So, Thanks again IGOR --- you made another day for me and my hubby!
ktmmansgalFemale02006-06-06 13:52:00
USCIS Service CentersTelephone/Fax/E-mail for Vermont

I've searched the archives here and checked on the web, and am unable to locate a telephone number, fax, or e-mail for the Vermont Service Center. All I have is the national 1-800 number for the USCIS. Does anyone here have that information, and, if so, would they be willing to share it? The national number cannot provide me any information. Thank you! :thumbs:

Wait till a few words are spoken on the recording before keying in the next number
1 - 2 - 6 - 1
key in your reciept number and listen to the case status all the way to the end of the recording then
Select 3 - 3 - 1

You will then be connected to the Vermont Service Center -- unless you are calling outside of the normal business hours ---
ktmmansgalFemale02006-06-27 13:21:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Not sure if a waiver will be necessary?
Yes, this is a Crime of Moral Turpitude, any crime against a person is considered CMIT, Assault, robbery, rape --- you get the just here--- my husband and I just had our interview for his K3 in Vancouver Canada-- he had one conviction for Assault it was 22 years old --- he also had some petty things from earlier in his youth like stealing a chocolate bar. But never having served time or paid a fine is not the order of the law here. What is focused on is the maximum sentence for the crime -- Assault is 6 years I believe as the maximum sentence --- So, if I was you, I would do as we did, plan for a wiaver to be the process you will take and prepare it for submittal immediately after he is denied the visa for the CMIT ---

Go to the www.immigrate2us site and you will find several examples of letters to help you get started --- you can also email me privately and I can discuss some of the things we did in preparation and give you some samples of our letters. Bear in mind we have not been approved yet but the fellow at the consulate told us that barring any unforseen items coming up we should receive word of a waiver between 3 to 12 weeks --- having such a fresh record, I am sure he will have to submit a waiver --- so just start doing your homework now, collect doctors letters or whatever ---

I usually post on the k-1 but I have a little situation. My fiance rec'd a call from the garda station informing him that his police cert was being mailed out. The officer mentioned that he had a conviction on his record. Now according to my man he WAS arrested twice once for "disorderly conduct and then again for a fight in a bar on Paddy's Day(both over 3 years ago). He swears he never went to court-or paid fines of any kind, so does anyone know how he could have a conviction? I know I am jumping the gun here, I realize we won't know for sure until we see what the police cert says-but I thought someone here may have some insight.

Could the bar fight have been an assault conviction? Would he be deined his k-1? Will he need a waiver?

I couldn't find the "crimes of moral torpitude" list, so I am not sure what we are up against.

It is always something :blink:

Thanks all

ktmmansgalFemale02006-03-28 20:18:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)601 THROUGH VERMONT

If you go check your receipt you will see the 30/90 day thing has been removed or it has on mine,but you can actually get through to Vermont and speak to someone there about your case,my wife did this for me and was told that I should hear something from them in 2 weeks.........................although Im not holding my breath :clock:

here is his timeline == attached to mine === we were married in Canada and when neither of you are from the county you are married in you are required to go through the country of marriage ===

Here is the deal, originally we were pretty optimistic and still have a bit of that hope of things moving along --- I think that hope keeps you sane and helps us from just buying into the anger that you so easily can buildup when dealing with all this mess -- SO -- the other night it just hit me, it has been nearly 3 months since I have seen my husband and I can't wait any longer --- so I just said the heck with paying off some of these bills with a bonus I will be getting soon --- I am going to be with my husband --- That by far will do more for each of us and as I see its an investment in Us --- you see all this really drains on a couple and I dont want to let it put our relationship in a holding pattern --- So, Off I go to England on March 6th --- I am so excited about seeing him that I think I will just hang on and not let go for for the whole week I am there.
ktmmansgalFemale02006-06-16 23:42:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)601 THROUGH VERMONT

mine is also for an overstay...I see in your timeline that the Embassy would not accept your waiver....why the h ell can use the reciept # from your waiver to track you case on the online case will get nothing out of Montreal......have your Senator contact Vermont....they are the ones making the decision and holding the file. Once the waiver is processed then it gets sent back to Montreal.

if you want to read my entire story you can find it here ( it is a long read)

the latest news on my case is that the file was touched on May 18th and again on the 19th...Vermont emailed my congressman's office on May 23rd and stated that my waiver was in the clerical section for the decision to be typed and far we have nothing....nothing online case status and nothing in the mail....contacted congressman's office yesterday to have them contact Vermont and hopefully at least tell us what the decision is.

If you have not checked out
it is worth going over and reading the I-601 forum there are a few Canadians over there and everyone updates on any news out of Vermont.

take care and good luck


Char, I read your story and laughed with you and cryed with you thru it --- U do have a captivating way of writing --- As for us, about a month ago I paid 10.00 to have a hand delivered letter sent to my Senator from Washington State --- I received a letter hand signed by her on Friday requesting that I sign an authorization form to act on our behalf to get more information on the waiver situation. I have just written an attachment letter with our story and added your story at the end of ours so she can see how messed up it is for folks like you out there and that others have suffered and continue to suffer. My hope was that she might take the issue up a bit higher to try and expose how messed up and inconsistent the whole immigration process is --- talk about a waste of taxpayers money - I do think that it would be a good idea (of course after we get the waivers) to write a magazine editor or newspaper reporter and see if we can use our stories to give this mess a bit of exposure.

Edited by ktmmansgal, 13 June 2006 - 09:55 PM.

ktmmansgalFemale02006-06-13 21:53:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)601 THROUGH VERMONT

If you go check your receipt you will see the 30/90 day thing has been removed or it has on mine,but you can actually get through to Vermont and speak to someone there about your case,my wife did this for me and was told that I should hear something from them in 2 weeks.........................although Im not holding my breath :clock:

here is his timeline == attached to mine === we were married in Canada and when neither of you are from the county you are married in you are required to go through the country of marriage ===
ktmmansgalFemale02006-06-12 01:09:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I-601 Waiver Updates
Thanks Char, I believe you and your hubby are kind of like mine and me --- its like we are in our 50s and it would be nice to spend some time with our Hubbies in the same country at least prior to retiring or officially becoming a senior citizen === wait till you get here AARP will bombard you when you reach 50 --- that alone makes you feel old ---
ktmmansgalFemale02006-06-23 17:25:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I-601 Waiver Updates
OK, I am not liking this, I seem to be the only one except for Rayma that is interested in my Posts --- should I put my old cheerleader uniform on --- anyway, I posted this information on immigrate2us and thought I would share it here as well ---

This appears to be the process a I-601 waiver goes through when submitted to the Vermont Service Center ---

1. You pay your money
2. They cash your check (the most speedy portion of the process)
3. They take your waiver application letters, and supporting documentation
4. It is snail mailed to the appropriate processing center.
5. It is input into the system
6. Notice of Action Letter is sent to applicants
7. The File SITS for a very long time in some que (In Box)
(who knows what happens to it during this time) coffee spills, office fire, extremely disorganized person sits piles of government regulation manuals on top of it... the list could go on and on
8. Then it gets sent to the adjudicators in box ---
9. Depending on the workload it sits there for some time as well
10. Then due to miracles happening, the adjudcator picks it up and begins to see what items did not get spilled on
11. Adjudicator sends RFEs for thoses that were spilled on
12. Then, if you were lucky - your package is good enough to be sent into the security check process which I have been told takes usually two weeks. sits in another inbox --- same stuff could happen as before
13. Consolidation process occurs wherby all documents gets assigned a new T-File indicator
14. Into adjudcator inbox again -
15. Then they do whatever and award a decision
16. Time goes by whereby they wait to tell you or your consulate to give you the official decision.
17. You finally hear
18. Hopefully this is the end ---

Why not electronic

Everything I had in my packet was also on a cd disk ---

Edited by ktmmansgal, 23 June 2006 - 05:09 PM.

ktmmansgalFemale02006-06-23 17:07:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I-601 Waiver Updates

Hi C:

Glad to hear you are at least getting some "scoop" when you call USCIS. They so often just give you the "standard replies" which are usually just to be patient and wait and you'll hear something "soon". It sure does get frustrating.

Glad to hear you're heading off to England to see your husband. Have a great time!!!!!

Maybe we can get together for coffee when you get back.


Works for me Rayma, I wish I knew where you lived in Orting --- then when I take my bike ride on the trail I could stop by for a refreshing ice cold drink ---- email me and we will make a date for that girlie --- thanks for the response
ktmmansgalFemale02006-06-22 14:05:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I-601 Waiver Updates
:dance: Hey everyone, I wanted to share with you the information I sent to my hubby today about a call I just had with the Vermont Service Center --- I was calling to followup on the call I made over two weeks ago when the Customer Service Center Rep. told me to call back if I had not heard anything within two weeks --- She told me that our case was in security checks and that it was taking about two weeks to process through that point --

Letter to Hubby -

Ok, today marked the over two weeks mark that the gal at the Vermont Service Center gave me to call back within -- so I called !

Well, obviously I did not get her --- but I got a Hispanic man who didnt give me the information she did --- pretty much nothing -- he just said the case is pending --- I am sure most people would have been happy with that response -- and with happy, I do not mean :D just that they likely would have left it at that... but you are lucky that I did a bit more digging (in my sweetest voice) I kinda pleaded our situation and said that the last gal told me that we were in security checks and he was telling me differently --- and from what he was saying it appeared to me that she gave me a story line or that he was maybe doing the same --- he told me to be patient and that they were short staffed but that it was now in the process to be consolodated --- now, when he said the word 'consolodated', I knew I didn't know what that meant --- so I asked what that meant --- he said it meant that the security checks were complete and that the case is in process of being assigned a new number and would now have a T-file name and be assembled to be sent back to the adjucicator --- WOW, wasn't that the kind of information that given to me first would have givin me the comfort that I was attempting to get upon calling them --- so then, I said, "well then, the last caller was right when she told me that our case was in security checks and now, the information was being assembled (or consolodated into a T-File) so what next, then he said, it will be given back to the adjudicator to finish the processing at that point --- he was hesitant to give me any kind of date but he did say it should not take that long to get back in the adjucators hands with. So with that, I thanked him and told him that if he would have just offered the information he did to me about the steps in the process that it would have calmed my concerns and I could do the patient waiting they always ask you to do --- so, with luck and hope and if you are so inclined a few prayers we might hear before I leave England in mid July ---
ktmmansgalFemale02006-06-22 12:39:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)CIS Ombudsman
I read it --- the only plus you have is that at least you two can be together through it --- having my husband in England and me here is the pits...

Edited by ktmmansgal, 03 July 2006 - 06:48 PM.

ktmmansgalFemale02006-07-03 18:47:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)CIS Ombudsman

Well, good luck! If you read the "story" of our visa journey, you will see the problems we have had. We wrote to the Ombudsman years ago and they didn't do a thing. They even discussed our case with other attorneys at a formal dinner - where two of the attorney's confirmed that we were being treated unfairly - and the Ombudsman's office did nothing.

Personally, I think the office of the USCIS Ombudsman will do nothing to help. The Ombudsman's Report confirmed that there are problems within the USCIS, and how they make money from the processing delays (EAD applications and AP applications that would not be required if their processing times were more reasonable) but have they done anything about them - nope!

Good luck!

So where are you in the process (no timeline) --- Is you your hubby/wife still in England?
ktmmansgalFemale02006-07-03 14:15:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)CIS Ombudsman
Has anyone ever done this to complain about case problems... It states that you can file an official complaint if any of the following apply to your case.

The following text is copied directly from the website. For further information on the process and steps required to submit a case problem (complaint) click the link below.

When You Should File a Case Problem with the CIS Ombudsman

If you have an ongoing or immediate issue with the USCIS, contact the CIS Ombudsman if:

You are facing, or are about to face, an immediate adverse action or impact, an emergency, or any other type of significant hardship, which is caused by an action/inaction/delay in processing by the USCIS, or a problem, which could not be resolved through the normal processes provided for by USCIS;
Your case experienced processing delays beyond anticipated processing times;
You will incur, or are about to incur, significant, and unusual costs (including fees for professional representation that are not normally incurred);
Have not received a response or resolution within the anticipated time frames as published by the USCIS;
here is the link to the official information page on the DHS website ---

I think if we elevate several of our cases by submitting complaints possibly something can be done to repair some of the obvious inconsistencies in processing of Visas especially those that are outside the posted/verbalised timeframes. I personally am going to write my letter tonight. In addition to the timeframe issue, I will be stating my complaints about the process differences at each consulate and why with my husband from England and I from the US, that we had to file in Canada because we were married in beautiful Victoria BC, Canada

Edited by ktmmansgal, 03 July 2006 - 02:01 PM.

ktmmansgalFemale02006-07-03 13:57:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)2 convictions 6 years ago. help!!!

nathmc31, I'm not sure if you need TWO hardshipe letters mate!! London DOES require two, but as far as I know it's the only embassy that does. You may need to speak to someone who's gone through Sydney. As far as examples, like previous posters have said, go to and look through the stickies, there's loads on there from embassies all over the world, it will help.



Paul and anyone else --- London is not the only Consulate that requires two letters --- I know that the Vancouver and the Montreal Consulate also require two hardship letters as well as, many others consulates as evidenced in posts I have read on --- So, my advice is contact which ever consualte you will need to process through and they should have the specific information you need posted on thier website. http://sydney.uscons...onsular/iv.html this should be a good start for Australia -- :yes:

Edited by ktmmansgal, 17 July 2006 - 12:32 PM.

ktmmansgalFemale02006-07-17 12:31:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Called Vermont Service Center Again
OK, first I want to say,(before anyone tries to tear my post apart) that I don't care if the VSC call center is not at the same facility where the waivers are processed ---

I call every week even if they tell me not to -- I grill, I probe and I ask for clarification when they say anything -- It helps me to deal with this process and to hold onto some shred of hope that things are moving forward --- no matter how slowly they are moving --- They tell you everytime to not call for another 30 days. I actually had a little chuckle with the gal today about it ---- she told me not call for another 30 days and I said, "I know -- but I call when I need to know where my case is in the process and to let them know I am feeling frustration and loneliness from not being with my husband --- I dont want to wait another 30 days on hold pretty much --- she said that she was required to state the 30 days statement as a standard response. I then told here I understand that and thanked her for doing her job. But, and a big BUT I will continue to call every week to get some information and comfort if that is all I make of it --- She said the understands and to do whatever I needed to do to get what little comfort it can give me ---

Now maybe I have been very fortunate but, I actually have enjoyed the conversations more than not --- certainly better than hanging onto the negative for me ---

I will continue posting the information I get on this forum to keep all of you informed and possibly provide some hope to someone else in this black hole of a process ---

Here is a summary of the phone calls to date ---

1st call, after the 3 month timeframe was nearly up ---
was told your case is in security checks --- if you don't hear anything --call back in two weeks
2nd call, two weeks later --- was told that the file was being consolidated and assigned a A number
3rd call, Was told it was in security Checks again --- I cried... booo hooo
4th call, was told by Officer Mary that it was put back into security checks because of a name match issue that surfaced and that it was through security checks at that point and in transit to a work transfer desk and where it is assigned to an adjucator.
5th call - Today called VSC at 11:00 AM PST --- spoke with Margie, was asked the normal questions. What is your case number? who are you? etc... When I asked her where our case was in the process she said an officer had it --- and since I spoke to an officer on the help line the previous week, I said what does that mean? is an officer the same thing as an Adjucator? === is the person that has the file the one that will be making the decision on our case? She said, YES --- now I know, most of you think this is all a pile of ####### and that they tell me what they think I want to hear --- I have been calling for over a month weekly and if I group the information together from all the calls it appears to be moving forward ---
ktmmansgalFemale02006-07-26 01:28:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)timelines of processing canadian I-601's
I know I am not in the "in" crowd here ---as I don't have a bazillion posts nor do I care to --- (but I still post information with the hope it helps some new person who is not here for purely the social aspect of it all)

It does seem to be that for allot of posters -- but, oh well everyone has their reasons --

I have been trying to keep this board current on my progress to date on contacting the Vermont Service Center to see where our Waiver is in the process --- this should help those of you going through Vermont and since this post refers to just that --- Although my husband in from the UK --- we are going through the Vancouver Canada Consulate as we were married there.

I called the USCIS Service Center in Vermont today and spoke with Customer Service Agent Darcy. She told that I should wait 30 days before calling again and that my Senators office had just called last week to inquire about our case --- I tried my best to play on her emotions and share with her how the separation that my husband and I are enduring is so painful and if I feel the need to call every week even if it only gives a shred of new information that it helps to endure the process --- any movement is AOK with me --- She offered up to me that the processing times in Vermont for I-601's complete through security checks was submission of January 29th, 2006 (that would be your NOA1 date) But that did not necessarily mean it would take three months to get to our case complete because the amount of 601's applied for is much lower than 1-130's and I-129's. Darcy also confirmed that we were on the adjudacators desk and she had no visibility over whether that person was on vacation or what their workload was.

Another thing I did was to get my US State Senator involved in the case by signing the statement that allowed them to intervene and gain access to information for our case. Today I also called the Senators office and was told they are calling the VSC on a weekly basis. They are required to document everything they communicate with other government agencies and I should see the first conversation letter in the mail and the other following shortly --- I'm hoping by getting the Senator involved it will alert the USCIS to the case having more eyes watching their progress than only my husbands and mine ---
We will get there --- inch by inch ---
ktmmansgalFemale02006-07-31 13:45:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Visa/Waiver trap
Never did I imply that you folks didn't have a life outside VJ --- For myself, I am just very excited to get back to what normal life was pre-our Visa process --- Doing a couple 50-mile bicycle rides a month, getting back to the design work I have put off --- Building a deck together on our house --- And Yes, If someone were to email me from a previous post, I would certainly answer it -- but ,using this as my local support group to help me deal with this separation and the process hopefully will not be necessary ---- Oh and the last thing I forgot to tell you I will be doing when I finish my journey is to write that "Horror Story" about the Visa Process that I have been living for the last year --- anyone willing to add some input? :jest:

--- I personally use this computer for work way too much to want to sit down for any reason once huybby is here and we can do the things we did separately now together --- If your thing is this or porn what ever turns your crank ---

Edited by ktmmansgal, 02 August 2006 - 11:31 AM.

ktmmansgalFemale02006-08-02 11:29:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Visa/Waiver trap

Don't let dmartmar bother you, tigretigre. He enjoys going into topics whose titles sound controversial and seeing who he can tick off or insult.

So, it appears that TracyTN has the list -- who's posts are worthy of response and who's posts are not ---

Posted Image

always remember before slagging someone else off ... that your post is above criticism! :thumbs:

What a wave of response --- I am of the belief that everyone has a viewpoint and "yes" a finger was pointed in the comment back to tigretigre but, it may have also made tigretigre take another look at her situation from a different angle --- there have been several posts just like the one that appeared to hurt some feelings --- In defense of any post that does not come across as "Everything will be OK" is that we spare some feelings at the interview by sharing both the positive and negative aspects of a situation so a person is well informed and prepared for anything -- because a big ANYTHING always seems to happen --- all we have is information to arm ourselves with in preparation for this whole nightmare of a VISA process --- As evidenced I don't read every post on this site But some of you folks just stand out from time to time ---

guess i don't stand out from time to time because you would realize that i'm not of the mindset that 'everything will be ok' whenever someone posts about an issue ... hence my response here ...

tracy merely suggested that tigre ignore dmart ... it was clear that he didn't have a grasp of the actual situation and he likes to spin things! a persona attack on tracy was not warranted, IMHO.

Thanks for your backup documentation to prove you standout --- gimygirl is officially added to the list ---but in all reality if you have a thousand +posts you are already there ---

I just ride the wave here ---- answer questions to the best of my ability, give advice on things I have been through and all in all, find the sagas that sometimes ensue to be entertaining and sometimes quite sad --- I am here to read about experiences I have not gone through yet, so I am prepared for those I will be going through --- I have met some folks that I will continue to communicate with after all this is over but when my Hubby gets here and we get that green card --- I will be done and soooooo ready to begin a normal life which does not include Visa Journey --- As for TracyTN her visa journey has not even begun --- I wish here all the luck when it does and hope that she can sail through it without a glitch due to her broad understanding of all the ins and outs through the rest of our experiences --- and appears she has pretty tough skin (no correct that -- she uses that Airbonne product so her skin is likely smooth and supple :lol: --- whatever --- I thank you all for responding -------
ktmmansgalFemale02006-08-01 13:41:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Visa/Waiver trap

Don't let dmartmar bother you, tigretigre. He enjoys going into topics whose titles sound controversial and seeing who he can tick off or insult.

So, it appears that TracyTN has the list -- who's posts are worthy of response and who's posts are not ---

Posted Image

always remember before slagging someone else off ... that your post is above criticism! :thumbs:

What a wave of response --- I am of the belief that everyone has a viewpoint and "yes" a finger was pointed in the comment back to tigretigre but, it may have also made tigretigre take another look at her situation from a different angle --- there have been several posts just like the one that appeared to hurt some feelings --- In defense of any post that does not come across as "Everything will be OK" is that we spare some feelings at the interview by sharing both the positive and negative aspects of a situation so a person is well informed and prepared for anything -- because a big ANYTHING always seems to happen --- all we have is information to arm ourselves with in preparation for this whole nightmare of a VISA process --- As evidenced I don't read every post on this site But some of you folks just stand out from time to time ---
ktmmansgalFemale02006-08-01 10:52:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Visa/Waiver trap

Don't let dmartmar bother you, tigretigre. He enjoys going into topics whose titles sound controversial and seeing who he can tick off or insult.

So, it appears that TracyTN has the list -- who's posts are worthy of response and who's posts are not ---
ktmmansgalFemale02006-08-01 00:15:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Vermont Service Center

Well, the lady told you what to do. And that is basically not to call them anymore.
Calculate for your phone call 5 minutes, now add another 11 people who are calling the same hour you do. The result is - 1 hour is gone. 1 hour this USCIS employee could have gone through a few cases. Let that happen at least 2 hours a day and one quarter of a working day is gone without that this employee could do any work, because nagging relatives are bothering them and keeping them away from their work.

Everyone within the visa process wants this process to be short. Many are just waiting. But then there are these who are so selfish that they think about themselves only.
Nagging and bothering USCIS leads to nothing but to a longer backlog because there are employees who have to take care of these people.
The side effect is also that people with serious problems have to wait on the phone for up to 30 minutes or more because other people don't get that the work will get done.
And it gets done faster if the employees can do what they are supposed to do, without any disturbance.

So do all of us a favour and wait. The waiting time will be over sooner or later.
The fact that some are patiently waiting doesn't mean that they are loving their loved ones less.

The same for all the "inquieries" through Senators and Congress people. If it is not a really serious matter. Wait at least the projected time and let USCIS do their job.

That has to be the worst posting on this board i've seen, i've been lurking longer than you've been a member at the moment.

why did you bother? do you just like to be rude and insensitive to others?

do you beat kittens and small children in your spare time?

notifying congressmen is the wisest course of action, they created this mess with a bad law this year and they should see if they can do something about it.

perhaps in your oppinion it would just be better to find a nice message board to post useless comments on and be cruel to others, it might make one feel better.

Insensitive is the OP. Her wrong understanding of heroism is affecting directly other applicants.
Ignoring that the line is for urgent cases only, draws ressources away and binds them to tasks that are not necessary. Less useless calls could cause, that more employees are transfered to places where they could actively work on applications.
But no, our selfish and stubborn heroine, who doesn't see that her actions are delaying more things than they help to get things done doesn't care what she is creating. She still thinks she is speeding up things, even the opposite is the result.
IMBRA, that is probably what you consider a bad law, is the wisest that could be done. Why should only the beneficiary provide a police record. Why shouldn't the USC show as well that he/she has a clean record? Everyone who cares at least a bit about the safety and security of the United States and the citizens of this nation should welcome such a law.
Anyone who thinks that the amount of cases of domestic violence is too high should be glad such a law was made.
Anyone who cares and is against illegal immigration in any kind should support this law.

Authorities might have had difficulties to bring the law into the whole process. But that doesn't mean that the law itself is wrong.

My opinion is, and the OP proves that with her explanations, that useless phone calls or too many phone calls about a case are disturbing other cases. No one minds phone calls to prevent RFEs or to submit information in urgent cases. But I am sure that I am not the only one who minds people bombarding USCIS with phone calls just because they think it might help their case.

Btw, I don't beat kitten and small children. I don't see in which way I am rude. The one who is rude is clearly the OP and all the other who ignore the fact that too many phone calls are binding labor forces in positions they are not really needed in leaving other, more needed positions unoccupied.

Hindering authorities to do their work a proper way is not a kind of heroism.

So, you now have your IMBRA soapbox --- And you have your wife with as well --- just as my husband said, no glitches in your way --- What would you be doing if your case went past the posted processing times? Just as ours and so many other have --- likely you at some point would try to find out some information --- Now you put all the blame on those of us who just want out of this immigration nightmare

Heroine, I am not trying to be --- I am trying to give folks information to help lessen the pain of being separated from their loved ones. My post was concerning those of us who have been 'waiting the wait', the long wiaver wait --- you should keep your rants to yourself or in the IMBRA forum.
ktmmansgalFemale02006-08-08 16:44:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Vermont Service Center

Well, the lady told you what to do. And that is basically not to call them anymore.
Calculate for your phone call 5 minutes, now add another 11 people who are calling the same hour you do. The result is - 1 hour is gone. 1 hour this USCIS employee could have gone through a few cases. Let that happen at least 2 hours a day and one quarter of a working day is gone without that this employee could do any work, because nagging relatives are bothering them and keeping them away from their work.

Everyone within the visa process wants this process to be short. Many are just waiting. But then there are these who are so selfish that they think about themselves only.
Nagging and bothering USCIS leads to nothing but to a longer backlog because there are employees who have to take care of these people.
The side effect is also that people with serious problems have to wait on the phone for up to 30 minutes or more because other people don't get that the work will get done.
And it gets done faster if the employees can do what they are supposed to do, without any disturbance.

So do all of us a favour and wait. The waiting time will be over sooner or later.
The fact that some are patiently waiting doesn't mean that they are loving their loved ones less.

The same for all the "inquieries" through Senators and Congress people. If it is not a really serious matter. Wait at least the projected time and let USCIS do their job.

Stinger --- You dont even have a clue --- the person I call is in a phone center to do the job of answering phone calls --- they do nothing else --- even when I called the first time after waiting the 90 days that was posted was very little --- Im taking off my shoes right now --- you wear them for a while and see how it feels.

what is the VSC's number to call??

same number you call just pm me and I will give the the process --
ktmmansgalFemale02006-08-08 13:53:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Vermont Service Center
I spoke to the VSC again today --- my weekly call and here is the information I mined from the call --- I try to stay positive but this bit of information is really doing its best to drag me down ---

I'm not very encouraged this morning after my weekly call to the Vermont Service Center --- I spoke with Linda today and she (first and foremost) told me to not call again for another 30 days rather sternly -- She said that this line is not for casually checking up on status and it was only for urgent items (to us this is urgent) I was instructed to check the website for status. But is it soooo depressing to log in and see the same thing everytime --- (no activity). I hope I am not bothering them too much - So, next time I will wait two weeks + until I call again ---

I told her that calling and talking to someone really helps get through this process and gives me the verification I need that it is moving forward -- and that being without your husband or wife and never getting anything status makes waiting this process extremely difficult. -- at that point she offered up some more information about what goes on once it gets to the adjudacators desk.

She said that every day the adjudacator gets a work order to determine which cases to process on that day --- there is no order like Mondays process one type, Tuesdays process another type, it all depends upon the backlog on that given day --- So, there are obviously not enough I-601s in the hopper to make a hill of beans worth of priority --- thus the long waiting periods --- so here is how it goes ---

1 - Case arrives at the desk of the officer/adjudicator
2 - He/she gets a work order for the day to work a type of case(I-129, I-601, and all the others) they will work those types of cases only on that day
If more information is needed, an RFE is sent --
3 - If they don't quite get through the case on that day, it sits unfinished for an undetermined amount of time until another work order is given to work that type of case ---
4 - When you get the information back to them on an RFE, it sits and waits for the next work order day for processing those types of cases --- thus the sporadic nature of approvals. I hate to say that this actually has some correlation to the reason it takes so long to process cases. You never get any status online unless they need more information RFE or they have made a decision --- until then you have no access to where the case is within the process ---

Now, I wonder if we sent way too much and the officer will try and go through it all with a fine tooth comb --- Oh Well, it is what it is. We sit, We wait, We put our lives on HOLD ---

So, we know that are others in front of us, so this could still be a while --- I am really down about this --- I have no vacation left, my hubby has no vacation left --- and the only thing we know is that hubby gets more vacation in December --- so he may be able to fly here to Vancouver to visit me or I may be able to fly there to visit him during the same time --- not sure what we will do --- I am really needing a support group right about now ---
:crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying:
ktmmansgalFemale02006-08-08 11:48:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Dexy & Peach Denial! bye for now.

Hello everyone,
I`m posting this same message on the 3 forums my wife and I subscribe to, so some of you will see it more then once.
Having taken expert legal council my wife and I have decided not to go ahead with an appeal for the denial, in fact we are not going to do anything as it seems to be an almost futile quest.
We both, would like to thank all the group for the help and advice we have recieved over the past couple of years, its been a big help in the start of our process and been fun at times reading some of the more comical posts, they made up in a small way for the ones with true sadness.
We wish everyone the very best of luck and ask you not to give up hope.
Peach is here in the UK for two more weeks and we are not going to let this stop us from enjoying every minute.
Take care everyone and may your God bless you.
Dexy & Peach.

Can you tell us what the reason for your Wiaver Denial was? My hubby and I are waiting in line in Vermont for a waiver decision - I have read so many official documents on what will allow my husband to be approved for a waiver or not and we had a pretty stout hardship letter although we had no level one arguments, we did have several level two arguments and a couple level three arguments along with Drs. letters and documentation from countless websites stating statistics and beyond. I still worry that it won't be enough --- when I hear about denials from Vermont, I just want to know what their reasoning for the denial was so my worry level will subside or it might give me some indication of where we may end up in this open ended process --- can you share?
ktmmansgalFemale02006-08-24 15:35:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)OMG............................

Drumbroll please...........................

We got our letter today and we were APPROVED.

thank you thank you thank you. I can finally breath again.

I'll come back later but right now I can't sit still.

:thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:


Vicky, we received an e-mail and it stated that the letter would be coming soon, what are the instructions on the letter, My husband has to fly to Vancouver from UK to get the stamp in his visa and cross the border in BC to Washington State where we will live --- he was wondering if you have to make an appointment and if those instructions are on the letter ---
ktmmansgalFemale02006-10-19 14:26:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I-601 Approval - Vermont
ktmmansgal could you please email me the info so I can contact Vermont. I would love to be able to talk to someone about our case rather than the consulate which has been unhelpful period. We know our case was recentely forwarded but we have heard nothing. The really stupid thing was Montreal held onto our case from February to September when they finally forwarded it to DHS. I'd love to hear some good news soon but that's like holding out for the winning jackpot numbers. Thanks

I have listed a detailed process to follow to contact the Vermont Service Center. Call when your case in outside the 90 day window past your NOA for your I-601 - After you have spoken to the Customer Service Agent you will be directed not to call for another 30 days --- sometimes I would call closer than that, sometimes not --- sometimes they were nice, sometimes not --- I always say what you will get all depends upon your approach --- if the answer you get is something like it is Pending just ask, Where in the pending process is it --- because there are several steps it needs to go through --- to get to the officers desk that will make the decision on your case ---


listen to a few words then select (1)
listen to a few words then select (2)
listen to a few words then select (2)
listen to a few words then select (6)
listen to a few words then select (1)

Key in your complete receipt number for your I-601
this number should begin with EAC

Make sure you listen to the entire recording to the end and then when the recording goes into a selection mode again, (yes even after the recording says the Service Center has no other information than the information you have just heard) then

listen to a few words and select (3)
listen to a few words and select (2)
listen to a few words and select (1)

at this point you will hear a recording that states you have reached the Vermont Service Center and you will be connected to the next VSC Customer Support Representative --

When you get a person make sure you state your situation and that you are the petitioner of the original Visa petition - on the Waiver you are not really supposed to get information because you are not considered the petitioner but your spouse or fiance is of the actual I-601 --- but they have given me information when I ask the right questions. The story line was in direct connection with what actually ended up happening --- that was refreshing --

At the end of your call they will ask you not to call again for 30 days and with your timeline it appears you are certainly in line for some current "real" status -- they have access electronically to your case at least the tracking system which gives you some information on the step of the process your case in in ---

Here is the simplified process (I gave the detailed process above because in the past, several people have tried to call and were unsuccessful when they didn't wait for a few words to be spoken before they keyed in the next number in the series ---)

1 then 2 then 2 then 6 then 1
Reciept # to the end of the recording
then 3 then 2 then 1
(you have now reached the Vermont Service Center)

I hope this helps

Feel free to email me for more information of some specific questions to ask --- but this usually is dependant upon the type of response they give you --- do not accept the word Pending --- you already know that ---

Good Luck
ktmmansgalFemale02006-10-20 11:27:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I-601 Approval - Vermont
Thanks all of you --- Great for Vicky too --- as for getting any touches or information out of Vermont - we got nothing that way --- the direct line I called somewhat regularly gave me a storyline that was consistent with what actually happened --- my husband called the regular help line last Friday because The direct line menu in the automated system had changed -- he was told that it would likely be another year -- don't believe that ( I certainly did not want to) --- I never received the same answer from anyone at any level on the general information line. If anyone needs the phone line to Vermont just let me know - I figured it out on Monday and the gal I spoke to told me that our case was being directed to an officer to work and was in transit at that very moment -- So as it looks, they got it, worked it and best of all "approved it" --- yooo hoooo!!!!! Now we get to move to the AOS Support Forum --- and hope Seattle moves quicker than it has been lately ---

Edited by ktmmansgal, 19 October 2006 - 12:27 PM.

ktmmansgalFemale02006-10-19 12:23:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I-601 Approval - Vermont
I can hardly believe it --- I was speaking to my husband tonight on the phone while he was getting ready for work and out of no where he said, "are you sitting down" I was lying down --- he had just jumped on his computer to check his e-mail and he had not one but three letters from the DHS stating that our I-601 case had been approved out of Vermont --- What a happy day --- now we can start to live a normal life by that I mean one that is together ---

What we need to know now is, what to do next, we know we have to have the official letter from them in hand but do we call the consulate and see when we can go to get the visa stamped --- we are going through the Vancouver Canada Consulate so, anyone with an approved I-601 out of Vancouver can you give us some information ---

And thank all of you for your support and information along the way

Edited by ktmmansgal, 19 October 2006 - 12:50 AM.

ktmmansgalFemale02006-10-19 00:50:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)k3 interview
likely not, if there is more than one item on your record you do not have to and especially if he was a minor -- He should be fine --- My husband and I just received our Waiver and trust me we did the homework --- you will be fine if the police report shows exactly what you said ---
ktmmansgalFemale02006-10-22 23:19:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)memorandums of conviction
I would definetly send them --- make copies for yourself before you send them though --
ktmmansgalFemale02006-10-22 23:21:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Waiver - Vermont Shipping Delay

Hey girlie - hadn't heard from you in a while so I had to read this when I saw it. If it isn't one thing, its another, eh? How annoying!!! Hopefully you'll get some good advice/info here about the post in Canada. Of course, I have no such advice to offer, but I couldn't pass by your thread without a note anyway.

Cheers - I'll keep checking here on your progress. You guys take care. :thumbs: :)

Thanks everyone, I spent a couple hours on the phone during the past week and after speaking with the Senators office and the Vermont Service Center as well as the Vancouver Consulate --- I was somehow able to convince them of the urgency of our situation since my husband did not live in Canada and would be jobless and homeless while there --- if we had to wait for the Mail to deliver the waiver package --- I am not sure what happened but it appears that Vancouver will accept faxes and they must have had a portion still at the Vermont service Center and they faxed it and called me to say the Visa was ready --- so on November 27th at approximately 1-:00 my husband will re-enter the Vancouver Embassy and pick up his visa stamp and we will head to the border for Washington to finally be together as husband and wife --- I have not seen him for nearly 5 months --- one week to go!!
ktmmansgalFemale02006-11-19 22:00:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Waiver - Vermont Shipping Delay
Here is the situation --- My husband got his Waiver approval on October 18th, I was sent the official letter instead of him and it arrived about a week later --- My husband was given a letter to gain access back into ton Vancouver Embassy upon Waiver Approval, They told us just bring the letter along with the waiver approval letter on any open day of the embassy -- we already had the fingerprints taken back in March when the initial interview took place so we felt we were set ---

So, since we had has so many lumps and bumps in the road to getting this far I though I would superceed any future bumps by calling the Vancouver Embassy which I was guided to "if" and ony "if" we had further questions. So, I did, they then told me that the Vancouver Embassy had not been notified of my husbands waiver approval and that we were to wait till they got the physical package in the mail from Vermont.

The problem with all this is that my husband is a UK Citizen and because we were married in Canada that is where this process has to take place. So, upon getting the letter and along with the coordination that my husband had to do to close up all his home items in England and quit his job he purchased an airplane ticket to fly to Vancouver from Manchester England on the 26th of November with hopes of arriving at the Embassy on the morning of the 27th to get his Visa Stamp --- with only a week left for possible transfer of the package and the holidays in the middle of all this It will have been 6 weeks by then --- we may be looking at finding some cheep lodging for him while he waits out the time for the package to be delivered to Vancouver from Vermont --- isnt it funny how we have to use overnight mail and sucure ways of getting information to them and they cannot do us the same service to make sure our precious paperwork gets back to the Embassy in a trackable fashion --- I have gotten our Senators office involved and tried to contact Vermont, we have gotten nothing and the Senators office is not gettin too much either --- So, we are looking at likely more money being spent while my husband waits in Vancouver for the package to arrive from Vermont to Vancouver --

So, first does anyone know just how slow the Mail is in Canada --- and then does anyone know of some inexpensive lodging or a room someone might like to rent out while my husband waits out the process up there.
ktmmansgalFemale02006-11-16 13:59:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)A "not guilty" question
So how come it shows up on his police record then ok he was charged etc but are we talking the record from Scotland yard or just the court record cos if it is on his NIS document then it will be looked at when you interview so I would say honesty is always the best policy in these sort of things,as if you try to sneak one past them and they get you they will start digging really deep.
ktmmansgalFemale02006-12-04 22:40:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)What are my chances?

I am an British guy who has filed for a k1 visa to marry my American girlfriend. She has been living with me here in England for almost 6 months on a visitors visa and must return next week. We are well into the k1 visa process but as I have a criminal record we are sure I will need an I601 waiver. I have 2 crimes on record. 1 was for smashing a window (criminal damage) around 5 years ago. I recieved a small fine. 2 was for Arson for setting fire to a car (my friend did the deed but I was with him). I received a 12 month prison term and served around 3 months. This was just under 5 years ago. I have 1 youth court conviction as well, however I was 16 at the time (1994).

It wouldn't be hard to prove extreme hardship for my girlfriend. She helps her Mother look after handicaped (spelling?) children as well as her older who was left with the mental age of 10 after a severe car crash. This is just 1 example of why she cant leave America.

My question is, what are my chances of entering America to marry my girlfriend with an I601?

Thanks, Martin

Sir Woods, My husband is here after we filed a Waiver for him because of 2 crimes one of CMIT. You will have to file a waiver for sure but due to the fact that you served time and that you have more than one crime --- my husbands last crime was 23 years ago and we had about 6 letters of good character. As far as the prison term, the time served means nothing -- it is the maximum sentence time that is looked at - another thing they might question why your fiance was tin the UK with you for 6 months if she is required to be at home helping her mother - I think you need to get a much beefier story as to why she cannot immigrate to the UK with you -- Go to to read several examples of approved Waiver letters ---

good luck
ktmmansgalFemale02007-02-17 12:43:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Filed Waiver in Montreal


My wife went to the interview in Montreal on October 12. Since her overstay of more than 1 year, we submitted the waiver papers. They did accept it and have already sent to Vermont. I have few questions.

1. Do the consular officer provide a recommendation on the waiver before they send it to Vermont?

2. Will I get a NOA-1 for the waiver?

3. How long is the approximate time that it will take to process?

I would apprecaite any insight that you can provide.

you will not get any kind of recommendation from the consular officer
you will get an NOA-1 for the waiver submission - this is the date that you use for the processing timeline
we waited nearly 7 months but then we contacted our Senator as well as sent personal letters to the Vermont Service Center Director
I have been told the average waiting period for Montreal out of Vermont is from 6 month to a year
ktmmansgalFemale02007-02-17 12:49:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!

You hang in there sweetie!!!! :yes: :thumbs: (F)

Not much else to do --- I get frustrated with spinning my wheels too Vicky --- We have been waiting since April 7th about 1 month beyond you --- we knew that Vermont moved extremely slow --- but we were hoping something --- I thought with you going through London you would have gotten yours before us --- and you still might ---

Let us hope that we both hear something soon. :thumbs:



I wanted to thank you again for all the help you gave us way back in the first of the year in gathereing data on the UK for our waiver letter --- it is probably a good thing that we are going for this at different Embassies because I used quite a bit of your backup documentation and details. The last time We called the Help line they told us it was waiting in a que at a Adjudacators Desk---

our letters with the backup documentation were over a hundred pages long --- I just hope that all of it was sent with the waiver to Vermont because when we submitted it in Vancouver Canada they were saying things like, "this is waaaay too much documentation" and "You dont need this or that" --- I had to almost force them to take the waiver package I put together -- -- now I would just scream if they asked us for more documentation ---

ktmmansgalFemale02006-10-08 22:54:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!

You hang in there sweetie!!!! :yes: :thumbs: (F)

Not much else to do --- I get frustrated with spinning my wheels too Vicky --- We have been waiting since April 7th about 1 month beyond you --- we knew that Vermont moved extremely slow --- but we were hoping something --- I thought with you going through London you would have gotten yours before us --- and you still might ---
ktmmansgalFemale02006-10-07 19:11:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I601 waiver approved
When did you get you NOA for your I-601 Application --- a week after submittal of what ---and how did they notify you that you were approved for the I-601
ktmmansgalFemale02006-10-04 15:55:00
United Kingdom'Chip' on credit cards?

So my good friend Girona40 told me that when she went back to the UK in May, she was surprised to find that they wouldn't accept her hubby's American credit card because it doesn't have a 'chip' on it. I'm sure you UKers know that this is something new they have started (can't remember how recently) but this was the first I had heard of it. I think Chas just assumed we had them, too, cos he never mentioned it until I asked. Leave it to the US to be behind - again! :lol:

None of my credit cards have this 'chip', which means I'll be taking more cash over than I had planned on. I just wasn't sure if any other USCs here had heard of this, and thought it might spare you some grief if you have an upcoming trip over. I was very grateful for the info!

Hope it helps, and all apologies if this is 'old news'. :blush:

Did this begin as a mandatory item? --- when I was in Northern England last Dec/Jan they said that it will soon be required that all credit cards have chips on them. Was there an AS OF DATE out there for not accepting the US style cards? I did not have any problems getting cash or using my card to pay for purchases. I will need to get some Pounds prior to leaving the states so I dont run into any problems ---
ktmmansgalFemale02006-06-26 13:39:00