Asia: East and PacificSinsord
Does anyone have any advice? All papers have now been submitted, and we are now waiting for an appointment for the interview. My fiancee has now informed me that before coming here, she and her mother want us to have a Thai wedding. She said that she won't register it yet, so it won't affect the fiancee status. Does anyone know if this is correct, or if we are committing a fraud that could create problems for her getting her green card?
Also, they are asking for sinsord (dowry). I know that sinsord (or sin sot) is customary in Issan, but can anyone tell me what is reasonable? She is over 25 and has a couple of kids. I do love her, and don't want to upset anyone, or show disrespect, but I also want to feel that I am not being just taken advantage of. The amount being asked for is 200,000 baht. This is financially difficult, but if is a fair amount according to custom, I could handle it.
Any advice would really be appreciated.
philjacNot TellingThailand2006-04-26 03:24:00