K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVisa approved! Interview Experience :)
Hi :) Wow, I have to tell you, as I read what you wrote about your interview, I really feel for all our loved ones that will have to go through that. The end part when you were told you were approved... I got tears myself with you reading it. Congratulations :)
CantWait2012FemaleRomania2012-05-13 05:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVisa approved! Interview Experience :)

Hi to all the VJ members there ,i wanted to share my interview experience so that people may get some benefit from it, especially th the Pakistani Vj members....

I had my interview scheduled on 10th of May 2012 at 8:00am . I and my brother reached the U.S shuttle service at 6:20am, submitted our cellphones at a separate counter (they keep it safe with them and give u a tag to take it back after returning) , we bought tickets for shuttle (500rs per person), shuttle arrived there at 6:50am, went through the security check and showed the tickets to the man outside the shuttle than we got inside it (tip: keep the tickets saved with u, after the interview the shuttle will take u back to the U.S shuttle service again only after seeing these tickets)

We reached the embassy at 7:15am there were initially two lines one for immigrant and other for non immigrant outside the embassy. I joined the immigrant que, the person accompanying u now has to sit here at this point and he cant go inside only the U.S citizens accompanying the applicants were allowed to go in. My brother had to sit there, it is a small area with few wooden benches with few trees for shade no water no refreshments! It was pretty hot there !

Then when my turn came to go in i had to show my appointment letter and the passport to the guard (tip: keep ur passport and appointment letter in hand throughout as at embassy they may ask u to show it multiple times). Now i had to go through the security check again (they don’t allow cell, usb, digital watches and even ur cosmetics) . Now i had to follow the yellow line (for immigrant visa) at the end of the line there was a guard again who was again checking the appointment letter and the passport to go inside the embassy. Than after that when i got in I again had to go through the security check . Than after that security checking i was allowed to go in.

After i was inside there was a hall (waiting area) where seats were placed i sat there for a minute or two and the guard asked me to go for the fingerprints i was asked to go in room number 4. There again my passport and the interview letter was checked. After giving the fingerprints i went to the waiting area again there i was immediately asked to go in a room for the interview.

When i went inside the room it was a big hall with windows from 1 to 12. Window 1 was for US citizen service, immigrant visa applicants were being interviewed from window 2 to 4, window 5 was for taking visa fee window 6 was for taking ur passport and appointment letter and windows from 7 to 12 were dealing with the non immigrant visa. I sat there, after about 30 min I was first called at window 6 she was a polite Pakistani women who took my passport and appointment letter and asked for language selection. She gave me a purple taken with the Amex courier sheet in hand and i was allowed to sit again (they call the immigrant visa applicants by their name and the non immigrant ones with their token number). Than after an hour I was called at window 5 for visa fee collection ($250 for K1 visa). Than I was asked to sit again and wait for my turn for the interview. One of the applicant had a bracelet in hand that had a watch so I than came to know about the time. (There r no clocks inside the embassy so u never get to know the time and ofcourse one more thing they were quiet quick with the non immigrant applicants and most of their interviews were short, they were taking time to call the immigrant applicants). At about 11 am i was called at window 2, he was an American officer with didn’t even knew a single word of Urdu. He greeted me nicely and than the interview began, that officer gave me a tough time took my 3 interviews, but in the end he was convinced and approved my visa.

Q1 Who is calling u to U.S?

2.Since what date is he living in U.S?

3.Is this a love marriage or arranged?

4.How did u learn to speak such good and fluent English ? :D

5. Now i am asking u to start a movie with characters in it that r u guys and ur family and i don’t know a thing and u have to tell me the whole movie that actually what is ur love story and make it interesting. In between i m gonna stop u and i m gonna ask u questions for which u have to convince me. When i say go start the movie.( I thought it wud be easy to explain the movie but he was even asking me life history of our family friend, their daughter which had actually no link but still i kept on answering and didn’t got confused, he was even asking me things like what did my aunt said to me when our engagement date was decided and how many people were in the room at the date fixing of our engagement, what was the first word ur fiancée said to u after it was decided, what was the first thing ur brother said to u when it was decided...blah blah blah :ot: ) He also asked me questions like

QWhat does he do for a living? What was he doing before that?

Q what was the last gift he sent u and when?

Q What was the last thing you guys have talked about and have laughed a lot?

asked approx 60 to 70 questions some of which i cant even remember right now my interview lasted for 40 to 45 min ! Than he asked me to sit again he he will call me back again...

I again sat down for 20 min than i was called again... at this time he was trying to convince me about the wrong answers of the questions he previously asked me but i kept on correcting him that this was not my answer my anwer was this (u see he as trying to confuse me). He also asked me

Q Why is ur fiancée not coming to Pakistan to marry u?

Q Dont u want to get married over here it will be much easy for u?

Q When did u guys kissed each other? ....When i answered this question he said now if em gonna call ur fiancé in USA right now and ask him this question will he answer the same as u did? I said yes will full confidence. He than asked me to sit again till he calls him at his cell

I sat down gain ....after 45 min he called me again (during this 2 more candidates were called at the same window and they didn’t get approved!

I went to the window than he asked me two or more questions and said ur packet will reach u with in 2 weeks :thumbs: ...i looked at him and said u mean to say i m approved?

He smiled and said yes and said sorry that he made me wait for so long i thanked him and said its alright and may God bless him ...He said Welcome to United States Of America... my eyes were filled with tears i dint believe i got it.... he smiled and said congratz! :dance:

Said bye to him and left...All in all it all depends upon ur luck and the person who is interviewing for other candidates who were interviewed at some other window they were just asked basic questions and were granterd approvals ended well, so i was pretty much happy...all I waana advice here is that no matter what happens do not get confused and think before u say anything...when u keep ur faith in Allah all goes well...never loose ur faith in Allah :)

CantWait2012FemaleRomania2012-05-13 05:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsYeheyyy! NOA2 after 88days...Wohooooo!
Congratulations!!!! :dance: A lot of us are getting good news lately, so nice to see! Whoo hoo! :dance:
CantWait2012FemaleRomania2012-08-04 17:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHat's off to the California Service Center

On August 3, 2012, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.

WE JUST GOT APPROVED! I got this about 15 minutes ago! 89 days baby!! ROCK ON CSC!!!!!!!!!

My NOA2 was approved in 89 days as well, CSC and I am soooo waiting on NVC :) I'm sure the rest will go fast and I hope all of you waiting have some good luck as well, especially Vermont filers! :)
CantWait2012FemaleRomania2012-08-03 23:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reports...Approved NOA2.... Hooray
That's one of the best messages I think I'll ever get in my life, next to when the interview is overwith and Visa is approved... :) Congratulations! It's a great feeling! :thumbs:
CantWait2012FemaleRomania2012-08-17 04:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDealing with the stress of waiting

Thank you so much for your comment! I know there are many more that are going through the same thing. You're right about noone knowing what it's like except those of us that are going through it. Maybe Mircea and I can come up with some ideas of things we can do to get our minds off of this for awhile. Congratulations on your NOA2! That's GREAT news! I wish you much happiness together! :)

Yes, in my situation I have one son, but 50% custody so I am the one who is often alone more than my fiance. My fiance lives with family and is contantly out and about doing things for the family business, etc. So, I had to make an effort (like your Mircea will) to get myself out of the house and do something. The waiting might be killing us inside, but the previous poster is correct, it's all worth it. I wouldnt trade any one of the days in the last 2 years without him for anything in the world, however, staying on the pc all day wishing things were different often made me more sad, and certainly didnt change anything. However, it's funny but as soon as I started to get out more and do things, the process went faster, waiting got a little easier and then when I wasnt expecting it one night I got the text for the NOA2. I hope your NOA2 comes fast, best wishes for you both as well :)
CantWait2012FemaleRomania2012-08-13 02:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDealing with the stress of waiting

Hello! My fiance and I mailed our I-129 on March 19, 2012, and we recieved our NOA1 on March 22, 2012. It is now August 13, 2012. The waiting is becoming more and more difficult. We are both very stressed. Our days are spent online together, talking on Yahoo Messenger through voice call and webcams. We even sleep with our headphones and webcams on. We both feel as though our lives have been put on hold while we wait. I live in the United States, and he lives in Romania. I visited him last year in late February, and we haven't been together since then. We miss each other terribly. We are both having trouble staying positive and upbeat because of the long wait. I was wondering if anyone has any advice on how to deal with the stress.I know we both need to get out and do things instead of sitting at our computers all day, but it's so hard for us to be away from each other. He lives alone and the loneliness is very hard for him. I have 3 sons with me, ages 16, 18, and 20. So I am not completely alone like he is, but I feel bad if I go somewhere and leave him by himself. Ny advice on how we can get through this with our sanity intact would be greatly appreciated.

Wow, you sound like my clone. HAHAHA I am US, my fiance is Romania, and I havent seen him since March. I did get my NOA2 recently though, but I can tell you I know EXACTLY what you are going through. "Life in Limbo" is what I call it. It really sucks. Getting out and about and still living life is the best advice I can give you. I have gone through phases of sitting at home on the pc all day and then phases of us both getting out (but still talking twice daily). It is much more enjoyable to get out and live life and come home and be happy to see eachother instead of the hours of staring and wishing you could spend the day together. "Preoccupation" with other things is the best soul food for this situation I have found...and a little faith and hope mixed in as well of course. Hugs for you, I know it is hard, and noone but us on this site know what it's truly like. I know that for sure! (L) :)
CantWait2012FemaleRomania2012-08-13 01:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsStarting to loose my control now!
This process is very difficult on the heart, but I agree with a couple prior posters, yours will come soon. VSC seems to be picking up a bit, so don't lose hope. Don't keep track of time, keep your eyes off of the calendar, get out of the house more, keep busy any way you can... and as someone else said, if we can get through THIS together but APART...that's a good sign that we will get through difficulties together in the future during marriage as well...and we'll be together then! Keep your eyes and heart on the goal and the long term :)
CantWait2012FemaleRomania2012-08-14 05:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow to Cancel??

Wicked, very wicked.

I like it.

I like it too. If he is unaware that you know about his relationship with this woman, let him sit on that plane thinking he won...and call the POE. :blush: So sorry to hear that though, that's really sad. :(
CantWait2012FemaleRomania2012-08-19 08:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAfter NOA2

Here's some great info for your country http://www.visajourn...a&cty=Bucharest

Good Luck to you :)

Thanks! Great link! Much appreciated! Thanks for the help everyone! :)
CantWait2012FemaleRomania2012-08-03 19:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAfter NOA2
Yes, after I posted I saw I had referenced incorrect form numbers, but thank you for correcting me, as I don't want to confuse anyone else. This process is not my profession, nor have I gone through it before, so forgive the mistakes.

When filing for last years return, my tax agent claimed my son partially on my return, as I have primary custody, but only 51%, but I am head of household.

No, the additional support income is not needed to qualify me for the guidelines.

I was just wondering how to go about it. I saw a good suggestion in another forum about either claiming the support added in the total income, and marking my son as fully dependant, OR not claiming the support in the income and adding my son as partially dependant.
CantWait2012FemaleRomania2012-08-03 14:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAfter NOA2
Hello everyone,

I'm fairly new to VJ. I found this site AFTER sending in my I-129, but had incredible luck and just received my NOA2 in 89 days.

I was expecting at least another 8-10 week wait for our NOA2, and now since it came so quick I'm kind of under the gun and have not prepared what I need for the next steps yet. I will do my research of course, but I have a couple of general questions, and I know some of you that have already been through the process will most likely know the answers off-hand.

1. I do not have an engagement ring yet. My fiance and I are pretty untraditional, and getting married/being together was something we had talked about very seriously for quite some time. I can't tell you how many times he has asked me to marry him, sitting on Skype. :P Neither of us are into the big traditional wedding thing. It has been more of a "Cant live without you so lets do everything we can to be together" (i.e. saving money for visits there, him saving money to move his stuff here, pay for his visa there, and plane ticket to the US, etc.) My fiance "works/helps" his immediate family with their businesses, and does not have a "real" 9-5 job. This is pretty normal in his country. He has money, but he is not rolling in it. We are not materialistic people, and rather than worrying about a ring we have been worrying about more important things like paying for the petition, and things I mentioned before until he gets here. My feeling is on this that they will understand the situation, I mean they have to know not everyone that petitions for a foreign fiance is rich...right?? We do plan on getting rings for the ceremony when he gets here, but it's just not been a #1 priority. :D
Why am I worried?? I just have read SO many things like "Include your engagement photos, photos of "the ring", and ring receipts!!" Is this really a MUST??

2. Once he arrives, at what point will he be able to seek employment? He is very worried about this and wants to get a job right away, but I'm guessing that he will be able to get a job after the actual marriage and adjustment of status?

3. On the I-130 (sponsor form) it asks for you to list those who are dependant on you completely or partially. I have an 11 year old son, who lives with me 50% of the time, and I do receive child support for him. They already have a copy of my divorce papers, which within it states this support, but I'm curious as to whether I am supposed to add the support amount to my annual employment income?? ...and if not, how or where can I explain the partial dependant?

Ahead of time, for all of you who help with these questions, THANK YOU. (F)
CantWait2012FemaleRomania2012-08-03 01:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEAD before marriage?

As others have said, the EAD you would receive if you apply for it before AOS would expire when the I-94 does. He probably would not even get a chance to use it and it would be a waste of $380. The fees for EAD and AP are waived when filed with a pending I-485. So, get all the documents together for filing AOS before you get married and have them ready to send off as soon as you get a copy of your certified marriage certificate from the court. It will still be about 2-3 months before he receives the EAD, but it is your best option. http://www.visajourn...content/k1k3aos

OK, yeah the fee and then good probability of it not being able to be used seems a bit pointless :yes: I will do what you suggest and file for AOS and everything as soon as possible after marriage. Thanks for the input and advice from you all, it's truly appreciated. :)
CantWait2012FemaleRomania2012-08-13 17:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEAD before marriage?

Yes, be gentle in breaking the news to your Ex, the excitement may be too much.

But seriously as others have said option is the only one that seems plausible.

PS: Is the Fiance fully aware of the importance of his immediate economic contribution?

Haha Yeah I'm sure my ex will be jumping for joy :lol:
Yep, he knows the importance and is trying to tell me he will find a way to do something to make money, but I wont let him and explained it is not legal until he receives EAD, soo I will just hafta get a part time job for a couple months. :blush:
CantWait2012FemaleRomania2012-08-13 17:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEAD before marriage?
I will try to be simple and to the point.

From a previous marriage/divorce settlement I receive alimony. Alimony (by California law) terminates upon remarriage.

I did not include alimony (or child support) in my yearly earnings on the I-134 (still in process of filling it out) and marked my child as partially dependant (best way I could think to do it). The I-129f has copies of the settlement agreement and I will send a statement from my attourney with the I-134 stating I receieve the child support on top of my annual income. (Without the child support and alimony I am still above the income requirements).

However, when my fiance comes, I still have the same bills, same rent, etc. (minus the alimony as soon as we marry).

I have looked through the forums and guides and the answers are all over the place regarding K-1 holders obtaining an EAD before marriage.

When he comes to the US, I'm confused as to what is legal/possible or what would be best plan of action. Need some advice. :hehe:

I'm thinking either....

1. We get him SS# and get married, and file for EAD/AOS right away a.s.a.p. (I lose my alimony and I get a second job until my fiance's EAD is approved and he can work)


2. Can he file for EAD before marriage? (IF he can, then we would file for EAD as soon as possible, wait for it to come BEFORE getting married (so alimony is still in play and income is not disrupted) Then when he gets EAD, we marry and file for AOS.

Any suggestions? :blink:
CantWait2012FemaleRomania2012-08-13 01:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPissed by the doc at the medicals
Tattoos and scars also mark a person and are used for indentity purposes, are they not? I wouldnt worry :blush:
CantWait2012FemaleRomania2012-08-22 20:36:00