US Citizenship General DiscussionGreen card and Fafsa
Thank you all for your answers. This really helped. I don't think we're going to actually use the financial aid, but we read that we have to fill out the Fafsa to even get scholarships =/ So, I didn't want there to be any risk. Thank you everyone!!!
CrimpetFemaleTurkey2011-06-10 16:24:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionGreen card and Fafsa
My husband and I are still in the process of our Direct Consular Filing case-We filed I-130 and have our interview in July Thank God!

The thing is, if all goes well and e do go to the USA, we are wanting to start college next year. I know that when I and my friend agreed to sponsor my husband we signed the paper saying we wont recieve any government aid. So is filling out the Fafsa for financial aid for college considered in this? I'm just wondering because according to the college we are looking at, we have to fill out the Fafsa in order to apply for scholarships. We don't necessarily want the financial aid if we can avoid it through saving, but I was wondering if financial aid for college is considered in that. I read a lot of greencard holders get financial aid for college, and I was wondering how that effects the contract with the US.

If anyone knows, it'd be great to know lol Thanks!
CrimpetFemaleTurkey2011-06-09 17:49:00