United KingdomDS-156 Questions

1) - Passport City and State of issuance? I've put London and England respectively. Would this be right?


2) - It says to print off two copies, does this mean I have to glue a photo to each one? I know it sounds obvious but just to make sure.


3) - National Identification Number - Would the National Insurance Number be right or leave blank?


4) - Person I will be staying with - We will be initially (until I find work) be living with her parents at first. Should I put one of their names on or my fiancées?


Thanking you all in advance

3SSNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-05-27 05:06:00
United KingdomWhat do you miss most about the UK?

Black Pudding, Red Leicester cheese, Dandilion & Burdock.

3SSNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-06-22 14:08:00
United KingdomNow playing the waiting game.

Phoned them up today, got sick of waiting.


I have an interview for 5th August. Wish it had been sooner but oh well. Letter sent out 26th so should be soon.


Really want to plan now but hard to not knowing how the interview is going to go.

3SSNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-07-01 15:53:00
United KingdomNow playing the waiting game.

Received a letter from the Embassy on 22nd May, filled out the forms and sent them Tuesday 25th. Arranged a medical for 12th June which went smoothly and sent in my DS-2001 form on 18th June once I received my co-sponsor form from my fiancée. Tracked it too showing they received that form on 19th June.


Now just waiting here impatiently our four months expires on 12th August.


Anyone know how soon I should expect a reply for an interview date?


PS - Also to the young woman who I met at the medical, good luck! We both mentioned this website which was funny and talking to you helped calm my nerves down a lot.

3SSNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-06-22 06:28:00
United KingdomInterview on Monday, nerves are kicking in!

I have my interview in the morning and cannot wait. This is what my fiancée and I have been waiting for all this time. I have paid for the interview and have printed off the receipt.


Just going through my paperwork for the interview, while they already have the documents listed, I kept copies just in case. I also copied my birth certificate (both long and short versions) and my police certificate. The only document not done is DS-230 part 2 which I was led to believe would be done during the interview. Is that accurate?


What I am most nervous about is the evidence of our relationship and the interview itself. We have not seen each other since October 2012 as we wanted to save as much as we can for our wedding and have had to rely on Skype and WhatsApp. We have sent each other cards for things such as Easter which I have kept the envelopes for. The only photographs of us are the ones of us during her visit in October and my visit in February 2012. We do have a letter from the church confirming the date of our wedding in September.


I also am worried about what they may ask at the interview itself. I hate the idea of them asking me a question about her and I can't recall for example what the colour of her eyes are, or what her brother does for a living. I just have a nasty feeling I will mess that part up.

3SSNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-03 08:59:00
United KingdomApproved but now a new problem :/

So the interview went brilliant, I don't know why I was so nervous, the Asian woman who sorted my paperwork was strict but luckily I had everything needed so she wasn't too harsh. The African American woman (who I think is the one everyone on here says is the best) for the interview was so supportive and approved me with no hassle.


As for the problem in the title, as we understand it I will need to get a social security number when I land which can take a couple of weeks, I then need to apply for a marriage certificate. Does this all have to be before the wedding itself or can we do the paperwork as and when it comes. The reason I ask is the plan is for me to fly in September which would be two weeks before the wedding so the paperwork would probably not be in time.


Any advice from anyone would be appreciated :)

3SSNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-07 12:20:00
United KingdomHas anyone with recent interviews received visa with new courier?

I had my interview on Monday and only just had the phonecall this afternoon if that helps.

3SSNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-09 13:26:00
United KingdomMoving all my stuff from the UK to USA

The problem with sea though would be Im moving it Iowa which is as land locked as you can get

3SSNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-12 13:51:00
United KingdomMoving all my stuff from the UK to USA

Any suggestions on what would be the best (and cheapest) way to move all my stuff. I have a lot of books as well as figurines.

3SSNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-12 13:12:00
United KingdomSSN

Also DO NOT wait until after you are married during the K1 period as they will refuse as you will then be classed as K3 (spouse). I married my fiancée 12 days after POE and we went to the SSN office once we got our marriage certificate and we had decided to do both in one trip. Suffice to say I am now waiting on my work permit so I can get mine.


My own stupid fault I know, just passing it along so no one else makes the same mistake

3SSNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-11-07 19:49:00