IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview Date assigned - now let's get down to business
BAD NEWS! sad.gif

Neetu told me this morning that she got a letter from the US Consulate in Delhi stating that her interview, originally scheduled for July 9th, had been postponed to July 16th ... No reason is specified as per what she told me ... It just said that she is not to show up on the 9th and has to go on the 16th now ...


She's gonna call the embassy on Monday and see if this is all updated in their system (i.e., the new date) and whether there's a reason ... as to whether we can do anything about it, I doubt it ...

I called the NVC but they had the 9th on their info ... I think this is a unilateral change by the US Consulate in Delhi after the date was previously given....

What crappy luck, huh?
rajeeMaleIndia2008-06-20 18:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview Date assigned - now let's get down to business
bump smile.gif
rajeeMaleIndia2008-06-17 21:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview Date assigned - now let's get down to business
Just to update everyone - here's the latest with Neetu:

She called the VFS office and they weren't particularly helpful. She then called the Embassy helpdesk (where the gentleman has been pretty good) and asked a few questions about what she needed to submit to the VFS and what fees were still pending that she had to pay, etc etc ...

She was told that she only had to pay the courier fee at the VFS because she had already submitted all required original documents to the NVC - in fact, the gentleman said that despite the "rule" that you have to wait until 15 days prior, since she had already submitted her original documents and was only paying a fee, that she could even do that early ... He did tell hSo maybe she'll try that out ...

He did not tell her anything about another copy of the DS-230 or anything like that ... She also asked about taking her proof of relationship to the VFS and the gentleman recommended that she bring it to the interview ... However, she was told that CD's are not allowed (a lot of our pics and, of course, our wedding video, are on CD/DVD) - she will make due with photos, albums, and all other things that we have (letters, emails, phone records, receipt from Goa/other hotel) ...

As for the medical, she went to the Dr's office in the evening and got a physical exam using my scanned letter for her interview date smile.gif (she hasn't gotten hers yet, but I would assume it'll be there before Saturday) ... The Dr said that she should come back for some labwork, 3-4 shots for vaccinations, and a chest xray on Saturday morning and that a report would be ready for her a couple days after that ...

Her last day of work is FRIDAY - so she's free after that ... Looks like she won't have much to do when she's at home - so she can enjoy her time with her parents and do some packing wink.gif

Hope that's helpful, guys ...
rajeeMaleIndia2008-06-16 18:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview Date assigned - now let's get down to business
I got the interview letter for Neetu today!

It has a link that it tells you to go to in order to see what the procedure is, but it also has some other pages. It has a list of possible vaccinations you may need to get (already found by most of us on the website(s)) and also a list of documents needed for the interview (which are already sent by us to NVC). It says if copies were provided, then you have to produce the originals for the interview.

There's also a list of potential necessary documents and it says "yes" if they got it. So, I looked at all of docs in the list - they either say "not required" or "yes, received/completed" (or something like that - I'm typing this without the letter in front of me).

So it's pretty straightforward but Neetu will call the VFS to make sure nothing else is needed other than the courier fees.
rajeeMaleIndia2008-06-14 19:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview Date assigned - now let's get down to business
Awesome smile.gif I just sent Neetu that info via email and will give her details when I talk to her in 30 minutes smile.gif
rajeeMaleIndia2008-06-12 20:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview Date assigned - now let's get down to business

Do we know if we can pick up the visa the same day or is it the next day? It's not at the consulate, I know that ... Is it at the VFS office (the link I looked at didn't specifically call it "VFS", if I remember it correctly).

I'm thinking I could convince Neetu to go pick it up if it's not too far ... although she won't probably leave India for about a week after her interview ... (looking at 7/15 or 7/16)

Edited by rajee, 12 June 2008 - 02:47 PM.

rajeeMaleIndia2008-06-12 14:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview Date assigned - now let's get down to business
Hyd - get to know me better, and you'll have a lot more experiences that are just as nerve wracking... lol
rajeeMaleIndia2008-06-12 14:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview Date assigned - now let's get down to business
After calling docs in India and digging around through the CDC site I've found out that only the first shot is "required" of any vaccination series ... the second is 'recommended' if needed - but in talking to the Dr's they have never given more than one and it "has never been an issue" in the words of the doc my wife is planning on seeing ... Also, as we know, the laundry list of vaccinations is just everything they can think of - but the reality for an adult only requires a handful of shots ...

SOOOO - In short, the process takes one day and the next day report is ready for pick-up!

I hope that my paranoia (thanks a LOT, hyd ... LOL tongue.gif) resulted in enough helpful information for others to be saved from their own share of being scared lol ...
rajeeMaleIndia2008-06-11 22:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview Date assigned - now let's get down to business
This is GREAT input, guys!

HYD - My wife called and she has not heard anything about needing to wait weeks between varicella shots (she has no vaccination records and she told the Dr. this) - so it's still a little different than your husband's experience ... I was telling her myself that, provided she has had the appropriate childhood vaccinations, they can just check titers (as loto was mentioning) and see if there is a need for the vaccination ... She will call again and speak to different panel docs to see if anyone advises her to start getting her shots now ... I'll keep you guys posted ...

As for the flight - I have to find out through Continental airlines and/or a travel agent if I can book a ticket for somewhere around the 13th or 14th of July but just pay a small amount for now (with the balance due July 9th, after her interview) ...

Regarding the "brown envelope" - I'll notify Neetu that she is not supposed to open that, but I'm sure they'll tell her at the consulate ... I wasn't sure if that was only for K3 people or for CR-1 people also ... I guess it's for both smile.gif

Passport collection - although someone said that it's only possible in Mumbai for India, I think the link above points out a place to pick it up for all 4 interview centers ... which means with the interview on the 9th, Neetu could have the passport in her hand on the 10th!

With an interview on a Wednesday, would you book for the following Monday for the ticket? I think couriers are in action on Saturday - so that would be 4 business days after the interview ...

More questions and input as it comes to me lol ...
rajeeMaleIndia2008-06-11 19:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview Date assigned - now let's get down to business
After having talked to Neetu, I'm hearing that she's contacted a panel doc in Delhi who has repeatedly said that there's no such concern of having to return after several weeks for a shot. From what she was told, once she has the letter, she can go to the doctor and get everything done most likely in one day. I hope that's accurate! I'm asking her to verify with other panel docs to see if anything changes when she talks to different docs!
rajeeMaleIndia2008-06-11 10:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview Date assigned - now let's get down to business
QUOTE (hyd617 @ Jun 11 2008, 09:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
he mailed DRSANJAN JOHN a letter, that doc is the one everyone goes to for their medical in chennai

so he repsonded to my husband through mail, saying what shots he needs since he has no records.. and he can get them done in hyderbabad and does not need to get them done in chennai..

he listed

and TDAP

thats all

so ur wife will prob have to get those 3 shots done since she has no records.. and for varicella there is a gap of 3 weeks.. so he wil get the second dose after 3 weeks...

then go to chennai 2 weeks before for the medical...

hope this helps...

So if she doesn't get the shots in advance, she won't have enough time between the medical and the interview??? I've told her to call the doctor and specifically ask EXACTLY what she needs to have done and to ask how long the whole process could MAXIMALLY take so that she doesn't miss her interview date - I'll talk to Neetu again and give her your husband's situational info so that she can ask the doctor in more detail smile.gif

rajeeMaleIndia2008-06-11 08:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview Date assigned - now let's get down to business
hyd - how did your husband know which vaccinations to get ahead of time? my wife has had vaccinations but she has no records sad.gif
rajeeMaleIndia2008-06-11 08:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview Date assigned - now let's get down to business
Hey guys - this is a thread for all of us to put our heads together to make sure we have the necessary topics/concerns covered for those of us who are blessed enough to know our loved ones' interview dates!

Here's some brainstorming from me ...

Medical - make sure to have the beneficiary call the physician they want to use and find out exactly how many trips they may have to make (get the maximum number to be safe) and how far apart these trips to the doctor will be (again get the maximum amount of time outlined to be safe). Get details on the procedure for how quickly the medical report is generated by the physician and available for the beneficiary to take to the interview.

VFS - I think the courier fees have to be paid less than 10 days but, at the latest, a week before the interview date ... So let's keep our beneficiaries on top of this fact! It would be helpful to know whatever provision, if any, the consulate/VFS has for the beneficiary to PICK UP their passport rather than wait for it to be sent via courier to their current home address ...

Interview questions - I think I've seen a TON of them online - they are all pretty basic ... but let's make sure to send our beneficiaries questions to help alleviate their nerves in advance smile.gif

Documents - make sure the beneficiary remembers to take PHOTOCOPIES of all original documents submitted to the NVC with the DS-230 packet to ensure that they get their originals back without a hitch.

Proof of relationship - this is something we've all probably discussed ad nauseam but make sure your beneficiary is already organizing (or has organized) letters, emails, photos, cards, telephone calling records, wedding albums, etc into a packet/parcel

Just a couple questions for feedback from you guys:

Are you guys planning on having the beneficiary pick up the passport?

How much time are you leaving between the interview date and the ticket you are booking for the beneficiary to come here? Also, have you been able to arrange things with travel agents/airlines to be able to hold tickets at present prices for about 1 1/2 months from now with the payment due AFTER the interview date (just to be safe - even if a small "holding fee" is applied, it's worth it I think)???

I'll add more questions as they occur to me ... Loto posted a great list of stuff the beneficiary (esp. in India) could take as ID for the interview also - I'll look for his post and add the info later....

Edited by rajee, 10 June 2008 - 10:11 PM.

rajeeMaleIndia2008-06-10 22:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWE GOT AN INTERVIEW DATE!
LOTO - Where are you? Isn't Mrs. Loto's interview happening AS WE SPEAK?!?!?! GOOD LUCK!!!!
rajeeMaleIndia2008-07-01 21:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWE GOT AN INTERVIEW DATE!
Hey guys - sorry I've been MIA (combination of letting it sink in that I'm one week further from seeing my baby than what I had planned, coupled with making wedding reception plans!) ...

Anyway - Neetu called the embassy and VFS today to check out some of the formalities. As expected, she now has to wait until July 1 to deposit her courier fees ...

Interestingly, she specifically asked the VFS rep if she could pick up her IMMIGRANT VISA in person, and she was told YES she could ... She was also told that the Visa would be at VFS most likely the day after the interview, and that she could track her passport online after the interview (as we have already learned on this site) ...

SOOOO - She'll verify this when she goes to deposit her fee in about a week's time and, if she is told that she can really pick up her passport, then I can book her on a flight within 2-3 days after her interview rather than waiting till the following Monday/Tuesday (which would be up to 6 days after the interview)...

rajeeMaleIndia2008-06-23 15:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWE GOT AN INTERVIEW DATE!
BAD NEWS! sad.gif

Neetu told me this morning that she got a letter from the US Consulate in Delhi stating that her interview, originally scheduled for July 9th, had been postponed to July 16th ... No reason is specified as per what she told me ... It just said that she is not to show up on the 9th and has to go on the 16th now ...


She's gonna call the embassy on Monday and see if this is all updated in their system (i.e., the new date) and whether there's a reason ... as to whether we can do anything about it, I doubt it ...

I called the NVC but they had the 9th on their info ... I think this is a unilateral change by the US Consulate in Delhi after the date was previously given....

What crappy luck, huh?
rajeeMaleIndia2008-06-20 18:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWE GOT AN INTERVIEW DATE!
Thanks guys! Hope your processes move super-smoothly, even more smoothly than mine, if possible! smile.gif
rajeeMaleIndia2008-06-15 10:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWE GOT AN INTERVIEW DATE!
I got the interview letter for Neetu today!

It has a link that it tells you to go to in order to see what the procedure is, but it also has some other pages. It has a list of possible vaccinations you may need to get (already found by most of us on the website(s)) and also a list of documents needed for the interview (which are already sent by us to NVC). It says if copies were provided, then you have to produce the originals for the interview.

There's also a list of potential necessary documents and it says "yes" if they got it. So, I looked at all of docs in the list - they either say "not required" or "yes, received/completed" (or something like that - I'm typing this without the letter in front of me).

So it's pretty straightforward but Neetu will call the VFS to make sure nothing else is needed other than the courier fees.
rajeeMaleIndia2008-06-14 19:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWE GOT AN INTERVIEW DATE!
Thanks, guys - I can't wait for my lovely wife's interview to be done and over with so she can finally be here with me!
rajeeMaleIndia2008-06-10 21:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWE GOT AN INTERVIEW DATE!
Thanks, everyone!

I can't believe it's just EXACTLY 4 weeks - 28 days - away! (Almost to the minute lol)
rajeeMaleIndia2008-06-10 20:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWE GOT AN INTERVIEW DATE!
Thanks, guys! VJ kicks @$$ - couldn't have done it without you guys!
rajeeMaleIndia2008-06-10 18:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWE GOT AN INTERVIEW DATE!
I am on the phone with NVC for the second time in 15 minutes (to verify ...) because I couldn't believe my ears -- but apparently we HAVE AN INTERVIEW DATE!

JULY 9th at 7am!!!!




rajeeMaleIndia2008-06-10 16:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAre you excited for interview ???
LOTO - Where are you? Isn't Mrs. Loto's interview happening AS WE SPEAK?!?!?! GOOD LUCK!!!!
rajeeMaleIndia2008-07-01 21:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAre you excited for interview ???
Neetu still hasn't gotten her original NVC interview date letter (ie, the one with the medical fees, etc) ... So she's still waiting and will call the embassy tomorrow if she still hasn't received it. Luckily, her medical went off without a hitch using the scanned copy of mine - she picked up her medical packet today smile.gif As per original timeline, she would have paid her courier fee today at VFS, but we're delayed by a week so that'll happen July 1st or 2nd ...

Glad to hear everyone's process is going so smoothly .. Loto you and the Mrs must be TOTALLY excited being just 8 days away from the interview!
rajeeMaleIndia2008-06-25 18:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAre you excited for interview ???
Duplicate, triplicate, quadruplicate - I don't care, so long as the fact that she can pick up her passport the next day is TRUE wink.gif LOL
rajeeMaleIndia2008-06-23 15:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAre you excited for interview ???
Hey guys - sorry I've been MIA (combination of letting it sink in that I'm one week further from seeing my baby than what I had planned, coupled with making wedding reception plans!) ... You guys already heard about the postponement so I won't get into it again lol

Anyway - Neetu called the embassy and VFS today to check out some of the formalities. As expected, she now has to wait until July 1 to deposit her courier fees ...

Interestingly, she specifically asked the VFS rep if she could pick up her IMMIGRANT VISA in person, and she was told YES she could ... She was also told that the Visa would be at VFS most likely the day after the interview, and that she could track her passport online after the interview (as we have already learned on this site) ...

SOOOO - She'll verify this when she goes to deposit her fee in about a week's time and, if she is told that she can really pick up her passport, then I can book her on a flight within 2-3 days after her interview rather than waiting till the following Monday/Tuesday (which would be up to 6 days after the interview)...

rajeeMaleIndia2008-06-23 15:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFastest NVC process revised
LOTO - Where are you? Isn't Mrs. Loto's interview happening AS WE SPEAK?!?!?! GOOD LUCK!!!!
rajeeMaleIndia2008-07-01 21:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresBy the Grace of God, Visa Granted !!!
Just wondering if you guys had any input on when I should book Neetu's ticket for... Her interview is the 16th so I was looking at (originally) the 22nd evening - now we're looking more at the 23rd but there's a question as to whether we should be looking at the 24th .... Confusing!!!

The reason for all this thinking is that the VFS office told Neetu that it could take 3-4 business days for her to have the passport ready for pick up. If I'm doing the math right, not counting the day of the interview and not counting the weekend that will follow, aiming at the 23rd allows for 5 business days...

Is that cutting it too close? Loto - I know Fathima is gonna fly over about a week after her interview date so I'm using that same model ...

Any advice is greatly appreciated!
rajeeMaleIndia2008-07-06 18:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAdvice on ticket booking?!
Thanks guys!
rajeeMaleIndia2008-07-08 09:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAdvice on ticket booking?!
Loto and Hyd - Thanks ... fingers crossed! (still sucks that her interview WOULD have been in 2 days!)
rajeeMaleIndia2008-07-07 17:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAdvice on ticket booking?!
Neetu will be here on July 25th, we ended up booking for the 24th ... Just wanted to be safe and bowed to a little bit of paranoia wink.gif
rajeeMaleIndia2008-07-07 16:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAdvice on ticket booking?!
Just wondering if you guys had any input on when I should book Neetu's ticket for... Her interview is the 16th so I was looking at (originally) the 22nd evening - now we're looking more at the 23rd but there's a question as to whether we should be looking at the 24th .... Confusing!!!

The reason for all this thinking is that the VFS office told Neetu that it could take 3-4 business days for her to have the passport ready for pick up. If I'm doing the math right, not counting the day of the interview and not counting the weekend that will follow, aiming at the 23rd allows for 5 business days...

Is that cutting it too close? Loto - I know Fathima is gonna fly over about a week after her interview date so I'm using that same model ...

Any advice is greatly appreciated!
rajeeMaleIndia2008-07-06 18:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresClock is ticking....getting nervous!!
CONGRATS MAN! That's AWESOME news ... Tomorrow night I'll be biting my nails as well ... Neetu's being interviewed on the morning of the 16th (IST) ...
rajeeMaleIndia2008-07-14 20:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFathima arrived safely at home...
WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! AWESOME NEWS!!!! (I already posted in the other thread so I won't repeat here lol)
rajeeMaleIndia2008-07-12 22:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview Preparation List
bumpity-bump smile.gif headbonk.gif
rajeeMaleIndia2008-07-14 23:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview Preparation List
Thanks, bani! smile.gif
rajeeMaleIndia2008-07-14 19:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview Preparation List
QUOTE (Mrs. Scott @ Jul 13 2008, 05:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (rajee @ Jul 13 2008, 02:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Here is something I've compiled as to what Neetu will be taking to the interview. I would appreciate feedback if something is missing and otherwise I hope this helps others organize their papers smile.gif

***Required docs - interview letter (my copy and hers), postponement letter, medical packet, my passport copy, her original passports (maiden name and married name), photocopies of docs sent to NVC (See below), employment experience

***Marriage/NVC "proof" - Registered Marriage Certificate, photocopies of both marriage certificates, Birth Cert photocopy, Police report photocopy, Wedding cards, Affidavits, Wedding Album, DVD/CD of Wedding

***Proof of Relationship: emails, phone records, cards, letters, copies of cards/letters she sent to me, chat transcripts from skype, pictures (casual ones, including goa and family visits), boarding passes, itinerary of trip to goa, hotel receipts, my itineraries from my visits there, screenshots from skype webcam/chatting - presentable if asked

*Entire I-130 packet copy as submitted by me - to be used only if certain things (ie my naturalization cert photocopy) are asked for ...

*Tax returns, employment letter, bank statements from I-134 packet which I sent to her before (from when we filed K3) to be shown only if asked. She doesn't have a copy of the I-864EZ that I filed ... I think that isn't necessary.

*Tourist visa sponsorship info filed by relative (her parents got it, Neetu was rejected at the time - to be shown only if asked).

I've also attached the list above as a TXT file in case it helps smile.gif

Your list looks great! Other than wedding pictures, I would also bring informal pictures. I wish you much success at your interview.

Yup - I've listed those as "casual" pictures! Thanks for the input and thanks for the good wishes!

QUOTE (lotofpatience @ Jul 13 2008, 06:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Mrs. Scott @ Jul 13 2008, 05:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (rajee @ Jul 13 2008, 02:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Here is something I've compiled as to what Neetu will be taking to the interview. I would appreciate feedback if something is missing and otherwise I hope this helps others organize their papers smile.gif
I've also attached the list above as a TXT file in case it helps smile.gif

Your list looks great! Other than wedding pictures, I would also bring informal pictures. I wish you much success at your interview.

Good luck rajee for the interview rose.gif

Thanks, bud - you made it easy to get to this point smile.gif

QUOTE (RickieAndEva @ Jul 13 2008, 07:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good luck Ragee. good.gif

Thanks smile.gif You've always been very supportive - I wanna thank hyd, bani, aeroquipa, and everyone else I may be forgetting who's helped out and chimed in with their advice and questions (yup, getting asked questions helps one to prepare themselves)!
rajeeMaleIndia2008-07-13 19:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview Preparation List
Here is something I've compiled as to what Neetu will be taking to the interview. I would appreciate feedback if something is missing and otherwise I hope this helps others organize their papers smile.gif

***Required docs - interview letter (my copy and hers), postponement letter, medical packet, my passport copy, her original passports (maiden name and married name), photocopies of docs sent to NVC (See below), employment experience

***Marriage/NVC "proof" - Registered Marriage Certificate, photocopies of both marriage certificates, Birth Cert photocopy, Police report photocopy, Wedding cards, Affidavits, Wedding Album, DVD/CD of Wedding

***Proof of Relationship: emails, phone records, cards, letters, copies of cards/letters she sent to me, chat transcripts from skype, pictures (casual ones, including goa and family visits), boarding passes, itinerary of trip to goa, hotel receipts, my itineraries from my visits there, screenshots from skype webcam/chatting - presentable if asked

*Entire I-130 packet copy as submitted by me - to be used only if certain things (ie my naturalization cert photocopy) are asked for ...

*Tax returns, employment letter, bank statements from I-134 packet which I sent to her before (from when we filed K3) to be shown only if asked. She doesn't have a copy of the I-864EZ that I filed ... I think that isn't necessary.

*Tourist visa sponsorship info filed by relative (her parents got it, Neetu was rejected at the time - to be shown only if asked).

I've also attached the list above as a TXT file in case it helps smile.gif

Edited by rajee, 13 July 2008 - 02:00 PM.

rajeeMaleIndia2008-07-13 13:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting Canada on CR-1
QUOTE (YuAndDan @ Jul 14 2008, 08:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Not a problem, CR-1 get I-551 stamp upon entry to the USA on CR-1, the I-551 stamp IS green-card, it allows re-entry from trips abroad.

Canada does not require persons having I-551 stamp or green-card to get visitor's visa if one were required.

I was pretty sure of that - but I heard otherwise from my cousin - he told me his wife came on a CR-1 .... but I think he's so clueless that his wife may not have even come as a spouse, she may have come as a fiancee from Canada lol ... I better talk to HER instead wink.gif
rajeeMaleIndia2008-07-14 21:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting Canada on CR-1
QUOTE (YuAndDan @ Jul 14 2008, 08:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Not a problem, CR-1 get I-551 stamp upon entry to the USA on CR-1, the I-551 stamp IS green-card, it allows re-entry from trips abroad.

Canada does not require persons having I-551 stamp or green-card to get visitor's visa if one were required.

I was pretty sure of that - but I heard otherwise from my cousin - but I think he's so clueless that his wife may not have even come as a spouse, she may have come as a fiancee from Canada lol ... I better talk to HER instead wink.gif
rajeeMaleIndia2008-07-14 21:08:00