IMBRA Special TopicsWHO WANTS TO JOIN ME????????????
I think this is a GREAT IDEA....the rest of you should not feel discouraged by beaurocracy and LARGE numbers....that's weak....

How many times have individuals made social change in areas that we never thought possible? from women's right to vote to apartheid....i think this is less dramatic than those 2 combined and we CAN make a difference...count me in--I am an activist and have a B.A. in Community Studies. I am great at drafting letters....let me know if you are really going to pursue this....I can draft a letter...someone else can set up a database for a petition of names. I do not think it is appropriate to give out our addresses and phone numbers, but we can give out our names.

If people are concerned about their cases, then it's time for the people who already have their visas to step up to the plate and support the rest of us. If not, sacraficing a few months of delays, just as many in the world have made sacrafices in the name of reforming ######-up-ness, IS WORTH IT. Don't be selfish--we're all suffering equally.
belizeNot TellingBelize2006-06-18 11:12:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaJamaica meets North Carolina
Right on...yeah i was reading in one thread that the wife had thrown a party for her man and cooked mac n cheese, mashed potatoes, etc...and i was sooooo thinking about belizean food my best friend went out and bought me a crock pot so i can still do my full-time job and cook all the comfort foods at the same time! mother-in-law is a cook, so i figure food will be a big way to stay connected to family and belize in general...the only twist in belize is that there are many spanish and mayan people, so there are lots of tortillas [which i don't know if people eat or make in Jamaica] I can make some serious tortillas...
Luckily, if I do the cooking, he does the cleaning, even when we used to live out in the bush with no electricity or anything and he'd be scrubbing away into the evening...hehehe...

Hey Belize,
Yes, Do come on in to the yardie thread. My husband is from Guyana, which HE consider also "the caribbean" and since it was the closest I could come to actually making friends in any of the forums, it felt so much more like family than anywhere else. So I just sort of came in and made myself at home. :lol:
I ramble and I am not sure anyone reads ALL of what I say, but I consider them all "family". :yes:


belizeNot TellingBelize2006-08-20 13:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaJamaica meets North Carolina
Good luck with the interview...I'm thinking about hanging out with the yardies, lol since my husband is from the Caribbean that is "technically" Central America...Belize...his culture more resembles Jamaican, he is rasta at heart but cut his locks ages ago...

anyhow, looking to make some VJ carribean friends...I am definitely getting my honey a bike and we are going to find an apartment as close to the local community college as possible, while being close to my work....I just started a new job so i won't be taking off time when he arrives here, but luckily my family live close by (near where we will be living in Northern California/bay area) and will probably help him out (and his Dad lives in Los Angeles).

Now, it's just a matter of getting him here! of choosing between the K-3 and CR-1--i heard our K-3 has already reached belize....but had those same fears of "idle time" and my husband finding work where he feels he can contribute to our income--very important to him as it seems it is to most Caribbean men. It's hard because I have a B.A. from a UC and he will just be starting out getting his degree (at least he finished high school!--which is a big deal in belize)...
belizeNot TellingBelize2006-08-20 01:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaGoing to spouses country to await immigration

Sorry, but no hot water... and a 2 yr old? Maybe I'm too comfortable, but I'd just wait it out.

A 2 yr old + no hot water wouldn't bother me...doesn't most of the world live without hot water? i think americans think kids need a whole lot more than they do (take it from me, I'm a nanny for really rich baby twins....).

To the Original Poster--don't let what Americans call "necessities" stop you from going with your heart...i see you're already along in the process, but have you ever considered just living in Jamaica? my husband and I will be living in Belize permanently, but we have our reasons for spending a few years in the states...i've found living frugally and rustically incredibly relaxed and rewarding, as you may find...the only think I would look into is health care for your 2 yr old, especially because he's still so young...unless you have a fabulous creole mother-in-law like myself who seems to know every home remedy in the luck!
belizeNot TellingBelize2007-02-28 22:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaGoing to spouses country to await immigration
I've lived with my husband in the middle of the jungle with no running water/electricity or that said, buy a camping solar shower that you fill and leave in the sun each day to warm, because that hot Jamaican sun will do the trick. Otherwise, take a cold shower in the middle of the day, as it is very refreshing.

I dunno if you have a bathtub out there, but one time i got so desperate for a hot bath that i took our decent sized laundry bucket, hauled water from the creek and boiled 3 huge pots of water under a i think you will be FINE :)

My only words of caution are that you NEED to have an AMERICAN job in order to bring your hubby in the country...i hope you do not overlook this...what i did was go back and forth to belize while finishing my last 6 months of college...i then stayed in belize another 3 months then flew home to the US and got a job as quickly as possible so I had a contract in time to submit to the US embassy in Belize...even with a co-sponsor, if that's your case, you still need a job i'm pretty sure--can someone please correct me if I'm wrong? I also did the K-3 visa...honey, just wait it out if you can...and make sure you are not getting yourself into more of a hassle by not having a US job in time.

belizeNot TellingBelize2007-02-28 22:34:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHow did you meet?
I met my husband in Belize when I was doing field work for my thesis and teaching organic farming in the town he grew up in. Although we lived 3 blocks away from each other and worked only 1 block away, we did not meet via work. Rather we randomly ran into each other on a corner, like magnets, star-struck and couldn't even say anything but "HI"....a month later we met on another street corner where he was talking to a mutual friend of ours--after I discovered that his job was making me sick (he was the guy spraying insecticides for malaria control on my house every monday)....i decided to lecture him all night long about bad chemicals and enviornmental jargon...we fell in love and he took me to work travelling the country with the malaria department, camping out in all kinds of funky places....we moved to a little farm because--get this--the NGO i was working for made us sign a form saying we would not date or have any sexual relations with the local that's our story....we made it to the US in September 2006 after getting married in 2005 and plan to move back to belize permanently in 6 yrs or so. we are in the US for the education, money, and um " cultural" experience that is necessary for intercultural relationships...
belizeNot TellingBelize2007-02-27 19:45:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaAOS Approved!!!
***AS OF APRIL 25th, we really are APPROVED!****

Hey I just got this e-mail:

Current Status: Card production ordered.

On April 25, 2007, we ordered production of your new card. Please allow 30 days for your card to be mailed to you. If we need something from you we will contact you. If you move before you receive the card, call customer service. You can also receive automatic e-mail updates as we process your case. Just follow the link below to register.

.....SOOOO, I guess we really ARE approved? lol :) thanks for all the support!
belizeNot TellingBelize2007-04-26 11:56:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaAOS Approved!!!
***UUUUH JUST KIDDING***** apparently now we haven't been approved yet ...I am so damn confused!!!! it seems that we just got our I-130 approval letter very LATE...I guess this doesn't mean our AOS is approved :( fact i haven't heard anything since the interview...such is life :(
belizeNot TellingBelize2007-04-20 21:02:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaAOS Approved!!!
My husband's Adjustment of Status was approved April 4th, After an interview April 2nd in San Francisco....they made a couple of mistakes a) telling my husband he'd committed a bunch of crimes (that had actually been committed by someone with the same name as him) and B) telling us our co-sponsor needed to be a US Citizen (wrong again)...

So, after mailing us a document saying we had to submit more evidence, we ended up just getting an approval letter before we even responded to the document they sent...crazy...

Sooooo disorganized...

But anyway, we fly back to Belize May 25th-June 11th on vacation as my sister-in-law in graduating from nursing school :) We're finally that we are ALMOST through this crazy journey...2 more yrs to lift conditions and then Steven's going to apply for citizenship after 3 yrs...and hopefully by then we'll have another little US citizen on the way :) ....first our timeline was for this dang visa and now we're thinking about a little baby :) We've really been able to get our stuff together here in San Francisco and save $$$--Steven got his work permit and started a job a couple days later so we've really been lucky...couldn't have done it without VJ!!!!
belizeNot TellingBelize2007-04-08 14:26:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaWho plans on living outside the USA?
Gabacha--it sounds like we have a lot in you, i randomly chose to do my undergrad field work for my thesis in Belize and again randomly, met my now husband. My thesis was about a student's guide to social change-work with NGOs in developing countries...what was yours about? i agree with you, in that if i could move to belize right now i would...and the thing is, we potentially "could"...but, we have a bunch of random goals that require money so we wouldn't have to say, take out a loan, to open up a dancehall...such is life....even if you guys don't last long in the US and end up moving back to Mexico sooner than you might like, i do think the move to the US is an important cultural experience for the non-US spouse, especially in getting to understand where you came husband and i were raised in incredibly different environments, economically, religiously, etc. so i think even though the move and transition is tough, it is well rewarding...i imagine you're young too if you were in school at the time, i'm 21 and steven is 25...just wanted to say hi :)
belizeNot TellingBelize2007-02-28 19:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaWho plans on living outside the USA?
wow i didn't realize one could lose ones' permanent resident long does citizenship take again? 4 yrs after you get the green card or something like that? we plan on birthing our children in the US, for obvious immigration reasons, so we will be in the US for some time (because babies are in the fuuuuuture for us...) so maybe we'll still be here for the citizenship...thanks for bringing that up....
belizeNot TellingBelize2007-02-28 18:12:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaWho plans on living outside the USA?
I was just wondering if anyone else here has considered and/or will be living in their non-US-citizen spouse's country in the future...just husband and i plan on moving back to belize and starting a family in about 5 yrs--we are in the US to save money and further our educations so we can lead successful lives in a third-world country. We also wanted the visa so we could travel back and forth to visit family, whereas before, Steven would have never been able to even take a vacation with me in the US. If the US is only temporary for you, why?

We have chosen to live in Belize for many reasons...we are environmentalists for one, and have land down there and secondly, want to raise our kids in a less-materialistic place, in the hopes that they will grow up valuing different things in husband's country is such a beautiful place, with so much diversity, and we are both so in love with it....has anyone else chosen this path?
belizeNot TellingBelize2007-02-28 17:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaDiscrimination
I'm white and I'm a nanny...I am a "minority" nanny in one of the richest neighborhoods in San Francisco. 99% of the nannies in this neighborhood are Mexican, Salvadoran, Brazilian, etc.... This is a fact. I would not say people are being discriminatory, rather, they are making stereotypes based on what they see, whether that is good or bad. When I meet nannies from Central and South America, they are SHOCKED that I am a nanny--"why are you doing this job?!" they ask, "you are American, you could do anything!"....

I don't want to say stereotyping isn't that bad but the reality is that there seems to be a correlation between the richer people are and the cheaper nannies/housekeepers they hire. Who takes the cheapest jobs and ends up getting taken the most advantage of? often time immigrants who do not have other choices...

As another Jewish member, I would also state that not just my people have been discriminated against, but pretty much everyone in the world has been discriminated against in one way or another....we have it pretty darn good in America....if you were a black African in Sudan right now, for example, you would be murdered by the Arab Sudanese government. I don't want to minimize discrimination because I know how much it sucks, even my husband faced it in Belize, as being one of the "blackest" members of his family....but I would be careful not to assume that stereotypes are always the same as discrimination..
belizeNot TellingBelize2007-05-05 12:27:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresForgot Something for I-130 Help!
Hi. I submitted my I-130 form to the California Service Center April 3rd but unfortunately I did not understand that I needed to include copies of EVERY SINGLE PAGE of my passport! I only included a copy of the 1st page with my picture and passport info. What will happen? Will they send back the whole packet? Should I call someone and who? I am a US citizen petitioning for my Belizean husband; I had included the passport copy to prove my citizenship (since it was the most accessible, instead of submitting my birth certificate for example). Please help me ASAP as I do not want any more painful delays!
belizeNot TellingBelize2006-04-10 02:21:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWrote in BLUE Ink?!
Well, looks like they cashed my $190.00 check! Must mean they accepted the blue ink, right? Anyhow, I sent my I-130 to the California Service Center April 3rd and the check was cashed April 10th. In the future, I will write in black ink, but I think I got away with the blue ink this time :dance:
belizeNot TellingBelize2006-04-11 15:44:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWrote in BLUE Ink?!
Um...I realized I submitted my I-130 written in BLUE ink [not black like it says] this going to be a problem? I feel like an idiot but this whole process is just stressful...thanks
belizeNot TellingBelize2006-04-10 15:07:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFour G-325A forms???
I downloaded the G-325A form from the USCIS website. It has four pages of forms that look identical!--the only difference I can detect is at the bottom left corner each page has a different number and corresponding recipient [example: (4) Consultate]

Which of the G-325A form does my husband fill out and sign? All four of them? 2 of them? I'm confused! He will be signing them and then sending them to me in the US so I can send out our I-129 ASAP...thanks in advance!
belizeNot TellingBelize2006-04-15 19:50:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK-3/Can we live in US Virgin Islands????
Hi...I just got a job offer to work for an American family who are moving to St. Thomas (Caribbean US virgin island)....I desperately want the job b/c my husband is from Belize and this is a happy medium b/t staying in the tropics and earning a full-time US wage...however, does this mean we can continue with the K-3 Process--what exactly does "US" virgin Island mean? I just want to make sure that I can take this job and continue the visa process, eventually adjusting status in St. Thomas...if you know, please give me some advice. Thanks! :dance:
belizeNot TellingBelize2006-05-15 00:10:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCr1 and K-3 Question...
I know for the K-3, Adjustment of Status, you have to stay in the US for 2 this also true for the CR-1? Kind of a bummer...we don't necessarily want to live in the US for 2 years, we just wanted a visa so we could live there for a while but more than that, could travel freely back and forth between belize and the US (for family events, and knew they would not give us tourist visas).
belizeNot TellingBelize2006-05-21 13:09:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresGiving Up???
Yes, we should have done Direct Consular filing!!! Particularly since in Belize there is virtually no wait for an interview date since the country is so small....But I already applied for K-3 :( And also, to fill out the affadavit of support, I have to have a US job and income and pay stubs anyway, right? so technically I still couldn't have lived with him even if I filed directly.....
belizeNot TellingBelize2006-05-25 16:56:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresGiving Up???

I left Korea last year in August. My wife is Thai so we got to see each other every 4 to 6 weeks. Once I moved back to the USA; We didn't see each other for 10 months. I'll see her in July for her Graduation. You see, she was in school when I met her...and I have my job and personal goals. I could never have asked her to give up Nursing school. She asked me to change my life, but understands that I have to do what is BEST FOR BOTH OF US...and our future family.

It is really hard. When my wife calls me crying it makes me feel so sad. But, I know that is just because she loves me. She was a very happy person when I met her...and she is still very happy, just misses me so much, like I miss her.

It takes a certain 'stregth of character' to do what we are doing. Most couples are at least from the same culture. We are all so different... Our relationships are so complex. We know this going in, and now doing what has to be done, is just life. Great stories to tell our children.

I don't want to be judgemental of you. I do think you need to realize that you have it better than alot of people. I would give so much to have the opportunity to spend as much time with my wife, and you're going to spend with your husband. That time will come for us, and it will be sweet.

Take care of business now. Their is going to be challanges no matter if you do it now or later. I know it hurts your heart so much...and there is so much love in that. Once you have finished this process, it will be over and you will never have to deal with it again. Or you can put it off and just have to deal with it another time... that won't be any better.

Just finish it now. Keep telling everyone here about how you feel, and how the process is going. We will all give a big cheer when you reach the end.


Thanks for the good advice and support...I was definitely having a "moment"--i melt down too the second my honey starts crying...not physically being next to them to soothe one another is probably one of the hardest things :( I will jump up and down for you too when your petitions are approved :)
belizeNot TellingBelize2006-05-23 23:23:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresGiving Up???
It's true that we are lucky we get to see each far as the comment " Personally, I'd rather live in the U.S. and visit Belize than the other way around. Deep down, you probably would too." I would husband and I love belize particularly because we both love organic farming and have land there (whereas buying land in the US is a joke...unless you're rich) and we have so much family there.

For us, the reasons for living in the US a couple years are simple: 1) we can save up money 2) steven can see where I come from and spend more time with my family 3) i won't get malaria or some tropical disease during pregnancy

other than that, the fast-pace stressed out US is not ideal for us...this is why I'm confused...both countries have their perks and their disadvantages...
belizeNot TellingBelize2006-05-23 18:48:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresGiving Up???
I have been apart from my husband for 6 months because I had to finish my last 5 months of school in the US to get my B.A. I filed our I-130 beginning of April and just filed my I-129--however, i can't take this ####### anymore...I will be back with him in Belize June 21st-July 25th which is the longest I can stay b/c I need to get a full-time job for the affadavit of support....

I am torn because I wanted him to see a bit of my culture and so we could save money in the US (double the dollars in Belize) and then move back to Belize...but now I feel like saying #### it all and just staying in Belize--i'm just a bit afraid of living hand-to-mouth like we would be doing in Belize because as it stands we both have no money right now...

I just feel discouraged, mainly because there is no time certainty, no ending in sight and that is killing us...we feel like we are putting ourselves through un-necessary torture in some ways...

My question is....say I just stay down in Belize for longer than long can we let our K-3 and I-130 sit without taking the next steps? We may still want to continue with it in a year but we just want to be together now...HELP! :crying:
belizeNot TellingBelize2006-05-23 17:43:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-797C

Tell mi you a wann yaadie????????????????? Good luck on your trip in June, I am going there (hopefully) in August/September for the interview. Where there are you going???
I spent the first 14yrs of my life there and I truely love jamaica, but the way I see it you need to be preety hooked up to live there. My husband and I will go for vacations with my son, but that is all we can bank on for now VACATIONS.....I have gotten accustom to life here I don't see mysself giving up life here anytime soon.
Thanks I need as much luck as possible. :yes:[/quote]

You guys look so cute nad happy together :thumbs:

Thanks gal...I no too sure about Jamaica but I done get fi know my way round Belize [sake ah how we da belizean], yah done know how the caribbean rests...same vibes, more or less....and we done lived the rootsy life and wan get back fi being we own of the main reasons we living in the US is because Steven is converting to Judaism [the religion I was raised with], and there is not one synagogue inna whole a belize, seen? i da wan bush gal too, so our main problem with the US is that we can't afford land there! The privileges in the US are nice for true, especially health care and we done know the grass aint greener on the other side [oh how tourists looooove to romanticize places like the caribbean, where they've never lived and seen what gwan]. If we ever have $ we want to roll to jamaica too, so I'll have to hit you up [i've been djing since i was 13 and producing rhythms, and now i'm teaching hubby cuz we love the dubs]
belizeNot TellingBelize2006-05-27 23:22:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-797C

Desperatewife: Good idea to send those pics along!!! Although it is not requested at this time, it can't hurt! An immigration lawyer told me to do the same, it's an extra pre-caution so nobody feels the need to second-guess the relationship...we included a a photo-layout i created on the computer and laminated [along with a few originals] particularly photos with all of our families together, along with some sample phone bills, e-mails, and customs forms attached to packages we'd sent one another (like chocolates and things from v-day) i think that was a smart thing to do! Good luck with everything! I think our timelines are very close too so let's keep in touch! My I-129F check was just cashed. Woohoo!

CONGRATULATIONS Belize.....Mine was cashed even before I got the notice on Friday. Good luck on this tedious journey. :thumbs: :thumbs:
I just realized that your check was cashed 2 days before mine so you should be getting your NOA1 prety soon.

Thanks...cyan wait fi make i roll back inna da carribean come June. Do you ever plan on livin in Jamaica? good luck to you too!
belizeNot TellingBelize2006-05-27 21:41:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-797C
Desperatewife: Good idea to send those pics along!!! Although it is not requested at this time, it can't hurt! An immigration lawyer told me to do the same, it's an extra pre-caution so nobody feels the need to second-guess the relationship...we included a a photo-layout i created on the computer and laminated [along with a few originals] particularly photos with all of our families together, along with some sample phone bills, e-mails, and customs forms attached to packages we'd sent one another (like chocolates and things from v-day) i think that was a smart thing to do! Good luck with everything! I think our timelines are very close too so let's keep in touch! My I-129F check was just cashed. Woohoo!
belizeNot TellingBelize2006-05-27 20:17:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of Support: JUST graduating college!
Thanks for your informative response Elena...I guess you totally know what I am going through, though lucky for me at least 3/4 of the family approves [his 1/2 and 1/4 of my half]...anyhow, good luck with the interview! Please let me know what happens and i hope just having a letter from your employer is enough! Keeping my fingers crossed for you... :thumbs:
belizeNot TellingBelize2006-05-27 23:04:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of Support: JUST graduating college!

since you don't want me to say you need a co-sponsor, I cannot give you any answer at all. Because there is no way around it unless you have banging assets.

That's exactly right. Without a co-sponsor, u may as well know that your husband will be denied a visa. That advice is as clear as clear can get. Anyway, just ask your parents to be your co-sponsor. Sorry, but I had to add my 2 cents worth.

My parents won't be my co-sponsors, otherwise that would be great [it's just not an option]; my close friends are broke. The other side of my family are racists--if you want to get personal [this is why i made the disclaimer a/b not giving co-sponsor advice]. I did not ask whether or not they would give him a visa--there is no reason for them not to, as i have a job secured for August. So let me ask my question again, will I have to wait until I have 2-3 pay stubs from my job in order to proceed with filling out the affadavit of support? This is several months in the future, mind you, considering we are only at our NOA-1 so far in this journey [thus, my job starts in just 2 months]...does this make a bit more sense? the question is not whether my husband will get a visa, it is a simple letter from my employer sufficient along with my special student circumstances or must I wait until I've been working for a couple months?
belizeNot TellingBelize2006-05-27 21:27:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of Support: JUST graduating college!
Hi, I am just graduating college in June and then flying down to Belize to be with my husband until I start my full-time job in August.

Considering I have been a student for the past 3 years, I have not had a full-time job [some part-time, in cash though and all my other work was volunteer]. Now that I have secured a job for August, I am afraid of waiting for "pay stubs" before I can submit the affadavit, as it will hold up the process, right? How much time must pass in between each pay stub?

Since I have unusual circumstances, having been a student all this time, is it acceptable for me to just submit a letter from the person who will be my boss in August, stating my position, or do I really need to start the job and then wait in agony for those pay stubs? The tax returns and stuff are all being taken care of by my parents, as they are pulling them up for me to submit....we have already been "apart" for 6 months, so this is important to us. thanks!

**Please do not respond suggesting I get a co-sponsor...this is not a possibility for me, nor would I ask anyone to do that for me.
belizeNot TellingBelize2006-05-27 19:07:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F NOA-1 Receipt Question
I entered my NOA-1 receipt number for my I-129F into the computer system---and it shows up as an "I-130"--why doesn't it show up as an I-129F? Is there some kind of mistake here?
The only difference I can detect is that it says it takes 30-90 days to process (even though it calls itself an I-130) whereas my real I-130 that I submitted a month before says it takes 990 i need to worry that they're both called "I-130" online?! a bit confused....
belizeNot TellingBelize2006-05-30 18:46:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAge Discrimination and Denials
Well, I think the age difference is a well-justified concern for consulars...why? Because I see it all the time....For example: rich, old, white women, who come down to belize and find themselves a hot, young, black, man. There is a name for this in Belize...we call these guys "rent-a-dreads"....and it is a very sad situation. Some of these US women simply send them checks every month and the guys live off of them while screwing around on the side--and then many go through the visa process or try to, as the age difference and situation is often obvious to the why do they discriminate? because this happens all-the-time....i hope nobody gets all defensive about this, but it is the truth...and most (not all) of these women usually have been in several marriages, have kids, and have low self-esteem. This may not apply to the older women on the board...but seriously, when someone is marrying for a visa or money it is QUITE obvious--it is often the US citizen that is being fooled, thinking it's true love...the world is fullllll of great manipulators looking for easy prey.. general, I am not discriminant against age differences (btw, my parents have a 12 yr age difference, have been married 25+ years and my dad is an immigrant!) but then again, my parents are both white and my dad is an Australian--it is different for people like myself in interracial husband and I are barely 4 yrs apart and we had the conversation come up with the consular once when she asked him "why don't you want a local, creole girl? why are you marrying a white, american girl?" there ya go...the suspicion, right there, laid on the table...but we don't worry because we do have all the "evidence," when it's true love, the consular can put you through anything but you don't have to worry in the end...
belizeNot TellingBelize2006-06-10 00:53:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresan aid for the Wait Time
yes Iyah...well yah done know we da inna babylon times, seen?
Uno need fi check pon Humble Soul, "Push I down" is the track...

"They push I down, but I get back uppppp.....
No Babylon, no you aint that rooouuuugh...."

or...Lutan Fyah...album: Time and Place, track 7
"We are no modern slaves,
so let's be stress free as we struggle against uncertainity,
c'mon give thanks and praise, life is for the young and working age,
let's be stress free as we all got our share of difficulties....." la la laaaaaaaaaa....

this system is a ######, to put it NICELY...we're hanging in there though...i think the worst is not getting to rest my head on my husband's chest and sleep, or plant coconuts, or dance or just get to friggin hold each other!!! damn...######....i wanna go home, back 2 belize.... :( but check this, soon this ras look fi done no trip...hold it down...
belizeNot TellingBelize2006-06-13 02:23:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK 3
My K-3 I129F has been touched 3 times...I filed it in May....
belizeNot TellingBelize2006-06-14 22:28:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 APPROVED! [NOA-2]
Thanks everyone for all of your support! I will take any and all short cuts I learn about.....and on a side note, since all we ever talk about are boring visas, my husband and i are spending our anniversary in Tulum, Mexico (we took the bus up from belize) and it is soooo beautiful and relaxing! i know i am lucky to have an extended visit with my husband, which is only because i´m in between having graduated university and starting a job in we are enjoying ourselves and have decided not to even talk about visa ####### while on love and support to everyone and i´m glad my approval gave ya a timeline
belizeNot TellingBelize2006-07-20 22:32:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 APPROVED! [NOA-2]
I opened my e-mail this morning thinking I was going to see "RFE" but I really got a letter of APPROVAL for my I-130! Yipeeeeee! So the K-3 is being held up for quite some time so I think we will be going just with the CR-1 from here on out. Good luck to everyone and I'll probably be posting more in the CR-1 forum from now on. Good luck on a bunch of speedy journeys!
belizeNot TellingBelize2006-07-18 15:25:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA-2!
Hey Jerseygirl, my husband will be going to the embassy in Belize City....since Belize is a country with only 275,000 people, you can pretty much get a walk-in interview if you were ready for it as crazy as that, on the K-3, my husband could probably be here within a month! The thing is, we are saving money right now on rent because my parents are letting me live at home until steven gets here; additionally, I want him to be able to work and go to school as soon as he gets here so there is no idle time to dwell on belize and missing family (i have no idea how these transitions go, but want it to be as good as possible).

Hey I know the feeling, I have stopped stressing over the I-129f after receiving no touches since July 3rd. Perhaps Jersey is right, the key to it all is just giving up the struggle and just let it happen when it happens.

Anyway, Congratulations, :jest: and best wishes for both of you in the rest of the journey.

Rob and Melinda

belizeNot TellingBelize2006-08-19 11:42:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA-2!
Hey everyone...just when I gave up hope with the K-3 and was moving along with the CR-1, it got approved... :dance:
FYI-- I only mailed in ONE IMBRA RFE and never got a response, touch, or e-mail confirmation about it. All of the sudden, I just received my NOA-2 in the mail, dated August 3rd! No e-mail updates or far as the CR-1 goes, I've already paid the affidavit fee bill and everything...hmmm...I have no idea what to pursue! help!
belizeNot TellingBelize2006-08-18 19:18:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUPS Lost my AFFADAVIT!!! Interview Cancelled!
Well, for the of TODAY, there is still no trace of my package...what BS...they told me they couldn't put a tracer on it until 2 business days after it should have arrived...and that they couldn't tell me where my package was until EIGHT BUSINESS DAYS of "tracing" it...aka just buying time...

i sent out a packet of all the same information yesterday, meaning that I had to do everything all over, go to my bank for statements, get my affadavit notarized, etc....they can't seem to just admit "WE LOST YOUR PACKAGE".... waiting til it arrives....because we can't schedule an interview until then...thanx for all the support!
belizeNot TellingBelize2006-09-06 13:36:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUPS Lost my AFFADAVIT!!! Interview Cancelled!
Well here's the update....they told me to RE-DO EVERYTHING [including getting my bank statements, notarizing, etc.] and that they would send it TODAY "overnight international"...

Well...i went to all the trouble to do ALL of that this morning...I arrived at UPS and they said "OOOPS...sorry, there is no overnight international service"....and "the earliest we can send your documents is TUESDAY....and it will arrive 11:00 PM Thursday night".....#######?!!!!! they told me NOBODY has a service that can send international overnight...what BS is that? at that point couldn't I send it on a damn airplane directly to Belize????

SO IT LOOKS LIKE STEVEN'S TUESDAY INTERVIEW WILL HAVE TO BE CANCELLED NOW....this is absurd!!! not to mention, how bad it looks on our behalf as a couple...cancelling multiple interviews....

NEVER USE UPS! horrible customer service and they can't admit when they've "LOST" a package...they keep telling me they're "tracing it" (which is a step higher than tracking)...such BS....poor sports...they have no idea how much this has affected me...steven had even planned to leave his job by this week and be in the US...he'd already found his employer a new employee... :(
belizeNot TellingBelize2006-09-02 17:02:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUPS Lost my AFFADAVIT!!! Interview Cancelled!
Hi I am beyond pissed off. I sent my Affidavit of Support information, banking statements, etc. to the US Embassy in Belize City on AUGUST 25th on a "2-DAY EXPRESS" [60 bucks], using ****UPS***** First, they claimed that weather problems were causing delays and then after calling them 4 times they finally admitted that they had LOST the package!!!! Not only had they lost it, but they were UNAPOLOGETIC and did not say they would refund my money!

To make matters worse, my husband's interview for last thursday was CANCELLED because they did not have the forms they needed from now they re-scheduled him or next tuesday, but as of TODAY, UPS has STILL not been able to find my package!!!!

belizeNot TellingBelize2006-09-02 12:27:00