CanadaAdministrative Processing?

Anyone with any thoughts on what to do next?

i would have your husband contact his congressman and ask for assistance communicating with montreal - since it's damn near impossible to get in touch with them on your own. this way if montreal takes too long correcting their error you can light a little fire under them by having his congressman's immigration liaison (or whatever they're called) make annoying calls for status updates.

that's what we had to do. it took a month from orfee's interview to get the printed visa mailed out (whew). if you didn't receive a 221g (i think) AP form at your interview - things should smooth out quickly..(well, montreal's version of quickly)

Edited by valerie78, 16 November 2011 - 03:49 PM.

val erieFemaleCanada2011-11-16 15:48:00
CanadaRECENT thread on Moving Companies
we used upack last october and they were awesome. the cheapest we found, and no hassle.

when dealing with u-haul or movers, storage facilities, etc - i always have the feeling that someone is trying to rip me off. i never once got that feeling dealing with upack. which was a pleasant surprise.
val erieFemaleCanada2011-05-23 13:12:00
CanadaSchool Shooting discussion gets my son in trouble??
I'm sorry, but any school that would make that kind of administrative decision BEFORE talking to the parents is just plain LAZY. Has your son been searched yet? Who is doing the searching? When adults in positions of authority start making decisions that interfere with a child's well being for the sake of the "school" WITHOUT involving the parent, that is when you need to put on your mama bear face and defend!

This is so insanely crazy to me! If my son's school EVER took discipline against him in that manner without discussing it with me first, I'd go straight to the school board - forget about the teachers/principle because they are obviously operating on cruise control and not using their faculties of reason and common sense.

Man, a school reprimanding a kid for a question and the truth. Yep - that's america 2012.

Also, what do you mean by 'specialized class'? My son has a special IEP (individual education plan) because he is ADD and basically can't function to his full potential in a regular classroom setting. The reason I'm asking is that the process for obtaining such assistance for your child can be intimidating and because it requires extra work out of teachers - a lot of times they aren't forthcoming with these options even though they are available. Hopefully you were able to find comparable 'specialized classes' for your son. Having the IEP has made a world of difference for my son and I've found that since he's had it - teachers tend to treat him with a bit more empathy. Before it was always that my son was lazy, making trouble, joking and drawing and not paying attention. Now that they know he has difficulties (and the State has recognized that via the IEP) they actually ENCOURAGE his drawing and joking and interaction with classmates. Crazy it that it took a ton of doctor/teacher/school administration/ AND social worker visits/surveys/forms to get what I would consider NORMAL educational support for my son.

Edited by valerie78, 06 January 2012 - 09:20 AM.

val erieFemaleCanada2012-01-06 09:18:00
CanadaOld Job, New Job
i don't know about your field of expertise but if you're willing to be flexible, it's relatively easy to get a job. orfee has two jobs - he's a valet at a local hotel and houseman at a b&b. since he speaks french, has an accent, he's a bit exotic to most folks out here in our neck of virginia and he makes better tips because of it (lots of canadians, particularly from quebec, pass through our area on their way to FL :) ). as soon as he received his ead last year he dove headfirst into the hunt and things fell into place quite nicely. actually he's meeting a woman on saturday to pick up a third source of income - simply speaking french with this woman's young children a couple hours a week! i think it is a combination of personality,skill and location. having a second language helps, too.
val erieFemaleCanada2012-02-01 15:47:00
CanadaI saw this on TV yesterday..
the dude in the commercial didn't look like a native american to me, but looks can be deceiving.
val erieFemaleCanada2012-03-02 08:45:00
CanadaI864 RFE
don't they normally request three years worth of tax transcripts, if so, they should accept your husband's 2008 transcript, right? you'd be able to provide 2008, 2009, and 2010.

i don't see how they can require this year's return of you when the IRS hasn't required it yet!

(ever since i started this visa dance - i've used turbo tax, because you have a copy of your return as soon as you file and i never get anything back from the irs, but $$ - direct deposit pls :D )
val erieFemaleCanada2012-02-23 10:42:00
CanadaI864 RFE

he just submitted his federal taxes for 2011, but he figures it will take 3-5 weeks to hear anything from the IRS.

Did he file via mail or use a program like turbotax? Just send in a copy of the return he recently sent to the IRS.
val erieFemaleCanada2012-02-23 10:21:00
Canadamarriage liscence?

Instead of using eHow, a government website should be consulted instead.

i posted the ehow link because every pa government link related to marriage licensing i found was dead/broken.

the ehow article is specific to pa and i also noted that the ssn number requirement sounded odd. i was just trying to help with a starting point.

if you can find the correct government website link, post it for the op.
val erieFemaleCanada2012-03-19 15:36:00
Canadamarriage liscence?

I just got married in PA on 2/27/12 to my K-1 fiance and he did not have a SSN. It is not required in PA to apply for a marriage license.

yeah, i didn't think that sounded right.
val erieFemaleCanada2012-03-19 15:21:00
Canadamarriage liscence?

you both have to be there with i.d. and a ssn in order to apply for the license.
odd that they require a ssn.
val erieFemaleCanada2012-03-19 15:11:00
CanadaButter Cups
yep. virginia has them too. i remember the chin thing. i remember rubbing dandelions all over myself trying to look like big bird too.
val erieFemaleCanada2012-03-28 16:03:00
CanadaWhat are my options?

Yes but looking at people placed in AP from Islamabad Consulate, I see that females often escape being placed in AP while males are almost always placed in AP.

Some additional info, she hasn't resided in Pakistan for the last 20 years or so. She has spent most of her life in Dubai. I don't know if that further complicates matters or makes things simpler.

i understand what you're saying, and i agree that it's possible that she won't get put in ap. you asked if it was 'safe' to make certain assumptions concerning time frame. i'm just trying to tell you what i've seen in reading these threads for three plus years. foreign born applicants are typically placed in ap out of montreal.

for what it's worth, i hope your wife is the exception to that trend..
val erieFemaleCanada2012-02-14 15:32:00
CanadaWhat are my options?

1) Cancel the venue and pay the fees.
2) Reschedule for a later date (What date exactly?) and recover portion of the cancellation fees.
3) Go ahead with current dates and hope for the best.

and there is absolutely no way she can travel here while in process? man, that really sucks. i would go with two but i would schedule it out as far as possible. if she does get put in ap, there's no telling. it could be fairly quick, like a month or two but it could also be close to a year or more. it's heartbreaking.

there is a forum for ap (Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)), maybe search through the threads. sorry, but you won't find much specific to montreal.
val erieFemaleCanada2012-02-14 15:29:00
CanadaWhat are my options?

Wouldn't it be the CO at Montreal who would make that decision? Why doesn't it have much to do with going through Montreal? I haven't been able to find out much about cases where people were placed in to AP from Montreal so if people could point me in the right places for that, it will be greatly appreciated.

pakistan is one of the countries where AP is practically just another step in the visa order. The majority of folks that have been placed in AP through Montreal either have absolutely no idea why they were placed in AP OR they were born in another country. while it may in fact be up to the individual CO to put a case in AP, there are certain criteria that automatically put the applicant in the AP category.

i'm not trying to scare you or say that she definitely will be put in ap, i'm just saying, her chances are much much higher than most.
val erieFemaleCanada2012-02-14 15:23:00
CanadaWhat are my options?
I would be surprised if she didn't get put into AP.

It doesn't have much to do with going through Montreal/Canada, it has to do with being from Pakistan - being female might give her a slight bonus, but not much.

Edited by valerie78, 14 February 2012 - 02:26 PM.

val erieFemaleCanada2012-02-14 14:23:00
CanadaAdmistrative Processing
the reason she was put into ap is because she was born in pakistan, no question.
hopefully - she will clear the background checks quickly.
unfortunately - ap isn't given often from montreal - so there probably won't be very many people in a similar situation able to come forward with their wait times.
val erieFemaleCanada2012-04-03 08:16:00
CanadaWhen To Send Pkt3
is montreal open today?

only a day difference but, wasn't friday too?
val erieFemaleCanada2012-04-09 13:21:00
try your hardest to think positive, you're much closer to the finish line than you were even yesterday. it's true what folks say around here, once your family is finally all back together this time and distance and agony that seemed to take FOREVER will be gone. i know that seems like a long shot with so much of your life up in the air. it took a month for montreal to print orfee's visa and every time i'd call DOS they'd tell me we were in AP. we hadn't been told that at the interview. lemme tell ya, that was the longest month of my life. to make it so far and then not to have any definitive answers was terrible. (don't let my story get you stressed, we were interviewed by a woman who was only 'filling in' to help out with 'the backlog' for a week. i think our case got left on someone's desk :wacko: )

i can only imagine how miserable that would be with a baby on the way, hang in there, you've almost made it.
val erieFemaleCanada2012-05-01 08:01:00
gotcha. yes, DOS will say processing before the visa prints. sometimes they even say, administrative processing, but it isn't the genuine, dreaded AP. i think you'll get your visa in the normal time frame..
val erieFemaleCanada2012-04-30 16:11:00
i'm confused, were you told you were put in ap at the interview?
val erieFemaleCanada2012-04-30 15:59:00
Canadavisa issued apr27?
maybe slow update? isn't today a holiday in canada?

val erieFemaleCanada2012-05-01 15:01:00
CanadaWhat to wear for the interview

I guess if they are dressed like that, they either come from the boonies or are not well off.

orfee is from montreal & he's still having a hard time adjusting to the boonies. maybe not so much the boonies, but the rednex that inhabit.. i keep telling him montreal is full of the same kinda sort, just everything sounds more sophisticated in french.
and i was lying, i'm not cool enough to sport a mullet.
val erieFemaleCanada2012-05-11 08:30:00
CanadaWhat to wear for the interview

Posted Image

flames did interview in the grand commonwealth of verginyah, so i'm sure most of these soon to be amuricans just wanted to look the part!

(i'm amurican. and live in verginyah. leave my mullet alone.)
val erieFemaleCanada2012-05-10 11:36:00
CanadaWhat to wear for the interview
back in august 2010, we dressed casually. it was hot and we had to walk around a lot. i know some people get super dressed up, but even the people working at the embassy aren't anything more than business casual.
val erieFemaleCanada2012-05-10 07:53:00
CanadaAdvance Parole aka Travel Document

What are the instructions that are usually included? Does this mean the travel document will not be in the package they send? Can she go someplace immediately after receiving that notice to pick up that document?

i don't remember what the 'instructions' said but they mail the doc to you with the instructions. you don't have to go anywhere and pick it up ..
val erieFemaleCanada2012-05-18 15:56:00

Very interesting. I think in a lot of U.S. states you have to show up in court at least for the formalities.

if it's a no contest divorce, in a lot of states only the plaintiff is required to go to court. in my case, my ex didn't have to do anything but sign the divorce decree. that was in virginia.
val erieFemaleCanada2012-05-19 11:32:00
if you are the one filing for divorce, you'll need to file in NJ, residency requirement is one year prior.

the fact that she can't travel to the US might cause delays in the proceedings - depending on the type of divorce, contesting, etc. i obtained a divorce from my ex (in VA) without anything other than his signature. and that was with a child involved. my divorce was a 'no contest' divorce, but there were other plaintiffs there in the courtroom that day who couldn't locate their ex's. must have been a matter of publishing notice in the paper...sure NJ has similar procedures in place.
val erieFemaleCanada2012-05-18 15:51:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq

I'm going to the rally to restore sanity tomorrow. Jon Stewart ftw.

hope its a good time!!! we really wanted to go but, we're gonna get married instead :D
val erieFemaleCanada2010-10-29 15:25:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq

LoL, I was listening to the news this morning on the radio on the drive in to work today. They were talking about those miners in Chile and one in particular. I guess one of the guys' wife and mistress met during this whole scenario. I bet that guy could actually wait to come out of the mine.

hahaha. somebody should have invited jerry springer :lol:
val erieFemaleCanada2010-10-13 09:50:00
CanadaThe Walmart
hell naw it isn't canadian.
i do it and i'm american. i always thought it was redneck slang, coming from small southern towns such as boyce, virginia - where we live now. we go to "the sheetz" for gas or stop at "the light" cause there's only one in our town or travel to "the foodlion" in the next town over..i still say "the walmart". there isn't one in our immediate area, but there are three in winchester - about 15 minutes away. and they are all "the walmart".

val erieFemaleCanada2012-06-13 16:32:00
CanadaPeople Who Say They're Moving To Canada Because Of ObamaCare

Quite a difference from Northern VA outside DC - the rich folks here believe they 'carry' the rest of the state in it's poor patheticness. There will be no seceding if they have any say.

That's is exactly what makes the area I live in so volatile. The old money here is extremely, extremely well off. On the other hand the poor are bottom of the barrel poor, the long forgotten descendants of farm families and factory workers. I live in Boyce, but right up the road is Millwood (http://en.wikipedia....lwood,_Virginia). Driving through you will literally see an old time plantation mansion on one side of the road and directly across a dilapidated shack that houses a barely scraping by working family or elderly couple that still relies on the outhouse in the yard.
val erieFemaleCanada2012-06-29 12:59:00
CanadaPeople Who Say They're Moving To Canada Because Of ObamaCare

It's a good thing his mouth is so big since he is constantly having to remove both feet from it so often.

i think rush may be the culprit for this heat wave, he's had his big mouth yapping nonstop, releasing way to much hot air..
val erieFemaleCanada2012-06-29 12:41:00
CanadaPeople Who Say They're Moving To Canada Because Of ObamaCare

Don't worry.. They will turn right back when they discover they can't take their cache of weapons along with them... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

let me tell ya, i live in holy roller redneck country in Virginia. I have heard multiple comments regarding secession. bwahahhaa..better hope they can convince some doctors to jump on board with their plan, they can pay for all their medical emergencies in moonshine and taxidermy.
val erieFemaleCanada2012-06-29 08:41:00
CanadaPeople Who Say They're Moving To Canada Because Of ObamaCare

Now, my husband and I actually talked about moving back (for reals) if Santorum got elected...but we knew that would never happen.

i was trying to convince orfee we should move to canada if rick perry got elected. too bad for me, orfee's favorite spot in the world is austin, texas. closer to the damn problem imo. haha..
val erieFemaleCanada2012-06-29 08:23:00
CanadaPeople Who Say They're Moving To Canada Because Of ObamaCare

I've had a few jabs over the past few years about 'Cdn healthcare'. Americans don't really understand what it means either, just like the misconceptions that Cdn's have about American healthcare.

truly a misconception abounds on both sides that health care is ever free for anyone. healthcare is only free from a relative perspective for the very rich, because paying for whatever they need isnt such a burden - money isn't an issue.

canadians having better teeth, well - orfee makes sure to go to his dentist when he visits canada. i've compared costs (orfee and i don't have dental insurance here in the u.s) and his dentist charges about a third of what the dentists in our area do..i've been thinking of making ten hour drives to montreal for the expensive stuff i need done.

i know i was one of those enraged people that insisted i was moving to canada when bush was reelected. of course this was before i was serious with orfee, and i didn't even know i needed a passport to go to canada !! :bonk:
val erieFemaleCanada2012-06-29 08:16:00
CanadaPeople Who Say They're Moving To Canada Because Of ObamaCare

Hahaha. How ignorant.

haha - that's a great image.

Edited by valerie78, 28 June 2012 - 10:04 PM.

val erieFemaleCanada2012-06-28 22:03:00
CanadaPeople Who Say They're Moving To Canada Because Of ObamaCare
regardless of your perch on the fence or whatever, extremely funny.
val erieFemaleCanada2012-06-28 16:21:00
Canadawahh... just venting
yep, get in contact with his congress rep's office. stress the medical expiring soon! they need to pull your passports front and center and get it done. and hang in there, you're almost to the finish line..
val erieFemaleCanada2012-09-07 20:29:00
CanadaThe Interview Process

Do I get to be there during his interview? Or no? I think I read that he can come to mine...

uh i dont know what process you're involved in but, normally only the beneficiary has an interview. and yes you can attend..
val erieFemaleCanada2012-10-02 11:52:00
CanadaThe Interview Process

Well that's what I was asking, if we should work on his response a little bit.
My husband is VERY straight forward and tells it like it is, so I feel like his immediate response to 'why do you want to come here' would instantly be 'i don't' ...He's not really a people person...

maybe i don't understand your question, this really isn't difficult. he can say "i don't" just add eight little words "but i want to be with my wife". i don't see how clarifying the "i don't" detracts from being straight forward. unless his reason is more to shut you up then to live with you... if that's the case - yeah, he should keep that to himself.
val erieFemaleCanada2012-10-02 11:31:00