Middle East and North Africain cairo us embassy
On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair
Warm smell of colitas, rising up through the air
Up ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmering light
My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim
I had to stop for the interview
There she stood in the doorway;
I heard the mission bell
And I was thinking to myself,
'This could be Heaven and this could be Hell'
Then she lit up a candle and she showed me the way
There were voices down the corridor,
I thought I heard them say...
Welcome to the cairo usa embassy
Such a lovely place
Such a lovely face
Plenty of room at the cairo usa embassy
Any time of year, you can find it here

there was the interviewer, she got the Mercedes Benz
She got a lot of pretty, pretty boys, that she calls friends
How they dance in the sweet summer sweat.
Some dance to remember, some dance to forget
So I called up the interviewer,
'Please bring me my visa'
she said, 'We haven't had that spirit here since nineteen sixty nine'
And still those voices are calling from far away,
Wake you up in the middle of the night
Just to hear them say...
Welcome to the cairo usa embassy
Such a lovely place
Such a lovely face
They're livin' it up at the cairo usa embassy
What a nice surprise, bring your passport

Mirrors on the ceiling,
The pink champagne on ice
And she said 'We are all just here to give u ur visa, of our own device'
Last thing I remember, I was
Running for the door
I had to find the airline office
'Relax,' said the Consular Staff
We are programmed to receive.
You can checkout any time you like,
but you can never leave!!!! :devil::help:

Attached Files

mandoMale02007-03-21 00:24:00
Middle East and North Africavisa in hand
thanks for everyone is vj and i hope for everybody happy life and get what they waiting for
but keep it in ur mind all of u
never give up and always know after the darckness the light 'll come and every one 'll be happy it just 'll take take time wink.gif
mandoMale02007-12-16 22:55:00
Middle East and North Africavisa in hand
good morning
i dont know what to say but really the time pass by fast in here yes.gif
i cant beleive that i have been almost one year in the states with my wife
el hamdo llah kicking.gif
every time i set and think about when we was waiting for the visa and how hard it was and how slow the time was passing i laugh on thos days
any way never give up and make sure one day u 'll say the same and u 'll not beleive that ur finaly been year or more together so every one waiting for the visa just try to spend so much time as u can with ur family and ur freinds and be sure as long as allah made u meet each ather he can make u be again together and hopfuly forever
mandoo wink.gif
mandoMale02007-12-15 07:54:00
Middle East and North Africahey guys
hey guys i have a q i need to know how much the sponsor shoould be making a year ? and if there is any website i can look up at 'll be cool
thx and everyone have great night
mandoMale02009-08-12 18:01:00
Middle East and North Africaplz help
hey guys i really need to know what foorm the join sponsor should fillout andf what should he send with it ? thx for the help
mandoMale02009-08-14 01:07:00