K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresoath ceremony before POE with K1

Before anyone jumps on me, I have searched and read over forty threads on this forum that relates to people who want to hold a religious ceremony before their fiance arrives in the US and actually marries. I don't feel my fiance and I are special in any way or better or more deserving of any one else who has had to sacrifice to get their visa. However, here is my situation and I hope someone can weigh in and tell me if it would be an acceptable solution.

My fiance is from Canada, she got approved for her K1 about four months ago but something happened and her father was diagnosed with a terminal illness. That is why she has not yet joined me in the US. He is a very sick man, cannot travel, and will not be with us for much longer. He has told us that his wish is to see his daughter marry.

We understand that it may very well be impossible to grant him his request while still retaining the K1 visa. All of the threads I've read contained people who were adamant that those who want to hold a ceremony before POE on a K1 should abandon their K1 and file for CR-1. Before we abandon our K1, my fiance suggested a very small, very private oath ceremony instead.

She will wear a nice dress (not a wedding dress), I will go to Canada with a few of my family members. We will have maybe ten family members there all dressed up and in the house my fiance and I will swear an oath to love one another for life and marry as soon as we can when we cross into the United States. There will not be clergy there, no papers signed, no officials, no wedding vows, no rings exchanged, not even a kiss. There will be pictures taken and I am worried about those as well as family members who might misconstrue this as a wedding when it is most definitely not.

Again, it is not my intention to mislead anyone, least of all any government entity. I only wish to know if this scenario is acceptable and we are running out of time to make a decision while the officials we have asked have given us conflicting answers. I have asked two different USCIS officials about this scenario. One said that ceremonies of any kind are not allowed prior to entry into the US. Another one said that having an oath ceremony is perfectly fine so long as there is no intention to pass an oath ceremony off as a marriage. We also understand that whether someone interprets something as a marriage or not depends entirely upon that person. Where one individual will see it as just two people making a promise in front of their families, another person might see that as a full wedding. Some opinions from those who have faced this situation before would be appreciated. Thank you.

Basically your having what amounts to an engagement ceremony.. As long as no offcials are there and nothing is recorded on apper, I can't imagine how it could mess you up. I will say this. If push comes to shove, with her father terminally ill you could always marry and re-file. it would delay things but for a dying father what's 6-7 months.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-10-15 15:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhat really Puzzles me about NVC
with today's technology why in the world they don't tie a database query to a website that allows people to check the K-1 ( or other Visa status ) online. Vis journey members represent only a small fraction of Visa applicants. I can't fathom the number of people that NVC has to employee just to answer the phone and give a status update..

If it was a private company that had to make a profit in order to stay in business it would have done it years ago.. Goota love government organizations.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-10-15 13:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat do I have to do after the NOA2??

I'm not sure whether or not this is a consulate-specific question. After we got our NOA2, we waited for a letter from the NVC that stated they have forwarded the case to the consulate in Juarez and this letter had the case number in it. We then got a letter from Juarez stating that they were ready to process the case and that we could go ahead and schedule our interview and fingerprinting appointments. If this is the same process with your consulate then you would still have a little more waiting to do while the NVC sends you a letter with the case number in it.

I know in Manila you can set at appointment as soon as you get case number from for. I am pretty sure you can in Juarez also. I got a buddy who has a mother in law processing there, who made appointment after getting case number.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-10-15 23:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat do I have to do after the NOA2??

Go read this thread. The poster did a great job covering all the bases. The only thing I would add is that when you call NVC the Automated system does not work for K- Visas you must take to a live person.


TALK to a live person.. Spell check is my enemy :)
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-10-15 22:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat do I have to do after the NOA2??
Go read this thread. The poster did a great job covering all the bases. The only thing I would add is that when you call NVC the Automated system does not work for K- Visas you must take to a live person.

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-10-15 20:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPort of Entry

As stated by others,, if you miss your connection you will be rebooked without cost... Even if your own fault... I have
forgot about a time change before,, thought I had a two hour lay over and actually only had one...

Or my worse yet my wife's immigration story.

She got to Houston and followed everyone else to baggage claim,,, and then wondered where was I. She called from a borrowed
cell phone. I started to laugh... She was at baggage claim #2 as I told her. But, I live in Austin,,, Not Houston...
No problem, lots of flights from Houston, they rebooked her on the next flight and she arrived one hour late in Austin.


That is quite a story... I can't imagine landing from a foreign country and being in the wrong town and having to borrow a phone. Glad it worked out ok..
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-10-06 19:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDiscouraged by timeline...

I can see from the timelines posted here that getting visa approval can take anywhere from 6 months to over a year. I am filing our paperwork at the end of this month. My fiance and I have already been separated for 3 months and it is becoming increasingly hard on me. Our baby is due in February and I don't want my fiance to be separated from our son for that long. I don't know what to do...visiting each other frequently is not an option as I need to keep my full time job and travel between here and Korea is expensive. I don't know if my fiance can even get a tourist visa. He was denied the first time but we are hopeful that he will be approved to be here for our son's birth in February. Joining him overseas would mean leaving my job. I have to have a co-sponsor anyway, but I don't want to depend on someone else entirely to sponsor my fiance. I also have to consider our son, of course. If it were only me, I would hop on a plane now and rejoin him. Now I have our son's care and support to consider. Being so uncertain about things is making it difficult to plan for my immediate future. I don't want to get an apartment and buy a car if I decide to join my fiance overseas.

I know there is no easy solution to our problem, but if anyone has any suggestions or even just sympathy, it would be very much appreciated.

I can offer sympathy. Sadly it's jsut a process that takes time. Hang in there it will flyby.

One question. You mentioned flights to Korea were expensive but have Camroon listed as his country ??
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-10-16 16:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC receipt of application

OK, so today I called and hit 5-25minutes on hold for a live person. They said they have no record of my case yet, so I'll keep calling daily. :whistle:

Tip--Call after 6 PM EST call volume is usually a lot less
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-10-17 12:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC receipt of application

I would like to hear from filers of the Vermont Service Center-how long did it take for the NVC to receive your petition? It's been a week now for us, and I called the automated system, and it says they have no record of our case number.

The automated system does not track non-immigrant Visa's. If you are a K-1 filer you need to hit 5 and talk to a live person. 1 week is probably too soon. I got NOA2 on 23 Sept and thye processed my Visa request on 11 Oct. from what I read that is about the norm. some go longer some shorter. I would say after about 2 weeks start calling every day.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-10-15 13:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswho in their right mind would sign the I-864????

I'm just baffled by this I-864 Affidavit of Support. This is insane. The govt must be astounded that there are any legal immigrants into America! Who are the financial suicide volunteers who are signing these papers? Would you marry someone and sign a pre-nupt that says: "If you are ever divorced that you will pay ex-spouse $13,000 MINIMUM for the rest of their lives, and have additional liabilities with the govt? No one would get married. I mean the sponsor is putting himself / herself at a complete disadvantage. It's giving your spouse a loaded gun and saying, okay honey, when we have an argument, let's try to forget that you are holding a loaded gun. And yet people sign this form.
I am baffled. Am I missing something here?
I was going to try to bring a fiance here to the USA, but after reading this form....I'm utterly floored. This can't be right.

Did you have a particular fiancee in mind ?? You know your right, it's kind of a risk. Anybody who would not at least consider the possibility that the marriage could end is not being realistic.

I do have some friends that came here on K-1 visa and are divorced. I asked them about this the other night. They had no idea and it had never come into play in their divorce. Also from what I understand you are only liable for that amount of money between what they make and the poverty line, and can not be greater than the amount the government paid in benefits.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-10-16 16:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWorking on K1

Are you saying that experienced lay people can't be wrong about such a gray area of immigration law? If the experienced VJers believe it to be illegal, I welcome them to post their evidence, just as I've posted my evidence.

What is trickery about the Social Security Administration document I posted? It says K-1ers can work. Did you even read it?

Did you miss the part of my post that said immigration lawyers disagree over this issue?

Did you also miss the part of my post where I suggested that K-1ers use the Self-Check E-Verify system to verify their eligibility to work?

Where is the TOS violation?

Personally, I believe the USCIS has the final say, and they don't allow K-1ers to work before they have a SSN and an EAD. However, they say it in such a roundabout way that it remains unclear in the face of evidence like the SS document.

Little off topic but I would also add that the I-9 requirements and lack of reporting is what has allowed illegal immigration in this country to become so rampant. An employer is required to collect the I-9 docs but not to verify or report them. Many Many industries with a wink and a nod accept documents of questionable authenticity, since they are not required to verify or report. . If caught they are legally covered unless they Govt can prove conspiracy charges, and have charged some under the RICO statue.

Some states are moving in the right direction with a requirement to use E-verify, as an addition to using the I-9 check list.. E-verify is still volunteer in most states. Odd as it may seem it is against the law to sue E-verify to check the status of workers already employed.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-10-13 18:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWorking on K1

The above quoted form is only half the issue. K-1s are employment authorized by the policy document https://secure.ssa.g...!opendocument#g

K-1s, however, also need to satisfy a second document issued by USCIS/Department of Homeland Security before they can legally work. All individuals employed within the US must satisfy the requirements of form I-9. Every employer is required to ensure their employees provide either 1 document from List A or documents from both List B and List C.

A K-1 does not have a document listed in List A and will not have a document listed in List C. They will have a document listed in List B so until they obtain a document listed in List C or List A they are not eligible to work. The only document that they can obtain from List C or List A until they get their green card is an Employment Authorization document.

List A documents verify both identity and employment authorization. and are restricted to:
a) US Passport/passport card;
b) Permanent Resident card of Alien Registration receipt form I-551 (aka green card or green card passport stamp)
c) Foreign passport that contains an I-551 stamp on a machine readable Immigrant visa
d) EAD that contains a photograph
e) if the employee is authorized to work for a specific employer incident to status, a foreign passport with an unexpired I-94 or I-94A and the employment is not subject to any restrictions. (This means someone who has been sponsored by an employer for a specific job and is waiting for proof of that status).
f) foreign passport from Micronesia or the Marshall Islands with an I-94 or I-94 A i indicating non-immigrant admission on the Compact of Free Association between the US and FSM or RMI

These are the only documents accepted under List A so a K-1 visa does not fit List A. That means a K-1 visa applicant must provide a document from both List B and List C.

List B - documents that establish identity - are restricted to:
a) DL or State D card with specified personal information and photograph;
b) ID issued by Federal, State or Municipal government specified personal information and photograph
c) School ID with photograph
d) voter registration card
e) US military card or draft record
f) Military dependent card
g) US Coast Card Merchant Mariner Card
h) Native American Tribal Document
h) Canadian DL .

These are the only documents accepted under List B. A k-1 may have one or more of these available, most possibly their foreign passport (Federally issued document); a military dependent ID card, a state ID card or DL, or a Canadian DL. All but the foreign passport take time to acquire and may not be obtainable within the 90 day time frame for the K-1 authorized stay

List C - documents that establish employment authorization - are restricted to:
a) unrestricted SSN card
b) form 545 - Certification of Birth Abroad (US citizen) issued by DOS
c) form - 1350 Certification of Birth issued by DOS
d) Original or certified copy of certificate of birth issued by any State, County, Municipality or US territory bearing an official seal
e) Native American Tribal Document
f) US Citizen ID card - form I-197
g) Identification Card of Resident Citizen in the US - form I-179
h) EAD issued by the Department of Homeland Security.

A K-1 will not have any of the documents from List C so will not meet the requirements of the I-9 which is required for employment verification, thus they are not able to work until they satisfy the requirements of form I-9. A K-1 therefore requires an EAD in order to work before they obtain their green card, whether they are here during the authorized 90 day stay of theI-94 or after marriage and waiting for the AOS approval.

Your spot on !!!
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-10-13 18:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWorking on K1

When it comes to employment, it may not matter whether it says anything on the card about requiring DHS work authorization because employers don't ask to see the card. They simply require you to provide them with the Social Security number.

Simple answer is that to legally work a person on K-1 has to file a I-765 and receive an Employment authorization. Your right about E-verify and the SSN, but the other part your missing is that the employyer has to have the identfication required in the I-9 file as the other poster stated.

So yes a K-1 holder can work, but has to file a I-765 and have it approved to satisfy the requirements of the law regarding I-9 docs.

And I might add that any Visa attorney who disagrees with that probally is in the wrong line of work.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-10-13 17:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDid you use a lawyer

This guy did use a lawyer and see what happened, a mess


my parents told me, DO NOT EVER put all trust to:

  • a politician
  • a lawyer and...
  • a liarPosted Image

And I found out after he had fled my K-1 that my lawyer had been disbarred for fadulant taking of money from clients and that he did not have offices in the Philippines and other locations as promised. . . He did review the application but has done little else. My guess is he is thinking he may snag me for more money for AOS. Heck he may be in jail by now for all I know.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-10-16 15:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDid you use a lawyer

Like anything else in life.. It seems pretty simple after you have lived it and gone through it but when you are just starting it seems like a complex problem with a million ways to fail. If I was talking to a friend just starting the process and they did not have any complicated issues (like overstays) I would advise them against using a lawyer. There is no time savings (personal or process) and for me at least there would be no extra piece of mind..

Yes exactly it did seem overwhelaming at first , in the rear view mirror there was not much to it. I do think some think having a lawyer may speed it up, but your right it does not.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-10-16 15:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDid you use a lawyer
Just a quick question to the group. Did you use a lawyer and would you again ?

I did use one. He way overcharged me ( in hindsight). All he did was review our application to see if we made any errors. Looking back at the K-1 process it is so simple and straight forward, knowing what I know no I would do it myself. I don't plan to use a lawyer for AOS.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-10-16 11:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresManila Case # received!

oh thank God thanks a lot! just received an email this morning when I opened my fiance's email and then there you go they emailed us the Manila case # gee i'm so happy finally can set an interview with the embassy soon :) wow it's all falling into places.. we really are going to spend the New Year's eve together yay!!

Congrats. You can really get the ball rolling now.

My fiancee just finished her medical at St. Lukes yesterday. Was done by 10:30 AM
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-10-18 16:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInsight into USICS Service Center

can you ask your contact to move me to the top of the pile then please... thanks :thumbs:

I wish i could... You don't have much longer. They knew I had a K-1 going thru there and made it quite clear they would not even give a hint about a specific case. I had to wait my full 8 days from NOA1 to NOA 2 like everyone else. :rofl:
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-10-16 17:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInsight into USICS Service Center
I have a contact who works at VSC. I asked them about why the sudden explosion of approvals of K-1 visa's.

1. They were behind on K's and reassigned some people to start knocking them out. Also they were understaffed and just added about 40 positions to get the allocation of people per work load corrected.

2. What typicaly happens at the service centers, is that the Visa's that are the most time senstive and generate the highest revenue get the most attention. So if the H-1b's wich are more time senstive and generate much more revnue get behind, people get pulled off the K's. Then when they get ahead they will catch up on the lower priority Visa's like K's.

This is why you see the big cycle in processing times. It appears VSC is running 90-100 days average right now. as they have hired people and reassigned people to work on k Visa. For all of you waiting on NOA2 I hope the trend keeps up. I know how it feels to have gotten you NOA1 and settle in for the long unknown wait.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-10-16 16:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresbooking interview manila

@trutolife27, how long did you wait before you got your case number? where did it came from? we been waiting our case number for 1month and 18 days now. pls reply to me,thanks...

Call NVC and Give them your EAC or WAC number. Get your MNL case number. You can then schedule your interview . It will possibly be a few more weeks before you get your letter from NVC or your beneficiary receives their package.

I am assuming you have NOA2 already.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-10-21 04:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresbooking interview manila

well we got our case number fianlly and paid at pbi bank. when she is online trying to book the appoitment it ask for priority date? what is that. can't find it anywhere. thanks for the help. pls

Are you sure you are trying to make an appointment for a K-1 Visa ? K-1 Visa's do not have priority dates becuse thier is no quaota on them. Make sure you are selecting the right link on-line or call them to schedule.

Do not try to use your NOA1 date as a priority date. That is inaccurate info.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-10-21 04:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCSC Vs VSC

Thanks much scruffydog! That was a great post and I read it with interest. There is also a post about an interview with the head of VSC.

Now we just need a mole in CSC :devil:

Your welcome. Bottom line is that all we can do is hang on and wait. Luke of the draw. I just so happened to have my K-1 filed at at time when Vermont was in an up cycle. We have our interview on 3 Nov, so if everything goes right we will be about 5 months from NOA1 to her flying. We jsut got lucky plain and simple. Back in the spring VSC was routinely taking 150-180 days. Lucky we got our in a little over 100, which is where they are running now.

Also, calling NVC daily and calling the embassy as soon as we got our case number from them speed things up by several weeks. I got my letter yesterday from NVC saying they had recied our case on the 12th of Octoberand would forward within one week. We already had our appointment on on the 13th. Got the letter on the 20th. This saved at least 3 weeks.Works for Manila, can't attest to it working at others.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-10-21 04:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCSC Vs VSC

Haha maybe, but I though Vermont was always supposed to be the slow one?

Yes historically Vermont has been slower but it cycles. I posted in this thread a few days ago. I have a friend at VSC. They just hired and they put extra manpower on K Visa's. Normal thing for the service centers to allot manpower to a class of Visa, if it is starting to get backlogged. Usally the Visa's that have the tighter time requirements and bring in the most revenue get the most attention. I am sure before long VSC will shift manpower off K Visa's and they will slow down and CSC will catch up.

I think the reason you are hearing so much about VSC, is that the approval dates of the ones being approved has shortened so dramticaly, while CSC has gotten longer. Nothing to do with the amount. That is a much more accurate judge, since many will update NOA1 then as the excitement dies they do not update NOA2.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-10-20 20:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC. Quick Question

I called the NVC today and they said that they received my case but is not in their system yet, that it may take 3 to 4 weeks to be processed.

Is 4 weeks their realistic time frame in to process or is just their script answer?

( this one is an obvious one but just in case) So I get the visa # when they finally process everything and is sent right?


No that is the amount of time they think is appropriate before you start taking drastic action. You will get all kind of crazy answers. Keep calling every day. They should process and assign a case number any day now
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-10-21 19:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat is, How do, What if...

Agreed with the OP, 100%.

One of VJ's premier members frequently says, "Read accurately, interpret literally, and answer completely & honestly." This is crucial to our success throughout this process.

If you've read the forms, studied the Guides, and searched the forums for the answer, and you're still stumped, then ask your question here.

I'm equally disturbed by respondents who comment on the embassy/consular phase as though "one size fits all." This goes for preparing the petition that goes to USCIS and then to the consulate thereafter. Just because you breezed through your visa interview does NOT mean that everyone else will -- and petition preparation can count. London is not Manila, Manila is not Santo Domingo, Santo Domingo is not Guayaquil, and Guayaquil is not Lagos.

That is an excellent point. That is why when I give consulate advice I try to be very clear that it is Manila only.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-10-20 11:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLawyer VS Visa Journey
we just had a nice long thread on this subject.. We just finished medical and lack only interview. if I had to do it over I would not use a lawyer. Big waster of money unless you have problems..

Check out this thread

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-10-17 16:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance did not get visa b/c of insufficient evidence

how can they determ what is real and what isn't when at the same time you proved that you have a past together.

It seems that in the few months I have been on here, I have seen Jamaica deny several. They must be very picky.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-10-14 19:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFinally!!! Interview scheduled :)

The online site could really use some clear instructions but anyway we have our interview scheduled for Nov 25th. I can't believe this long journey will be over soon. What relief! Jim.

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-10-23 17:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMedical Exam

Hi all, :)

I have a doubt, what happens when you dont have your vaccination card, so you dont know what vaccitations you have got? :help:

I know what happned in the Army when my shot records got lost... :All shots again.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-10-24 16:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurescan one take her Medical exam at St LUkes even without a letter from embassy yet? but have paid VISA payment????

Uumm. How the heck would everyone know what St. Lukes is?

Because we all have the little splash on our profile bar that says "Philippines" and have all had or had a loved one that had a medical there.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-10-25 04:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurescan one take her Medical exam at St LUkes even without a letter from embassy yet? but have paid VISA payment????

Weve just pain our VISA fee... anyone have idea about getting a medical exam at St. LUkes even if there no packet from the Manila embassy yet? is that possible? for fiance and I is planning that..... advice please.. thanks

YES. we just did it. Medical last Monday and interview Nov 3. No packet from embassy yet.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-10-24 20:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConfused by wording on NOA Approval for K-1 Visa

THANKS SO MUCH, scruffydog! I didn't realize we could get things going just with the case number.

And I should have added that worked for me in Manila. I can't guarantee it will work at every Embassy . Worth a try.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-10-25 17:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConfused by wording on NOA Approval for K-1 Visa


(First, I apologize if this is in the wrong forum. I don't see much to choose from, but I'm green in the field of navigating discussion boards.)

Today I received the hard-copy for our VSC approval. But, in comparing it to an image of an older NOA2 approval from VJ, my version says "your petition has been sent to the listed consulate" instead of the previous "your petition has been sent to the NVC."

What gives? Is this a new change, or something that has been around for awhile? Do I still call the NVC to get an NVC number? Is it really skipping the NVC and going straight to the consulate?

Also, I don't see a consulate listed! I'm concerned because I changed the consulate (thought Calgary would work for non-immigration visas, but apparently it must be Vancouver... worried it's been sent to the wrong one and encountered more delays). I'm just venting- called tonight ten minutes before they closed, but the lines were already down. :-/ So I have to freak out until the morning, instead.

The front and back of the document are available at the below links, and attached, for your/future reference.


If you would like to sign up for a free account to help in organizing your immigration paperwork, please use the link below to get 250MB of free bonus space for each of us :)

It goes to the NVC. Wait about 10 or so Business days and start calling them. Do not use the automated system because it does not track K Visa's only Immigrant Visa's. When it is in the system and processed they will ask your Beneficiary name and birth date. Same for you. They will then give you your case number. Pay the Interview fee and make the appointment for the appropriate country. The package should make it to the embassy about 5-10 days after NVC issues you the case number. You can go ahead and print all your required forms on-line and have them ready. You do not have to wait on package from embassy. Hope this helps.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-10-24 18:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 and SSN

Hi guys,

Just wanna ask anyone who has a first hand idea of my inquiries :D

1. Is SSN part of the requirement when getting married?

2. Our application with the I-129f was sent to california service center since that tme my fiance was in California. Right now he is in texas but its not for a long time and we will move again to a different state. NAture of his job makes him/ us move from place to place. So my concern now is, since our application was at Califonia service center and his address in our application is his California address do we have to get married in California?

3. We have plans to get married in Texas since that is where he is at now, will this affect with the AOS?

4. I also heard from my fiance, that he read from one website that there is a seminar to be attended prior to getting married and it takes hours to do that. Are we really required to do that?

5. As to the AOS, when is the best time to be able to adjust status? And with regards to SSN, how early can we get an SSN #?

1. You don't have to get SSN but it would be foolish not to. You can get it immediately if I am not mistaken.

4. Yes My fiancee completed hers yesterday. Link Below

PS: Any tips, suggestions or recommendation, or even sharing your experiences will be nice and appreciated.

Thanks in advance my fellow VJ's

The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-10-25 17:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTaking the Medical in Manila before the appointment

I had medical without paying the visa yet....She just need to present the letter from the NVC with the case number...And for additional info the medical takes 2 days...First day will be the physical examination and the second day will be the vaccination and releasing...Goodluck

You don't have to have the letter. Mine just took hers. She took it about 1 week before we got the NVC letter. Passport , MNL number and pay fee...
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-10-26 04:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGeeting appointment set as Soon as NVC gives case #

Your sweetie needs to attend the CFO seminar and get the CFO sticker in her passport before she leaves the Philippines for the U.S. If she doesn't have the sticker in her passport, she won't be allowed on the plane. It's as simple as that. The whole thing costs less than twenty dollars. It's required by the Filipino government. Mostly, the seminar tells her what to do when she arrives in the U.S. and you start beating her.

There's two places in Manila to take the seminar and one place in Cebu. Avoid the one in Cebu if possible because they can be real strict. Chinook went to the PRISM seminar in Manila. The other one is in Quezon City and it's called St. Marys.

She can attend the seminar before her interview and get that out of the way if she wants to. But, she'll have to go back to get the sticker after she has her visa.

You should check out their website: click here.

I went back and re-read my Lawyer's E-mail and it's in there. My fiancee knew all about and had it planned. She lives in C-Boo so was planning on going there. I pretty much checked out and turned it over to her after I did the affidvat of support was sent . The girl knows more about K-1 Visa's and immigration at this point than most lawyers.

So they actually tell them what to do if we start beating them. I was kind of hoping they would leave them in the dark about that and they would hope it was just an American thing :)
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-10-13 04:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGeeting appointment set as Soon as NVC gives case #

Hi Scruffydog,
How did you "secure an appointment??
I have been on the website of the consulate where my fiance will have his interview and I cannot make an appointment.??
I know we have DIFFERENT consulate, but I was just wondering.. HOW CAN I SET UP AN INTERVIEW???.. (I now have my NVC number)
Please let me know. Your answer will be very impotant to me.
Thank you.

I am sure thet embassy you are using has a website or phone number. I am guessing you will pay and then make appointment. what embassy are you using
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-10-12 21:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGeeting appointment set as Soon as NVC gives case #

NVC doesn't necessarily log your case number into the State Department's system before they send your physical case file to Manila. It's likely that the NVC sent your physical case file to Manila and then logged your MNL case number in later. By the time you got your MNL case number, your physical case file had already arrived at the Embassy.

In any case, good for you. I'm glad your visa journey is on the fast track. Are you ready for the main event yet? It's time for the medical, the interview, and the CFO Seminar. :thumbs:

anything is possible. I called on Friday and it had not been logged. Monday was a Holiday. Tuesday I had case number and wed I had Appointment. Got another buddy did the same thing. Anyway. So you got me now. CFO seminar ??? what the heck is that ?
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-10-12 20:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGeeting appointment set as Soon as NVC gives case #

She found out from a FB group??? That doesn't sound reliable to me. My guess is that your petition was already at the Embassy when you got your MNL case number. It's pretty well-known that a case not only has to arrive at the Embassy, but it has to be entered into their system too before an interview appointment can be set.

The number is already in the state department system as soon as NVC logs it. My case number was issued and forwarded to Manila on 11 Oct by NVC and we made appointment on 12 Oct. in Manila. So unless it made it to Manila and was entered in less than 24 hours ???
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-10-12 19:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGeeting appointment set as Soon as NVC gives case #

Thanks for the info .we were approved today . That's a big help

My Fiancee found out from some FB group. I had no idea. Shaves weeks off Process. Not posted anywhere that i have seen.
The Nature BoyMalePhilippines2011-10-12 19:13:00