CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Thanks. Chris is a diesel technician so he knows a lot about cars, trucks etc. He also loves to learn and tear things apart just to see how they work and to put them back together. One of the reasons I love him. It would have cost a pretty penny to have someone else fix our car. I am so thankful that Chris knows how to fix cars. We thought the car was fixed on Saturday but test driving it on Sunday proved us wrong. So it is still out of commission for another week or so.

Oh man I bet that was horrible to clean up on the side of the road. I hope you had clean clothes to change him into. I would take puke over the other also.

Crossing was easy as pie. I love my green card lol The boarder guard told us that I don't need my passport to cross, I only need my green card. I don't believe him so I'll still be bringing both whenever I cross.
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-11-08 20:20:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

I know!!! We're so excited!!! Things are coming along nicely!!!

How was your visit back home? Are you still up there?

We are home in Georgia now. We came home Oct. 14th. Thanksgiving was awesome. Got to see everyone in my family and no one fought lol. Chris have a few drinks and got tipsy and then tried to play cards with us. All around good fun. Our car started breaking down when we got to my aunts house in Oakville (near Toronto) on Thanksgiving. We made it to the boarder of Ohio and Ky and couldn't drive anymore. We pulled into a hotel and Chris' mom went and got a car carrier from Chris' work and came to pick us and our car up and bring us back home. It turned into a very long trip. I am glad we were able to make it to a hotel. Being stuck on the side of the interstate broke down would have been very bad with Alex. We got some sleep until my mother in-law and step father in-law got there. Then when we were a couple hours from home Alex was sleeping in the car, woke up and puked all over himself, so we had to pull over clean him up, get him changed and clean off his booster seat. It was a very long trip home and my car is still not working yet.

Both axles and bearings went bad. Chris got the parts to replace them and had trouble getting one bearing in so he hit it a few times and broke it. Now it is stuck in the axle and Chris and his friend from work are trying to get it out today. They have been working for hours on it and still going. I hope they can get it out without us having to replace the axle again.

We were planning on going back to Canada for Christmas but now we can't afford to so my family is disappointed but understands things happen. So we will be enjoying a nice peaceful Christmas at home just the three of us this year. Can't say I'm too disappointed :P
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-11-05 13:22:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Good news!!! Just got hired by the company I was working for through the temp agency!!! We can now start looking for a house!!! :dance:

:dance: that is awesome! Congrats. Happy house hunting :D
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-11-02 19:49:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
We leave for Canada on Saturday. I am so excited to have a Canadian thanksgiving dinner. I don't like most of the food they make here in Georgia for Thanksgiving. I am hoping the boarder goes as smooth as it did last time mostly for the Canadian side. Last time because we were crossing at like 5am and we were with all Canadians the guy didn't even look at our passports. We will see how this time goes when we cross. I hope everyone has a safe and happy trip to Canada and back.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I sure am thankful that I am with my husband in the U.S. now. (L)

Edited by mandaNchris, 05 October 2011 - 12:20 PM.

mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-10-05 12:19:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Awww... Well, welcome back 'home' I guess!!! Did you have a good visit? I can't wait to go!!! Do you guys have tricks for staying up while driving? I'm not big on 5 Hours Energy shots though...

I think I'll fly in late February too... Depends on how the house hunting is going! We'll see!
How's everyone else doing?

Cold air and loud music lol Also a lot of sleep the night before leaving. I really have no idea how Chris can drive for 12 hours straight. I am falling asleep about 8 hours into our trip usually.

We are doing good here. Just waiting for Oct. to get here so we can visit Canada again.
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-09-29 17:45:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
We are driving back in Oct too. We are going for thanksgiving. 12 hour car trip with a three year old. Fun times. I hope your trip goes well.
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-08-19 12:31:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

I've heard that too... I'll make sure I confirm that before I make a decision, but I guess when we remove our conditions, we'll be issued a 10-years green card, so that's a lot of time to think about it and research it... The testing part makes me nervous though, I mean, what happens if you fail the test???

Anyways, I hope everyone is settling in well in the US! I'm doing a lot better, I'm actually able to say that I'm happy now! There's just a lot of family issues back home, and I wish I was there to help, listen and council, but it is what it is... My mom told me on the phone this evening that she missed me and missed talking to me when she wants to... It made me sad, I hate being this far from her, you know?

But eh, apart from that, things are way better now!!!

I am glad you are happy now. I know how you feel talking to people back home and feeling sad. It breaks my heart when my nieces cry because they miss me and my son. It's hard and I hope over time it will get easier.

I just came back from visiting Canada. Boarder went great. Didn't even have to show them my marriage certificate to show the why my passport and green card have different names. The guard seemed to be more interested in my sister and what she was doing after dropping me and Alex at the airport. Didn't get called into secondary either. The easiest boarder crossing I have had yet.
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-08-15 16:16:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
I am going to try to get citizenship. Have a feeling I wont pass the test tho. I hate history and it is very hard for me to remember anything I am not interested in. So I guess we will see when the time comes. I just don't want to have to remember to renew my green card. Scared I might forget one time and then get sent away.
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-08-04 14:46:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Same here, I couldn't have made it without you all. Thanks for helping out and the laughs. You all are amazing.

I'm in Canada right now. My aunt had to have surgery today and I wanted to be here for her. The surgery went great and she is doing well. Been having a blast with seeing all the family I have missed so much.
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-07-28 00:04:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

I think interviews are possible throughout the entire process. I don't think it necessarily means they are suspicious of your case, they probably have quotas to meet and what not. I hope I don't get one then, I already had two so far, I feel like we've proved enough! We'll see when we get there I guess... :wacko:

Alaba, did you receive your green card yet?

Oh great. Here I thought we were done with pointless interviews lol Oh well should have known there would be more.

What have you all done with your AP and Work authorization cards now that they aren't needed? Do we cut them up and throw them out? Keep them hidden or what?
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-07-17 20:24:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Just wanted to bump this thread so it doesn't get lost on us :) I was talking to a friend of mine who just had a baby. She moved to the U.S. and got married applied for AOS got approved and has her 2 year conditional green card. She is planning on moving to another state so I reminded her not to forget to let immigration know about her move. She then tells me that in a year when she removes her conditions she has to go for another interview because they were suspicious of her marriage being so fast. I didn't think that when you had your conditions removed that you had to go for another interview. Is this true for everyone or is she just a special case or is she misinformed? Just wondering.
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-07-15 16:12:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Got a new car this weekend! Woohoo! 0% financing with Mazda! I'm pretty excited! It's a stick though, so I have to practice before I can take it to work!
Wouldn't want to crash that one!

Woohoo!! Glad you were able to find a car. Congrats :thumbs:
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-07-11 15:17:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Whoa, very nice pic of you two Alaba!

How is everyone doing with finding work? How's everyone summer going? Any visits to Canada planned?

I'm not looking for work. Stay at home mommy here :) Summer is going great. My nieces are here visiting right now. My sister, brother in-law and nephew will be here on the 18th. We plan on going to visit Canada in Oct. for thanksgiving.
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-07-07 14:28:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Congrats Alaba!! So nice to have it all done and over with eh? I'll still check in here cause I enjoy hearing how everyone is doing :) Hope all is well everyone.

Beautiful picture Alaba.

Edited by mandaNchris, 06 July 2011 - 04:16 PM.

mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-07-06 16:15:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Happy fourth of July everyone. Hope you are all having a great day. I'm hoping fireworks don't get canceled here. There are storms popping up everywhere.

I am sure your interview will go great Alaba. Let us know tomorrow how it goes. My thoughts will be with you :)
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-07-04 14:18:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
The AOS forms are almost the same as the k-1 forms. Almost all the same questions. All the stuff you have to send in is pretty much the same stuff you had already sent in. They just like you to repeat yourself over and over apparently lol

Good luck Alaba. Hope everything goes smoothly for you.
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-07-02 00:27:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

thanks so much for that...I just want to say your wedding photo on VJ is so lovely..Congratulations on your marriage,,wishing you both all the happiness and joy...I bet it is so much easier to handle all this stuff together than it is apart...(F)

Thanks :) Yes it is much easier being here with Chris then it was being apart. Only thing that sucks now is my family being so far away lol Oh well can't have my cake and eat it too I guess. I am very happy with my life tho.

Oups! Sorry! Here's the corrected list!

User .......... AOS sent .... NOAs ...... Bio. App ... AP Result ..... EAD Result .... Inter./Transf. .... AOS Result ...... Card Revd.
Alaba ......... 03/16/11 ... 04/02/11 ... 05/10/11 ... 05/12/11(a) ... 05/12/11(a) ... Int: 07/05/11 ..... ----------- ..... -----------
mandaNchris ... 03/11/11 ... 04/02/11 ... 04/22/11 ... --- n/a --- ... 05/24/11(a) ... Tra: 05/12/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 06/21/11
Brenda2010 .... 02/28/11 ... 03/07/11 ... 04/05/11 ... 04/26/11(a) ... 04/26/11(a) ... Tra: 03/24/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 06/21/11
Rose416 ....... 09/25/10 ... 10/08/10 ... 10/28/10 ... 11/22/10(a) ... 11/23/10(a) ... Int: 02/07/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 02/19/11
Vero and Chris. 10/06/10 ... 10/18/10 ... 11/24/10 ... 12/14/10(a) ... 12/17/10(a) ... Int: 03/10/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 03/18/11
J & J ......... 12/06/10 ... 12/13/10 ... 01/05/11 ... 02/11/11(a) ... 02/11/11(a) ... Tra: 01/19/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 02/19/11
Wishing ....... 10/11/10 ... 10/20/10 ... 11/12/10 ... 12/21/10(a) ... 12/21/10(a) ... Int: 01/11/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 01/21/11
Valerie78 ..... 11/17/10 ... 11/24/10 ... 01/18/11 ... 02/08/11(a) ... 01/28/11(a) ... Tra: 01/18/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 02/19/11
nickbits ...... 09/16/10 ... 09/24/10 ... 10/28/10 ... 11/16/10(a) ... 11/16/10(a) ... Int: 12/13/10 ..... -Approved!- ..... 12/23/10
Tater&####### .. 10/08/10 ... 10/19/10 ... 11/09/10 ... 01/11/11(a) ... 01/14/11(a) ... Int: 03/03/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 03/14/11
ken and kate .. 11/15/10 ... 11/23/10 ... 01/06/11 ... --- n/a --- ... 01/28/11(a) ... Int: 03/29/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 04/07/11

Welcome Ninoni, and no, you'll never get your sanity back! :lol:

hehe you still got it wrong. I got mine on the 22nd. I think you have been working to hard Vero lol *hugs* get some sleep girl

AHH I tried to fix it myself but it came out looking stupid.

Edited by mandaNchris, 23 June 2011 - 11:23 PM.

mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-06-23 23:22:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
1.5 years? Nope sorry it lasts a lot longer then that. K-1, AOS and then removing conditions. Yeah we'll be at this for many more years lol I seen that your interview is in Aug. Good luck with it and don't stress it is really easy. :)
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-06-23 18:50:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Hey Vero I just wanted to let you know that I received my green card on the 22nd and Brenda got hers on the 21st I believe.

great thread sound all CRAZY :hehe: ....kidding of course, being the newbie on the thread..question to you Pearson AIrport ever a POE?

Welcome to our thread. We are a bit crazy here. You'll be in a few months too lol Good luck on your visa journey :)
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-06-23 18:42:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Heyyyyy, that's so great, congratulations!! So there's an immigration law? Jees, what will they think of next?!! I can't imagine why I would need to produce the documentation at any given time but whatever...think I'll just keep a photocopy with me and hope that will suffice. Sorry your picture sucks but at least you're in good company :)

I am indeed going to apply for citizenship - have to research that...the wait, the process, the cost. But yeah, think it's a good thing to do so we don't have to continually worry about it. Also if you ever wanna move back to Canada/anywhere else for that matter, makes it easy to move back to the States without starting all over again.

Thanks :) I think if you memorize your A# that would be all you need for them to check out your status in the U.S. tho they will detain you until they can verify that it is your A# and you are here legally. I don't see why a copy of it wouldn't work, they might still run your name and A# tho. What is the chance that we will ever get stopped and ask about being an immigrate anyways. Probably highly unlikely.
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-06-22 17:31:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

So potentially dumb question - now that we have our green cards do we need to present/carry our combo EAD/AP cards? Think that probably replaces the need for that non?

They are no longer good after you receive your green card from what I understand.
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-06-22 17:27:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
woohoo! got my card in the mail :dance: I was right, my picture sucks but oh well who cares I still have my card!! lol
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-06-22 14:58:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Hey guys - lot going on the last week or so huh?

Firstly, wanna say thanks for all the congrats on my approval - got my welcome letter on Friday and yesterday got my green card (with very very ugly pic I might add!). Yup, the welcome letter was like the other NOAs, but the gc came with the blue pamphlet. All very exciting....can't quite believe it...after 1.5 years, wow, teared up a little bit.

So for those of you who have your gc's do you carry it around with you at all times as they suggest? I'm not going to, scared I'll lose it. I mean, I'll travel with it but not going to take it to the grocery store!

mandaNchris - you should have yours any day if my timeline's anything to go by...yayyyyyy!

Vero - so thrilled the new job's going well, that's awesome!

J & J - hope all's well with you, enjoying your time not spent on immigration lol

It's been a long time for us all. I am glad we are all almost done with this for two years. Are you planning to apply for citizenship when you can? I am thinking I will. Just so I can be done with USCIS forever. All this paper work and having to remember to renew stuff gives me a headache. Sorry you got a "very ugly picture" lol If it's the same that came on the work authorization card mine will be a bad picture too. It is very hard to get a good picture of me tho so I don't blame the lady at the biometrics place lol.

I will be carrying mine on me at all times because I live in Georgia and they just passed the immigration law here. I already carry my passport with me at all times just in case. Once I get my gc I'll put my passport in a safe place and just carry the gc with me.

I can't wait to get my gc and see what it looks like. J&J told me they are cool looking. I'll be checking the mail asap all week lol
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-06-22 10:07:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Whooo Hooo... It should be there soooooon!!!

Is the letter you got like a pamphlet or flyer type thing? In blue, with three sections folded..Just curious if I got the same letter as everyone else did.

Nope mine looks exactly like the NOAs. Maybe I'll get that type of thing with my green card?? In the letter it said that I will get important info with my green card I need to read.

Congrats! :thumbs:

Thanks Vero :)
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-06-21 20:48:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Got my welcome letter today. Wish it was the green card but I'm still happy :)
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-06-21 17:13:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Thank you so much ladies! It went great! I'm really happy and I was nervous for no reason! So far so good! I hope I can keep up and show my worth! It feels really good actually to DO something, and I can't wait to get my first check!!! :lol:

I am sure you will keep up great and you will be a valuable employee :) I'm sure that first pay check is going to feel awesome. Sleep with it under your pillow and see if it doubles lol Glad to hear you had a good first day. Congrats again :)
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-06-20 20:51:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Hope you have a great first day at work Vero.
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-06-20 07:43:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Yeah we bought plane tickets for my nieces to come visit on July 3rd and they were expensive. Part of why we won't have the money to go visit. If we hadn't already bought the tickets for the girls to come down then I probably would have been able to visit sooner. Oh well I guess this is just how it is meant to be :) It is just nice knowing that we can visit if we want to, that I am no longer stuck here in the U.S. with no possibility to visit home. Hmm guess I need to stop calling Canada home and start calling Georgia home lol Gonna take a while to get used to that. We will be driving the 12 hours to visit Canada when we go in Oct. three plane tickets will be more then what we will pay in gas.
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-06-17 12:21:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
OH good I'm glad that it's normal for it to do that. Thanks J&J and Vero :) I am very happy that my card will be here soon. Due to finances we won't be visiting Canada until Oct. for thanksgiving. I know some people in my family won't like waiting that long to see us but I am not going to struggle to find money just to visit sooner then Oct. They will just have to try to understand that Immigration has drained our bank account lol
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-06-17 11:41:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Well now the website is saying something different. It is now in the step "decision" saying "Your new permanent resident card should be mailed within 60 days following this registration or after you complete any ADIT processing referred to in the welcome notice, whichever is later" when earlier it was in the step "card/document production" and saying to give them 30 days to mail it out. So is this normal? Am I going to get my green card or not?? Stupid people getting me all excited and then changing things! lol
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-06-16 23:33:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
My green card will be here in 30 days according to the USCIS website :dance: I am so freaken happy!! I really was dancing around my house when I read the news :lol:
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-06-16 19:07:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

:dance: :dance: :dance:

Got the job!!! I start Monday! It's a Monday to Friday 8:30 to 5:30 job! Just what I wanted!!!! Youhou!!!! Gosh I'm so happy! Finally things are coming together!!!! :star:

woohoo!!! Congrats Vero :) I am so happy for you :dance:

That's fantastic, congratulations! So happy for you! And so happy for me...just checked uscis site moments ago and guess who's green card's on it's way? That's right, this girl's!! Yayyyy!!!

Congrats!! that's so awesome for you :thumbs:
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-06-15 20:31:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Hahaha, you're not getting old! Here I am laughing but I know I'll have a panic attack when I turn 30... Hope you had a great birthday, sending you wishes of happiness and quickly-approved green card! :thumbs:

I absolutely hate how many bugs there are here... Ticks ( I HATE ticks, they're nasty!!!), black widows, brown recluses, snakes... I'm terrified of being bit by something, they're gross!

Well, I have some news! I hope I'm not gonna jinx myself but I have a job interview on Monday and it was required that the applicant be bilingual in French and English! What are the chances?!?
Gosh, I'm knocking on wood for this one!!! A little extra dough would be welcome, especially since it could mean a house before next year!!! :D

I had a great birthday thank you :)

we have all those bugs here too and I hate it. I never had to worry about things like this back in Canada. Chris laughs at me for being freaked out by them. Wolf spiders are crazy around here. They get in the house all the time. They are harmless (according to Chris) but they are big and ugly and I don't like them being in my house!! lol Alex will kill any spider he sees in the house. I try to stop him when we are outside because that is their "home" and we don't need to kill them if they aren't in our "home".

Good luck with your interview!! I hope you get the job. It sounds perfect for you.

Edited by mandaNchris, 10 June 2011 - 09:26 PM.

mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-06-10 21:25:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Noppers it never came back.. I'm hoping it is someplace safe, poor thing!

I'm babysitting 4 dogs today, you would think that would keep me busy, but no.. They are all sleeping..hehe Talk about spoiled. I can't wait till tomorrow, hubby will be on his 5 days off :D

Ohh..I saw my first alive snake this week...It was huge!!!!!!! Cottonmouth or Water moccasin ...poisonous..yicks...:help: I hope not to see another one of those for awhile..heh I was feeding the fishies and hour later the snake was eating a fishy in tha water..EWWWww.. I could of sworn we heard a bob cat the other day too!! All this warm weather is bringing all the Crazies

Yikes we have water moccasins here too. I seen a bunch of baby ones in the river behind Chris' dad's house when we were in the woods shooting his guns. So far at our house we have only seen garden snakes but they are pretty big. One was on our back porch.
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-06-09 19:50:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Thanks for the birthday wishes J&J and Vero. 28 years old now :( gosh I'm getting old haha Alex and Chris made me a birthday cake this morning. Alex has been bouncing off the walls all day from a sugar high.
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-06-09 19:47:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Awww... That's awful... I know those calls, they (the family) is obviously sad and misses you, but at the same time try to ask very lightly and joyfully "So, any news on an interview date/green card?", which basically reads "Hurry up and come home this is too much"!

Can I ask you a 'private' question? How come you guys didn't apply for AP? I don't think it's too late to do so if you ever wanted to go through with it... Just a thought!

With everyone getting their cards so quickly I figured I could just wait for it. I am seeing now that I made a mistake but it's ok because my nieces and nephew are coming to visit at the start of July and my sister and brother in-law are going to visit for a week in the middle of July. My sister doesn't ask lightly she flat out says "I miss you, have you heard anything about your interview date yet, when can you come visit" lol She had to go shopping for a baby shower last weekend and said she almost had a panic attack because she was having a hard time doing it without me :( We are very close so this is hard on her.
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-06-09 19:45:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Sadly no, I've heard nothing. Sent in response to RFE (criminal record checks in Toronto and Baltimore), they received them May 18th...what is the hold up???? I'm not very patient. Although I can work/travel with the EAP/AD combo card, just wanna get this done!

MandaNchris - when did you send back your RFE? How long have you been waiting?

Sounds like you had a great trip home Vero, I'm glad. I'm looking forward to my visit end of July/early August.

I don't remember the exact date we sent our info back but it got sent to the Cali center on May 12th. We waited a long time for the website to change from "RFE" to "sent to Cali" I was starting to worry about it then the next day they said it was sent. So I don't know how much longer it's going to be but every time I talk to anyone in my family they ask when my interview is and when I'm coming back to visit. It makes me sad knowing they are missing me and my son so much and I can't visit due to the waiting game.
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-06-08 17:02:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
No update here yet :( I hope we hear something soon *fingers crossed*
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-06-06 14:44:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

it's great here, I live in puerto Rico but came to st. Croix for a week. Beautiful water, crystal clear, I can see the tropical fish :)

That sounds so peaceful and relaxing. I'm jealous lol
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-06-04 12:43:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
wow congrats Alaba!! :thumbs:
mandaNchrisFemaleCanada2011-06-01 15:27:00