USCIS Service CentersVideo is complete! - Start Sharing!!!
Watched the video how did this information become available? If this is factual I am livid :angry: and will be contacting my Senator and give him an earful.
SebastiangatorMalePhilippines2013-04-11 16:19:00
PhilippinesPositive from TB skin test...

Since no one here really offered you a useful answer other than condemning you for not continuing your medication, here is what I can tell you. Having a positive skin test does not necessarily mean that you have tb. It just means that you were somehow exposed to it, as most of the philippine people are. You should have had an x-ray test if you had a positive tb skin test. That will determine whether or not you have TB. Keep in mind that you only get the skin test once!!! The rest of the time you will be undergoing an xray test. In my case, the reason why I had a positive skin test during my teens was because back in middle school I was already tested for it. Once tested you will always get a positive skin test. The nurse did not bother checking my past medical history and still gave me that skin test. You will be given another set of medication, so take them. You should also take that x-ray exam. St. Luke's will take an x-ray for you during your medical exam. AND YES As long as your x-ray is clear, you should have no problems.


My x-ray is clear & normal. Only my PPD Skin Test was positive. Should I go back to my doctor here in our province and continue my medication?

SebastiangatorMalePhilippines2012-10-24 08:50:00
PhilippinesPositive from TB skin test...

I find it hard to believe that the Dr. confirmed you were TB positive (whether active or inactive TB with just using the skin test and then placed you on meds, it is common knowledge that the skin test will show positive result for the vaccination you took as a child cause this to be. Did the Doctor take chest x-ray or give you the sputum test for confirmation. Yes, you can tell St. Lukes about the skin test and give them the medical findings if you want, they will not recognize the doctors findings nor the treament course even if you had completed it. They will issue you TB Skin test regardless of previous ones as it is required by the U.S Embassy, you may fail it, they will then do chest x-ray and the 3 day sputum test, if nothing shows then you have a 2 or 3 month wait to see if positive TB culture grows, if it does then you will have to undergo 6 month of medication to be given to you daily at St. Lukes which requires you moving to Manila during this time.
If you pass the sputum test at St Lukes this means you do not have active TB, if it is inactive TB they will still allow you to pass as you are not contagious, once stateside you may or may not be referred to the health unit for further testing and possibly be placed on meds for 6 months to insure that it not become active TB.

My wife had the same problem, failed the TB skin test, took chest x-ray showed small scarring, she then did the 3 day sputum test, 1st and 2nd day sputum sample was good, the 3rd day it was sent for culture. She called St. Lukes at the end of culture on date told to do so and was informed it was negative and to come back in 2 days for completion of shots and physical and then to U.S Embassy K1 Visa interview.

Hope this info helps

Yes the doctor here in our province just gave me a PPD Skin test and the result was positive but my x-ray was always normal because I took my x-ray twice w/ in this year. And because of the PPD test result that's the reason why He gave me 6 months of medication but as what I said I stop the medication already. But I have a doctors appointment again to continue my medication because my fiancee told me that I have to continue my medication so that my medical exam in manila will be OK. Should I go back to my doctor and continue my medication?

SebastiangatorMalePhilippines2012-10-24 08:41:00
PhilippinesPositive from TB skin test...

You should follow your doctor directions.

I will. THANK YOU!
SebastiangatorMalePhilippines2012-10-24 08:32:00
PhilippinesPositive from TB skin test...

First up, why did you stop taking the medication? It was given to you for a reason. And then you're gonna try to cover it up? Had you continue on with the prescribed medication, you'll only be a PPD converter and you'll be a converter for life, mind you. You're putting yourself and others at risk. I think the best thing to do is go back to the doctor and restart your medicine intake. Once you do that, you'll get better, your conscience will be clear and you'll have nothing to worry about. It's integrity my friend. INTEGRITY.

The doctor said that my PPD Skin Test was positive but the doctor also told me that it doesn't mean that I already have TB. He just said that maybe I was exposed to someone who had TB. So to prevent me to have TB in the future, he gave me medication to prevent my infection to become or develop into TB someday. And YES I have my appointment for my doctor already.

SebastiangatorMalePhilippines2012-10-24 08:25:00
PhilippinesPositive from TB skin test...

Is your TB active? I mean do you have symptoms of tb? If you stop your medication you might make your tb infection harder to treat or also called as drug resistant tb. Why did you stop your medication? Did you feel alright? Does the symptoms gone? Although you don't have the symptoms it is very important to continue your medication as directed by your doctor.

No. My TB is not active. The doctor said that I had just an infection on TB, that's the reason why my PPD skin test is positive because I was exposed to someone who got TB. I don't have any symptoms also and my x-ray is normal or ok. It was just the PPD skin test went to positive that's why I had my medication for 6 months for prevention to become active someday.

SebastiangatorMalePhilippines2012-10-24 08:16:00
PhilippinesPositive from TB skin test...
Good Day!

I am positive on TB skin test. The doctor told me that I have to undergo a medication for 6 months to prevent my tb infection to become active. But I took my medication for 2 months only and stop taking the medicines. My questions are: Since I stop my medication, does it mean that my skin test tb positive is already worse? Does my TB infection will become an active TB already? And should I go back to the doctor to ask another medication again? And should I tell the doctors in Manila that I had been positive to tb skin test and I had been treated. Should I bring the copies of the medical records about positive skin test as proof that I am already treated? Or should I just not say anything at all because I heard from others that there no problem having positive in skin test as long as my x-ray is ok?

Thank You & MABUHAY!!!
SebastiangatorMalePhilippines2012-10-24 07:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 thru USCIS website

Thank you so much.  Weni (fiancé) was chomping at the bit to have it explained to her by someone else than me..........  Always better to other more experienced opinions.  Thanks again.  Take care and be safe.




Glen L.

SebastiangatorMalePhilippines2013-07-26 09:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 thru USCIS website

So sorry for the double post I just can't figure out how to delete it.................grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


SebastiangatorMalePhilippines2013-07-26 08:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 thru USCIS website

This is our status in USCIS website... may I ask what will be our next step?

On July 23, 2013, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.


Thanks & GOD Bless!

SebastiangatorMalePhilippines2013-07-26 08:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFORMS 156, 156K and 157 question

helpsmilie.gif Regarding the DS FORMS (156, 156k and 157) when filling out the form online it will NOT allow you to enter dates in certain sections as in  DS156k #4 "Marital status".  I know they don't like empty spaces so a "NONE" would go on the first line.  However it will not allow you to enter "NONE" on any of the lines below it.  Are we supposed handwrite NONE on the ones below it? Thank you.............s

SebastiangatorMalePhilippines2013-10-04 21:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNeed some advice about RFE response review!!!

Breathe in slooooooooooooowly.  NOW,  exhale!  Do this three times.  Step back and repeat.  Ahhhhhhhhhh feel better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Yeah you do!  Relax you are doing exactly what needs to be done.............patience.


SebastiangatorMalePhilippines2014-06-23 20:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTime frame for completing I-129F

So ur basically asking whether u have to send the entire package in a certain period of time?

No u do not. Just send it whenever ur ready and have all the necessary papers together.

Kewl, thats what I needed to know. Had some financial issues that needed to be worked out before I wanted to send the packet to Texas Lock Box and was concerned that my delay in sending it would cause an issue. Thanks again. Take care and be safe.
SebastiangatorMalePhilippines2012-03-30 08:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTime frame for completing I-129F

Is there a specific time frame involved once your fiance has sent her I-129F and G-325 forms to you along with her photo and signature and date on all the forms? Thanks in advance for everyones assistance.

I guess this is what I mean? My fiance sent me her completed I-129F,G-325 forms and photo. All her forms where signed and dated (November 29, 2011). How long do I have from the time I received them (December 8,2011)to complete the package and send to the lock box? Thanks again.
SebastiangatorMalePhilippines2012-03-30 05:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTime frame for completing I-129F
Is there a specific time frame involved once your fiance has sent her I-129F and G-325 forms to you along with her photo and signature and date on all the forms? Thanks in advance for everyones assistance.
SebastiangatorMalePhilippines2012-03-29 12:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPossible medical denial Please help!

I'll try and keep this short. My fiances sister who resides in the same house was denied her travel visa for having "active Tuberculosis". Sister is being treated. Other family, Mom and Dad tested negative. Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Tests ran where chest x-ray as well as injection under the skin. Bad news my fiance tested positive for exposure ONLY on skin test. Showed negative results on chest x-ray. Dr. prescribed her medications as a precautionary measure.

I have NOT submitted any forms to U.S. or Philippine government as of yet. Now my question is will her testing POSITIVE for EXPOSURE ONLY prevent her from obtaining her visa to come the U.S.?

Salamat in advance.



What will happen at St. Lukes when she will obviously test positive for exposure? I will advise her to fax/scan copies of the medical records as well as scripts to be able to show proof that she has been/is being treated. Good idea? Yes?
The tests/x-rays where done where she lives in Butuan City. So, basically we don't have much to worry about then as long as she continues to take her medications. I do believe it was the one you were refering to in your post. She is going to email me all of the meds names that her family is prescribed. Thanks to all that contributed.

Edited by Sebastiangator, 13 July 2012 - 03:19 PM.

SebastiangatorMalePhilippines2012-07-13 15:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPossible medical denial Please help!

TB skin test in which a health care worker will inject a small amount of TB extracts under the skin on your forearm. An immune reaction to these extracts will result in swelling that can be detected within 2 to 3 days.

If the chest x-ray is clear, then she does not have active, but Latent TB. People who have latent TB infections do not have TB symptoms and cannot spread the infection to others, but they are at risk of developing an active infection.

Latent TB will not effect the visa, if the x-ray is clean but once she is in the US I would strongly recommend treatment (medication for 9 mo. in most cases)

Latent TB can be treated with a 6- to 9-month (9 months in the US) course of isoniazid, an antibiotic, in most simple case that kills the bacteria that causes TB.

The meds can be given to her free by the public health nurse in your US city if your insurance does not cover her at this time.

SebastiangatorMalePhilippines2012-07-13 15:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPossible medical denial Please help!
I'll try and keep this short. My fiances sister who resides in the same house was denied her travel visa for having "active Tuberculosis". Sister is being treated. Other family, Mom and Dad tested negative. Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Tests ran where chest x-ray as well as injection under the skin. Bad news my fiance tested positive for exposure ONLY on skin test. Showed negative results on chest x-ray. Dr. prescribed her medications as a precautionary measure.

I have NOT submitted any forms to U.S. or Philippine government as of yet. Now my question is will her testing POSITIVE for EXPOSURE ONLY prevent her from obtaining her visa to come the U.S.?

Salamat in advance.


SebastiangatorMalePhilippines2012-07-13 10:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdates on K1 forms

It's $340 to file the packet (I-129F). After it is approved, there is an interview to determine issuance of the actual visa. For that, it is an additional $240, which, I guess, is payable in pesos (I don't know details about Manila since my fiancee is Mongolian).

Thats the way I read it as well. Thanks to all for the information, suggestions and guidance. I am trying to get this completed over the weekend. Pretty sure that I have all the information for forms and such. (yeah, right. sure I do)
SebastiangatorMalePhilippines2013-03-08 17:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdates on K1 forms

The K-1 visa application fee is still $240, payable in pesos at the prevailing exchange rate.

Okay, now I'm really confused here. I am sending off my first packet to the Texas Drop Off box. According to the the fee is $340.00 at this time here in ConUs. Am I missing something here?
SebastiangatorMalePhilippines2013-03-08 15:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdates on K1 forms
Thanks again for all the help uh one more question? (yeah, we've heard that one before)
Did the cost for k1 go up last time I checked it was $240.00.
SebastiangatorMalePhilippines2013-03-08 13:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdates on K1 forms

First you do not need anything notorized on the US end.

Second you must have seen her within two years of filing from the US side of things. As one mentioned, knowing this process is taking 5-8 months (and you nearing the 2 year limit) you may for good nature want to make a return trip if possible just for piece of mind as well as the interviewer knowing you returned recently to see your fiancee. Or make 10000% sure you have a lot of proof of on going relationship, chat logs, phone receipts, money transfer receipts etc. Over prepare is best.

As long as you are earning above the 125% poverty level gudelines then you meet the criteria to sponsor. Since you are recently back to work review one of my posts as to the total costs A-Z that I posted last month. Others found the total costs close to what they spent on this process.

Good luck

Salamat, LSnBigBear, for the help and advice. Never stopped working had a misshap but have recovered fully. Income was just suffering but is above the 125% threshold. I think I have proof of an on going relationship, chat logs, money transfer receipts about every other month or so. Emails of copies of the few letters that made it to her. I don't want to over do it as well because I've read that is not good to do. I figured atleast 3 to 5 pages of emails, the same number for chats in Skype and scanned copies of letters. These correspondence span approximately two and a half years. Thanks again.
SebastiangatorMalePhilippines2013-03-08 12:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdates on K1 forms

My only concern is that you may have a difficult time showing a bona fide relationship if the last time you saw each other was nearly 2 years ago. Otherwise, it's not a problem at all.

Sorry didn't mean to muddy the water. Yes my concern is the dates on forms that I and my fiance have signed. We Skype each other atleast twice a day and on the weekends. And post on F/B as well. I have sent gifts to her and her family over the past year. I have receipts, photos, and bill of ladens as well. I had plan on printing out a few pages of highlighted Skype conversations etc. to include as well. Is that enough? Thanks again for all the assistance.
SebastiangatorMalePhilippines2013-03-08 12:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdates on K1 forms
Wow, thanks for such a speedy reply to my post. The reason I didn't want to re-print the forms was that some them I had notorized and date and time stamped. Good idea regarding resigning and dating. I have seen that done on other legal documents didn't know if the U.S. or Phlippines governments would accept that. Thanks again.
SebastiangatorMalePhilippines2013-03-08 12:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdates on K1 forms
I have had a couple of financial setbacks that have prevented me from submitting my K1 Packet. A few of the dates on the forms are atleast a year old. I have since recovered financialy. Is this going to be an issue? It will be two years since we have visited in person in August. Thanks in advance.


Glen L.
SebastiangatorMalePhilippines2013-03-08 11:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurescut and paste method

*** duplicate post removed and topic title of this thread edited to be clearer. Please do not double post- if you want a topic title edited, Report your post and a moderator can edit it for you ****

Wooooooooooops sorry about that. I wasn't aware of how to repost a more concise question. Sorry.
SebastiangatorMalePhilippines2013-03-30 07:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurescut and paste method

Thanks Glen for your reply.
But yea i thought you were refering to regular transactions not online.I always picked up the money in a wu office never did,it online maybe thats why i had to do write they van Mail me all my receits. Thank you again and best of luck on your journey

Sorry about the misscommunication on my part. I wish you well on your journey too.
SebastiangatorMalePhilippines2013-03-29 08:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurescut and paste method

Hi, sorry i cant answer your question but the above answer seems correct. My question is how did you have western union Email you those transactions? Im trying to get copies of mine since i never saved them but i called wu snd they told me i had to write the a letter blady blah!!! I know ther could be a easier way and maybe you can help me . I appreciate your responce.

The W/U receipts I was speaking of are the electronic receipts that are emailed to you to acknowledge/confirm the transaction, and customer pickup of the funds. If you are using their website you may need to go into your profile and click the email notification I'm pretty sure thats what I had done. I use a seperate checking account for online transactions. I'm not a very internet/computer savvy person so I don't know if this is what you needed. Take care and be safe.


Glen L.
SebastiangatorMalePhilippines2013-03-29 05:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurescut and paste method
May I use the "cut and paste" method to copy parts of my bank statement when I sent funds to my fiance or do I need to include the whole statement? I will be including copies of the following documents; all ATM, credit card reciepts/transactions, ie. hotel/travel reciepts of my visit as well as Western Union transactions I do NOT have paper reciepts for Western Union but the electronic ones emailed to me. This is one of the last steps that I have to complete before I send the package off to Texas. Thank you so much for everyones advice.


Glen L.
SebastiangatorMalePhilippines2013-03-28 20:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow to display photos in 129f?

Thanks Bigdog!! :)

Again wow such a speedy reply. Called Wal-Mart, (nope,) Walgreens (ditto), CVS (nada), Michaels (YEP), Hobby Lobby (YEP) Thought I'd post these to save some people a we bit o' time. Off to Michaels. Thanks again for every ones help.
SebastiangatorMalePhilippines2013-04-15 09:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow to display photos in 129f?
Hopefully this will be my last question :rofl: How do you show/display your photos (family, friends, fiancé) in your 129f packet? Should I tape/mount them to a separate sheet of paper like a photo album or place them in a zip lock bag in order with numbers on the back and then an outline/description including date, location, and persons in photo? Unfortunately the cut and paste on the board did not reproduce how it looks in Word. But this is the general information. Thanks in advance.


Glen L.

This is an example: PHOTOGRAPHS

Me=Glen L. XXXXXXX (petioner)
Wenifreda B. XXXX aka. Weni, Gaga, Wewing (Glen’s Fiance)
Friend= John XXX his fiance Jessica XXXX

XXXX Clan: Mama and Papa XXXX (Aurora and Wilson Sr., their daughters: Weni, Wilma’s daughter(Cranz), and sons: Wilbert, daughter (Lovely), William, Wilson Jr., and(Regie), Wilsons wife their children Rose Jean, Joshua, Jason

XXXXX Clan: Mr. Democrito and Mrs. Haldory XXXX their daughters Jessica and JM. Dodong is Democritos brother.

Photograph #1 (08-23-11) at my fiance’s home seated left to right. Mr. XXXX, Rose Jean, Me, Weni, Cranz, Regie and Wilson.

Photograph #2 (08-24-11) Weni and I along with other family and friends getting ready to board the Princess of the Earth overnight ferry from Nasipit Port to Cebu..
SebastiangatorMalePhilippines2013-04-15 08:21:00