USCIS Service CentersAny chance of it speeding up again?

: ( It really is awful, isn't it! Both me and my fiance cry endlessly every time he leaves, and now (in the immediate aftermath of him going home) always feel so depressed. Even worse is that I'm stuck in this divorce process and can't file till I'm free...and my ex is deliberately messing things up so as to keep me and my fiance apart. : (  If he appeals, as he is threatening to do, it could be two more years till I'm divorced!!! I've only been in this relationship 2 years and THAT seems like a lifetime, I can't imagine how awful being apart for NINE years would be! You both must have amazing patience! I hope you can begin the process soon.

FrozenGlitterFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-07 22:05:00
USCIS Service CentersAny chance of it speeding up again?

I don't have a timeline other than what's in my signature because I haven't even submitted my petition yet. Going through a complex divorce which hopefully will be finalized at last this month, so I can file my petition next month. But I've already waited since 2011 to get my fiance here, everything is always pushed back and delayed and seeing how long the processing times are now is kind of crushing. (Especially since he just visited me and left today...I came to this site hoping for good news.)

Thanks everyone. It's just torture being in a constant waiting game and having him visit and be torn away over and over again. : ( Something everyone on this site can understand.

FrozenGlitterFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-05 19:08:00
USCIS Service CentersAny chance of it speeding up again?

The approval times, that is. I can't fathom the thought of waiting more than another year, to get to be with my fiance. : (

FrozenGlitterFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-05 17:47:00
United KingdomSelf Sponsorship doesn't require 3x Poverty Level
A person can sponsor themselves?! Really? is this for the K1 as well? I'm a USC and really worried about the sponsorship part, because I don't have a decent work history, am unlikely to make 3x the poverty line for a family of 4 (I have 2 kids) and I don't have relatives who do, either. However my fiance likely could cover this himself, though of course when he first gets to the US he'll be there a way to combine both our incomes? Or throw in some of his family's incomes as well? (They're all in the UK, though...)
FrozenGlitterFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-31 21:28:00
United KingdomK1 Income guideline question

Thank you! That's a relief since we've already waited forever to be ready to do this, I don't want yet another delay, especially a year long one.

FrozenGlitterFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-31 20:40:00
United KingdomK1 Income guideline question

I'm hoping to sponsor my fiance when we get to that point (about to finally mail off the petition within the next 4 weeks). I currently don't have a job paying enough to sponsor with, and I don't have anyone who can cosponsor. However I have several months to get a better job. I'm seeing some people from other countries saying you need to earn above the poverty guidelines for an entire year but this clashes with what I've previously read. So, what is the case with the embassy in London? Will it be ok as long as I am making the right amount when I fill out the I134, or is there a minimum time that I have to be earning that for prior to his interview?


Also, I will only be able to submit my 2012 and 2013 tax forms, neither of which will show an income high enough. In 2011 I was with my ex husband, we did our taxes jointly, and I didn't work, so none of the information is relevant. Again, as long as I have paystubs, letter from my employer, etc, will that be enough?

FrozenGlitterFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-31 17:41:00
United KingdomCan a cosponsor be a friend?

I know that every embassy has slightly different requirements. We'll be going through London. I'm hoping to get a better job before NOA2, but this may not happen and none of my family meets the financial requirements for cosponsoring. However, I have several friends that do, if I can get any of them to agree to do it. Provided that they meet the criteria, will there be any issues with them being friends and not relatives? One of these possible people I've known 18 years. But one I only know online and haven't met. Knowing as I've heard that London tends to be less particular about cosponsors I'm thinking it would be ok? But what about later on when we apply for his AOS, if I still am not earning enough to do it alone?


Finally, can a foreign fiance's assets contribute or do only the American's count?

FrozenGlitterFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-08 20:24:00
United KingdomDoes London accept friends as cosponsors?

Just himself.


Current job income would count if it will continue.


He does need to show savings.


His job won't continue once he's here.

The timeline is too variable to quit work or plan a wedding. Sensible plan:

1. Get a visa in hand (not just a verbal approval).
2. Go into work and give notice.
3. Work 30 days and make wedding plans during that time. Also sell stuff or donate, pack, cancel phones, change address with work/pension people, file P-85....there's a thread with a list.
4. Fly to US.
5. Get married without a panic of will the groom actually make it to the wedding.


Thanks. Frustrating how fast plans have to be.

FrozenGlitterFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-10 15:51:00
United KingdomDoes London accept friends as cosponsors?

What is the criteria for self sponsoring? Would he need to prove his ability to support a family of 4, or just himself? I thought his current job income didn't count, but if he shows that he'll be employable in the US, does that change things? He doesn't have much in the way of assets, but that isn't to say that he and his family couldn't pull something together if need be.


FrozenGlitterFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-10 15:20:00
United KingdomDoes London accept friends as cosponsors?

Hi, everyone. I'm the USC and my fiance is British. We just got our NOA2 yesterday after a bind-blowingly short twenty days. I seriously can't believe it. I don't make enough to sponsor him, and I'm hoping to have a better job by the time he gets his packets in the mail, but this is all moving so fast that might not happen. None of my family earns enough to cosponsor, so I am hoping to convince a friend of mine to do it. Will London accept my friend, provided his income is sufficient? I know some embassies are pickier than others but I've heard London isn't very picky.


Also, should I happen to get a better job and end up sponsoring alone, will the child support I recieve count as income?


One last question, what kind of time frame are we looking at for the medical appointment and interview? I know navigating through NVC can be tricky and time consuming but, do you think we could marry in March? (He needs to give his 30 days at work so that would mean having the interview in February).

FrozenGlitterFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-10 15:15:00
United KingdomIf I had two part time jobs could I sponsor?

...provided the income was the right amount? One of the FAQ's on here made it sound like it has to be a full time job, but if I took on a second part time job to get to the right level will that be acceptable? How about for the AOS? (Asking here since each embassy is different).

FrozenGlitterFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-14 18:02:00
United KingdomPolice Certificate and vaccination questions

My fiancé supplied a letter from his employer, his last three most recent payslips and three years of tax transcripts as evidence with the I-134. At the interview the letter from his employer was read (and prompted a discussion about how envious he was of my fiance's job) and he also flicked through and checked the dates of the tax transcripts.

Most of the vaccinations are not needed, except for the MMR and DTap. I had both done at my medical, it did cost but it was recorded on an official vaccination record which I can use for AOS.


Will he need a tetanus booster?

FrozenGlitterFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-14 18:00:00
United KingdomPolice Certificate and vaccination questions

I will only have tax documents for 2012, most likely, since before that I was with my ex husband and 2013's probably won't be out by the time he has his interview. So will that be ok (if I have the right income on my own at that point)? My 2012 income was very very low. The child support I recieve will be ok, right?

FrozenGlitterFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-10 18:43:00
United KingdomPolice Certificate and vaccination questions

I thought London didn't require or need tax documents?

FrozenGlitterFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-10 18:05:00
United KingdomPolice Certificate and vaccination questions

Just got NOA2 yesterday. When should my fiance get his police certificate? Does it cost money? How much? Is there a link somewhere that explains how he gets it?


As far as vaccines go, we are having some confusion about what he needs for his age, since some vaccines are only offered to children. For instance, he already had chicken pox as a kid, will he still need a varicella vaccine anyway? Will he HAVE to get a flu shot or is that voluntary? Can he get these from his regular dr. before his medical?

FrozenGlitterFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-10 15:17:00
United Kingdomquestions regarding addafit of support?

I just wanted to say good luck as you start this process! My fiance will be going through London too! And, as an above poster stated, Nich-Nick really knows their stuff!

FrozenGlitterFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-10 20:41:00
United KingdomAffidavit of Support problem!

If you are speaking of an I-134, London has no specific requirement of three or even one tax return. You can provide anything that shows your current income. A tax return is an easy proof if it shows enough income, but not much use if it doesn't.


I thought the problem people were discussing here was for the I-864. People seem to think you need to show the past 3 years of taxes as having the 125% income, even if your current income is ok. I had thought that, much like the I-134, as long as your current income was above the cutoff, it doesn't really matter what your taxes show. Is this the case?

FrozenGlitterFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-05 20:19:00
United KingdomAffidavit of Support problem!

From what I've been told, you will need to provide her last 3 year's tax returns but they won't matter as long as the current income is high enough. I hope, at least, that this is true because I'll be in a similar boat, I plan to earn enough at the time but my tax returns are lacking.

FrozenGlitterFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-05 11:16:00
United KingdomIf I get a job just before interview, can I still sponsor?

Also I wanted to add that we won't be getting married till April yet and have plans to have savings by then anyway. I had hoped we'd get a cosponsor, I didn't think it would be this difficult.

FrozenGlitterFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-09 21:23:00
United KingdomIf I get a job just before interview, can I still sponsor?

Here's the other thing people don't really consider when they're petitioning.  If you're not even making the minimum required for the petition, is it the right choice to have them come now?  Yes, technically at some point you'll squeak by on the requirements side, but what about the realistic side?  The requirements are based on a minimum poverty level.  Things get a lot more expensive when you add another person to the mix, that you have to support solely on your wages for at minimum 3 months. (Assuming you get married on Day 1, and submit the AoS/EAD that day, which is unlikely.)  Then add in the expenses of them being here, along with the time it may realistically take for them to find work once they have their work documentation.  You're looking at realistically 6-9 months before they'll be working.  I can tell you adding another person isn't just "my current bills plus a little more."  We've spent around $4,000 since she arrived here a few weeks ago.  If you don't have anything in savings, you're just not going to have that kind of money, and even then, it goes quicker than you'd believe.


Something to think about, that occurred to me after seeing all these "how close to the minimum can I get and still be approved" threads.


I'm not going to get into a fight here about this, but I will tell you that if you knew my life situation you would understand that having him come here drastically improves my ability to earn money due to my no longer being a single parent. But that's for another day. I am not here to air my whole life and debate things, just get answers to my questions.

FrozenGlitterFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-09 21:17:00
United KingdomIf I get a job just before interview, can I still sponsor?

Another question is does your fiance have enough money to self-sponsor?  We have never got to the root of how much money is enough money to self-sponsor from the UK.  But we think it is lower than you would think.  What US Immigration is looking at is 'will this immigrant become a public charge on the US'.  If they can support themselves until they get a job, then that may be acceptable.  Does your fiance have a property they have to sell?  People have used the equity in their UK property to self-sponsor.


With the people you have been discussing co-sponsoring, it may be useful to tell them that the I-134 is not legally binding - see 9(b) here -  Once you go for AOS, the I-864 is legally binding but, hopefully, by the time you submit that, you will have a job with a few months pay stubs.


Nope, not at all. No property whatsoever and he lives paycheck to paycheck.


Yes, I've been telling people this. The people who have said they can't aren't so ,uch afraid they'll have to support him as they have other reasons they can't do it. Many of my relatives just don't have the right income, and several people have just not even responded.


Now what my fiance DOES have is a good government job. It won't continue in the US. But if he shows his current income and job history do you think they will say "Hmm, this man is very highly employable and clearly won't become a public charge"? Or does it not work that way?

Just so you know, at my interview all I gave them in way of sponsorship info was the I-134 and photocopies of 2 payslips. I didn't even have a letter from his employer, or tax return or anything. It was totally fine.


That's a relief. Just as long as I get the job, that is. My current job, even with my child support, leaves me very short.

FrozenGlitterFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-06 17:32:00
United KingdomIf I get a job just before interview, can I still sponsor?


We're going to try and push his interview back as close to when the I129f expires as possible, but that's Feb. 9th. So I guess as long as I have a job by then. If for whatever reason I DON'T get a better job or cosponsor by then, is there a time limit before we can apply again?


I really hope it doesn;'t come to that. : (

FrozenGlitterFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-05 21:06:00
United KingdomIf I get a job just before interview, can I still sponsor?

Ok, thanks! And sorry for asking 2x, this is a big worry of mine. I can submit paystubs from the job I have now if they want to see that I have been employed this whole time, but not sure what good that's going to do considering this job doesn't pay enough. But how does this differ from the AOS, then (besides needing 125% then). You figure by then I'll have been in my job 6 months or longer so the paystubs won't be a problem.

FrozenGlitterFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-05 21:03:00
United KingdomIf I get a job just before interview, can I still sponsor?

I tried this in the UK forum but noone seemed to know, and it isn't UK specific so I'll try here. I'm the USC. I don't currently earn enough to sponsor my fiance, and his interview will be between late January- early February. I've got a job interview this week and if I get this job, or any other job, it will leave me with only one or two paystubs by the time of his interview. Getting a cosponsor isn't going to be an option because we've asked literally everyone with no luck. So my question is, as long as I have those paystubs, the letter from my employer stating what I earn, will we be ok, or will they deny us because the job is a new one?


A related question is, suppose I don't get a new job or a cosponsor in time. What do we do then? Does he still go to his interview, knowing he will fail, or would they let him reschedule it?


Thanks, if anyone knows.

FrozenGlitterFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-05 20:23:00
United KingdomIf I get a job just before interview, can I still sponsor?

Well, we're at the stage where my fiance will be sending in his interview readiness letter in several days. Likely his interview will end up being the first week in February, if we can schedule it to be that way. I am not currently earning enough to sponsor him, and so far searches for a cosponsor are coming up empty (panic, panic), but I have a job interview Tuesday and hopefully other prospects if that doesn't work out.


So, assuming my new job starts sometime late Dec- mid Jan, I will only have 1-2 pay stubs to send in with the I-134. I'll have bank statements showing my prior income (what I'm earning now) which isn't high enough, and my child support info, which won't be enough on its own but coupled with a higher income will. I will also get a letter from my new employer right away!


Will this be ok? I'm worried we'll get rejected, or he'll be told to schedule a second interview, even if I'm earning enough, just because it will be a brand new job. And like I said, we seem unlikely to get a cosponsor. What do you think?


Also, in the event I don't get a new job, or cosponsor in time...what do we do? Does he go to the interview knowing he'll be rejected? Do we try and delay/reschedule?


Any input on either topic is appreciated!

FrozenGlitterFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-04 20:16:00
United KingdomFor I-134, does a cosponsor need 100% or 125%?

For the I-134 there are no hard and fast rules for $$ value (particularly in London) but it's always prudent to hedge bets and aim for 125%, but go in confidently if you only have 100% - should be cool in London. This would also be true for your joint sponsor.

Does this mean you've found a co-sponsor?

If your interview ends up falling after petition expiry date, no worries. The USC should furnish the beneficiary with a fresh letter of intent to take with, that's all.


A friend of mine is at least looking over the forms. With my income from the new job, plus child support and maintenance, I will have over 125% myself. My concern is in case they say for whatever reason that I don't have enough time in the job, if my friend can cosponsor we've got a back up. I'm not sure they'll accept my maintenance because it will end when we marry...but it will last the duration between his entry to the US and our marriage so maybe they will count it. At any rate, without the maintenance (this is alimony by another name), I'll be between 100-125%. I know this presents an issue for the AOS, especially since I can't count the maintenance then, but with my fiance here I can get a weekend job if need be (or, my friend can cosponsor then too). As it is that's a ways off. I may have enough saved up to meet the difference by then anyway.


For the I-134, are any tax forms needed?


Will I list my total income (job + child support + maintenance) on the I-134, provide a letter from my boss, pay stubs, a court order showing my child support amount and a list of those amounts being transferred to me? Have I missed anything?


Do I list anything on the "specific contributions" line of the I-134? Would the cosponsor?

FrozenGlitterFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-12 19:19:00
United KingdomFor I-134, does a cosponsor need 100% or 125%?

Good news is I got the job I was applying for, so I will likely be able to sponsor my fiance myself. But because I will only have one or two pay stubs (and a letter), I am hoping to still get a cosponsor, just as a backup plan. I may have someone.


I'm curious though: I know I only need to meet 100% of the poverty line, but does the cosponsor need to meet 125%? Or 100% also? Exactly what documents will they need to submit?


My fiance has delayed sending off his readiness letter until next week, will this pose a problem for our interview date being on time? I've heard if for whatever reason it falls after the petition expires (Feb 9th), we just need to resign new statements of wanting to pursue the K1. Is this correct?

FrozenGlitterFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-12 18:57:00
United Kingdomwhat to put on question 10 of I-134
Thanks! I'll see if she can sign it in pen but otherwise it sounds like they really are easygoing...
Hoping to get his interview date soon. He leaves from here today to go home. No more visits. In the home stretch now, I hope.

FrozenGlitterFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-05 14:10:00
United Kingdomwhat to put on question 10 of I-134
Do I write my fiance's info here or not, since he's the one the visa is for, or write none since I've never filed one in the past?
Also, my employer's letter has her signature scanned/printed on the page rather than a pen to paper signature. Will this still be ok or must it be hand signed?
I had gotten a cosponsor as back up but he fell through. My job + child support earns me more than the amount needed but the job is brand new (I start Monday) and his interview will be in February. So I'm scared this won't be ok. But with a letter, and court order showing ny child support, I'm hopeful it will be ok.

FrozenGlitterFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-04 21:13:00
United KingdomFrom readiness letter to interview date, how long CURRENTLY?

I will call them this week. My fiance checked the CEAC site but all it said was that he will be ready to interview when scheduled, and was updated 12/24, when he sent his readiness form. Gai, I see your medical was dec. 2nd and your interview is this did it take about 6 weeks total from when you sent in your readiness form till your date? When (if at all) did you get your interview letter?

FrozenGlitterFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-12 15:56:00
United KingdomFrom readiness letter to interview date, how long CURRENTLY?

My fiance's medical records were recieved and status changed to ready on December 5th or 6th. However, we had to get some stuff in order and didn't send his readiness letter till Dec. 24. When we checked the site yesterday it said they're currently setting interviews for letters recieved on or before Jan. 8th. Based on the current times those of you who have recently gotten assigned dates, how long should we expect it to be to have a date? I know it can take 6 weeks to hear back and another few weeks to have the date but is it currently taking that long? If they're processing readiness letters from this week and earlier that should be a good sign, right?


Our petition expires Feb. 9 and I know I can send in a new letter confirming my continued interest in bringing him here, but we are hoping to have him come here the very end of March and marry 2 weeks later. So is it still likely to happen? Or are we looking more likely at an interview date of late Feb/early March now? (He needs to give notice at work so having getting his visa and moving here the following week isn't a possibility.)

FrozenGlitterFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-12 13:34:00
United Kingdomare there age limits for cosponsors?

Additionally, as a retired person, what proof would she need?

FrozenGlitterFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-13 21:58:00
United Kingdomare there age limits for cosponsors?



age is not a factor, it's based on income. what income does she have?




Retirement money. Currently in the process of finding out how much. My child support may be reduced, right in time for my fiance's interview. : ( I'm hoping not, but don't know. Without the child support I don't earn enough.

FrozenGlitterFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-13 21:29:00
United Kingdomare there age limits for cosponsors?
Would my 85 yr old grandmother be able to? I may need one after all. : (
FrozenGlitterFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-13 20:54:00
United KingdomWhat forms would a retired person need to prove their income for the I134?

All that is to be received by Jan 31. It could come next week. Scan it an email to him. She doesn't have to provide originals.


Good to know! Thanks! : )

FrozenGlitterFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-14 21:35:00
United KingdomWhat forms would a retired person need to prove their income for the I134?

Thanks so much. Being that his interview is on the 7th of February, this year's tax info won't arrive soon enough, probably. But I'll find out what combination of recent, accurate stuff she has.

FrozenGlitterFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-14 21:30:00
United KingdomWhat forms would a retired person need to prove their income for the I134?

If my grandmother cosponsors my fiance, what does she need? I imagine there is some proof that she recieves retirement money, but will she need both tax documents and bank statements?

FrozenGlitterFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-14 20:23:00
United KingdomNew job, new G325a at interview time?

With my fiance's interview coming up in less than 3 weeks and me having a new job, will I need to send him a new G325a (or whatever it's called) the biographical data form? Or will it be understood from my employer letter that this is a new job?

FrozenGlitterFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-19 20:33:00
United KingdomFiance's interview tomorrow/tonight
My fiance's interview is in the morning UK time, so nighttime for me here in US Central time. This is so scary! Everything we wish for rides on this. Any last minute words of advice for him from anyone?
FrozenGlitterFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-06 20:46:00
United KingdomApproved at the Embassy this morning! (and celebrating already)
Congratulations !!!! Yay!!! Hoping there will be a similar post from my fiance in about 12 hours.
FrozenGlitterFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-06 20:49:00