Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Regretting that I am a US CITIZEN!!
I just want to add another line of compassion... I am so sorry about what he has done to you. There are no words. I cannot fathom how someone could do that to another human being. This is totally incomprehensible.
But, do not blame yourself or be ashamed. He should be the one feeling ashamed to the bone!
I strongly believe in karma and poetic justice! He will get his share of the bad he's done. The good as the bad always comes back to you. And you have done only good :) keep that in mind!
TravelbugsFemaleGermany2010-07-21 11:52:00
ChinaResume for K-1?

Well, me and the fiancee are at it again in video chat. She insists she needs resume because it is on sample of OP-169 and she is a nurse. Consulate has not sent her an official OP-169 packet yet. She is only preparing ahead of time. I say a resume is not applicable for her. She says it is. Can you advise me on this please?

At the very least, I guess she can do a resume, and turn it in if asked for at the interview. But is all this necessary for a k-1 visa? Thanks for your help.

I can only speak for Germany, but I (beneficiary) don't need a resume. The only biographic thing was G-325A. I have my interview in 2 weeks but the embassy doesn't require me to bring a resume. I hope somebody else can give you more insight into how it's done in China.
TravelbugsFemaleGermany2010-07-09 00:49:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionSample questions interview Germany
Thank you so much. That's exactly what I was looking for :D
TravelbugsFemaleGermany2010-03-16 15:17:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionSample questions interview Germany
Hey there,

I am just wondering where I can find sample questions/stories about the visa interview K1 in Frankfurt.

I am new here and still figuring out how to navigate the information here.

Thank you all so much!
TravelbugsFemaleGermany2010-03-15 09:30:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVaccinations needed
Can anybody tell me what vaccinations are mandatory for the medical?

I want to make sure I'm all up-to-date on that when I have my medical.

Thank you :)
TravelbugsFemaleGermany2010-03-16 15:13:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPackage 3 and DS 230 Qu. 30
Awesome! Thank you so much for your help!
TravelbugsFemaleGermany2010-05-22 03:19:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPackage 3 and DS 230 Qu. 30
So, yayay, I received Package 3 today :). I have been looking through the guides, consulate website and forms, but I have two more questions:

1. DS-230I, Qu. 30: "Places you have lived for at least 6 months since 16"
Do I include my 12 months in the US on J-1 (aupair) and my 2.5 years in the US on F-1? Or does the question not pertain to residency but generally to places I have lived?

2. "DS-230"
Do I just send in part I or both I and II? The checklist says only I, but Step 2 on the Consulate website says "DS-230"

3. "DS-156K"
This form requires BC, PC and evidence of relationship + affidavit of support. Do I understand it right that I ONLY send in the forms and bring ALL evidence and supplementary docs to the interview??

4. Is there anything else in need to send in besides the forms DS-320, DS-156K and DS-156? Everything else follows later, right?

Thank you SO much, guys!! :)

Edited by Travelbugs, 19 May 2010 - 01:31 PM.

TravelbugsFemaleGermany2010-05-19 13:30:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLoading DS-156 from Embassy Site
Anybody else having problems accessing the DS-156, visa online form?
It hasn't been working since last night...:(
TravelbugsFemaleGermany2010-05-24 00:27:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionSupposed date of travel and Package 4

1) We did not put a date - some people do put an anticipated date - not a big deal.

2) Best to send the checklist with the other forms if that is what the instructions tell you to do. We did not have a "checklist" but a applicant readiness for DS-2001. It simply stated that we were ready. Some consulates have an actual checklist. If this is your case, you should send it with the other forms they request.

You better options are to either delay the submitting of the documents, or submit them and use the 6 months on the back end. If you delay on the front end - just pay attention to the petition expiration date on the NOA2.

Hey Bernie C, sorry for my late reply, but thank you for your help and advice. I am waiting a little longer to send in my checklist and statement to schedule an interview. And then I still have the 6 months on the back end.

Do you think they might think we're slacking off or are not serious if we delay faxing that DS-2001?
Thank you again :)
TravelbugsFemaleGermany2010-06-03 08:45:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionSupposed date of travel and Package 4
Hey you guys,

so, my package 3 is sent off and now we're about to get ready for faxing the checklist and gathering all the docs needed.

I have two questions now:

1. The supposed date of travel: I am not a 100% sure when I want/will be able to leave yet. Will there be a problem if my actual date of departure to the US will be different in the end?

2. Is it okay to send in the checklist 3 weeks later than the forms (DS-230 etc) from package 3?
Since we didn't expect it to happen that fast (it only took 2 months from filing I129F), we wouldn't mind to win some time since I am still working in my job etc.
Or is it better to just do it asap and use the 6 months that I have to leave. I just don't want them to think we are slacking off or something.

Thank you :)
TravelbugsFemaleGermany2010-06-01 08:19:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVaccinations - validity
I received my measles, mumps, rubella vaccination refreshed 7 years ago. In Germany, this means another vaccination is required or necessary after 10 years, thus in 3 years. Does this rule apply to the visa requirements as well or do the vaccinations have to be recent?

Does the same apply to diphteria and tetanus?

Thanks guys!
TravelbugsFemaleGermany2010-06-07 09:14:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUnforeseen situation - employment
Alright, so, I've been losing sleep over our situation right now.

John (USC) was in the military on active duty for 10 years, and he decided to get out so we could start a family life as soon as I get there without any more deployments, etc.
The week he received his discharge papers, he also learned that the job he had lined up got cut due to budget reasons. This all happened within the last couple of weeks.

We didn't expect the visa process to go that fast, but as our timeline shows, I had package 3 in hand within two months after receiving NOA1 (this was 3 weeks ago).
I sent in DS-230, , DS-156 and DS-156K within a week, however, I have not sent in my statement to schedule an appointment (with checklist that I have gathered all necessary documentation).

I am totally freaked now because I cannot send in the checklist/statement yet, and I'm worried they might think we're slacking off or something of that sort, or simply, that we are taking too long and they void everything. :help: :help: :crying: :crying:

How much time do you guys think is okay to have go by between Package 3 and scheduling an appointment?
Should I notify the embassy of our situation?
Or should I send in the statement and reschedule the given appointment if necessary (Frankfurt embassy apparently schedules interviews within 2 weeks only).

We are already asking around for a joint sponsor, but, of course, that person will need time to prepare the I-134 as well.

What should we do now?

Thank you all so much for your help and support!!
TravelbugsFemaleGermany2010-06-08 07:51:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWaiting time for visa interview in FRA, Germany

Current statistics on VJ say - Average time between when the Embassy/Consulate gets the initial package from NVC and the actual interview is 42 days. Subtract however many days you're into that timeline and you should have a pretty good guesstimate.

(According to your timeline, you're around 28 days since Frankfurt got the package from NVC - so all things being equal, you're not far away from an interview.):star:

Thank you guys :) That helps a lot!
TravelbugsFemaleGermany2010-06-14 14:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWaiting time for visa interview in FRA, Germany
Does anybody know the waiting time for a visa interview in FRA, Germany?

Once I send of the checklist and the applicant's statement, how long does it take to get the letter of notification and how long until the actual interview? Any estimates?

Thank you :)
TravelbugsFemaleGermany2010-06-14 11:37:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDS-156 Question

My Fiance is preparing the DS-156. Does she need to glue her photograph in the photograph section or will the consular officer do that. Thanks

I submitted mine without the photograph since the instructions I received from my embassy (FRA, Germany) said to bring the photograph to the interview. No RFEs or anything. However, I was reading that some people glued it on there despite.
Did you check the instructions on your embassy's website?
TravelbugsFemaleGermany2010-06-22 07:34:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical FRA - before or after interview or up to me?
Hey All,

I received Packet 4 which lists my medical at the same day as my interview (Frankfurt, Germany). It appears to me as automatically generated date though.

I was wondering now if it is nevertheless possible for me to get taken care of it in Munich before my did you guys do it?

Thank you!
TravelbugsFemaleGermany2010-07-05 05:49:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionRoskos&Meier - visa fee payment problems

You can pay the visa fees by wire transfer? Is this something that's unique to the consulate in Frankfurt? I've never heard of it before. Who are "Roskos&Meier"?

I don't know how bank account numbers work in Germany. If you dropped two digits from an account number at my bank then you wouldn't have a complete account number, and the transfer would not be accepted. However, once a transfer has been accepted by the recipient then, unless you can claim it was not authorized by you, that's usually it - your money is gone. Maybe it works differently in Germany.

Roskos&Meier is a company who takes charge of all the visa fees in Germany (it's optional), but I used it for my last visa and it worked perfectly fine (it was actually mandatory to use them for my F1). The US Embassy website here even has their link on their payment instruction site. So, it's all legit.

I believe it works the same way in Germany, except that sometimes, in rare cases, account numbers can have less than the usual digits. I really hope I'm not dealing with an exception here.

Edited by Travelbugs, 16 July 2010 - 11:06 AM.

TravelbugsFemaleGermany2010-07-16 11:05:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionRoskos&Meier - visa fee payment problems
Alright, so, I apparently am unable to wire money correctly :bonk: :bonk: and accidentally forgot the last two digits of their account cut a long story short, visa fee is paid by now, however, I paid double - once to the right account, and once to an account I don't even know if it exists (hopefully, it doesn't).

Anyways, has anybody ever had a similar mishap happen?? Did it get refunded onto your account?

I talked to Commerzbank and they informed me that sometimes the last two digits indicate sub-accounts for the same company. I'm afraid this is the case for Roskos&Meier. I talked to them but they wouldn't assist me in that matter.

Any similar experiences??

Can't believe I just wasted 287 EUR :bonk: :bonk:
TravelbugsFemaleGermany2010-07-16 08:51:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionRescheduling Interview for K1 - Frankfurt
Does anybody have any experiences with rescheduling a K1 interview at the Embassy in Frankfurt?

My deposit slip is taking longer than expected ...and I have my interview in two days. The Embassy told me to simply reschedule if I don't receive it in time.

What's the timeframe to get a new date? I'm worried I might have to wait for months...any experiences would be appreciated!

thank you!
TravelbugsFemaleGermany2010-07-19 13:53:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionConsulate Frankfurt /Germany

Back when I went there, I just queued up at the Immigrant Visa line (also because it was much shorter and I was asked if it was the right one... he didn't really seem to know/care) and I was let in 2 min later..
Don't worry, you'll be just fine :thumbs:

edit: Be careful, the information in the link above may be outdated. If in doubt, visit and you'll find what you need.

I just had my interview a couple of weeks ago, and they put me in the immigrant visa line. I had asked where to queue up with a K1, and that's where they put me which sucked, of course, because it was ten times longer.
TravelbugsFemaleGermany2010-08-29 10:43:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionVOLCANO flight trouble and US citizenship, pls advice
I just found that online...maybe this can give you some information on what you could do...It's for foreign nationals in the US, but they recommend getting in touch with your nearest USCIS office....maybe a trip to the US Consulate would be a good move in your case
USCIS Volcano

Edited by Travelbugs, 21 April 2010 - 07:20 AM.

TravelbugsFemaleGermany2010-04-21 07:19:00
CanadaPrescriptions of the 'Ladies Only' kind... ifyouknowwhatimean

Sorry for the double post, but I've passed the allotted 'editing available' time.

Anyhoo, I think I will visit the local 'planned parenthood' clinic and see what they have to say. I'll update the thread for anyone else curious about this topic.

Have you ever thought about going to Planned Parenthood? You don't need insurance to get birth control there.
Check out their website. It is a really great place! I've only had good experiences with them, and they're all over the country.
If you're unemployed and not insured, you just give a voluntary donation. I don't know how it works when you're employed and married, but the website should give you mroe info on that.

Sorry for the double post, but I've passed the allotted 'editing available' time.

Anyhoo, I think I will visit the local 'planned parenthood' clinic and see what they have to say. I'll update the thread for anyone else curious about this topic.

Sorry, just noticed your planned parenthood trip... :bonk: My bad.
TravelbugsFemaleGermany2010-04-16 06:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 after 4 weeks

Congratulations! God is good!

WOW. I really envy you guys ;-). This is awesome!!!!!!!! :dance:
TravelbugsFemaleGermany2010-03-20 02:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDUI and I-129F

Then no worries. ;)

Thank you so much!!! That helps a lot and makes me feel so much better :thumbs:

TravelbugsFemaleGermany2010-03-19 13:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDUI and I-129F

You need to read it closer. 3 or more convictions involving a controlled substance or alcohol. Or a felony. Was this a felony DUI?

No, this was his first ever, and he could even plead down to something lower, I believe. I have to ask him again for the exact term...he paid his fines, and everything was off the table last year already. So, no felony DUI, no controlled substances ever.
TravelbugsFemaleGermany2010-03-19 12:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDUI and I-129F
I was just reading that in case of a criminal record, it is recommended to get a lawyer....does a DUI (the US citizen, 2 years old, active military for 10 yrs, SEAL)fall in that category???

We sent out our I-129F out last week and have not received NOA1, nor has the check been cashed (i know this is still within the normal timeframe)....

What do you guys think we should do? Just wait?

I am so worried now.

Edited by travelbug, 19 March 2010 - 12:49 PM.

TravelbugsFemaleGermany2010-03-19 12:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK1 Visa Approved
I'm so jealous!!! :star: Congrats to the both of you!! :dance:
TravelbugsFemaleGermany2010-03-23 11:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsExtremely depressed

Don't worry. I am sure you will get it soon. i also hope that the rest will go smoothly after the approval. Mine got approved faster, but it is missing between USCIS and NVC now. So, be happy that at least you know where your case is, and you will hear the good news sooooooon!

I can imagine how you're feeling. We're still early on in the process, so I, unfortunately, can't give any advice or share our experience, but I am crossing my fingers for you guys, and I am sure there will be mail soon. I was reading Gary and Alla's interview with the VSC director yesterday, and it make me feel a lot more relaxed, since waiting times sometimes don't mean anything. Maybe it's just as simple as your file slipping into a later stack of petitions...

Hang in there, and once you hold it in your hands, you'll be triple happy :)
TravelbugsFemaleGermany2010-03-20 02:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFun and Interesting things to Do when she or he gets here?
oh yeah, and going out for a real American burger with fries and strawberry shake and drive-in movies...those are things that are always on my list, too, when I go visit him.

What I can recommend too is a Mission tour when you're in Cali, up Highway 1, and enjoying the Missions along the way...gorgeous...
TravelbugsFemaleGermany2010-04-21 07:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFun and Interesting things to Do when she or he gets here?
Going shooting with John was probably one of those 'American'experiences I had never encountered in this form in Germany before...buying your ammo at Walmart and then shooting in the desert...quite impressive :yes:
TravelbugsFemaleGermany2010-04-21 07:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2010 - K1 CSC Filers
Yay, yay, yay...I received my visa and all the docs yesterday!!! I'm so happy :-) Now we can really start planning :D
TravelbugsFemaleGermany2010-07-29 15:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2010 - K1 CSC Filers
Coffee sounds good !! I will be waiting for you !!!

Sweet :) We'll stay in touch, and I'll be able to improve my French again B-)
Where in SD are you going to live....We're in Coronado, right by the beach :D I love our place! I can't wait to feel the sand between my toes again.

Edited by Travelbugs, 25 July 2010 - 03:24 AM.

TravelbugsFemaleGermany2010-07-25 03:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2010 - K1 CSC Filers

We are approoved everyone we are approoved.

yay!!! Congrats to you! I know how great it feels :-)

Hello !

I am going to wait for my visa then I am planning to flight there around the 10th of august ! the plan ticket are awfully expensive in August but I don't want to wait until september to see Rich again 7 months is more than enough !
I will be in San Diego too ! :) That's where Rich lives. :)

Omg, I can't believe you will be in San Diego, too. That's where we're gonna live :)
However, I won't get there until November. I'm still working and packing up and all that stuff. Plus, John and I wanna spend some more time in Germany together and then fly back to the US together.
We should have a cup of coffee in SD once I'm there :)
TravelbugsFemaleGermany2010-07-23 09:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2010 - K1 CSC Filers

Congrats Florianna's Man and Travelbugs...:dance: when is POE?? What state will you be living in?

BirdyGirl...I am in same boat. I know waiting is hard but hang in there. It will be over soon. (I hope) hehe

Hey Iqha, I haven't booked my flight yet, but I intend to leave sometime in November for San Diego :-). We're still trying to figure out all the traveling since I want John to come over to Germany and to fly back together with him.
All I know, it will be soon :D

Good luck to you on the rest of your visa journey!!! :)
TravelbugsFemaleGermany2010-07-22 08:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2010 - K1 CSC Filers

Yay, Congratulations Travelbugs! :star:

I hope Soph's visa got approved. I'm thinking about her.

At this point I feel like my fiance Petteri will be the last one to be interviewed out of all the people in this thread... Blah...

Thank you all! I know I've been thinking of Soph too. It's funny that we had our interview the same day.

Petteri will be fine, I'm sure. But I know how you're feeling. At some point, you just wanna have it over with. I was getting so frustrated last week...everything was ready and taken care of - just the deposit slip I need for Germany just wasn't being sent...almost had to reschedule - I was so over it, but it all worked out in the end, luckily :-) Just hang in there, BirdyGirl! (F)
TravelbugsFemaleGermany2010-07-21 15:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2010 - K1 CSC Filers
VISA APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :dance: :dance: :dance:

Just got back from Frankfurt. I am SOOOOO happy :D

Great experience. The interview went really well (even though I was nervous and wasn't as eloquent as usual). Thank God!

Congrats to all others who got their visas approved!!
And good luck to the upcoming interviewees!!!
TravelbugsFemaleGermany2010-07-21 11:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2010 - K1 CSC Filers

oh cool ! I am not alone lol ! I wish you good luck on getting ready for it !
I got my appointment for my medical exam on the 20th, I don't know about other countries but in France we have to have the medical done in Paris ...that sucks for the people that doesn't live close by...So I am just gonna go for few days and do all in once !

Good luck for all march filers !

Thank you! I wish you all the best too. I think I got everything ready so far. One last check (or maybe two) today and then the day before the interview. I booked my hotel and train ride already, so I'm all set :)

I called te embassy here yesterday to make sure about te medical. We can have it anywhere in Germany (any of the listed panel phyisicans) which is good. It definitely makes it easier for me, because I won't have to stay more than one night in Frankfurt then. I'm having my medical today, in three hours. One more step taken care of :)

Good luck again!!
TravelbugsFemaleGermany2010-07-07 00:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2010 - K1 CSC Filers

Anyone with an interview coming in July ?

Yes, me :-). And guess what? Mine is the same day as yours...just a couple of kilometres away in Frankfurt :dance: :dance:
I'm so nervous and excited!!!!
TravelbugsFemaleGermany2010-07-06 13:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2010 - K1 CSC Filers

Darn it I feel like I have been waiting forever for my tax return transcripts. *sigh* Just have to keep waiting...

We're sort of in the same boat, BirdyGirl. John is waiting on his new work contract :-(((( Everything else I have gathered, but I don't dare to send off the Checklist...just in case, a friend offered to be our joint sponsor.
But I know, this waiting sucks. I could have the visa already in hand, weren't it for the contract. Oh well. We'll be fine :-) I'm glad we're not alone in this situation. Good luck!!!!!!!!!
TravelbugsFemaleGermany2010-06-19 02:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2010 - K1 CSC Filers
:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :D :D :D

OMG, I received package 3 in the mail today!!!!!!! I cannot believe how fast it's been going! Three weeks ago, NOA 2, and now Package 3 already! SO EXCITING!!! :dance:

Edited by Travelbugs, 19 May 2010 - 08:38 AM.

TravelbugsFemaleGermany2010-05-19 08:38:00