K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiling Abroad
Well.....Thank you all so very very much for your help. Since the package is out, I guess it's time to cross our fingers and hope for the best. And best of luck to everyone else who is going through some tuff visa situations!! :D
Take care you guys!!
Amanda CozartFemaleDenmark2011-02-09 06:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiling Abroad
Thank you guys so much, And the reason why we have not married yet is because Denmark has a marriage rule that I would have to be 24 years old since I am not a danish citizen, and I'm only 21. We planned on getting Married in the US once he gets permission to enter, and be married within 90 days of him entering the US. I'm just curous as to how long it will take before he gets him interview at the US embassy here in Denmark, for the approval. Only because he is going to have to sell his house, and plan to leave his job, which will take some time ofcouse, and he wants to be sure he will be granted permission to enter with the 90 day marriage rule before putting his house up for sale. Urrgh!, this whole process is soo confusing!! lol ;)
Amanda CozartFemaleDenmark2011-02-09 04:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiling Abroad
Hello everyone, I have a question... My Fiance and I are applying with the I-29F form....He is from Denmark, and I am from North Carolina (USA) We have everything together and are planning on shipping the packing out to the Texas USCIS today(2-9-11). My first question is this. 1) I am currently in Denmark with him, will that affect our form? or chance of getting accepted? I am on a 3 month visa, and just got here...and I am planning to stay the total of 3 months in order to help him pack and get ready for the move to the US. 2)Will I have to go to an interview?, or will it just be for him? As I understand it, he will be the only one having to be interviewed, correct? and 3) How long does it usually take to actually hear back from them? and what are the chances of actually being accepted?, I am just worried I couldn't imagine my life without him, so I'm trying to have all my questions answerd to help me be at ease...Thanks in advance for any help!!
Amanda CozartFemaleDenmark2011-02-09 03:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGetting worried and Impatient..I-29F questions!
Thanks a ton! This was a great help!! Happy to see everything was successful for you and your wife :)
Amanda CozartFemaleDenmark2011-08-22 03:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGetting worried and Impatient..I-29F questions!
Sigh....I obviously need to do much more reserch on all of this...Like I said, we never noticed that we would be needing a cosponsor due to me being unemployed...I just figured that since my Fiancé is pretty well off, and will be selling his apartment here in Denmark and taking the money back to the states with him, and also me starting back to work once we get to the states would be enough to show that he will be of no financial burden once there. Urgh, but It's okay...we'll do it this way, whatever works I'll take! :) So, where do I need to go exactly (website) to find the information needed for my mother to fill out,(forms,directions etc) so we can get started on that pronto...You guys have been such a help, I really appreciate all the comments and help! :D
Amanda CozartFemaleDenmark2011-08-21 23:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGetting worried and Impatient..I-29F questions!
Thanks again you guys..and yes, I am a bit unclear on the entire process it's self...But I was unaware that I would need a co-sponsor if I was unemployed...we looked on the uscis webpage about all the guidelines before we sent off our package and we never noticed anything about me (or a co sponsor) needing a proof of income...Why is that? just curious..and is it okay that he gives them the info at the time of the interview, that we will have a co-sponsor?...since it was obviously not included in our package and I am listed as his sole sponsor?
Amanda CozartFemaleDenmark2011-08-21 13:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGetting worried and Impatient..I-29F questions!, I know I promised last question anyone co-sponsor? Like my Mother, or my father? And what proof will be need of income? Like bank staements? or what?, I want to try to gather all of the infor He'll need now, so we'll have it ready :)
Amanda CozartFemaleDenmark2011-08-21 05:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGetting worried and Impatient..I-29F questions!
Oh thank goodness!, lol..I was so worried our package will be returned because it's not in So he can just take that information with him to the interview? Will I need to attend this interview with him? and...last question of the day, I promise!! :) But after he gets ''granted'' into the us, how long will we have to leave DK before it expires? Thank you so much! :D
Amanda CozartFemaleDenmark2011-08-21 05:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGetting worried and Impatient..I-29F questions!
Oh okay, this I did not know...But if that information, about the co.sponsor something that I can give to them at a later time? because I did not fill anything out about a co sponsor....and I thank you both so much for the replys...It's also nice to know that we are still in normal
processing times :)
Amanda CozartFemaleDenmark2011-08-21 04:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGetting worried and Impatient..I-29F questions!
Hi everyone...Okay, so.. I'm now starting to get really worried about our approval. I guess I'm just racking my brains with everything that could go wrong, rather than finding comfort in the fact that we did our very best at making our package as legit and perfect as possible, with everything needed(proof of meeting,my birth certificate, all the forms etc etc)But now I'm wondering...Number one, Why have we not heard anything yet? It's now been almost 5 months (in 2 weeks) and nothing..the uscis website still says ''Initial Review'', We're going through the Texas service center so I figured it wouldn't be this long before we heard something..Secondly, Will my financial situation have an effect with him getting approved? (I'm from U.S, He's from Denmark) I'm 22 and am not currently employed, I've been here in Denmark with him for almost a year now, and He's a teacher. I do not own my own home back in the states, we are planning on taking over my mothers house as she is looking to move to New York. I'm just worried sick that they'll look and see that I'm not really financially stable as an independent, but my Fiancé is. Thanks in advance for any help :)
Amanda CozartFemaleDenmark2011-08-21 01:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow much longer?
Hey everyone, I'm so happy to write that we just received out approval (via email) for our 129-F application!! Yay!! It's been right at 5 months since we received our first good timing :) Any ways, I'm quite curious as to what will be the next step, and how long..roughly..will it be before he'll get his interview? Any answers are much appreciated!!

Edited by Amanda Cozart, 26 August 2011 - 10:17 PM.

Amanda CozartFemaleDenmark2011-08-26 22:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134, Affidavit of Support question!!
So I would need to fill one out of my own, even though I don't even have a bank account? It seems like it would be silly for me to have to fill one out, But if it's needed of course I will do so :) Thank you for your help :)
Amanda CozartFemaleDenmark2011-08-28 05:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134, Affidavit of Support question!!
Hello :)
I'm wondering, since I am unemployed at the time, and my Mother will be co-sponsoring my fiancé..My question(s) is. 1)Does my mother have to fill out the I-134 document? or does she need to fill out something separate since she will be a ''Co-sponsor''? 2)Can you have more than one Co-Sponsor? Like, could my Mother fill out a document saying she can support my Fiancé if needed, and could my father also do the same? or can you only have one Co-sponsor? Also, Do it matter what your relationship is with the co-sponsor? I was thinking about having my Step Father be our co-sponsor, is that possible? Thanks in advance!
Amanda CozartFemaleDenmark2011-08-28 04:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPlease Help! K-1 visa question
Wow, that's insane...Very ''Out of the way!'' I'm still curious about his medical exam though? Why Norway? do you know?
Amanda CozartFemaleDenmark2011-09-12 07:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPlease Help! K-1 visa question
Hi there, My fiancé just received his 3rd packet in the mail, He's from Denmark and it says that the form is being handled in Stockholm Sweden, which is odd.. although I'm assuming it's the NVC for our case? Secondly, like I said..He lives in Denmark and they said in the package that he will need to go to Norway for his medical exam and vaccinations!, Surely that can't be right? Norway is a several hour flight from Denmark, so why would they make him fly to another country to get his medical? That just seems unrealistic to me. Thanks for any answers! :D
Amanda CozartFemaleDenmark2011-09-12 07:18:00