PhilippinesWhat to expect at NAIA


If you need to pay the exit fee yet you will need 1620 Php for that, and of course there is the always present terminal fee of 550 Php.


Other then that some cash for food or whatever and all should be good.


What exit fee???

I am only aware of the 550p airport terminal fee...please advise.

wayoutoftheboxMale02013-12-08 08:59:00
PhilippinesSo many questions! Texan seeks to join Filipina mate permanently.


 I am intending on purchasing a one-way ticket -there,

Nope, not going to happen. Your carrier won't even let you board the plane. You have to show an out bound flight regardless of what your intentions rules that have come down from the Immigration Office in just the last few months. Now you could book a one way over and have a one way back that is at a latter date and is the kind of ticket that is fully refundable should you not use it...wink wink, do you get what I am saying?





when I know how we must go about making the return trip here, together; even if it turns out that she can't stay in the US with me as my wife, and we must return back there to the Philippines or elsewhere.

I have lived here in the RP for most of the last 5 years and until you really immerse yourself in the society it is hard to completely comprehend the difference. There are a number of situations that can not be adequately intellectualized or dismissed until you have had to endure. Before you go lock stock and barrel give it a few months and see how you like it... 


We intend to have children 

If the child is born in the RP the government will have a few things to say before you can take the child out of the country, and should you unfortunately have an issue with your wife (euphemism for divorce which is not legal in the RP) or should she die at an early age (just to illustrate an example...God forbid anything like this happen) you taking the child out of the country will not be as easy as one might assume.


 I know there is a supposed limit on my tourist visa,

You can stay for up to 16 months with extensions every two months. At 16 months you only have to fly out and then fly back the same day to start the 16 mth process all over again. 



but if I have money and can pay-my-way, I have been told that officials will always be willing to extend my visa. In addition, I am wanting to start a very lucrative business in the country, that would feed at-least 3 families of Filipinos, in addition to my own.

I believe that if you employ 10 or more on a full time basis you qualify for a visa that allows you to stay without extensions and without the 16mth limit, the number might be higher than 10



 What are the laws regarding staring a small-business there?

You usually don't own anything and you can expect hurdles far beyond anything in the first world...get a lawyer...I can recommend a very powerful firm in Manila. 

What should I expect to spend each month

Dan, now you are getting into the very tall weeds...send me a pm and I can try to tell you what I know...just remember, everything is going to be a whole lot different than what you are use to...good luck. 



Edited by wayoutofthebox, 11 December 2013 - 01:17 AM.

wayoutoftheboxMale02013-12-11 01:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOut of the box is going out of his mind...general questions

 In short, its advice from a person who has done it and succeeded.




I will defer to your expertise in this regard...I only suggested a mod if there was any discrepancy between the advice I was being given and what the various forms imply. 


You have now been moved from credible to "go to answer person" in my book.  


Thank you and expect a pm shortly. 

wayoutoftheboxMale02013-12-11 00:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOut of the box is going out of his mind...general questions

Sorry if I appear dense...


The form as it is available here on VJ clearly implies that an address is required yet some say it isn't needed. I, like the US government, can at times be slightly pedantic and officious when it comes to the crossing of T's and dotting of I's; the ying to my bohemian vagabond yang. 


Could possibly a moderator clear this confusion...if it is not needed why does it not say optional on the fiance letter form? And, if the address is the Dallas

box number for everyone why not just have the form say that is so? 

After hearing of delays for various reasons I don't want to stall the process because I was given bad intel and didn't cross my T's properly. 


Over-thinking this...ha, if only you knew what a buang world is inside my head...think the TV show Lost but with more and less connected plot arcs that go nowhere at the speed of light...and all acted out as kabuki theater; now you are in the ball park. 


Thanks to all of you for trying to hold my hand as I cross this very busy and confusing street...all good neighbors indeed!

wayoutoftheboxMale02013-12-10 23:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOut of the box is going out of his mind...general questions

First let me say thanks to all those who have sent me suggestions and answered questions and posted replies?a helpful community for sure.


I have read so many threads and looked at various forums and searched different topics but some questions I am not finding the answer to or the answer that is mentioned doesn?t really fit my out of the box situation?


Ok here are just a few of the latest brain farts that have me puzzled.


On the fiancé letter it calls for an address:


United States Department of Homeland Security

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services


or when submitting for interview


Now this first one could just be me being too thick to see the answer that is in front of me...My address in the USA is Reno Nevada. What would be the address I would use (Filing Location) and what does or when submitting for interview mean? How do I know which approach to take? Are the addresses different?


I am still trying to figure out how to approach this issue of unknown addresses covering the last five years. My fiancé has lived in many, many places over that time frame; staying with friends, short term stay in domestic helper positions, even working stay in for people she can?t remember. What is the best way to deal with this situation? As an example she was a stay in domestic helper for a family in Dumaguete but she doesn't remember the family name (not even sure she ever knew the name) she only knows Ate Gie and her sister Ate Leah; she might be able to find the house if she drove around the area but she isn't even sure where to start??somewhere near Robinson?; what addresses we do have are so vague that we are concerned they will be accepted.              

Even now our address on Luzon has a few different ways it can be written and they are equally valid. How pedantic is the US gov when it comes to these forms? I know we want to and need to be truthful but some of the information we don?t know; suggestions or similar situations?


Lastly (for now), before we met and moved in together I had been traveling and living in hotels and doing some camping?how does one list this kind vagabond transience? Like her I could not tell you the dates or names of some of the towns or places I stayed. Would a letter of explanation suffice or does every blank have to have a neat address that fits into a Google maps cross reference data base?

Feel free to PM or post if you have specifics that relate to my latest blanket of fog?

wayoutoftheboxMale02013-12-10 05:36:00