USCIS Service CentersRaleigh office openning?
This new NC Office opened today, in the Raleigh/Durham area :


Good luck folks ! Neil.

QUOTE (rpyrc @ Apr 23 2008, 02:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was just at the Charlotte USCIS office yesterday morning and the agent I was working with commented that it would be 'very soon'. Had I seen your question before I went I would have asked her for more detail, but for now all I have is 'very soon'.

Best of luck!

saturn5manMaleEngland2008-04-25 14:22:00
United KingdomCheap flights?
Try I have almost always found the best deals through them over the past 5 years, of travel from the UK to the US.

Sadly, as you say, this is now high season.

Good luck !! Neil....Now in NC.
saturn5manMaleEngland2006-06-23 16:55:00
United KingdomWhos in the UK but actually not in the Capital London?
I am Neil...Yorkshireman (Bradford/Leeds), more recently of Preston,Lancashire (20 yrs) but now near Raleigh, North Carolina.
saturn5manMaleEngland2006-06-17 04:18:00
United KingdomInterview Thursday....together Friday

We have had this ticket booked for so long! He has his medical on Thursday (not his interview...sorry if I put interview)...then he's flying over. He's going to bring plenty of proof along with him! I had asked earlier (before we booked the ticket), and everyone said that it's not against the rules to see each other, and as long as you have proof that he will be returning home afterwords. I guess it is a risk, but it's too late to change it, and I'm too excited!

Ahhh, so it's his medical on Thursday. When I travelled to London almost 2 years ago, the medical and interview were done on the same day. I know that things have changed since then. Does he have an interview date yet?

Anyway, for the trip to the US on Friday, make sure he takes PLENTY of evidence of his ties to the UK, such as ongoing mortgage or rental commitments, details of any other ongoing financial commitments (car loans etc) and also a letter from his employers stating when he is expected back at work.

Goodluck...and have a great reunion :) Neil.
saturn5manMaleEngland2006-08-28 11:39:00
United KingdomInterview Thursday....together Friday
I'd like to add my note of caution here too.

It's highly unlikely he will get his Visa in time for a flight to the US on the day following his interview. His passport would normally be couriered to him the day after the interview, at the earliest.

Can you be more specific here about the timeline of his medical and interview?

Best wishes...and Good Luck....Neil.
saturn5manMaleEngland2006-08-28 10:38:00
United KingdomGoing home tomorrow :-)

Thanks and yeah I did finally make it :-) !!! Such a relief to finally be here.
I was told by the immigration officers that the EAD was stamped on the back of the white piece of paper they put in your passport.. all I can see is a smudged red stamp with an expiry date 3 months away written by hand. Guess that must be it.
Spent the weekend shopping for bits and pieces I needed, setting up a joint bank account and tomorrow I have my driving test so that I can get a USA drivers lisence and be included on my finaces insurance - wish me luck!!

Hello Maggie and welcome to NC ! Sounds like you are already settling in, which is great :) We have a NC VJ meet-up group, generally attracting people in the Raleigh area. We would be happy to have you both join us when we have our next gathering. Watch this space !

Meantime, best wishes for your new life in the USA and for your forthcoming wedding. Neil & Eva.
saturn5manMaleEngland2006-09-25 08:33:00
United KingdomWill my dvd player work in the US?

My dvd player is multiregion so im guessing there wont be any problems in the dvds working. We already have a bunch of UK dvd's there that work just fine, on my husbands multi region player. We just thought it would be nice to have another dvd player in the house.
It was more if a travel adapter would do the trick....thanks :)

The UK has 240 volts. The USA has 120. So, the power is only half of what you need, unless you can get a step-up transformer in the US. That might well cost as much as a brand new US voltage DVD player. I would recommend you leave yours at home and buy a new multi-region one in the US. As LisaD says, they are cheap as chips here !

Happy watching...Neil.
saturn5manMaleEngland2006-09-11 19:28:00
United KingdomAirfare from UK to US

I always used found them to be good....


Me too...always the best, I found....Neil
saturn5manMaleEngland2006-08-27 18:21:00
United KingdomWhat's the Weather Like Where You Are?
Raleigh, North Carolina :

5 day forecast : Friday 80, Saturday 81, Sunday 80, Monday 67, Tueday 71.

How I do like Spring here :)

saturn5manMaleEngland2007-03-22 15:43:00
United KingdomU.S. Citizen not allowed in U.K.
The immigration rules are being tightened up further in the UK,with a new points sytem......

According to today's report from the BBC):


I showed them my U.S. Passport and ofcourse when they were searching my luggage they found my Nigeria Passport and thats when they saw some old printed copy of resume (CV). So with a U.S. Passport I will still have to pray before getting into UK? Meanwhile I have been there before for like 2wks holiday.
Now my option is to get a visa. I'm thinking of getting "Holiday Working Visa" how easy that to get I dont know.

Oh, so you *were* planning to work on a tourist entry. Sounds like the UK border agent did his/her job.

Truthfully, I wasnt going there to seek any work. But since they have made a claim and I feel like I have no option than just get the working visa to be able to visit. I travel most times, I even have project in another country to go to in April or May, I have no intention to do any work in UK, I'm self employed. And by the way, I do have company I'm providing a service in UK already, that I work for from U.S. So the whole thing about working there or not was just so funny to me. Even from U.S. I'm already working with UK establishment.

I was just going to be with family in UK and they wont take it for truth and I dont know what else they want me to tell them. I realise that the working holiday visa thing is just something you hold just in case later you plan to work.

saturn5manMaleEngland2006-03-07 08:06:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusIs Relationship a Secret in RUS?

The only explanations I can think of is her age and immaturity.

Doesn't look like an age issue to me:
saturn5manMaleEngland2006-08-01 16:41:00
Hey, you two...That's wonderful news, old friends :):):)

Best wishes to you both for your future life together :yes:

Neil & Eva.

Hello Everyone,

I kid you not that today we had the easiest interview EVER. Less than 5 minutes!!!!!! We had a VERY nice lady officer!!! She was thorough and efficient. She had everything that she needed already and only asked for proof of our life together. It was AWESOME!!! She said everything was excellent and we made everything very easy for her, and she didn't foresee any problems. So prayerfully we are finished until 2016 or citizenship time. God is good. She didn't even ask for pictures and didn't ask any questions other than those relating to the application and verifying addresses. So I say the Kansas City office ROCKS!!!! We have ALWAYS had great courteous service there!!!! Good luck to all going through KC and anywhere else. :thumbs:

saturn5manMaleEngland2006-02-13 22:07:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanBIG cultural adjustments

Its so great to read all of the posts. I'm encouraged to continue just taking things one day at a time.

Our main problem is communication. The way he speaks to me as translated in his language tends to rub me the wrong way. It always comes across as being WAY more demanding than he intends. Also, when he starts a conversation i find myself feeling more confused by what he's saying. For example, he'll watch me make and drink tea and will ask, "are you drinking tea?" I'll get confused/frustrated and say, "you just watched me make the tea. Why are you asking me if I'm drinking tea?" And that, of course, starts an arguement bc I've hurt his feelings.

Thanks, for all the support. I love hearing these stories. :)

I would suspect that he's actually practicing his conversational English here. You a child does when learning to speak. They very often say the most silly (to an adult) things and repeat themselves time after time but this is how they learn to interact.

Try to take a deep breath each time this happens and eventually things should fall into place. His conversation will move on after this phase. However, I would prepare yourself for quite a long haul before he is fully conversational.

Put yourself in his shoes for a minute and try to imagine how you would fare if you had been the one to settle in his home country. Customs, language etc. A daunting prospect in Ethiopia, I would venture.

Best wishes to you both......Neil in NC.
saturn5manMaleEngland2006-08-28 13:53:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVERY upset and confused
Hello Lola. It *could* be the same request that my wife and I had, by RFE.

Here's my report on this, previously posted in VJ :

Legalisation of Marriage Certificate

So far as our Marriage Certificate is concerned, we got married in a Methodist Church in England and received a 'normal' Certificate issued by the Church Minister on our Wedding Day and signed by me, my wife, the Minister and a couple of witnesses.

The Certificate was in the traditional UK form and was identical to dozens I have seen over the years. However, we got an RFE (Request for Further Evidence) when the I 129 F paperwork was being processed in Missouri. They were not happy with the Certificate in its original form and wanted it further certified, by the UK Government.

After making enquiries, I discovered that there is a Department of the UK Foreign and Commonweath Office that 'legalises' official documents such as Marriage Certificates, Divorce Papers, Birth Certificates and the like.

I had to travel to London to get this extra certification done, wait in a very long line at the Legalisation Office and pay a fee. They then affixed a Certificate (Called an Apostille Seal) to the back of the Marriage Certificate, signifying that it was a genuine document. This was also further authenticated by the addition of an embossed stamp through both papers.

Personally, I feel that we got someone at USCIS on a bad day, or something, as I have not read in VJ of this happening to any other UK person. The whole thing wasted an additional month and incurred further and unexpected costs !

If any UK person wants to make doubly sure that any official document is suitably 'certified' by the UK Government, you can find details of the Legalisation Service via this link :

I have now taken the opportunity to have various other Certificates 'certified' there, just in case someone calls for this again !! (In fact I did that after my Embassy Interview, whilst I was still in London !).

I hope that all the above might help. PM me if you have any additional queries.

Good luck and very best wishes....especially to all Brits going through this trying process !

saturn5manMaleEngland2006-02-13 22:16:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresGoing to live with my with in October
If YOU are going to be the person whose income will be required for the Affidavit of Support (as against a co-sponsor's), how will you be able to meet the income requirements if you are out of the USA for some length of time?

Just a thought....Neil.
saturn5manMaleEngland2006-07-30 20:12:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionThis is the letter the GP gave us

OK...I broke down and actually called the USCIS's number to ask them how I should interpret the info on their website, and actually read them the letter. They said in their opinion, I was worrying needlessly. Of course they can't guarantee anything but they said we should be fine and they think it will be approved with no further delays.

That's what we all have been trying to tell you ! :)

Now make that cuppa and relaaaax :yes:
saturn5manMaleEngland2006-09-18 18:08:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionThis is the letter the GP gave us

Thanks you guys...I feel a bit better.

That's GREAT...Now go and make you both a nice cuppa :)
saturn5manMaleEngland2006-09-18 16:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionThis is the letter the GP gave us

Not that I am an expert but this doesn't look at all bad to me. In fact, it seems like a pretty good assurance that he's OK generally. Try not to worry.

Good luck with the ongoing processing of your case.....Best wishes, Neil.

What I would like is for the GP to re-word it to state that not only has my husband never exhibited harmful behavior, his depression has not interfered with his ability to hold down a job. I also think that since this GP doesn't really know my husband very well he's not qualified to talk about his prognosis, but my husband's cognitive behavioral therapist is. Hubby's in CBT to learn how better to think positively.

Is the next step for your hubby to return the medical report and then see what the outcome is, or has he to return with it in person? Either way, don't worry about something that might not happen. He could easily be passed as OK this time. Neil. (PS. I will PM you).
saturn5manMaleEngland2006-09-18 12:53:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionThis is the letter the GP gave us
Not that I am an expert but this doesn't look at all bad to me. In fact, it seems like a pretty good assurance that he's OK generally. Try not to worry.

Good luck with the ongoing processing of your case.....Best wishes, Neil.
saturn5manMaleEngland2006-09-18 12:29:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHas anyone's visa ever been denied due to mental health issues?

Hey, you seem really worried and stressed out about this, and it looks like the consensus here is that it's not something to be that upset about. So chill a bit, okay? Things are gonna be alright. :thumbs: A lot of us get crazy stressed about really minor things - we're lucky to have VJ to vent at.

I's all I can think about. I have a natural tendency to worry; my mind just grabs onto something and I can't stop worrying about it until it resolves itself or until something new to worry about comes along. I guess it's a good thing it's not MY mental health under scrutiny here. :blush:

Ohh England's alright! Apart from the weather... Where are you living at the moment? It was a nice sunny day today :)'s a big pile of #######. It was sunny, but I didn't get to enjoy any of it because I was at work all day. It's not the weather that bothers me about this's THIS PLACE that bothers me. I can't put my finger on any one aspect of the UK that I dislike. It's the whole package. It's just....meh.

Well, I am amazed. York is a beautiful city and VERY popular with American tourists. A 900 year-old Minster (Cathedral), Mediaeval walls, ancient ruins, great museums, lovely river, lots of nice restaurants and within easy travelling of the coast and other major northern cities like Leeds.

Can't win 'em all, York Tourist Board ! :whistle:

Have a great time back home in Texas. I hope that you will be sympathetic if your hubby takes a while settling...

Good luck ! Neil.....A Yorkshireman.
saturn5manMaleEngland2006-09-21 13:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHas anyone's visa ever been denied due to mental health issues?

Just curious.

(No, we haven't heard about ours yet. Haven't even faxed the GP letter.)

Why are you back here again with your worries, Homesick? Many of us have tried to reassure you and you are still [b]worried? Moreover, you haven't even faxed the GP letter...Why? You are just extending your anxiety. Get the letter faxed and report back the positive response :yes:


We want the GP to re-write it but we haven't been able to do anything about it since hubby's been out of town at a conference and the GP won't take MY advice on what to do.

Well, it's up to you but most of us who responded toyour previous thread felt that the letter you already have should be sufficient. I hope that you will get your positive answer soon. Try to do something else to take your mind off things. Go for a nice country walk, if the weather is nice. Good luck...Neil.
saturn5manMaleEngland2006-09-21 07:42:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHas anyone's visa ever been denied due to mental health issues?

Just curious.

(No, we haven't heard about ours yet. Haven't even faxed the GP letter.)

Why are you back here again with your worries, Homesick? Many of us have tried to reassure you and you are still [b]worried? Moreover, you haven't even faxed the GP letter...Why? You are just extending your anxiety. Get the letter faxed and report back the positive response :yes:

saturn5manMaleEngland2006-09-21 07:16:00
CanadaDo you think it's possible to be home by Christmas?

Just sent in the first round to NVC, am using James' shortcuts, and have all the docs we need (except for my joint sponsor I-864) shipped that today fedex to my brother.

If I stay on top of the NVC thing, do you think it is possible we could have an interview by xmas?

I'm confused.....Which way are you going ? US to Can or Can to US, or both ??
:unsure: ,
saturn5manMaleEngland2006-08-04 16:56:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionWorking OFF THE BOOKS.

I wouldn't do it either :no: And nor would I discuss it in a public forum :no:

You say you already have a good job. Why risk doing something illegal?

With your name and photograph here too? Not worth the risk. Stay legal.
saturn5manMaleEngland2006-08-29 22:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaTrying to go home
How is your husband planning to get to the States, once his visa comes through?

Seems like you need to find a money source for two tickets. I wish you success on both counts. Neil.
saturn5manMaleEngland2006-09-09 17:35:00
Middle East and North Africabroken heart

:crying: :( Sometimes this journey defeats and conquers and destroys the hope and faith for people truly in-love Sad Lost and heartbroken for those of you who have the strength to keep going fight with everything you got never give up never give up God Bless!!!

Hey ! Look at my timeline and don't give up hope, Judy. It was a full 12 months after we married before I got my K3. You could be half way towards your goal now.

Hang in there ! :yes:

Best of luck...Neil.
saturn5manMaleEngland2006-09-20 20:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaWe were going to wait a few more years
I hope that you will be very happy together !

Posted Image
saturn5manMaleEngland2006-09-26 19:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaOHH MY GOD I GET START THRUSDAY
SNOW here in Raleigh NC this morning....and 28 degrees F. Saturday it was 77 F (Yes....77!!).

Stay safe, folks ! Neil.
saturn5manMaleEngland2007-01-18 08:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaBidets

Bidets are found all over France and Europe... I can't say I know the history of them but I wonder where/how they originated. Not really.

I found this :

bidet – this familiar word comes from the French for a small horse or pony; that is, one easily straddled

Tee Hee !
saturn5manMaleEngland2006-08-15 19:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI am a total idiot and am too stupid to live....

In case any of you were wondering:

The year is not 2008.

If you write 9/8/08 on a check to Homeland Security,

your package gets returned.

Off to slit my wrists now as I am obviously too stupid to live. :lol:

Not funny for you right now but hopefully you will be able to laugh about this later. At least you know Homeland Security was awake enough to spot the error...A good sign I would say :)

Best wishes for your re-submission.....Neil.
saturn5manMaleEngland2006-09-16 17:35:00