USCIS Service CentersWaiting for NOA2 for my K1 visa @Vermont
dude2415, I am in the same boat with you (check out my timeline), and having browsed this site to see how long wedding takes from NOA2 I can reallistically tell you not to plan for december wedding, but consider yourself lucky if it'll be march-april. I am considering march-april wedding, with may may being worst case backup. To make it worse this is PERFECT scenario, if you dont get RFE, if you do not get delayed by medical, if you do not get delayed by embassy, etc.

Dont get frustrated, this is how thigs are. And as far as your job situation try not to orry about it, as there will be other opportunities; or if you believe that you absolutely have to take it - then move now.
Altair17MaleRussia2012-10-08 19:21:00
USCIS Service Centerscsc slow
CSC is still super fast, take a look at VSC :)
Altair17MaleRussia2012-12-03 18:11:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Need help. Approved for K-1 with False Claim Citizenship?
I do not have experience, but I can totally suggest getting a lawyer on this one. Might be the only way to get it done
Altair17MaleRussia2012-10-09 17:51:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian movies online?
As a russian-american living in USA for over 15 years I recommend 2 ways only, and both are streaming. One is, just type the name of the movie and it typically finds it (better for the non-russian fluent people), and (like russian facebook): this one is more for russian fluent and it does has latest titles too.

The reason I do not recommend downloading through any mean while physically in USA is copyright infringement. I work for Verizon and I can tell you that there are ways to catch pirates, and if the copyright owner wants to prosecute - they will and Verizon will help for sure. Cable companies are somewhat easier, but I have unconfirmed reports of Charter and Comcast doing exact same thing. Knowing how they exactly they catch people I stopped file sharing altogether.
Altair17MaleRussia2012-09-21 18:04:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusmoscow visa fee
thnx, was able to manage with this link
Altair17MaleRussia2012-12-30 14:05:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusmoscow visa fee
MY k1 got to moscow embassy and we're trying to schedule an interview; looks like we need to pay the $240 fee to some VTB24 in Russia to get a receipt number which would be entered into the website to allow scheduling screen to show up.

As you all know Russia gets unreasonable number of holiday days, and it would be a noticeable ~2 weeks delay before this can be done unless one of the branches would be working.

The question is... is there any humanly way to pay this fee online using credit/debit/check/certified check (hek, Im willing to go to my bank and make them wire money). Anyone done this before for Russia embassy?
Altair17MaleRussia2012-12-30 13:35:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMarriage in Russia
5 extra cents: CR1 on average takes several months longer from beginning to the end of procedure, compared to K1. And unless u're living in Russia it would result in time apart after you've been married.

Might be more practical to get a big engagement party in russia, and do all legal things in US

Edited by Altair17, 01 February 2013 - 07:05 PM.

Altair17MaleRussia2013-02-01 19:04:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHomestay visa for spouse of Russian citizen residing in the U.S.
travelled 4 times with that requirement, there are plenty of websites that help with visa application that will also issue an invitation and a confirmation of hotel stay for like 30$; out of 4 trips only one time someone asked about it when I was leaving, and I responded with something like: "I did not liked this hotel, so I moved to another one, and already tossed receipt"

The goal of that system is to force tourist to register as soon as he/she plans to stay for certain amount of time in one place, never did this on those trips. Same thing, once was asked about this, and responded: "I never stayed in one city for more that the minimum duration, so I did not had to register"
Altair17MaleRussia2013-01-20 10:44:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNew Gun - Tokarev TTC

is the deal for ammo still around? I'm considering getting TT if can find ammo supply

Altair17MaleRussia2013-06-18 17:18:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGetting Russian visa

Hi everyone!


I am now planning a trip to Russia with my beautiful wife Anna, and it seems that Russia changed lots of policies on applying for a visa (previously I used some agency in Dallas, fill all paper, get pics, send check with passport, and 2 weeks later passport comes back with a valid visa).


My questions are for everyone, but preferably for someone who recently went through this process.


1. Looks like its possible to get 3 year multi-entry visa, so I am not sure if it would be better to get old-fashioned tourist visa or get private visa (since if I'd be going I will be traveling with my wife only). 


2. I am unclear on where/how to apply now. looks like I need to go to WWW.ILS-USA.COM, start the application, pay the fees, get the appointment for that subcontractor, show up for the interview in NY and get visa in person. Any way to cut that in-person appointment process to go through the mail as I used to?


3. Finally, I cannot find any answer on the invitation process. Previously I would just pay extra 20-30$ to those guys in Dallas and they'd issue a hotel invite and that was it. Now if I apply for tourist visa - I would need to get something similar (where, how, cost?) or if I apply for a private visa - all I'd need would be one time only invitation that can be signed by mother-in-law?


Maybe there is a cheat-guide on getting a visa?



Altair17MaleRussia2013-10-23 12:27:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWhere Do I Find The UID Applicant #?
we got packet after visa approval, all it contains is a single piece of paper with advise to go to a website that has all the requirements, that's it. total waste of time, dont bother waiting
Altair17MaleRussia2013-01-21 11:30:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMoscow Embassy. No available interview times
griffy, I am currently dealing with the same exact problem.

Embassy confirmed they received petition, send me the general email. I paid 240$, filled DS160 online, registered for that crazy website, and when I get to the schedule window its empty for as far as one cares to scroll it.

Suspecting that they either disabled it for the holidays or that there is no "block" posted.
Altair17MaleRussia2013-01-12 10:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVSC Lag ????
working in an organization that has tickets/cases I can tell that situation is viewed in patterns. So if the condition is 6 back-to-back months with more receipts than completeions and avergage handle time bigger than 5 months it may trigger whatever they have as a backup plan (typically getting more people).

however if the condition is 12 months... we're all screwed.

Does anyone has access to same data as on http://dashboard.usc...e=6&charttype=1 but for eariler time. I recall that in 09 Vermont was flying, someone I know got an approval in 7 weeks only. So it would be interesting to see for how many months the pile was growing from 09 into the 10 before they relaized that there is a crisis.
Altair17MaleRussia2012-10-09 18:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUnsure of what to do next - Admin processing??
congrats, enjoy your wedding!
Altair17MaleRussia2012-12-06 20:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUnsure of what to do next - Admin processing??

Okay, so you are saying that you faked a military card? Well, I am sure he didn't do that. While he doesn't have whatever the "official" military card is that the corrupt military people in his hometown wanted a bribe to give him, he does have some document saying he didn't serve that was given to him when he applied for his passport. He didn't think he needed it (even though I told him he did) because the medical examiners said he didn't need it. So, no fake documents, but possibly one that is not "sufficient" evidence. I do not blame the Ukrainian government for requiring this, either. They have to make sure they aren't letting law breakers leave the country permanently. Governments are there for a reason, and rules and such as well. My biggest beef is that this becomes so personal and so heart-wrenching. AND that they are so unclear with us at this point.

thank you for your advice... i'll contact you again when i need to know how to fake documents or bribe people...

I do not have contracts in Ukriane any more, I was happy to walk away clean from that mess years ago when USSR was falling apart.

Alla and Gary tried to expain it. It was not a fake papers, it was a real document that was issued by a corrupted military person knowing that what he is doing is a major crime, but considering that he received a bribe of an amout equal to his official 10 year salary at a time (it was enough to buy a domestic 3 year old car or really small one bedroom apparment) he was willing to take the risk knowing that my parents would not sell him out as well.

You will need to go to ukraine to experience it all first hand yourself.

Bribery is an every day thing. Same as aids, same as poverty, same as lack of self respect, and many other things I hope you'd never see with your own eyes.

Ask Genya how much did they wanted, because I am afraid than in the end it will be easier to pay than to go K3.
Altair17MaleRussia2012-12-04 20:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUnsure of what to do next - Admin processing??
Ashley, I am not 100% sure what exactly took place, but being born in Ukriane and being familiar with their local laws I think I got a very bad feeling.

By logic they are not required to check that military card (used to be called Military Ticket, back in my time) when one travel to USA or any other country as a tourist or a student since they have an intention of comig back. In this case they're probably trying to make sure that he either went to the Ukrainian army (I had to pay several thousands to by whats called "white ticket", so that an official document is issues that would show I am sick to the point where I cannot serve in the military), or performed "alternative" services (doing cheap dirty manual labor that nobody else wants to do).

Since I get a perception that Genya never went to Ukrainian army nor served that alternative program he most likely has some fake or near fake document for that Military Ticket, which would explain why he would not bring it with him altogether, and then left it before they can ask any questions about it (I'd do the same thing myself). If this is correct I suggest the following course of action:

a) YOU get in touch with this embassy and yell at them requesting status of this case. They'll tell you what the restriction is, and it might be request for additional info (in which case you supply it, and aok), or it might be that Military ticket.

b) one of you (probably you) will need to get a lawyer practicing international immigration law an being familiar with ukraine. Lawyer is needed to avoid personal contacts with the officials by Genya, as he can be sent to jail for 6 years if they create a case of avoiding serving in the army. Hint: I had to pay to avoid this myself. Lawyer needs to research on the matters, and if he confirms that reuqest for that military ticket is not needed (this is a visiting visa, where he can later adjsut the status, and then have to handle official ukraine process of abandoning citizenship) send an official letter to the cosulate of ukraine saying that they're BSing trying to imply a requirement which is not needed. And I suspect that most people that you're aware that got visas were ukrianian girls that do not need to serve in the army.

c) whatever you do it needs to be done fast before they can serve visa denial, since after that you'd be in a considerably worst place.

message me directly in case you need further advice.
Altair17MaleRussia2012-12-03 18:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVSC updated timeline
so, new question! at what point I am going to be able to place a service request that they would not be able to deny saying you just need to wait few more weeks?
Altair17MaleRussia2012-12-06 16:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVSC updated timeline
bsd058, you have the right screen shots that I was ref to.

In my personal opinion I thing that the one with the graph has an update which is more recent than the one from the table, which only says as of Dec 5 we are able to inform you that on October 30th our VSC processed an application that came in on May 28. Stats from this web site confirm it, there are plenty of June fillers that have received NOA2.

My question, is it worth spending some time trying to find a supervisor or person in charge within that USCIS help line that would be able to understand the logic above and will start whatever the process they have for expediting/finding out case status. Anyone done this before? Or should I jsut do the usual thing through senator/lawyer?
Altair17MaleRussia2012-12-06 13:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVSC updated timeline
just called and talked to a girl that sounded like she is in Phillipines, she strongly insisted that as of December 5 they're processing may 28th. but again there is inconsistency with the graph that shows up below case status that now says it takes 5.2 months instead of 5.6

its the interpretation of that table, any more takers on that?
Altair17MaleRussia2012-12-06 11:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVSC updated timeline
I noticed yesterday that USCIS updated the time frame document (

Just wanted to get a second opinion before I call USCIS, it shows as of December 5 they were processing May 28th for K1, however on the top there is a line that confuses me: Field Office Processing Dates for Vermont Service Center as of: October 30, 2012

Does this means that they processed may 28th on October 30th?

Also if I login into the uscis case status page it shows that current K1 visa handling time is 5.2 months (was 5.6 up to yesterdays update), my 5.2 and 5.6 months are up. Im planning to call USCIS at 1-800-375-5283 later today, but I was wondering if I am requesting case update or trying to launch some kind of complaint that they're taking too long?
Altair17MaleRussia2012-12-06 11:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVSC June Filer - **Approved**
Dola, if you filled in may and still havent received NOA2 or RFE its time to call USCIS and file a service request

Edited by Altair17, 08 December 2012 - 10:05 AM.

Altair17MaleRussia2012-12-08 10:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportshi
well, it depends what you're waiting for. and yes, pls fill timeline so that it will be easy to track your case.

if you just filled K!, and waiting for NOA1 then u should have it any moment, if you're waiting for NOA2 - join the line, takes about 6 months now.
Altair17MaleRussia2012-12-08 09:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2!!!!
congrats, but I'm jelaous, same filing day here. cant wait
Altair17MaleRussia2012-12-06 18:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 @ VSC
checked my email this morning, and there it was! I am super happy, we almost started arguing about why its taking so long!

June filers: its coming!
Altair17MaleRussia2012-12-10 11:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPLEASE HELP I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO NEXT
dude, don't give her any money, when her status expires the government will be on your side.

The only problem you got into is if you'll try another K1 within 10 years - it would be hard to explain what happened.

What country did she came from?
Altair17MaleRussia2012-05-02 21:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Service Center and processing time

What service center does K1 visa need to be filed for NJ resident and whats the approx time from initial filing to interview if beneficiary is in India.?

You do not pick which center, you still mail it to the lockbox in Dallas (not sure about city), and then it gets forwarded to Vermont Service Center. You can get a rough estimate for the processing time by looking around timelines, I think recent ones show mid-end April, and that's for the NOA2, not for the visa (which is probably another 2.5-3 months on top of this).

So, if you do not get RFE, lucky, and VSC does not speeds up, and file like tomorrow you can hope for POA date in late July.

Again, just look around at timelines, they are accurate.
Altair17MaleRussia2012-10-15 09:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp with vaccinations
Remember, it is very likely that some vaccines may not be available in UK, and you MUST make your doctor sign you a note about this as if this is not done - they will have an ability to deny visa. And dont worry about the shots that are missing, you WILL get them late in USA before you can get GC as its a part of the biometric.
Altair17MaleRussia2012-11-11 08:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConfused, I'm paying twice for K-1 Visa?
have u been to Russia yet? Everything is expensive unless you're going into the middle-of-nowhere-Russia
Altair17MaleRussia2012-11-11 10:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat are the consequences of not marrying your fiance?
since there is no way to predict future make sure to play by the rules of the game, they're all published up
Altair17MaleRussia2012-11-11 10:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat are the consequences of not marrying your fiance?
As an immigrant myself I want to correct Kazulie. If she does not marries you, overstays her visa, and still lives with you and then gets caught (even a minor traffic violation which results in document check) you may be prosecuted for not reporting an illegal alien or even worst for helping illegal alien. Both those cases would carry noticable penalties up to an inclduing jail time for you personally and would leave a major stain on your record even if you walk away for it.

If you decide to break the marriage off its in your best interest to make sure she leaves on time, or to report to the police in case you know of an illegal action that is going to take place.

I personally know people that were prosecuted for similar situation of aiding an illegal alien.
Altair17MaleRussia2012-11-11 08:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCSC after 5 months Who to contact 1st?
as soon as you hit the average expected processing time mark for that center they will file a request to get an udpate status which takes about 2 weeks to get a response. I say call them on Dec 3, and prepare to spend couple of hours on the phone.
Altair17MaleRussia2012-11-16 10:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2?? So Confused!
congrats, at least someone is getting a fast processing time! dont forget to update the timeline once u get paper letter! but I think you can confirm on the uscis by using the tracking number for the case
Altair17MaleRussia2012-11-27 16:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed help! Fiance or Marriage Visa ?
Rahstyles, I had similar problem with Ukraine/russia/ussr when I was a teenager. You should consult a lawyer to see if this is doable; but technically you do have the right idea.
Altair17MaleRussia2012-11-13 11:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSignature

I just called USISC again because I also had the question about blue vs black ink, they said that blue or black ink and then I asked again about signature, I wanted to know what there definition of a signature is and they said in English or native as long as it is legible or even a X is sufficient but no abbreviations, I have a copy of her Russian passport and it is not legible and it looks like abbreviations, I think it will be ok and the Robot girls at USISC seem to think it is ok, if they ask at the embassy why she changed it I think the answer would have to be because the instructions said it must be legible,, any thoughts?

it would be best to avoid this question at all. Remember, you got an asnwer for USCIS and this might do just fine for them, however the problem I am mentioning would take place almost at the end of the process: during visa interview. imho, it's best not to attact attention to it, but be prepared to answer the questions in a vague way: "the signature on the russian passport is my russian signature, and the signature on the form is the one I will us as english singature until I can develop something better".

btw, you're right virtually all russians have signartures that look like abbreviations and bunch of pretty looking lines, girls are practicing their signatures from like 5-6th grade, and by 10-11th they're practicing their "married" signatures, trying on the last names from the boys that asked them out.
Altair17MaleRussia2012-11-30 18:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSignature
pretty much I was in somewhat similar situation. As long as she will use same "signature" when getting visa it would be ok. But if you're familiar with russian process of internal vs external passports, she already signed her external passport and if embassy will check against it (it will be available to them), and asks casual question "why are these different", and she wont answer "I changed signature since I received this passport" - there may be a problem.

If you havent sent those in yet - it would be safer to get those again, asking her to just sign it in the same way as on her international passport.
Altair17MaleRussia2012-11-30 18:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWill I be approved?
it a request for additiona information, what info are they requesting?
Altair17MaleRussia2012-11-30 19:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow or where do I obtain a police certificate ?
I'd advise you to double check with other Mexico couples, as lack of certificate will deny a visa.

I know for sure Russia needs that, and it took about 3-4 weeks to get it.
Altair17MaleRussia2012-12-06 20:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresstudent receving unemployment & foodstamp benefits will it affect the k1 visa
see http://www.visajourn...retty-outraged/
Altair17MaleRussia2012-12-08 12:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresstudent receving unemployment & foodstamp benefits will it affect the k1 visa
in other word government wants to make sure that your future husband does not becomes a public burnen (collecting food stamps is the most common example, but it also includes rent assistance, social security, disability, public health insurance, etc) and wants YOU to show that either you make enough money to prevent this from happening (thus 125% poverty level for 2) or in some cases you're allowed to get a sponsor (your brother) to become your warrant: in case your husband collects those benefits your brother will have to repay that money or face IRS problems.

What makes this situation bad you're receiving those benefits, and if I was the officer deciding this case I would not even look at sponsor documents and deny the petition; not sure how tough Ghana is but someone was jsut declined in Italy and their case wasnt as complex. Lastly your brother needs to make enough money to show 125% poverty level income for all dependants involved

Edited by Altair17, 08 December 2012 - 11:58 AM.

Altair17MaleRussia2012-12-08 11:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresstudent receving unemployment & foodstamp benefits will it affect the k1 visa
yes it will affect it, you're receicing a benefit that will likely extend to your family as well, and that is exaclty what US government is trying to avoid; you need to either a) graduate, get a good job, file taxes for 2-3 years with steady income and then file for K1, or b) go to Ghanna, marry her, come back, file CR1, get a sponsor (and yes, sponor needs to cover 125% of poverty level for him, you, your kids, your future wife/her kids, and the rest of his family, hopefully your brother is a rich man)

btw, u have almost full timeline? is this for a different person or you're not talking K1?

Edited by Altair17, 08 December 2012 - 09:42 AM.

Altair17MaleRussia2012-12-08 09:35:00