IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresis very confuse of the process please help
My wife and I were married in the Catholic Church there in the Philippines in December.

As for the Legal Capacity to Marry, at that time the USEM did not require an appointment to issue it. It was first come, first served. I showed up there around 7:30AM and it took about 2 hours to get mine.

You should check with your parish about what their requirements are. We found a parish in Davao that had a half-day seminar designed for those marrying foreign spouses. I don't believe either of you need any parental consent because your both over 21 and your parish may not even require a letter from her church, but she should talk with her pastor and see if he would provide one anyway.

That 10 day wait from the time you request a marriage license until it's available to you may be a problem and you should check with your local office to see if there is anyway to get started before your fiance arrives.

Also, if you start now, you should have plenty of time to plan for a February wedding. If you can afford it, hire a wedding planner, they're great.

Best of luck!
JoeAndMayetFemalePhilippines2010-10-05 07:12:00