K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsTO ALL APPROVALS OF ANY CASE

hearing other people on this site being approved sounds like THE SYMPHONY OF LOVE!! (L) (L) (L) im so glad the immigrations finally decided to work on our papers and change our frowning faces into VERY VERY HAPPY FACES!! :D CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL.. :) :dance: :dance: :dance: i religiously go to visajourney just to check on updates and read HOT forums... there are ups and downs and sometimes, just shake my head onto some odd topics, but hey, the point of me reading all these topics is that i learn from it.. I am no professional when it comes to immigration laws, but i really appreciate the people who exert effort to give the best possible answer and help people in distress with their own unique cases. After all these past few jobless months, i always find myself infront of the computer, raising eyebrows, and saying, "HE/SHE ACTUALLY MAKE SENSE!!" -this is also the reason why i checked visajourney waaaaaayy mooore than my facebook page. KEEP IT UP VJer's, i really do believe there's gonna be a NEW JOURNEY after each and every APPROVAL... (F)

I'm a stickler for grammar and spelling, however...

I love your enthusiasm! My fiancée and I have just begun the process with our I-129F petition, and I concur with you when I say without this website putting together our initial pack would have been so much harder!

I'm happy that you too have found what you were looking for in the world, and wish you all the best.

You're positivity makes me smile! Don't ever lose it!

Onyx & InariNot TellingEngland2011-01-19 00:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow do you cope?

Edited by Onyx&Inari, 21 January 2011 - 10:46 AM.

Onyx & InariNot TellingEngland2011-01-21 10:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow do you cope?

PLAYING VIDEO GAMES ONLINE!! I know that sounds geeky and nerdy and consequently is not how we met,

Ironically, It was how Inari and I met! We stopped playing to get on with the task at hand, and well life. I do like to play computer games while I have time, but I feel MMO's are unhealthy unless your at total peace with your mind.

It's hard to explain, but sometimes MMO's can really steal your soul!

I'm usually the calm one in our relationship, I'm the one who puts things into perspective, and likes to plan - I guess being unable to plan like I want maybe a factor. Not to mention the worry us beneficiaries go though, considering once we have decided to make the big move we have to wait for people in cheap suits to tell us when we can start to move on and build a life with our fiance(e)'s.

Part of me thinks a retitle of this tread, I dunno? Just airing out feelings albeit on a web board seems to lift a weight, quite a substantial weight when you have little or no people around to talk to most of the time.

Edited by Onyx&Inari, 21 January 2011 - 10:37 AM.

Onyx & InariNot TellingEngland2011-01-21 10:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow do you cope?
Everything now seems so close, yet just that little bit too far away!

My Fiancee and I have now filed for our K-1, we put the package together in the first week of January off the back of a fantastic New Years in Las Vegas, and now we know what we plan to do over the coming years of my entry into the United States (Should and When they permit it).

So sat back in New Mexico, being over looked by a baby scorpion sat in the doorway we put our heads together and formed our plan. It's perfect, and straight forward; Get married in front of a Judge; File for my change in status; get driving; get bank accounts set up; start work; back to school (Since the US won't accept my UK degree); Then have the big family wedding/blessing!

However! I have hit a brick wall, I have a week now until I go back to work in the UK, sat here without the love of my life, with not alot to do. I had recently started a second degree with the Open University, but the path I chose involves Exams and another 3 modules once I finish the current one - but since I need to go back to school in the US do I continue with my OU course - It will take me another 18 Months to finish maybe longer!

Silly thing really, but that's my dilemma, I've usually been so strong with things, but being apart tears me apart as I live in a city with no Family and very few trust worthy friends.

We practically leave SKYPE on 24/7 when we are apart, but I'm just wishing this process would move faster - How do you guys do it? To say "keep busy" is easy when you don't know what people are going through - but you guys do know - well at least your foreign partners do.

So a question to the beneficiaries out there... How do you cope?

Edited by Onyx&Inari, 21 January 2011 - 02:59 AM.

Onyx & InariNot TellingEngland2011-01-21 02:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCalling to all VJ members!
This may have been moved since; but I'm posting here on the K1 Fiance forum. As it seems that it's here where we have the biggest culprit's and the more anxious of person waiting patiently for that tiny change in the VSC or CSC so they can start each day with a smile knowing that they can see they are getting closer and closer to their loved one!

If you don't already know, people find this out via Igor's List!

It may not seem much, but believe me from what I have gathered from the people I talk to it does mean alot. The VJ community is but a small number of immigrants, however we have scattered filing dates everywhere, which are enough to keep us in the know with regards to these service centres.

So all I ask is; for every anxious woman and man out there; let us know when you know - keep that timeline of yours updated. If its too much trouble - don't start one.

Onyx & InariNot TellingEngland2011-01-31 07:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

Are we all going to live in Texas? (I know not all of us, but sure feels like a lot of us are) :rofl: Baby is a little worried about how I'm going to handle weather changes :unsure: Guatemala is blessed with a perfect weather pretty much all year long. (It feels like spring all year long... it can rain a little sometimes but... it's not that bad)

Random, huh? LOL

Not quite Texas... It will be the land of Enchantment for me. New Mexico - Here I come... as soon as the VSC gets them Hamsters running again!
Onyx & InariNot TellingEngland2011-02-09 18:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!
Signed it - sealed it - shipped it!

We received our NOA1 at 3am Monday morning Texas time via E-mail. USCIS have packed us of to the dreaded VSC!

Nevertheless! Can't wait for this process to get a move on so I can be with my Princess!

Onyx & InariNot TellingEngland2011-01-25 06:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting the US whilst our Visa application is being processed?
My American Fiancée and I have just applied for a K1 Visa, we are only in the early stages and should receive our 1st NOA within the next few days.

Since this process will take anywhere from 3 months to a year my question is this; Can I visit her on a tourist visa/visa waiver whilst this process is taking place.

I can only guess that should I have a return flight and fixed Itinerary with documented intent to return back to the tropics of Manchester I can. But although both my Fiancée and myself are eager to spend time with one another as soon as we can we do not want to hinder the process. She plans to visit me in about 8 weeks time during spring break, but that could still mean another 10 months in waiting - and already I feel more at home there than I do here in England, plus 8 weeks feels such a long time.

This seems such a grey area and I am still uncertain of the true facts - any information or relevant personal experience would be gratefully received.


Onyx & InariNot TellingEngland2011-01-18 22:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 interview: proof of ongoing relationship

you can try print screen, so far thats the only option to print history from skype. not sure if others figured a better way. goodluck

But will they be happy enough to accept that?
Onyx & InariNot TellingEngland2011-01-27 00:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 interview: proof of ongoing relationship
To stay in touch my Fiancee and I practically leave skype on 24/7 - although I can scroll up and see what's been said, I can't find a way to print or achieve the information.

Any help would be great as we don't want to have problems come the final hurdle.
Onyx & InariNot TellingEngland2011-01-27 00:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYoung Love and a Total Newbie at this..

As with college I plan on attending a 2yr community college at first, getting most stuff out of the way. I might then file after if we're still together (which I hope!). I would love to be a Marine Biologist, and I believe here in Texas, colleges at Corpus Christi offer those classes. So I won't even have to go far from home.

As for him not being able to work right away; when could he begin to apply for a job?

Question I ask is his age also; I'm in my late 20's and already have a degree, but for some reason the US ignore this fact when applying for a job as I technically didn't graduate from "high school". I myself intend to go back to university once my Adjustment Of Status (AOS) has been granted. You maybe unaware of this but education costs almost triple for non-residents.

I suggest if this is serious, and will go ahead his education is also something to consider - This will further more add to cost, but can be a very advantageous move in the life ahead that you both wish to share.

Also should stress that you are both certain should you take this route, as the entire process will take a further three years once he enters the USA on a K1 Visa, longer should he wish to file for duel citizenship in the future.

All I can say is good luck to the both of you, and well done for thinking ahead far enough to start asking questions and doing your own research.

Onyx & InariNot TellingEngland2011-02-01 07:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPacket 3
I mailed off Packet 3 - It did not contain the DS2001 form (As I was told not to send this form).

I have my medical booked for the 22nd of this month and naturally I need to arrange an interview, but what do I do? Except ring and call this premium rate phone line a dozen times just to be told "we are experiencing high volumes please try again".

Do I need to resend my packet 3? Or just the DS2001 form now I have my medical date? And does the embassay get back to me about my interview, or do I need to chase them down like we have had to every step of this process so far?

So close yet so far.... I feel I could drown a kitten.... ><
Onyx & InariNot TellingEngland2011-07-08 08:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPacket 3
So thank you all again,

I think now I know what I'm doing...

1. Need to send off the DS230 part 1 - DS-156K - DS156 X 2 - DS157 x 2 together at once now. No photographs needed, no extra documentation needed.

2. Make a Medical appointment - Gather my need documents needed - IE Birth Certificate, Passport, Police Certificate ETC

3. Mail in the the 2001 checklist form with a cover letter stating the date of my medical and arrange my Interview...

Or can I take the more simple "less fussy" way...

and just Mail steps 1 and 3 at once - call for a medical today - then an interview a couple of days after?

Onyx & InariNot TellingEngland2011-06-22 10:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPacket 3
Thanks for the information guys - very much appreciated!

Though no one has answered about the photograph - do I put one on one of the DS-156's? or on both? Or none at all?

Its all going to good use too - as soon as I have finally got my visa, I will post up a detailed do and dont's of this process. I love their country, I love one of their Citizens - just hate the lack of communication and inability to explain themselves properly without contradiction.

Edited by Onyx & Inari, 21 June 2011 - 01:34 PM.

Onyx & InariNot TellingEngland2011-06-21 13:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPacket 3
Hey guys...

So as we know this Visa process can be rather confusing and lets face it, at times makes zero sense and contradicts itself! Therefore need a little advice and help from those who have already dealt with what I'm assuming is "Packet 3"

It wasn't quite a "packet" I recieved, more like a letter stating the paperwork I need to fill out and send back to the Consulate before arranging my medical or my interview - I'm assuming this is pack three...

So what do I need to send exactly?

Is it just part 1 of the DS-230 or do I need to send both parts 1 and 2?

Do I need to attach a photograph to either both or one of the DS156's before I send them off?

Do I need to send copies of my birth certificate, passport etc to them with this packet? If so, are copies acceptable and what exactly do I need to send?

My consulate is in London - best get that bit in since everyone has their own rules it seems!

I thank you in advance!


Onyx & InariNot TellingEngland2011-06-21 09:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk-1 visa police certificate and costs of procedure

In the U.K it is £35 ($56 US) i assume it is around that price for you also.

I also think you will need to pay for the actual K1 visa prior to the interview.

I am sure there are more experienced people on here but I though I would chuck in my 2 cents!

No offence here - but as UK prices go, you can almost forget that. They have again changed their forms. You have the ten day option which actually takes 3-4 weeks, so if plenty of time go ahead with that, but bare in mind the certificate is only valid for 6 months, not 12 months like they keep saying.

Or you have the two day option, which will cost you around £70 as a base price. This however can be done swiftly and quickly, however the UK ACPO prefer you send it recorded, and pay then to send it back next day recorded, so add another £12.00($20.00 est) to that price then to speed up the process a postal order - these costs about 10% more on top of the price you need the order for..

Certificate plus
return postage : £77
Photos : £5
Initial Postage : £5
10% on postal Order : £7.70

Also they change the forms alot, so keep your eyes on them, I know this is for the UK certificate, but really dont wait in getting your certificate too long. It becomes an unexpected cost.
Onyx & InariNot TellingEngland2011-07-18 09:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow many times do we have to pay???

Sometimes the simple answer is incorrect. There will be no fee for the work permit for a K1 adjusting status. The AOS fee covers the adjustment and interim benefits of advance parole and employment authorization.

Reading the OP the simple answer and breakdown was fine - listing all the costs that need factoring. ^^
Onyx & InariNot TellingEngland2011-08-19 11:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow many times do we have to pay???
Why some people can't always give the simple answer... lol

Petition - $350
Interview - $350

Police Certificate - $50-130
Copy of Birth Certificate - $30-100

Though both certificates depend on how fast you need them.

You will almost have around $70-100 is miscellaneous costs.
In my instance it has almost cost me so far around $300 in travel costs to London and back for medical and interview.

You only need a total of 5 photographs - 1 for police certificate - 1 of you to go off with the petition - 1 for the medical - 2 for the interview

Estimated packages you need to send - allowing for admin errors (Yes they happen): around 4!

Once your in the united states you need to change your status once you have gotten married.

It is around $1000 for your adjustment of Status - and about $450 for you permit to work.

Not to mention your own cost for your wedding, you will still need to pay the registrar and get the wedding license.
Onyx & InariNot TellingEngland2011-08-19 09:29:00