Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionstolen 2 year green card

Hello guys, I lost my 2years Green card too. I am planning to apply for I-90 to have a replacement. How long will it takes before i will have my new Green Card?





Last I heard, it takes about 6 months for a replacement.

My wallet was stolen this winter, filed the I-90 on my conditional GC early February so will be shortly hitting the 5-month mark in the waiting game. The national goal is 3,5 months (or was a couple weeks ago when I last checked) but when getting my passport stamped at the local USCIS Office they told me that the processing times are closer to 6 months.


This was the situation in February, don't know if it's changed since.


I panicked when this happened and didn't think when reading the instructions about what to send in, and ended up making a copy of my whole AOS package and sending in all possible documentation supporting my status (I did not have a copy of my GC, and yes, I know it was stupid) - in addition to a copy of the I-90 e-filing receipt, copy of police report - pretty much copies of every single document I could think of. I'm just hoping that them having to go through that big pile of papers won't further delay the processing of my application.

Eve&JoshFemaleFinland2013-07-01 14:30:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionChanging your last name when applying for ROC


Not sure if this would help but we had purchased plane tickets under my wife's maiden name and when it came time to fly her documents had been changed to her married name.  We simply called the airline and they changed it for us so that it would match her GC/DL/Passport.


How long would it take to update your Finnish passport?


Thanks Sunshine79! I'd be able to get my passport pretty quickly as I now work at the Embassy in Washington, DC. The thing is that I wouldn't want to buy a new passport until my current one is close to expiration since they're pretty expensive to renew through the Embassy. 


I think I'm just going to not change my name on the tickets or on my passport. The most important thing I imagine is that your passport matches your tickets, and for the Green Card I can always bring the old one (which then will be expired but still will show the maiden name), and receipt for the new one since I seriously doubt I will have the actual new card in hand by then and a copy of our marriage certificate. I'm pretty sure it'll be fine!

Eve&JoshFemaleFinland2014-03-03 09:44:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionChanging your last name when applying for ROC

Another quick update: received my new SSN card in the mail with the new last name, driver's license is changed and so are all the credit cards etc. Husband's hasn't yet changed my name info on our insurance but he'll do that soon (he better :D ). Sent in out ROC package and got a receipt with the new last name as well as biometrics appt letter with the new last name. 


Things seem to be moving along just fine.


One thing that might prove to be problematic though, is that I've bought my plane tickets to visit Finland this summer and those are on my old last name (as is my passport). The new GC and the receipt hence do not match my passport and plane tickets, but I understand that it should be fine as long as you bring enough evidence with you, especially marriage certificate, and of course old GC. 

Eve&JoshFemaleFinland2014-03-02 11:10:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionChanging your last name when applying for ROC

We did attach a cover letter requesting the name change as well. Not sure if it's necessary, but it's what we did and it all worked out well.


jross, what did you write on the cover letter, if I may ask? Did you use your wife's new name or the old name? I'm inclined to use the new one (as I should, since it is now legally my name), but almost all my evidence shows my old name, including my passport and of course my conditional GC. Should I just use my new name, and mention that the evidence shows the old name?


Thanks again for your help!



Eve&JoshFemaleFinland2014-01-07 19:59:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionChanging your last name when applying for ROC

Hi eve&josh! Based on my experience, i had my name change to my foreign passport, but my conditional GC still on my maiden name. I went to social security to change my name due to marriage with my supporting documents such as marriage license , and GC. Unfortunately, they won't be able to give me anew card with my husband's name. The letter said I have to change my name on GC first before they issue a new SSC.

My best advise get ur GC name change before you change ur SSN, driver's license and etc...




Strange.  My wife was able to get her SSC changed even though her GC had her maiden name on it.  They even asked to see it.  Outside of waiting in line, it was a quick process.  Since this is a federal agency, it should be somewhat consistent anywhere you go.  Maybe try again?


yes, I agree, that is strange. SS should have the same rules at all the offices nationwide. I've also read of people having trouble getting a SSN after arriving here on the K1, so they've had to bring a printout of the rules where it says that K1 is entitled to a SSN. 

From the SSA website:


To change your name on your Social Security card:

Step 1: Gather documents proving your:

Eve&JoshFemaleFinland2014-01-06 10:05:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionChanging your last name when applying for ROC

Just a quick update, got my SSN card changed to my new name today, was a breeze (apart from spending almost 2hrs at the SSA office). Tomorrow DMV, then credit cards etc, and ROC when our window opens up in a few weeks.

Eve&JoshFemaleFinland2013-12-30 20:02:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionChanging your last name when applying for ROC


This is interesting. I didn't know one could still change the last name based on marriage after such a long time.


I changed mine during the marriage license application.


You should go ahead and change the name for all your US documents - SSN, driver licenses ..etc and apply ROC with your new name.

Then you will get your 10-year GC with the new name.


Yeah, I was a little unsure of it too, as I had heard that you can change it for free withing up to a year from marriage, but that after that you would have to apply for a legal name change.

My marriage license / certificate only states my current / maiden name, there's actually nowhere on the document where they even ask if I am changing my name and what I would be changing it to. But, according to the all-knowing google, that's completely normal. 


So I guess I will gather up plenty of documents, go to the SS office and see what happens :) 

Thanks so much for everyone's input!

Eve&JoshFemaleFinland2013-11-18 16:40:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionChanging your last name when applying for ROC


Do you have a SS office in your city?  If so, I would go there and try to get it changed.  Worst that can happen is you get told no and you've wasted a morning.  My wife filled out the form at home, went in, submitted what they wanted and they told her a new card will be on its way.  A week or so later it was in the mail.  I don't even think there was a fee for this.  If I recall, she took her GC, and marriage certificate.  Prior to this she went to the DMV and requested a name change.  She filled out the form, submitted whatever documents, paid the fee and she had a new licence.  I think all she needed was GC (even with old name) and marriage certificate.


She even got her passport renewed with her married name.  Painless there too.  So the only official document without her married name is the green card but all the correspondence (NOA1, Biometrics letter) has her married name on it now.


Yeah, I think that will be the way to figure this out. The DMV will be easy, there's one downtown and they just need the new SSC (or printout from SS office reflecting the new name), certified marriage cert and current DL. The passport will also be easy, I live in DC and work at the Embassy of Finland now. 

Usually your marriage certificate is the starting point of name change process, which is why it is slightly confusing to me that I would need to have my new GC in hand before I can officially change it elsewhere. 

Eve&JoshFemaleFinland2013-11-18 16:32:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionChanging your last name when applying for ROC


Sorry, I am confused here.


So you did not change your name during your marriage and now you want to change it?


I guess you have to get a court order to change your name. 


You should check with your local county court or whatever before you proceed to put down your 'new name' on the USCIS forms.




sorry for my confusing explanation :) I did not get my name changed when we got married two years ago, but I am planning to change it now based on my marriage. I did do more research on that after the original post, and a marriage cert is enough evidence to have it done this late in the marriage (or even years later) as long as you're not changing it to anything other than your husband's name (i.e. no hyphenated surnames, or changing your maiden name to be your middle name etc.). However, if it's been more than two years since the "name-change event", the SS office might require more evidence.


from the SS website:

If the name change event occurred over two years ago or if the name change document does not have enough information to prove your identity, you must also provide documents to prove your identity in your prior name and/or in some cases your new legal name. If you were born outside 

the U.S. you must provide a document to prove your U.S. citizenship or current lawful, work-authorized status.


the plan is to change my name now and to have the new 10-yr GC be on the new name, I'm just confused as to where to start (do I need my 10-yr GC with the new name before applying to change it on the SSC).

Eve&JoshFemaleFinland2013-11-18 15:45:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionChanging your last name when applying for ROC

GC is the starting point for everything - the SSN can't be changed until you get the GC with name change. And without the GC and SSN, you can't get the Driver License, Bank Account,...... changed.


The passport of the Immigrant spouse is from the foreign country and as long as we satisfy them with their requirements, they will change it. I got the passport done easily attaching a copy of the marriage certificate. And I added a copy of the passport bio-page with I-751. Once we get wife's new GC, we will get the other changed starting with SSN.


I'm a little confused, as the previous poster said that they got the SSC and driver's license changed first before applying for the new GC / ROC...?


Will I really have to wait until I have the new GC in hand before I can go to the SS office? Just wondering, I know that I will have to prove my legal status at the SS office as I'm not a US citizen, but will they not be able to use that since it'll be on my maiden name? 


I would really hate to waste hours at the SS office for nothing, but having to wait until until having the new GC in hand would be a bummer as well.

Eve&JoshFemaleFinland2013-11-18 15:11:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionChanging your last name when applying for ROC

You can file with name change and then get the name changed  in all others after you get the Green Card with changed name. This way you can avoid additional fee required for name change, if filed separately or earlier or later. The next step where it also can be changed is at the time of N-400 filing without paying additional fee.


in our case we got the name on the passport done first and then filed I-751 with name change. Rest can be changed only after getting the Green Card with name change.


Thank you Navyk! 

So I shouldn't ( or can't?) go ahead with changing my name on other documents until I have the new 10-year GC with the new name in hand? Can you elaborate as to the reason? I'll be fine with either way, just want to get things done right and not get in trouble.

thanks again!

Eve&JoshFemaleFinland2013-11-18 12:34:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionChanging your last name when applying for ROC

Yes, you can file with your married name.  We filed my wife's petition this way.  Prior to this we got her SSC, Drivers Licence and Passport changed over to her married name but I'm not sure if that was necessary before filing.  Also, this is the best time to do it as there is an additional cost (I think $450) to change your name on the GC later.


Great, thanks so much for your reply sunshine79! I'm glad to know someone else has done this too. My thinking was exactly that, to do this now to avoid the additional cost of filing the I-90 (yup, it sure is $450) in the future.

Just to doublecheck, so your wife's conditional GC was on her maiden name? did you add anything extra on your ROC application to make sure that they know she's just now changed her name which is why the old GC and the new one would have different names? 


I don't think I'll have my passport renewed before sending in the paperwork, but I'll try to have my credit cards, insurance and what not on top of driver's licence and SSC. 

Eve&JoshFemaleFinland2013-11-17 17:11:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionChanging your last name when applying for ROC

Hi everyone,


Our ROC window is opening up in late January. I didn't change my last name when we got married, but have been thinking to do so now.

Does anyone know, can I just fill in the I-751 with the new name (as long as I will have changed my name elsewhere, i.e. will have a new driving license and SSN under my husband's last name, preferably also some of the stuff we will provide as evidence) and add a statement on the cover sheet saying that since [date] I have changed my name to my husband's? Or would I have to file an I-90 on top of filing for I-751?

To me it seems like I shouldn't have to file an I-90, as I'm not changing my name on my current GC, but want the new 10-year GC to have my new married name. Of course, most of our evidence might have my old name, but I would just add more evidence and explanations.


One thing I wonder about - we got married in Virginia, and on our marriage certificate my name is my current (maiden) name (you had to fill out current name of bride when applying for the license, and of course a marriage cert is a signed marriage license). Can I even at this point, two years later, apply to have my name changed based on my marriage and not have to get a court order? Is it normal to not have your possible new married name stated on the marriage certificate?

One more trouble with my name is that it's got two vowels with umlauts, so in some of my ID's my last name is spelled out with vowel combinations (SS card, marriage cert) and others have just dropped out the umlauts (GC, driving license, credit cards - most of stuff). So I don't know if this would add to the fun (=problems) of changing my name - it sure has caused enough trouble thus far, hence changing it to my husband's name.


Thanks in advance for any advice and sharing of experiences!




Eve&JoshFemaleFinland2013-11-16 11:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInfoPass Appointment was a DISASTER
Im not a 100% sure about this, but if they were to get married now and her husband went back to Mexico, wouldn't they have to apply for CR1 for him to be able to go back to the US to stay? Im pretty sure that he wouldnt be able to stay for good at the moment if they got married - like the OP said, he's got a pretty good job he needs to go back to, and heck, he's got a life back home that needs to be wrapped up before moving.
Id imagine that getting married now AND STAYING would not be a good option, unless you had nothing that needs to be taken care of before moving. Getting married now and going back would me another petition, another waiting period, and more fees to be paid.
Maybe make another Infopass appointment and try to get to talk to a superior?

Im so sorry that this process is taking you so long.
Eve&JoshFemaleFinland2011-07-02 08:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!
Hey Janis!

We ended up getting married in Virginia and we are planning to go to Hawaii on a honeymoon later on in the spring, after things have settled down a bit. We actually got copies of our Marriage Certificate the very same day we got married, so we are thankfully that is taken care of :-)

We still haven't filed for AOS either, and my I-94 expires this Thursday (!!!). Basically if you don't file before it expires, you will be (sort of) out-of-status until you send the papers out and receive your NOA1 for your application, so between the expiration date of your I-94 and having the paper version of your NOA1 in hand, you shouldn't travel anywhere where you will need to show your passport. This is because you have no way of proving that you are in fact in the country legally, so they actually have the right to detain you until they have confirmed that you are here legally. Of course that's the very worst case scenario and I imagine almost never happens :D
As long as you have your NOA1 before you travel in February, you will be fine. Just remember to take it with you on your trip!
Eve&JoshFemaleFinland2011-12-20 10:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

We got married Sept 24 in Hawaii. Waiting on certified marriage certificate before filing AOS. It takes a while for Hawaii to process them, even when you pay the $10 expediting fee. Working on the forms/documents in the mean time.

How long did they tell you it will take for them to process it and for the couple to receive the expedited marriage certificate? We are thinking of getting married in Hawaii, but it would be only a couple weeks before my I-94 expires so I don't know if we should do that. I called them and they said that in addition to pay for the expedite, we could call Honolulu and say that we need it extra fast for immigration reasons and that they would help us out. Did you guys try that?
Ahhhh and most importantly - congrats on the marriage!!!
Eve&JoshFemaleFinland2011-10-28 16:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

Here is a link to a Justice of the Peace website in Kauai They may have info for you on a courthouse marriage or you can contact the County of Kauai office 808-241-6371 http://city.statelaw.../CountyID:3136.

Hope that helps. We are thinking a JP on the beach at the hotel where we met in Waikiki or just a courthouse marriage. Something simple and quiet for us too.

thank you so much Janis - those look very helpful. We'll definitely give the County office a call and see if it's possible to just have a judge or someone sign the certificate at the courthouse, without a ceremony. Julie Wirtz also seems like someone who would be a good fit with us, in case we end up wanting a small ceremony after all :-)
Eve&JoshFemaleFinland2011-06-10 08:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

:dance: That's great!!!

Oh, and we are planning on getting married in Hawaii too. We'll be there between late September and early January (or as long as early May)!!!

Still waiting on our NOA2 but it's only been 2 weeks since they received our RFE info so I'm not freaking out... yet.

I hope you'll get your NOA2 soon Janis!! we are also planning a trip to Hawaii sometime in the fall, and also talked about tying the knot there :blush: But, we don't want to have a wedding nor a ceremony, but just have a Justice of the Peace sort of thing without any hassle whatsoever. I've been trying to figure out where and how to do this on Kaua'i, but all I can find is info on Ministers who perform ceremonies - which we will not need nor want. Do you know if it's possible to just go to the Courthouse and if yes, where would that be on Kaua'i? Thanks!
Eve&JoshFemaleFinland2011-06-09 10:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!
Hey guys! So to know that NVC has received our petition and to find out about our NVC number which Diana mentions, do we need to call them? Thanks!
Eve&JoshFemaleFinland2011-05-20 00:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

Yeah, I feel cold feet is more than normal, extra normal in a situation like ours on VJ.
marriage with rushed wedding planning
moving (and to a WHOLE new country)
for some living together for the first time
for some becoming a step-parent
for some starting college for the first time
some it means spending an extended period of time together for the first time.

Wow, that is a lot of transition!! And transition, no matter how you swing it is stressful and hard.
I hate to say it but after the honeymoon period we are all in for more stressful times than we are now!!

Who is to say any of us can take the stress, be supportive and patient enough? Who is to say things just wont be the same once we settle in with our loved ones? In what ways will personalities change? Will it click? Will they be able to be happy in America? Will our relationship be the same? What if it doesnt work? money spent, time spent, peoples emotions invested.

It is just sooooo much more to consider and worry about than couples who live in the same place!

It takes faith that things will work out for the best, and a level of knowing you will be able to accept it if things dont go the way you want them to! That is the sheer reality of it all!

I recently went through this cold feet thing and you know what; I was soooooo freakin excited when we got our NOA2. Also, Hamilton and I sat down and talked about the many ways we are compatible and our many incompatabilities. We talked about what there was to work on in our relationship and how to be more supportive of each other while we go through this transition together. We were very real about discussing the possible out comes and what would happen if for any reason things do not work out between us when it is all said and done. The conversation offered me reliefe. We talked about my fears, his fears, and created a plan together as partners.

We are going into this hoping that we will be happily ever after, having faith that things will work out for the best (either way), and ready to accept the outcome.
It may seem cold to some of you to think this way, but for us it is very grounding.

I hope this helps anyone going through this. I am praying for all!


Ashley - you said it. A wonderful, amazing, truthful and most of all an honest message! Me and my fiancé have gone through exactly the same thing, I have had cold feet, panicked over what is in store for us in the future, panicked over what I need to give up. But in the end, it's about what you can gain, right? And if you don't try because you fear the failure too much, you'll never know how it would've been and will regret not giving it a shot the rest of your life. Unfortunately love is not always enough.

I love the way you put it:
We are going into this hoping that we will be happily ever after, having faith that things will work out for the best (either way), and ready to accept the outcome.

I so agree. Thank you for putting my thoughts into words Ashley, I couldn't have said it more perfectly myself (F)
Eve&JoshFemaleFinland2011-05-18 12:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!
NOA2 on May 16!!!!! YAAAAY!! What a shock to get it this soon when we were mentally prepared to wait until July!! Now I will be able to get everything organized for my medical and my interview in August as soon as I get back from my 2-month stay with Josh! This is GREAT!!!!!

Janis, about the change of address, I emailed the consulate in Helsinki and asked them, and they replied within in hour that I can just email them my address now and they will make sure it gets sent to my new address. Easy and simple, I definitely recommend emailing the embassy - especially if it will cost you extra to get your mail forwarded for an extra period of time.

I also managed to call one of the I think two doctors who perform the medicals in Helsinki, and he told me I would have to get photocopies of every vaccination I've received ever since I was born... Seriously?! My family has moved around quite a bit so this is no easy task, but my mother has managed to hang on to the little vaccination card she was given when I was born and which has a record of all the shots Ive had. Still this doctor said it is not enough and he needs photocopies... bummer.

Anyway congrats on all the NOA2's!!!! I will also update my timeline :-) (L)
Eve&JoshFemaleFinland2011-05-17 11:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!
CONGRATS TO EVERYONE ON YOUR NOA2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Im so happy for you guys! It has been a long and rocky road, thank goodness it is finally coming to an end for our little January group. We're still waiting to get ours, but as I wouldn't be able to get my medical done or to the interview until August anyway, I'm happy to wait a little longer. I actually didn't even realize that we were past our 5-month mark!!!

I want to thank everyone for their love and support - I really must say that VJ has kept me sane these past months after filing our I-129F. So thank you :-) there's still a lot to be done after NOA2, so let's keep each other posted on how things are going for each and everyone of us also in the future!

Caroline, that's so amazing that you got your NOA2 while you're there with Angelo! What a surprise, first you flying over for a surprise visit, and then getting your NOA2 while you are there is just icing on top of the cake!
Eve&JoshFemaleFinland2011-05-13 07:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!
When I flew over to visit I only said vacation and got no further questioning, not even a questioning look. Which is why I really wonder if they can see on their computer that you are applying for a K1 visa. I have heard good arguments supporting it and good arguments saying against, so who knows... If I get questioned next time I fly over I'll ask them :whistle:

I do agree with you both though, that honesty is the best way to go. If you are doing everything by the book and are able to show strong ties to home country, I am absolutely sure there will be no problems whatsoever. Especially since you both Caroline and Sarah are not from high fraud countries (no offense to anyone who comes from these countries!!!). But yeah, I SOOO understand the nervousness! I was biting my nails throughout the whole flight over and planning ahead what to say if I got questioned. It was such a disappointment when I didn't :bonk:

Josh was just here visiting for 10 days and took another big suitcase full of my clothes, books, plates etc back over with him. Now I'm counting the days to fly over to be with him the whole summer: 3 weeks and 4 days!

I'm so happy for everyone who already got their NOA2 - CONGRATS EVERYONE!!!!!! :thumbs:
(L) (F)
Looks like Vermont is now pushing them out like never before so hopefully we will be getting ours soon too!
Eve&JoshFemaleFinland2011-05-02 06:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!
Thank you both Janis and Jen for sharing your experiences, it was definitely very interesting to read them! Now that Ive read your posts it seems more than obvious that they would have all that info on their computers. And yes it is definitely better to be safe than sorry, so being prepared for anything is the way to go :thumbs: It's funny though that neither of us has been questioned at all (meaning me and Josh) on our multiple visits - especially me of course. Id imagine that the POE officer would've said something when I told her I was just there for a vacation if she saw that I'm in the process of immigrating to the country. Maybe I just look so innocent :blush: or maybe she was tired and didn't feel like giving anyone a third degree that day.
I'm really hoping I'll continue to be just as lucky when I next cross the border. It's going to be a 2-month visit this time so I'm going to prepare with a letter from my employer as well as a bank statement of sufficient funds to support myself and a copy of the whole I-129f package.

On another note, do you guys know what all this talk about a government shutdown is? And that possibly postponing the progress of all pending applications even further? Im thinking this is all just talk and won't have a real effect on K1's but who knows... I hope Im not just freaking myself out here for no reason :bonk:
Eve&JoshFemaleFinland2011-04-07 05:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

Thanks for telling me about your experiences. I'm a little more prepared now that I hear it is possible to get questioned. It sounds more then likely that they will question me a bit considering it shows our NOA1 on the computer (so i've read). I plan to take my name badge from my job and my mortgage along with my custody papers for my kids. I think that will be plenty...well I hope so. :) Oh and of course my return ticket.

If anyone goes before me in the next 3 weeks...please let me know how it goes. I will let you all know how my experience goes, if you are interested.

Thanks again,

Hi Jen!
So Im wondering, where did you read that it shows your NOA1 on the computer at POE? Everywhere Ive read Ive seen that it in fact does not even though people think otherwise. My understanding is that all that pops up on the screen when they read your passport is previous entries to the country (or anywhere) and anything to do with those, but no pending petitions. I imagine there will be something after you get your NOA2? Or maybe not even then, as you don't need to go forward and apply for the K1 Visa. Anyway, Ive read about several visits (both ways, US and the beneficiary's home country) and mostly everything goes fine and no additional questioning anywhere only due to I-129F. The rare occasions Ive read about have been because there have been multiple visits within a rather short perios of time, and/or the traveller has said that they are visiting boyfriend/girl friend (or rather fiancé(e), a little (L) to that :-))
There's a lot of mixed info about these things on VJ, does anyone in our January thread know these things for a fact? I know that my visit to the US in February was no hassle, just the usual "Business or pleasure". And Josh has visited me in Finland, no questions asked. Im absolutely sure everything will go fine Jen, but I do understand all the worrying. Anyway good luck with your Journey!!

(F) Eve
Eve&JoshFemaleFinland2011-04-05 03:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

Just going a little off topic and ive been looking at igors list just now.
VSC has soooo many more petitions going through it, almost double infact!!

Although vsc still shows 92 petitions still to be reviewed, they must have done around 35 of sept. New people are joining the site all the time. so dont get down heartened looking at igors list because it seems that as one is approved, another member joins so puts us down the list more.

Oct is way over 100 now, whereas in feb it was at 72.

Thank you for an awesome post and cheering us up :thumbs:
WE'll get there, sooner or later!
Eve&JoshFemaleFinland2011-03-20 01:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

I was just reading the Tweet the USCIS. I think it could possibly be dangerous unless its the American Citizen themselves doing it. We reeeeaaallly don't want to piss off USCIS if its the "foreigners" doing the tweeting.

Yeap, that's a very good point! I was contemplating whether to sign up on Twitter myself just to be able to tweet USCIS, but I would rather not since I wouldn't use it for anything else. Facebook is enough for me :-)
Eve&JoshFemaleFinland2011-03-19 03:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

Good news... got my ticket to Virginia... leave March 26th with a return date of May 18th (then hopefully Seattle after that to wait for our NOA2)!!!! Just have to break it to work that I'm leaving a week early. I feel so fortunate to get to spend time with my honey at his home and get to meet the family in person and spend some time with them too!

SO GREAT to hear from you Janis, Im so happy to hear that Mark will soon be home all safe and sound, and also that you two managed to rearrange your plans so that you can still be together (L)
I was getting a little worried with your hubby-to-be in Japan and having your plans change at the last minute.
Me too I feel fortunate to be doing most of the waiting over in the US with Josh, and being able to continue working from the US this summer - part-time only as the time difference makes it a little hard, but still :-) So I was wondering, what and how did you do your address change? Did you report it to Vermont, or are you going to wait until it reaches your Embassy? Im thinking Ill just do that, it's probably easiest that way. Im giving up my apartment in May before flying over, and will move my address to my parents - kinda like you Janis again Janis :-)

Anyway Im so happy to hear you are doing fine and things are working out for you two. Good luck and hope to hear from you soon!

(F) Eve
Eve&JoshFemaleFinland2011-03-19 03:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

Thank you all for well wishes. (L) Mark is fine, Yokosuka is 400+ kms south of the epicenter and besides being shook around some and tsunami warnings all night everyone there is well and no damage so far has been noted. My ticket back to Japan is for March 26th... fingers crossed I can still get there then, it's awfully hard being so far away from him with all this happening. :luv:

Great to hear that he is well, Im so happy and relieved for you! Ill keep my fingers crossed that you will still be able to fly over Janis (F)
Eve&JoshFemaleFinland2011-03-11 16:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

Haha yeah I know what you mean. He'll be leaving here all sad, thinking he won't see me for over 4 months and I'll know I'll see him in just 40 days. That'll be hard but the surprise will be worth it. I've wanted to do that for so long and now is the last chance before I enter with the K1. I am hoping too that I won't get any trouble since I'm staying only 11 days, and I'll have binding ties with me and the NOA1 copy of course (debating whether I should take copy of the whole I-129F package, what do you guys think?). Hmm I'd like to know whether they have a way of seeing whether you have applied for a visa...but if they ask for purpose of visit I think I'd say "to visit my fiance" and not just "vacation" don't you think? I think just saying vacation would be not really a lie but not really the truth either. This time it'll be 4 months since I was last there, last year I was there 3 times and between the 2nd (6 weeks total) and 3rd (3.5 weeks total) visit there were only 7.5 weeks and I wasn't even asked ONE question, not even purpose of visit or length of stay...I doubt that I'll breeze through Immigration like that for a second time, no one is that lucky lol.
And thank you Eve, I'm so happy to have Angelo here soon and so excited for my surprise visit! And then hopefully it won't be long until the NOA2 comes :thumbs:

It will sure be worth the wait, but yeah also hard to see him all sad when he has to leave. He might wonder why you're not as sad as he is, so you better make sure not to let the excitement of the upcoming surprise overwhelm you ;-) Although I am sure it will be very sad to see him go anyway, it's always awful and upsetting no matter how "short" the time apart until the next visit will be.
I pondered the same things before my trip, and in the end thought that a copy of NOA1 should be enough with the other proof, and if they still need more I could have them always call Josh - so in your case Angelo's Mom maybe? I also figured that when asked clearly a very routine question (what is the purpose of your visit), I would just not give them very much info off the bat. Had they asked for more details I next would've told them that Im visiting my fiance and his family. I am pretty sure that when you're traveling with ESTA and having the possibility to use the VWP, they don't really suspect us that much. Germany and Finland are not exactly at the top of the list of the "high-risk countries". Im absolutely sure it will go fine but I completely understand the nervousness - I spent most of my flight over thinking about how to go through the POE, what to say and how to explain myself and my situation. For nothing :-( That's why I was a little disappointed about them not questioning me - how silly :bonk: Ill be waiting to hear how things went for you after you get back!
Eve&JoshFemaleFinland2011-03-11 05:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

Just wanted to share this with you my fellow January filers:

I just booked a ticket to go see Angelo in May for 10 days! It's gonna be a surprise visit, he won't know anything! He's coming here next week to Germany for two weeks and thinks we won't see each other for over 4 months after that, but I knew that was impossible for me so I found a good deal and just booked it!!! :dance: I just hope it'll go smooth with Immigration, I'm going through far I never had problems there but this time it's the first time that I'm crossing the border with a Visa application pending.

Im so excited for you!!! That's SO SWEET that you are surprising him with your visit!!!! Oh my god I would have so much trouble trying to hold it in if I was doing that - lots of respect for you Caroline :thumbs:
I just came back a little over a week ago from the US, and had no trouble at the POE (Dulles in D.C.). I had my return ticket, a letter from my employer and a copy of NOA2 with me just in case, but no one wanted to question me - a little disappointing actually :blush: Im absolutely sure that you will have no problems whatsoever since it's obviously a vacation. I think that with longer stays (a month and more) they might want proof of ties etc., because then it doesnt appear like a small visit for a vacation anymore. I read somewhere that they have no way of finding out that you have a petition for a K1 pending, that it's not on the computer or anything so it won't pop up on the screen when they scan your passport. Does anyone know if that really is the case? I imagine that with my visit, if it had popped up on their computer they might've questioned me a little more... not just the normal "What is the purpose of your visit?" "-Vacation" "-Thanks, have a good one".
anyway, I hope you two will have a great time in Germany and when you visit him in May (L)
Eve&JoshFemaleFinland2011-03-11 03:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

Just hoping because I quit my job and have changed address (will be technically living with my mom) that I don't have issues at the POE - no sense worring about it now, guess we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. :luv:

Im planning to do the same thing this May, I will leave my rental apartment and move my address to my Mom's since Ill be spending the summer in the US. hopefully we'll have our NOA2 by the end of July so that I could get my K1 sorted out in August, by the end of September the latest. Im wondering, who should I notify about my address change? The address change form online is only for the USC's, not for the beneficiaries. Ive read somewhere that I should email them, but some people say that I should just notify my consulate here in Finland after they receive the petition and bring an updated g-325a to the interview and that's it. So Im curious, what did you do? Or does anyone else know how to proceed?

Thanks so much in advance my dear January filers (F)
Eve&JoshFemaleFinland2011-03-11 03:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

On another note! Guys, im kinda silly excited that we are down to our 100 days to wait. :) It's easier to make a count down from that... dunno, nutt things from me. :dance:

Even if it takes longer that that.... im still excited. :rofl:


Diana - thank you so much for always being so positive! your posts cheer me up every time I read them, so I want to thank you for that (L)
Eve&JoshFemaleFinland2011-03-09 03:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

EVERYONE PLEAE NOTE.... the link that was supplied above shows all shots required, WIHTOUT taking into consideration age and gender. Please follow the following link for accurate information. This is what was provided to me by the embassy, and every single panel physician across the globe is required to follow these same requirements.
These shots greatly depend on your age and gender.
Yes, it is true that rotovirus is only for babys!

Great link - thank you for that! Although the link I provided will take you to the same info if you scroll to the bottom, it's a couple clicks away though so this direct one is easier.
On the CDC website I find this bit of info pretty important:

Significant changes in U.S. immigrant vaccination requirements since the last revision in 2007 of the "Technical Instructions to Panel Physicians for Vaccination Requirements" are—
# Meningococcal conjugate vaccine, specifically tetravalent meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV4), should be given to persons 11 through 18 years of age. Meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine (MPSV) or other forms of meningococcal conjugate vaccine (e.g., monovalent MCV) is not an acceptable alternative for this age group.
# Influenza vaccine is required for applicants 6 months through 18 years of age during the influenza (flu) season in the country of examination for immigration. Influenza vaccine continues to be required for adults 50 years of age or older.

We are given influenza vaccines by our employer (if chosen), and I had the opportunity to discuss the necessary vaccines with the Vaccination expert at my Healthcare Center, and she determined which vaccines from the list I should take. I pointed out Rotavirus, because I had never even heard of it, and they were suprprised to even see it on the list as it is automatically given to all babies in Finland these days (not when I was born). Also, please note that the person revising the list should have access to information about your health - as said above, the final list depends on your age, gender and medical condition, and certain waivers are possible.

from what I understand, it is possible to have your medical done beforehand as it is valid a full 6 months, and I plan to book mine as soon as we get a notification for our NOA2. That way it will be valid when we file for AOS but I will hopefully have it taken care of when I get my packet 3 and that way will hopefully get my interview date as soon as possible. But, this might be be the case only in Finland.
Eve&JoshFemaleFinland2011-03-08 11:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!
Hey guys!

Just a short note about the vaccinations - I based my vaccination requirements on this list:

I assume that list should be correct and up-to-date, what do you think? Like Diana, thanks to my Mom I had a little leaflet with info on all the shots Ive had ever since I was born, and I took that with me to the nurse. I only had the Hep B to get as a new one but while I was at it I got some of the others reinforced (and also because my employer agreed to pay for some of the vaccination costs - lucky me, they prolly wouldn't have done that had they known they're for me to quit my job and move out of the country - oops!).
Anyway, the nurse told me that they don't vaccinate adults against Rotavirus, do you know if this is really true? I've never even heard of Rotavirus before, adn according to her it is something that only newborns can get. The nurse also transferred all the records of my vaccinations on an International Certificate of Vaccination by World Health Organization (a little yellow leaflet), but that might not be official enough once filing for AOS. I remember reading somewhere that when you go to your physical, you should ask your doctor for (hold on, I have it written down somewhere) - the Department of State's vaccination worksheet (or an official copy) DS-3025, and that is in fact what you need to have for AOS. But yeah, like TwoCats said, the shots should not be necessary until AOS, but I guess different countries have different requirements, also as what comes to what vaccinations you in fact need. I dont even know if I need all the ones on the list mentioned above, but as I always worry and rush into things too quickly, I just had them done before doing a lot of research :-( With all these vaccines I consider myself a superwoman now :P

Eve&JoshFemaleFinland2011-03-08 10:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

Glad everything is going well for you! So exciting. I was shocked by the lack of excitement at the border too. They didn't even ask how long I'd be visiting, but it felt good to be well prepared.

Im glad to hear things went well for you too! I know it's stupid, but seriously I was looking forward to even a tiny little interview - I spent most of my trip over (2,5hrs to Amsterdam and then 8,5hrs to Dulles) preparing for it in my head so I was really disappointed about their lack of interest in me :( I was also bringing over a big suitcase full of books and whatever I thought I will want to have after the move and will not miss before, so I was hauling two huge suitcases for an 8-day visit - they didn't care about that either although I've seen warnings here not to bring too much stuff with you since they might consider that suspicious. Oh well, I should be happy it went so smoothly and hope that next time will go just as well :-)
Eve&JoshFemaleFinland2011-03-01 08:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!
Hi everyone! I just got back yesterday from my vacation visiting Josh in the US, and I thought Id let you know that everything went perfectly smoothly at the POE. I was actually a little disappointed that no one asked me any questions, just the normal "are you here for business or pleasure", since I was so prepared :blush:
Dulles airport POE in D.C. was definitely the most efficient and quickest one Ive ever gone through! A little excitement would've been fun though, and I would've loved to have a real story to share with you!

Another piece of news, we've decided that I will move over to the US in the beginning of June (/end of May) to spend 2 months there waiting for NOA2 with Josh. My employer is luckily very supportive and allows me to take 2 months off and then come back for a month or two to give over my projects for good, as long as I can be available to work a little from the US during the summer if needed. I am SOOOOOO excited!!! By August I will hopefully have my NOA2 and can then get my medical and have my interview. Fortunately the Consulate in Helsinki seems to be very quick with giving Interview dates, it seems that it only takes a week or two to have your appointment after letting them know you have all the paperwork ready. Im having a meeting with my boss tomorrow to talk through the details about being gone for 2 months, so hopefully we can work everything out! SO EXCITED!
Anyway, I hope y'all had a great week and things are going well - Ive havent been on VJ during my trip.

Hugs, Eve
Eve&JoshFemaleFinland2011-03-01 07:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

Happy Valentines Day everyone!!! The last one! Just opened cards with Matt on the phone, made me a little sad. On a happier note, I am going to Texas on Friday for a 3 day visit since I have a long weekend. I am a little nervous about customs and will have to do it here in Calgary. I will tell them that I am visiting my fiance for the long weekend and I'll have a copy of the k1 app, the NOA1, a letter from my employer, a mortgage statement, a utility bill and the return flight itinerary. I will only show the papers if asked/questioned about my intentions. Any advice?? Anyone visit the US since filing?

Hi Sandra! Im also going to fly over to visit my fiancé in the US this Friday. I only have my return ticket, copy of NOA1 and a statement from my employer that Im expected back March 1st, and Im sure that is sufficient. Based on what Ive read, be prepared to answer questions but don't offer information - just like you said. And if you do get questioned I imagine it would be good to mention that you wouldn't have gone through the trouble of getting all the paperwork together and paying the fees if you were planning to immigrate illegally only a month after filing. Logical, don't you think? I don't think there will be problems if you have your return ticket ready and paid for, and since it's only a weekend trip :thumbs: Im also planning to spend the summer (2-3 months) in the US with Josh waiting to get our NOA2, now that will be interesting to see what happens at POE if I get questioned... :o
Eve&JoshFemaleFinland2011-02-14 01:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!
welcome Honey&Bee!
Us three - we had the wrong fee in our petition as well when we first sent it in November 26th and have been devastated and angry about losing a month. but, let's hope that VSC keeps up the speed and won't slow down again! good luck everyone!
Eve&JoshFemaleFinland2011-02-08 05:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

I'm doing exactly the same thing Eve and our stories are very similar. I talked to my boss about getting a leave of absence so I can still work when I get back for the appointments but they can't do that so I'll be quitting mid April and am giving up my apartment for April 1st and moving to mom's (when I'm not in Japan or the US) until the big move. Mark is working overseas and luckily I don't need a visa if I stay 90 days or less, so I'll stay until we get news from VSC - now my worry is that he will be in Japan when our RFE and or NOA2 comes and we will be delayed. Always something to worry about during this process it seems. Good luck with everything and have a wonderful visit (I'm visiting my honey in 3 weeks too!!!).

Now to do a bit more reading about the process of RFE and NOA2 and what happens when the petitioner is out of country, although we will be on a US Navy base so it's kind of American soil - he's a civilian too, Navy contractor.

Does anyone know how long you have to provide the info after you get an RFE? If anyone has links or info on this please post or send them to me. Thx :luv:

Your plans sound so exciting, being able to stay together in Japan!! Yea, apart from you going to Japan and me to the US, our stories are very similar :yes: Hmm, about the possible RFE and the /certain/ NOA2, won't you be able to see all that online through opening an account on uscis website? I mean, the NOA2 will just wait for you until you get home (I think the beneficiary has 4 months to complete the Visa process after the US Consulate has received the package from NVC), so the only thing you should try to find info on is the RFE. Could you maybe have someone going over to pick up the mail and water the plants and whatnot back in the US? And if there was something there they could just fax it over to you or scan it and email it. Naturally you will not get any RFE's so no need to worry :luv:

Im so excited about going over to visit, and maybe I will just see how it goes at the POE now and work from there. It'll be so much easier to talk about these decisions together face to face anyways :-) Our plan is to do a little apartment hunting in D.C. while we're there, sooo exciting!!! Ive spent some time googleing for apartments in NW D.C. today and I feel like a slacker with the work piling up. oh well, it's Friday now and tons of time to Skype the next 2 days! (L)
Eve&JoshFemaleFinland2011-01-28 09:21:00