Asia: East and PacificPlaces to stay HCM
QUOTE (jeromebinh @ Oct 24 2009, 09:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ScottThuy @ Oct 24 2009, 09:46 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This is hilarious! All of a sudden folks coming out of the woodwork... hmmmm went through HCMC 2 years ago but feels the need to jump into this discussion out of the blue and only this one...
mui ca...... eb0dfafc.gif

I guess mui ca means fish? I do know what cuk means whistling.gif

yes and it is cuc can you not read? you no need post I catch flak for you so shut your pie hole to. You need to give john a break not all of us are masters of english. Kien Anh
vietnamluverMale02009-10-24 09:03:00
Asia: East and PacificPlaces to stay HCM
QUOTE (ScottThuy @ Oct 24 2009, 09:46 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This is hilarious! All of a sudden folks coming out of the woodwork... hmmmm went through HCMC 2 years ago but feels the need to jump into this discussion out of the blue and only this one...
mui ca...... eb0dfafc.gif

I do not care what you smell, fish or cuc cuc my nose is plugged so I can not smell it
vietnamluverMale02009-10-24 08:57:00
Asia: East and PacificPlaces to stay HCM
QUOTE (Dai_Tx @ Oct 24 2009, 07:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Seriously. You just joined today and you post this? That's not what a person who would join VJ would do on their very 1st post... Don't make it so obvious.... awww are you defending your husband.

I am not anybodys wife I already have my wife with me I just come here as quest to see what people are still going through I have need no post but I see how Linda treating someone and I can not take it I also see how jeromebinh treat others which not good either but he not egg it on like she do ho chi minh is not the same as it was 2 years back when I go through this process many new requirements timeline still same but not as much ap and many many more pinks I just glad that my trip is over
and not have to go this route any longer
vietnamluverMale02009-10-24 08:24:00
Asia: East and PacificPlaces to stay HCM
QUOTE (lindal24 @ Oct 24 2009, 03:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jeromebinh @ Oct 23 2009, 06:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You are very wrong Linda, how the heck does me staying with my mother in-law have anything to do with someone wanting to know where to stay in HCMC, get off your dang high horse. This has nothing to do with the thread regardless of what you have to say, go post the same thing 4 or 5 times in a row on a pinned topic again. If you were not so arrogant, you would see your own answer to your own remarks. I am her protector, and they trust me to be alone with her. It is truly none of your damn business where I stay as well. I have money when I come to Vietnam, so I stay in a hotel, this way there is one less thing for her mother to do. regardless of how you feel, I could care less. Our privacy has more to do with love than getting our business on. Ignorant people would think that we only want privacy to get our business on, a person truly in love knows there is much more to love than that. Jerome

The topic of this post is Places to stay in HCM...this has everything to do with the topic of the thread. It probably doesn't have anything to do with the initial question, but anything that you post in this thread is fair game to "discuss".

If you cared less you wouldn't have posted a hostile comment on my Dai TX said, this is something I feel is out of the norm...

And I wasn't being disrespectful about your privacy...most couples who want privacy usually want it for that reason...

QUOTE (jeromebinh @ Oct 23 2009, 06:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It is not your fault that you started this or anything like that. It is that she wants to make accusations that we only want privacy to get our business on is down right insulting to me and I am sure to others. There are other things that are also needed to be taken in affect like the laws. We are not legally married so for me to register with the police to stay in her house one is not possible, but the hotels we stay at she knows, and they know that we are engaged so they allow us to stay together. I get tired of people that think they know every situation when they don't, and when my name or my personal life gets brought into it I will reply. I could care less when people say things just to blow smoke, but when my name and my relationship gets brought into it I take offense. I said her family wants us to stay, they also have the bamboo mats to sleep on, not a bed, and they respect our decision to stay in a hotel, not only for my comfort, but they realize when I am here I am also showing them that I am taking care of their daughter. It is customary for newly weds to live at the grooms parental home with the mom, this is so that the mom can see if the new wife can take care of her husband and vice versa. my trips are similar as they show that I can take care of my fiancée and that all is good in our relationship. But regardless of any of my explanations, this was totally off topic, however Scott and Jim did make some good points about registering with the local authorities out of this mess. Jerome

I'm not making accusations that you only want privacy for that reason, and I wasn't trying to insult you--at all. But if you are so all about the law and are so ethical about everything, why would you allow your fiancee to break the law and stay with you at the hotel?

You should care less when people say things just to blow smoke it only makes you look hot headed and I'm sure I'm not the only one who sees this...

QUOTE (Mr Vong NC @ Oct 23 2009, 09:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am first tim post to this place I cant believe some guy say things like this. You sure her family dont want nobody see you at the family house? I know some woman dont want US guy to know they have a man at home. You know husband from before wait for you to make everything ok for him to come living in the US..
I always stay at my wife family house. No problem. Something wrong when the family dont want you there.

Maybe it's the perspective of the people posting these. It seems like us Viet Kieus are all in line when we say it's not the norm to stay in a hotel if you're married. Now you can do what you want, it doesn't matter to us--it's you're life. We're just pointing out the fact that the norm in Vietnam is that if you're married to a VN national and they have residence there (as long as you register with the local authorities) one would typically stay at the in-law's/spouses' residence.

QUOTE (ScottThuy @ Oct 23 2009, 09:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just because he does not stay there does not mean that he is in a sham relationship... Go easy on the guy he is stressed from being in AP....
I don't think he's in a sham relationship at all. I truly believe that he loves Binh very much, and that he loves him. We're just pointing out the "norms"...

Take things into perspective...from all angles...

I have to post this for all of us vietkieu that are not rude like some here on visajourney, sorry that this is not what was asked, but I feel it my duty to shut her pie hole.
I am vietkieu, and I understand why jeromebinh would stay in hotel. I do not like to sleep on the floor, it is to hard on my back, Linda24 you give vietkieu a bad name, you make me ashamed to be vietkieu. Hotel pay police so that they do not harass the guests, when I go for visit we stay in hotel we sleep better on soft bed than hard floor. I do not think that jeromebinh is getting angry for no reason, if you did this to me I would say much worse to you. I think you are a con quy cai.

jeromebinh, do not pay her any mind she not bright and very rude. I also go through same thing you going through. I had Dam Hoi on second trip to vietnam and when I come home I file K1 visa. When my fiancee have interview all go well. They give us stupid blue for almost same thing you get for. She turn in and we wait almost 3 months and get visa. Just calm down, I like you do not like when people say things that not true, I just do not say things back like you do. But this timee I have to say something I hope you do not mind, but she is wrong and she not good person in my mind. Hang in there you will soon get visa. KienAnh.
vietnamluverMale02009-10-24 06:45:00