Middle East and North AfricaI have a question for you gals

100% insane.... how can someone go from being so rude to being so gosh darn sweet?

this should be a no-brainer coming from you, sarah! :yes:

Sowy to burst your bubble but I have never openly accused someone of fraud, called them drugs addicts or told everyone someone hates Islam etc.

what you've cited is not the quintessence of rudeness ... maybe if you cogitate for a bit you'll realize that you are not without fault.
gimygirlFemale02006-09-01 14:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaI have a question for you gals

100% insane.... how can someone go from being so rude to being so gosh darn sweet?

this should be a no-brainer coming from you, sarah! :yes:
gimygirlFemale02006-09-01 13:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaMarriage contract
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gimygirlFemale02006-09-01 08:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaMarriage contract
i bow down to ari!!

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gimygirlFemale02006-08-31 20:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaMarriage contract
as henia says:
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gimygirlFemale02006-08-31 20:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaMarriage contract
ut oh VP ...

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gimygirlFemale02006-08-31 19:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaMarriage contract

She's got words to last till pigs fly but ...

pot meet kettle ... kettle meet pot!

I'm sorry I'm not more of an entertainment for everyone ...

trust me ... you are! the MEAN girl forum has turned into entertainment for a lot of VR'ers!! :thumbs:

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gimygirlFemale02006-08-31 19:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaMarriage contract
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gimygirlFemale02006-08-31 19:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaMarriage contract
so i guess it's safe to assume that the MEAN girl yahoo group didn't work as planned? lucky for us we still get to see them exchange pleasantries as they support each other not only in their faith, but through their visa journeys!

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gimygirlFemale02006-08-31 18:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaDo we have a new....

So anyways, what was the point of this thread again?

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gimygirlFemale02006-09-06 19:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaDo we have a new....
tell me it isn't so, robert!?!?!?!

*plugs ears* lalalalalalalalalalalala i'm not listening!!!!

gimygirlFemale02006-09-06 18:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe NO Smoking Thread
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best of luck in your fight to quit smoking!! you won't regret it! (neither will your wallet) :thumbs:
gimygirlFemale02006-09-07 09:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?

I happen to know her personally and she is a great person and would never do or say anything to hurt anyone.

sarah ... i don't think the word you were looking for was 'never', as that is quite the definite term and in this case, completely inappropriate. reminder: jamie revealed shannon's secret publically on a forum, a secret from a 'trustworthy source' (as she said). that post alone hurt not just the ladies involved, but others that know them. ergo, your statement was false and regardless of your judgement of her character ... she DID, indeed hurt people (justified or not).

If you don't like the topic then I think you should ignore it if it offends you.

i'll be sure to return the favor with this little gem of advice, in your time of need, that you've provided for us here, sarah!

I wouldn't expect any less of you. It wouldn't be the first time you have come in and offered your "advice" and "insights" where no one cares to see them.

unfortunately, that's not the case as well ... you should have stated that sentence in the 1st person because there have been many in these forums that have agreed with me in the last few days.

at times, one may be too close to a situation to be able to see it for what it really is ... i really applaud jean for having the courage to come back and make such a brilliant post in the right direction. hopefully, the positive non-confrontational members here can piece back together a community that is completely fractured.

gimygirlFemale02006-09-09 20:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?

I happen to know her personally and she is a great person and would never do or say anything to hurt anyone.

sarah ... i don't think the word you were looking for was 'never', as that is quite the definite term and in this case, completely inappropriate. reminder: jamie revealed shannon's secret publically on a forum, a secret from a 'trustworthy source' (as she said). that post alone hurt not just the ladies involved, but others that know them. ergo, your statement was false and regardless of your judgement of her character ... she DID, indeed hurt people (justified or not).

If you don't like the topic then I think you should ignore it if it offends you.

i'll be sure to return the favor with this little gem of advice, in your time of need, that you've provided for us here, sarah!
gimygirlFemale02006-09-09 20:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?

Please don't let everyone else really think of us as the MEAN girls. I thought we had a pretty tight knit little group and now everyone thinks we're backstabbers with dirty mouths.

didn't your mother ever explain: guilt by association?
gimygirlFemale02006-09-08 19:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaHenia, how's Algeria?
wow ... so jamie tried to sneak yacine in the trunk! :o odd ... she never mentioned that! best of luck in THAT visa journey! :thumbs:

below you will find my random thoughts on various comments that have been made in yet ANOTHER shining example of the MEAN girls!! :star:

What Shannon said was an indication of her shallowness and immaturity. That kind of stuff wouldn't offend even the most sensitive among us.

yet your responses are examples in what??? profundity and maturescence?? :thumbs:

Oh I know some good ones!! :devil:

Gupt sleeps with a pink blanky everynight!

Welshcookie is not really Welsh! She's is an Aztec princess.

i knew you would never tell! :luv:

My comments aren't meant to be private. I have nothing to hide from you guys. I'm sorry if you've taken offense, Jenn. You know it's wrong of me to say anything about Shannzie's man or his intentions. I don't know him. I guess that was a defense mechanism on my part. I apologize.

very telling that you say this to jenn ... but not to shannon. do you realize how quickly you deplete someone's sails the minute you begin to make reparations?? sad that you can't back away and just apologize to the person you are exchanging verbal blows with.

I am not a fan of Shannon by anymeans but just because you know the arabic curse words doesnt mean you should use them. :star:

this wonderful piece of advice would have been most beneficial for your friend, icey ... but maybe in the form of: just because you know someone's private details doesn't mean that you should use them. too bad! :(
gimygirlFemale02006-09-08 16:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaBabaganoush recipe
i was actually thinking of you ladies tonight as i was walking through the international isle at the supermarket! i was on a desparate hunt to find tahini! falafels are on my menu this week (with some garlic hummus) and it just wouldn't be complete without tahini sauce!!!

took a good couple minutes but i finally spotted a jar for about $5 ... yummmmmmm!!! :)

gimygirlFemale02006-07-27 21:43:00
Middle East and North Africa(Elhamdullah) finally married to hbib

what people choose to say behind my back is of no consequence to me ... it says more about them and the people the keep compant with than it does me. your impression of me is correct in that i don't care for liars.

My philosophy exactly! Perhaps we were separated at birth! :dancing:

impossible ... i consumed my twin in the womb! :thumbs:
gimygirlFemale02006-09-15 22:38:00
Middle East and North Africa(Elhamdullah) finally married to hbib

Charles and gimy, I am really curious about something. I have never once said anything bad to either of you. But, there are people here who malign you on the boards and talk about you like you're sh!t on their shoe behind your backs, yet you seem to be bending over for them to hassle me tonight. Am I wrong that you don't know up from down? Please let me know. for I don't want to linger with that impression if it's incorrect. Hey, no offense intended, just want to get it straight.

what people choose to say behind my back is of no consequence to me ... it says more about them and the people the keep compant with than it does me. your impression of me is correct in that i don't care for liars.

gimygirlFemale02006-09-15 22:31:00
Middle East and North Africa(Elhamdullah) finally married to hbib

so which is it???? you're honest and up front OR you lie and that's ok?!?! just so we're on the same page!

Come on, gimy, please don't disappoint me. I was being facetious, something I believed you would catch off the bat.

and clearly ... i did not need the translation!

We have an audience; perhaps some among them did.

Honest, upfront, facetious, multilingual. Obviously, I can multitask!

congratulations on being the world's first honest liar! :thumbs:
gimygirlFemale02006-09-15 22:14:00
Middle East and North Africa(Elhamdullah) finally married to hbib

I am honest and up front,

. . . Yes, that was a lie! I don't feel bad, so sue me! :lol:

so which is it???? you're honest and up front OR you lie and that's ok?!?! just so we're on the same page!

and clearly ... i did not need the translation! :thumbs:

gimygirlFemale02006-09-15 21:53:00
Middle East and North Africa(Elhamdullah) finally married to hbib

don't feel bad, szsz ... i'm used to it!

I said it in Spanish because I don't lie in English. :innocent:

still a lie ... in any language. :thumbs:
gimygirlFemale02006-09-15 21:45:00
Middle East and North Africa(Elhamdullah) finally married to hbib

sorry ... this excuse might fly with some people ... but not with a psych nurse ... nice try!

Lastima! Siento mala ahora!

don't feel bad, szsz ... i'm used to it! :thumbs: :luv:
gimygirlFemale02006-09-15 21:39:00
Middle East and North Africa(Elhamdullah) finally married to hbib

why do you always edit?? ya got caught this time!!! is it sinners or hypocrites which you are targeting??

I edit because I want to. Both, but hypocrite is a more precise term.

god?? i thought it was the prophet mohammed?

You thought wrong.

and charles DOES have a point (miracle, i KNOW!) .... but you were either in chat OR someone posted/told you the alleged conversation .... care to be honest and reveal which?? since you're honest, that is:

I'm honest, but that doesn't make me stupid. My technique will continue to serve me well in the future, andit seems that I will need it.

sorry ... this excuse might fly with some people ... but not with a psych nurse ... nice try! :thumbs:
gimygirlFemale02006-09-15 21:25:00
Middle East and North Africa(Elhamdullah) finally married to hbib

Sinners make themselves easy to see. Their lack of morals fail them every time, but that is part of God's plan.

Hypocrites make themselves easy to see. Their lack of morals fail them every time, but that is part of God's plan.

why do you always edit?? ya got caught this time!!! :P is it sinners or hypocrites which you are targeting??

god?? i thought it was the prophet mohammed?

and charles DOES have a point (miracle, i KNOW!) .... but you were either in chat OR someone posted/told you the alleged conversation .... care to be honest and reveal which?? since you're honest, that is:

I am honest and up front,

gimygirlFemale02006-09-15 21:13:00
Middle East and North Africa(Elhamdullah) finally married to hbib

Sinners make themselves easy to see. Their lack of morals fail them every time, but that is part of God's plan.

phew!!!! i'm safe then! B)
gimygirlFemale02006-09-15 21:03:00
Middle East and North Africa(Elhamdullah) finally married to hbib

That is for the two-faced backbiters in chat discussing me behind my back.

guess you were just in chat under a pseudonym!! ;) at least make it a challenge!! :P
gimygirlFemale02006-09-15 21:00:00
Middle East and North Africa(Elhamdullah) finally married to hbib
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well said, henia!!!! many congratulations and much happiness in the days & years ahead! :)
gimygirlFemale02006-09-15 20:54:00
Middle East and North Africa(Elhamdullah) finally married to hbib

since we're speaking of preferences ..... i prefer that you correctly quote someone with their name and time for cross reference!!!

I have no idea how to get the quote function to work well, so I usually just cut and color the quotes I use. Any assistance would be appreciated :star:

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so after your many months of VJ and your self professed intellect .... you haven't been able to figure out the 'click' function of the 'quote' & ' 'reply' buttons??? yet, oddly enough ... you've mastered bracketting the font color and /end brackets ..... :thumbs:

gimygirlFemale02006-09-15 20:47:00
Middle East and North Africa(Elhamdullah) finally married to hbib

I do prefer substance to cut and run ...

since we're speaking of preferences ..... i prefer that you correctly quote someone with their name and time for cross reference!!! :P :thumbs:
gimygirlFemale02006-09-15 20:37:00
Middle East and North Africa(Elhamdullah) finally married to hbib

Good Grief-I see the " resolution for a united/friendly/sisterly MENA forum" failed.
Someone can't start a thread with happy news without a wad happening!!
I am not Muslim, but I know that if I was the lady in question here, I would be highly offended. Give her ( Henia) some respect and dignity, for goodness sake! Her happy thread has been stomped on in the most undignified ( or I should say classless) way!! Just congratulate her and mind your own business on wether it was an " engagement" or "whatever" party!

sad to see it only lasted one week after the last blowout. bleh. sigh........

i'll say it for henia since she's not here to represent!!!! :D

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p.s. - charles, did you actually think it would last!??! :P
gimygirlFemale02006-09-15 19:19:00

oh no... I think it's time to lay off VJ.. I had a dream/nightmare last night starring Gupt

was he in a trunk!?!?! :P
gimygirlFemale02006-09-17 12:06:00

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I'm sorry, I've already stolen that icon from you. Please post a different one I don't have...


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gimygirlFemale02006-09-17 11:24:00
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gimygirlFemale02006-09-17 10:44:00
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up for grabs to the first MEAN girl to grab it! :thumbs:

gimygirlFemale02006-09-16 22:58:00
just for you ari:

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gimygirlFemale02006-09-16 21:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe state of the ME/NA forum

i apologize for starting (in yajoo chat)...

Am I missing something? starting in yahoo chat???? we're being discussed in yahoo chat???? :o

you're an intelligent lady and it would be naïve for you to think that this forum was not being discussed in outside mediums.

to answer your 3rd question ... you were, as in past tense ... it eventually got boring! :thumbs:

gimygirlFemale02006-09-10 17:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe state of the ME/NA forum
i apologize for starting (in yajoo chat) and perpetuating (in VJ chat & forums) the 'MEAN' girl label.

you're all on your way to proving that label doesn't suit you as a group of supportive ladies. :thumbs:

gimygirlFemale02006-09-10 16:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe Laws of Islam

You adopt abrogations and exceptions without authority from Allah when you oppose interfaith marriage for Muslim women, which has no prohibition in the Quran nor the Sunnah. That is something even trained, legitimate scholars are loathe to do, and that is not what the best among them use to justify their man-made prohibition.

Then you rail against doing something that Allah has commanded, providing a means of protection, mediation and justice in a marriage. You're not married, Layla, because you have NOTHING that is required to validate it beyond the nikah ceremony, you just don't want to accept it. I won't call you a fornicator, you have done that enough to yourself.

Go away, Layla. All you do is whine, cut and paste, demand attention, make up ####### about people, try to start fights, and make it difficult for others to discuss anything with proper adab.

Just go away.


*whispers to ari* layla has gone away now .... she hasn't been here in hours!!! save your energy for later! *tiptoes out*
gimygirlFemale02006-09-17 13:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe Laws of Islam

Gupt thanks again for taking away my right to ignore. :thumbs:

I didn't take away your right. You just aren't exercising your right properly.

If you do not wish to see szsz's posts at all, it is clearly not sufficient to only ignore her. You must also ignore me and anyone else who might respond to her with her post embedded in theirs.

If that solution doesn't satisfy you, you could always set your house on fire and hope your computer burns down with it.

True enough but you quote her only because you know I ignore her with the goal of bringing it to me.

ALWAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! about you again, layla, huh??
gimygirlFemale02006-09-16 23:25:00