Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 additional evidence requested. What to send
Is it really necessary for the affidavits to include ssn?? It's certainly not on the I-751 instructions. I wouldn't dream of asking them for their ssn, and I know they wouldn't want to provide them anyway.

Taken from the I-751 form:

"Affidavits sworn to or affirmed by people who have known both of you since your conditional residence was granted and have personal knowledge of your marriage and relationship. The original affidavit must be submitted and also contain the following information regarding the person making the affidavit: his or her full name and address; date and place of birth; relationship to you or your spouse, if any; and full information and complete details explaining how the person acquired his or her knowledge."
Lou LouFemale02006-07-10 04:59:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionWhere's everybody at.......
We were married in May 2004 and filing this August. Collecting the papers together seems like second nature so it's not really a problem...just another dent in the bank balance :rolleyes: I'm going to file for citizenship as soon as I am able to avoid the immigration ####### all over again. Actually, we plan to move back to the UK as soon as I get it so I can go back to school again ;) Looking at some time in 2008...hopefully :thumbs:
Lou LouFemale02006-06-12 16:02:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionFinancial Records
They're not concerned about how much money you have right now. If you want to use joint credit card and bank accounts as 'evidence' and don't want to show statements, then I suggest contacting them and ask them to write a letter stating that you hold joint accounts, and how long for etc. Alternatively you can just black out the numbers on the statements. It's none of their business.
Lou LouFemale02006-07-27 18:33:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Doc checklist.
Sounds like plenty to me. You can include as much or as little evidence as you like. Don't forget the check and pictures!
Lou LouFemale02006-08-01 08:21:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionA lil update
Thanks for the update. Hope it all goes smoothly :thumbs:
Lou LouFemale02006-07-26 18:06:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOk, Ive bitten the bullet

:o :o :o We aren't going to file until March of next year and I'm already nervous about all of this....AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK... all of our bills are electronic (cutting down on tree waste)!!!

EGADS! :blink: :wacko: :huh:

Every 6 months, print your electronic bill out?
Lou LouFemale02006-07-17 13:37:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOk, Ive bitten the bullet
Ok, that makes sense why it is so much. I guess we haven't bothered with so many copies of bills etc. And we certainly didn't want to share our wills with the USCIS. Anyway, good luck and hope it goes smoothly :thumbs:
Lou LouFemale02006-06-23 09:27:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOk, Ive bitten the bullet
110 pages? :blink: Mine is way less than that. What exactly are you sending? It makes me wonder if I'm not sending enough!

Edited by Lou Lou, 23 June 2006 - 07:33 AM.

Lou LouFemale02006-06-23 07:31:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionSo which picture do they REALLY use?

I'm just about to send off my I-751 file and curious as to which picture they actually use on the GC. I've read that it's the one sent with the original submission, but then others say it's the one you take to biometrics, then others say it's the one they take of you at biometirics. I looked dog rough on my GC and don't want to look so bad on the next comments please -- I'll do the jokes ;) So....who got wot?

(I know this is probably a moot point seeing the GC will be taken from me once I go through citizenship :blush: )

HI! The picture on my greencard is the picture i have submitted with tht I-751 application and i still didnt understand the sense why i had to go to the infopass appointment and bring 2 new photos again as they basically didnt need it. :star:
Best wishes. (F)

Thanks, Sweetgirl! Yeh they sure do like to collect piccies of us all. A creative dartboard, perhaps? I have the pics ready for the biometrics. When you had the infopass/biometrics did they take yet another pic with their machine like they do for the 2yr card? I wanna know if I have to slap on the make up again ;) :blush:

Edited by Lou Lou, 20 August 2006 - 03:29 PM.

Lou LouFemale02006-08-20 15:28:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionSo which picture do they REALLY use?
Thanks to the two who have got their 10yr card and gave the clear answer I needed :thumbs: It generally looks like they use the submitted picture (judging by the answers here and what I've read elsewhere). I'll have to wait and see if mine follows suit :whistle:
Lou LouFemale02006-08-20 07:57:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionSo which picture do they REALLY use?
Yes I know that. That is why I look so rough. I have read many times that they didn't use the 'official' biometrics picture for the 10 year card and used one of the pics either sent in or handed over at biometrics, which is why I'm asking the question. Look at my post again :bonk: ;)

Edited by Lou Lou, 06 August 2006 - 01:17 PM.

Lou LouFemale02006-08-06 13:15:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionSo which picture do they REALLY use?
I'm just about to send off my I-751 file and curious as to which picture they actually use on the GC. I've read that it's the one sent with the original submission, but then others say it's the one you take to biometrics, then others say it's the one they take of you at biometirics. I looked dog rough on my GC and don't want to look so bad on the next comments please -- I'll do the jokes ;) So....who got wot?

(I know this is probably a moot point seeing the GC will be taken from me once I go through citizenship :blush: )
Lou LouFemale02006-08-06 10:14:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionDates on evidence of relationship?
I'm pretty sure that is no problem. The documents should cover the period from the date of your marriage to the filing of your petition (Taken from I-751 instruction sheet) so anything inbetween is AOK.

Edited by Lou Lou, 21 August 2006 - 12:50 PM.

Lou LouFemale02006-08-21 12:50:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Interview request - Boston
Sounds like you were one of the random people who got picked for an interview. I highly doubt they suspect anything, and I'm SURE it's not to do with you not changing your name. 1000s of women don't change their name! I certainly haven't changed mine.

I guess it's out of your control as to when it happens. Just be rest assured that it will be OK and take it as a chance to have a night away in a fancy hotel or something. I would!

Good luck :thumbs:
Lou LouFemale02006-08-22 21:30:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionWhen to File I-751?

Sorry Kezzie, not that you didn't answer my question well enough...just wanted a few more people to chime in for a consensus.

By the way, anyone been through this portion of the ordeal via the Vermont Service Center in Saint Albans? How long did it take? Was it faster than the other service centers? Any problems?

We've just filed through St Albans but who knows how it will compare 4 months down the line for you. This is probably the easiest part of the chain to complete so don't sweat the small stuff :thumbs:
Lou LouFemale02006-08-21 17:57:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionWhen to File I-751?

Sorry you felt I did not answer your questions... I will try again

You can not file before Friday, December 15, 2006. if you do it will be denied.....

It is ok for you to have letters from family and friends.....


Agreed :thumbs: :yes:
Lou LouFemale02006-08-21 08:57:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 LIST
Sounds good enough to me. :thumbs:
Lou LouFemale02006-08-24 18:17:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionevidence so far...
Sounds like you're on the right track. Perhaps ask the landlord or letting angency to be one of the affidavits saying that they've seen you together, met you several times etc.? That will enforce the lease evidence. Between now and the time of filing you'll probably collect more so I wouldn't worry. :thumbs:

Edited by Lou Lou, 25 August 2006 - 02:00 PM.

Lou LouFemale02006-08-25 13:58:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 is not a joint petition, right?
If you are filing as still married to a citizen, yes it is joint. You both sign the I-751.

From the I-751 instructions and forms...
p.1 ("If you are still married, the petition should be filed jointly")
p.2 (under "When to file")
and p.5 (you both sign)

Edited by Lou Lou, 27 August 2006 - 11:20 AM.

Lou LouFemale02006-08-27 11:20:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionReceipt Notices

Although I've always hated to "me too", I have to this time. Same situation, except not quite as long. Check cashed on 28 August. When I did the I-130 in 2004, Vermont always surprised me with the speed of the receipt, so I figured I'd have it by now.

Also, did you notice that the processing date in the most recent update went backwards. August 3rd said April 1st, August 28th said Feb 23rd. What's up with that?

Anyone have the direct phone number and web page for Vermont Service center? I had it back in 2004, but can only find their page on the USCIS main site now, and that just gives the national misinformation line.

I don't think you need to worry at this early stage. There has been a holiday weekend since 28 August so that rules out some more work days. My check was cashed a week earlier than you through VSC but I'm certainly not worried about not hearing anything yet. Processing dates? I've learned never to take notice of those too :yes: Your time will come :thumbs:
Lou LouFemale02006-09-07 15:39:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751--Mail in Green card as well?
It does not ask for the GC in the I-751 instructions, so I would not advise sending it.

Good luck :thumbs:
Lou LouFemale02006-09-11 11:37:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionThe Waiting Begins AGAIN!!!!
Probably the best thing to do is not to bother to check. After all, this has to be the easiest part of the process, and you already have your GC (and will get an extension soon), so why worry?

Good luck :thumbs:
Lou LouFemale02006-09-11 10:53:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionWorking OFF THE BOOKS.
I wouldn't do it either :no: And nor would I discuss it in a public forum :no:

You say you already have a good job. Why risk doing something illegal?
Lou LouFemale02006-08-29 15:56:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionJust filed my I-751

Birth certificate for our son (now 14 months)
Bank statement showing our address
Credit card statement showing joint names
My School invoices showing our address
My pay stubs showing our address
My investment stuff showing our address
Copies of contracts for the house we've just purchased together.

I didn't include photos apart from the passport photographs - would that be an issue?



I remember you from expats! I didn't include any photos either. Who knows whether it will be an issue or not? :wacko: Good luck, and welcome to the group of us waiting!
Lou LouFemale02006-09-22 21:11:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionLetters of Support
I didn't get my letters notarized. I sent the documents in an acco clip with tabs, just how the K1 had to be filed. I can't imagine they would want to be dealing with files or staples.
Lou LouFemale02006-09-26 18:23:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOrder of Documents
I used an acco clip to bind everything on the top with tabs, and a loose cover letter.
Lou LouFemale02006-10-02 10:24:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionGC expires oct,25th and I am going overseas

I knew they'd be able to sort ot for you. Have a great trip :thumbs:

Thank you! (F)
BTW if you don't get your NOA in time for your planned trips try and make an Infopass appointment too...she said they don't USUALLY do it but that they CAN do it :star:

Yeh, that is my plan of action. The staff at my local office are really lovely so I'm hoping I won't have any problems. To be honest, if I worked at the VSC (I've been in the building), I'd be slow at my job too. It's a depressing place :(
Lou LouFemale02006-09-26 12:47:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionGC expires oct,25th and I am going overseas
I knew they'd be able to sort ot for you. Have a great trip :thumbs:
Lou LouFemale02006-09-26 07:44:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionGC expires oct,25th and I am going overseas
Thanks for the update. Is there anyone else who could mail it to you if it doesn't make it in time for your hubby? It seems a shame to spoil your plans seeing as you're going to be out there for so long. I would have thought it flipping well should get to you by then.

I'm gonna be well effed off if I don't get it by the time the card runs out. I have quite a few trips to Canada and overseas planned. Oh well, nowt I can do but wait it seems. :whistle:
Lou LouFemale02006-09-22 13:47:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionGC expires oct,25th and I am going overseas
Good luck for next week. I think seeing as you're a military family, they might shift things a little quicker for you. Well, we can wish that for you, right? ;) :thumbs:
Lou LouFemale02006-09-22 09:32:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionGC expires oct,25th and I am going overseas
Sure, I'll post when I get it :yes:

I've also read that they slow right up over August because of staff taking holidays, so we'll see. I think if your card is expired and you try to re-enter, you may encounter problems?? I don't know, if that happens to me, I will just have to get an infopass before traveling to see what is happening.
Lou LouFemale02006-09-21 07:29:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionGC expires oct,25th and I am going overseas
You might get lucky?

Mine runs out in November so I got in at the earliest cos I too am traveling a lot when it expires.

Fingers crossed for ya :thumbs:
Lou LouFemale02006-09-20 18:15:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionGC expires oct,25th and I am going overseas
I haven't received an NOA or nuffin :no: I'm not worried yet. I'm in the queue ;)
Lou LouFemale02006-09-20 14:51:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionGC expires oct,25th and I am going overseas

My conditional green card expires next month on october, 25th and I mailed my I-751 to Vermont earlier today. I know I am going to receive a NOA, supposedly in not too long, that besides being proof that I am legal in this country it is also a work and travel extention.
My question regards travelling...I want to go to Europe to visit my family next month, after I receive the NOA and I don't plan on being back before october,25th. What do I physically need to show at the IO at the POE in order to be re-admitted to the country without problems once I get back (sometimes around november, 15th)? Is there anything I need to go and do at my local office, or I just need to have my expired green card and NOA? I suppose I shouldnt have problems, I read the FAQs and guides, I didn't find anything specifically like my personal situation so I just thought I'd post to be extra sure about what to do and what I need. I haven't dealt with immigration stuff for almost 2 years so I am back to nervous mode... :help: :lol:
I am sorry if my question sounds stupid or if it has already been answered, if the info is out there and I failed to see/find it I apologize. (F)
Thanks everyone! :star:

The NOA, which is a year's extension of your GC will suffice. I'm a bit ####### and will have a copy of my expired GC if they take it away from me at biometrics, but I don't think that is 'officially' needed at POE. I hope you get your NOA in time! Vermont seems to have slowed a little. I submitted on Aug 20 and not a peep yet.
Lou LouFemale02006-09-20 13:48:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI seem to have a problem

That being said, honestly, I just don't see how people make such trivial, obvious mistakes with this stuff. I wonder do they just not take the forms seriously, or just whip through them as fast as they can, or what?

My, maybe you are just perfect? ;)

I had 3 people checking the form, including an officer at my local office, and we ALL missed it. Like I said, it's a human mistake. I don't think anyone is whizzing through stuff and not taking it seriously.
Lou LouFemale02006-10-09 16:37:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI seem to have a problem
For my AOS I filled out my own form and got my OWN DOB incorrect :lol: Don't be worried. They may RFE you at which point you can correct them. Believe it or not, they do sometimes understand that everyone is human.
Lou LouFemale02006-10-09 08:19:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionWhat Does This Case Status Notification Mean?

Since you are removing conditions you don't have an interview so it sounds like the 10 year green card is on it's way!!CONGRATZ!!! :dance:

Some people are called for I-751 interviews. Most are not, but some will be.
Lou LouFemale02006-10-09 16:42:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionThere is life at Vermont Service Center
Oh, that's interesting! Mine was sent 8/20 and check cashed 8/24. There's no mail on Monday, so it'll be a race to the mail between OH and I on Tues....not :P
Lou LouFemale02006-10-08 07:51:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionAnyone else received their NOA from Vermont?

Has anyone else (apart from Sherlock) received their NOA from Vermont?

Based on Sherlock's experience, I am thinking I'll probably receive mine next week or the week my GC expires but I don't want to take a chance. Am I still allowed to work after it expires?

I really don't feel like making an infopass appointment but it looks like I am going to have to. One question: what should I choose for"type of appointment"?
Here are the choices:

You have received an approval letter or Form I-797 from the Service Center or local office instructing you to come into the office for alien identification card processing / passport stamp.

You have a question about your case.

You need to file an application for yourself or someone else.

You need an immigration form.

It has been more than 90 days since you filed an I-765 and you did not receive an Employment Authorization Card.

You need to replace your Permanent Resident Card.

You wish to speak to an immigration officer.

Not sure which one applies best...


No NOA here. Filed 8/20.

Yes you can still work. You status has not expired even though your card has.

When does your card expire? If you're not planning any trips or don't expect to leave the country in a hurry there's probably no reason to infopass if it's a pain in the ####### for you.

Looks like you have a few choices for the appt. "You have a question about your case" or "You wish to speak to an immigration officer" would be my choices as both apply.
Lou LouFemale02006-10-15 09:25:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 cover letter

Hi All

I am getting ready to file i-751 and collecting all our joint information.
I was wondering when writing out the cover letter with what is included, is it wise or unwise to include reasons why something is not in there.
My specific example is that my husband and I live together but I am not on the lease as the Landlord would raise the rent a phenomenal amount. He lives out of state so isnt around very often to know.
Would it be silly of us to write a reason as to why there isnt a joint lease included with the evidence that we submit or should we just not mention it.
We have other evidence, joint bank accounts, credit cards, health insurance, car insurance tax returns etc.

thanks in advance for your help

Jelly (F)

I wouldn't bother. If you have other avenues covered there shouldn't be a problem. And those pieces of evidence have the joint address on them anyway, right?

Another thing you could do is include the lease with your documents and write on it why you're not on it. Or ask the landlord if he could verify that you live there? A lot of people don't have joint leases or mortgages because of the USC being established in their home before the spouse turns up.

Good luck!
Lou LouFemale02006-10-16 11:00:00