Canadagot a job today
hurrah!! congrat's on the new gig. :thumbs:

i've my first interview in yonks on Monday and am hoping to hear from one other application so i hope to be posting my own happy new job news soon!

KiminONFemaleCanada2007-02-17 09:45:00
CanadaCanadian TV in the US

You can pick up the CBC in Buffalo too of course, but here in Baltimore .. nada - zip - big fat zero.

I miss Coronation Street.

Ok.. you can laugh now.


i'm not laughing. i've got my bother-in-law dvr'ing it and transferring it dvd for me. :yes:

*now* let the laughter begin! :lol:
KiminONFemaleCanada2007-02-13 20:30:00
CanadaCanadian TV in the US

Take ExpressVU or Star Choice with you... of course, you'll need someone to pay for it for you...

that's what i'm looking into doing, with the billing address to my mom's back home.

many snowbirds that go to the same condo's as my grandma bring them with them for the winter for this reason.

but, if you don't want to do that, the NHL Centre Ice package shows HNIC. Just not all of Hockey day in Canada, only World Jr. games are ones the US is in and no NHL showboat game. Not sure what kind of playoff coverage they will have.

KiminONFemaleCanada2007-02-13 16:28:00
Canadaadding married name to passport
as i read the instructions, you just need to supply a letter requesting the name to be added, the fee, copy of your marriage cert., and passport, yes?

no need to fill out the application form? i printed off the page to put the fee on the CC.

this all i need? besides patience as the site says it's a 9 week wait for passports at the moment.


KiminONFemaleCanada2007-03-05 11:17:00
CanadaFlying with a bike
i've flown with my bike several times to the US for races (drove over with only 2 when i activated my K1).

i use a hard case with wheels for mine, but i have friends that have used the cardboard boxes that they arrive to the LBS in. the boxes that the arrive to the stores in are quite manageable with handles cut in them, (that i suggest you tape up as they usually get ripped up some). this is what i used to ship one of my bikes down. i don't suggest packing anything else besides the bike in the box to make it thru security easier (note - some chain lubes are a no-no as are Co2 cartridges) bring a roll of tape for when they open it up to take a peek - they are usually very nice about taping it back up. i almost think using the cardboard box is a bit easier as i usually turn green when they call the 250lb guy over to sit on the top of my case as they stuff my bike (in parts) back into my hard case. :blink: oh, and the airlines differ when charging. i've been lucky to get it through for nothing (curbside checking), a $20 tip at curbside, nothing as the ticket agent was in a good mood (or on drugs ;) )to $90 each way.

KiminONFemaleCanada2007-03-08 11:33:00
CanadaBuffalo/Fort Erie Peace Bridge POE
you will be thankful that they addressed the importing of your vehicle, unlike the fellows at port huron as now i am throughly screwed for registering my vehicle here. and as i was misinformed by the DMV, i don't have valid insurance so getting it back to canada for sale is also proving difficult (impossible) as i can't drive it nor ship it. it's just a lump of my money sitting in my driveway. :crying:

KiminONFemaleCanada2006-11-14 08:23:00
CanadaBringing car in before formal import
it shouldn't matter as you can do the import paperwork after you have arrived as I did. just be sure that you are near to a border crossing or a major airport where they will have an office that can do the paperwork for you. i had an airport 1.5hrs away where i got mine done. i guess the only trouble could come if for some reason the car didn't meet standards and you are not able to import it. then you would have to return to canada to sell it.

but it is odd that they will not do it now. what is to them if you have decided to sell it to an american? maybe that department had cuts and they don't feel like working?

good luck

KiminONFemaleCanada2007-03-21 07:23:00
CanadaHow much did you bring with you?
i brought 2 bikes, 2 dogs, my computer, photo albums, necessary paperwork and all clothing that i could stuff in the rest of the space in the back of my car which wasn't much at all! i'm going to ship my last 2 bikes (gave one away :( ) and bring some more clothes when i fly back. trying to get my sister to drive down for a visit this summer so she can bring down the rest including my dresser that my grandma gave me. i figure if grandma got it to NA from the former Yugoslavia i could make the effort to bring it another 2200kms south.
KiminONFemaleCanada2007-01-17 11:55:00
CanadaLand crossing - Toronto to Buffao

what paperwork are you bringing to document your pets? We have two dogs . . .

i had their proof of vaccinations and a note from my vet that they were in good health. didn't need either as i wasn't asked for any of it.

if you are importing your car, be sure you get the HSA form (forget the number) from the border's a big PITA to do it after.

KiminONFemaleCanada2007-02-28 18:54:00
CanadaLand crossing - Toronto to Buffao
can't help you with which one is best, but when i crossed at Port Huron with my two hounds, they had an officer stand with my car so if they needed anything, he could call into the office and have me see to them.

good luck. i sure hope your cats travel better than my moms! LOL

KiminONFemaleCanada2007-02-26 08:19:00
CanadaThere is no god!!!!
:lol: exactly what i was thinking last night! i'll miss buying a minimum of 1 tea a day the entire duration of the contest only to win a muffin - if i was lucky!

<sigh> i'll miss seeing Mayank's look of expectation every morning when i approach the counter turn to amusement when i tell him that no, i didn't win again. :wacko:

KiminONFemaleCanada2007-02-28 08:21:00
CanadaCulture shock for Canadians in the US
gosh, so many things that i didn't think of, but are so right.

canadian postal workers would go, well postal if they had to work saturday's, carry a shoe box to the door etc.

hockey mullets are called nascar mullets around here.

no recycling. we have paper and can recycling, but we have to drop off, which i do. hubby says they only take pop cans, but i've been putting soup cans in anyhoo. i cringe when i have to toss out recycleable stuff and try to make purchases accordingly.

their humour is different, but most of my friends appreciate corner gas as much as i do. :P

KiminONFemaleCanada2007-01-08 14:35:00
CanadaCulture shock for Canadians in the US
i moved from the GTA to small town Louisiana. biggest thing i notice is the racism. i was shocked one day after chatting with a neighbour (who happens to be black) about dogs and afterwards the fellow one door over (who is white) asked me what business i had talking with 'her'. i must have looked like an idiot with my mouth hanging open. what does one say to that sort of stuff?! i was warned that it's not like at home, but i guess until i experienced it, i didn't realize.

the other thing i miss is having things close enough to walk to, but that's a big city, small city thing. of course, i'm still getting some things imported from home (timmy's coffee, smarties, shreddies & red river to name but a few)

can't wait to go home at the start of next month for a visit! i can finally get my hair done! :lol:

KiminONFemaleCanada2007-01-07 10:04:00
Canadaadding married name to passport
not sure if this has been mentioned (and i'm a search 'tard so i didn't see that it has) but if you wish to add your married name to your CDN passport without having to apply for a new one at the moment (like myself),you have until June 1st to do so. seeing as my passport is valid until 2010 and i don't wish to give them another $90 or whatever, i'm sending mine in today.

i guess the only pain will be that i'll have to travel with a copy of my marriage cert. for a while longer.


KiminONFemaleCanada2007-05-22 06:54:00
CanadaIs this the REAL candian forum???
i would have been happy with either team winning. Redden deserves a cup, but so does Pronger (sort of). i was happy to get the email saying that Corey Perry's dad didn't have a heart attack when they won! LOL

no matter, i'll not be making any Stanley parties this summer anyhoo. :(
KiminONFemaleCanada2007-06-07 07:27:00
CanadaCanada Day Celebrations

Nothing in Louisiana.

That's ok, I'll make my own party!

And I'll wear the Canada T-Shirt I got for 6 bucks at Wal Mart yesterday :)

whereabouts in LA are you? i'm in the north part. thinking i need to get together with the other canadian i know here and my other friend who went to school there for a bit and raise a couple of pops. :)


I bought a shirt at walmart too!
Mine says Everyone loves a Canadian girl

i made sure i had my 'canadian girls kick ###' t-shirts packed when i moved here.
KiminONFemaleCanada2007-06-08 06:43:00
CanadaWhere are you??
i used to be near to Arthur. not sure there is a bar there for one to take over! LOL last time i rode (my bicycle) through there, we had to go around no less than 3 cows standing in the middle of the road.

safe travels to you and be careful of the kangaroo's near Orangeville. ;)

KiminONFemaleCanada2007-06-30 07:02:00
Canadamy husband is tooooo sweet!

That is awesome!

We are having some people over tomorrow for some food and to Celebrate Canada day.

I am the only one really Celebrating it- everyone else is just coming for free food and booze :)

We are in Metairie, LA. Ever get out this way?

we drove through Metairie when we last went to NO and I may be down that way soon to deliver a dog, but not very often.

<sigh> guess i've procrastinated long enough - time to ride the bike!

Happy Canada Day!
KiminONFemaleCanada2007-07-01 06:31:00
Canadamy husband is tooooo sweet!
i came home from work last night (rather late too :( ) to find that he'd gotten a big Canadian flag and Happy Canada Day sign and hung them up in the living room! i've been a bit down of late and it was just the thing to make me smile. well, and cry too!

we will be celebrating on Sunday with a 7 hour ride and then dinner. so it's a double celebration day - Canada Day and the end of all my long training. we'll have to pick up some beer today (alas, not Sleemans) to have after dinner on Sunday too. (my parish has no liquor sales on sunday still).

happy Canada day everyone! :dance:

KiminONFemaleCanada2007-06-30 07:09:00
Canadathe last 2 weeks
words simply can't express how badly i feel for you.
i just can't imagine....

stay strong and embrace the love of your family.

take care

KiminONFemaleCanada2007-08-01 06:51:00
Canadaone year later
well, it's been 1 year since i crossed the border to begin anew in the US.

it's been a roller coaster to be sure. from moments of sheer panic to pure joy and everything in between. it's taking some getting used to living down here. not only have i changed countries, i've gone from (what seems like now) a large city (no so large really though) to a conservative small town in the south. there are of course good and bad things about living here. i like the less traffic and i'm getting used to the fact that you can't do anything quickly since you are always bumping into someone you know. i'm getting used to saying ohmygosh without feeling silly, but i've not taken to saying y'all or golly as of yet (when i do, it's time for a visit home!)

i miss my famliy and friends like mad. unfortunatley things are a bit tight for a while longer so i'll not get home before the holidays. i did get a bit of a fix in july when i saw a few friends from home while away at a race in Lake Placid. i spent as much time with Canadians as i could while there! LOL of course, i still miss timmy's, shreddies, ketchup chips, caramilk bars and swiss chalet as well!

it goes without saying that i'm incredibly happy to be with my hubby. he's been great through the sad times, especiallly when they seem to come out of nowhere and i know it will just keep getting better and better and good times with him are are really good. smile.gif

in the end, all the waiting, stress, waiting, paperwork and more waiting was more than worth it.

not long now until our 1st anniversary. the traditional gift is of paper so i'm hoping that i can get him entered for a race he really wants to do next year so that will be lots of paper things for him. paper money to pay for it (well, creditcard, but lots of bills in really $$!), a paper entry confirmation and they give you a certificate when you finish. if all goes really well, he'll get one more special piece of paper - an entry to worlds! then i'll get a 2nd anniversary present of a trip to Hawaii. tongue.gif


KiminONFemaleCanada2007-08-23 06:52:00
CanadaSo Canadians - tell us about yourselves
well, my screen name is boring - my name and (former sad.gif ) province. it's the only screen name i use really.

i met my hubby indirectly through the internet. i'd met a group of folks through a triathlon forum when we were all training for the first IM Wisconsin. after the race, when we met everyone in person (i'd met a few earlier at various other races) we kept in touch via a private chat room. since then, we try to meet up every year at a race and a few years ago we picked Memphis in May. one of the guys brought his friend along with him. that was our first meeting. it was a fun weekend even though i couldn't race due to injury (and took a ton of convincing to even bother to go!) with much time spent on Beal St.

next meeting was in Wisconsin when he came out to watch me race and that was a great week. heck, anyone that can put up with me wigging out the week before Ironman has to be a keeper! all the while we kept in touch via email, chat and many phone calls. when he asked me to go to Maui to watch him race i got freaked out, but at the prodding of my good friend i decided to go (hey - it's Hawaii! she said) we count that week as our first date. laughing.gif

we have been together since then and he proposed after a race we the following July. poor guy had to wait and wait to do it too! not only did we have to wait through the awards (i have fast friends), then signup for another race, but after that we went to dinner with a birthday boy! laughing.gif

our journey took about 1yr and i've been down here in the land of mosquitos and no recycling since August 2006. he came up and he, my two hounds and i drove down in my scoobydoo fully loaded. sadly, those furkids passed this past year, but we have since adopted a boxer through rescue. but we have gotten into a not so great situation there sad.gif (i've had a bad doggy year)

i was ever so glad to find this site to help us through - thank you google!


Edited by KiminON, 05 October 2007 - 07:58 AM.

KiminONFemaleCanada2007-10-05 07:55:00
CanadaGoing to see The Tragically Hip on Saturday Night!
ok...i can stop moping now 'cuz I'M GONNA BE THERE TOO!! WOOT! kicking.gif

hoping the hubby gets a bit more excited than he sounded when he called to let me know. i guess he came home at lunch and saw the site about it on the computer and put 2 and 2 together and ordered the tickets. biggrin.gif (he shouldn't be too grumpy as it looks like he didn't go back to work either!)

KiminONFemaleCanada2007-10-19 18:37:00
CanadaGoing to see The Tragically Hip on Saturday Night!
not fair! how did i not hear about this?! i wanna go! crying.gif

i hope you have mad fun and get to meet them after. good.gif

KiminONFemaleCanada2007-10-19 07:45:00
Canadai've got my toonie and i'm hitting the 1st timmy's i pass!
i've not been around much (i've been in funk & have had computer issues), but i wanted to pop by to wish everyone happy holidays.

i'm headng home on wedesday (earlier than planned due to my aunt's passing) and i am so ready to get there. i just really need to be there (i'm sure most everyone has had that feeling).

they are getting some fresh snow today so i should be able to get some x-country skiinging in as well.

anyhoo...i hope everyone has a great holiday. i'm getting my best present on boxing day when my hubby arrives to join me.

take care! heart.gif

KiminONFemaleCanada2007-12-16 14:07:00
CanadaWorld Junior Hockey
QUOTE (flames9 @ Jan 4 2008, 05:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
4-1 final score!! I must say Canada didnt look that strong in the 2 games I saw on TV while in Saskatoon! Bring on the Swedes!! Time for a bit of revenge as the Swedes beat us 4-3 in the round robin

w00t! good.gif

it was the best game they have played so far for sure. kicking.gif didn't hurt that the american coach had trouble counting.

the smack talk has already begun between myself and my friend in Sweden! laughing.gif bring it!

KiminONFemaleCanada2008-01-04 16:26:00
CanadaWorld Junior Hockey
4-0 with 12 to go now.

is it awful that i would have been ill if the americans beat us?
KiminONFemaleCanada2008-01-04 15:55:00
CanadaAny advice on SSN woes?
my experience is the same as yours. <sigh> it's pretty embarassing to get turned down for any kind of credit card.

i've been told to do the secured card route as well, but not many of those are even reported to the bureau's, so what is the point of that?

i've contacted RBC to see if I can get my Visa card switched to a RBC Centurian card even though i don't live near to any of their branches as a last hope.
KiminONFemaleCanada2008-01-26 10:33:00
CanadaWEATHER gets wackier day by day
QUOTE (flames9 @ Feb 12 2008, 04:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I bet the army is on stand by again!!!

my first thought as well laughing.gif
KiminONFemaleCanada2008-02-14 11:51:00
CanadaPet insurance
QUOTE (Reba @ Feb 14 2008, 08:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We used to use VPI for our dogs, but only kept it for their first year that we had them to cover their spay/neuter oprations and the usual first year vaccinations and whatnot.

Pet insurance here is more of a pain in the ### than human insurance. If you're even One Day ahead of schedule for a booster shot or heartworm treatment, they won't cover it, and they're more stickler on "pre-existing conditions" than human medical insurance!

For our giant dogs (2 saint bernards) we were paying $300 each for one year of medium coverage. Which hardly covered anything we found out whenever I sent in the freakin' claims forms tongue.gif

It really is better to just open a separate bank account for your pets and just put some money into it from each paycheck or whenever you can. sheesh...I can't believe Ijust typed "check" and never even thought about using a ...que! ACK! I've been here too long! wacko.gif care is expensive, but if you keep some money aside specifically for it, you'll do better probably than if you have insurance. Because once you've made a claim on the insurance, unless its stuff like heartworm preventative stuff, they won't cover that same ailment again. Its just crazy. So if you dog or cat gets and ingrown toenail and you have it treated at the vet, they won't cover it again if they keep getting it.

what Reba said. i work at a clinic and many of our clients use it for the 1st year as it does cover a big part of the initial vaccines and spay/neuter expenses. the pre-existing conditions really doesn't make it worth it after that. they don't cover dentals for dachshunds (they need them about annually), bladder stuff for dal's, anything that may be related to haviang an overweight lab, etc, etc.

i think your best bet for expensive emergencies is care credit. it's a line of credit you can use for your furry family members care as well as your own health care (even plastic surgery! laughing.gif )with interest free payment plans ranging from 3-12 months depending on the charges. check it out at

KiminONFemaleCanada2008-02-14 08:49:00
CanadaI got a puppy!!
congrats on the the new fur baby.

have fun crate training, sopping up puppy puddles and don't forget to put your shoes (or anything else you don't want chewed) up! laughing.gif

KiminONFemaleCanada2008-02-22 08:43:00
CanadaAll the last minute questions I can think of.....
when i crossed with my two hounds (i crossed at bluewater), they assigned a customs officer to keep an eye on my dogs for me. they were seatbelted in the back seat and we left the doors open for air.

safe travels.

KiminONFemaleCanada2008-04-15 09:14:00
CanadaTickets booked to the free world!!
i am so jealous! i've been out west in a couple of years now

i agree with you on Banff. i would suggest skipping it all together and going to Canmore. last I was there, it wasn't touristy at all, but i hear it's getting more popular. i remember a great chocolate shop and a super bike shop with a juice counter. the fellows at the shop were great and even sent two guys with my friend and i for a day of mountain biking. don't remember the name of the spot, but we rode up to a lake that was just as nice as the one in Banff, just minus the hotels and tourists.

KiminONFemaleCanada2008-04-17 08:32:00
CanadaCustom house - setting up a new account
for the users of Custom House - i'm finally getting around to opening an account w/ them as the Royal Bank doesn't like anyone else besides the account holder to deposit funds into accounts (####### is up with that anyhow?!! mad.gif )

my question is, on the online application, it asks for credit references. is this my bank? i'm sure not going to get a contact name out of the Royal ~ can't even get thru to my branch fer cryin' out loud. i guess i could see if i could get one at my bank here, but they are rather backwards (they don't even do wire transfers blink.gif )

thanks in advance.

KiminONFemaleCanada2008-04-29 16:48:00
sounds like you have everything you need. nothing comes from the embassy with respect to importing your car and stuff. you present it all at the border (the never asked me about what i was brining or my dogs) and they will give you a form for your car that you will present at your local DMV. make sure you get this as i didn't and i wound up having to go to the nearest airport (1.5hrs away) to get it done. probably saved me $$ in the long run as i was able to talk them into giving me the lowest value listing on it for tax purposes.

good luck and safe travels.

KiminONFemaleCanada2008-05-01 07:52:00
CanadaRunning lights - importing your car in to the U.S.
when i got my letter from Subaru (free of charge) they asked which state i was importing to as some required the lights to be disconnected and others not. she did name a couple of them at the time, but i don't remember which.
KiminONFemaleCanada2008-05-05 06:53:00
CanadaDealing with home sickness...
everyone goes through it - i am now.

i may be a bit backwards though as this being my 2nd year here is the toughest. i think in the first year there was so much adjustment, paperwork with the AOS then finding a job that it took my mind off of things. this year i'm missing it more. some of it is missing my training partners as i prepare for another Ironman (there are 10 triathletes in my town, me being the only female so I have no one to train with at all). I have Canadian satelitte TV now, so seeing the Timmy's and Swiss Chalet adverts even makes me sad - i'm starting to wonder if that is part of the problem! add to it all the cost of going home for a vist being sky high at the moment so the prospect of one being dim and i'm rather blue about it all.

talking and typing about it helps, loads of emails, phone calls and facebook chats home help some of course. other times a good cry does the trick.

of course, hubby coming home from work always makes me realize it's all good.

thanks for letting me vent! i hope you feel better soon. {hugs}

KiminONFemaleCanada2008-05-29 08:43:00
CanadaNHL Play off time!!!!
QUOTE (flames9 @ Jun 5 2008, 06:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Power was out, so didnt get to watch any of it!!! i was so hoping pens would win, forcing a game 7!! oh well, detroit was the better team!!

Favorite of the year for Leafs fans, they are in first place, till 2nd game of the new season!!

man, you missed a great game. i threw up a litte in my mouth that last second when osgood bobbled the puck and it almost went in!

couldn't be happier for the boys - i about lost it when McCarty lifted the Stanley. He's had a rough couple of years and it's great to see him back in form.

now i've not got anything on the telly to watch until the olympics start.
KiminONFemaleCanada2008-06-05 06:46:00
CanadaK1 Visa-POE IN 2 Days
oh gosh. it sometimes happens that the bordetella vaccine actually gives dogs the cough.

even with a valid health cert. it is entirely up to the border agents whether they are going to allow a pup over the border. i would bring all of his paperwork and hope he doesn't cough too much when you are at the counter! keep him in his kennel and don't bring him out unless they ask. if possible, get him to the vet and maybe he could write on the cert. explaining what the cough is about.

when i drove mine over they didn't even ask for the paperwork on them so i'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

good luck!
KiminONFemaleCanada2008-06-28 07:04:00
CanadaHappy Canada Day!!
well hell, i never was awake much in history. laughing.gif

happy canada day everyone!
KiminONFemaleCanada2008-07-01 08:05:00