United KingdomCEAC Status "Case Created" Date changed?

Ok guys i'm mad, I was just booking a flight, UNTIL I REALISED I DON'T HAVE MY PASSPORT EXPIRY WRITTEN DOWN ANYWHERE! I have my passport number on multiple documents, but not the expiry date! So now I'm gonna have to wait till I have my passport in my hand before I can book a flight!

expiry date was on my DS 160.

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-22 07:41:00
United KingdomCEAC Status "Case Created" Date changed?

Congrats all biggrin.png 1pm must be their collection time!

Safe flights to you and enjoy your time with your loves biggrin.pngbiggrin.png

I'm wondering if the same applies at weekend.  Doesn't matter if it isn't as I am not travelling until May,but I guess one day someone will want to know the answer to the same question.  I will let everyone know when it get's to 1pm.

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-22 07:38:00
United KingdomCEAC Status "Case Created" Date changed?

Visa in hand!!!! biggrin.png happiest day!

So happy for you!!!!  I bet you were waiting outside for it to open weren't you?!?!?!?  LOL.   Now you have 4 days to say your goodbyes, Keep in touch and let us  know how POE went!  I'm dreading the secondary thing, but I know I shouldn't.  I saw a girl when I flew into Philly,  in August,  sat there waiting and I thought, oh dear, poor girl, but  looking back she could just have been on her journey like the rest of us.  Delta are a great airline to travel with, are you stopping at their home port of Atlanta?

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-22 07:35:00
United KingdomCEAC Status "Case Created" Date changed?

AND the awesome guy from DX left me a voicemail saying my name was on their system now and just call tomorrow morning to double check that it's there and I can come get it!!

This is the best news! I was SO sad thinking I would have to cancel my flight. Now all the plans me an my fiancé have for my birthday will be able to happen. So happy! And so happy for you too Natonstan!!! We were right to think we would get them today xD (the emails)

Any updates on yours yet Shell? smile.png

And Trixie that is a good sign! Looks like London is being fast tongue.png it should change to AP and then Issued next week!

Also I will add I was napping and then woke up to this great news. Brilliant biggrin.png

Yes, it got issued yesterday a day after you guys. I'm assuming because I didn't give a definite date and said ASAP, they didn't rush mine. I'm not in a rush to gt my passport either, I am not flying out until May 10th, booked my ticket a couple of days ago.    It's so hard to say goodbye to my son and cat!

We got ours..we are definitely asking about Saturday delivery to get Sunday flight. My work week next week has little flexibility. It would be heartbreaking to pick him up Tuesday in time to get a few hours sleep then not see him again until the following Sunday

Can you not pick it up, that might be a little quicker?

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-21 09:13:00
United KingdomCEAC Status "Case Created" Date changed?


Then number is 0844 371 0000, when it asks you for tracking number just hit your star key * and then you'll be put through to someone, everyone i've spoken to at DX seemed friendly enough, you might be waiting on hold for around 5 minutes but it's no big deal. I MIGHT be going through Philly too, the last time I went through there was on 9/11 last year so you can imagine how bad security was at that time. One thing that's concerning me is the fact I have to connect, obviously the layover times are always around 2 hours, I just hope this is enough time! 


Oh and i'll definitely be keeping in touch with everyone!

Yeah that might be a problem, it depends what flight you get into Philly, I went once and arrived around 4.30 on a Friday it was dead, then last time I arrived on a Saturday and three aircrafts had landed and the wait was unbearable, hot and sticky!   Border control told me if I wanted no delay to get a BA flight and they quoted a number. I am travelling on a Saturday next time, so I am expecting a delay! Thanks for the number, just been looking up the location to pick it up and it's about 10 mins drive away for me at Trafford Park Industrial estate, so pretty much a straight road.

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-21 08:41:00
United KingdomCEAC Status "Case Created" Date changed?


Delivery on monday, I just called and asked about a delivery tomorrow and she said it's just arriving in the depot over there near London I presume so I'd have to call back later but she did say it would cost, after already paying £19 I don't think I want to pay anymore so I think i'll just leave it till monday morning, at least it gives me the weekend to pack and say my goodbyes!

I didn't pay extra delivery,  I am going to pick mine up!!   I think it would be nice for you to have your time to say goodbye, after all we won't be allowed to travel home and see loved ones for a while!  I haven't looked into where the visa gets delivered too, somewhere in Manchester. Do you have a phone number for when I need to ring them to pick it up?   I am really happy for you by the way, stay in touch and let me know how POE goes. I have read reviews and it seems fine, I will be at POE in Philadelphia, but they have always seemed a friendly lot.

Are you having it delivered to your house then?
I'm picking mine up because there's one in my town (Ipswich) tongue.png
I'm really hoping we all get ours in time. I know I should have waited til I got it to book my flight but I assumed we'd be okay because the lady who interviewed me said I should get it around the 20th. xD

You got your tracking number yet?  Natonstan has just got his.

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-21 08:23:00
United KingdomCEAC Status "Case Created" Date changed?



cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Does that mean you can pick it up or just track it?

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-21 08:09:00
United KingdomCEAC Status "Case Created" Date changed?

Almsot coming up to 1PM which is when Scotty got his tracking number, I've got my fingers crossed!

Ok watching intently! Let me know.

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-21 07:50:00
United KingdomCEAC Status "Case Created" Date changed?

Just checking in, today IS the day we get our tracking numbers I can feel it wink.png Midday can't come quick enough

I hope you all get your tracking numbers.  Fingers crossed for you all!

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-21 06:49:00
United KingdomCEAC Status "Case Created" Date changed?

Re dispatch, mine took two days following the change to "Issued" to be posted. However, I wouldn't say this was a definite timescale; but if it follows mine, you should all (Wow! Four all on the same day!!) receive them by Monday, I'd wager. Congrats everyone!!


What a glorious day for it as well. It's actually sunny up here!

Thanks for sharing scottym27.   I'm hoping for one couple they get it before Monday, fingers crossed for them.and it it is a glorious day with the sun out today, well it is in Manchester!! Lol. 

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-19 08:10:00
United KingdomCEAC Status "Case Created" Date changed?

Hi there. I should add that although I am from Newcastle I live in London, so that made my embassy experience a bit easier.


I had my interview on 11th Feb, however the CEAC service was down over the weekend so I could not see when my status, and I have not checked since the service came back on again. It must have been issued less than a week after the interview, however, if it took 7 days to get to the depo. Plus, the embassy was closed on Monday, so it must have been issued on Friday 14th at the latest.


That is all speculation, however. I will check my CEAC status after work and confirm.



VJ experience not quite over yet...I still intend to use it for AoS and help others on here by sharing my experiences over the past few months.

Thanks for your reply and sharing. 

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-19 08:07:00
United KingdomCEAC Status "Case Created" Date changed?

I noticed that they wrote ASAP on my file so I'm certain it will come before this week is out. Glad there weren't any problems and it was just the computers. Tammy just called me and told me the status was changed to Issued, I cant wait to get home to Tammy and hopefully it'll be here in the next 2 days so because we have been through all this together, medical on the same day, Interview on the same day, you should get yours really soon and no reason to change the flights..... fingers crossed for you.

We have moved to ISSUED!!!!

Awww great news!!  Good luck guys, keeping my fingers crossed it gets there in time for you both. x

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-19 07:52:00
United KingdomCEAC Status "Case Created" Date changed?

As long as Northerners are outing themselves, I'm from Newcastle.


I am picking my Visa up from the Houndsditch DX depo today. Next up: AoS!

I live in Manchester but originally from Blackpool.  So how long atter issued did they send it out to the dept. I'm sure people who want their visas asap would love to know.  Thanks.

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-19 07:42:00
United KingdomCEAC Status "Case Created" Date changed?


Congrats, mine is in AP so no doubt it will be issued today too. x

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-19 07:38:00
United KingdomCEAC Status "Case Created" Date changed?


I can confirm the embassy was definitely closed yesterday, they had a notice on the website saying so, and I can't believe that, I thought everyone was from London or at least the south, I've not heard from anyone in the north let alone Sheffield.

Im from the north too. :)

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-18 08:14:00
United KingdomCEAC Status "Case Created" Date changed?

Mine says exactly the same, I actually just said next week (meaning this week) and she told me it should definitely be here so that I could leave at the end of the week, I'm not worrying about it being late or anything, you can look at peoples timelines on here from this month and they're getting visas super quick! I guess you're like me and you're planning on shooting off as soon as you get the visa?



Mine text hasn't changed nor has the creation date.:(  The only thing that has changed is the fact they accessed my file on the 16th and today.  No idea why they have if nothing has changed!  I guess I will just have to wait and see, but I'm not rushing, I did want to get married on Valentines Day, but that obviously wasn't going to happen. I have decided to take my time to say my goodbyes now and tie things up here but if Im honest I wish I was on the plane today!!  Ah well.

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-18 07:01:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)when im going to get my number case

Same thing with me really. Received NOA2 hard copy through the post late October/early November,  a few days later I  checked  the USCIS website  they sent it to the NVC on Thursday 7th of November..  My fiance rang the NVC yesterday it had not been received, but they did have a holiday on Monday and the weekend also.   I should imagine you need to leave it a week or so after they send it before enquiring.   NVC are a tad slower in recent times.  They told my fiance it can take up to 8 weeks to get a case number, but I'm sure as with any business they give an outside range for completion, just to cover any complaints they may receive.

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-13 21:18:00

I think you will!!!!  I wish you so much good luck.

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-11 21:30:00

I second that,  positive vibes to you all. I'm sure that good news will be on it's way sooner rather than later.

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-11 20:01:00

instead of saying we have approved your application as it did for a week and a half it now says this 

Post Decision Activity

On November 7, 2013, we shipped this approved or re-affirmed case to the Department of State for visa processing. For more information, please contact them directly.

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-10 16:41:00

no I looked on their site. (uscis) put in my reference number and status had been changed from Approval to shipped.

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-10 16:20:00

I got approved on Oct 28th and checked the USCIS yesterday and it was updated with shipped on 7 nov.  I gave up checking for a few days and then it happened.

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-10 11:32:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLincoln House Hotel.

I wasn't nervous at all. I knew we were a real couple (and nice people too tongue.png). So there was no way they could deny us. I had the embassy website practically memorized . Had read every link on it. So there was nothing that I had missed as far as paperwork. I didn't even have my name on the list as a guest, but got in with my passport and a big smile.

Maybe it's the nature of the British to worry because everybody seems to go into this panic mode. Relax and enjoy a day in the big city. We toured Buckingham Palace because it was summer when they are open to tourists.

Somebody reported from a few days ago that phones are now allowed inside. There were signs saying to turn off your phone before approaching the windows. And he saw people using iPads and phones while they were waiting for their number to be called. The website (under "Security" in the left column) does not mention phones or keys on their list anymore.

I have seen Buckingham Palace too, it's quite beautiful. I might go and see the dungeons my brother was talking about.  As for being anxious, I am a born worrier, It wouldn't surprise me if I became scared of my own shadow! I just remember an interview I had there when I was 21 and I remember them being apprehensive then,, but its 28 years later or will be, I I am sure I will cope, I' m a big girl now! Lol.  


I will post about the hotel and the embassy experience as soon as I get home, so I can share it with others. :)

I have seen Buckingham Palace too, it's quite beautiful. I might go and see the dungeons my brother was talking about.  As for being anxious, I am a born worrier, It wouldn't surprise me if I became scared of my own shadow! I just remember an interview I had there when I was 21 and I remember them being apprehensive then,, but its 28 years later or will be, I I am sure I will cope, I' m a big girl now! Lol.  


I will post about the hotel and the embassy experience as soon as I get home, so I can share it with others. smile.png

sorry not them, me being apprehensive, just another blonde moment!

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-09 10:03:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLincoln House Hotel.

You will be fine london is great, I was so nervous about the whole thing thinking what if I get denied but honestly it's a walk in the park the worst bit is waiting as the immigration waiting time is longer than the others as you will see. Oh when you get in line out side and they tick off your name tell then that yours is an immigration visa as they said they couldn't find my name till I pointed it out myself of the immigration register.

Sorry with my anxious state right now I forgot to say congratulations. I am so happy for you and your fiance. 

I stayed there for my interview in December. Rooms are nice enough, though a little small. Best thing is that it is a ten minute walk to the embassy (I timed it the night before). I had intended to avail myself of the breakfast but was far too nervous on the morning so I can't review that for you.


And they are more than happy to look after your bags. Oh and after my interview they were happy for me to hang around using the free wifi

Sorry as with Jessica, forgot to say congratulations. I wish you a very, very happy marriage.

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-08 21:29:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLincoln House Hotel.

You will be fine london is great, I was so nervous about the whole thing thinking what if I get denied but honestly it's a walk in the park the worst bit is waiting as the immigration waiting time is longer than the others as you will see. Oh when you get in line out side and they tick off your name tell then that yours is an immigration visa as they said they couldn't find my name till I pointed it out myself of the immigration register.

Thanks Jessica! I was fine until this week and then suddenly I started imagining what could go wrong. What is we didn't have enough evidence, what if I didn't bring the right forms and the list goes on. I am making myself a nervous wreck!  I would hate bad news on my birthday and bad news for my fiance for Valentines Day. I am that anxious that I lost my phone at work tonight, whilst visiting my patients. At least I don't have to worry about taking that to the embassy, but that means I will have to either use my brother's phone to text my fiance, as he will be at work, or run back to the hotel and use their wi fi to contact him and let him know how it went. Knowing my fiance, he will be just as anxious as I am, if not more so. He is such an emotional, caring person, just one of the many reasons why I love him so much!!!

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-08 21:25:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLincoln House Hotel.

Lincoln House is in a nice neighborhood so you won't be walking through dodgy parts of town getting to the embassy. It seems to be a converted house so not a typical hotel. When we walked in it seemed like we were in somebody's foyer and not a soul or check-in around. Took us a few puzzled minutes to see we had to go down stairs to check in. There was one little sign we finally noticed.

The room (called deluxe size) was tiny, as was the bathroom, but it was clean and had tea, coffee, a small refrigerator, and a good breakfast the next morning. They held our luggage (and phones) while we went to the embassy, so no need to stop at Gould's. We went back and retrieved phones and camera before spending the rest of the day sightseeing in London. We picked up the luggage late afternoon and caught the coach back to Oxford just up the street. Wish we had known the coach stopped one block over when we came into down before continuing to Victoria. We walked from Victoria. Anybody on a coach, check your stops. Many coaches stop first on Baker Street coming in and on Gloucester Place going out. Closer to the medical and embassy than going all the way to Victoria.

Their website doesn't show prices anymore, but we negotiated a better rate by calling. Then we paid cash for another discount.

Just seen your post Nich-Nick.  Thanks for that.   They do show their prices, I looked them up through your link before booking and you get a 5 percent discount if paying in cash. It was a bit strange as they said they took half when you booked, although I said how do I pay in cash?  Now at least I know we have to go downstairs.


I am taking my brother with me, it's my birthday,, but he isn't allowed in the embassy as it didn't say about siblings on the Ready form.   I just don't want to be stuck in London on my birthday having to wait hours and hours by myself for my 8pm if I for any unfortunate reason I get turned down.


 I don't know it's very strange, I was quietly confident until this week and now I am a emotional wreck, thinking of all the things that may go wrong.  Everyone is saying to me I will be fine, but I guess it's the fact that I have waited so long to be with my fiance and be able to marry him, that I am petrified someone will take that dream from me.  Is this normal?  So close to realising our dreams and so scared that they could be taken away from us.  


I guess I remember going to the embassy with my mum when I was a mere 21 years old for an "indefinite visa", that is what they called them then and I remember feeling scared as I hadn't banked on it being such a serious interview.


Any way I just wanted to say thanks for all your posts and all you do for everyone else.  Without you, most of us would be quite lost!

I stayed there for my interview in December. Rooms are nice enough, though a little small. Best thing is that it is a ten minute walk to the embassy (I timed it the night before). I had intended to avail myself of the breakfast but was far too nervous on the morning so I can't review that for you.


And they are more than happy to look after your bags. Oh and after my interview they were happy for me to hang around using the free wifi

Thanks Jonathan. sounds like its a nice place and not to far from the embassy. I will have to check out the route to the embassy when I arrive!

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-08 21:21:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLincoln House Hotel.

I have my interview a week on Thursday at the London Embassy.  I have follow Niche-Nicks very helpful link regarding that day and places to stay. I will be staying at the same place the Lincoln House Hotel (apt name), with my brother. I will give you my review regarding this when I have stayed there.   It seems a reasonable price and apparently you are greeted with a fruit juice upon arrival and something about chocolate. (sold).    There is also free wi fi so you can stay in touch with your fiancee/spouse.   I'm anxiously counting down the days to the appointment now, praying that all goes well!

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-04 05:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLondon Embassy

Congratulations and happy birthday biggrin.png

Thanks and Happy Valentines to you both in just over 10 mins :)

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-13 18:48:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLondon Embassy

I was at the London Embassy today for around 2 hours, it went quite quick and smoothly, quite fascinating really.   The staff were lovely, especially the guy who interviewed me and the end result is I got approved.  Best birthday ever!!!

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-13 11:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWorried to Death-medical problem!

I really do hope someone can give me an answer to my huge problem. I went for the medical in London yesterday and it did not go very well?.I was asked if i have ever attempted suicide?.i answered 'no'. But several years ago i did an attempt?i had put it completely out of my mind for years and only remembered the incident after the medical.


I did say i have had depression in the past?which was treated and i am no longer depressed and no longer on any treatment. The lady doctor who was lovely?gave me a letter to give to my doctor for further evidence, which also included a self harm question.


Is it too late for me to send an amendment to the London doctors admitting to the incident several years ago?? Or should i just ride this out and hope my doctor does not mention it in his letter back?


I did not purposely say no to the question?i was so anxious and even my BP was up! but later came down! I'm just a very anxious person and a constant worrier.. I don't know what to do for the best!!


The doctor told me a person would not be admitted to the USA with a history of self harm as it is seen as a violent act!! This again has scared me to death!!


I really hope someone here can help me with some advice of what i should do?PLEASE!!!

First of all please  try not  to worry!  I have had depression in the past, I think most people have whether treated or not. I know the lovely doctor you are talking about, I had her too. I took a letter to them saying that I had depression in the past that was successfully treated and I was ok now. That was over 7 years ago and I worried about it, although I didn't self harm.  What they are really looking for is that you are stable and have been treated successfully.  If I was you, I would book an appointment with your doctor and explain your situation.   Doctors are human beings and they will understand!  You will be OK, things will work out, so please try not to fret too much.

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-05 07:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInvalid Application ID or Case Number.



Yes, it is under immigrant, even though it's K1.  And it says "Ready!" Thanks for the info!

I think it may be under immigrant as it's the first stage of becoming one really, once you go on to marry and adjust status that is!  Glad you found it, it's always an amazing feeling to see it saying Ready!

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-18 21:06:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInvalid Application ID or Case Number.

So, when I go to check my status at ceac I get this message in red "Invalid Application ID or Case Number."

My notice giving the case number was dated March 5, at which time it says "The NVC will now forward the petition to the US Embassy or Consolate in KYIV."

I would expect some sort of status associated with the case number by now...


Firstly are you using the CEAC or USCIS?  Secondly, when you input the number are you choosing the box as an immigrant?  For K1 visas and I don't know why its under immigrant visa.    My case number if I remember was on my noa2 and it started with LND which I think would be an abbreviation for the London Embassy I attended.  Your number should start with something similar I would imagine for the appropriate embassy relating to your case.  Hope that might help a little.

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-18 20:38:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAdministrative Processing

We Just recently had our interview in Lagos Nigeria and was placed on Administrative processing. What does this mean? how long will it take?  How come the CO didnt elaborate on why we were placed on AP? We gave alot of information and the relationship is truly genuine.  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:

I can't comment on their decision because I wasn't there, but when it does that it normally means they are working on your case, its normally AP before a visa is issued or declined. It seems that its probably going to be issued because I am sure they give you paperwork if you are declined. I can't be 100 percent sure about that though, I think its something like a 221g if you don't have this then it looks like you may get a visa very shortly!  Im sure my fellow visajourney colleagues will be able to tell you more.  Good luck!

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-10-22 15:38:00
US Citizenship General Discussionbeen "excluded" from USA

All they wrote my passport was "VWPPRR FUSED, 02/0/2005"   I have no idea that the letters or numbers mean". But since then i have been travelling to UK on my Green card and every time they would send me another area when they would check my file and let me go. No questions ask. 

I dont own that passport anymore. As i had to get a new passport. But i made a copy of the page. 

looking at those letters it probably means visa wavier programme refused..   I might be wrong, but it would make sense seeing as you were on the visa waiver programme at the time.

All they wrote my passport was "VWPPRR FUSED, 02/0/2005"   I have no idea that the letters or numbers mean". But since then i have been travelling to UK on my Green card and every time they would send me another area when they would check my file and let me go. No questions ask. 

I dont own that passport anymore. As i had to get a new passport. But i made a copy of the page. 

Numbers might mean the date it happened?!?!

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-24 19:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 Approved

Thanks for the update.  So it took yours about two and a half weeks for it to be transferred and input into the system at NVC.  Mine has still not been received by NVC yet, but hopefully soon.

Yes it did and yesterday it changed status, its not in TRANSIT!!!  Yay,  Hope yours gets there soon. heart.gif

sorry that was meant to read now in transit.

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-20 10:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 Approved

Oh sorry they did assign me a case number today, when I looked it up online it said Please follow the instructions you received from the National Visa Center (NVC) for the next step in the processing of your visa petition. If you have misplaced the instructions sent to you by the NVC or did not receive them, please contact us athttp://travel.state..../info_3177.html for additional information.


shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-18 21:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 Approved

Update if this also helps, today my fiance rang the NVC apparently they received it on Thursday and the guy said it is currently in AP, I am assuming that means they are doing checks, necessary work on it to send it to the Embassy, so I will check on any updates to find out how long NVC have it for.

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-18 19:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 Approved

I have just gone through the transfer.  I received my noa2 decision on 28 Oct.   On the 7th of Nov that decision online had then changed to a note which said it had been shipped to NVC.   The NVC said it can take up to 8 weeks to come up on their systems.  I am guessing that is an outside estimation so they don't get people ringing all the time or complaining.  On the NOA2 it states that it expires in 4 months, so I am assuming that everything has to be done by then and the visa issued or declined.  Hope that helps and good luck!



shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-16 09:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsStatus changed to Issued

 You should get an email in the next day or so from the courier and it will come at precisely 1pm!


It has been a long time Yes over two years in AP.... Should I Expect it in the next few days?
THanks VJ members.
U.S. Department of State
Immigrant Visa Case Number: LND2012 LND Case Creation Date: 27-Mar-2012 Status Updated Date: 18-Mar-2014    


Your visa has been printed. Depending on local procedures at the location where you were interviewed, your visa will be mailed or available for pickup soon. If there are further questions, or if we need updated contact information, you will be contacted.

For more information, please visit TRAVEL.STATE.GOV.




shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-18 22:33:00
PhilippinesDS-160 Submission

That sucks, but curiously it seems my fiance who is visiting me for Christmas doesn't need any type of visa or visa waiver to visit England.

shell20FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-05 15:22:00