USCIS Service CentersStill waiting

Because it depends on where your petition is filed.
The OP is in a different service center than you.
Be thankful you weren't in Vermont.

Thank you for your response. I'm new so I don't know anything about the different service centre's or how long they take. Obviously by what you said Vermont is slow, well I am sorry for those peeps that had their petitions sent there. I just don't know or understand anything about visa's, only that CSC averages at five how much can we expect to wait?
Naddy&MikeyFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-11-19 16:13:00
USCIS Service CentersStill waiting
I'm really new to all this and at this present time I'm feeling really bloody low and depressed because I have been apart from my husband for over 7 months now....

This may be a daft question but how can August petitions get approved before petitions that were sent in July. It's been four and half months since CSC received ours so why haven't I heard anything? To say I'm peed off is an understatement....All I want is to be with my hubby and this waiting is just torture.....
Naddy&MikeyFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-11-19 16:06:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors


I'm pleased to read a recent report as my medical is next week.  Surprised about the breast exam but happy to hear the blood pressure is taken towards the end.  I have white coat hyper-tension i.e. it's normal under normal circumstances but elevates when I'm in a doctors surgery.  Having it taken later in the appointment might bring it down a bit - and knowing now that I will have a breast exam will mean that it won't jump up when that happens!


Yes my BP was taken at the end, but I'm not sure if this normal with everyone that attends the medical. I always find that if I breathe deeply and relax it helps with the reading. Because when I haven't it's been quite high. Also nattering away whilst it's being done can also affect the reading in a bad way and this is what I tend to do when nervous and anxious.


I would like to know how many other woman have had their breasts checked at the medical? I really think they should forewarn woman on the documentation that this could happen on the day so they are well prepared.


Good luck with your medical, and please try to relax, it's really not bad at all...


I genuinely stood in the bathroom yesterday seeing if I could do this. blush.png


Practice makes perfect eh good.gif lol.....Just felt really stupid doing it......

Naddy&MikeyFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-24 08:05:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

Well today was the day I had been dreading for a long time....Yes the visa medical!!!! And am I glad it's over.....


The whole medical process wasn't too bad, I arrived outside the building in Knightsbridge about an hour and a half before my appointment so decided to wander in to the pub opposite. I was really tempted to order a pint but sense got the better of me so I decided on an orange juice instead.


Anyway, I arrived at the doctors about 1.40pm, half an hour before my appointment time. When I got to reception I had to give over my passport, vaccination records & passport photo. I was then given another medical questionnaire to fill in, very similar to the one I had already filled out. The ladies on reception were very polite and helpful. About fifteen minutes later I was called by this guy, so I followed him to this room, this is where I was going to have the xray done. Stripped down to my waist & was told to put a robe on, then I had the xray, he got the xray up on the computer and he said it looked fine, although he mentioned that they would look at it further!

I went in to another waiting room with said robe on and there was an english chap sitting there, as I walked in I dropped all my clothes Lol.....And the last thing that landed was my bra, how embarassing lol. Sat in that room for about another fifteen minutes then was called in by a chinese/japanese male doctor. Sat down, he went through my responses to the questions I had answered then measured my height, and weight. After that he asked me to stand straight, put one leg out in front of me and close my eyes, then he said "flap your arms up and down like a bird" I said "Eh, you are joking aren't you, this isn't you've been framed or something similar?" Lol...Just seemed like an odd request lol, it was apparently to check my balance..Next thing I had to do was lie down on the bed, and he said, open up the top half of your robe, we need to check your breast for lumps....This is something I didn't expect at all and never thought would happen, and I was more annoyed that he was feeling my breasts without a woman present, but I didn't want to cause a scene...It's just that everytime I've had anything done like that the doctors usually requested a female to be in the room...Not angry about it. just shocked me....After that he checked my breathing, ears, eyes & throat.

He then proceeded to take my bloods, to check for syphilis. Then the last thing he did was check my blood pressure & that all my vaccinations were up to date, which they cost for medical £227....Plus travel etc

All in all it wasn't too bad. Just felt quite uncomfortable him fiddling with my boobs like that, because I wasn't expecting it...


Well I'm hoping I've passed..can't see why not.....





Naddy&MikeyFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-22 16:06:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

Medical tomorrow afternoon  unsure.png  Anyone else heading to Knightsbridge?

Naddy&MikeyFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-21 09:15:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors


Depends if you're a man or a woman, I suppose.  With men, it's fairly easy to see they've got external genitalia - I've heard with women, it's just a peep down your knickers   


Could anyone who has actually been through this could enlighten us please?


Lol......Of course a man's tackle is more prominent than a woman's, so of course its easier to determine......A peep down your knickers ohmy.png  Oh deary

Naddy&MikeyFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-03 16:31:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors


Thanks - that's put my mind at rest (and probably reduced my blood pressure smile.png ).


Yes - I told my fiance about the 'checking external genitalia' bit and he went 'What?'  I said 'They need to check that you are the gender you say you are on the paperwork'.


This is the bit that concerns me the most....not because I'm not who I say I am, just not quite sure how they go about it.....

Naddy&MikeyFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-03 16:08:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

They will accept your photocopy at the medical.

The list for the interview may include things you sent off to NVC. It's a generic list. If you sent an original to NVC, it will already be in your file so no need to bring another original.


Thank you so much for answering my concerns Nich-Nick. Can't tell you how relieved I am to hear that I don't have to apply for another police certificate.


I did think the list of documents to bring was generic, wish they could list what's needed by each individual case because then it would take the concern and worry off so many people's minds...


Thank again, I appreciate it...

Naddy&MikeyFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-03 06:55:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

I got the date for my CR1 interview today - June 10th. So now what I have to do is book the medical in London. I noticed that you have to take your police certificate to the medical, I only ordered one copy in december because money was tight and couldn't afford the extra £6 for a copy.  The original was sent to NVC in New Hampshire.


My question is, will a copy of my police certificate suffice for the medical? I also noticed on the list of documents I need to take to the interview that it says 'current police certificate'. Why would I need to take another original if they will have my original at the interview?


I'm just so concerned I haven't got enough time to apply for another.


Can any one put my mind at rest regarding this matter?


Thank you in advance x

Naddy&MikeyFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-02 13:26:00
United KingdomHow far ahead?
Well thank you kindly for your response.

I have issues with a few documents immigration will need...

1. Tax transcripts from my hubby. The reason being is because he's only been working since the end of February 2012 so doesn't have any tax returns as of yet. I know he can get a letter from his employer stating his position within the company, wages etc but that's it. He is earning enough to support me though.

2. My birth certificate is in a name I haven't been called since I was five. I took on my step fathers surname when he came along but wasn't officially adopted. My passport was originally in the name of my steps fathers too and is now in my married name.

I am so confused with all this, I don't know whether I'm coming or going.

I have made an appointment with the nurse to review my vaccinations & hopefully get what I need.
Naddy&MikeyFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-11-20 09:44:00
United KingdomHow far ahead?
We are currently going through the I-130 petition and at this present time are at the initial review stage, have been for four & a half months now.

What I would like to know is:-

1. How far ahead should I apply for the ACRO Police certificate? Are they valid for a certain amount of time?

2. When to get all my vaccinations done? I want to get as many as I can done at my local doctors rather than at the medical.

I just want to be prepared in advance, but don't want to get all these things done if I have to wait a long time...

Would really appreciate some guidance from you knowledgeable peeps, as I really am at a loss as to what to do.

Thank you in advance
Naddy&MikeyFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-11-20 08:32:00
United KingdomInterview- Tax transcripts needed!?!?

This is the one thing that's confused me..My hubby sent the I-864ez including his 2012 tax return and it says that the financial evidence he submitted was accepted. His circumstances haven't changed since he sent them. I am although unsure whether I should take a copy of the I-864ez and his federal tax return? I suppose it can't hurt though? I just wish the interview email letter they send you wasn't so generic because it just makes one worry that they need stuff when they don't.

Naddy&MikeyFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-18 15:19:00
United KingdomMedical at Bentinck Mansions Knightsbridge Doctors



I don't know what was worse for me, the build up or actually, as you described waiting for the results, or should i say not hearing from them lol, i think it must be the later, because we wait to long to get to this point and if they did find something then it will not only delay the process considerably, whilst they investigate or treat something,  but the cost of it all....well ill cross my fingers and legs and just pray all is ok, and i dont get the call!!


And did you really have to stand on one leg etc or were you joking ?  


Yes I honestly had to stand on one leg and do a bird impersonation lol.......Good job I was a gymnast otherwise I would have fallen a*** over ####### lol.......


Your right, we've all come so far that it would be awful for it to be delayed by something showing up in ones bloods or X-Rays....Next step is the interview and once again those feelings of getting denied resurface.......Be glad when this is all over.....

Naddy&MikeyFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-02 05:34:00
United KingdomMedical at Bentinck Mansions Knightsbridge Doctors

What an informative post!! Just super for you to describe your experience the way you did!


The build up to actually attending the medical was horrible, but it wasn't as bad as I thought. Although it doesn't sound like you had to do the ' stand on one leg, stick the other one out in front of you and flap your arms up and down with your eyes closed' test? Am I the only one that had to do this? Please tell me I'm not, because I would feel more of a fool lol!

I think the worst part of it all was waiting for the phone to ring saying something came up in my X-Ray or bloods, but thankfully it didn't...

Naddy&MikeyFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-01 12:29:00
United KingdomWhat is your interview date @ London Embassy?

My interview is on the 10th June @ 09.30. Feeling very anxious and nervous about it all........Praying I get approved....

Naddy&MikeyFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-06 14:37:00
United Kingdompolice report

What do your certificates say?  "No trace" I assume?


I was looking at the embassy details, and they've thoroughly confused me.  No Trace = No record, right? At least, that's what I've understood so far (I have no record).  So why does it say... (from http://london.usemba...certificate_uk)


If the police certifiate states "No Trace" or "No Live Trace", please be prepared to discuss your arrests/cautions/convictions with the consular officer on the day of the interview. 


It makes it sound that no trace or no live trace indicate a record somehow?  I'm now like, #######?  Is there a third statement they can put on the certificate that means "no, really, no record"?


Mine says exactly the same 'No Trace' and I read the link you added a few weeks ago and got concerned. I've never ever been in trouble in my life, so why would they say on the link 'No Trace' means you have to be prepared to dicuss any arrests/cautions/convictions, when you haven't had any? Just something else to worry about...pfftttttt lol

Naddy&MikeyFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-05 16:44:00
United KingdomLND Review - CR1 Visa

I agree with Naddy, be confident, make eye contact with the interviewer and you'll be fine.


It was really warm in there, and I was sweating as a result, I was worried it'd be taken as a sign of lying but luckily not. I think when I dived into the answers with truck-loads of detail I think she knew it was for real laughing.gif


So glad to hear that your experience of the interview was a positive one. Although when I went on Monday is was rather chilly outside so was glad to get in the warm....


I do think it's only natural to be concerned about the 'interview' especially when one has been waiting so long to get to this point.


I saw the interview as more on a chit chat than an interrogation which was just so great because I was already a bag of nerves. So to anybody that has one coming up, just be honest, open and yourself and it will be fine.

Naddy&MikeyFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-12 14:51:00
United KingdomLND Review - CR1 Visa

Thanks for sharing this ... Ive got mine on the 12th July ..... I shall be a nervous wreck by then so its good to have an idea on what to expect ....



I was a nervous wreck too, but it really wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. If you've sent in all the required documentation and are well prepared on the day then you shouldn't have any problems.


Good Luck for the 12th July....Only a month to go!!

Naddy&MikeyFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-12 10:24:00
United KingdomLND Review - CR1 Visa

My interview was on the 10th at 9.30am & your experience sounds very similar to mine lol... My number was I901 and got called a few minutes after 8am. Was quick and painless. Out of the Embassy by 8.50am...


Enjoy your burger and have a safe trip home!!

Naddy&MikeyFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-12 06:10:00
United KingdomUK Vaccination Records

Got my DTP done this morning in fact, and the lovely nurse just printed my full vaccination record out there and then (for free) after she added in today's DTP to the list. Another form down!


My question is though - I am moving house next month, so the address that's at the top of the vaccination records will be 'old' by the time I come round to my medical. Will I need to get another print out once I am in my new address?! (Hope not...)


I don't know if having your old address on your vaccination print out would be an issue or not? My vaccination print out had my maiden name on it instead of my married name and they didn't question it. I wouldnt think it would be a problem. Perhaps you could give them a bell?

Naddy&MikeyFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-24 07:46:00
United KingdomUK Vaccination Records

My records were all paper, would they go back and enter all past data, seems unlikely.


Well when I had new vaccinations done for my medical she just entered them on the computer system and then printed it out. So they might do that, but if you mean all your past doctors notes etc, I doubt it. But worth asking eh?

Naddy&MikeyFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-23 17:19:00
United KingdomUK Vaccination Records


Nahhh - this is NHS IT we're talking about here. I'm just going to go ahead and get MMR and adult DTAP done. Won't need flu and have had chickenpox as a kid


Lol.....Yep NHS.....great for some things but not for record keeping.


MMR was free at my docs, so it should be for you too. Although does it vary from county to county in the U.K?

Naddy&MikeyFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-23 15:57:00
United KingdomUK Vaccination Records

It really is amazing how medical record keeping & surgery's differ. I was really concerned that when I requested a print out of my vaccination records that it was only going to go back a few years, so was surprised to see that every vaccination I'd had done went back to 1972, nearly a year after I was born.


I presumed that the majority of records would be on a computer data base? Obviously some surgery's still have it in paper format...



Naddy&MikeyFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-23 15:33:00
United KingdomWhat do you miss most about the UK?

Apart from the consumables. I'm actually going to miss living in the U.K. Not only because my family live here but the whole essence of England.

Naddy&MikeyFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-29 20:16:00
United KingdomIssues with USCIS ELIS - Paying immigrant fee

hope its allowed to use credit card from bank outside the US? answers please.



Me too Chianrose, although from what I've heard it's not possible....

Naddy&MikeyFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-18 02:37:00
United KingdomIssues with USCIS ELIS - Paying immigrant fee

update - was able to complete my payment smile.png all is good now  smile.png received a email and another email about case status update....


Super it's up and running! Now for finding a U.S bank account or debit card to pay for it. I just presumed one could pay with a foreign debit card helpsmilie.gif

Naddy&MikeyFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-17 15:25:00
United KingdomIssues with USCIS ELIS - Paying immigrant fee

wow what a thought i was the only one.i have been trying for the past few days


I've been trying for a few days too. I just went on the website again to see if it was up and running and unfortunately it's not sad.png When are they going to fix the darn thing?????

Naddy&MikeyFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-17 07:41:00
United KingdomIssues with USCIS ELIS - Paying immigrant fee

ya - maybe that's it , really? 


there's probably some back end database that's busted, or the connection to it is busted. 


I'm hoping that's the case Darnell. I just wonder if there's another way of paying this fee other than the website? Just so frustrating when you want to get another part of the process out of the way & something out of your control stops you from progressing...

Naddy&MikeyFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-16 14:59:00
United KingdomIssues with USCIS ELIS - Paying immigrant fee

what 'status' did you select as 'you' ?? 


i can't remember the choices, but you might want to create a new account, and select an option that reflects the visa holder, not an agent, not an attorney. 


I chose the Applicant (Apply benefit for myself) tab.....So I'm sure I selected the right one because the only other option was for a person of legal standing....


I'm just thinking the site is down!

Naddy&MikeyFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-16 14:29:00
United KingdomIssues with USCIS ELIS - Paying immigrant fee

This is the page that comes up when I click 'Apply Online'

Attached Files

Naddy&MikeyFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-16 14:04:00
United KingdomIssues with USCIS ELIS - Paying immigrant fee

try another browser perhaps


I tried another browser, it didn't work!


You have to click apply online on the left and then it will give you the option in a drop down menu to pay the immigrant fee


I clicked apply online and it still shows a blank screen


Mine isn't working either and I've tried in IE and chrome.  


Atleast it's not just me.

Naddy&MikeyFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-16 13:58:00
United KingdomIssues with USCIS ELIS - Paying immigrant fee

I don't know if it's just me or if the websites down, but for the last few hours I have been trying to pay the $165 immigrant fee on the USCIS ELIS website. I have created an account and done everything it's asked. When I sign in it goes to a page where it's meant to say "step-by-step Online Application" and then from the drop down menu your meant to select "USCIS Immigrant Fee". No where on the page does it give me this option. I don't know what to do? Is there any other way of paying this fee other than online?



Attached Files

Naddy&MikeyFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-16 12:41:00
United KingdomFlying cat from UK to USA


Thank you guys for all your help, the shipping of Nala went fantastic! You were right nothing to worry about


Elated to hear that Nala's trip went so well. I'm hoping that the cargo staff treated her as well as they did my cat? All the best to you and your new life :)

Naddy&MikeyFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-04 15:35:00
United KingdomFlying cat from UK to USA

I am so happy to hear of news of the Kittehs making the pond jump.  Yay Kittehs !!!!  


Thank you Darnell smile.png I'm pleased she made the long journey too...especially as she's 14 years old......

Naddy&MikeyFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-16 09:15:00
United KingdomFlying cat from UK to USA


Thank you so much for your advice I feel a little bit more at ease now it sounds simple enough! Ill be sure to buy Feliway spray God knows she'll need it she hates being in a carrier lol. I Havent bought it yet but i will be soon!


Try to purchase the spray online if you can. I went around the local pet shops in the UK and they were charging around £24.99. I got it for £5.99 via the internet. It's only a 20ml bottle but enough to get your cat through the journey. Also see if you can purchase some pads for the bottom of the carrier. I used puppy training pads and they worked well. Don't feed your cat on the morning of the flight, this will stop her pooping. Also one more thing, the only flight an animal can be booked on is the morning flight (11am - VS039) You have to drop them off at Virgin Cargo at 7am.....

Naddy&MikeyFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-14 13:49:00
United KingdomFlying cat from UK to USA



AWW im so glad both u and cat are doing good! I may message u nearer the time with questions! Im still about 2 months away from moving, is there anything that i should be doing at this point in regards to Nala's move? So far I have made sure all her jabs are up to date and got her spayed and chipped


Its my understanding she will need a blood test and fit to fly letter a couple of weeks before travel, is that it



If there's anything I can be of help with then please feel free to PM me.


Have you purchased Nala's carrier yet? If not when you do leave it open and accessible to her, just so she can become accustomed to it. Nearer the time purchase some 'Feliway Spray'. Spray the carrier in all corners and leave the scent to settle for ten minutes, then once your transporting her this spray will relax her somewhat. It helped my cat immensely. Also purchase a funnel so this can be attached to the outside of the cage, then water can be given at regular intervals by you and the Airline cargo crew.


Regarding blood tests etc, well I didn't have any of that done. All my cat needed was a micro chip and a fit to fly certificate within ten days of her flying. You can get a rabies shot done but this needs at least 30 clear days before she flies. I wanted this done but as I was flying within ten days the vet couldn't do it.


Please don't hesitate to contact me my dear....

Attached Files

Naddy&MikeyFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-14 13:38:00
United KingdomFlying cat from UK to USA


I am also going to be flying Nala with VA to ORD!! My stomach sinked when you said the pick up details seem somewhat confusing! How so?! :/


So sorry for the delay in responding to you. In the last few weeks I have been running around like a headless chicken, trying to get everything sorted for our move to the states..


Thankfully, cat and I arrived safely last Thursday. Since then we've been recovering and getting settled in our new home.


What I meant by the pick up details being confusing is that Virgin Cargo send you a map via email and the map where you pick your pet up from looks like it's in terminal five, when it's actually a car drive away. In the directions and instructions on arrival it says you first have to go to Virgin cargo, collect the paper work, then head back to U.S customs, pay the fee ($45) and then head back to Virgin Cargo to collect your cat. The reason I found it somewhat confusing is that I didn't have any transport to do all this, so going back and forth seem like such a big task especially after a long flight and an early start.


In the end me and hubby just got a taxi to Virgin Cargo from terminal 5 and by the time we got there they had already cleared my cat through customs. All I had to do was pay the fee, sign a few forms and once all that was done they gave me my cat. It was an absolute joy to see she had made the flight. All the time I was sitting on the flight I kept thinking about how she was coping.


Now were home, she is still confused and stressed and not back to her usual self just yet. It's a very stressful time for all but more so for an animal that hasn't the foggiest what's going on.....

Naddy&MikeyFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-14 13:25:00
United KingdomFlying cat from UK to USA

I hope someone gets back to you yvy23 regarding your query.....


I finally booked my flight and my cats too. Were leaving a week tomorrow from Heathrow with Virgin Atlantic. It ended up costing £397 for my cat and £929 one way for me. The pick up details at Chicago O'Hare seem somewhat confusing, So I'm hoping it's easier than it looks. Because it's going to be hard to do as I won't have a car on arrival.


Fingers crossed it all goes smoothly. I will report back once I've settled. Good luck to all other's that are going through this process.

Naddy&MikeyFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-31 12:37:00
United KingdomFlying cat from UK to USA

Thanks for the link re Pet carrier, most helpful! I'm absolutely dreading putting my cat through that eight and a half hour flight. I wanted to fly over beforehand and have her flown out a week or two later, but I don't have anyone who can take her to the airport, so she'll have to fly with me on the same flight. Not only will I be stressing about POE but waiting to see if she made the flight safe and sound. Going to be a very long day me thinks!!!

Edited by Naddy&Mikey, 16 July 2013 - 05:39 AM.

Naddy&MikeyFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-16 05:38:00
United KingdomFlying cat from UK to USA

I'm also in the process of deciding how to fly my beloved cat from the U.K to Chicago. It's a mind boggling stuff! I've had quotes starting from £564 to nearly a £1000!!!  I think I'm going to go through an airline rather than an agent, the cost would be considerably lower.


I was told that they don't necessarily need the rabies shot before they go, but it would be needed 14 days after arrival. I'm going to get my cat micro chipped, rabies shot & pet passport here in the U.K, costing around £120, then I'll have to book her for a 'fit to fly' check from 7-10 days before she flies.


I am currently looking for an IATA approved cage because they have to be a certain size. Has anyone got any suggestions on which one to buy that would be accepted by the airlines?

Naddy&MikeyFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-10 15:45:00