Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

What other events go on during the day at this festival? Sounds like JA time :lol:

They have vendors along the area w/food, merchandise, etc. They also have DJ's playing across the park.

Thanks Anna I was just wondering if we go how early we should get there and what there was to do.

We got there really early......and after walking around and getting dinner we sat on the bleachers for a few hours....waiting....if you want to do it right -- bring some of those "fold-up" chairs. Lots of people had them and they parked themselves right up in front of the stage.


Hi Darlin' -- I sure have missed you!!!! (L)
MinfayFemaleJamaica2007-06-28 16:45:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

I remember that. Beenie was late or should I say the promoters. Did you see Cham performance? He was good.

Nah -- we only went the one night. I would have liked to see him though.....I never told Roy that Maxi Priest was playing -- he would have definitely dragged me back there for that.

I thought I felt something the other day, but all my books say it's too soon. Maybe it was just gas :lol:

:lol: :lol: Gas!!! :lol: :lol:
MinfayFemaleJamaica2007-06-28 14:26:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
Anna & Jax: Roy REALLY wants to go see Buju......we are waiting to see what his hours are going to be on Wednesday (the "best" case scenario is he works until 8:00 -- it will only take us about 35 minutes to get there)

I am so assuming that he won't go on any earlier than 10:00....Beenie Man was suppose to start at 7:00 and he didn't go on until 10:00 last year....

If he works the "day shift" there is a really good chance we won't make it 'cause then we will be going to a BBQ during the day and I am planning on drinking LOTS of tequila and floating in the pool. Might actually be in bed at 8:00 :lol: :lol:

I'll keep in touch.....

MinfayFemaleJamaica2007-06-28 11:50:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
Good luck tomorrow!! :dance:

Girls -- make sure they know how to write and spell YOUR complete name

MinfayFemaleJamaica2007-06-18 15:21:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4) has $3.99 money transfers to Jamaica. Also, free Washington Mutual checking accounts have free money transfers into certain Jamaican banks.

A Washington Mutual debit card works in Scotiabank ATM's there in Jamaica for a small fee. When I am in Jamaica I take a small amount of money and use the card while there.

:lol: I just closed our WaMu checking account -- I knew about the free money transfers but we just never send it so we never used it.

Thank you. I will check into

MinfayFemaleJamaica2007-06-04 14:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
Hi Guys!! Hope all is well with everyone. Nothing new to report on this end. Roy is <finally, finally, finally> working full-time and loving every minute of it -- Mee too!! :dance: :energetic:

Anna -- <Thankfully> we never really send any $$$ down to Roy's family. In the past year I think we have only done it a few times. Saturday I sent $50.00 to his sister (Western Union) and the Currency Exchange charged me $11.00 Service Fee (I am used to sending in higher increments to Roy - then the Service Fee didn't really hurt as much). I know you and Javon have a bank account set up in JA for this. Can you please tell me how you do it? What bank it is and how YOU deposit money into the account.

It just might be worth it to do it this way.....

MinfayFemaleJamaica2007-06-04 11:07:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

You ladies are very strong and I applaud you for your strength. It's just not something I could do. If I thought my SO, whether BF, fiance, or spouse and whether in JA or USA was cheating, I would not be as nice as you all are being.

Here Here to that! I thought it was just me that was thinking the 'let it slide' comments were a little bit weird! Why would I want to marry someone that was cheating on me from the BEGINNING of our relationship. Do I think I can't get any better? Do I not deserve any better? Do I allow it just cause he's in another country?

I don't understand this logic. I know that people cheat in relationships all the time, but I have never known of som many people who are turning a blind eye on it so easily. What is that all about? No wonder the men get to the US and see all these hot ladies and think its OK to "have friends", you were letting him do it to you before you were even married to one another. SO basically you married a scoundrel of a man, and you knew it, and then you get upset that he's still a scoundrel after you've paid all this money and dedicated all this time to get him here in the US with you.

Does anyone else not see a problem with this here! As a person looking in from the inside, I can see so many red flags in some of these relationships, it absolutely ridiculous.

I don't mean to offend anyone, but some of these comments were just sooo shocking to me. They just blew my mind! WOW!!

ok i never said he was doing this before we married....this happend 2 months into our marriage....and yes i have every reason to be upset....was he doing this to me in Jamaica...well i have no real way of knowing...does anyone???
i never said i was going to let it go..

I was the one who said I thought something was going on before we were married.....I had no proof. I just assumed. It wasn't like I could jump in my car and stalk him to see what he was doing when I was not there. So, I did what I had to do to get through the time we spent apart -- I assumed the worst, hoped for the best and got on with my life. Ya see, I am a VERY jealous person -- always have been, always will be. I accept that and so does he. The strength of our relationship (hopefully) will continue to get us through any tough times that we might encounter. That's really all you can hope for......

I am not turning a blind eye. I do not believe any of the girls who post here in this forum are. I think everyone just needs to understand that every person is different, every relationship is different and everyone has different experiences......we are all here to try to help each other -- not tell each other how stupid we think they are....we are suppose to be a support system. I'm not here to judge what someone else chooses to do in their relationship and I hope nobody is going to judge me.

It's getting a little too heated in here for me -- I'm gonna be taking a break from you guys for a while. I get too emotional when I see people bashing and attacking each other and I don't want it to have an adverse effect on my own relationship. Squitto got this whole thing started so we all had a place to go to support each other and that's exactly what this used to be one big happy family of support -- for some reason it has gotten really ugly lately.

There used to be a time where if you had a problem you could post it here and everyone would offer suggestions to try to help you out. It doesn't seem like that is happening here anymore. People are getting a bit too judgemental for me. I might not agree with the choices that you have made but I will be more than happy to offer suggestions -- not say how stupid I think you are. When things like that start happening it tends to make it ugly for everyone.

I wish you all the best of luck and hope all of you have long, happy <and PROBLEM FREE> marriages (L)

MinfayFemaleJamaica2007-04-14 11:36:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
Rhonda + Tony = _______ :wub: :goofy:
MinfayFemaleJamaica2007-04-14 08:03:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

I think I am going to try and put a disclaimer at the end of every post :devil: I am really enjoying it :yes:'s not a bad idea!!! Good luck!!!
MinfayFemaleJamaica2007-04-13 18:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
..sorry for the double post....

Edited by Minfay, 13 April 2007 - 02:39 PM.

MinfayFemaleJamaica2007-04-13 14:38:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

I have learned about some very disterbing things about what he was doing in JA, and yes, he was doin his own thing. Just like you said. Things were not what I thought they were, even after he arrived. He was sooo perfect. I was on top of the world. I could not believe.

Very well put, Dee....

Here's the thing -- the whole immigration process DOES NOT allow us to really get to know the person as well as we (or they) might like. No bulls*&$ here..... My question is.....would ANY of you marry someone HERE, in America who you met and only saw face-to-face a limited amount of time?

Me -- NO WAY!!! But -- that being said -- I also believe that life is too short to not take chances. You are only given one opportunity here -- what you do with that opportunity is all up to you.

So, what makes me think that Roy is perfect in every way? NOTHING!!

Has he been a good husband? Yes, he has.

Has he cheated on me? I have no clue.

Do I think he is capable of it? Of course I do........AND this comes from knowing that he wasn't "Mr. Perfect" when he was in JA waiting for the whole K1 process to come through. I know that. I got over that. What happens in Jamaica stays in Jamaica.......I could never prove anything but I'm not stupid.

Believe me -- after hearing stories here on VJ (and NOT just in this forum) I have become very aware of my surroundings.....and will continue to be aware. You never know what is going to happen once your fiancee/husband gets here.......

MinfayFemaleJamaica2007-04-13 14:38:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

I don't agree. We all know the trials and tribulations of this truly difficult and long process. It isn't only the Jamaican who gives up everything they know. I have had to rearrange my life more times then I like to count during this process. As I expected Jomo to do everything he could along the way to make it go smoothly, I still expect the same. I expect his love and attention. I expect him to adjust. I expect him to work hard. And, I expect him to respect me and work out our differences in an adult manner. I would be babying him if I didn't. He is a man, not a child. I don't baby him.

I have to agree whole heartedly with this :thumbs:
While I do have grace, patience and compassion for all the adjustment and changes that are going to be happening I still expect him to behave as a man and not a child. I expect him to handle things maturely and to act as the head of our household. Life isn’t easy not matter what situations are thrown your way but it is still your choice how you react and respond. I signed up to be the wife not the mommy.

AMEN SISTAS!! :thumbs:
MinfayFemaleJamaica2007-04-13 12:23:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
Hey Sara -- Nice to see you around again!!

I KNOW that I'm starting something again....but ....we BUST our butts to get them here, *THINK* that we (women) are going to be "respected" and treated as they treated us in the 2 yrs or however long that they did while we were "courting" and then WHAM ! step foot into this country and where does the respect go ?

.....they are like "kids in the candy store" and that's the truth.....

Disclaimer: Of course by "they" I mean only the men that I know personally and have heard about personally via friends, relatives or media outlets. In no way do I imply ALL men of a certain ethnic origin, religious background or any other "group".

Jamie -- You're the BEST!!!

"I" NEEEEED a vacation !!!!!!!!!!!! I neeeed to send ME away !!! We women should get together and go to a spa somewhere !!!!!

I think that's a great idea....
MinfayFemaleJamaica2007-04-13 11:22:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

I KNOW that I'm starting something again....but ....we BUST our butts to get them here, *THINK* that we (women) are going to be "respected" and treated as they treated us in the 2 yrs or however long that they did while we were "courting" and then WHAM ! step foot into this country and where does the respect go ?

.....they are like "kids in the candy store" and that's the truth.....
MinfayFemaleJamaica2007-04-12 15:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
Oh Shauna........ :huh:
MinfayFemaleJamaica2007-04-12 08:31:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
Sonshyne -- That's a GREAT ticker -- it's just unbelievable that this is even happening.....
MinfayFemaleJamaica2007-04-11 16:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

Bert's work permits expires today. The good thing is that he has been here for 3 months already. The bad thing is his job. Today is his last day

That sucks....sorry.....:bonk:
MinfayFemaleJamaica2007-04-11 13:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

Thats just it...the way this place is set up the main walkway is behind me so everyone can see what I am doing :angry: I don't mind working...just give me something to do

I've had jobs like that'e glad to pick up the paycheck BUT there are a million other things you could be doing to "waste" your time. Can you ask for more things to do or volunteer to help someone out?

In fact I use Lotus and type on a typewriter for most projects :help: :help: I have tried little by little to revolutionize but they like it the way it is :blink:

LOTUS?!?!? Ha, Ha, Ha.....I didn't even know that still existed :lol: Now, I really miss my typewriter (and have been missing it for the past eight years... :wacko:)
MinfayFemaleJamaica2007-04-11 12:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

Are you getting his passport renewed from the states? Andre's expires in 2009 and, thinking ahead, I am wondering if we can do this or if we have to do it while in JA

Yeah. Roy's expires next January......I need to do a "bit" more research but it looks like you do it from here -- send it (with all the necessary info and $$$) to the Jamaican Embassy in Washington. They handle it from there. I <believe> you need the old passport, two pictures, birth certificate, the "form" and, of course, the $$$$$ I don't think it's that big of a deal.
MinfayFemaleJamaica2007-04-11 10:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

thanks for the tips jomo's girl. i won't worry too much about his diploma then. he doesn't seem too interested in going back to school. and i'll advise him to get 2 copies of his long form birth certificate. he sent me an original bc, but i hear that one is no longer valid.

I wouldn't worry too much about the diploma....not even sure it would be "accepted" here. "Everyone" <employers> are interested in knowing if Roy got his GED....they could really care less what happened in Jamaica :wacko:

Regarding the Birth Certificate -- I had Roy get two "originals" One we gave them at the interview and one he has here <and we have used it a few times>. I am going to have to order another "copy" because we have to send one to get his Passport renewed.....if you can, maybe you should have him get three copies....I wish Roy would have done that.

MinfayFemaleJamaica2007-04-11 09:00:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

Ricardo has his VISA in his hand.

Congrats!! :dance: :dance:

:lol: Why was Lola in the car with you? You afraid she'll eat the house while you're gone? :devil:

....Lola goes EVERYWHERE Roy goes.....get this -- he ACTUALLY took the covers away from me in bed last night to make room for her under the comforter.....:whistle: :bonk:

It's all about the MONGREL!!!!

MinfayFemaleJamaica2007-04-11 07:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

Thats just it...the way this place is set up the main walkway is behind me so everyone can see what I am doing :angry: I don't mind working...just give me something to do

I've had jobs like that'e glad to pick up the paycheck BUT there are a million other things you could be doing to "waste" your time. Can you ask for more things to do or volunteer to help someone out?
MinfayFemaleJamaica2007-04-10 11:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

Well I started a new job 2 weeks ago...I am a receptionist/acct. clerk. It is the easiest job of my life and I am already VERY bored...but it is not stressful and has good could be better but its money.

You need to find a good Mahjong game to play!!
MinfayFemaleJamaica2007-04-10 10:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
Good morning!!

Rhonda -- TAKE ME OFF the baby list!! Lola puked on my arm yesterday while we were driving Roy to work -- I told him that I can't even handle a dog puking how could I ever handle a kid.... :whistle:
MinfayFemaleJamaica2007-04-10 08:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

I use 3Utelecom. They hook it to your home phone and it's good on any number connected to you. We pay .17 a minute and they bill you to the second, not minute, to save you money.

That's great!! Thank you!!!!
MinfayFemaleJamaica2007-04-09 16:12:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
What "service" do you use?

I just checked :wacko: My Total Call is now up to .29 a minute....haven't really payed any attention to that one since Roy is here....OY VEY!!

MinfayFemaleJamaica2007-04-09 15:07:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

I think Roy only talked for 5 minutes at .10 a minute.....yeah, just my luck!!! Now that it's DOUBLED he will be doing nothing but talking :wacko:

Do you like that plan better than phone cards? When I run out of international minutes I buy a phone card that is about .17 a minute. kinda is a phone card......sorta. You can only use it on the phone you have registered or off the computer....but for .10 a minute -- who cares :dance: -- not any more. I have Total Call International as my "long distance" provider on my home phone -- it's like .22 a minute...and I can just pick up the phone and dial....
MinfayFemaleJamaica2007-04-09 14:45:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
I think Roy only talked for 5 minutes at .10 a minute.....yeah, just my luck!!! Now that it's DOUBLED he will be doing nothing but talking :wacko:
MinfayFemaleJamaica2007-04-09 14:02:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

Just so you know ring yard raised their rates cell phones are now 19 cents a minute and land line 18 cents a minute. I don't think we will ever find 10 cent a minute rate again.

:lol: Of course they raised their rates -- that's because I FINALLY bought $20.00 worth ... sorry!! :jest:
MinfayFemaleJamaica2007-04-09 12:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

Mindy how do you find details on that Festival at the end of June? Where should I look? WOO-HOO....Beenie Man is coming back Monday, July 3rd (L)

:lol: :lol: That was last years calendar!! :whistle: Ha, Ha!! This year the festival begins on 7/ acts for this year have been announced yet.....
MinfayFemaleJamaica2007-04-09 09:04:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

Has anyone used Fedex, UPS or DHL to ship docs to Jamaica? What was your experience? Wondering which is the most reliable.

I have used FedEx in the past to Mobay -- he picked it up at their office in town. I <believe> it cost me $30.00 for "Letter Express" (I was only sending two pages to him....) They guaranteed it would get there in three business days -- it got there the next day.

I saw Maxi Priest playing to so I told my proffesor.

I saw that too -- I'm not so much a fan.....Roy really likes him. Right now, along with Capelton, I am hoping he doesn't realize :whistle: I am such a horrible wife :blush:
MinfayFemaleJamaica2007-04-09 06:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

Mindy how do you find details on that Festival at the end of June? Where should I look?

WOO-HOO....Beenie Man is coming back Monday, July 3rd (L)

MinfayFemaleJamaica2007-04-08 19:42:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
H a p p y E a s t e r ! !

I am just lookin for things to do because I will be free all of July and part of August

We went to the Caribbean Festival -- I believe it was the end of June -- it's in Washington Park (right by the University of Chicago) -- that's where we saw Beenie Man. It was really nice -- they had a lot of restaurants there selling food and booths selling "#######." Worth going to if someone good is playing.

Does everyone here like bun and JA cheese. I have to be honest I am not a bun lover :no: . Am I the only one. My husband says I am so picky

I have to admit -- I do like it. Just had to go buy another one yesterday.....4lbs for $18.00....but it is really YUMMY!! ....and, it makes Roy really happy!!

Love the cheese.

Okay -- talk to me about the cheese. We bought a "container" at the African store -- we already threw it away so I can't tell you who made it -- Roy HATED it. I had to go out and get "hard" cheese -- I bought a "brick" of Colby...... WHAT kind of "American" cheese can you compare the "Jamaican" cheese to. He said the Colby was just fine.....but I would love to get some more suggestions.
MinfayFemaleJamaica2007-04-08 07:38:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

Do you guys find it a challenge when you take your hubby out to eat at a Restaurant that does not serve Caribbean food?

Two words......CHICKEN NUGGETS

I just got an e:mail -- Capleton is coming to the House of Blues on Friday, 6/15. Tickets go on sale tomorrow.

Thanks Mindy Dwain said no he really doesn't like that artist. Are you and Roy going to go?

I haven't told him yet -- I'm sure he will probably want to go -- I'm not too keen on him.....Roy laughs 'cause I can't ever understand one word he is saying/singing :lol: I think I might hold out for Richie Spice.....we saw Beenie Man last year and that was a lot of fun!!

Is Richie Spice coming here?

Well....he will be in the States really soon (if he's not already here) -- SJB said he is coming to the DC area the middle of this month.....I have my fingers crossed for Chicago. I keep checking "his" website and there is nothing.....Maybe he will just show up at my house!!! :whistle: :lol:

Go ahead -- hate me -- I don't care!!! When I met Roy (three years ago) --
I cannot change how some people feel. I just wish that the "newbies" knew ALL the women who used to frequent this forum -- who WE have not heard from in MONTHS -- SOME YEARS.....why? Their relationships don't exist anymore. Those are the "tales" you all really need to hear.

Maybe they just got on with their marriage, and decided they didn't need any more help from VJ. Or maybe their relationship did end and they just got over it and moved on with their lives, and decided they didn't need any help from VJ. :blush:

MinfayFemaleJamaica2007-04-07 07:34:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

Do you guys find it a challenge when you take your hubby out to eat at a Restaurant that does not serve Caribbean food?

Two words......CHICKEN NUGGETS

I just got an e:mail -- Capleton is coming to the House of Blues on Friday, 6/15. Tickets go on sale tomorrow.

Thanks Mindy Dwain said no he really doesn't like that artist. Are you and Roy going to go?

I haven't told him yet -- I'm sure he will probably want to go -- I'm not too keen on him.....Roy laughs 'cause I can't ever understand one word he is saying/singing :lol: I think I might hold out for Richie Spice.....we saw Beenie Man last year and that was a lot of fun!!

Edited by Minfay, 06 April 2007 - 07:44 PM.

MinfayFemaleJamaica2007-04-06 19:43:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
For those of you in the Chicago area......

I just got an e:mail -- Capleton is coming to the House of Blues on Friday, 6/15. Tickets go on sale tomorrow.
MinfayFemaleJamaica2007-04-06 10:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

I ordered it from Sams Caribbean Market on line. First time ordering as we have nothing close. We will have to venture out to Boston to find some markets there.

We really like lamb so I might make that on Sunday......very low key.....

Roy eats lamb??? Hubby will only eat chicken and fish. I am soooooooooo sick of chicken and fish is so expensive.

Roy LOVES lamb....he would eat it every meal if he could!! When he got here all he wanted (or would eat) was chicken or took him a while to realize that it's really expensive (and hard) to get good, fresh, mostly chicken for him now. He will eat pork and sausage (and if this counts) he LOVES Hamburger Helper :wacko: that's the only "beef" he will eat and not complain about.
MinfayFemaleJamaica2007-04-06 10:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
We really like lamb so I might make that on Sunday......very low key.....
MinfayFemaleJamaica2007-04-06 09:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

How are your Jamaican hubbies coping with being away from home for Easter?

Roy doesn't think he has to go to school on Monday 'cause it's Easter Monday.....just like last year, I am having a hard time explaining it to him :lol: He already ate his "bun" so I need to go buy another plans -- he is working both jobs all weekend.....
MinfayFemaleJamaica2007-04-06 09:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

My husband said it's him or the dog :(

I'd take the dog :lol: :lol: But, I'm partial!! Just ask Roy :whistle:
MinfayFemaleJamaica2007-04-05 15:41:00