Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
@ evi: ich glaub auch, dass es mit dem ddr hintergrund zu tun hat und dass hier keiner versteht, wie das in den usa abgeht.... apropos mobilitaet in den usa, besagte trouble schwester findet es ja sooooo schlimm dass ich nicht mit dem fahrad zum walmart fahre. Huestel. 5 meilen ueber schwerbefahrene, radweglose strassen mit kind bei wind und wetter? Wie realitaetsfern geht es denn! Haja, weil radfahren ist ja so gesund und zudem fahre ich doch so einen boesen ford explorer, wie umweltschaedigend (sie denkt auch fleischessen ist boese weil die tiere so viele treibhausgase ausscheiden und noch mais usw essen)... und da denk ich mir ihr sohn traegt aber pampers und muellt omas muelltonne voll, wenn man so umweltbewusst ist, waere doch stofwindeln ein muss... (die neue muellgebuehr hier ist krass, es geht danach wie viel man pro kg erzeugt, da merkr man schon, dass wegwerfwindeln muell machen)... oh well. Ich geniess eben mein nutellabrot und rouladen und so weiter.... und burgen, dm einkaeufe (ich liebe alverde) und kinderstrumpfhosen (find die so praktisch, hach shoppen heilt alle wunden! ;) )

was mich mehr stoert war eher dass um elf uhr nachts noch einer rumwuselt... da sag mal einer ich waer zu lasch mit jona... wir kommen als familie gut mit unserer routine klar, feste bedzeiten, bekannte regelns - da weiss jona was er erwarten kann und was auch mal ok ist... aber regellosigkeit macht mich wahnsinnig,dann bin ich halt ne boese mama, haha. ;) meine eltern haben mir aber gut zugehoert und besserung versprochen, haben ja selber gesehen dass der kleine sie sonst ausnutzt. Ist ueberhaupt krass wie schnell er das geschnallt hat. Wahnsinn!

@ steffi: ich drueck dir noch die daumen wegen des jobs. Wegen reisen, wir sollten uns gegenseitig dran erinnern, die hubbies mitzubringen oder lieber mal nach cancun zu fliegen... aber mich lockts eben immer wieder zur familie, trotz allem, und nach dland....

Meine eine Freundin vom Gymmie ist auch schwanger und nur einen Tag vor mir due... so langsam bekommen hier auch ein paar babies. Aber niemand ist verheiratet, das scheint out zu sein?! Sie hat sogar ein haus gekauft mit ihrem freund... hmmm...

Sorry fuer die tippfehler, das handy als pc ist doch nicht so der hit...
Anna C.FemaleGermany2010-09-10 15:42:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
Ich fang ja gar keine Diskussionen an, ich werd aus dem Nichts angegangen... aber hier denken eh alle Hausfrauen sind dumme Faulenzer und Sozialschmarotzer. Dass man 24/7 Mama ist sieht keiner, sondern denken man sitzt auf der Couch und schaut Tv... dann kommt aber wieder durch dass meine Schwester dann doch gern zuhause sein wuerde... und da ich das kann werde ich angegriffen, wuerg.
Anna C.FemaleGermany2010-09-10 12:14:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
Hier kommt mein vent... oma und opa denken ich sei zu streng, also wenn ich sag nein erlauben sie Jona die Aktion. Ergebnis: temper tantrums und Unmut! Hab die Fronten erst einmal geklaert. Was mich viel mehr stoert ist meine Schwester. Null Regelwerk und der Kleine geht um 23h ins Bett - dann will sie hier auch sein uebers WE und ich hab schon gesagt, wir muessen leise sein wenn Jona schlaeft, er ist sehr empfindlich. Augenrollen. Ich solle mich nicht so haben, wenn ich 2 Kinder habe geht leise nicht mehr. Hallov geht es noch? Im Moment hab ich ein Kind und bin schwanger und Du meinst hey lass uns Dich quaelen als Vorspann auf spaeter?! Ich find es immer wieder unglaublich wie ruecksichtlos Menschen sind. Meine andere Schwester hat genau das gleiche Schlafproblem gehabt, ihr Kleiner schlaef und sie laesst ihren Sohn bis in die Puppen Amok laufen. Sie wohnt um die Ecke und muss sich echt nicht einquartieren... ich koennte kotzen!!! Das klingt jetzt alles gar nicht tragisch, aber als schwangere Mutter brauch ich die Zeit fuer mich n der Jona schlaeft. Ich ruhe, tanke auf, und kann dann wieder.
Und oben drauf halten es alle fuer noetig es mir mitzuteilen dass eine stay at home mom natuerlich ein schrecklicher Zystand ist und so dumm und ohne Selbstverwirklichung, schliesslich koenne man auch arbeiten und trotzem genauso viel Zeit mit seinem Kind verbringen anstatt es sozial verwahrlosen zu lassen zuhause (Freunde und Nachbarskinder zaehlen ja nicht). Ich werd wirklich nicht ohne Paul fliegen in Zukunft... da haben alle Respekt und lassen mich in Ruhe.
Anna C.FemaleGermany2010-09-10 12:05:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
@ Susanne: die airlines schmeissen die Kiwas in den Frachtraum oben auf die Koffer drauf... unser buggy hat so Gummi am Griff und da waren danach Loecher drin und Kratzer am Gestell. Er ist ein bisschen groesser und auch in Wald und Wiese nutzbar, daher lass ich ihn hier zum Rumfahren, da wird er noch ein paar Jahre aushalten. Zuhause benutzen wir ausschliesslich den Teutonia, auch im Auto, ist ja super schnell zusammengelegt und aufgebaut. Wir fahren viel in der Nachbarschaft und auf Feld und Wiese umher wo citi buggies kapitulieren wuerden (Matsch, hohes Gras, Sand usw). Fuers Reisen mag ich nur was leichteres und Billigeres was nicht so schlimm waer wenn es kaputt geht, aber eine Liegeposition finde ich sehr wichtig. Der cybex hat es, ist aber ein city buggy, der ist dann ok am Flughafen und in San Francisco. Und bei 130 Euro auch kein Drama wenn er zerkratzt wird. Es kommt sehr auf Deinen Lifestyle und Deine Wohnsituation an, was fuer ein Kiwa geeignet ist. Meine Schwester ist grad sauer weil mein Schwager einen Buggy ohne Liegeposition gekauft hat on sale... ich dachte die haben alle eine eigentlich. Der cybex ist sogar ab Geburt allowed wohl, und man kann auch ne Babywanne dazukaufen. Aber ich brauch nur nen travel buggy.

Puh bei uns ist viel los, Besuch und action die ganze Zeit. Aber auch lecker Essen und schoene frische Waldluft... Jona spielt wirklich klasse mit seinen Cousins.
Anna C.FemaleGermany2010-09-07 15:37:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
So langsam wird es mit dem Jetlag, Jona hat auch von 21 Uhr bis 8:30 Uhr geschlafen, dann 2h Mittagsschlaf, langsam wird es wieder normal! Nutellabrote schmecken wunderbar, genauso wie Kassler mit schoenen kleinen festkochenden Kartoffeln und Muttis Bohnensuppe mit Schinken, ich glaub ich komm als Kugel zurueck!!!
AM FRA Flughafen durfte ich mit der Crew durch die Passkontrolle - es gab nur 2 Polizisten für 3 FLüge aus den USA, super lange Schlangen, aber der Flughafenbeamte meinte Mamas mit Kindern gehen vor, wie nett! Das hat locker eine halbe Stunde gespart.... Und kaum kam ich ausm Zoll raus, hat Jona auch Opa entdeckt und sich gefreut wie ein PFannekuchen und ist mir schon aus den Armen gesprungen zu Opa... Den Britax hab ich Dank Isofix auch in unter 60 Sekunden festbekommen, nur freitags ist leider immer Stau auf der A5 und A7 wo wir ja langfahren muessen... Also Schneckentempo nach Hause, hat ganze 3 Stunden gedauert , baeh. Dafuer freut sich Jona tierisch über den Wald, die lokalen Tierchen (diverse Dorfkatzen wurden bereits gejagt, dann gibt es Pferde, Ponies, Ziegen, Schafe und Kühe, die findet er alle toll). Mit seinem Cousin war er gleich ganz glücklich, die beiden sind händchenhaltend durchn Wald marschiert, :D
Mein stroller ist nun ziemlich hin, der ist doch recht gross fürs Fliegen, daher kauf ich jetzt den Cybex gar hier - der kostet nämlcih die Hälfte in Dland!!! Den anderen lass ich hier, weil der grosse Räder hat und damit gut durch den Wald geht, damit haben meine Eltern einen auf Reserve. Oh und die Preise hier überhaupt, ich staune immer wieder wie billig Supermärkte sind in Deutschland. Wahnsinn...
Anna C.FemaleGermany2010-09-06 10:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview in German or English???
If you have any other questions concerning Frankfurt, look into the regional forums (Europe -> German thread). The girls pretty much know everything, even which hotel to book if you wanna sleep close to the Consulate :)
Anna C.FemaleGermany2007-06-05 11:47:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionLiving in Germany applying for USCitizenship
Isn't there someone on base who can explain the procedure? There are so many exceptions with the military! Do they have lawyers there? I am not sure, but I guess you will need a Green Card first before applying for citizenship.

You can also call in Frankfurt and ask them a Loch in den Bauch ;) Somebody has to know the answer... If you were in the US it would be easier, you could make in Infopass appointment and ask them there (in the local offices they usually know all the answers). Don't call the immigration hotline in the US, waste of time, they know less than we do!!!!

Good luck!

Anna C.FemaleGermany2007-03-05 09:36:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionMedical / Vaccines for N-400?
Thanks! I know about the Beibehaltungsgenehmigung, I'll take care of it in June (I'll be eligible for N-400 this December). That should be plenty of time for the German government to work on my case....

The issue was brought up at in the forums. They got me all scared as I would strongly refuse Gardasil shots and more chickenpox shots!!!!
Anna C.FemaleGermany2009-04-25 01:27:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionMedical / Vaccines for N-400?
Hi there,

In another forum people claim that I need another medical and bunch of vaccines to be able to naturalize. I cannot find any information about this on - so is it even true?
If yes, could you provide links to the instructions and possibly vaccine waiver websites?

Thanks! Happy Friday!
Anna C.FemaleGermany2009-04-24 02:22:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionGetting started... a couple of questions
Good to know! I know it approximately down to very little days now, since I found my stamps in my passport and know I never was gone for more than 31 days as plane tickets get way more expensive if the stay is longer than one month! I still will attach a letter though explaining that I don't remember the exact dates I left, just in case. We also moved so much - we moved out of our apartment and DH went on a TDY and I lived with MIL for a couple of weeks, then we stayed in TLF (temporary housing for military) for a bit, I mean it really adds up (my list is long for the past 5 years, hahaha). ;)
Anna C.FemaleGermany2011-08-26 10:06:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionGetting started... a couple of questions
No I cannot find the emails in Gmail anymore from when I bought my etickets. I only know which month I went and have the travel date for re-entry to the US in my passport... I threw away those tickets a long time ago!
Anna C.FemaleGermany2011-08-25 17:20:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionGetting started... a couple of questions
1) I don't remember exactly when I moved in or out from places... We moved so much (military), I only have approximate days (which are like 3-5 days off mayve). Is that acceptable?
2) I don't remember exactly travel dates. I have the stamp in my passport when I flew back, but cannot remember the exact date I departed. I know I was gone for 4 weeks 3 times and once for about 15 days or so. Is an approximation enough?

Anna C.FemaleGermany2011-08-25 16:56:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionSame day Oath Ceremony option in Denver
Ugh stinks... I already have to go down to Denver twice then with kids for biometrics and interview. 2h drive. At least they have an Ikea now to make the trip worth it ;)
Anna C.FemaleGermany2011-09-12 17:57:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDocuments for N-400 - originals or notarized copies ok?
Great, thanks!
Anna C.FemaleGermany2011-09-12 20:30:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDocuments for N-400 - originals or notarized copies ok?
I'm referring to Dh's birth certificate and the kids' and our marriage record. Do I have to send the originals or are notarized copies acceptable? those darn things are expensive and hard to come by since we're military and everybody was born in different places and we got married in a different state as well.
Anna C.FemaleGermany2011-09-12 17:12:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionTraveling during n-400 process
Yes, my Beibehaltungsgenehmigung was approved in August (took 8 weeks and 255 Euros plus $36 for Fedex fees). It was quick.

And yes, flying with kids is not only exhausting, but also expensive. There are no discounts, my 3 year old pays the same per ticket as an adult. It stinks! I might travel later though, Lufthansa has those deals occasionally. I'm toying with the idea of asking my parents to come to us instead and use this ticket price. I'd even pay them to come as I don't like dealing with delays necessarily. Though DH would stay at home and hence could check mail... Decisions, decisions..
Anna C.FemaleGermany2011-10-04 11:10:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionTraveling during n-400 process
Thanks for your replies! I'm not in a hurry at all, but I'll weigh my options! My husband's Air Force so I guess I have to file in Nebraska, at least that is how we understand their wording.

Yeah flights have gotten pricey, and with 2 children, I only fly direct (never again a layover!!!). $960 per person is our good deal for a direct flight - usually the flights run $1300-$1500 per person... So this is a deal! When I lived in CA it was so much cheaper. SFO was dirt cheap to Frankfurt - only $600-$800 per ticket, direct flight!
Anna C.FemaleGermany2011-10-02 13:23:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionTraveling during n-400 process
Is it advisable? I will file within the next two weeks and I just found a great deal to fly home all of February to see my parents, and they can finally meet our newest addition that way (she's 8 months old now). Is it problematic to travel during a pending N-400? What if they want to schedule an interview then? Is that a bad idea? Can I reschedule if I had to?
Anna C.FemaleGermany2011-10-02 10:43:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionPlease check this out
Hm other guides I have read suggest it is important to prove the marriage beyond the tax receipts. I rather send in more than too little, I would hate to delay the process because my case worker wants to have extra much evidence. Better safe than sorry. But that's how I have done all my paperwork and it worked out wonderfully.
Anna C.FemaleGermany2011-10-14 16:56:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionPlease check this out
Can your in-laws type up a signed letter that you live with them and for how long?
Anna C.FemaleGermany2011-10-14 14:46:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionPlease check this out
I would attach a lease or mortgage too. I assembled everything over the past few weeks and put all of this in my package:

1) Cover letter explaining that I don't remember exact travel dates and moving dates, but it is no more than 7 days off (we are military, so LOTS of moving);
2) signed application
3) my birth certificate, DH's birth certificate, copies of permanent resident card and both our military IDs, tax transcript from the past 3 yeras;
4) son's and daughter's birth certificate;
5) copy of mortgage, car titles, joint car insurance and home owner's insurance, joint utility bills, sales tax receipt of new joint car, joint checking account receipt, joint Amex receipt
6) check to pay the whole thing.
Anna C.FemaleGermany2011-10-14 10:18:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionWhich picture will be on the actual citizenship certificate?
I have had my BBG approved already and in my hands, signed for. That's why I was able to send off my N-400 today; I had pretty solid reasons for my BBG (see security clearance for my husband, if it is not approved, he would have to change his carreer path within the military).

Anna C.FemaleGermany2011-10-15 22:03:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionWhich picture will be on the actual citizenship certificate?

Looks like getting the Beibehaltungsgenehmigung is just a formality. I see many Germans on this forum choose that way to be dual citizens.
How many Euros is the current fee, and once you get the US citizenship, do you need to inform the Bundesverwaltungsamt about your new citizenship?

Unfortunately, it is not just a formality. You need to plausibly prove that you are in dire need of both citizenships. The proof to keep the German one is relatively easy if you have relatives in Germany (ties to the country have to exist); e.g. my parents and sisters live there and I am entitled to an inheritance back home (children are legally entitled to a minimum amount of the parents' inheritence). The tricky part is to prove that you need the American citizenship. This is doable for all of us military spouses - my husband requires top security clearance which is sometimes denied if the spouse is foreign and eligible for citizenship but doesn't apply. It also makes miltiary life easier as most jobs on base are limited to citizens. But military spouses have a hard time finding a normal job since we move so much so it's hard to get hired. Not that I'm working (not planning to return until my youngest is at least 3 years old). That's a good reason to get the American citizenship. But if you are married to a civilian, it's much harder. Basically you have to prove that you have a significant disadvantage by being a permanent resident.
Anyways, the whole thing costs you 255 Euros, plus shipping fees if you don't live close to a consulate ($36 in fees). It takes anywhere from 8 weeks to much much longer if they want more evidence. I had my husband's Colonel type a paper about the whole security clearance situation which looked super official so I was approved very quickly, it was all very organized and I had my ducks in a row, so to speak... But it was a pain in the butt.

Looks like getting the Beibehaltungsgenehmigung is just a formality. I see many Germans on this forum choose that way to be dual citizens.
How many Euros is the current fee, and once you get the US citizenship, do you need to inform the Bundesverwaltungsamt about your new citizenship?

Unfortunately, it is not just a formality. You need to plausibly prove that you are in dire need of both citizenships. The proof to keep the German one is relatively easy if you have relatives in Germany (ties to the country have to exist); e.g. my parents and sisters live there and I am entitled to an inheritance back home (children are legally entitled to a minimum amount of the parents' inheritence). The tricky part is to prove that you need the American citizenship. This is doable for all of us military spouses - my husband requires top security clearance which is sometimes denied if the spouse is foreign and eligible for citizenship but doesn't apply. It also makes miltiary life easier as most jobs on base are limited to citizens. But military spouses have a hard time finding a normal job since we move so much so it's hard to get hired. Not that I'm working (not planning to return until my youngest is at least 3 years old). That's a good reason to get the American citizenship. But if you are married to a civilian, it's much harder. Basically you have to prove that you have a significant disadvantage by being a permanent resident.
Anyways, the whole thing costs you 255 Euros, plus shipping fees if you don't live close to a consulate ($36 in fees). It takes anywhere from 8 weeks to much much longer if they want more evidence. I had my husband's Colonel type a paper about the whole security clearance situation which looked super official so I was approved very quickly, it was all very organized and I had my ducks in a row, so to speak... But it was a pain in the butt.
Anna C.FemaleGermany2011-10-14 14:44:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionWhich picture will be on the actual citizenship certificate?
Thanks! I just had my pics taken yesterday at Walgreens for the application and they are not so pretty, but I thought whatever, those won't be on the certificate! I'm glad it's the one from biometrics, I can actually make my hair look decent (hey I have a little baby in the house!!! I don't ever sleep!). ;)

I will finally send it all in tomorrow, my government finally send me my offical certificate that allows me to apply whilst keeping German citizenship. Oh all the money spent... ;)
Anna C.FemaleGermany2011-10-14 10:07:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionWhich picture will be on the actual citizenship certificate?
Which picture will be on there - the passport pic I'm sending with the application or the biometrics appointment picture?
Anna C.FemaleGermany2011-10-14 08:34:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionPassport application for minor
Slightly OT, but how come he doesn't have a SSN? WHen your child is born whether it's in a hospital or with a homebirth midwife, when you fill out the birth certificate paper work you ususally request a social... It came within 5-7 days after birth for both my children (CO and CA). they'll need it eventually anyways (work), but we need it right away as DEERS/Tricare required it for enrollment. I was under the impression many health plans do?
Anna C.FemaleGermany2011-10-23 08:55:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionWhat's in your N-400 Application package? Here's what i'm putting:
I did pretty much the same, just I used DH's birth cert since he was born in the US, added both our military IDs, a utility bill and insurance receipts for our joint cars and well we have two kids so two birth certs ;) I didn't add our driver's licences since a) I have lost mine and only have a paper replacement card from the state of CA until I can renew in December and b) we have different addresses on there since DH has his mom's office address on there and never bothered to change it (it's the same since he was 16). So instead I used our military IDs. Plus, having a mortgage together pretty much trumps having the same DL's address methinks.... And kids together... Pretty solid ;)
Anna C.FemaleGermany2011-10-25 08:47:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionIs it ok to bring infants/toddlers to the biometrics app?

Should be no problem. In my local office, they even have crayons and colouring pages for the little ones (and changing stations ion both the male and female bathrooms!).

That truly is amazing, usually only women's rooms have changing tables, sigh. Btw I love your wrap! I could never make those work and stick with my Ergo and MaiTei :D
Anna C.FemaleGermany2011-10-26 16:54:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionIs it ok to bring infants/toddlers to the biometrics app?
My children are dual citizens by birth - born in the USA to a US citizen dad they are automatically American and since I'm German they are automatically German and have both passports for life (unless they voluntarily get rid of one citizenship later on). The appointments I have been to were always just adults - both my biometrics for the first and second green card - adults only and just my then 3 months old son was under 18 there! Same goes for the green card interview - we were actually the youngest people in the waiting room back then. So I never saw kids there, hence unsure ;)

OKflyboy: Wow a 24 hour old baby! Kudos! I mean I went home 5 hours after birth, but that was home with no other people than my family (I'm a germophobe for newborns, hehehe). I woulda been the mommy there that wipes everything down with sanitzing wipes.... :devil:
Anna C.FemaleGermany2011-10-25 08:43:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionIs it ok to bring infants/toddlers to the biometrics app?
Great good to know! I'm just preparing for the worst case scenario, kwim? Dh will be for a week in LA in November, and if I am realllly unlucky that's when my fingerprinting is ;) My 3 year old is easily distracted with toys or a book, the baby girl is happy too as long as she's not hungry ;) DH will be able most likely to take off for the interview - the Col is sympathetic, but fingerprinting is not as important in their view.... But I just noticed that the Denver location is actually Centennial (southern part of Denver) where they just opened an Ikea - I can take the kids there for a nice meal and my son finds Ikeas incredibly fun. I always need something from Ikea, lol ;)

@ Notbonjovi: That sounds very reassuring. We had a nice interviewer back for the green card in Charlotte, NC, who, after seeing the pics of our cat (or my I say joint cat, hahaha) showed us pictures of her furbabies and started talking about her trips to Europe (she saw the pics of us in Europe together). It was very pleasant - I guess most IOs just can tell from the first impression if people are real or fake and then take it easy.

Edited by Anna C., 24 October 2011 - 11:36 AM.

Anna C.FemaleGermany2011-10-24 11:34:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionIs it ok to bring infants/toddlers to the biometrics app?
We're military so we live far away from family and friends, it's not easy to find a baby sitter, especially since my youngest is 8 months and nurses every 2-3 hours, and my local office is a 120 minute drive from home, so she has to come along but wait in the waiting room / parking lot with someone. Well DH is the obvious choice, but he is gone 80% of the month and if we get less than 4 weeks prior notice, schedules cannot be changed. We can appeal for the interview date itself, and I sorta want to rather use the Colonol's favor for that one over the biometrics (I realize I can't bring my kids to that one). When I did my ROC I brought DS, and it was not an issue, but I don't know if things have changed. Is it okay to appear with a vivacious 3 year old and a 9 months old for biometrics? How is the oath ceremon itself, can family come? Man I wish we had an office in town, but we live in the least populated state's capital, so it's basically mini-small-town. :( Not even an international airport. Total pampa.
Anna C.FemaleGermany2011-10-24 08:37:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 Section H,Q37
I answered yes, but quite frankly it is super dooper unlikely that a draft goes in effect that would call for both women and men, and if it did, men are more likely the one called to arms. Just saying... I don't like firearms at all, I'm worried about children finding them and playing with them, but DH has one in our safely locked safe. And as a previous poster put it, what if there is a crazy invasion, then yes, I would use a firearm to defend my family, and basically that question for a woman on the n400 more or less applies to a crazy situation.
Anna C.FemaleGermany2011-11-02 20:36:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionWhat to wear for the interview?
Suit is not necessary, I saw all the people in Denver at my interview - some wore business attire, others just a pair of jeans with a nice sweater. I wore jeans too - I was there with two young children and suits isn't really what I wear these days. It's perfectly acceptable as long as it's clean, properly fitting and such (e.g. sweater is fine, but I wouldn't wear a low cut top, kwim?).
Anna C.FemaleGermany2012-01-26 22:11:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDual citizenship in France
The US doesn't care whether you have another citizenship, but your home country might. Each country has their own regulations. At the citizenship interview I wouldn't necessarily advertise that I intend to keep the old one (aka don't mention it), kwim? The cost for applying for American citizenship is not dependent on your citizenship status in France, Timbuctu or Mars - it's always the same fee for the N-400.

I'm not sure about French rules and regulations. I suggest your fiance should read up on it on his/her country's website about it. I'm German (and American!), and Germany e.g. only allows for keeping the German citizenship if you apply for permission to keep which has to be a well-documented reason (most people can swing it really, it just takes research and effort). Some countries don't allow you to have two citizenships, I friend of mine was Ukranian and lost her old citizenship upon taking the oath to become an American. Germany took quite a bit of money from me for my permission papers (255 Euros to be precise, plus shipping and banking fees). It was well worth it.

As for you becoming a French citizen - no idea, again, your fiance should look up French rules and regulations. Generally, most countries require you to be a resident for a while before you can become a citizen. E.g. my hubbster cannot become a German anytime soon - we live in the US! No residency established in Germany so .... no. And some jobs will not allow you to be hold two citizenships (generally certain kinds of gov jobs).

Summary: the USA allows you to keep your old one. Your old country might not. Do your research before applying!

Edited by Anna C., 08 February 2012 - 03:39 PM.

Anna C.FemaleGermany2012-02-08 15:34:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionPassport Filers
So will there be new thread for 2012? We sent off our applications last Friday morning (my daugher, who is American by birth and for me) as we want to travel April 10 - May 10. Do you think I'm in the clear to book the tickets now or should I wait until the passports come? We sent off our applications in Cheyenne, WY and I suppose the passport center in Aurora, CO is responsible for us. So far, the info isn't in the online system yet and checks haven't been cashed yet...
Anna C.FemaleGermany2012-01-31 15:22:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionLose German Citizenship
Ahh odd! We have a Ukranian friend who told us it was not allowed. I suppose she is misinformed! Did she then not loose her old citizenship without knowing?
Anna C.FemaleGermany2012-02-27 16:43:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionLose German Citizenship
I had no idea it was that old of a concept ;) Probably most people I know who are dual citizens are so from birth, so they never had to go through it. I'm just happy it's not like e.g. Ukranian law that does not allow for dual citizenship period - I'm all done, paid it all, did all the papers and now I can chillax :) It's not like it took all that long.

I had no idea it was that old of a concept ;) Probably most people I know who are dual citizens are so from birth, so they never had to go through it. I'm just happy it's not like e.g. Ukranian law that does not allow for dual citizenship period - I'm all done, paid it all, did all the papers and now I can chillax :) It's not like it took all that long.
Anna C.FemaleGermany2012-02-22 10:50:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionLose German Citizenship
Not that I'm aware of, also, it's relatively recent (I think 2000?).
Anna C.FemaleGermany2012-02-18 14:20:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionLose German Citizenship
I couldn't agree more with Karin's advice. That way, it'll be as fast as possible... Hopefully USCIS scheduled the oath in like... hmm April so you won't have to reschedule again!
Anna C.FemaleGermany2012-02-17 21:27:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionLose German Citizenship

I don't have an "effective date" on my BBG. There's the date when it was issued (in August 2010) and that's it. I didn't pick it up until January 2011 and there's no mention of that on there anywhere.

Yes you do. It is at the bottom left, "ausgehaendigt am" (they enter the date you signed the acknowledgement declaration there). That is your effective date. That's the day that counts! In the attached letter from the Consulate, the date is explained as well as the process (when you first get it, you sign the acknowledgement, then sent the BBG and the signed paper back to the Consulate, who then puts the date on there and how (in person or via Einschreiben) and then they send it back to you.).

Edited by Anna C., 15 February 2012 - 04:50 PM.

Anna C.FemaleGermany2012-02-15 16:48:00