US Citizenship General Discussionconfues about my citizenship help me out

For that reason you don't have a Certificate of Naturalization, and for that reason you are proud to be a Pakistani, instead of being proud to be an American. I'm just curious why you want you mom to come to America, instead of you moving back to the country you love so much?

Gee willikers! There's nothing unusual about someone saying "proud to be x" as their home nation. He also says "God bless America;" obviously he has affection for both nations. Unless I am missing something...
Jilli & AlesFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-13 15:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 received...what to do next? No idea about NVC?

I could not get the link to work. If you don't mind and when you have time, could you check it and send it to me again?

Also, what is a WAC number? Where could I find it?

Thank you!

WAC should be on your NOA2, near the top. I've almost memorized mine since I've called so much haha.
Jilli & AlesFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-19 13:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOMG FML =)

USCIS to NVC took a whole month and then NVC sent it to the embassy on the 14th of July, it arrived in Moscow today and they called my baby and scheduled the interview of August 15th.... less than a month... I am speechless =)

FML??? Haha not exactly how I would put it :)
Jilli & AlesFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-19 13:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI'm whining! I want my NOA2 and I'm a March filer!

I know I am getting ahead of myself, but how do you know if your petition has arrived at NVC?

From what I gather, they email you. But also what seems to be the case is that by the time they notify you, it's probably already on its way/arrived at the embassy. Perhaps they never do in some cases. The lady I talked to the other day had the cajones to tell me "you WILL receive a confirmation, you know." Okay well I WILL keep calling, sorry.
Jilli & AlesFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-22 07:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI'm whining! I want my NOA2 and I'm a March filer!
I miss my fiance so much :( But it's only been 2 months since I saw him last. I guess that's greedy, but I suppose this is the forum for that haha :ranting:
Jilli & AlesFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-21 16:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI'm whining! I want my NOA2 and I'm a March filer!

Ditto to both! However I have more... here goes (clears throat):

I miss my baby and I'm sick of waiting. I fell in love with him close to three years ago and it has been both the best and most difficult time of my life. He showed me how to truly love and how to love myself as well. He showed me that I deserve the love of the most generous and gentle, kind and loving man on this planet. Every moment spent with him, every night beside him, glimpses of his perfect sleeping angel face during the night has been pure heaven and the moemory of those precious moments is what keeps me going. He is my soulmate, and to all of the people in our lives that say "oh well you shouldn't have picked someone who lives so far away", well they can just f**k themselves because we didn't choose we were chosen. Chosen to experience the love, trust, partnership, and pure miracle of finding your soulmate, the one person who utterly completes you. Many people go their whole lives without finding this so once you are lucky enough to find it don't ever let go. We say goodmoning over the phone every morning, text all day long, chat on webcam every night, but it's bittersweet. I can see his face but I can't see the most amazing glints of green in his beautiful eyes. I can't smell the scent of his skin. I can't feel the warmth of his breath. I can't kiss his lips. I can't feel the comfort of his embrace. I carry all of these things in my heart, and each night I take them out and visit with the memories of them as my tears hit my pillow while I wait for him. I love this man so completely, I only pray the government sees this. I pray we don't have to wait too much longer to begin forever...

D'aws. Sorry yours is still at USCIS, but considering the NVC climate right now, maybe it's no different. I'm sure you wish you could hear SOMETHING. I wish you the best of luck, you have the rest of your life together to look forward to, as my annoyingly pragmatic fiance reminds me :P (I still want it now though)
Jilli & AlesFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-18 15:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI'm whining! I want my NOA2 and I'm a March filer!

wrong answer

Haha that's for sure.
Jilli & AlesFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-18 12:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI'm whining! I want my NOA2 and I'm a March filer!

I cannot stand being away from my man, I'm not waiting too long to see him I know but I'm almost dependent of his love that it makes too hard to be apart. I wish NVC could be smooth on us, and to many others here waiting, because I miss him like mad this month. We just sign off of skype has a couple minutes and every time we do that, it breaks my heart not being able to see his face until the next day... I want to be there, to wait for him to come home, to make him dinner, to ask about his day, take care of his injuries if he has any, to hug and cuddle, to be goofy watching a movie, to go sleep right beside him and whisper that I love him before falling asleep. I wanna be his wife, that's all. I know others could be hurting more than me, and I feel for them too... but I'm the only one who knows what I'm missing. :(

Totally perfect quote!! (L) I feel just this way, it's unbearable!! All I want to do is marry him and be together again, unfortunately I'm an idiot who picked a foreign boy and thought it would be a reasonable process (as if I had a choice, he's my soulmate, don't get me wrong!), so now I have to ask the government's permission. The least they can do is be efficient, treat us all with some respect. I sometimes think, how long would it take people to rebel if EVERY young engaged couple had to do what we do, had to wade through government forms and bureaucratic nonsense. PROVE to me that you are financially soluable. Haha yeah right, have you ever been 22?? I'm just trying to land a job. Luckily my parents are 100% on my side, or I wouldn't be able to marry him (yes I am back in the 1800s, please daddy can I marry him). Hopefully by the time we start the AOS process, I'll be financially independant. Phew okay rant over :P Just, dammmmnnnnnnn. Thanks VJers, we'd be lost without you!!!

NOA1: 4-08-11
NOA2: 6-24-11
Jilli & AlesFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-18 07:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC as bad as USCIS

That's encouraging news for me. Perhaps they'll get on the ball and get ours scanned in soon. Monday will be our 30th calendar day. NVC says they don't have our file. USCIS says they sent it to NVC. :angry: At first, it seemed like they lost our case file. Now, I'm hoping that NVC has it but doesn't know it yet. :unsure:

Same here. DON'T PANIC!!! I saw 2 6/21s scanned on friday. Our day will come!
Jilli & AlesFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-23 15:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC as bad as USCIS

Have you called again since? Ours was still staying there for a bit the lady said to call back in a couple of days to see if it had been sent on.

Just called this morning to see, no go. I never got my follow up email from NVC (it's en route blah blah), but I only just got the first one yesterday (we're looking into your inquiry blah blah), so I guess I'm expecting too much. 6/20s are being scanned in now, and some VJers have been told that a "big" batch arrived. I guess that's all we can hope for, to be at the bottom of some stack :huh:
Jilli & AlesFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-21 07:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC as bad as USCIS

Just to let you know Mike called yesterday and we have our case number :dance:

Ughhhhhhhh I got SO excited when I saw your news; congrats to you! I called (even though I promised myself I wouldn't until Friday haha), but no such luck here. Soon I hope.
Jilli & AlesFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-19 07:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC as bad as USCIS

Just tracked DHL (unless I did it all wrong) our case was delivered and signed for at the US Embassy in Moscow.... I wonder when I can write to request the date for the interview and of course the eventual follow up request to move up the interview date =)

Congrats!! Thank goodness things seem to move faster after NVC (although I thought this was over after USCIS, hence the genius of the thread title haha)! Just kidding, don't let me jinx it :)

Call back later, I was told that same information last week. Called back later in the afternoon and they had a case# for me

And jealous

Edited by Jilli & Ales, 18 July 2011 - 01:29 PM.

Jilli & AlesFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-18 13:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC as bad as USCIS
We're in the same boat. I'm so happy to see progress being made for my fellow visa pursuers!! We're getting close to my date I think. But yes, I waited the 15 business days until last Friday (called about 3 times in between.. oh well) and sent out my NOA2 copy that day. No response yet, but no surprise there as it was a weekend. I'm really pulling for this next week since most people seem to be getting them in their fourth week of waiting. Come on NVC!!

NOA1: 4/08/11
NOA2: 6/24/11
Jilli & AlesFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-17 22:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC as bad as USCIS
Oh my, I'm just hovering on this topic to see if we will get ours soon based on your experiences. Maybe they sent a big batch with ours in it :( So nervous!!

NOA1: 4-08-2011
NOA2: 6-24-2011

Edited by Jilli & Ales, 13 July 2011 - 02:48 PM.

Jilli & AlesFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-13 14:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI have a question for fellow K1'ers

We met on a language exchange penal site called Interpals. Her photo came up on a random view of users on line. I said hello and commented on her profile. We began exchanging messages. I can not say it was love at first sight because it was about a month before she ever saw a photo of me! We did feel a strong connection and soon after seeing a picture of me our romance followed.

I know people seem to have it out for interpals :P NOT FOR PRISONERS!! It's a "penpal" site haha. This is our story as well. I got on there, wrote down his language as one I was interested in learning due to my family background, and it would show me speakers of that language for "language exchange." I saw his picture out of the corner of my eye and it was incredibly cute and attractive to me, so I commented something to this effect (I can't believe I did that haha, it must have been fate guiding me). Anyway I'm so glad I did because we've been inseparable since then!

With my story and many of those before me, you have to wonder how much a part fate played in these chance encounters. Out of all the people on that site, we both joined within a few days of one another and happened to meet (thanks exclusively to my moment of craziness). I couldn't do it again if I tried! We had no idea what we were getting into with this process (apparently I thought it was like the days of WWII), but it's worth it absolutely and I can't wait to marry my fiance!
Jilli & AlesFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-09 09:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNo NVC Case number yet


Our case was approved on 29th June. I have been phoning the AVR to get our case number but it still says they have no record.

What can or shall I do? Wait more?

Anyone else got their number with around the same time NOA2 date?


Unfortunately, not much news here. It's probably best to talk to a person (it's quite easy) as their AVR is not up-to-date (so I've heard). There are a number of topics about this that I've been stalking, so I know there is a bit of a backlog between CSC and NVC. It seems to be moving now for some people, but yes we got it 6/24 and nothing yet (called today... AGAIN).

Want more, read these. It helps me to judge where exactly they are in the line (assuming it's first come first served):

Check it out, join us!! Mostly K1s, but I think it's the same situation.

After 15 business days of waiting, you can send a copy of your NOA2 to
I did, no response yet (2 business days so far). Probably by the time I hear back I will already know.

Edited by Jilli & Ales, 19 July 2011 - 01:19 PM.

Jilli & AlesFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-19 13:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC case number assign



Yes, fortunately you are not alone. It's not lost, don't worry. According to other posts and topics, they are currently processing some NOA2's from 6/16-6/20 at the current time. If you want to keep yourself updated with the status, follow this forum:


And, as always, harass!!! Call!! Talk to a human. Some are nice, some are not, but keep trying!
Jilli & AlesFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-21 14:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC - NOA2 to NVC Delay

did you called and talk to operator to get your case number?

Yes, but I'm a K-1. K-1's are not on the automated system so they must talk to operators. I can't tell you how reliable it is.
Jilli & AlesFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-28 09:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC - NOA2 to NVC Delay
I just called and got my number!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YAY!!!! Kept trying!!
Jilli & AlesFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-28 07:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC - NOA2 to NVC Delay
Well I FINALLY got a different response, NVC claims to have our case, just not in the system and obviously no number yet!! Not that I didn't already know this was the case, but I'm glad to hear it outright. That's hope for all of us :)
Jilli & AlesFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-27 18:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC - NOA2 to NVC Delay
No news is bad news, y'all. Update us tonight if you call!! I would appreciate it :)
Jilli & AlesFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-27 15:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC - NOA2 to NVC Delay

They ALL said with your NOA2 date, call back tomorrow and at the latest you should have it by the end of the week.

So, lets hope for tomorrow!

I'm hoping too :) Good luck to everyone!!
Jilli & AlesFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-26 22:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC - NOA2 to NVC Delay
Nothinnnggg :(
Jilli & AlesFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-26 16:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC - NOA2 to NVC Delay
:whistle: So...who else has NVC's music and such memorized? I hate when there's a pause, and you think you are going to get through, but really it's just the guy saying "all of our operators are still busy blah blah." I finally was able to call after hours of getting the busy signal (I guess the cat's out of the bag!), but I couldn't wait long enough to talk to someone. I'll call back again tonight and hope for good news!
Jilli & AlesFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-26 14:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC - NOA2 to NVC Delay

Do you think they do it by consulate? Basing from the last digits of my case number i am 100+++ th case created for Philippines today. Does that mean they have entered more than 100 cases today?

Read the last 3 numbers in the case number. It tells you the order it was assigned to the consulate that day. In this example, it is "001" so it was the first case created for the New Delhi consulate on January 21, 2008.

Just wondering...not sure about it though. :blush:

Wait.. do you actually have an NVC number?
Jilli & AlesFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-26 11:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC - NOA2 to NVC Delay
I'm really glad things are moving, but I would really like a number!!! Why are they not giving any? I called today, waited an age, and then they claim they have never seen it, smae answer I get every time I've called. Have you sent a copy- yes okay YES, I sent the NOA2 copy weeks ago. I sent an email to nvcresearch and I hope I get an update, but it will likely be "yeah it's on the desk somewhere" in legalese. Come on!!
Jilli & AlesFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-26 10:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC - NOA2 to NVC Delay

Good news for me and I hope it is for everyone too--- knowing NVC is still trying to catch things up.

Dear Sir/Madam:
The National Visa Center (NVC) has received your inquiry. Please be
advised your case was recently entered in our system. :dance:

My hubby is still at work. He said he will try to get our case number later.

Wow that's great!! Where are you guys getting these emails? Have you been continuously emailing nvcresearch or what? I barely got one lame response from them.
Jilli & AlesFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-26 08:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC - NOA2 to NVC Delay

I called the NVC and hose jerks said that the file hadn't been processed and that I needed to wait 30 BUSINESS days. #######?!

Anyway, at least it is found now. I will continue to harrass them I guess.

That is hilarious. Not the situation, I mean, just... if you're going to tell people nonsense, at least have a common answer. I think I've seen 15 business days and 30 days on this forum alone for "waiting to be processed at NVC time." Even 15 is absurd. This is supposed to take like 2-4 days. Please hurry up NVC!!! They have certainly stalled, don't you think? Most days at least some action occured, I'd come to the forum and someone would have gotten a number. This is very sad. I want progress! :ranting:
Jilli & AlesFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-26 07:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC - NOA2 to NVC Delay

Remember we are 6hrs ahead here, its only 6 : 50am in Texas.

I live in Ohio we're okay.
Jilli & AlesFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-26 07:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC - NOA2 to NVC Delay

NOA2 was approved on June 29, 11. So I called NVC today to check if case was received. Rep informed me that my case is in the building but it will be another 4 weeks to get the case in the system. Waiting....waiting...frustrating process....

I don't believe this is true, really. Don't get sad about it. They are just padding the date so your expectations will be low. Mine sure are :blink:
Jilli & AlesFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-25 19:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC - NOA2 to NVC Delay
No one got anything today?? :( Please keep us updated!!
Jilli & AlesFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-25 15:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC - NOA2 to NVC Delay

I got the same email! SO MAD!

I love how you corrected their bad grammar... I swear it wasn't me :)

These people are hopeless.
Jilli & AlesFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-25 12:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC - NOA2 to NVC Delay
Omg not feeling happy with this:

Dear Sir/Madam:

Please be advised that the National Visa Center (NVC) contacted U.S.
Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) to locate your approved
petition. USCIS has informed the NVC, that your petition wil be en route
to the NVC. Once we have received your petition, the appropriate agent
will receive further instructions within 6 to 8 weeks.

Okay so they can't spell (which really is amazing), but WILL BE??? That's not at all what I was hoping for. I know it doesn't mean much, but all of your response have said "is" en route. What is going on here NVC? I guess I wasn't in the batch? Sad face.
Jilli & AlesFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-25 06:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC - NOA2 to NVC Delay

I just got off the phone with NVC and they gave me my numbers sweeeeet!!!!!

My NOA2 was 6/20

Praise the Lord for He is good and faithful. Our petition was approved 6/21/2011 and I just called and got my NVC Case number and Invoice Identification Number (IIN) and I gave my spouse's email address :dance: :dance: :dance: .

I thank everyone for helping us keep hoping and am praying for all, who are waiting for your NVC Case Numbers. May the Good Lord bless you all.

Omg you guys, this is SUCH great news. Very happy for you!!! Progress :)

Edited by Jilli & Ales, 22 July 2011 - 09:50 AM.

Jilli & AlesFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-22 09:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC - NOA2 to NVC Delay

:whistle: not yelling. pleading. hoping. ...watching your timelines like a poised hawk, ready to swoop down upon the NVC...

You should hear me, NavyK! I am rooting for you to get your case#, b/c surely we will be next!! :)

Me first me firrsssttt!!! :)
Jilli & AlesFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-21 16:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC - NOA2 to NVC Delay

I do not want to update my timeline until I have an actual NVC case number.. I called late last night as the operator during the day suggested.. The person I got was very confused.. She said "You pop but up but there is no number yet... hold on." and after five minutes of being on hold she came back and told me that even though I was in the system they would not assign a case number until August 2nd - please call back then. She must be wrong but man they go to great lengths to take any joy out of any good news.

O.M.G. What kind of nonsense??
Jilli & AlesFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-21 09:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC - NOA2 to NVC Delay

My congressman's office wrote back and sent me forms to fax in. I hope they can assist with our cases! No luck calling USCIS. They were even nastier. They said if I know it's "en route" that's all they can tell me, and that I can make an appointment with my USCIS local office for more information!

Today has been reallllyy slow with news from y'all, no approvals? Why do you think this is? What are they, done for the week? I wish I had those hours! :P
Jilli & AlesFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-20 14:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC - NOA2 to NVC Delay

haha nothing yet!
This time the woman at NVC told me that "en route" means that once it gets there, it will take 15 business days to show up in the system.

Do you all think that is fair? Should we believe this one?

That's crazy, and to my knowledge, inaccurate based on others' experiences upon arrival at NVC. Sounds like more CYA to me.
Jilli & AlesFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-20 13:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC - NOA2 to NVC Delay

I am Interested of course we are all in the same boat :) My assumption was that the K-1 people do not watch as closely since they do not have any forms to turn in at NVC. They expect a month or two delay so when they hear nothing for a month.. no big deal.. I am glad to see some 6/20 approvals getting through.

I notice nobody is giving good news today....

That was 7/18 I think. I literally don't know of anyone else approved since then. Weird? Or just ignorant?
Jilli & AlesFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-20 12:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC - NOA2 to NVC Delay

Yes that would be nice!

I also wish people would keep their timelines current - Looking at the I-130 timelines:

seven 6/16 NOA2s with two at NVC
eight 6/17 NOA2s with zero at NVC
five 6/20 NOA2s with zero at NVC

Well idk if you're interested, but I really think we're together on this (K1):

This was on another board I was stalkin:
Just to let you know Mike called yesterday and we have our case number
NOA2 hardcopy received - dated 20/6/11

Edited by Jilli & Ales, 20 July 2011 - 12:06 PM.

Jilli & AlesFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-20 12:05:00