K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat to do after beneficiary divorces and remarrys a different applicant
This one sounds like a special case.. I'd look into getting an immigration attorney to help you out. Best of luck! :thumbs:
kygeographerMale02006-03-03 14:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDeferring consulate interview
Is it possible to have the consulate defer a K1 interview? I'm thinking I'm going to go ahead and file my 129f through TSC around beginning of March, so that Syndey can receive my petition sooner. I'm worried that if I don't time it right, the consulate will schedule my interview before I've secured employment and will have paystubs ready to send to my girlfriend for the interview. I'd also like to visit Australia before her interview to build a stronger case for the CO to look at. Is it possible to push back an interview a few months, or does the DoS frown upon this? I just don't want to file later after securing employment, and then have to sit and wait while they process my case. Might as well get some of the waiting on the USCIS here out of the way. Has anyone tried this before? Did you have any luck?
kygeographerMale02006-02-02 20:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGetting Ready to file 129f

[hi everybody iam a peruvian girl whose boyfriend is going to aply for fiance visa and well i have a doubt and i would like if soembody knw about it can answer to me ....i have my certificate birth in spanish and i heared i have to send that in eglish ...who can translate it ? and what are the requirememnts to do that ...if somebody had his fiance in a spanish country i will apreciate your help ..
sorry for my english
and thanks for the future help

You may want to try asking the folks in the Latin America, Mexico, and Carribean section (http://www.visajourn...hp?showforum=96). Alternatively, you might try calling the Embassy in Lima on (51-1)434-3000.
kygeographerMale02006-02-09 17:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGetting Ready to file 129f

Move to a state that you can send your 129F to Vermont

Haha, why the hell didn't I pick University of Maine instead of Kentucky? :lol: :lol:
kygeographerMale02006-02-08 15:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGetting Ready to file 129f
Hey all,

I'm getting ready to finally file my 129F, and I'm unsure of where to send it to. I live in the Texas Service Center's jurisdiction, but since they're transferring all of their petitions to California, should I just sent mine to California? Or should I still send it to Texas? I'll be filing around the 20th of February.
kygeographerMale02006-02-08 14:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAlien Number

Check the visa and see if the A# is indicated on there. If not, just put 'UNKNOWN' where asked for the A#. You should be fine doing this.

Good luck the rest of the way!

J visas do not get A numbers. So in your case it would be NONE.

Awesome, thanks! I've been fretting for about a week over this!
kygeographerMale02006-02-21 16:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAlien Number
I'm filling out the I-129, and where it asks for your fiance's A#, I'm not sure what to put. She's been here twice, both times on a J1 visa. Would they have issued her an alien number, or is this only in certain cases?

Hoping for the NOA2 by mid May! :thumbs:
kygeographerMale02006-02-21 14:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion 18 on I-129

I just typed on page how we met and added pictures and proof for the relationship

Should my fiance send in a page as well, or should one from me only suffice?
kygeographerMale02006-02-23 10:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion 18 on I-129
Felicity's going to the post office tomorrow to send all the paperwork to me, so I can file the I-129. I wasn't sure if she needed to also make the 1 page typed paper on how we met, or if the USCIS only cares about me answering it. If I don't include something from her perspective on that, am I more likely to get an RFE? It's getting down to crunch time, and I'm just a nervous wreck! :wacko:
kygeographerMale02006-02-23 10:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow many peopel waited to file I129F
I waited several months before filing mine, and I still haven't filed yet. Paperwork probably won't go out for another week though. We'd talked about filing it in November after she left, but we wanted to wait awhile. We're probably still filing a bit early, but my main goal is to have that thing out of the US and in Sydney ASAP. I'd prefer to file in May, but if I file now, it cuts down on the days to an NOA2.
kygeographerMale02006-02-26 12:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhere to file?
kygeographerMale02006-03-02 21:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhere to file?
I'm living in Kentucky right now, serviced by TSC. I might be taking a seasonal position in Idaho, starting in May, and probably running through the end of November. Since Idaho won't be my permanent residence, but all my mail is expected to go an address in Idaho (if I get this job, I'll just wait until May to drop it in the mail). Can I file through Nebraska Service Center, because that's who's serving Idaho, or should I go ahead and file through Texas Service Center? I guess my question is, how does USCIS determine which center one should file through?
kygeographerMale02006-03-02 18:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow did you meet your fiance?
Oey, I'm going to get roasted over a spit fire for this one! I met Felicity through a friend in 2004. My friend and I were planning to go out to dinner, and my friend brought Felicity with her. We all hung out for a few hours after dinner that night, and exchanged MSN names, and never really thought any thing of it for a while. Then Felicity started messaging me in late November/early December. I was going through a rough spot in my relationship with my then-girlfriend at the time, and she was always there to listen, and offer suggestions. After talking most nights for a few months online, then moving to phone calls, she was talking about coming to visit for a week or so on her way to New York for the summer. A few weeks later, she admitted that she'd started developing an emotional attachment, and was falling for me. So, she came in on the evening flight from New York, and there I was pacing nervously by the baggage claim at the Lexington airport, when I saw her coming down the escalator, and I FREAKED. I was too nervous to go over and talk to her (I was shaking, and just stammering.. I mean, damn, she was the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen, even for spending 12 hours in an airport and on a flight :luv:), so I just waited outside the bathroom after she went in. But after she came out, the way she looked at me, smiled, and hugged me is something I'll cherish and remember forever. Everything in the world just felt so right at that moment. She stayed for a week or so in June, then came back for almost 2 months right before Labor Day.

There ya go.. You asked me what time it was, and I told you how to build an atomic clock. :jest:
kygeographerMale02006-02-23 13:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGoodbye and good luck

It was back in November or so when I first found this website. I never knew or expected to know the many things I now know about the visa process. The community has been great and highly informative. I never planned to meet or remotely think that I would possibly marry a non-usc. Logistically, it just seemed to far-fetched. But, I was only mildly interested back then because I had met a beautiful young lady while on vacation in Mexico back in October 2005. We were both interested in eachother and wanted to get to know eachother better. So over these last few months, we did just that. We spoke, we chatted, we web-cammed.

It was going perfectly. Some of you may even recall my intended scenario for proposing. I had scented candles, champagne flutes, ballads playing in the background. Well...I did as I planned when I got to Manzanillo last week (Feb 8th - Feb 15th). I went to visit my sweetheart in Manzanillo and blew away her senses. She was estatic and emotional.

While there I had a marvelous time. I stayed 7 nights, met her mom, her best friend, and almost all of her bothers and sisters. Everyone was great to me. No one was callous or cold. She was very sweet, kind and affectionate my whole time there. I had almost forgot how great love felt.

We filled out her half of the I-129F and the other paperwork needed to submit for the fiancee visa. We were set.

I come to find out yesterday that she still has feelings for her ex-boyfriend. She thought that by me going over there, she would know if it was really love or not. It turns out that she sees me more like a very good friend. That's my queue. I know what that means and I respect that. It doesnt heal the pain I feel but she deserves to be happy just as I do. She really is a great person, I'm just not the one her heart is into.

I wasnt sure if I should have posted this but it's theraputic for me and hopefully helpful to others that are also hurting from what they thought was a perfect match as well. I haven't taken her off my cell phone or erased her IM from my chat program. I havent deleted all 500+ photos I took over us while I was over there celebrating her birthday, our relationship and valentines. That may be one of the last steps in my healing. I may send her mom some photos of the "neutral" events that we celebrated. Like my sweetheart's birthday. Or the time where we just did nothing but had Baileys all night. Make no mistake, I left her with unforgettable memories that she will never forget. And neither will I. If only for a week, it was still one of my most beautiful times I had ever spent with someone I loved. Soon these tears will dry and I will spring to a new beat. But for now, I want to remember what I felt. I want to re-live if only for a second....what it was to feel love again. That is the feeling worth living for.

Good luck and keep the faith.

Best wishes for you, David. Reading that almost brought tears to my eyes. I know exactly how that feels, I've been there, many years ago. Things'll look up! :yes:
kygeographerMale02006-02-18 17:25:00
United KingdomGMP or MP police report ?
QUOTE (ericdraven @ Sep 16 2007, 12:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
helpsmilie.gif where do I get my Police report from I like in manchester so do I get GMP report that has the nation info on it or do I have to get one from the metropolitian police. I'm asking cause the local police station gave me a different from to fill in than the metro form 3019 that is shown on here. Anyone from the manchester area could you help me with this one please.

Thanks in advance


Someone correct me if I am wrong but I am quite sure that you want a national Police Report, the police call it a Subject Access Request. The Embassy in London want to know if the Police National Computer holds any information on you. As the PNC is a nationwide database it will therefore cover all areas of the UK and not just Manchester. In my force, Thames Valley Police, we wouldn't process a request for a Police Report unless you came into the station itself with ID because any Tom, ####### or Harry could download a form and then send it in. Therefore, when you go into your local nick make sure they give you the form for a national Police Report and not just the local one.
LondonGoonerMaleEngland2007-09-17 15:56:00
United KingdomBrits in the USA
Oh oh, add me, add me, puh-leese! :energetic:

Jeremy (I am the Brit) and Kelly (She's the Yank) - Lexington, KY
LondonGoonerMaleEngland2007-08-23 18:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPeruvians..
I'm sitting at home alone Christmas day but, on Dec. 28, I'm flying to Arequipa for 3 weeks with my Betticita!!! We're both expecting 2007 to be the best year of our lives and w're going to start the New Year right!
BettyAndMeNot TellingPeru2006-12-19 14:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaInterview Papers (Lima, Peru)
5. mutal fund printout
6. auto loan info
7. life insurance info
8. bank acct info

For a K-1? Are your sure? Is this for the I-134?

Anyway, in addition to all of that other stuff, you should also bring evidence of a continuing relationship: Photos, boarding passes, telephone bills, hotel reciepts, etc. Bring the originals with you to the interview.

Don't forget to tell us how it went. If you notice any other K-1's with a problem, that would be good information too. There is a small (but passionate) group of us Peruana-lovers that would like to know more about the interview process.

Thanks and best of luck!!!
BettyAndMeNot TellingPeru2006-12-21 23:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPeruvian needs police repts from Brazil & Argentina
Betty, my Peruvian fiance, worked in Brazil & Argentina for about a year each. This is long enough that she will need police reports from each country prior to her interview. Anybody know how to go about getting those?

What I could really use is:

Address & phone number of the correct department/office to contact
Info on fees, if any.
Can this be done via mail?
Any special info that we should know (ex: do we need an International or External Relations signature/stamp like we need in Peru?)

Any help/insight is appreciated.

BettyAndMeNot TellingPeru2007-01-22 12:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPeru: Interview on Jan 31st

Hey Guys! I'm leaving for Peru in 3 days!! :dance:

I heard a rumor that the I-134 has to be printed as one page - front and back. Is this true? Did you guys bring just the 2 pages printed out or 1 page front and back?

Any last minute advice?

Is it cold inside the embassy? Should I bring a sweater?

Say a prayer for us! Interview is in exactly 1 week!

Good luck Naty. Betty and I will be thinking about you guys. Don't forget to let us know how it goes. The only advice that I can offer is to not pack any important documentation in your checked luggage. I often have trouble with my luggage in Lima.

OK, I do have one other piece of advice: Remember to take a deep breath and relax. It seems like everyone who has a genuine relationship and a prepared case gets through this OK. You guys will be fine.

Once again, best of luck.
BettyAndMeNot TellingPeru2007-01-24 12:11:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaAT LAST!!!!!!!!!!
:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

It'll probably cost you $150 to change the return date -- not too bad -- I imagine the biggest problem is that you must commit to a return date before the interview.

Good luck!!!!
BettyAndMeNot TellingPeru2007-01-26 22:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaVisa Budget Tips OVERWHELMING EXPENSES

Gosh, its that time again. Any positive thoughts would be great. I am just getting overwhelmed with carrying 2 households sometimes (& mine includes a pre schooler). This is hard. Fiancée just called with another problem with the car. & man I’m shelling out plenty for this entire Visa Journey... Phone Bills, Car Repairs, someone please tell me there is a silver lining. With an ending. I am so close maybe 2 months out, but man my budget is stretched. As my sweetie would say. “It will Soon Come”. What have you guys done to cut cost while waiting? Be Blessed & Merry Christmas

I try to visit Betty every month or so. Things we have done to cut costs:

1. I upgraded my cell phone plan to unlimited messaging. This saves about $50/mo in messaging costs and also reduces the number of phone calls.
2. I started using InternetCalls (like Skype but cheaper). My phone bill was running > $500/mo, now it's only about $200/mo
3. I started staying at Betty's mom's place (where Betty lives) when I'm visiting. In return, I buy a nice gift for the house. This saves > $500/trip. Of course, in order to do this, you must speak the language very well.
4. I buy my tickets for in-country flights in country and ahead of time. I just bought my February round-trip tickets between Lima and Arequipa (a 1 1/2 hour flight each way) for February for $89 instead of the $200 or so that they charge on the internet.
5. I bought a cheap, temporary ring at an estate sale for $250 for Betty and explained that it was only temporary.
6. I try to take advantage of the cost-effectiveness of Peru. I get my dental checkups/work done there, I get my hair cut there (for about $1), I buy my clothes there, etc.
7. I don't actually have that much personal stuff here in the US -- maybe 2 or 3 pickup truckloads. When I go to Peru for the interview, I'm going to plan on being there at least a month. During that time, I'm going to give up my month-to-month apartment & put my stuff in storage. That will save > $500

If I thought about it longer, I could probably come up with more things.

Oh, and like other posters, I don't have a life here in the US right now.

Altogether, I figure this is going to cost $17K - 20K (if you include all of the trips to visit her there) by the time she is here. But hell, it would be cheap at 10 times that. After all, she's worth an infinite amount to me.

Just my $0.02
BettyAndMeNot TellingPeru2006-12-23 00:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionfiance interview embassy peru
Many people have commented that the Lima embassy is much more likely to approve a K-1 if the USC also attends the interview. From the accounts that I have read, you will be able to actively participate in the interview and you do not need advance permission to attend. Personally, I am planning on attending the interview with Betty (if I ever get the NOA-2).

I THINK, but am not completely sure, that there is an $85.00 finger print fee.

Best of luck on your interview and, please, write a review of your experience.
BettyAndMeNot TellingPeru2007-01-18 11:41:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHow to know Consulate has received
You might have to call Manilla.

Yesterday, there was a great post from Sheriff Uling for you folks going through Manilla.

Hope this helps.
BettyAndMeNot TellingPeru2007-01-20 12:26:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionQuestions

We just received our interview Date for Feb. 7.
I have 3 questions.

1. I will not be able to make the interview, since I am a Teacher, and can not get down to Colombia until March, during Spring Break. Is it going to hurt her in the interview? should I try to make emergency arrangemanets to be there?

2. Does her Daughter have to attend the interview? she is 3 years -old. Does she attend the Medical exams as well?

3. What Das papers does she need?

The answer to no. 1 and, to some extent, no. 2 is embassy specific. For example, in Peru it is "highly recommended" that the USC be present and, if so, the USC actively participates in the interview. In other embassies, the USC is not even allowed in the waiting room.

My suggestion is to use the timeline search to find other people who have had interviews in Bogota recently and pm them individually. Ask what they saw in terms of applicants with vs. without the USC present.
BettyAndMeNot TellingPeru2007-01-24 11:48:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAdministrative review
Sorry to hear of your delay.

I think most, if not all, senators have someone on their staff who is in charge of assisting with immigration issues for their constituents. They will know who to contact. I would just write to the senator and explain your situation and specify what you want them to do for you.

Good luck and please let us know how it turns out.
BettyAndMeNot TellingPeru2007-01-18 15:26:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAnticipating interview question
Read this embassy review from Brazil. It is relevant to your situation and may give you some ideas/insight.


This does not have to be a major problem but you are wise to anticipate it.

Good luck.
BettyAndMeNot TellingPeru2007-01-28 11:34:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134..not very good
You only need to have enough income to exceed 125% of the federal poverty guidelines. You can find these guidelines here:

Your $50K should be fine unless there are a lot of people in your household (don't forget to factor in your new wife and any kids that she might bring with her).

If there are other obligations, such as child support, that could play a role also.
BettyAndMeNot TellingPeru2007-02-03 15:49:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionForm N-445, Notice of Naturalization Oath Ceremony in Hand!

Just received the appointment notice for my wife's swearing in ceremony for US Citizenship -- Sept. 13 (Friday the 13th, hmmmm....), 10 AM.


This is the end of the road that we started down in Oct. of 2006 as we began to prepare our K-1 application in Lima Peru.  It continued through the embassy interview 6 months later, entry to the US for the first time, civil marriage, the provisional green card, permanent green card, and now citizenship.


We could have applied for her citizenship 2 years ago but she didn't feel like she was ready with her English (she wasn't). has been our main reference source throughout the entire process.  What a site this is!


A surprisingly gratifying and emotional moment right now.


BettyAndMeNot TellingPeru2013-08-21 16:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures3 divorces and the I-129F

Presume your divorces were from USC's and that you have never before filed an 129F for a previous spouse?

That is correct. Thanks for pointing that out. I should have mentioned it in my original post. I have the certified decrees. There are no other unusual or complicating issues. I just didn't know how to indicate this situation on the I-129F.

I expect to file the petition in the next few days.
BettyAndMeNot TellingPeru2006-10-25 22:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures3 divorces and the I-129F
Thanks fwaguy,

That was my thought too. Then I got to reading all the horror stories about REF's for minor technical issues and I got concerned there.
BettyAndMeNot TellingPeru2006-10-25 22:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures3 divorces and the I-129F
I have 3 divorces. The I-129F form (Question 9) has room for only 2. How do I handle this? Do I use a supplement like for Question 18 (How we met)? If so, is there a specific item to enter on Question 9 to indicate the supplement?

As a related question, the first two marriages were very brief and very long ago (one ended in '79 the other in '82). The third marriage was for 20 years and is probably more reflective of my commitment to marriage. Would you guys advise putting some kind of statement to this effect in the above supplement?

I'm new here but I did look through the other Forums and FAQs and did not see this question answered.

Thanks for your help
BettyAndMeNot TellingPeru2006-10-25 21:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo I only need to file 1 copy of the K-1 package?

You only send in one set of papers- keeping 2 cioies for your own record is recommended. BUT be sure you are not sending in copies of the original USCIS forms. You can subnit copies of your documentation (evidence of meeting, BC, etc)

ood luck getting it in the's a great feeling to know you are on your way

Thanks mybackpages. Much appreciated.
BettyAndMeNot TellingPeru2006-10-29 13:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo I only need to file 1 copy of the K-1 package?
I'm ready to send my K-1 package tomorrow. I thought I had read somewhere that I must send two copies of the package but now I can't find anything specifically saying that.

This is probably in a faq someplace but I can't find it.

Did you folks send only 1?

BettyAndMeNot TellingPeru2006-10-29 13:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy fiancee says she needs to own Land before moving here

O I'm sorry I was unclear...It isn't going to be on an H1-B. She is going to be brought over on a traveler visa and then they are going to apply for a marriage visa. See he hasn't met her yet..They met online so he is trying to get her over here to meet her and get married. But before she can come over she says she needs land, a credit card etc. I think she is from malaysia...I'm not sure though I'll ask him. But does this ereally sound legit for a normal travel visa/marriage visa?

From what I have read, this is not the way to do this. If he wants to bring her to the US as a Fiancee, he needs to go through the K-1 process. If he wants to bring her here as a wife, he needs to marry her then bring her here on a K-3. Bringing her here on a tourist visa (which probably has a low chance of success anyway), marrying her then filing for a K-3 is definitely frowned upon by the USCIS. He will probably end up either (1) married to a woman who is an illegal alien or (2) married to a woman living in Malaysia who has a very hard time getting a K-3 visa or (3) filing a K-1 after a failed tourist visa attempt and trying to explain that in the petition and at the interview (this is the most likely outcome and it will at least delay her arrival in the US).

I am no expert on this, it is only my understanding from what I have read. If he wants to marry her, he should choose either the K-1 or the K-3 route. The tourist visa is not an acceptable alternative or shortcut.
BettyAndMeNot TellingPeru2006-10-26 14:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129f mailed off today
I sent ours off today too. Maybe we should have a Halloween party next year!

Seriously, this site was a big help to us and I am sure that it will continue to help us as we go through this journey.

Good luck to all of us!
BettyAndMeNot TellingPeru2006-10-31 19:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresplease help me!

Please i need your help.

My bf apply a k1 for me, but he applied another person on 2004 and now he apply for me on 2006. But USCIS wants to deny us because he applied 2 k1 in two years. They request a waiver within 30 days. But he does not know how to request a waiver.

Does anybody know a similar case? Please help us! I don't want they deny us. :help:

If I were in this spot, I would consult with several different lawyers who have immigration experience. I am not saying that he should necessarily hire one, just have an initial consultation to determine if he should hire a lawyer.

Just my $0.02
BettyAndMeNot TellingPeru2006-11-05 10:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConstructing a receipt number from the cashed check

I found the number on my check where it says endorse here on the back and then it says For credit to US treasury then under that there is 3 lines of numbers like this:

For Credit to US Treasury

my case number was "number 3" and it starts was EAC07 then 8 more numbers, your first 3 letters wll probably be different since i filed at VSC.

Thanks, guys. There is a number fragment there but it is almost completely illegible. I can only make out 1 digit. Guess we'll have to wait for the NOA-1. :(
BettyAndMeNot TellingPeru2006-11-10 16:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConstructing a receipt number from the cashed check

if it was a CSC control number, it would start with WAC06..... 06 for year, next three the Julian date, then the sequence number for that date. Not sure what TSC numbers start with.

Thanks, desert_fox, but this one isn't in that format. The first 2 digits are 58 and the next three are over 500. It is the only obvious legible number on the back of the check.
BettyAndMeNot TellingPeru2006-11-10 14:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConstructing a receipt number from the cashed check
So the I-129F is in (to TSC and apparently transferred to CSC) and my check was cashed yesterday. There's a 10-digit number on the back of the check. I went to the USCIS website to start tracking my case. Registered for a new account. So far so good.

When I went to add a case, it asks for a 13-character receipt number. I tried CSC + the 10-digit number on the back of the check -- no luck. I also tried TSC + the 10 digit number with no luck. I assume that the number just isn't in the system yet.

My question, though, is: Would my receipt number be CSC (or TSC) + the 10 digit number? I am only guessing about that. I'll be leaving for Peru again in 6 days and would really like to be able to show Betty how to check the case progress over the net while I'm there. I doubt that I'll receive the paper NOA-1 before I leave.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Thanks guys.
BettyAndMeNot TellingPeru2006-11-10 14:17:00