Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHow to get Certified Immunization Records from Costa Rica
QUOTE (Spud! @ Sep 23 2009, 12:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm in need of help. I am a natural born American citizen and I've recently (Sept 5th) married a man from Costa Rica. My now husband is here on a 10 yr Visa and has 7 yrs left. We've downloaded all the forms and talked to several people about the immigration process regarding getting his Permanent Residency so we're on our way! good.gif BUT, we've been having trouble getting all of his Costa Rican Documents in order such as his birth certificate and immunization records from San Jose, Costa Rica. Luckily I've been able to get help from the Costa Rican Embassy in Atlanta, GA in getting his birth certificate. They've actually sent me a copy of it in a PDF file thru email but we have to wait 2 months for them to get the certified copy in their office. Better than nothing right!?! Unfortunately we've not be as lucky with his Immunization records. The Costa Rican Embassy said we'd have to get in contact with "Ministerio de Salud" (health authorities of Costa Rica) for that. Does anyone have any experience with this part? Any suggestions and or help would be GREATLY appreciated.


Hey Jen: I have spent considerable time in Costa Rica over the past 5 years. Their government red tape is unreal. We are currently filing for my fiance to come to the US and are simply trying to get her new residency card, which was applied for back in July of last year. They keep saying that it is in the mail. Your husband may very well have to go down in person and stand in all the lines to get what he needs. That or use an attorney in CR, which are notoriously unreliable. The good news is, that if you decide to go down, airfares are very cheap right now. You should be able to fly round trip for less than $300 per person. Delta, AA, Continental,Spirit , Jet Blue and others are flying in and out on a regular basis. Also, a member of his family may be able to obtain the records for you. Paying a "propina" (bribe)to get what you need is also common. Good luck in your journey.
keithNvaleriaMaleCosta Rica2009-09-24 08:48:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionINTERVIEW PROCESS WENT STRANGE.
First of should probably wait to see what the problem is before you over-react. It may be something entirely different. If that is the case, running in now with a preemptive explanation may only create a new problem. As for the seriousness of the offense, you are now trying to minimize it after the fact. A citation IS a charge of an offense no matter how slight. So in that case, you should have probably have been up front about it in the origional submission. Also, in Law Enforcement, there is a thing called a "near hit", which with a common name, simply means that some person with a similar or equal name is either wanted or has a record, and the near hit tells officials to check further to see if the 2 partys are one in the same or different people. Good Luck to you.
keithNvaleriaMaleCosta Rica2009-09-10 12:26:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionTypes Of Income Not Covered In I-134
In my case, because my job went away, I just filed for my pension, retroactive to July1 and am elligible for Social Security next May. Because I don't know if using Unemployment Comp as income is allowed; I want to show my pension, 401K, bank balance and home equity as part of my net worth and thus show that even without considering the U/C benefit; I can easily access funds to keep us above 125% until Social Security takes effect. I may get called back or take a new job at some point or I may say to heck with it and concentrate on being a family.
keithNvaleriaMaleCosta Rica2009-09-22 15:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionTypes Of Income Not Covered In I-134
I find it interesting that there is no line for things like pensions, 401Ks, IRA's, annuitys or even Social Security. I will presume that they can be listed under stocks and bonds and detailed if currently using as income. I would be curious if any older posters could share their experience and what format they used to show it on or as a supplement to the I-134. I promise that I will give a full report...after this process is complete.
keithNvaleriaMaleCosta Rica2009-09-22 07:44:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUnemployment Compensation Revisited
Still looking for input here. Thanks
keithNvaleriaMaleCosta Rica2009-09-22 07:20:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUnemployment Compensation Revisited
Hey Friends: I did a search and the last posts on this issue are a couple months back. What with the economy tumbling further and more job losses, I am thinking that others here have either similar concerns or more recent experience. In my case, I lost my job of over 30 years (delivering luxury yachts) back in October 2008. Folks who purchased our product are now either shamed out of buying or banks will/can not make loans. My company went from 900+ employees, down to about 20, just in the last year alone. In my case, I am receiving Unemployment Comp and also filed for an annuity that has an acelerated payment option until I turn 62 next May. The 2 incomes combined comfortably exceed 125% of the poverty level for a family of 5 ( fiance, me, her 2 kids from before and our infant son ). Next May, assuming I take Social Security, my and our (US Citizen)infants' income from Social Security and the annuity will still exceed 125% and we should be fine. In addition, I have a 401K and savings as a cushion, which could be a bridge, adequate until next May, in the event that U/C is either frowned on or disallowed. I have substantial home equity and thus an open home equity credit line at my bank. I will not have an employment letter and instead, am thinking I will prepare a financial income statement for my current income situation and then project forward to next May when SS kicks in. Last but not least, I have a home appraisel, but it is from 8 years ago. We are about ready to go for the interview and yet, I am worried. I am thinking of getting a fresh home appraisal just to have that as a backup. Sorry for the long diatribe, but I have butterflies. As a kicker; I am 61 and she is 32. Our relationship has endured for over 5 years and yet I worry about the age issue.
keithNvaleriaMaleCosta Rica2009-09-20 16:17:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWho Signs For Young Children on DS-156 & DS-230
We are filing for K-2 Visas for my fiances' 2 young children and also our infant son. Who signs these applications on their behalf? I did a forum search and found nothing.
keithNvaleriaMaleCosta Rica2009-10-10 22:49:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhat Will US Embassy Require For Children To Exit Their Home Countrys
I am aware that K-2 applicants are required to submit DS-156, DS-230, I-134 and Medical Exams. My concern is ...what is required to satisfy our US Embassy that the children are not leaving their home countrys without permission? In our case, Child#1 is Honduran and living in Costa Rica under her Honduran mothers Costa Rica Residency. Child #1 has a Honduran Birth Certificate and Passport. The birth certificate only lists her mother and does not list a father. My fiance has traveled through Costa Rica, Nicaragua and Honduras with no problems. Child#2 has a Costa Rica Birth Certificate listing a father, Costa Rica Passport and a "Permanent" Exit Permit ( Permanente- Permiso de Salida de Personas Menores de Edad)issued by the Costa Rica Department of Migrations. According to the Costa Rica government, he is free to leave permanently, accompanied by his mother. She has also traveled through Costa Rica, Nicaragua and Honduras with no problems. Just to clear the record, the same guy fathered both kids and never provided support. I am the only father that they recognize or even remember. The sperm donor was given the choice to consent to the permit or go to jail for non-support. We are ready to go for interview and I want to be prepared.

Edited by keithNvaleria, 10 October 2009 - 11:27 PM.

keithNvaleriaMaleCosta Rica2009-10-10 23:22:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionACCO Fastener Holes For Embassy Submission
Ooops sorry..double post. headbonk.gif

Edited by keithNvaleria, 12 October 2009 - 02:41 PM.

keithNvaleriaMaleCosta Rica2009-10-12 14:39:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionACCO Fastener Holes For Embassy Submission
We did it for the origional I-129F submission and are wondering if the embassy will appreciate it if we punch the top of each submitted form/document and submit it complete with an ACCO fastener?
keithNvaleriaMaleCosta Rica2009-10-12 10:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionArrangement of Forms For Interviews for K1 and Two K2 Children
QUOTE (keithNvaleria @ Oct 18 2009, 06:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We were notified this past friday, that we have our interview at the US Embassy in San Jose, Costa Rica on October 28th. They specificly stated that they wanted Me (USC) there along with my fiance and her two K2 applicant children. Now I am wondering how to arrange all the forms. Should my folders be applicant specific with each having the DS-230, DS-156, and I-134 or should they be document specific, with all DS-230's in one folder and all DS-156's and I-134's each in their own folder. Also, as to the required supporting documents. Can I have one set of supporting documents for all 3, or does each need a separate set of supporting documents ? I am leaning toward one folder for each person, one full of supporting documents and a separate folder for evidence of ongoing relationship.

Still looking for some input here. My I-134 attachments are gonna be massive as I am using a series of income and assets as proof. Sure would like to hear from a previous K1, K2 sponsor as to whether I need 3 sets of supporting documents.
keithNvaleriaMaleCosta Rica2009-10-19 17:30:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionArrangement of Forms For Interviews for K1 and Two K2 Children
We were notified this past friday, that we have our interview at the US Embassy in San Jose, Costa Rica on October 28th. They specificly stated that they wanted Me (USC) there along with my fiance and her two K2 applicant children. Now I am wondering how to arrange all the forms. Should my folders be applicant specific with each having the DS-230, DS-156, and I-134 or should they be document specific, with all DS-230's in one folder and all DS-156's and I-134's each in their own folder. Also, as to the required supporting documents. Can I have one set of supporting documents for all 3, or does each need a separate set of supporting documents ? I am leaning toward one folder for each person, one full of supporting documents and a separate folder for evidence of ongoing relationship.
keithNvaleriaMaleCosta Rica2009-10-18 18:25:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionFees for DS-156 Embassy Interview
I can find no specifics in the instructions or in a site search. Fiance and two K2's at interview. Does that mean 3 x $131 = $393 ?
keithNvaleriaMaleCosta Rica2009-10-20 16:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVisa Interview gone wrong
To The OP: You seem to be very angry and bitter toward The United States. That person at the embassy is not playing God;just doing their job of determining your eligibility to enter. Once you enter the US, you will have more rights than almost anywhere in the world. Right now, you only have the right to apply. They are not depriving you of your passport. It appears that they are holding it as they always do in anticipation of issuing your visa. What else do you want. For your and your fiancee's sake. Put away your bitterness.

Edited by keithNvaleria, 21 October 2009 - 09:28 AM.

keithNvaleriaMaleCosta Rica2009-10-21 09:28:00
US Citizenship General Discussiontaking kids to biometrics, interview and oath taking
No good parent would ever think of leaving their children in the care of strangers. When my fiance and I went to the US Embassy in Costa Rica for our sons' Consular Report of Birth Abroad, we always took all 3 kids along. May I suggest that you find a sitter or even a casual friend to accompany you and the kids to the embassy, to assist you. That person can remain in your line of sight and simply occupy the kids for a bit while you conduct your business. The kids can see that mom is nearby and are less apt to panic. My experience is that the Consuls are very understanding and even enjoy seeing a family working at being together.

Edited by keithNvaleria, 08 March 2009 - 02:36 PM.

keithNvaleriaMaleCosta Rica2009-03-08 14:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresExpedited Process
I would certainly think that, if your cause is legitimate; then this would be a prime case where you could contact your elected representative ( I would choose US Senator) and ask him to inquire on your behalf. I wouldn't hesitate either, because the elected representative "is" in office to represent you in both legislative and administrative matters. There seems to be a tone on this board of, "I waited or am waiting and you can too, no matter what your needs are". The truth is, that this entire process should move a lot quicker, especially when you consider that the applicants are paying for the service individually and through taxation. If anything should have a longer process, it should be the quickie relationships that have not been tested by a longer courtship. In this case, the child is an American, he is sick and will obviously get better care in the US and he will obviously get better sooner if he has his mother at his side.
keithNvaleriaMaleCosta Rica2009-03-18 16:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHonduran Documents - Apostille
Hey Honduras posters: My fiance is Hondurena and has Permanent Residency in Costa Rica. We are filing through the US Embassy in San Jose, Costa Rica. She is in the process of having her mother obtain Birth, Police and Single Certificates on her behalf. When they are issued by the official government offices, are they already having a Apostille....or is that an additional action that needs to be taken?

Edited by keithNvaleria, 23 September 2009 - 07:09 PM.

keithNvaleriaMaleCosta Rica2009-09-23 19:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresImmigrant Visa from Costa Rica
Congratulations and Felicidads to you. We interview for our K1 and K2 visias in CR next wednesday. I will look for your shadow in the embassy courtyard. Of course I am scared poopless and over-preparing as we all must do. Ours is a long time relationship(5 years+) and we have a child and 2 K2'S. All the legal papers say the K2's are free to leave and yet we worry. This is a great site, yet there doesn't seem to be many K-2 visas on this board and thus it is hard to get info. I am going down with 3 times the supporting eveidence because I can't get an answer to whether a single copy of each supporting evidence on the I-134 is good for 3 different family members. The best to you on your future journey.
keithNvaleriaMaleCosta Rica2009-10-22 19:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion About Co-Sponsor for my second question. My job of 32 years went away this past October. I am not rich. I receive Unemployment Compensation, have good home equity, some money in the bank, a 401K and a portion of my ex's state pension coming available in a few years. In addition, I am in the process of applying for Social Security Disability, which could take 6 months or more. As I begin the K1 & K2 Visa process, I am wondering if, too be on the safe side, I may ask my daughter to be a co-sponsor. In the event that we did that; what is the probability that the government would actually make a co-sponsor pay up if there were financial problems? My experience watching social programs like food that the overseers gladly service all potential eligbles in order to make the program budgets get more funding.
keithNvaleriaMaleCosta Rica2009-02-27 23:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFour Names on Birth Certificate - 3 Spaces on I129F Form
OK, now I have another question. Is anyone up on the Legal Immigration Family Equity (LIFE) Act of 2000, Public Law 106-553.Section1103? It supposedly allows admission of spouses and family members of pending or approved petitions. I am wondering if this would apply because we have the one child together, who is already established as a US Citizen.
keithNvaleriaMaleCosta Rica2009-03-06 08:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFour Names on Birth Certificate - 3 Spaces on I129F Form
Hello Forum: I have been lurking on this site for awhile and finally my first post. I am a US Citizen and have been in a 4 plus year relationship with a Honduran woman who resides in Costa Rica and has Costarican Residency. I have been to Costa Rica 20 times over the past 5 years, staying 2 weeks or more each time. She has 2 children from a previous non-marital relationship. Both have the same Costa Rican father, but one was born in Honduras and has a Honduran Birth Certificate and Passport and one has a Costarican Passport and Birth Certificate. To make things more interesting, she gave birth to my child in 2007 and he has a Costarican Birth Certificate and US Consular Report of Birth Abroad, US Passport and US Social Security Card. The children from the previous relationship think of me as their "Popi" and I have provided their support for the last 4 plus years. My fiance already has permission to take them out of the country ( Permiso de Salida ) on a permanent basis. It is our intent, to file for a K1 and K2 visa and bring them to the US. Now...for my first question. My fiance and the 2 origional children each have 4 names on their birth certificate and passport. The I 129 F form has only 3 spaces. How do I list them in the application. I will give a fictitious example name of " Nora Mercie Menendez Alous ". Would someone kindly put them in the proper form? This may seem convoluted, but it is a legitimate question. Thanks in advance...and PS....I will have more questions later.
keithNvaleriaMaleCosta Rica2009-02-25 22:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo I List "Our" Child On Visa Application ?
I am in the process of preparing the I-129F Fiance Visa Petition for My Fiance and " her 2 children". She and I also have a 3rd child who was concieved from our relationship. He is a Costa Rican Citizen and also has his US Consular Report of Birth Abroad, US Passport and US SS Card. Do I list him on the application along with the first 2 kids?
keithNvaleriaMaleCosta Rica2009-03-15 23:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPrior Spouses Name
When you list a prior spouse; do you list maiden name, married to you name or current name? I am thinking that it should be the name used when the divorce was granted, right?

Edited by keithNvaleria, 15 March 2009 - 11:41 PM.

keithNvaleriaMaleCosta Rica2009-03-15 23:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan You Write Outside The Boxes ?
Can you write outside the boxes and in the Margins? Also, Costa Rica Address are very long because everything is addressed in relationship to known landmarks. Example 300 meters West of and 200 meters North of Iglesia Santa Rosa. Alejuela-Heredia, Costa Rica. In The case of childrens addresses, can you use all 3 childrens lines to enter one entire address?
keithNvaleriaMaleCosta Rica2009-03-16 10:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs It OK To List Nickname ?
I am choosing to leave it in. One of the items I am using to show our continuing relationship is our emails and photos emailed over the past 4 years. Her email address has the nickname in it. Thanks
keithNvaleriaMaleCosta Rica2009-03-17 20:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs It OK To List Nickname ?
My fiance has a Nickname that she, I and her friends use to speak to and about her. I listed it in the visa petition and the Bio under other names used followed by (Nickname). She has no official documents that show this name, yet I wouldn't want to accidently use it in front of a consular official and raise red flags.
keithNvaleriaMaleCosta Rica2009-03-17 12:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAre Photos On Regular Paper Acceptable?
I have many photos in a folder in my email server, that my fiance has forwarded to me and also regular glossy photos from a commercial processer. Can I copy these on my photo copier and submit them as evidence of meeting in person and an ongoing relationship ? Submitting a couple 5x6 's on a letter size sheets would allow names and descriptions of time and location on the front, instead of an adjudicator having to shuffle smaller photos and flip them over to see who, when and where they are.
keithNvaleriaMaleCosta Rica2009-03-17 21:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSignature on Forms
My fiance has 4 names on her birth certificate and in her passport. When she gives her signature on the official uscis forms, does she need to sign all 4 names or just her normal signature?
keithNvaleriaMaleCosta Rica2009-03-17 12:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFelony For Copying Wisconsin Birth Certificate
Under Wisconsin Statute 69.24, It is a felony to reproduce a Certificate of Birth. I only have one and I don't really wanna give it up. Is a copy, reproducing, and if so, could I be in any serious trouble for making a photo copy for the visa petition. The Wisconsin Certificate is light blue in color, has a dark blue border and dark blue and black print. I am thinking that I will make a black and white copy and print " UNOFFICIAL PHOTO COPY " across the front. Certainly there is no criminal intent on my part. Also, I copied it in color ( Yup, I didn't read it first- lesson learned) for our sons' Consular Report of Birth Abroad and had no problems at the US Embassy in Costa Rica.
keithNvaleriaMaleCosta Rica2009-03-17 22:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG325 and G325A--How Are They Different
I have been reading and reading and reading. Yes Sir, I read them and then I just re-read them and answered part of my question. I NOW know for sure which one to use. You see, I am on this forum to learn and to get my visa petition file quickly as I am leaving to visit my fiance in a few days. If a person finds all he needs on the government forms, then there is no real need for this website other than a place for people like you to talk down to others. As is so often on the internet, forums that are intended to share information are hijacked by people who claim it as their own personal homepage.
keithNvaleriaMaleCosta Rica2009-03-16 21:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG325 and G325A--How Are They Different
Before I finish filling them out. When do you use which one in the K1 Visa application process?
keithNvaleriaMaleCosta Rica2009-03-16 20:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow Can I Print My Email Inbox Pages or Folder List Pages
What you folks are telling me, is that I may be learning how to petition for a Visa AND learn how to use a computer. ( I am eating crow here) Thanks...I think.
keithNvaleriaMaleCosta Rica2009-03-18 13:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow Can I Print My Email Inbox Pages or Folder List Pages
I use MSN Hotmail as my email server. I was wanting to print either pages from my inbox, indicating a continuing relationship or move them all to a folder and show the list of emails in the folder. When I try to print the list, it prints the entire emails. Anybody know how to just print the list shown on the screen?
keithNvaleriaMaleCosta Rica2009-03-18 13:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShould I Limit My Proof To Just The Past Two Years
My fiances' and my relationship has been over 20 visits spanning 4+ years. Now that we are fileing for K1 and K2, should I limit my proof of seeing each other in person and proof of ongoing relationship to just the last 2 years, or the entire scope of time together.
keithNvaleriaMaleCosta Rica2009-03-20 22:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBrain Blockage Here...Check Payable to USCIS
Just a quick double check here. For the "Origional Fileing", I make the check for $455 payable to " United States Citizenship and Immigration Service" , right?
keithNvaleriaMaleCosta Rica2009-03-22 12:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI Just Found Errors In Dates On Origional Submission
We are approved for K1 and K2 at CSC and NVC and have picked up our packet at the Embassy In San Jose, Costa Rica. One of the forms that they want from each beneficiary, is the DS-230, which goes back 10 years for residency and work history. When reviewing the previously filed G325A Biographic information, I find some incorrect and overlapping dates for previous addresses and employment. We want to answer honestly and correctly, but our correct answers on the DS-230 will contradict some answers on the G325A. We will have to use a attachment anyway, so I am thinking that we should give the correct answer and make a special note that the origional G325A submission has unintentional errors. I am thinking that the errors were made by the typest I hired and missed by me in proof reading. Input would be appreciated.
keithNvaleriaMaleCosta Rica2009-09-18 22:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan I apply for food stamp before K1 application?
......and #4. Is " Don't do anything that will give you a police record ".
keithNvaleriaMaleCosta Rica2009-09-22 10:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed help about problem I had in the past.
It seems that the OP's major concern is whether or not the first employer made a report of the accused criminal activity. Most employers have no desire to do anything other than protect their interest. It does nothing for them; if they file reports with USCIS about alledged crime on your part. To do so, opens them for cival litigation. Unlike other countries, in the United States, every person has a presumption of innocense under the law; unless they are charged and proven guilty, beyond reasonable doubt in a court of law. The first employer seemed very satisfied to know what happened and then to solve their problem by terminating the employment relationship. In todays litigious society, anyone would be hard pressed to get anyones previous employer to say anything bad about a prior employee. They simply have nothing to gain and everything to lose.
keithNvaleriaMaleCosta Rica2009-10-04 22:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 fiance official name
I used all 4 names with no problems so far. One thing to keep in mind is that adding all the names may work in your advantage. What it does is help the reviewing officials narrow down your fiance's precise identity when there are multiple persons with the same name. As is usually the case; give them all they ask for and more and you will have a better outcome.
keithNvaleriaMaleCosta Rica2009-10-06 15:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Visa, and sending money to fiance~~~
I have sent money on a regular basis for 5 years. My fiance lived in abject poverty, with 2 kids to feed and no family support. When I met her; she had didly squat. I put them into a respectable house and gave her an ATM card, which was with a separate checking account that I opened for just that purpose. When I wanted her to have money; I just used my computer to transfer money in. For well over 4 years, she has shown responsibility with that card, in being frugal and never violating my trust. It is part of our long term relationship and I intend to be up front about it. I think that the difference would be, that if your relationship is fairly new and you were sending tons of money and had little else to show an ongoing relationship, then yes there should be flags and flashing red lights. In our eyes, we are already a family. Now we are just doing the paperwork.
keithNvaleriaMaleCosta Rica2009-09-28 23:44:00