Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)CDJ Waivers


I know I need to relax, that's what my fiance tells me. No I don't have any reasons to suspect that he has TB he hasn't shown any symptoms, I am just going a bit insane here. Yeah, I will definately have him go see his personal doctor before he takes off to CDJ. You know something even funnier, the I-129F hasn't even been approved yet, no NOA2 yet and I'm already freaking out! :D

Bad news - You are in for a long and frustrating ride.
Good news - We are here for you.

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-10-05 12:36:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)CDJ Waivers

Thanks Joel for the quick response

I know the U.S. Embassy in Mexico (CDJ) will require their own medical, I know I can't do anything about that. I just wanted to know if he actually went to his personal doctor and the results were positive, if he could start taking medicine and then present proof of this exam and the medicine he was taking to the U.S. embassy in Mexico. Would this be considered valid so that he can come immediately after (I mean if he's approved).?

It would not be a bad idea. Make sure he is clear. Then the Embassy doctors will STILL do their own test. It should STILL come out clean. Go for it! Better safe the sorry. With this process it is better to be over prepared then under. :)

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-10-05 12:22:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)CDJ Waivers

Let me begin by saying, I am extremely paranoid and prepare for a laugh when reading this post. :lol:

I applied for a K1 visa for my fiance from Mexico.

I decided to post on this particular topic forum because I am already worried that my fiance may need a waiver. I am worried he may end up having tuberculosis. The reason I say this is because I know a handful of people (either in Mexico-my own family members or friends) who were all born in Mexico and have all tested positive for a tb test and have all needed to get chest x-rays done etc (none of this are applying for a visa or anything). I am just worried cause I notice this strange trend with people from Mexico all receiving positive tb test readings. I am just really scared and wouldn't want my fiance to be denied at the interview for having this. I have no idea if he has it or not, like I said I am extremely paranoid.

A question I have: what can my fiance do to determine if he has active tuberculosis? If he takes a tb skin test and the results are positive, does this mean he may have it and should take a chest x-ray? I want him to go to his own doctor before his interview just in case to find out. If he were to have it, I believe I would file an I-601 waiver, right? I just couldn't be able to risk a chance for denial for him or having to file a waiver which will postpone his arrival in the U.S. since he would have to make another trip to CDJ for another interview.

WHat do you guys think? Try to bare with my paranoia. My fiance says this whole process is driving me crazy and I'm starting to believe it may be. :yes:

1st off...Relax. :) This is going to be a painful ride, but perfect in the end. It will make you guys stronger. You are here on JV and we all are in (or have been) in the same boat. You are free to vent, comment, laugh, and cry. We will support you 100%.

Now...about TB. The US Embassy will require their own medical team to do a TB test on your guy. If it is negative then there will be no problem. If it is positive then that isn't a problem either (relatively speaking, of course. TB is VERY serious). The doctor will prescribe medicine that SHOULD clear everything up. Then at the end of treatment he will go back to the US Embassy doctor to make sure he is all clear. Once the doctor clears him you two are free to go to the interview. In Ukraine (where TB is relatively common as well) the doctors did a chest x-ray no matter what. I am not sure if that is the case with all embassies, although I suspect it is.

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-10-05 11:18:00
United KingdomI know why they think he's Australian!

I always get asked if I'm Australian and so does my brother. This has happened on the East Coast and the West Coast.

How come I can tell a Boston accent from an LA accent and a Texan accent from a New York accent. I can pretty much even distinguish a Canadian from an American Accent.

The thing is the population of Australia is approx 20 million. The population of England is approx 50 million (65 million for the UK)

So even if they can't distinguish if we are Australian or English the actual odds are that we are English anyway!

How many Australians get asked if they are English?

Why are Americans so obsessed with Australians anyway?

Because England is like our Grandpa where Australia is like a 1st cousin you love to get into trouble with. :lol:

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-11-14 21:58:00
United KingdomLondon Airports?

Heathrow is in West London, Gatwick is in West Sussex. Gatwick is much further from London how on earth are these two similar distances???

For central London, Heathrow is definatly closer.

Well both Gatwick and Heathrow are similar distances from central London. IMO Gatwick is the FAR better airport. Better facilities and in a better area.

Heathrow is on the Piccadilly Line (tube) which would take you directly to London. Gatwick has the Gatwick Express train Line, which runs into Victoria (also in Central London). This is actually quicker than the tube line.


Neither airport is near the embassy I'm afraid!


These are the stations you would need on the tube. *points up*

Piccadilly Circus and Hyde Park Corner are both ON the Piccadilly Line. So you could fly into Heathrow and just get the tube all the way. It would take a make sure you have PLENTY of time!

By using Gatick Express the time is about the same to get from either to downtown. And I agree...I MUCH prefer Gatwick over Heathrow. Personal opinion though...


Edited by Joel Halfwassen, 21 November 2006 - 04:29 AM.

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-11-21 04:28:00
United KingdomAirfare from UK to US is my site of choice. I LOVE flying American Airlines or British Airlines.

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-08-27 11:56:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian Middle Names
This is what we did for my wife in Ukraine. We were told by the embassy we could do as we wished for the middle name as long as it matched in all of the paperwork. Katya decided to go with no middle name since that is what she was used to.

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-07-06 02:10:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian speakers
I was looking for Phoenix Valley Russian speakers. Any on JV?

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-08-27 13:35:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPurchasing plane ticket


I admit the climate shock is the part that worries me most about bringing Olga to Arizona! Though down here in Tucson, we tend to be a few degrees cooler then you folks up in Phoenix!


Well...just like EVERYONE else who came to Arizona from "back East" it is that first summer that sucks. Katya got here on Aug 2 of this year so got about 4 weeks of crappy weather before the monsoons hit. She is loving the rainy season so far though.

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-09-07 00:35:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPurchasing plane ticket

You all are trying to hard. Travelocity .com, tickets on Delta from Moscow $800 -1000 depending on where you are going. Atlanta is non-stop. 12 hour flight. She just takes her passport to the delta counter at the airport and checks in, even brought her cat over last trip, no problems. Have a fun life.

If you can show me a Delta flight from Moscow to Anchorage for $1000, i'll buy you dinner.

I could flight flights from Moscow to places like ATL, JFK, LAX, MIA, but nowhere better.

Aeroflot used to go direct from Moscow to Seattle, which was nice. I used that one a couple of times, but they stopped it a year or so ago.


Wow! Alaska. I brought my wife out to live in Phoenix. Talk about climate shock! Shouldn't be much of an issue for you. :lol:

I found a ticket for $1,370.73 from Moscow to Anchorage.


Edited by Joel Halfwassen, 27 August 2006 - 01:53 PM.

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-08-27 13:50:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPurchasing plane ticket
I actually went to pick my wife up from Ukriane. We had e-tickets and no problem. I just ordered them online. We flew British Airways from Kiev to London. Then London to Chicago. Unless she is used to flying the airport transfer is going to be the roughest on her.

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-08-27 11:43:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBreaking the Language Barrier

I may travel to Odessa to meet a woman I have been conversing (w/aid of translator) with. She does not understand English, I do not understand (maybe a teeny bit) Russian.

I'd be interested in suggestions, comments, tips from others who have actually traveled to see their potential mate with little understanding of the language . I have PROMT translator on my laptop, and she has a friend that can act as an interpreter, but I know how frustrating it can be to try communication when you don't understand the other person's language.


Rutger wife (who was fluent in English when I met her) and I disagree on this subject. I agree with many of the posters about the communication issue. However, she has seen loads of women who marry foreign men and learn their language later. As a matter of fact one Ukraine/American couple that we hang out with in Phoenix was like that and they are perfect together. They shared common values, goals, and ideas, but they just missed the language part. Together they were open minded enough to be able to work though the issue. For them learning English was part of the 'getting to know you? process. It takes time, patience, and love to work though something like that. Now, many years later, they are together for the duration. Is this a rarity? I don?t know. Katya says it is common, but I will not be convinced until I see the research.


BTW - Shoot me an email if you need help on Ukraine or suggestions for things to do in Odessa. I have gotten to know the area well.

Edited by Joel Halfwassen, 27 September 2006 - 10:24 PM.

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-09-27 22:22:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusaeroflot...finally
Ugh...Aeroflot...god help you guys. Worst experiance I have been through.

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-11-07 20:06:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWhen did she tell her boss...

Galina told them when she returned from Moscow. She wanted to have the interview done and know that she was getting visa. I did the same and offered support if she would quit but it's a different culture. Count on no one and words mean nothing. Remember the past of the Russians. It's then easy to understand why they can be so distrusting (maybe not the best word but you get the idea) sometimes.

This has been an interesting issue for my wife since she has been here. She is surprised far...when someone tells her they will do something it gets done!

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-11-13 14:59:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusCrate recieved from Russia safe and sound!
Does this mean you will not be around any more?

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-11-07 20:09:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusInconsiderate update!!

To explain what I feel is inconsiderate.

Leaving in the morning without a goodbye.

Going to sleep without a goodnight.

Driving around St. Petersburg without knowing where
we are going.
And she drives like a nut too!

Everything possible to make you feel unwanted.

The lady watching her son is from the north
of Russia. Where my friend is from. Her best childhood friends mother.
They are constantly talking. I ask where are we going?
Answer.. To an interview, I have to meet someone. ?????????

Today we went to a shopping mall.
She says lets go this way... Then she disappears!!
The lady... Galina. Is frantic, I am pissed. I found her an
hour later shopping in a store. I asked why she left us?
She offers to give me one of her cell phones to give to Galina.

Galina is a very nice lady.. We comunicate through a dictionary.
She is constantly apologizing to me about my friend. She says
that I am a good man))
Her son is great also.. I am his best friend))

But, she is a complete different person than before.

I said today to her. " You seem different than before "

She says... " I am different, I don't know why. Maybe you to "

She says that I probably need a fat ugly wife that will sit home and
worry about when I will be home.

All I want out of anyone in my life is to be considerate!!
What is wrong with saying.... I am going to shop. I'll meet you wherever
in an hour???

I told her to find a flat and I would send money to pay.
Guess what!! I did!!

I guess I am asking to much from this one((

We have known each other for 7 months. We talked regularly on the
phone and emailed at least 3 times per week.

I had a great time in July with her and her son.
She was a relaxed and caring person. Now she runs around like
a chicken with it's head cut off and doesn't seem to care about others.

I am sorry if this doesn't make sense. If I was in a country where I
could read)))). I would have a good time anyway. Since I paid for the flat
I will continue to stay here...and suffer))

After my relationships with American woman. I thought alone was the
way for me.

By accident I saw and wrote to this girl ( she did not have the most beautiful picture )
She just seemed like a nice woman. When I saw her for the first time I was amazed
at how beautiful she was.

Now she wants to marry a rich Russian man and she will reimburse me))).

Any advice on where or how to meet a nice considerate woman??

Again I am sorry about the rambling letter.


This was a struggle with some of my wife's friends. Fortunately, my wife is not like this. For some reason this seem to be acceptable behavior for SOME Slavic women. The culture does not lend itself to much in the way of courtesy towards the opposite sex. It is rarely given or received. I have found exceptions (my wife)...but not many. You are looking in the wrong country if this behavior bothers you.


Reading this thread reminds me of the MENA forum.

Yeah! Isn't it great!

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-11-12 01:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaMarriage in Peru????
Also it is my understanding that the HIV test in Peru is not confidential. I am a big privacy rights person so it would be an issue for me personally.

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-07-15 22:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaWorth it for USC to attend interview in Rio?

I was just reading the Rio "Embassy Info" page and the guy who wrote it said he was allowed in the interview with his fiancée, but that other USCs had not been allowed in and had been told to wait outside. Apparently there had also been some denials?? (I wonder if they hadn't been genuine relationships and the conof had realized that before the interview?)

I will have to kind of rearrange my life to attend Rey's interview, and I'm willing to do it if you guys think it would cinch the deal, but if it's not going to help or they're just going to keep me out of the interview, then at best I could only offer him moral support, and he is a big boy. :)

Sooooo what were your experiences? What do you think?


I know nothing about Rio. But I om of the opinion that it is better to go as a couple. In my mind it just plain looks better. Never mind the help your SO (USC or not) will get from just being there supporting you. I would imagine that is SUCKS to go in there alone without your SO. What does everyone else think?

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-11-20 00:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaDeciding which visa/usMex
Ugh...Yes. You are in a complex situation. A lawyer(s) is a MUST in your case. And your JAG SHOULD still hold all of your information and conversations confidential and SHOULD have your best interest at heart reguardless of political views. Good luck. I am sending you good thoughts and good vibes. :)

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-07-12 13:11:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaDeciding which visa/usMex
Sorry...I did a big no-no on the gender bit. It is the biggest cultural issue my wife and I have. She comes from a country where gender roles are VERY strong and she struggles with the US and its rather lacking idea of gender roles (relative to her country). And she HATES the idea a women would WANT to join the military. ;)

Anyways...Personally I am a big fan of CR-1 and DCF. DCF can be VERY quick if the embassy you are working with allows it from a US Citizen who is not a Mexico resident. I did it int he Ukraine and have loved it. I have been in control of the whole process for the most part. And, this is bad to say, since he is male it will be even easier as he (probably) will not have to deal with all of the name change paperwork. PM me if you are interested and I will tell you more about my experiance so far.


Edited by Joel Halfwassen, 08 July 2006 - 10:52 PM.

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-07-08 22:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaDeciding which visa/usMex

Do you need a vaction visa as a US Citizen to visit Mexico? I live in Phoenix and we go all of the time as the boarder is only a little ways (couple hours) south of my house.

As for timeline for each of these...they are comparable to each other. I have heard that the order of speed is K-1, K-3, then CR-1...however, that is only rumor on my part.

I do have some advice. Relax. A court martial does neithor of you any good. If this is the person for you then it is forever...this wait is for only a short period of time. It is easy for me ot say that as I am almost done with my 'time away' from my sweetheart. Here are some things you should think about as you research what you wish to do. Where are you in the US and where is she in Mexico? Is it easy to fly in and out for week/weekend trips? I dated a girl in Mexico for some time and this is how I did it. I flew from Phoenix to Montery at least once a month. Sometimes more. Since you are in the military how realistic is it that you will be deployed out of the USA anytime soon? What are the realities of your job in reguards to marriage? i.e. do you live on base, what are military rules for spouses vs fiance, etc. What kind of wedding do you guys want? What does she think about marriage and getting married (ie what is her ideal for timing of a marriage)?

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-07-08 22:02:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaDeciding which visa/usMex
It is my understanding that the CR-1 ans the IR-1 are the same thing...except...the CR-1 is for a spouse who has been married to a US Citizen for less then 2 years.

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-07-08 21:44:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)cheap plane ticket
Have you tried going through Chicago? There are several flights that go direct from O'Hare to Istanbul. Istanbul is one of the ways I go to Odessa, Ukraine. Phoenix - O'Hare - Istanbul - Odessa.

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-07-12 00:48:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Ukraine CR-1/K-3 Visa
Done! We got approved!! :dance: Well *she* got approved. We sceduled an appointment for the first interview in the morning. It was a good thing too! We got there and walked right in through all of the non-immigrant people to the special 'immigrant only' section. But about 30 minutes after we got there the place filled up all at once. It was insane!! So...if you are a CR-1 or IR-1 in Kiev (and maybe anywhere else) shoot for that 1st interview of the day. We were there a total of 40 minutes. Paper processed, interview done, and courier scheduled! Plus I am going to imagine that the person doing the interview isn't burned out yet. :)

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-07-28 12:37:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Ukraine CR-1/K-3 Visa
Are you able to pick it up or do you have to wait to have it mailed?

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-07-15 23:27:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Ukraine CR-1/K-3 Visa
How long did it take you guys to get your CR-1 (or K-3) visa after your interview? We have our interview on the 27th and am curious.

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-07-12 22:44:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Ukraine
Yeah. This would have been nice a YEAR ago. :)

Too bad I only recently found out about this site. It would have saved me a LOT of trial and error on my own.

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-07-09 21:15:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Have you thought about just leaving it in Aus? And then use it as an emergency fund? Maybe with an ATM card? I have an AUS dollar account in Melborn from years ago. It just sits their earning interest. But if I ever need it...well...I have it.

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-07-16 02:54:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview and Child
I wouldn't expect it to be a problem. I asked my Mom what she went though. She said she brought both my brother and I to the interview. However, that was in the 1970s. When I was at the US Emabssey in Kiev for the I-130 appointment there were several couples with their children there.

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-07-17 22:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionQuestion about choices
Thank you for the comments about the picture. It is one of my favorites from our wedding day. I am going to put some more into my phot o area of my profile. I still get all weak-kneed when I think about how wonderful the whole day was.

As for DCF...The reason I put down CR-1 was because that is the visa we end up getting. :)

And thank to everyone who has shared so far. These are some really great stories.

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-07-09 18:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionQuestion about choices
I have a curiosity. I would like to hear from people why they chose to go the visa route that they are/did? Be it K-1, K-3, CR-1, whatever. Second, why are you (or did you) get legally married in the country that you did? Third, why did you decide to go DCF or not?

I will start with myself...

Katya and I decided to go with a legal marriage in Odessa, Ukraine because it was important for us to include all of her family and friends in the event. Had we been legally married in the US this would not have been possible. Besides the visa requirement for Ukrainians to come to the US the cost for the average Ukrainian to fly to the US is prohibitive due to wage differences between the two countries. For our choice the ease of the visa process was secondary to us needing her family involved.

Secondly, we are going the CR-1 route because it SEEMS to be easier for her once she gets here. She wants to get a job straight away and start living a 'normal' American life with no restrictions. Although it might be a longer wait time in terms of getting her to the US then the K-3 visa. This might have been a different choice for us if we were not doing this in the summer and I did not have the job that I do. I work for a University and I have most of the summer off so I get to spend much of it with her in Ukraine.

Third, because I am spending so much time in the Ukraine I have been able to do DCF with her. This has been SO easy with the US Embassy in Ukraine. They are nothing but wonderful! Every email question has been answered promptly and thoroughly. When we dropped off the I-130 and the I-864 they we great at getting it done quickly and with a smile.


Edited by Joel Halfwassen, 08 July 2006 - 09:04 PM.

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-07-08 21:02:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWell That sucks!!!! is my understanding that they want you to HAVE evidence...they don't REALLY want to look at it themselves. ;) Seriously, it is always better to have more then less. And pictures are what they really enjoy looking at...oh...and phone bills.

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-07-17 10:33:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVISA APPROVED!!!!
Congrats! Be safe! And while you are there give our old friend Chavez the finger for us!

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-10-05 20:28:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAre all Russian interviews in Moscow?

All K type visa interviews are done in Moscow. I cannot say for certain, but perhaps work type or other visas can be done in St. Petersburg and that is what she heard?

I'm thinking what you are thinking. I think she is confused with other people working on other visas. She's pretty ticked that she would have to interview in Moscow when there is a perfectly good US consulate in St. Petersburg :lol: .

On a side note, we found out she was able to get a schengen tourist visa through Finland to meet me in Germany for New Years, even though the German tourist visa is so cumbersome. Politics, huh? What a PITA.

Yeah...LOVE those Schengen visas! If you fail one just apply in a different country! :lol:
Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-11-14 19:05:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionTax returns...

Just many years tax returns should i bring to the interview (I intend on going to it with her)..Thanks again!..Bill

3 years.
Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-11-14 22:45:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionwhich language did your husband or wife interview in?
She had a choice. She said either. They gave it in Russian.

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-11-14 13:49:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUkraine Kiev embassy K1 members

JUST get Ukraine PC, I mean how will embassy know the difference? They will have no clue. Besides she was student and still Ukraine citizen. Also remember to get the PC translated to English or they will not accept it. They will want both Ukrainian version of PC original and the translated version and I do believe they will want to keep that original Ukrainian PC.

They will know if they look at her internal passport (propiska sp?) This documents show the citizens life history and current status of children, marriage, etc.... if I am not mistaken..... Remember we are dealing with a former soviet state that has only been independent for 15 years. Many things (such as identification documents) are still carry overs from that era.

My Fiancee had her interview in December and they did not ask for her internal passport. Do not take it in with you! The people at the 'paperwork window' are Ukrainian nationals and would recognize what it is, don't risk it. Take only the International Passport... Good luck

Yeah. Don't even mess with the internal stuff. The US doesn't care. Show them an international passport.

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2007-01-17 19:45:00
CanadaRevenue Canada
Submit a change of address for yourself via the website...

You will need to file taxes for the time you were living in Canada. You will need to file US taxes for the time you are in the US. Revenue Canada will send you forms and things to your new address. What you REALLY need to make sure of is that the tax forms your employers send to you gets to the right place. As for the rest...I honestly have no idea.

Edited by Joel Halfwassen, 13 July 2006 - 12:04 AM.

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-07-13 00:03:00
CanadaCan a USC work in the USA and live in Canada with a Canadian citizen?
Yes. And there is a special pass that is used on both sides of the boarder. It is a common thing for places like Niagra, NY and Detroit, MI to have Canadians working in their businesses. They commute across the boarder every day.

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-07-19 00:07:00
CanadaFunny website-help
You know...I'm reading this. I SO miss the Robertson screws! Best invention EVER that never made it to the states.

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-07-18 22:28:00