K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!

Hey MeggyMo, Only 2 days in Van? That's not enough especially since you will be panicking for at least one of them! :) Yeah, I plan to be in Ukraine with Diana at least 1-2 weeks. We will have a couple days in Kiev getting ready for the interview (medical exams etc.) and then back to Donetsk to wait for the passport with visa(!) to show up a week later. Then it's Do Svidanya Ukraine! and Privet America! I can't believe you will stay another month in Edmonton before going to Ohio. What strength! When we have Diana's visa, ready or not, I'm throwing her and my-new-son Denys on the airplane for home! :lol:

So, I got MORE good news. The application left the NVC for Kiev today! Now I'm in unfamiliar waters. I know the whole USCIS and NVC routine backward and forward but the embassy stuff feels unfamiliar! I do have a handle on most of the forms and have compiled hundreds of pages of documents and supporting information already. All the "I" forms and "DS" forms are done. Bank statements, W2's, tax returns, blah blah. But what next? I guess I wait 7-ish days and then start calling the embassy to see if they have the package? God knows I don't want to wait until they send some snail-mail!

What did you guys do? Did you get an e-mail promptly when the packet arrived in Van or did you have to call and call until they had it? From your timeline it looks like it took 9 days after leaving the NVC.

Same question to you, Y&E. What did you do once the packet was on it's way to the embassy? Your timeline says it only took 3 days(!) to get from the NVC to London. Wow, I hope mine is so fast!

Feels like life is rockin' and rollin' now!

Oh my gosh I know I am gunna be a mess but the less time I spend there the better. I will want to just get home.
Well thats great you guys will have a ton of time to prepare and just spend time together in her home country since she won't be able to return right away.
Oh I know I don't really want to wait but I think I should for my family. I know they are super happy for me and they all adore Angelo but it is gunna be hard on them and I have been so preoccupied with all the visa stuff to really get a chance to just hang out with them.

When it comes to the embassy stuff I know every single one is completely different.
I found out from the NVC that they had sent my stuff to Van and I just kept emailing them until they sent an email back telling me they had received it. Then they sent me a letter ( packet 3) telling me to go online and download the instructions. BUT like I said every embassy is different my advice would be to go on the either the Ukraine page or the embassy page here on VJ and ask. Someone who is or has gone through that consulate could give you a much better answer Casper :thumbs:
MeggyMoFemaleCanada2010-05-12 02:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!

Hi MeggyMo! Yeah, feelin' a little better now but will be better still when the app leaves the NVC for Ukraine. Funny, on my new schedule & with a little luck, I'll be in Kiev for the interview the day after yours in Vancouver! The other funny thing I have noticed after reading hundreds of posts on VJ is that it seems one party is always much more anxious about the process than the other. Sometimes the guy, sometimes the gal. Sometimes the Petitioner, sometimes the Beneficiary. Diana is pretty patient to let things roll as they will. I'm like you and can't go 3 hours without doing something related to the visa!

Don't worry about Vancouver. Try to make it part holiday. It's a beautiful city and make sure to get down to the water and ride the ubiquitous water taxis. The Granville Island area is fun. The food is great. If the weather is nice the mountains are spectacular. Enjoy!

Oh I know I got super excited when my 50th call to the NVC gave me the good news! It will happen super quick Casper and before you know it she will be there with you :)
Oh that would be so awesome if we had pretty close interview dates. I will only be in Van for 2 days I am sure you will be in the Ukraine much longer than that. Is Diana flying back home with you?
I think I will be staying here another month after I get my visa I would like to visit with my family a bit longer and I have to settle everything up here as well.
I know I mean if I had it my way I would talk about the visa 24/7! I know it annoys Angelo though. We are both just quite tired with the process and since he is slow getting his stuff ready im getting all impatient and constantly bugging him.

My Aunt is actually coming with me to Vancouver which is nice I didn't really want to go alone. I'd be standing on the side of the road crying " I NEED AN ADULT!" hahah. So the first day we get there we are gunna do some sight seeing and she will be there to keep me calm throughout the whole ordeal!
MeggyMoFemaleCanada2010-05-11 12:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!
Hey Casper that is great news!!!
I am super happy for you guys.
Sadly no I am not there yet Angelo is taking so long to send off all the stuff. I know he is super busy at work but it is getting frustrating I just wanna be there with him :(
He said he will definitely have it mailed out on Wednesday though so that is the plus. So i am just patiently sitting in Canada waiting for the paperwork so I can get my interview date. I am hoping for June 15th! That is the day after I get paid so I will have some cash on me jeeze I will for sure feel lighter in my purse after the trip to Vancouver!
MeggyMoFemaleCanada2010-05-10 21:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!

Well we followed up with the lady at the embassy on Sunday and she said they person was out for a while he got back today ( i thought YOU were responsible and now there is another person, whatever). So she asked us to be patient, and they will call us blah blah blah.

So my fiance got a call from embassy this morning asking to come on Wednesday to drop off the paperwork, no interview. hmm.

Anyone heard anything like this before where they ask for paperwork ahead of time without interview?

Well that is odd. I know every embassy is different and they require different forms ahead of time that others don't. What embassy are you going through? And if your fiancee can just go drop off the paperwork she must be very close to the embassy.
I really have not hear of this happening it would be best to go to the forum that is the country of origin of your fiancee and ask them :thumbs:
MeggyMoFemaleCanada2010-05-10 11:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!

Wish I could say that after a touch (4 and a quarter months after NOA1) on April 29th that something progressed. nope. Our Senator representative´s inquiry caused a touch only. Still waiting for the magical NOA2. Going on 5 months. In the meantime we are on a countdown for my trip to Ecuador. 34 days to go. If California isn´t on our case this week, I´m not even sure if we will get to the interview part while I´m there....and we were thinking originally he would be postponing the interview until mid June! Yikes!

Come on California! We want the whole family to come home in July...

I'm sorry to hear that there still has been any movement on your case :(.
On the plus side you are inching towards the 5 month moment so you can then make a formal inquiry on your case and see what the hold up is. Hopefully it won't even get that far.
That is really exciting about your trip though!
I really think as hard as this is you just have to start thinking about where you are at right now. The moment you stop thinking about it it happens. I know that is hard but when Angelo came to visit we got good news and I think it was because my mind wasn't on the whole process it was just on him being there with me.
It helps to be able to shrug off all of those feelings doing the k1 process does to you. Its really a nice break for your head.
I really hope you guys hear good news soon and get that July family reunion you are hoping for :)
MeggyMoFemaleCanada2010-05-07 20:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!

My packet was forwarded very quickly from the NVC to the Embassy but after that it has been a wait.

I called last week to check the status of it and the person was out on leave. Called on the day she was supposed to be back but she was out again. So I finally spoke to her and she asked me to get the documents ready and have my foreign fiancee call the embassy for an interview when she has all the paperwork ready. (no letter of anysort was sent)

It's only within the time of 3-5pm that they take calls for interview dates and my fiancee called yesterday but didn't get them, will wait for next week now :/

Oh and that is exactly what I hate about Fridays now! Well at least you guys got a hold of someone and are on the right path!
You will have to tell us as soon as you can when your fiance gets the interview date! YAY DECEMBER FILERS :dance:
MeggyMoFemaleCanada2010-05-07 12:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!

Good Morning December Filers! Glad to see there is still progress being made out there in Visaland. While enduring the interminable wait to see if in fact, this time, my application really WAS forwarded from the CSC to the NVC I have been filing out forms and gathering documents for the eventual embassy visit. I've just about finished all I can do and am now waiting for Diana to do her thing in Donetsk (Ukraine). She's a little stressed but holding up well.

Get this, remember before I said that she had given notice at her day job. Did I also mention she had also a one-person financial consulting company which she needs to close? I told her to close it too. Well, a couple days ago she came back and said the process to close her business in UA will take 3-6 months!!! Now there's a bureaucracy to be proud of! I told her to start the process now but we are NOT waiting 3-6 months for it to complete. After she is here, we marry, we do the AOS, then if necessary she can go back and finish.

One other funny story: Day before yesterday I called the CSC to try and get independent verification that my package was, in fact, sent on Monday. The second level agent I spoke with in exasperation with my incessant quizzing said, 'if we sent you an e-mail Monday saying we sent the package why do you not believe us?' To which I replied, 'well, Officer (whoever), I also have in my hand an I-797 that said you sent the package on April 12th but you really didn't, did you?' There was no reply, only a promise to have his supervisor call me which of course, she has not. *sigh*

Just gotta keep on keepin' on!

Hey there Casper,
Wow I can't believe it will take that long to close all that! JEEZE! But yea get her over there and then she can deal with it after I mean it is of course important but you guys have waited long enough that can be put on the back burner for awhile!
Hahahaha oh wow well good keep on their butts about it and of course you don't trust them! Real soon when you call the NVC though you will hear that they have it and it will be smooth sailing from there for ya!
Still waiting on slow moin Angelo to send me the stuff. He has it all he just needs to print it out! So hopefully by tomorrow he can send it all to me. I am getting so anxious for the intrview date.
I just got back from the doctor and had full blood work done to make sure I am super healthy and no surprises for my medical! I am apparently all good so I am super happy about that!
MeggyMoFemaleCanada2010-05-06 14:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!
Ok I just checked it out and I have two MMR shots so that's good!
Yea oh that TDAP. I seriously couldn't move my arm for 4 days afterward!
Oh well it had to be done. I find I am saying that a lot lately when it comes to this process
MeggyMoFemaleCanada2010-05-05 12:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!

That's great Caspar. Hopefully this means that you've had your fair share of hold-ups with your case and the rest of it will go smoothly. I hope that your case goes smoothly too, Meggy.

Off to scan my updated vaccination report to prove that I've had 2 MMR vaccines and see if the Nurse at the Medical exam place can send an updated version of the form to the embassy since I still don't have an interview date. Thanks for the reminder of the I-134 Meggy, must chase Yuri up on that.

Thanks a bunch! :thumbs:
You had to have 2 MMR vaccines? Maybe I have had two and I just didn't look at my vaccination records clearly. I did just go get an updated TDAP shot. Hurt like hell for 4 days!
The nurse told m I was completely up to date on my shots so I am sure I am.
Ya you always gotta get after them to do that silly form. I have been gettin on Angelo's case now for weeks that lazy butt. Oh well he actually just finished it today so he will be sending me everything real soon!!
I am really hoping you guys hear about getting your interview date soon, I am basically crossing every ody part I can for all of us December filers! I am basically one big Canadian knot! :wacko:
MeggyMoFemaleCanada2010-05-05 03:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!

I woke up this morning and the first thing I saw was a rainbow. 'Ah, good news today,' I thought. But then I realized the rainbow was only half, just one side, and I knew it would be partial good news; and so it was. Today after countless e-mails and phone calls to the CSC and NVC, the "Ombudsman for Customer Relations" of the USCIS sent me a one line e-mail: "Your application has been sent to the NVC today."

Uh, was that sent again today? Or, sent for the first time today? My NOA 2 said it was sent on April 12th, three weeks ago. And, what--or whose--incompetence kept it from going out when it was supposed to? I'm going to find out who the CSC reports to, I have a letter that needs writing...

So, at least it looks like my application has left CSC for the NVC today. A mere 4 months, 2 weeks, and 5 days after it was received by the CSC. Government in action. MeggyMo, are you sure you want to come here? :D

Well hey that is great news Casper! I know it took a lot of effort on your part to finally get an answer out of them but at least you know that it has been sent for sure!! I am really happy to hear that. Now you just have to keep calling the NVC and get that good news that they have received it! It will happen quicker than you think :dance:
But yes you probably should write a letter and find out EXACTLY why this went on. I mean was your petition lost on the way to the NVC or what!?
Hahaha yea I am sure I still want to come. I just truly don't understand why things like this happen. It should be a simple procedure but in some cases apparently not. But see now that you have had this little set back everything else should run smoothly for you.
I am kind of worried since Angelo and I haven't had any hitches in our case that something is going to happen near the end. I really hope that is not the case! :blink:
I sure am getting antsy to move to Ohio and be with him though. I have already got myself into that mindset that this is no longer my home and that I will be with Angelo soon for good. I am just getting super impatient and want it all to be done with! As I am sure everyone else is feeling that way as well
MeggyMoFemaleCanada2010-05-03 17:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!
Well I am just waiting on Angelo to finish up the I-134 form. I should be faxing my checklist to Vancouver this week though!
MeggyMoFemaleCanada2010-05-03 15:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!
Any good news my awesome December filers??
MeggyMoFemaleCanada2010-05-02 23:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!

You're welcome from me too. I hope your CSC to NVC journey is smoother than mine! 2 1/2 weeks and no one can tell me (at either end) where my application is. Insane.

Man Casper I can't believe you are still waiting on that. I am constantly checkin VJ to see whether you heard anything new.
This is just crazy.
I wish I could help but all I can really do is keep hoping that you guys will hear something soon.
Angelo and I are really rootin' for you and Diana
MeggyMoFemaleCanada2010-04-30 10:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!

TOUCH! I haven´t received a text or e-mail yet, but today (after almost three weeks of initiating a plea for help from Senator´s office, run around between their three state offices) I got the call and phone message from the nice gentleman who was assigned to checking on our case. It was the´s not 5 months yet (darn bet it almost is though!) and we are within normal processing, if you don´t hear by 5 months, check again.
Even so, after my night school tonight I just checked website....

TOUCH! come on...NOA2. I bought a ticket to Ecuador yesterday for me and my two boys, and we will arrive June 9th and be there to July 6th. We have to get this show on the road so I am there for the interview!!!

Thanks MeggyMo and Casper and all for your words of encouragement, they meant a lot.

I hope you hear that good news soon you definitely deserve that after all your waiting!
Hey not a problem I just can't wait for every December filer to be done!!
MeggyMoFemaleCanada2010-04-29 23:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!
Ugh I am sorry to hear that Casper. Do you still have your senator on the case?
It might be a good idea to give him a heads up on what is going on.
I am sure you have been contacting the CSC and the NVC like crazy.
I am sure it is on its way it just wants to make you sweat a bit more.
Just keep calling both the CSC and the NVC and you should hear that good news soon!!
I have my fingers and toes crossed for you guys
MeggyMoFemaleCanada2010-04-27 13:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!
I have my fingers crossed for you guys!
That is a lot of extra stuff she has to do along with getting everything ready for the interview.
I am sure you guys can do it though! :)
MeggyMoFemaleCanada2010-04-25 13:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!
Agreed with Casper on contacting the congressman.
Angelo and I lucked out.
I guess the infamous Joy who was Angelo's congressman's aid pulled it of for us!
Angelo spoke with her today and she told him she contacted the CSC three times in the span of 2 days telling them to get their butts in gear! And as you guys know it worked! After a few days of getting Joy on the case we were approved.
She is also (with no asking from us) following our case to the end.
She told us she has been in touch with my consulate in Vancouver to make sure everything is still running smoothly.
So I say definitely contact someone because if they really want to and they have their eye on the prize for you they can make things happen.
Hopefully your congressman's aid can do something similar!!
MeggyMoFemaleCanada2010-04-22 22:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!
Oh wow I am really sorry to hear that you guys are having these delays.
There isn't anyway they can just wait for the certificate to get to you?
I mean really like you said it is on its way.
Just keep thinking positive although I know it is hard to do sometimes.
You are getting all the crappy stuff outta the way now so your interview will be a breeze!
I will keep my fingers crossed for you guys!
MeggyMoFemaleCanada2010-04-22 00:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!
Right on there Bricar!!
That is wonderful news.
Now you get to do all the other fun stuff with the NVC?
Do you have everything ready for packet 3?
I wasn't the smartest and forgot about a couple things so now I am scurrying to do them now :wacko:
MeggyMoFemaleCanada2010-04-21 13:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!
Sorry to hear about the late NOA2.
Jeeze that is just taking forever.
You know it wouldn't hurt to get as many people on your case as you can so why not contact your congressman as well!
MeggyMoFemaleCanada2010-04-20 18:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!
I just received packet three in the mail today!!
I can't wait to send it off and get that interview date! :dance:
MeggyMoFemaleCanada2010-04-19 18:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!
I was just notified that they sent packet 3 to me!
I have almost all of the needed documents to send it right back!
So now I will be anxiously checking my mailbox :whistle:
MeggyMoFemaleCanada2010-04-16 13:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!
Yay way to go! :thumbs:
MeggyMoFemaleCanada2010-04-14 12:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!
That is fantastic news Casper!!!
Right on another December CSC filer got the good news!
Great for you guys :dance:
MeggyMoFemaleCanada2010-04-13 20:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!

Has anyone called them within the normal processing time and gotten a non-generic response?

You wouldn't receive a non-generic response until your five months is up
MeggyMoFemaleCanada2010-04-08 18:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!
I keep checking to see if they are doing anymore December filers. What the hell is up with all these February filers gettin approved!?
Jeeze guys I am real sorry I know the wait must be harsh.
I hope you get your RFE soon Casper so you can get it the heck back there and get that awesome approval and do the approval dance!
MeggyMoFemaleCanada2010-04-06 21:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!
Congrats Terri that's great news :thumbs:
MeggyMoFemaleCanada2010-04-06 00:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!
Hey Casper
That is real lame news about the RFE.
The plus side to all of it though is you know they looked at your case and from what I have seen on time lines it doesn't take long at all after you mail your response back to get approval!
You will have to let us all know what the heck the RFE was about since you said you basically had everything put together with your petition.
MeggyMoFemaleCanada2010-04-04 13:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!

Well for what it's worth, I contacted one of my US Senators (actually an aide), told him my sad tale and that my Congressman had already tried to get some info. on my K-1 status with no success. He was sympathetic and said they may have a different contact than did the Congressman. He didn't know for sure but would forward my request to the Senator's main office that deals with these issues.

Fingers crossed. I'll let ya'll know how it goes!


Good luck Casper!
You guys definitely deserve to hear that good news soon.
MeggyMoFemaleCanada2010-04-01 00:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!

Good Morning All,

Alas, I have no news on the NOA II front. There hasn't been one pixel of change in the display of my case on the USCIS website since December 14th. I think if I were a songwriter I would write some sorrowful lament titled, "Frozen In Time."

In the meantime, to feel like I'm at least doing something, I just work on the next set of forms that we will (eventually) need at the embassy interview: DS-156, DS-156K, I-134, and that crowd pleaser the DS-230 Parts I & II!

MeggyMo, did you ever find out if your NOA 2 was linked to Angelo's contacting his rep? Regardless, today I have decided that I will contact one of my Senators and see if anything more can be done.


Hey Casper,
I am very sorry to hear that there is still no change for you guys.
Angelo received an email back today stating that she spoke to them but they told her the processing was going as normally. Then we just were touched and you know the rest. So she really did not have an affect on it it was just a coincidence.
MeggyMoFemaleCanada2010-03-31 13:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!
Hey our case was touched again today. Is that mean they sent it off to the NVC?
MeggyMoFemaleCanada2010-03-29 23:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!
I personally received the email and text the next day.
But like Bricar said it does vary.

Edited by MeggyMo, 29 March 2010 - 03:01 PM.

MeggyMoFemaleCanada2010-03-29 15:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!

We got our interview date via email this morning -- April 6th at 10am WOOOOTTT!!!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

That is great news!!! :thumbs:
Congrats and sendin the good luck vibes your way!
I see you are movin to Ohio Terri, me too!
Hopefully our NVC process is as quick as yours
MeggyMoFemaleCanada2010-03-28 21:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!
Thanks so much guys.
It really came as a definite surprise this morning that's for sure.
So Casper to be honest we don't even know yet! If it wasn't her that made contact with them then that seems like really odd timing because literally right after we spoke with her the next couple days we got a touch and approval.
I will get Angelo to email Joy and see if she had spoken with them.
If she did then jeeze Joy has THE POWER!
I would say why the heck not to trying to get more people involved with your case. Worst thing they can say is that they can't give you any info BUT they will know that you really want some sort of answer here ASAP!
Just keep on bugging them thats what I say!
I know I do kind of wish the CSC would at least let us know why we were held up there. Then at least I could bring you guys some sort of news.
But the good news is that they are back and looking at December filers.
You guys will be next :D
MeggyMoFemaleCanada2010-03-27 20:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!
Approved Approved Approved!!!
Angelo got the text this morning.
We couldn't be happier right now.
I am so excited to get the rest of this on the go :dance:
MeggyMoFemaleCanada2010-03-27 13:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!

You go girl!

Alas, I checked my status and it says the same thing it did 3 1/2 months ago.

Well thank ya :)
But really who knows I could be touched then it just sits there. Hoping thats not the case.
I am sure I won't hear anything this weekend either arrrgghhh
So we are still in the same boat.
If they took a peek at my case I am sure they will be looking at yours real soon.
I just took comfort in the fact that they obviously didnt completely forget about us December filers
MeggyMoFemaleCanada2010-03-27 01:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!
Sooo I just woke up and I decide hey I am going to check our case status like I do every other day about 200 times a day.
We were touched!!!!
I am so happy I hope this is it!
MeggyMoFemaleCanada2010-03-26 12:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!

What seems unusual is that a block of mid to late December filers are stalled, kinda like they are in a box on someones desk that works slow, real slow. Maybe they brought in some additional case workers to help and they were given the fresh Jan and Feb cases to rip thru then go back to their normal assignments?
Who Knows??
Maybe enough petioners and congressional enquires to USCIS will break something loose?

That is exactly what I am hoping for. I'm thinking if they get enough inquiries about petitions filed around the same time then yes something should be done.
I think quite a few of us have taken further steps and that is great!
Anything to shake things up I am sure can only help us
MeggyMoFemaleCanada2010-03-25 14:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!

I've wondered, too. A few possible explanations:

1.) Work is spread out to all adjudicators. Some may work faster than others.
2.) Name and background checks may take longer for some people than others. If criminal history or financial indicators come up, they may spend more time looking into those hits until they are resolved.
3.) Not enough info is provided, which means and RFE is sent.

I remember reading an interview on this site (somewhere) with someone from the VSC who essentially explained that petitions are attended to in the order they are received, but depending on the work that needs to be done on them, some may be approved before others.

I suppose those are some possibilities but I would have thought if we needed an RFE it would have been sent by now.
MeggyMoFemaleCanada2010-03-25 12:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!

Wow MeggyMo, Angelo's rep. is far more supportive than mine! Besides your Congressman (1) we also each have two Senators too that we can contact. Given my dwindling reserve of patience (hey, I never had much to start with!), I may give one of them a call in a week or so too. That especially if Joy comes back with something more revealing than the, 'it isn't done because it isn't done' that I got.

SCUBA isn't so scary. If you can breathe without mechanical assistance you can do it. That was Diana's first time and she did great. Two dives and down to 35' (uh, 11 meters). If you ever think about lessons I would recommend an intensive dive Club Med. They have great instructors. Never been hassled by a shark but I have petted Moray Eels. That's a kick!


Yea I was really happy to hear that she knew we were going to get the generic it isn't done because response but her telling him that she wouldn't stop with that really made me feel that this could definitely help!
Oh I hear you on that. Thank goodness Angelo is a patient person because if he was anything like me we would both be going nuts!
Yea I am hoping Joy can give us some more insight not just for Angelo and my case but so I can pass on some info to the rest of us December stragglers. You know it was funny after Angelo got off the phone with Joy we were talking and he was like ya know we knew something would hold our case up I mean come on its us!
And he did have a point we have some pretty bad luck lol. So I guess I just have to relax and roll with the punches. Easier said than done.
JEEZE that is wayyyy too far down for me. See as soon as I see ocean I instantly think of JAWS. My all time favorite movie but it has terrified me since the first time I seen it when I was 7.
So as much fun as I am sure it is I think putting one toe in the water would cause me to freak out lol
MeggyMoFemaleCanada2010-03-24 22:19:00