Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)waiver times?

If you're applying for your CR-1 visa and I-601 waiver then it is definitely London that will be processing the waiver. There is a DHS office in the London Embassy and that is where all waivers for visas processed through London are dealt with. I was there for an interview a few weeks ago and am currently putting together my 601 waiver application. I have a lawyer in London with good experience of this and they, as well as the Embassy, have told me that my case will be adjudicated by DHS London.

hi,thanks for the reply ,i hope so ,vermont is a nightmare ,what was yours denied for if you dont mind me asking ? and what does your lawyer reckon? thanks ,andy.

I've got a misrep issue, which can be very tricky to overcome. My lawyer reckons we have a good case and London seems to be good with approvals, although they have been tougher recently. Hoping to get all the paperwork submitted this week or next and then sit and wait. Nightmare!
RinkleMaleEngland2007-04-30 04:14:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)waiver times?
If you're applying for your CR-1 visa and I-601 waiver then it is definitely London that will be processing the waiver. There is a DHS office in the London Embassy and that is where all waivers for visas processed through London are dealt with. I was there for an interview a few weeks ago and am currently putting together my 601 waiver application. I have a lawyer in London with good experience of this and they, as well as the Embassy, have told me that my case will be adjudicated by DHS London.
RinkleMaleEngland2007-04-27 07:01:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Bitter pill to swallow


I also completely agree with how the process and procedures work. The human factor is not taken into consideration at all. It seemed the reviewing officer went out of her way to turn everthing we said againest us, even the lawyer was shocked by the glaring errors and distortion of the facts in our denial letter. We are hoping that with the lawyers write up our motion to reconsider will be looked at and reviewed properly. Ours definitly wasnt and it was fairly obvious that the reviewing officer did not even glance at the denial letter because there were factual errors through out the letter (to say nothing of dates that were used that were wrong in one place and correct in another).

Dwar49, After back-reading your posts, I can't believe the insanity you've been put through so far. Common sense and compassion sometimes seem to have no place in immigration at all. I had mistakenly been under the impression that for overstay waivers, proving extreme hardship was pretty much all there was to it, and that showing good/reformed moral character was a big concern only for criminal waivers. The errors and distortions in the denial letter must have made you crazy; I'd be absolutely livid. I really hope the motion to reconsider is granted. I wish you the best of luck. And thank you for being so candid about your experiences.

It was a big shock to us that proving extreme hardship was only the half of it even in an overstay situation. I think it is a sign of the times and will only get worse as the hysteria over illegal immigration intensifies. Instead of looking at the root of the problem, the politicians are looking for quick fixes that are only making it harder for those of us who want to do the right thing!!!! As always the only people who prosper from hardening of laws are the "outlaws".

Totally agree with this last comment. My wife's family in the US is outraged that it is so difficult for us to do the right thing and get this sorted out. The politicians are always going to pander to public opinion, especially with an election just around the corner. I just hope that they truly understand the route of the problem and part of that is that they make the whole thing so damned complicated and expensive!
RinkleMaleEngland2007-04-04 07:19:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Bitter pill to swallow
I'm very much in the same situation, although without any criminal convictions. I had an overstay and was also advised to leave the country, but when I attempted to return I was refused entry in Chicago. That was 18 months ago and my wife and I have been trying to get my status sorted out since then. I have an I-130 approved and have been to the Embassy in Londone for interviews twice. The last one they notified me that my IR-1 visa application was being denied and that I should apply for an I-601 waiver. The Consular Officer recommended not trusting the hardship letter to a lawyer, but we wanted to ensure that we have everything covered so have gone with a firm in London which has experience with filing waivers through the Embassy there. We're in the proces of writing our hardship letter and finding it difficult, but the lawyer and this site are making it slightly easier.

Throughout this whole process no-one really seems to know how it's going to end. You're basically at the mercy of bureacrats who don't see you as anything other than a name on a piece of paper. The lady who did my last interview and told me that I needed a waiver said they are approved about 80% of the time, but I don't realy know what to believe. All we can do is complete the paperwork, beg, pleade and pray.

It could be a long journey for you but stick with it. If the US is where you both want to be then exhaust every route you have available to you because in the end it will be worth it.
RinkleMaleEngland2007-04-02 06:31:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I-601 status...London delay

Looks like the online status site has just been updated. I've been waiting 8 weeks just to see my case on this list and it's finally made it. Good luck to everyone on it!

Are you pending or under review Rinkle? :)

I'm pending. Everyone has been telling me the timeline is 12-14 weeks but I don't know whether this is from when the paperwork is submitted to the Embassy or from when the DHS LOndon office "officially" receives my application. I am hoping to hear some news in early September.
RinkleMaleEngland2007-07-30 03:16:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I-601 status...London delay
Looks like the online status site has just been updated. I've been waiting 8 weeks just to see my case on this list and it's finally made it. Good luck to everyone on it!
RinkleMaleEngland2007-07-26 10:09:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Case completed
Great news ... congratulations!
RinkleMaleEngland2007-08-13 03:05:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)THEY DENIED IT

My husband and I were also denied, after being apart for 5 years, he was deported in 2002, we were approved for the K-3 and the I-130 and waited 2 years to gat an answer on waivers. My husband and I are truly in love, a really special love. How can someone who does not even know us, decide our life or our future? We will appeal and by the way the appeal forms are now $585.00 not $385.00, they just went up at the end of July. All this is so stupid.

I am so sorry for you two and I can safely say that I know your pain,but you will get through it with the deep mutual love that you and your partner have,honestly I felt like goin down and hunting down the numpty of an adjudicator who decided that years of seperation and rivers of tears do not qualify for extreme hardship but is merely an in is so morally wrong. My wife and her friends even her dad who worked in immigration as a high ranking officer cant believe that their country do this to people and we have their full support. Good Luck

Hi there,
I am so sorry that your waiver was denied. What these people in the Embassy think about when they are processing these cases God only knows, but they can be nothing other than cold and heartless human beings. Here we all are trying to make amends and follow all their long drawn out procedures and yet all they do is keep kicking us where it hurts. How do they sleep at night!
Good luck with all your efforts with appeal.
RinkleMaleEngland2007-08-17 03:42:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
Finally got our I-601 application into the Embassy ... now just have to sit and wait. Looks like they got through quite a few applications during May, so I hope that was good news for everyone.
RinkleMaleEngland2007-06-01 05:58:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
Hoping to get my 601 application into the Embassy in the next week or so and get on "the List". Does anyone know how long processing is taking right now ... last I heard was 10-14 weeks?
RinkleMaleEngland2007-04-23 07:56:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)London at a standstill
Looks like London is definitely running slow at the moment. I submitted my paperwork to the Embassy on May 31st and CIS there didn't receive it until July 12th, which is 6 weeks. They are still putting out a 12-14 week timeline, which I can't understand if they only completed 3 cases in July! I would guess the total processing time is going to be at least 20 weeks. My lawyer told me that a few months ago there were some personnel cuts at the Embassy and where there used to be up to 3 people working on I-601 applications there is now only one ... which may help to explain the delays.

I was hoping to get back to the US for our next wedding anniversary in early October, but it's going to be very close. We keep hoping and praying for some good news but in the meantime I just feel like banging my head against a wall!

I know I have posted on this subject before but I cannot help but notice that people say London has a quick turnaround in I-601`s,this obviosly is not the case,they completed 10 cases in the whole of June and only three in the whole of July...someone says it is just a slow month but that is a snails pace by any standards,this is not helping people who are waiting on tenterhooks to see if they have jumped out of pending,I myself have been in the "red" since May 12th and see no end to it at their current rate..this is a joke and it is beginning to affect me and my wife. Can anyone shed any light whatsoever on this situation,as I was confidently expecting to be there for my anniversary but that has come and gone today,whenever I look at that status site i see virtually no progress... good luck to everyone waiting....waiting....waiting :(

Happy anniversary by the way!
RinkleMaleEngland2007-08-06 07:44:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Expiring medical
My medical was back in September of last year and I am still waiting for my I-601 approval. I was recently told that I would probably not need another medical, but that the Embassy would inform me once they have reviewed my case. As with everything else in this process it seems as though there is nothing to do other than wait to be told what to do by the Embassy. If another medical is required then it should be a fairly quick process, but I guess "quick" is a relative term!
RinkleMaleEngland2007-10-31 05:24:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Anyone else currently waiting on I-601 approval from London?
Tricky one. I had to go for a waiver due to a misrep charge also and the Embassy in London denied my waiver a few days ago. Misrep charges are difficult to overcome and I'm trying to get some advice on what our appeal chances would be ... have a call to a specialist lawyer in Boston tomorrow.
If you have to go for the 601 waiver get yourself a good lawyer and pour your hearts out in your hardship statements. I don't think we could have done anything more.
Good luck,
RinkleMaleEngland2007-12-16 16:02:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Anyone else currently waiting on I-601 approval from London?
Thanks Wanda. Have used a lawyer through the whole process and am currently waiting for an opinion on what our chances of a successful appeal are. From what I've heard Washington have only approved 2 appeals in the past 6 months so the chances don't look good. sad.gif
RinkleMaleEngland2007-12-12 11:21:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Anyone else currently waiting on I-601 approval from London?
Finally got my decision from the Embassy last week and they denied my I-601 waiver request. cray5ol.gif

My wife and I were convinced we had a good case and really didn't see this coming. Considering an appeal but realize it would be a long shot ... just don't want to give up, you know.

Everyone still on the list, keep the faith! good.gif
RinkleMaleEngland2007-12-10 05:36:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Anyone else currently waiting on I-601 approval from London?
Good to hear you made it safely back home. I'm really looking forward to suffering from some culture shock, soon hopefully!
RinkleMaleEngland2007-11-27 04:23:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Anyone else currently waiting on I-601 approval from London?
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!
RinkleMaleEngland2007-11-22 11:44:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Anyone else currently waiting on I-601 approval from London?
QUOTE (TheAmericanDream @ Nov 19 2007, 06:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello there all , I was married in the US in July 2005 , and after a two week honeymoon returned to the UK, Im now waiting for a I 601 to go through as i was a naughty lad when i was young, ive been waiting since June 2006.. anyone know the Processing times? im still stuck in pending after all this time, i was told 12 weeks was maximum. What do i need to do to speed up this process as im seeing similar cases go through the whole process in less than 8 weeks

huh.gif Crikey, I thought I'd been waiting a long time! Sorry to hear that you've been on the list so long. The Embassy originally told me 12-16 weeks, but I've now been on the pending list for almost 19 weeks. I have a congressman and a senator looking into it but so far neither have been able to get any information for me.

Did you ever receive a note from the Embassy that they received your paperwork? If you've been on the pending list for over a year that's outrageous! ranting33va.gif
RinkleMaleEngland2007-11-20 07:17:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Anyone else currently waiting on I-601 approval from London?
Took 6 weeks for my case to show up on the list. | have now been waiting for almost 18 weeks and have finally made it to the top of the pending list! Hopefully shouldn't be too much longer. I think my wait has been way longer than average.
RinkleMaleEngland2007-11-13 17:27:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Anyone else currently waiting on I-601 approval from London?
Wow, fantastic news for you guys! dancin5hr.gif

Still no news on my case. What date was your paperwork received by the Embassy in London?
RinkleMaleEngland2007-11-06 11:26:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Anyone else currently waiting on I-601 approval from London?
Hi Anna,
The Embassy originally told me 12-15 weeks also, but that timeline doesn't start until they acknowledge receipt of your paperwork which can take another 6-8 weeks. I have tried going through my lawyer and my congressman to find out eaxctly what is going on but they just say not to believe any timelines put out by the Embassy. It makes no difference what the waiver has been requested for. As long as you have a good case and you have well documented waiver letters, etc I'm sure you'll be ok ... I know it's just hard to wait.
RinkleMaleEngland2007-10-31 10:01:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Anyone else currently waiting on I-601 approval from London?
Welcome to the madhouse wacko.gif ... I mean waiting room! It will probably take a few weeks for your case to show up on the page kindly linked to above by Waiting Wanda, mine took about 6 weeks. Since mine appeared on that page I have been waiting 16 weeks and have still heard nothing. 11 cases so far in October is still painfully slow, but you gotta keep smiling, right? smile.gif rolleyes.gif smile.gif
RinkleMaleEngland2007-10-31 05:28:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Anyone else currently waiting on I-601 approval from London?
sad.gif No, the single London case completed wasn't us. The Embassy originally said 12-16 weeks and next Thursday will be 16 weeks for us. They refuse to give any updated timeline to my lawyer so I'm going back to see if my Congressman can discover anything. Going at around 2 cases per week is kind of pathetic ... they don't seem to realize that they're dealing with people's lives here. We're slowly going insane! wacko.gif
RinkleMaleEngland2007-10-22 06:41:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Anyone else currently waiting on I-601 approval from London?
QUOTE (WaitingWanda @ Oct 10 2007, 02:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Rinkle @ Oct 5 2007, 10:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My application got to the 12 week mark yesterday and I still have plenty of names ahead of me on the list. When it was submitted the Embassy told me 12-16 weeks but they have not exactly been speeding through the cases in recent weeks. This waiting is an absolute nightmare but it's got to end at somepoint. Will let you know when I hear something about my case so you have an idea of how long it's currently taking them.

Hi Nick, thanks for the response. Looks like we're at more or less the same stage.
Any chance you have the weekly status reports for the last couple of weeks in July. We have been tracking since then (we're a bit obsessed!) but did not keep copies of the July reports, so can't track since our file went into the queue

Sorry but I haven't been keeping copies of the status reports, although I wish I had been. headbonk.gif All this waiting is driving me crazy!! No update since Oct 5th.
RinkleMaleEngland2007-10-13 12:26:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Anyone else currently waiting on I-601 approval from London?
My application got to the 12 week mark yesterday and I still have plenty of names ahead of me on the list. When it was submitted the Embassy told me 12-16 weeks but they have not exactly been speeding through the cases in recent weeks. This waiting is an absolute nightmare but it's got to end at somepoint. Will let you know when I hear something about my case so you have an idea of how long it's currently taking them.
RinkleMaleEngland2007-10-05 04:10:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Stranded in the UK
QUOTE (Mrs.J06 @ May 28 2008, 08:15 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Rinkle @ May 28 2008, 07:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Not sure if this is exactly the right spot for this, but anyway ...

I was denied entry into the US almost 3 years ago and have been trying through various means to get back there to be with my US citizen wife. My I-601 application was denied a couple of months ago and we decided not to appeal as we'd had enough and just wanted to get back to our lives. As a result my wife intends to move here to the UK (London) very soon.

We're not looking for any more legal advice as we've had just about all we can take. However, what I am wondering is if they're any other folks in our situation here in the UK. I know that my wife is going to find it difficult to adjust to life here and being able to chat or even meet other people with similar experiences would be a great help. Is there already a group out there and if not would it be a good idea to maybe start one.

Any comments, etc welcomed.


I'm sorry to hear the waiver did not work out for you. Hope your wife will adjust and you'll finally have a life!

Did you ever look here?

All the best!

Thanks for the link to the website Mrs.J06. Looks really useful and have passed it along to my wife.
RinkleMaleEngland2008-05-30 16:01:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Stranded in the UK
Not sure if this is exactly the right spot for this, but anyway ...

I was denied entry into the US almost 3 years ago and have been trying through various means to get back there to be with my US citizen wife. My I-601 application was denied a couple of months ago and we decided not to appeal as we'd had enough and just wanted to get back to our lives. As a result my wife intends to move here to the UK (London) very soon.

We're not looking for any more legal advice as we've had just about all we can take. However, what I am wondering is if they're any other folks in our situation here in the UK. I know that my wife is going to find it difficult to adjust to life here and being able to chat or even meet other people with similar experiences would be a great help. Is there already a group out there and if not would it be a good idea to maybe start one.

Any comments, etc welcomed.

RinkleMaleEngland2008-05-28 07:11:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I-601 London-waiting list
QUOTE (Almoto @ May 30 2008, 03:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My husband had his interview on May 16th and as expected he was denied his Visa. We had our I601 all prepared and paid the $545 right then & there but had to mail in the I601 package which they received on May 21st. They told us it would take "up to" 15 weeks for a final decision. Any idea how long it takes to get on the darn list and does the counting of the weeks happen once your on the list or when they receive the package? Looks like they update the list weekly however, we're still not on it yet.

Any information would be helpful...thank you

From what I can remember with my own situation, the timeline begins from the date when they "officially" receive the paperwork. You should get a receipt from them in the mail with the date on it and you can then start counting. I would say that any timeline they give is probably more of a guideline rather than an exact estimate but keep checking the list published on the website ... and most of all, GOOD LUCK.
RinkleMaleEngland2008-05-30 16:08:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!

Have been looking for a forum like this for a while now. Had an interview at the Embassy in London and told to file I-601 waiver. The Embassy told me not to use a lawyer, everyone else is telling my wife and I that we should - everyone has an opinion , right? What are your experiences with this? Lawyer or no lawyer?

That's a hard one to answer. It all depends on your situation and how comfortable you feel about writing your own letters. We did our letters ourself and when my husband went for his interview the officers who was interviewing him made the statement that it was good we wrote our own letters. He said that USCIS preferred them in our own words. Not sure how much water that holds since the officers who interviews is not the person who decides if the waiver is approved or denied. Our waiver was approved after over 20 weeks of waiting, but I think it all boils down to the reason you were denied and how strong you can make your hardship letters. I don't know if you have been told yet, but London requires a letter from both you and the USC.

Best wishes,

Thanks. I've had my I-130 approved and been to the Embassy twice already for interviews. The Consular Officer told me not to trust the hardship statements to a lawyer, but I am hoping to find one that has some experience with getting a waiver through the Embassy in London. I have no idea what constitutes extreme hardship.
RinkleMaleEngland2007-03-26 13:50:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Have been looking for a forum like this for a while now. Had an interview at the Embassy in London and told to file I-601 waiver. The Embassy told me not to use a lawyer, everyone else is telling my wife and I that we should - everyone has an opinion , right? What are your experiences with this? Lawyer or no lawyer?
RinkleMaleEngland2007-03-26 10:57:00