Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWoman's Day (March 8th)
It is my understanding that Women' Day is the bigest day for the Russian woman and that if you do not do something very special, you will be in big trouble.

I am sending cards, package with gifts and I will probly send Roses. She loves white roses! ! ! And of course, a phone call! ! ! !
dxt7339MaleRussia2006-03-02 08:58:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFinancial Info (prior to interview)
Hey slim,

For the US Embassy in Moscow, the I-134 will be required. My Irina just went through the process (passed interview Jan 20, 2006) and the checklist that she was sent for items required fro the Interview included the I-134 from me. I would include all the information that presents the best possible picture of your financial situation. W-2, tax return, letter from employer, pay check stubs, savings, stocks/investments, etc,

Good luck! ! !
dxt7339MaleRussia2006-03-02 19:36:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia Forum
Congratulations! ! ! ! I am sure it feels very good to have her here safe and sound! ! ! !

I look forward to you description of how everything went! ! !

dxt7339MaleRussia2006-02-27 06:50:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia Forum
My Irina will also be coming in through Atlanta in June so I am very interested in the process there at this POE. Also, I will be meeting her at this airport and would like to know where I need to be to meet her as soon as she comes out. Where will this be? Is it clearly marked on where I need to go? etc.

dxt7339MaleRussia2006-02-24 09:27:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia Forum

Natasha got the VISA, we are getting married!!!!!!! I am so happy and she is too!!!!! :dance: :dance:

Congratulations! ! ! ! ! I know you are relieved! ! ! !
dxt7339MaleRussia2006-02-06 16:34:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTickets for the ol' lady
My Irina will be flying to the US from Moscow. Delta will not book from Moscow to US (Atlanta) on their website, so you must call them, but I found that Expedia will book on the internet from Moscow to the US and they gave me abetter price. If fact, better than direct with delta although it is only $10. I booked round trip as it it is at least 50% less than one-way. I also found out that it was cheaper by $75 to book her all the way to Charlotte, NC, thru Atlanta, that just Moscow to Atlanta. I will never understand this! ! ! ! I will pick her up in Atlanta though and just let her baggage go to Charlotte, if necessary. It is only a 4.5 hour drive to Atlanta for me and I would prefer to meet her there! ! ! !

To get her to Moscow and pay for all the Visa related expenses (hotel, medical, visa, DHL train, etc.) I gave her some cash when I was there for the New Year. But I have previously sent her a check card and told her on the phone what the PIN number was and if she needed some cash, I would put just enough in the account for what she needed and just before she would take it. This works really well, but it is subject to bank employees finding out the info. I have a friend that his account was tapped by someone other than the person that had the card. So, just do not have much money in the account.

Good luck! ! ! !
dxt7339MaleRussia2006-04-17 14:38:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoscow Hostels
Where can you find an apartment for $60-100 per night for short term? I have seen this stated but have not found any. I have asked my friends in Moscow to look also and they can not find any apartment for rent at tis price. I know of only one hotel that is about $70 (1800 rubles) and it is very nice, recently refurbished in the main building. I stayed there two weeks ago. It is called "Tourist" and it is a 10 minute walk from Botanicheski Sad metro station.


Hostels sound cheap, but 2 people they charge double. Seems to be cheaper to get a hotel room/

I think we can close this thread out now. You can find an apartment for about $60-100 and it will be ok. You can get a decent hotel for about $120-200 in Moscow as well (I recommend that for a short trip, otherwise an apt is cheaper.) You will not find anything much cheaper.

Sat's advice is great -- as it always is. Even with my Russian, I found a few deals. If you can't speak, find someone who can.

(To be fair, my wife has decided to help me lately with my Russian. I think her family has complained about poor spelling in letters and emails from me. The already know my accent is horrible.)

dxt7339MaleRussia2006-05-08 16:08:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHello Everybody!
Hi Oregonfiancee'! ! !

Thanks so much for your information about how you are learning English. I would say that you are learning very well! ! I learned most of my Russian from audio CDs. Very good for learning to speak and understand, but for written Russian and understanding grammar it is almost nothing. Could you tell me the name of the CDs that you have purchased in Russia? I will tell Irisha to get them. This will be very good for her to do, as you said, when I am at work and she is at home.

Thank you!


Irisha has only started to seriously learn English in February. Any suggestions for her on how to learn quickly? She very much wants to work here and speaking english well is the major factor in getting what she wants.

Hi, Devereux

I’m not Galina, but I can try to share with you my experience if you don’t mind. I’m learning English right now. Myself.

I am using CDs for learning English. Works quite well for me and seems to be more interesting and easier than to use books. My CDs have lots of options - vocabulary with pictures, dialogs, exercises, and even animated mouth to show me how to put tongue inside of the mouth when I say words. Funny :) I like that I can hear words and then say them myself to a microphone and diagram shows me how I’m close to original. The program checks me how good I write words, how good I understand dialogs, etc. And there are some simple games too. I like CDs because it’s not boring :-) Learning is like a game. There are different levels too - beginner, intermediate, advanced. I got one CD for just $7 (in Russia) and another one I got recently for about $8. How good it helps you can see - I am learning English only from CDs. No teachers. No classes. Just computer, microphone and dinamics. So if you are interested you can ask your fiancee to get some good CDs for learning English while she's in Russia and to bring them with her to the US. So even when she sits at home alone and you are at work, she can have lessons when she's comfortable. And learn, and learn, and learn.

There are also CDs for learning business English too. I'm thinking about getting one for myself.

The only thing I have difficulties with is English grammar. For this I think I need some lessons with a teacher who can explain me things. Even CDs have all explanation about grammar rules, it is still difficult for me.

After your fiancee arrives in US she can go to an English class for foreigners. You can check with community colleges and other places. Such classes can be for very little money. Or if you can spend more money on that there are more expensive classes too. Girls say they are pretty good. Going to class your fiancee can also make some friends there and it would help her a lot too. The more she talks to people – the better.

She knows that I can receive Russian TV channels on satellite and wants me to get them, but i am a little be fearful that this will slow her learning of English.

You are right about it. The more she's into watching Russian TV there, the slower would be her learning English.

Sorry if my English is not soo good. I'm all arounf myself-english-learner.

dxt7339MaleRussia2006-05-11 15:20:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHello Everybody!
Welcome Galina! ! ! ! Soon (June 20) my Irisha will be here in America. We have known each other for two years. Speak or understand any English when we met. I had a very simple ability to speak Russian. But it was good enough for us to get along very well, with a dictionary close by. I had been working on learning Russian for several years. Now my Russian is much better. We have no real problem communciating. Irisha has only started to seriously learn English in February. Any suggestions for her on how to learn quickly? She very much wants to work here and speaking english well is the major factor in getting what she wants. She knows that I can receive Russian TV channels on satellite and wants me to get them, but i am a little be fearful that this will slow her learning of English. I have talked to several Russain speakers here and they tell me that this would interfere with her learning English as it is very difficult for them not to watch these channels almost all the time. If you have any thoughts, I would be interested.

Welcome again! Devereux

Galina, welcome. It's always nice to have a Russian woman's POV on here. Especially one who has been through the VJ process.

Icey and everyone else not regulars on the Russia forum... the Russian (Cyrillic) alphabet is actually very easy to learn. There are several characters that are the same as in English. Once you learn the new ones, you're all set!

Thank you for hearty welcome!
Actually Russian is not that easy! It's a pretty tricky language - genders, cases and stuff... You may ask Russ's opinion - he has been trying to learn it for quite a while! :hehe:

Thank you, people for hearty welcome! :)

dxt7339MaleRussia2006-05-11 12:19:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPrenuptial Agreements II CautionNot for the Idealistic)
I do not think it is a crazy idea. I have been through a divorce in South Carolina and this state is the worst in the USA for divorce for a man with just a reasonable amount of assets. I have to pay for my ex to sit on her ### and do nothing while she has about $1 million in assets and I still have to pay her $710 a month in alimony. I must work to pay this alimony and to pay her half of all the assets that I contributed much more than 50%. It is a crime. The State of South Carolina thinks women are stupid and can not be accountable for themselfs. Very ancient thinking and laws. But it keeps the lawyers in a very good standard of living.

I would liike to have a prenup but I also do not want to turn off my fiance in the process. It is a delicate matter.
dxt7339MaleRussia2006-02-24 09:33:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian/American vacation spot
I have visited with my Irina in Turkey, Chezch Republic, and Croatia. Al were package trips from Moscow. I found that she could order the trip and i would fly to Moscow to meet her and then we would fly to one of these places. Turkey was terrible, except for the sea. Chezch Republic (Prague) was very nice, but Croatia was by far the best place to visit. For $400 per person we spent a week in Umag, a resort town right on the Adriatic Sea. I found that it would be the cheapest and easiest to fly to Moscow and we go together. The price included airfare from Moscow(Domodedovo) to Pula, Croatia, bus to Umag and return, and one week in a one bedroom apartment, only a 2 minute walk from the beach. We went in mid June and it was wonderful! ! ! ! The people in Croatia were very, very friendly! ! ! ! ! The food was a little expensive but very, very tasty and so was the native beer and wine. We did cook a little in our a[apartment. Breakfast every day and some evening meals. We went on a few excursions that were very nice. The "fish picnic" was fantastic. It was a ride on a ship down the coast and they grilled fish on the boat. We stopped in the sea to swim and on the way back stopped at 3 different coastal towns and had about and hour to an hour and a half to swim or shop or eat and drink. I want to go back, but my Irina likes to visit a new and different place. Prague was also very nice. I just returned from there. Turkey I have no use for. I would HIGHLY recommend Croatia! ! ! !


Thanks for the suggestions! Egypt was one of my first thoughts but my fiancee is a little leary of travelling there because of recent bombings and tourists being killed (namely Russian ones). Spain and the Czech Rep. are two possibilities, as well as Jamaica.

Has anyone visited Jamaica with there Russian Fiance/wife?

dxt7339MaleRussia2006-05-08 12:00:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusChanging name on Russian passport: quick and easy

I did this over a year ago. Those who were around read about it in the old forums which are offline now. However, the real goal is to do what Ak pulled off.

True. It's worth pointing out here that the OP did not actually change the name in the passport, but only added an alias. Still worth doing, but not quite the same thing. I think actually changing the name and ending up with a "legalized" marriage document adds some extra "weight" in situations where it may be needed.

Good luck to all!


I sent you an E-mail to you a few days ago, asking a few questions about the process you went through. I am not able to look at my personal E-mail at work, so you may have already responded, but if not, I look forward to any information that me help me in doing the same thing.

Thanks, Devereux
dxt7339MaleRussia2006-10-19 13:10:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarushealth coverage for fiancee

Hello, my girl coming to America! Wonder how to solve health insurance coverege for her. Does anybody use short term non US citizen insurance such as Atlas or Multinatinational Underwriters? Any expirience in this field? Wonder if I lcould be legally responsible for god forbid any medical bills before actual marriege?

I was unable to find short term health insurance for my fiance'. All the programs I could find required that the non-citizen be in the country for 1 year. I think the travel insurance idea may be a good one. I did not look at this since she was already here when I started to loo for insurance. I was able to insure her daughter for accidents through a school insurance program for about $80 for 24 hour coverage. After we were married it was no problem to add both of them to my employer health insurance program.

dxt7339MaleRussia2007-02-19 10:36:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow did you meet?
I also want to add that, having both parents who do not know English as their first language, with language barriers, I think patience is the most important, and not taking everything so literally :) Often times, it's fun :)

I have to agree that the language barrier often times does create some very funny situations. My wife did not speak a word of English when we met. Although, she pretended that she knew english in our E-mails before we had our first physical meeting. I spoke an intermediate amount of Russian and our first meeting and the first week together, we had a lot of funny conversations.

dxt7339MaleRussia2007-04-09 07:04:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow did you meet?
Just to add my two cents worth............

I have no problem with the fact that I and most of the people here have met their wives or husbands through an internet based introduction/dating website. When i think about the ways to meet someone to consider for a committed relationship, bars, interest groups, etc., the most effecient way is through an internet system. I think the term "mail order bride" is a non-applicable term. I am not ordering out of a catalog. The internet is where people with mutual desires and intentions can meet and determine if they want to meet and pursue a relationship. Both have the free will to choose to be on the sites and to meet someone. In my case I did not have any need for any other service than seeing and reading about a potential person to meet. I was fully capable of communciating and traveling in Russia well enough to not need and "marriage broker service".
There is a perception by many people that meeting people from a foreign country through is "mail order". But it is not different that the dating sites for the USA like or similar sites. I do not get offended by what other people think about the way I met my wife. Their ignorance is not my concern. I found the most loving and beautiful women that is perfect for me and for that I am very grateful!

Yes, my Russia wife is a hot looking 43 year old! ! ! I am not what American women would consider hot man, but my Russian wife considers me hot. But it is her values about who she wants to be with that made me attractive to her. He main values she was wanting is someone that she could trust and believe in his words and deeds. This was the most important thing too her. Which by the way is tops on my list too! She also wanted someone that would accept her daughter and treat her kindly and with love.

dxt7339MaleRussia2006-10-18 08:59:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBusiness Visa
Just wanted to corect the typo in the telephone number.....7 495 545 8690

I have used Visa Ecpress at or Tatiana Lushchik (e-mail: (7 496 545 8690) is the person that has helped me both times. I have found her to be very reliable and the least expensive I could find. I have only purchesed the Business Letter of Invitation for a 12-month multi-entry visa. She can provide any type of invitation. I then used the invitation to obtain my Visa from the Russian Embassy in Washington, DC. I had no problems both times I used her service.


Okay, it looks like I need a business visa in the next 6 weeks. Does anyone have a recommendation for who to use for this? I will be in Moscow and Lipetsk for the most part,
staying with my in-laws.

Tourist visa is out, as I will be there longer than 30 days, and will be making several trips. (Homestay/private won't work either).

Thanks in advance!

dxt7339MaleRussia2007-04-18 11:29:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBusiness Visa
I have used Visa Ecpress at or Tatiana Lushchik (e-mail: (7 496 545 8690) is the person that has helped me both times. I have found her to be very reliable and the least expensive I could find. I have only purchesed the Business Letter of Invitation for a 12-month multi-entry visa. She can provide any type of invitation. I then used the invitation to obtain my Visa from the Russian Embassy in Washington, DC. I had no problems both times I used her service.


Okay, it looks like I need a business visa in the next 6 weeks. Does anyone have a recommendation for who to use for this? I will be in Moscow and Lipetsk for the most part,
staying with my in-laws.

Tourist visa is out, as I will be there longer than 30 days, and will be making several trips. (Homestay/private won't work either).

Thanks in advance!

dxt7339MaleRussia2007-04-16 13:33:00
Russia, Ukraine and
Yes, I have also noticed that there has been a decline in service. It was not great to start with, but recently it has really been terrible. The one at a time is taking 2 to three weeks and sometime they do not play, sometime it is the wrong film, once the disc was broken... So, thanls for reminding me to cancel this service.


Anybody else have Moscowflix?

We've had it for about four months, and it seems that within the last six weeks or so, there's been a drop in the level of service. They were never really "fast", but at least the movies would be here within a week or two, and it would be the movie we selected.

I noticed they were coming from Florida, and now they're coming from Massachusetts or somewhere. And now, we're not getting the movie we ordered, (some aren't even on our list) and it seems like it's taking about three weeks for turnaround service. Considering we only got the "one at a time" deal, it kind of sucks now!

Anyone else having a similar experience? I'm thinking of cancelling my subscription, but if some of you are having good results, maybe I'll stick it out.

dxt7339MaleRussia2007-05-01 08:05:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusIt's been a little while, an update.
I got married in Charlotte (Mecklenburg) and the marriage document does not list a "married" name. it is a document that state that these two people got married on this date and it is offically recorded with the clerk of court. Your wife can choose waht name she wants for her bank accounts, Drivers License, ect. You can get her a bank account now with the marriage certificate, passport, and SSN card. You will probably not be able to get her a DL until you get the Receipt fro filing for Adjustment of status. When you file for Adjustment of Status, just use the name she wants to use on that paperwork. We made this mistake and it make getting a DL very difficult in SC (I live just south of Charlotte in SC).

There are many civil surgeons in the Charlotte Area. There is a list on the Homeland Secruity Website, but the one I used was on Westinghouse blvd. Just off I77. E-mail me or PM me and I will find the actual address and phone.


QUOTE (Danno @ Apr 25 2008, 08:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks for that input guys.
After trying to call the local department at Homeland and just getting a "Leave your message at the beep... we will get back to you" sorta recording, I decided to run over there (actually 25 minutes).
I see they close up shop at 2:00 everyday so that was a waste.

Even though I was married before, I don't recall how the wife got her name changed.

Can anyone tell me what is the proceedure. I thought when your got married the certificate would indicate the new legal name for the lady but mine does not say anything more than Danny X marries Natalia X.

I thought it might be a good idea to move her last name to a middle name... as she has no middle name chosen when we did the paperwork for the visa.

Since these days there is a wide range (into the absurd) about how or if a lady changes her name after marriage, where does one normally go to do this official Name change?

PS: slim, where does one find a civil surgeon?

dxt7339MaleRussia2008-04-28 12:55:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDental insurance
I do not think you will find dental insurance that will cover more than 50% of medically necessary procedures. I have dental insurance through my employer and that is the best I can get and it is limited to $1000 per year and $50 deductable. My wife has had a crown put on one of her few remaining natural teeth, and total cost was $830 and I had to pay $420 with insurance picking up the rest. My wife has had EXTENSIVE work done on her teeth in Russia (Saratov). I do get the impression from our dentist that this work is substandard and will be causing problems in the future. She just had a massive filling crack off one of her teeth and had to have a repair that will probably need a crown in the near future. The size of the filling indicates that a crown was probably waht was needed in the first place.

However, I would highly recommend that you get two or three opinions. My American daughter recently moved to another city and she had to get a new dentist. She has always had perfect teeth. Her first visit was only. six months later at the routine cleaning, the dentist recommended about $1400 worth of work on "pre-cavity" sites. He had some new fangled machine that could detect minute defects. she went to another dentist and the same thing happened. the first problems...6 months later over $1000 worth of work. I asked my dentist if she could recommend a dentist in my daughters city and explained what was going on. (the cities are in the same state, 90 miles apart) She recommended one and when my daughter has not bee advised that she needed any additional work. So, there are some money hungry dentists out there, more that I would have guessed.

Good luck!


QUOTE (Kotenochek @ Apr 1 2008, 05:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Everybody:)

So here I am back again:)))Its been fun dicovering life here in the Usa..I must say there are things i like better in Russia,and things I like here more...
Talking about dental,my visit was very" funny" said I need to change all fillings in my teeth,he was terrified of work they did in Russia and thats in Moscow and believe me or not at the best doctors:)))
So here i am now working on it bit by bit...
I have Golden west insurance and after half a year of calling i finally got some decent guy on the phone that helped!anyway,I am looking to switch or get one more dental insurance-still there is so much work to do to get to the hollywood smile point...

Anybody knows which insurance covers the most?Including cosmetics such as vaneers?

Thank you for your help!

dxt7339MaleRussia2008-04-02 14:10:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRegistration problem
Being "Right" in Russia is of no advantage. Last time I went through the "Registration" Process, it was on a priviate visit visa was 2 years ago, (old system). I went to the OVIR with all the information, but after they took 210 Rubles from me they said that the "owner of the flat had to appear in person. Of course, she was not with me, she was at work and this was the last day of the three-day requirement. So, my "fine" was to register at a local hotel for 2 bottles of champagne and 1500 Rubles. My finance' had to negotiate this down from a start of 7500 Roubles. A small fine would be a pleasure to pay.

QUOTE (seanconneryii @ Apr 26 2008, 11:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Satellite @ Apr 26 2008, 10:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (akdiver @ Apr 26 2008, 01:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Constructive advice requested (;
Pay the fine and get on with it. For all I know they can put you in a holding cell until they "figure it out" if you continue to argue with them.

Ditto. What do you expect us to say...get a Russian lawyer? Pay the fine before you get in deeper.

dxt7339MaleRussia2008-04-28 12:43:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia girls are amazing!
I still do not believe that this is a cultural issue. There are many expectations from my wife because she is a woman and I am a man, however, expecting me to carry ALL of the bags and not giving a helping hand is not one of them. She is and has always been willing to help carry some bags of the bags. It is only when there is one bag or there is a very heavy item would she expect me to carry it. This was true whe we were in russia together and it is true now in the USA. I think it is somewhat disrespectful to not offer to help.

QUOTE (Kazan @ May 2 2008, 11:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
laughing.gif I made the mistake of handing a bag to Alla once. The look in her eyes was, well... indescribable. "Jeffery! I look like horse to you?" I replied, and I do? I then began to make my best horse impression on the streets of Kazan'. Let's say it did not go over well with her. I was definitely far more amused. laughing.gif

QUOTE (slim @ May 2 2008, 10:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Let's liven this thread up again.....

I expect my wife to help me carry the bags. Moreover, since I'm the one paying for the groceries, she should carry all of them.

dxt7339MaleRussia2008-05-05 06:19:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia girls are amazing!
I agree this is not a clash of cultures. My wife expects her daughter to help with the groceries and other things.

QUOTE (Ilya R. @ Apr 30 2008, 12:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Kazan @ Apr 30 2008, 11:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Very true. By only problem is when this courtesy becomes a mandate with regards to children. This is one of the few things that Alla & I disagree on. Whenever we returned home with a weeks worth of groceries, it was my sole responsibility to carry all the bags. It was "not right" to ask her children to each take a small bag or two to lightened my load. I asked her, What do you do when I am not here. "We divide bags." was her answer. My retort was then , Why can't we do that now? To which she responded with the obvious, "Because you are here!" I pointed out that I expect my own children to help me when we go to the grocery store. To which was returned the predicted, "This not America!" Personally, I see nothing wrong with children helping in this capacity, in America or ??????!
QUOTE (eekee @ Apr 29 2008, 01:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
yes, i can never walk more than two feet carrying something heavy without a man offering to carry it for me. in america they do sometimes, but it's not guaranteed like in Russia.

Thats not russian thing, Russians make their kids do everything. Especially boys. It looks like an individual agenda not clash of cultures.

dxt7339MaleRussia2008-04-30 11:46:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia girls are amazing!
Guess what? The creams and things do not work. My wife is 44, soon to be 45 and she looks GREAT! I have bought all the majic creams and stuff and she has been talking about the "need" for plastic surgery. Of course, this is wehere I must draw the line. Truly, I am afraid that plastic surgery will make her look worse. It never will end. She also says that here in the USA there is not a salon anywhere like in Russia that can do a real facial.

QUOTE (eekee @ Apr 25 2008, 02:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yep, I'd rather buy a 70$ anti-aging cream now than plastic surgery later. Preventative care is where it's at. good.gif

QUOTE (slim @ Apr 25 2008, 01:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
There should be limits set. If you were to compare health/beauty items and clothing expenditures in relation to household income, you could probably ballpark it to what a small country's military spending would be in relation to it's GDP. It's amazing to consider that whole percentages of your household income will be spent on tubes of cream and the like. However, my wife has convinced me that it is necessary for both her short term happiness and her long term "maintenance."

"If you want that I be beautiful after 20 years, I must use this cream now. It is necessary. You don't understand?"

I think it's very hard for us dudes to empathize with the ladies in this aspect. 20 years on, we're worried about where we're going to fish or play golf, and they're worried about how many wrinkles theyr'e going to have. One thing that's helped me to not be so irritated over the money spent on beauty stuff is to look at it like an investment similar to what I would be doing to retire somewhere nice or have something nice when I'm older. I work my @$$ off at my job so someday I can have the kind of salary where I can live comfortably when I'm retired and do what I want to do. That's the sacrifice I make. She works her @$$ off at her job so when she's retired her @$$ is still as fantastic as it is now. That's her sacrifice.

I don't try to compare them. It's apples and oranges and you'll go cross-eyed if you try to.

dxt7339MaleRussia2008-04-28 08:57:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia girls are amazing!
Yes, of course, $500/ month is nothing here in the US. My wife is not yet working and I am sure I am giving and spending much more than $500/month on her. Life is much more complicated here in the US.

QUOTE (slim @ Apr 24 2008, 09:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That's not enough money for my wife to survive on here.

I'm not really sure how she correlates the life she had there and the life she has here as being one-in-the-same, for the same price, but somehow, she tries. And then she tells me I don't work enough.

"So let me get this straight... you make way more than what you made there, I work too, but yet we still don't have nearly enough money for us to live a happy life?"

Images of grandeur......

dxt7339MaleRussia2008-04-24 08:47:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia girls are amazing!
Yes, I realize that Moscow and SPB are more expensive places to live, however she was living okay, but maybe not wonderfully before she started receiving $600/month. So the $600 really is a windfall. That together with the fact that she refuses to seek or listen to wisdom from others on how to use what she has to better advantage tells me that something is very wrong with this picture. My wife would always seek advice and look for cheaper or better ways to accomplish what needed to be accomplished.

Also let me add that my wife was supproting her daughter and her mother on her $500/month and to some extent her brother who did not make near what she was making. She paid for everything for at least 3 people. Apartment, food, clothing, etc.

QUOTE (eekee @ Apr 23 2008, 06:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If you're supporting yourself completely and not living with your family, 600$ is not enough to live a very, very comfortable life in a larger city like moscow or spb. it's twice the average salary in spb, but if you're not paying rent, that's an extra 800+ you're not worrying about. so it all depends where you're living and what the circumstances are...

QUOTE (dxt7339 @ Apr 23 2008, 01:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
She was living in Saratov.

QUOTE (eekee @ Apr 23 2008, 12:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just out of curiosity, what city was she living in?

QUOTE (dxt7339 @ Apr 23 2008, 09:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
When I met my wife, she was making $500 per month as the marketing and advertising Manager of a very large automobile dealership that sells only expensive cars like BMW, Mercedes, Toyota, Ford, VW. this amount of money is way above the average and she lived a very, very comfortable life including travel to Spain, Bali, and other foreign places that most Russians could never think of going. If you are sending her $600 per month, she should have no problem inpaying for her own translation, and train tickets without any extra money, unless she is spending it very frivolously. Also, to refuse to talk to someone that can adviser her about the process and to save YOU some money is just a big RED flage. It is my opinion that at the worst she is just scamming you. At best, she doesn not hear you and respect you and your situation. If it was me, i would move on. But you must decide for yourself.

Good Luck!

Edited by dxt7339, 24 April 2008 - 08:44 AM.

dxt7339MaleRussia2008-04-24 08:40:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia girls are amazing!
She was living in Saratov.

QUOTE (eekee @ Apr 23 2008, 12:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just out of curiosity, what city was she living in?

QUOTE (dxt7339 @ Apr 23 2008, 09:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
When I met my wife, she was making $500 per month as the marketing and advertising Manager of a very large automobile dealership that sells only expensive cars like BMW, Mercedes, Toyota, Ford, VW. this amount of money is way above the average and she lived a very, very comfortable life including travel to Spain, Bali, and other foreign places that most Russians could never think of going. If you are sending her $600 per month, she should have no problem inpaying for her own translation, and train tickets without any extra money, unless she is spending it very frivolously. Also, to refuse to talk to someone that can adviser her about the process and to save YOU some money is just a big RED flage. It is my opinion that at the worst she is just scamming you. At best, she doesn not hear you and respect you and your situation. If it was me, i would move on. But you must decide for yourself.

Good Luck!

dxt7339MaleRussia2008-04-23 12:06:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia girls are amazing!
When I met my wife, she was making $500 per month as the marketing and advertising Manager of a very large automobile dealership that sells only expensive cars like BMW, Mercedes, Toyota, Ford, VW. this amount of money is way above the average and she lived a very, very comfortable life including travel to Spain, Bali, and other foreign places that most Russians could never think of going. If you are sending her $600 per month, she should have no problem inpaying for her own translation, and train tickets without any extra money, unless she is spending it very frivolously. Also, to refuse to talk to someone that can adviser her about the process and to save YOU some money is just a big RED flage. It is my opinion that at the worst she is just scamming you. At best, she doesn not hear you and respect you and your situation. If it was me, i would move on. But you must decide for yourself.

Good Luck!

QUOTE (Satellite @ Apr 6 2008, 02:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (seanconneryii @ Apr 6 2008, 08:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This is a bit unique given you've met her 3 times...usually scam artists attempt to get money before an actual meeting. I would have thought with 3 meetings you'd have a pretty solid relationship.
Boy are you in for surprise if you think this is so. The best scammers wait until they get to the US and get their unconditional cards or have a decent WAVA petition. See I-360 for more information. Too many sad stories here in the last three years for both scenarios.

As for the pricing issue, it almost sounds cheaper to make a fourth trip out there and handle everything yourself. Also consider looking for a place in the Moscow suburbs. Those can run for only a $100 a week or less and you take a 1 hour commuter train or less into Moscow everyday. Small inconvenience when you consider the savings. Try and the print version of it to for the best craigslist style prices.

Also consider dumping the agency or is your communication so poor that this can't be done. I'll agree with others that someone is making a decent commission here, whether it be the agency or your fiancée, only time will tell.

dxt7339MaleRussia2008-04-23 08:51:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusVisas In Hand
Congratulations! I can imagine the good feeling after the little hickup from the Interview! I also had to wait for 5 months after the visa was granted. It was January and they wanted to wait for the end of the school year for her daughter. So, in this case it actually cost me more in plane tickets. Oh well, it is only money!
dxt7339MaleRussia2008-05-29 12:51:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow hard was it for your spouse to learn English? How did you help?
I learned Russian from the Pimsleur Program of Tapes/CDs. It is quite a comprenhensive program now as it has 3 levels of 16 CDs each, two lessons on each CD. I started in 1989 as a result of some work related travel to the Soviet Union and made some good friends on my first visit and have since traveled to Russia and Ukraine for both work and to meet with friends. In 2004, i met my now current wife, who did not speak a word of English. I am not fluent in Russian but probably an intermediate level of social Russian. My grammer is terrible, but I can get a thought accross in an understandable way, usually.

Anyway, Pimsleur produced an single level of English for Russian speakers, 16 CDs, 32 lessons. I presented that to my sife before she came to the USA. I think this gave her a good start. Within a few months after she arrived, I started to speak only English to her and used Russian only when it was something really important. For at time I was speaking English and then repeating in Russian when I saw a blank stare. After about 8 months here, she started taking English as a Second language, free course at a local community college. Then at 1 year she signed up for an English reading course and a writting course that were pre- credit courses. They were very difficult courses but she worked very hard and long every day and received and A and an a B in these courses. She then followed with the reading and writting courses that were for credit. Again very difficult but she worked very hard and long every day and again an A and B. She is now in her program major of Accounting and is taking an Accounting course and an English writing course. This will finish her required English courses for her program and she can really read and write reasonably well, however her speaking English is still llagging behind. She does have some what of a confidence problem is timid about speaking in english to anyone but people she is very familiar with. OH, by the way, I proofread each and every assignment that she had in English. There is a big problem with knowing when to use "a", "an", "the", "on", "at". As you know, in Russian these articles are not used or not in the same way.

So, it is a slow process. Her speaking English is not at a level that would allow her to work where speaking is part of the job. She has been here 2.5 years.

My advice is to try to ensure that your husband attempt to speak English with anyone and everyone that he comes in contact with that can speak English. Try to get him to forget about being embarrassed about making a mistake. This alone will make a big difference. I know from my own experience with Russian, I just had to make a decision to try to speak that best I could and if I scewed up, it would be evident and I would learn or at worst I may end up in a different place than I expected. But this is not the end of the world.

I hope this helps!


Make sure that he remains OK with your correcting his mistakes. I will ask my wife to repeat pronunciation problems until she gets it correct 3 times. If they are not OK with correction, this could cause resentment.

QUOTE (sashitaski @ Feb 2 2009, 04:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (mox @ Feb 2 2009, 12:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You're going to have to practice some tough love here. ONLY speak English to him when he gets here. You'll of course have to give him a pass occasionally when he really needs to understand, but otherwise stick to it. He's an adult, he'll know this is the way it has to be, so it shouldn't impact your relationship negatively. You'll feel bad about it while he's struggling, but it really is the best way.

Thanks, guys! Yes, I guess the best way really is to speak more English in him. We both know how important this is. And especially once we arrive in the U.S. we will be speaking much more English at home.

In the meantime I found some good DVDs for learning English where they speak slowly and you can also read English subtitles.

Does anyone else have any stories of personal experiences they would care to share?

dxt7339MaleRussia2009-02-05 14:10:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusName Change in Russia
We had a friend return to Russia to Renew internal and international passports and change her name. She ended up having to stay fo about 6 months because of all the difficulties. My wife renewed her International Passport in January. The Russian Embassy require a personal appearance to bring you application and passport and again a personal appearance to pick up your new passport. NOTHING BY MAIL. It is possible to have a "power of attorney" and someone else deliver or pickup the passports/documents, however this is risky as the procedures are not clear on the website and telephone information talking to them is unreliable. We had a little problem with my wifes daughter's passport documents and she was not with us at the embassy. My wife also got the stamp in her new passport that provided her married name. It cost an extra $60 for this and was supposed to be paid separately from the passport fee, however, we were not told this and the instructions do not cover this and wehad a postal money order for the total amount.. It was another problem to solve.

This summer my wife returned to Russia to renew her internal passport, which must be done at age 45, which she was 1.5 years too late. Cost an extra $150 in fines. But we could only afford her to be there for 2 weeks and so we only tried to renew without name change and she was able to accomplish this with only 1 day to spare.

We tried this a few years ago when we were in Russia but had troubles and decided it wasn't worth it.

You will need a translated and apostilled copy of the marriage certificate showing her new name as well as her old name. Our marriage certificate from here in FL did not indicate her new name and this was the trouble we ran into. Once that is acceptable she will have to change her internal passport first, then she will be able to change her international passport.

My wife renewed her international passport here in the US at the Russian embassy by mail a few years back. She also had them add the notation indicating her new married name which has worked well for us. Some have indicated that the procedures for renewing in the US have changed, as they do so often.

Good luck to her.

dxt7339MaleRussia2010-07-29 20:17:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusInternational Passport
My wife renewed her passport at the Washington, DC Embassy about 1 year ago and we had to appear in person to apply and appear in person to pick up the new passport. It took only about 1 month for the new passport to be ready for pickup. We also did her daughters passport at the same time with a "Russian" power of Attorney. Her daughter did not have to appear in person and she is over 18.

Recently, (within the last month or so) a friend or ours has renewed his passport and he had to appear in person to apply, however, he was allowed to provide a prepaid FedEx for them to send it back to them. Againg the is the Washington, DC Embassy.

It is best to call the embassy before you start the process, because event the instructions on the embassy website are not accurate. And also even the info over the phone is not so good. We know this fronm first hand experience.

I don't know if you have resolved the issue already, but here's some information in case you still need it:
Foreign passport can indeed be renewed without a trip to Russia. You will need to call or email the Russian Consulate in Washington, D.C. (if you do live in FL) and schedule an appointment. Believe it or not, now they will not accept documents by mail, you have to go in person. It's fairly easy to get an appointment in winter time. Here is a link to more info My link Once you apply for a new passport, it should (and let's hope it will) arrive in about 3 months. Rumor has it, you will need to go and pick it up in person as well.
Oh, and she actually can travel to Russia with an expired passport as long as she has a "Certificate for Return" which can also be obtained from the Embassy (My link)
Good luck!

dxt7339MaleRussia2011-01-05 16:23:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusParent permission to leave Russia on K1
Five years ago, my then fiance came on a K-1 from Russia with her 14 year old child. There was no letter of permission from the father required. I understand in Ukraine this is different. A letter is required. This has to do with an agreement signed by the USA and Ukraine about child kidnapping, where Russia has not signed such an agreement.
dxt7339MaleRussia2011-04-27 11:48:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMAJOR problem developing ...
QUOTE (Lisa wa Yazied @ Feb 18 2009, 08:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think you have some good suggestions.
find out EXACTLY what the law requires for her to clear customs. Do ask if the k4 establishes the fact that the father gave consent.
Try not to freak until you have all of the facts. I would ask your wife to get postdated affidavits from him, before he leaves anyway.
Keep us posted.


USA and Ukraine have signed agreements concerning child kidnapping. This is where the requirement for the ex-spouse must consent to allow the child to leave the country. Russia has not signed such agreement and ex spouse document is not required.
dxt7339MaleRussia2009-02-19 19:35:00
US Citizenship General Discussion18 Year Old Child of Applicant Married to USC, eligibility
My wife is eligible to make application for citizenship as married to a USC and 3 years as a LPR. Her child just turned 18. I see that since she is 18, she is not automatically a citizen when her mother becomes a citizen. Is the child eligible for citizenship now or after 5 years as a LPR?.


dxt7339MaleRussia2010-01-18 16:23:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionNew free tool for studying the 100 questions

I tried to use the link that you have provided and I get a message that it is "Locked". Is there something else that I need to access your quiz tool



How are you all studying the 100 civics questions? After reading them from top to bottom a few times I got bored... As a result, I created this simple (pure html) quiz tool that I am now using:

<a href="http://mysite.verizo...ivicsTest.html" target="_blank">http://mysite.verizo...csTest.html</a>

Perhaps you find it useful too. Feedback is very welcome.

(Yes, I know there are other online tools available for this purpose. But I haven't found one that I like)

I am not into que cards but I think that is a great way to study things like this. I might try it one day too.

Cheers and good luck to you all!

dxt7339MaleRussia2010-06-06 18:41:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionUSCIS is clearly NUTS!
I have been convinced for quite some time that the USCIS Website updates and email system are corrupt and usless. They obviously have a problem with the "automatic" features of this system or at least subject to even the slightest human error that could trigger this.

Ok, my husband was approved the other day for his 10-year green card. Today, we receive this email...

What the heck?? We went the I-130 route 3 years ago! Has anyone else received funky emails from USCIS??


The last processing action taken on your case


Application Type: I129F , PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)

Current Status: Approval notice sent.

On October 27, 2004, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service.

If you have questions or concerns about your application or the case status results listed above, or if you have not received a decision from USCIS within the current processing time listed*, please contact USCIS Customer Service at (800) 375-5283.

*Current processing times can be found on the USCIS website at under Case Status and Processing Dates.
*** Please do not respond to this e-mail message.


The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)

dxt7339MaleRussia2007-07-02 09:25:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOk, I'm confused...
My wife and daughter just received a "reminder" from the USCIS that they must file to remove conditions in the 90 day window before expiration of conditional Green Card.

QUOTE (bevperu @ Feb 5 2009, 12:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (motu @ Feb 5 2009, 12:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
No one sends you a reminder for removing conditions - must be your lawyer or someone or something like that. Take another look at the reminder. As far as I know there is no such thing as a reminder from Immigration people - I haven't heard of anything like this yet. Good Luck

Nope, we don't use lawyers,we've done everything by ourselves. It's from USCIS.

dxt7339MaleRussia2009-02-05 13:41:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionWife and her Daughter removing conditions
Just wanted to update on our INFOPASS Appt: Went today and told them that the Customer Service Center told us that there would be no letter of extension and no biometrics and to come to INFOPASS to get a stamp in the Passport and just to go with her mother to the Biometrics Appt. The lady said that is not correct, the daughter should get her own letters, which is what I thought. But she went ahead an gave her the I-551 stamp in her Passport anyway and told her that she should go to the Bionmetrics Appt with her mother and that they SHOULD do her biometrics under her mother's Letter as she is part of the petition. We will go for biometrics on next Saturday, March 28, 2009.


QUOTE (dxt7339 @ Mar 16 2009, 01:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I just spoke to USCIS Customer Services at the 800 number, and I was told that since my wife's daughter is under the age of 18, (she is 17) she will not receive a separate NOA1 (extension letter) and will not receive a separate Biometrics Appt. letter. I was told that she will need to go to the same biometrics Appt as her mother, with no letter with her name on it. Her mother's letter should suffice. And, the daughter will need to make an INFO Pass Appt. to get a 551 stamp in her Passport.

Does that sound correct to everyone??? It seems to me that she would need at least the Biometrics Appt Letter with her name on it.

Anyone with some experience like this??

Thanks for the info so far and thanks for any additional info that you might have.


QUOTE (sjoefl01 @ Mar 15 2009, 08:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We have been fighting exactly the same fight. We sent the application in June of last year. The wife got the bio and the daughter only had the one year extension letter. We took the daughter to the appointment and they would not do the bio without an apointment letter. We have heard nothing since. The daughter has still not gotten the biometrics.
We are writing our Senator this morning.

dxt7339MaleRussia2009-03-23 13:00:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionWife and her Daughter removing conditions
I just spoke to USCIS Customer Services at the 800 number, and I was told that since my wife's daughter is under the age of 18, (she is 17) she will not receive a separate NOA1 (extension letter) and will not receive a separate Biometrics Appt. letter. I was told that she will need to go to the same biometrics Appt as her mother, with no letter with her name on it. Her mother's letter should suffice. And, the daughter will need to make an INFO Pass Appt. to get a 551 stamp in her Passport.

Does that sound correct to everyone??? It seems to me that she would need at least the Biometrics Appt Letter with her name on it.

Anyone with some experience like this??

Thanks for the info so far and thanks for any additional info that you might have.


QUOTE (sjoefl01 @ Mar 15 2009, 08:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We have been fighting exactly the same fight. We sent the application in June of last year. The wife got the bio and the daughter only had the one year extension letter. We took the daughter to the appointment and they would not do the bio without an apointment letter. We have heard nothing since. The daughter has still not gotten the biometrics.
We are writing our Senator this morning.

dxt7339MaleRussia2009-03-16 12:53:00