Mexico, Latin & South AmericaLatin american names and filling our forms
Hi all... I had this posted in the general discussion until someone was kind enough to point me to this forum...

My fiance is from Colombia. I am confused about their names and what to put down as their first name and last name. My fience has a first name and two last names. Her first last name is her fathers last name and her second last name is her mothers last name. It is my understanding that when she comes to America her mothers last name will be dropped. Now her children have two first names and two last names. It is my understanding that there is no middle last name as we know it here in America.

I paid Bob at Colombian Services to complete the papers for my fiance in Bogota and I have received her G-325A from him.

Under the "Family" name section of the I-129F, Bob wrote her fathers last name in capitals and in the same box also wrote her mothers last name in both upper and lower case. When I try to do this on the electronic version of the I-129F, it will only accept capitals.

Do I write both of her last names in capitals or do I leave this section blank and write it in following the same structure that bob used on her G-325A with black ink?

On the I-129F it asks for her childern's names in the format, (Name First/Middle/Last). I can not fit all of their two first names and two last names in this section and I was trying to avoid sending another "attachment document".

What if I simply write in smaller letters their names with black ink?
Do I write (First First/LAST Last)?

Now the visa pictures and "together" pictures...
I may have totally messed up here but would rather ask now that to get something rejected. I wrote on the back of the visa pictures only her Fathers last name in capitals and her first name in upper and lower case. I am now thinking I should have put both of her last names in the format that Bob used on the G-325A. (LAST Last, First).

Can I use white out and re write this?
Should I just draw a line through my mistake and write the correction below it?
Should i have her go take more visa photos and pay fifty bucks to have them shipped to me again?

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated...
Thanks, Stateside
StateSideFemaleColombia2007-10-21 09:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaAhora si,lo de las vacunas
Me emocione muchisimo al darme cuenta que podia postear blush.gif ,y.....olvide contarles que estoy en Bogota y mi precioso en Dallas,el fue quien me indico este foro,para que otras personas que hablan español,me ayudaran .No es adorable???????? innocent.gif Bueno ahora si,hoy en la mañana fui con mi hijo al laboratorio y nos hicimos los primeros analisis,tenemos cita con la Dr. Maria Consuelo el proximo miercoles 23 de Abril,y tenemos la cita el Viernes 02 de MA yo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

Ahora si,las dichosas vacunas,las instrucciones hablan de vacunas de Hepatitis ,de influenza,etc,y en le foro yo leo que las mas comunes son TD,MMR,Y VARICELA.

Ayer agote todos los medios para tratar de conseguirlas al menos las dos primeras gratis! blush.gif pero no,nada,bueno llame a la dichosa Cruz Roja,dizque Internacional!!! whistling.gif perdon,pero en la mayoria de lugares me decian que la TD,no la cobraban y alli,me la incluyeron en le presupuesto crying.gif y como la gran mayoria de los foristas trato de ahorrar un poquito de dinero. innocent.gif es que esto ha salido por un cojonal de dinero!!y quiero considerar un poco a mi precioso.
StateSideFemaleColombia2008-04-15 17:22:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaDS-156 en Espanol
Visa Approved... 5-2-2008... kicking.gif dancin5hr.gif
StateSideFemaleColombia2008-05-05 16:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaDS-156 en Espanol
La Embajada de Bogotá tiene el DS-156 (.pdf) en línea para usted para llenar e imprimir. La forma está en el español y luego tiene un incorporado traductor que lo traduce en el inglés antes de que usted lo imprima. No hay ninguna opción para imprimir este en español.

El banco en Bogotá no aceptará una forma DS-156 en inglés.

¿Cómo nos ponemos alrededor de este problema?

StateSideFemaleColombia2008-04-17 20:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americavacunas!!!!!!!!
Hola!!!!!! a todos,llevo poco menos de un mes leyendo ,todo cuanto ustedes escriben y sinceramente les agradezco,por la valiosa informacion,pero sobre todo ,por el tiempo que ustedes se toman,para ayudarnos a otros.Algo que he encontrado de mucho valor!!de muchisimoooooooooooo valor,que todos ustedes estan tomados de la mano del UNICO QUE TODO LO PUEDE:DIOS.

yo me alegro con cada buena noticia de ustedes,no podria ser diferente,para DIOS,no hay nada imposible.Yo tambien estoy,bien pegadita a EL,esperando el final del proceso LAGLORIA ES PARA MI PADRE CELESTIAL QUE EN TODO ESTE PROCESO ME ,HA GUIADO,ME ACOMPAñADO.

StateSideFemaleColombia2008-04-15 17:10:00
nuevamente gracias por tu informacion DIANA,ya habia olvidado donde buscar.
StateSideFemaleColombia2009-04-22 19:48:00
alguien podria por favor decirme cuales son los documentos que se deben enviar como fiance?para apliacr por la visa K-1,es que mi hermana quiere adelantar sus documentos y la verdad yo no recuerdo el proceso,pues mi prometido hizo todos los documentos,cuales son las formas y donde las puedo conseguir /gracias.
StateSideFemaleColombia2009-04-16 17:07:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americak-2 documentos
Hola a todos,necesito ayuda desesperadamente;estamos tratando de hacer el ajuste,no sabemos que documentos dbemos llenar para mis hijos de 16 y 18 a~nos,ademas los examenes son del a~no pasado cuando llegamos aqui,(USA),ya voy a completar dos a~nos aca y realmente me angustia estar sin el ajuste,alguien que haya ajustado con hijos en esas edades o similares que por favor me ayude?mil gracias.
StateSideFemaleColombia2010-02-24 12:44:00
Angie la pregunta me surgio por que nombro usted algo sobre Sophomore,y aqui en Oklahoma tenemos una escuela con ese nombre y entonces pense que usted vivia aqui,y ...consuelo de tontos! crying.gif pues yo traje conmigo dos de mis tres hijos ,mi hija tiene 15 años,mi hijo 17 años,y todo el tiempo,pasan añorando a Colombia y sus amigos en Bogota.
StateSideFemaleColombia2009-03-15 20:14:00
Diana no estaba enterada de su cumpleaños,pero le deseo que Dios conceda todas las peticiones de su corazon,la llene de bendiciones,y la prospere grandemente,gracias por todo su aporte a nosotros.Bendiciones.
StateSideFemaleColombia2009-03-12 17:44:00
Angie,en que estado de los Estados unidos vives???yo vivo en Oklahoma
StateSideFemaleColombia2009-03-12 17:42:00
Algo que me ayuda bastante para aprender el idioma es ver todas las peliculas en ingles y los subtitulos en ingles,asi se educa el oido,y se aprenden nuevas palabras,y la pronunciacion,hago el mismo ejercicio con las canciones,por que yo escuchaba un par de emisoras de Colombia a traves de la internet,y con dos o tres dias escuchando musica en español,me pude dar cuenta que el oido se desacostumbra bastante,ahora lo que hago es escuchar la musica en ingles y bajar la letra ,eso me ha ayudado,bueno y desde luego las clases,pero es bien dificil aprender ingles con una mexico-americana.
StateSideFemaleColombia2009-02-26 20:28:00
Hola pues no se si la opinion mia tambien cuente pero,es lo mismo que me ha pasado desde que llegue aqui,mi hija mayor se quedo por que no podiamos incluir al bebe(mi nieto) en el proceso,yvarios de mis dolores de cabeza y preocupacion se debieron a eso precisamente,yo la llamaba a diario,para saber del niño y de ella ,y ella empezaba con la quejadera que no tenia para esto,ni para lo otro,que debia pagar el arriendo,que no tenia,que el niño no podia volver al jardin,ellos saber perfectamente que yo no trabajo,de donde saca una,pues decidi no volver a llamar,por un buen tiempo estoy desconectada de ellos,por que ellos creen que el solo echo de pisar suelo norteamericano lo convierte a una en millonario,es mi humilde opinion.
StateSideFemaleColombia2009-02-13 09:52:00
Gracias,de verdad cuento todo esto por que a veces nosotros (los seres humanos),creemos que lo que nos esta sucediendo es lo mas terrible,pero muchisimas personas pueden estar atravesando circunstancias mucho mas dificiles,y es alli donde nos damos cuenta,la importancia de las experiencias ajenas,por que de la valentia,el coraje y el arrojo que tuvieron las personas y a pesar de la circunstancia salieron adelante,eso enseña.
StateSideFemaleColombia2009-02-12 16:29:00
gracias a todas las personas que me dan su voz de aliento,martesa yo tambien levante tres hijos la mayor parte del tiempo sola por que el papa de mis hijos no fue la gran ayuda ,por ellos trate de soportar los 14 años de malmatrimonio,pero para mantener una familia unida se necesita mas que buenas intenciones,y amor con hambre y mal trato de toda indole ,no dura mucho.En fin ahora estoy tratando de hacer lo mejor por ellos y tambien disfrutar de amor y buen trato,este sitio es excelente por que por lo menos una se puede desahogar,ya que mi familia en Bogota no es de gran apoyo y tristemente diria yo,que mi compromiso fue un alivio para ellos,y el salir de Colombia y establecerme aqui les dio un respiro,lamentablemente le entregue 10 años de mi vida a una entidad del gobierno (ICFES)para ser mas especifica,y sali sin absolutamente nada,para mi familia mis hijos y yo eramos mas una carga que un motivo de felicidad,en fin,cuando recien llegue a Dallas,llamaba a mi mama todos los dias y le contaba como me sentia ,le contaba del cambio cultural y que me habia enfermado por el cambio supongo clima,comida etc,y ella me dijo muy cortesmente pero a la vez energica:Adriana recuerde que aca en Bogota usted no tiene nada".Conclusion si le va bien o mal tendra que sobrevivir alla,desde luego me dijo espero que todo le vaya bien;y de repeso me dice"procure no enfermarse,ni ponerse triste por su nieto y si no su esposo se va a cansar de usted y ahi si,usted que va a hacer,recuerde que aqui no tiene nada.Ustedes son muy comprensivas(os),y es por eso que me atrevo a contar esto,gracias a DIOS encontre un buen hombre que me ama y realmente esta demostrandomelo al cuidar de mi y de mis hijos,no es facil asumir esa tarea con hijos ajenos y adolescentes;yo admiro a mi esposo pues el esto lo asumio consciente de la carga que significamos tres personas mas,nuevamente gracias por el apoyo,creo que los tendre ya cansados con tanto drama.
StateSideFemaleColombia2009-02-12 14:21:00
Pues tienes razon sobre todo por que yo nunca me informe acerca de nada,todo lo manejo mi prometido,y no tenia ni la mas remota idea que el ajuste debia pagar tanto dinero,el pensaba que mas usd100,no pasaba ,pero como yo leia todo el tiempo la informacion de ustedes,lo saque del error,y ahi fue cuando dijo:"yo no sabia que todo eso debia pagar",entonces dijo por el momento no podemos hacer nada,yo le sugeri llamar y averiguar que podia sucedernos a los niños y a mi,y la chica muy amablemente le explico a el,que nada,solamente que yo no podia hacer absolutamente nada,ni trabajar ,ni estudiar,ni manejar,el me recomendo tener siempre conmigo el pasaporte y la copia del certificado de matrimonio,la verdad solamente me alienta el saber que cuando se tenga el dinero para pagar por los tres,tendre quizas un poco de tranquilidad,Diana una pregunta,leyendo acerca de la entrevista para la aprobacion de la GC,por que algunos foristas dicen "fue aprobada"?es que existe el riesgo de NO ser aprobada? o por que causa seria NO aprobada?ayudame por favor con la duda,nuevamente gracias,Dios te bendiga.
StateSideFemaleColombia2009-02-09 14:43:00
Si Diana gracias,yo nunca supe como hacer ningun documento ,ni ninguna diligencia de esas,pues mi prometido se encargo de hacer todo,bueno sin embargo ahora mismo estaba leyendo en Colombianos en Ajuste de status y otra niña tampoco ha ajustado aun,por lo menos siento que no estoy sola en este viacrucis,gracias por todo tu apoyo.
StateSideFemaleColombia2009-02-09 14:26:00
Que bueno encontrarles nuevamente,gracias por todo el apoyo y la informacion tan valiosa quede ustedes recibimos y nos orientan,les voy a contar una breve historia por si alguien (mi deseo es que no tengan que pasar por esto),se encuentra en una situacion parecida,yo llegue de Bogota el martes 13 de Mayo del 2008,de la mano de mi prometido americano,con dos de mis hijos,el corazon completamente destrozado por haber dejado a mi hija mayor(19 años)y lo mas cruel el tesoro de mi vida mi pequeño nieto crying.gif crying.gif aun me cuesta lagrimas,yo lo crie.Nos instalamos en Dallas TX,nos casamos en julio,y aun no he podido ajustar mi estatus,lo cual significa que ,no he podido trabajar,ni aplicar por la licencia de conduccion,ni absolutamente nada,la angustia de ser tomada por inmigracion y devuelta a Colombia,me hizo merecedora de un colapso nervioso,pienso que en par de meses quiza ya podemos hacer el bendito ajuste,esto lo cuento para dar animo a las personas que experimentamos el cambio cultural,pues como dice Diana y otras personas del foro,la diferencia la hace la actitud y de eso estamos hechos los colombianos,lo que hice fue conseguir un lugar donde tomar clases de ingles,y de computacion,es un lugar donde trabajan mas colombianos ,que mexicanos ,o,americanos,olvide decir que desde julio vivimos en Oklahoma,aprovechar todo lo que podamos aprender mientras,podemos arrancar a trabajar ,y/o estudiar,en fin la idea es NO dejarnos abatir bajo ninguna circunstancia,dia a dia,cada uno tenemos luchas,pero no existe NADA por imposible que parezca que Dios NO pueda hacer.Dios los bendiga y los ayude en cada lucha.A todos bendiciones.
StateSideFemaleColombia2009-02-09 13:33:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresA couple of questions
Craig... A friend of mine sent me this link he is watching for his date and time. If you know your BGT case number which should be 13 characters beginning with BGT... it may be listed there.
Hope this helps...
StateSideFemaleColombia2008-01-30 22:45:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPacket 3 not recieved
The people at the embassy goofy.gif have been a big help. They expedited her packet three and within 2 business days we had an interview date... dancin5hr.gif
I hope I can say the same after the interview..... jest.gif
StateSideFemaleColombia2008-04-08 00:01:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPacket 3 not recieved
Ok... an update. The second packet didn't show either. I called and the embassy told my fience to come and pick it up. On April 3, 2008 she went to pick up the packet and also took with her the documents we had found and filled out. the embassy looked at the documents and said she did not need a packet 3. she was told she would have her packet 4 in 6 weeks. On April 7, 2008 the embassy called and said she has an interview scheduled on may 2. They also told her to come and pick up the packet 4 on thursday. Guess they gave up on the mail system...
OMG... I have to be in Bogota in 3 weeks........ It's interview time.
Anyone have any suggestions for cheap airline tickets back to the US. My fiance isn't going to want me to come back to Dallas alone. She has already mentioned that she is packing her bags now...
Cjheap flights anyone?????
StateSideFemaleColombia2008-04-07 23:54:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPacket 3 not recieved
My fience has been waiting on packeage 3 for several weeks. today I called DOS at 202-663-1225, option 1 then option 0. I was able to confirm that my package arrived at the Bogota Embassy around march first. I was also able to confirm that during the first week of March the Bogota Embassy did in fact mail package three to my fiancee. this package was NEVER recieved at my fiance's home.

What steps do i need to take to get this package sent again? how can I find out what happened to this package?
Any help would be greately appreciated...

StateSideFemaleColombia2008-03-27 22:36:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionBog embasy sent pack 3 but fience never recieved?
My fience must have done something right... innocent.gif She went to the embassy on Thursday April 3 and took her packet 3 papers. The lady at the embassy told her that she should get her packet 4 in four to six weeks. Monday April 7 a lady from the embassy called her and said her interview date was set for May 2 kicking.gif and to come by the embassy and pick up packet 4. wow.gif... that is only two business days. I'm impressed.
OMG... blink.gif I have to go to Bogota in three weeks...
Any suggestions on how to get cheap airfare for my fiancee and her two children? goofy.gif
StateSideFemaleColombia2008-04-08 09:40:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionBog embasy sent pack 3 but fience never recieved?
After not receiving our packet 3, we went ahead and started gathering the required documents. I did however call the embassy and inform them that now... two packets had been lost in the mail. The embassy said that on Tuesday and thursdays, at 12:30 my fience could go to the embassy and tell the guard that she was there to pick up a packet 3. The guard would verify her BGT number and then grant her access.
My fience is not patient at all... And this is an understatement to say the least! I am so glad that she has constantly been persistient in this matter. She want's to come home!
My fience went as requested to the embassy but she also took all of her documents for the packet three.
She was let in to pick up her packet and also explained to the lady waiting on her that she had all of the documents completed and with her. The lady asked to examine the documents and after examination handed my fience a recipt stating all documents received and told her she would not need packet three and that she would have packet four within 4-6 weeks.
WooHoo... you go baby girl.
StateSideFemaleColombia2008-04-04 09:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionBog embasy sent pack 3 but fience never recieved?
Hey all,
My fiancé lives in Bogotá with her teen age son and daughter.
We have the BOG number issued by the embassy. The Embassy sent me an e-mail today and said they would send out pack 3 again... dry.gif
We are not going to wait any longer. ClockWatch2.gif
Today she started gathering her required documents.
My fiancé spent all day today getting her passports, and on her way home she is going to go to one more place and get the required 6 photos of each person.
Tomorrow she has scheduled vaccinations and she is also going to get a legible copy of all vaccinations.
Monday she is going to DAS for her paperwork there.
I think this will only leave us a few pieces of paper to fill out. She has mentioned that some of the questions on the papers are a little confusing to her. Is there a guide for filling out these papers she might draw some wisdom from?

Best regards,
StateSideFemaleColombia2008-03-28 19:13:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionBog embasy sent pack 3 but fience never recieved?
QUOTE (Mononoke28 @ Mar 27 2008, 02:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Try to take the shortcuts listed in the Colombian thread since many beneficiaries don't get either packets 3 nor 4 since the Colombian mail system is extremely horrible.


Hi Diana,
I keep seeing places where everyone says to take the shortcuts, but they seem to be either not obvious to me or they are hiding from me...
could you elaborate on them please??? whistling.gif

Could these shortcuts simply be refering to where i am reading to go ahead and get the papers completed... then fax and deliver to the embasy via carrier???

My fiancé has a copy of another of our friends k-3 package 3 from back in December. I know what his package says he needed for his k-3 but i am not sure of what the difference might be between his K-3 package 3 and our K-1 package 3.

Thanks, Stateside
StateSideFemaleColombia2008-03-28 00:07:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionBog embasy sent pack 3 but fience never recieved?
My fience has been waiting on packeage 3 for several weeks. today I called DOS at 202-663-1225, option 1 then option 0. I was able to confirm that my package arrived at the Bogota Embassy around march first. I was also able to confirm that during the first week of March the Bogota Embassy did in fact mail package three to my fiancee. this package was NEVER recieved at my fiance's home.

What steps do i need to take to get this package sent again? how can I find out what happened to this package?
Any help would be greately appreciated...

StateSideFemaleColombia2008-03-27 12:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDS-156 in Spanish / DS-156 en Espanol
helpsmilie.gif .........

The Bogota Embassy has the DS-156 (.pdf) online for you to fill out and print. The form is in spanish and then has a built in translator which translates it into english before you print it. There is no option to print this out in Spanish.

The bank in Bogota will not accept a form DS-156 in English.

How do we get around this problem?

Thank You...

La Embajada de Bogotá tiene el DS-156 (.pdf) en línea para usted para llenar e imprimir. La forma está en el español y luego tiene un incorporado traductor que lo traduce en el inglés antes de que usted lo imprima. No hay ninguna opción para imprimir este en español.

El banco en Bogotá no aceptará una forma DS-156 en inglés.

¿Cómo nos ponemos alrededor de este problema?

StateSideFemaleColombia2008-04-17 19:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
Hi All,
My fience has been waiting on packeage 3 for several weeks. today I called DOS at 202-663-1225, option 1 then option 0. I was able to confirm that my package arrived at the Bogota Embassy around March first. I was also able to confirm that during the first week of March the Bogota Embassy did in fact mail package three to my fiancee. This package was NEVER recieved at my fiance's home.

UPDATE... In reading some of this thread, It would appear that i may not need to oficially get the package 3... I have a copy of my friend's package from his interview in Bogota a few weeks ago and I know what was in his K-3 package. Is the K-1 package the same? Can I just go by what his package said was required and send that through courier and fax to the embasy?

StateSideFemaleColombia2008-03-27 22:51:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionG325a maiden name verses married name
Do we put her social security number on the g325a if it is still in her maiden name, or should we leave it blank?

In the "This form is submitted in connection with an application for?" What do we put here?

Do we both submit a form g325a or only my K-1 wife?
Do we fill out a g325a for each of her children also?

If she wants to use her new married name for everything, then you will use her married name on all immigration paperwork from now on.

If she chooses to keep her maiden name, then that's the name she will use.

Your marriage certificate will show why her name changed if she chooses to use her new married name.

StateSideFemaleColombia2010-02-16 15:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionG325a maiden name verses married name
We are filling out the G325a form (and others) and my question is..
Which last name do we use?
K-1 Visa and we married within 90 days.
Her passport has her maiden name.
Her social security card has her maiden name. We went to the social security office after getting married with a copy of marrige license and they told us they could not make the change to her new last name because by the time the papers came back her visa would be expired. She is currently considered out of status which I understand is ok as long as she does not leave the country. We will have to go back to social security office after we get a green card.
I called USCIS and asked them this question and they said we could list her new last name on the application. ?????
We have a joint bank account with her new last name for reference documents.
The marrige license shows her maiden name as the one i am marrying but there is nothing that states she has taken a new last name.
Obviously i want her green card to be in her new name... and i also don't want paperwork getting kicked back to us from uscis.

Anyone with similar experience?

StateSideFemaleColombia2010-02-16 14:46:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionFiling n-400 for me and my children

I am in the process of filing for citizenship for myself (K1)  now married and having lived with my husband for 5 years. We have our 10 year green cards. My children are 19 and 21. In the N-400 application I will list all of my children. I have two that live with me in the US and came over with me in the fiance visa process. I also have one daughter who is married with children still living in Colombia. I know that I will list all three of my children on the N-400.


The N-400 instructions are a little confusing regarding years as a perminent resident in my situation. I meet the three year requirement as my husband is a us citizen and I have had my perminent residency since 2010.


My questions...

Will my children be covered under my N-400?


If my children are not covered under my N-400 will they have to wait to meet the 5 year residency?

StateSideFemaleColombia2013-09-28 11:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOriginal Statements of intent to marry Questions
I am starting the K-1 process for my novia who lives in Colombia. I downloaded the example of the "Original Statement of intent to marry" but I am confused about how to fill it out. I understand that I need one filled out by me and one filled out by my girlfriend. When this example was created it appears to have been made as an example of both "from me and from her" and I know there will be different information contained on mine verses hers. What parts do I enclude on mine and what parts do I eliminate on mine? What parts do I keep on hers and what parts do I eliminate on hers? I understand that the form was designed for me to replace the words in red with my or her information.
For example...
(petitioner’s / beneficiary’s address)
This is for my info on mine and her info on hers.
(USCIS service center address)
This is for the service center here in Texas where I live, correct? Do I enter the same info for the Texas service center on both?
or when submitting for interview
What goes here? Is this only for her copy or for both?
[name of country where Embassy is located]
I will enter here (Colombia)
[Embassy Address]
I will enter here the address of the US embasy in Colombia here
(date mm-dd-yyyy)
I will enter the date here for when we both sign this document. Is this a time sensative date? Do I have a time limit from this date to mail?
(applicant’s or beneficiary’s name)
My name on mine and her name on hers.
(petitioner’s or beneficiary’s name)
Her name on mine and my name on hers.
The next sentence looks like it should be edited but for some reason it is not red like the other parts that are obviously to be changed.
and intend to do so within 90 days of my arrival into the US using the K-1 visa.
Should the word my remain (my)on hers but be changed to (her) on this line of text?

Any halp from those of you that are past this part, please advise or sned me some examples please.
Best Regards...
StateSideFemaleColombia2007-04-06 11:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Previous marriage info.
I have a Divorce decree from my last divorce. I do not have a copy (lost it) from a divorce from 25 years ago. Will I need this for my K1 visa application for my fiencee?
StateSideFemaleColombia2007-03-27 13:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresColombian Names and filling out I-129F and G-325A
Hi all...
My fiance is from Colombia. I am confused about their names and what to put down as their first name and last name. My fience has a first name and two last names. Her first last name is her fathers last name and her second last name is her mothers last name. It is my understanding that when she comes to America her mothers last name will be dropped. Now her children have two first names and two last names. It is my understanding that there is no middle last name as we know it here in America.

I paid Bob at Colombian Services to complete the papers for my fiance in Bogota and I have received her G-325A from him.

Under the "Family" name section of the I-129F, Bob wrote her fathers last name in capitals and in the same box also wrote her mothers last name in both upper and lower case. When I try to do this on the electronic version of the I-129F, it will only accept capitals.

Do I write both of her last names in capitals or do I leave this section blank and write it in following the same structure that bob used on her G-325A with black ink?

On the I-129F it asks for her childern's names in the format, (Name First/Middle/Last). I can not fit all of their two first names and two last names in this section and I was trying to avoid sending another "attachment document".

What if I simply write in smaller letters their names with black ink?
Do I write (First First/LAST Last)?

Now the visa pictures and "together" pictures...
I may have totally messed up here but would rather ask now that to get something rejected. I wrote on the back of the visa pictures only her Fathers last name in capitals and her first name in upper and lower case. I am now thinking I should have put both of her last names in the format that Bob used on the G-325A. (LAST Last, First).

Can I use white out and re write this?
Should I just draw a line through my mistake and write the correction below it?
Should i have her go take more visa photos and pay fifty bucks to have them shipped to me again?

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated...
Thanks, Stateside
StateSideFemaleColombia2007-10-20 22:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTime it takes to cash check and entry system
Sent mine to Vermont. It arrived 11-2-07, check cashed 11-7-07...
StateSideFemaleColombia2008-01-30 22:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS-230 questions 14, 21a, and 21b
Do you still have a copy of packet 3? The consulate sent us ours but we never got it... They are supposed to send another but who knows...
We have not been waiting for the packet however, it would be nice to know what the latest required information was...
StateSideFemaleColombia2008-03-29 12:09:00