IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsA long overdue update - from a K1 visa approval to now a hopefully spouse visa

Ran across this; the best of luck to you. My kids and I moved to Italy to be with my husband. Were there 3 years and the culture shock was immense as was the life. I worked all my life and ended up not working there and not being able to find work. Difficult adjustment for the kids in schools, friends and generally how we were treated as the only Americans in a small town there. I have been divorced and am not catholic with children; my husbands family were horrified, treated us very badly and ended up leaving me in tears and many arguments and stress for both of us. In the end, my husband put his foot down and has since separated completely from his family for this reason. He told them to accept us and respect us or he was no longer able to keep close relations. They would not reconsider and he has been away from all of them for several years. He became frustrated all the time and felt a huge weight while I became increasingly depressed and feeling outside of my world and friends. It was very close to ending but not so close to actually be in danger (we are both older and have had some years to know what it is like out there without the other......[smile]). I and my children are now here. He gave up his family, his home and assetts, job, friends, everything to go through this process and come here for me and the kids. We are still waiting......of course. He is in a room now and, like anyone, we live on skype. I would not go back to that time for anything; we were also different people; had known each other for years in both countries before marrying but were really unprepared for the difference in life. I relate a lot to your fiance and you at the same time for my husband's part. Sorry to hear about all that you went to but want to really send a heartfelt blessing to you both for making it so far in circumstances that most couples would not dream of being able to get through. Good luck with your future; you are not alone. 

NEauroraFemaleItaly2014-06-16 16:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-864 wages for newspaper carrier

I began with DCF filing but when I left Italy (husband and I lived there 2 years) to re-establish domicile and seek employment we decided it was best to go the normal route. I established here in Fl; bought a home, car, etc and I began a job at Disney World. We went through a lawyer (not a help at all btw) in February. It took a month for the lawyer to actually send in the app after being pushed and we received our NOA1 March 18. In those 2 months, my job at Disney cut almost all hours and then didn't schedule me for a month. When they scheduled me it was for only 12 hours that week. I have had problems finding employment and worried (my age beginning the search after some years abroad is not helpful with the competitive market here). I got a job as delivery driver with pizza hut and was told my tips are entered in as salary taxed. I have been promised and been getting 30 hours a week. I recently also began a newspaper delivery route here. It brings in a sizeable income actually as it is 7 hours work a morning; over 400 papers.


I just began these and am expecting within the next 4 or 5 months (I hope) to receive my form I-864 packett. I did not work in Italy but am filing the back taxes and having no problems with this part. The only problem I can foresee is how to show actual income with both of these jobs. We bought our house outright, sold our home in Italy. We have a savings but it has had a pretty big dent. My husband works there as well but it is less hours all the time. He rents a room; we are paying for two households. I am confused about what is needed and how they determine offsets for re-establishment with regards also to a family living in two separate countries. Our bank has been set up here and we are showing that the money from the house and all assets in Italy have been sent to this bank account in the US but it's scaring us how fast it's been going down with starting over again here. Do they look at past 6 months before as well to see the history of the trail and take into account the dent made from abnormal circumstances? We have two teenagers here as well. This will go on for some time and we are really being frugal with our expenses in both places. Anyone have experience with this; any advice and really would like to know the best way to show my wages from the route. Thanks for any help.

NEauroraFemaleItaly2014-04-27 11:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresplease help; assetts, job and domicile; not dcf

Another circumstance and hope for help. Married in US; husband Italian. Lived with spouse and children in italy for 2+ years. Chose to move back to US and go for green card for spouse. To prepare domicile we sold our home in Italy, purchased a home here in Fl for $40,000. After two months, found a job as a newspaper courier. Some questions before now answered. Every Fri, receive a printout of income as well as check (make copies each week). Have added income after 8 weeks. Weekly amount consistent at $480 wkly (at times....more). Brings us $5800 below level. Unsure how valuable but boss is waiting for husband to give him another similar route with same income; has written a promissory letter to that effect. We plan to work together. 


Savings began considerable 5 months ago; went down a lot through two households, surprise home problems, new reliable vehicle, travel for myself and kids from Italy, lawyer, etc. Assetts still maintaining in bank in cash alone with a viable trail and history to disallow fraud. House still current.


Question. We have the option to sell this home (have already had an offer from a neighbor) and rent to own a home that is in the middle of our routes (making gas spent and maintenance minimal; travel close to 30 miles to work now). We can also hold this house, rent the other while showing the intent to sell as neighbor is clearing land and in no hurry for move in. We are now becomming worried as our savings has gone down so much due to this move. We are still within the line with income, savings even without the house but are wondering if we shouldnt remove the question of whether the last assett can be liquidable without due hardship and if it would slow things to do while waiting for the package with I-864 paperwork. Have been at my job now for almost 3 months and am a valuable worker for them; my future and my husband's is secure there. Worried for the judgement of the consular on assetts, etc and want it right. Neither of us can do this for another year and neither can my children; we don't want to but if it comes to waiting after a denial for another year we will return back to Italy where my husband is waiting and having a difficult time without us. I have work here and a life for us as a family; we don't want to do this.


Any help on the best options is appreciated. Have lawyer but not really getting answers.........

NEauroraFemaleItaly2014-06-16 17:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdo i need a lawyer for k1 visa processing?

This is a little older but wanted to add that we took our time looking for lawyers and paid a really outrageous amount (more then double what you were quoted). We thought it would help us with the comfort aspect but honestly I am so sorry we did.This firm has held us back at least a month with incorrect forms, information and simply having so many cases that we would not hear from them (except when they received our payment; heard from them that day). Each time we asked questions (three times in the past 5 months, by email) they would evenually respond with a short email and a link showing the process we had to go through and no answers to details we had pertaining to the I-864 when I was just starting a new position. EVERYTHING I have done to prepare is thanks only to VisaJourney in all candor and this hasn't changed. I know there can be better lawyers out there but am also certain, after having to do all the research and correct everything anyhow, that I could easily do it myself. No, the time is not faster with a lawyer at all (something we thought could help too).

NEauroraFemaleItaly2014-04-27 10:33:00